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master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is fullUNKNOWN STS ERROR CODENONEINFOWARNDEBUGERRORCRITICALNULLIBM%y%m%dI%s%s%s_%d_%sI/a+I%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%SIB%s [%d:%s] [%d] %s [%s] IBPDSTS: %s: waiting for debug (%s:%d)IBM_PI_WAIT_DEBUGGERIBPDVFS: %sIB%s @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is fullUNKNOWN STS ERROR CODEIPDSTS: %s: exts[%u] = <%s>Iparse_extsIPDSTS: %s: entryIBMsession_exitIBMPDSTS: %s: pd_umount_all() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: exit: (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: exts[%d] = <%s : %d>parse_preferred_ext_segksizesIBPDSTS: %s: configuration file was parsed less than 1 minute agoparse_configfileIBM%s%sIBMpd.confPDSTS: %s: stat(%s) failedIPDSTS: %s: configuration file has not been modified__dummy__section__ILOGLEVELIBMMSDPX_TELEMETRY_INTERVALIBMSEGKSIZEIBMMETA_SEGKSIZEIBVLD_MIN_SEGKSIZEIBMVLD_MAX_SEGKSIZEIBMCOMPRESSIONRESTORE_DECRYPT_LOCALIBENCRYPTIONIPREFETCHIBMUFSDUMP_STHEMCPAX_STHILOG_FILE_DEDUPINOTASKIOPTDUP_TIMEOUTICACHE_DISABLEDISEARCH_PREVIOUS_IMAGES_DISABLEDPADALIGNIBMMINFILE_KSIZEIBMATCH_PDROILOCAL_SETTINGSITRACEIBOPTDUP_BANDWIDTHIBMOST_OPERATING_VERSIONIBOPTDUP_ENCRYPTIONIBOPTDUP_COMPRESSIONIEVENTSIFIBRECHANNELIBMBANDWIDTH_LIMITPREFETCH_SIZEIBPREDOWNLOAD_FACTORIWS_TIMEOUTIWS_RETRYCOUNTIBCLUSTER_RESILIENCE_ENABLEDICLUSTER_RESILIENCE_TIMEOUT_PREFERREDIBMPDSTS: %s: preferred cluster resilience timeout is %dIBMAX_IMG_MBSIZEIFAIL_UNKNOWN_FORMATMAX_LOG_MBSIZEIDEBUGFILTERIBMDEBUGLOGIBMPDSTS: %s: %s = %sIPOHISTORYIBDONT_SEGMENT_TYPESIVLD_POLICY_NAMEVLD_CLIENT_NAMEFP_CACHE_MAX_MBSIZEPDSTS: %s: specified value %d for %s cannot be negative, using default value %d insteadFP_CACHE_SWITCHING_MODE_MAX_MBSIZEIFP_CACHE_MAX_COUNTIPDSTS: %s: specified value %d for %s is outside valid range of %d-%d, using default value %d insteadIBMFP_CACHE_THRESHOLDIFP_CACHE_PERIOD_REBASING_THRESHOLDIPDSTS: %s: FP_CACHE_PERIOD_REBASING_THRESHOLD value (%u) is larger than max (%u). Setting to %u. IFP_CACHE_REBASING_THRESHOLDPDSTS: %s: FP_CACHE_REBASING_THRESHOLD value (%u) is larger than max (%u). Setting to %u. FP_CACHE_REBASING_SPANIFP_CACHE_REBASING_PERCENT_THRESHOLDPDSTS: %s: FP_CACHE_REBASING_PERCENT_THRESHOLD value (%u) is larger than max (100). Setting to 100. IBFP_CACHE_INCREMENTALIBMFP_CACHE_LOCALIFP_CACHE_CLIENT_POLICYILSU_FP_CACHE_PERIOD_REBASING_THRESHOLDILSU_FP_CACHE_REBASING_THRESHOLDCLIENT_POLICY_DATEIBACKUPRESTORERANGEIPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_localip:<%s>IPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_ifip:<%s>, pdvfs_conf_ifname:<%s>PREFERRED_EXT_SEGKSIZEILEGACY_ROUTING_TABLESIBMTSTRM_BACKUP_ENABLEDIBDISPLAY_COMPRESSION_SPACE_SAVINGIBMMTSTRM_BACKUP_CLIENTSIBMTSTRM_BACKUP_POLICIESIMTSTRM_IPC_TIMEOUTIMTSTRM_RETRY_COUNTIMTSTRM_PERF_BENCHMARK_ENABLEDIBVSYNTH_INCR_REBASING_ENABLEDIBMPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_disable_stg_loc %dIBMPDSTS: %s: error paring configure file:<%s>etc/IBmsdp_app.cfgIBMFILE_KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVALIBMPDSTS: %s: Invalid keepalive interval (%d seconds) specified. Resetting to default.IBMdetermine_keepalive_intervalIBMPDSTS: %s: Using keepalive interval of %d secondsIBPDSTS: %s: Keepalive is disabledIBMpuredisk.confIBPDSTSIB6.0.0.0PDSTS: %s: entry: plugin_path:<%s>Isession_initIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsInit() failedIBPDSTS: %s: exit @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is full, UNKNOWN STS ERROR CODENULLPD_TAG_MODE_WRITEPD_TAG_MODE_READUNKNOWNRUNNINGSUCCESSQUEUEDFAILEDABORTED???PDSTS: %s: invalid server handle (%d:%s)IBMpd_umountIBPDSTS: %s: entry: mount_point:<%s>, count:<%d>IPDSTS: %s: PdvfsClose() failed for mount point <%s> (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: PdvfsUmount() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: mount_point:<%s> is not referenced (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: exit: (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: interface: <%s>Ipopulate_storage_interfacesPDSTS: %s: Too many interfaces, ignore the rest: '%s'IBPDSTS: %s: attempting pdregister command for spa:<%s>IBpd_register%s%s.%scfgPDSTS: %s: PdvfsRegisterOST(%s) returned (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsRegisterOST(%s) failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: invalid parameterIBMadd_mountIBPDSTS: %s: entry: data:<%p>, prefix:<%s>IBMPDSTS: %s: no available space in mount tableIBMPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for mount path%s#%uIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsMount disable cache load %sPDSTS: %s: calling PdvfsMount() for mount point:<%s>, config file:<%s>Ispecified value must be between 0 and %i. Defaulting to %i seconds.PDSTS: %s: unable to get reconnect timeout value from configuration file <%s>.I6.0.0.0%s.%dIBPDSTS: %s: renaming <%s> to <%s> and registering againIPDSTS: %s: unlink(%s) failed for old config file (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: rename <%s> to <%s> failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: pd_register() failed, restoring <%s>PDSTS: %s: PdvfsMount() failed for mount point:<%s> (%d:%s)Failed to connect to %s (%s), ensure that storage server services are running and operationalIBPDSTS: %s: entry: svh_login=%sIcheck_embedded_credsIBMENV_NB_MODEnbsoIBMPDSTS: %s: The NBU media server runs in NBSO mode, the storage server %s is not embeddedIBMpd_embeddedPDSTS: %s: Storage server %s is not embeddedIBMPDSTS: %s: invalid parameters (%d:%s)IBget_agent_cfg_file_path_for_mountIBPDSTS: %s: entry: spa:<%s>, config file pointer:<%p>IBMPDSTS: %s: exit with null server (%d:%s)IBM%s.oldIPDSTS: %s: upgrade: renaming configuration file <%s> to <%s>IBMPDSTS: %s: fialed to rename configuration file from <%s> to <%s>IrPDSTS: %s: cannot read PureDisk agent configuration file <%s>,errno=%d attempt registration nowPDSTS: %s: cannot read PureDisk agent configuration file <%s> (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: pd_register() failed for configuration file:<%s> (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: using PureDisk agent configuration file <%s>PDSTS: %s: unable to allocate %d bytesInew_pdvfs_dataISRV_VERSION=%15sIBMPDSTS: %s: could not parse SRV_VERSION <%s> (%d:%s)parse_and_check_tag_stringISTORAGE_SERVER=%1023sIBPDSTS: %s: could not parse STORAGE_SERVER <%s> (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: other STORAGE_SERVER found <%s> in cluster environmentIBPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for storage server (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: PdvfsStat(%s) failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: marker tagfile <%s> NOT found, this is opt-dup dsidIPDSTS: %s: marker tagfile <%s> foundIBMSEGMENT_KSIZE=%dIBMPDSTS: %s: could not parse SEGMENT_KSIZE <%s> (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: force SEGMENT_KSIZE to <%d>IMINFILE_KSIZE=%dIBMPDSTS: %s: could not parse MINFILE_SIZE <%s> (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: force MINFILE_KSIZE to <%d>IMATCH_PDRO=%dIBPDSTS: %s: could not parse MATCH_PDRO <%s>IPDSTS: %s: force MATCH_PDRO to <%d>DONT_SEGMENT_TYPES=%1024sIBPDSTS: %s: could not parse DONT_SEGMENT_TYPES <%s>IPDSTS: %s: force DONT_SEGMENT_TYPES to defaultsPDSTS: %s: svh->svh_pdvfs_segsize %dIBMtag_nbu_dsid_log_and_setIBMPDSTS: %s: svh->svh_minfile_size %dPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_debug_loglevel %dIPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_log_max_mbsize %dPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_compression %dIBMPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_encryption %dPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_optdup_timeout %dPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_optdup_bw %dIPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_optdup_comp %dIBMPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_optdup_enc %dPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_local_settings %dPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_segsize %dIBMPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_meta_segsize %dIBPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_match_pdro %dPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_minfile_size %dIBPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_fbu_minfile_size %dIBPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_agentcrypt %dPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_prefetch_size %dIPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_fp_cache_max_mbsize %dIBMPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_fp_cache_max_count %dPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_fp_cache_threshold %dPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_fp_cache_incremental %dIBPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_fp_cache_local %dPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_fp_cache_client_policy '%s'IBPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_mtstrm_backup_enabled %dIPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_mtstrm_ipc_timeout %uPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_mtstrm_retry_count %uPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_mtstrm_perf_benchmark_enabled %dIPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_dont_segment_exts:IBMPDSTS: %s: dont_segment_exts[%d] = %sIBPDSTS: %s: no PureDisk server connection found for mountpoint:<%s> (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_SEGSIZE,%d) failed for <%s> (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_BWLIMIT,%d) failed for <%s> (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_RETRYCOUN %d failed %s (%d %s)IBPDSTS: %s: PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_TIMEOUT %d failed %s (%d %s)PDSTS: %s: %s: enterIBMtag_nbu_dsid_fast_readIPDSTS: %s: need use original way to get NBU tag, %sPDSTS: %s: %s: getNBUTag return failure.IBMPDSTS: %s: getNBUTag returned match=%d, tag string length is %zd, <%s>IPDSTS: %s: %s: exit/.syncIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsOpen(%s) failed (%d:%s)sync_pdvfsIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsRead() of <%s> failed (%d:%s)IBCOMPLETEDIBPDSTS: %s: sync using <%s> failed, expected , found <%s> (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: invalid parameter, match is NULL (%d:%s)tag_nbu_dsidIBMPDSTS: %s: invalid mode:<%d> (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: no cache using storage server <%s>IBPDSTS: %s: no cache exit match=%d (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for tagfiles (%d:%s)IB%s%c%sINBU_PD_SERVERIBNBU_PD_MARKERIBPDSTS: %s: entry: tagfile:<%s> mode:<%s>, moint point pointer:<%p>, spa:<%s>IBMPDSTS: %s: force reset <%s> <%s> for <%s>IBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsUnlink(%s) failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsOpen(%s) failed, unable to create server tagfile (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsOpen(%s) failed, unable to create marker tagfile (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsOpen(%s) failed, unable to open tagfile (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: PdvfsRead() failed for <%s> (%d:%s)IFailed to read from spoold on %s, ensure that the server is on and services are running. (%s)IBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsRead() returned %d bytes <%s>,SRV_VERSION=%s STORAGE_SERVER=%s SEGMENT_KSIZE=%d MINFILE_KSIZE=%d MATCH_PDRO=%d DONT_SEGMENT_TYPES=%s PD_SRV_0.1IPDSTS: %s: calling PdvfsWrite() of <%d> bytes <%s>IPDSTS: %s: PdvfsWrite() to tagfile:<%s> failed (%d:%s), wrote <%d> bytes while expecting to write <%d> bytesIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsClose() failed for server tagfile (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsClose() failed for marker tagfile (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: sync_pdvfs(%s) failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsClearSystemSourceID for path %s failedIPDSTS: %s: tagfile:<%s> already exists (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: exit: match=<%d> (%d:%s)pd_get_dsid_pathIBMPDSTS: %s: svh:<%p>, mountpoint:<%s>, dsidpath:<%s>PDSTS: %s: invalid parameter (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsOpendir(%s) failed opening mount point (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: processing entry <%s>IBMPDSTS: %s: skipping non-directory <%s>IPDSTS: %s: adding dsid <%s>%s%c%s%cIBMPDSTS: %s: calling PdvfsOpendir(%s)PDSTS: %s: check directory <%s>PDSTS: %s: using dsid path <%s> for opt-dup copies from <%s>IBMPDSTS: %s: using dsid path <%s> for primary backupsPDSTS: %s: primary DSID <%s>, replicated DSID <%s>IPDSTS: %s: PdvfsClosedir() failed for <%s> (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: unable to identify primary DSID (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: unable to identify source DSID tag on target server. Attempting to replicate tag of spa <%s>, DSID <%d> to target spa <%s> ...IBPDSTS: %s: done processing <%s>PDSTS: %s: tag_nbu_dsid() failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsOpendir(%s) failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: unable to realloc <%d> bytes (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: exit: (%d:%s) <%s> <%s>Ipd_mountIBMPDSTS: %s: entry: svh:<%p>, mntp:<%p>, spa:<%s>, dsidpath:<%s>, prop=<%d>IBPDSTS: %s: plugin path is not specified (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: spa:<%s>, src_svh:<%p>IB%s:propPDSTS: %s: re-use mount point, mntp:<%p>, spa:<%s>, dsidpath:<%s>IB%c%sIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_CLEAR_PERF_STATS) failed for <%s> (%d:%s)PureDiskVolumeIPDSTS: %s: pd_get_dsid_path() failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: unable to get new pdvfs data (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: Using legacy routing table namesPDSTS: %s: embedded creds invalid (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: OK, assume embedded modePDSTS: %s: no configuration and not embedded (%d:%s)IBMresetIBPDSTS: %s: checking for <%s>IBMPDSTS: %s: reset file found for <%s>, unlink nowIBMPDSTS: %s: unable to unlink reset file:<%s> (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for login name (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for password (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: add_mount() failed for server:<%s> and spa:<%s>IPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_GET_ROLLBACK_MODE) failed for <%s> (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_GET_ROLLBACK_MODE) rollbackmode:%dIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_GET_SEGSIZE) failed for <%s> (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: default segsize:<%d>, minfile_size:<%d>IPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_GET_SPA_NAME) failed for <%s> (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_COMPRESSION,%d) failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: %s: pdvfs_conf_fibre_channel=%dIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl failed in %s (%d:%s) pdvfs_conf_fibre_channel %dIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_PREFETCH_SIZE,%d) failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_PREDOWNLOAD_FACTOR,%d) failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_ADD_TASK_TIME,%d) failed for <%s> (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: PDDO task/job disabled for <%s>IPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_SPA_EMBEDDED) failed for <%s> (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_TEST_IN_CLUSTER) failed. consider not in cluster modePDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_TEST_IN_CLUSTER) returned cluster mode = %dIBPDSTS: %s: unable to get SPA interfaces with PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_GET_INTERFACES) (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: pd_umount() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: incomplete mount mntp=<%p>, dsidpath=<%s> (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: server connection refcnt:<%d>, force unmountpd_umount_allIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsUmount(%s) failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: ERROR: invalid parameters (%d:%s)IBMpd_test_for_get_server_prop_bynameI:IBPDSTS: %s: storage server was not specified: <%s> (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: Unable to resolve %s: (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: OK, assuming remote server %s is validIBPDSTS: %s: get_agent_cfg_file_path_for_mount() failed (%d:%s)IBcheck_pdvfs_jobPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_GET_TASK_STATE) failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_GET_JOB_STATE) (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: job_id:<%d>, state:<%s>Iadd_pdvfs_task_timePDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_ADD_TASK_TIME, %d) failed for mount point:<%s> (%d:%s)IBMset_pdvfs_job_detailsIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_JOB_CLIENT, %s) failed for mount point:<%s> (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_JOB_DETAILS, %s) failed for mount point:<%s> (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_IMAGE_NAME, %s) failed for mount point:<%s> (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: mtstrm=%d, Variable Length Deduplication=%dI_get_metadata_strIBPDSTS: %s: data_sent_kbytes=%luPDSTS: %s: SO count=%uImulti-threaded stream usedI%sMSSQL Stream Handler enabled, Uncompressed format, SO Count=%dIBM%sMSSQL Stream Handler enabled, Compressed format, SO Count=%dI%sMSSQL Stream Handler enabled, Unknown format, SO Count=%d%sOracle Stream Handler enabled, SO Count=%dIBM%sVLD enabled, SO Count=%dIB, %uK~%uK:%.1f%%IBM(%s%s) PDSTS: %s: cache hits=%u, cache misses=%uIBget_cache_hit_strIB, cache hits: %u (%.1f%%), rebased: %u (%.1f%%), cache hits: %u (%.1f%%)IB, cache disabledIBMiYImage rebasing PDDO Stats %sfor (%s): scanned: %lu KB, CR sent: %lu KB, dedup: %.1f%%%s:, stream rate: %.2f MB/secI%s: total_write_kbytes=%lu, data_sent_kbytes=%lu, data_compression_saving_kbytes=%lu, dedup=%.1f%%, compression_space_saving=%.1f%%, dedupe_space_saving=%.1f%%.IBMpd_get_mount_stats_msgIPDDO Stats %sfor (%s): scanned: %lu KB, CR sent: %lu KB, CR sent over FC: %lu KB, dedup: %.1f%%%s, where dedup space saving:%.1f%%, compression space saving:%.1f%%%sI%s: pdvfs_conf_display_compression_space_saving =%dPDDO Stats %sfor (%s): scanned: %lu KB, CR sent: %lu KB, CR sent over FC: %lu KB, dedup: %.1f%%%sIBstatistics_pddo_kb_scanned,%lu,statistics_pddo_kb_cr_sent,%lu,statistics_pddo_kb_cr_fc_sent,%lu,statistics_pddo_dedup_pct,%.1f,statistics_pddo_cache_hits_pct,%.1fIPDDO Stats %sfor (%s): read: %lu KB, CR received: %lu KB, CR received over FC: %lu KB, dedup: %.1f%%IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_JOB_VARS, %s) failed for mount point:<%s> (%d:%s)ـPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_CLEAR_PERF_STATS) failed for mount point:<%s> (%d:%s)pd_perf_stats_clearupIBPDSTS: %s: invalid parameter, msgbuf is NULL (%d:%s)IBMpd_get_mount_statsIPDSTS: %s: no PureDisk server connection found for mountpoint:<%s>. (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_GET_PERF_STATS) failed for mount point:<%s> (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: <%s%s> for <%s> (reset active)IBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsSaveJobStats failed for mount point:<%s> (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsGetconfig() failed (%d:%s)Ipd_get_configIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_GET_CONFIG) failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: entry: spa:<%s>Ipd_set_configIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsSetconfig() failed with <%i> (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: embedded and PdvfsSetconfig() succeeded, register agent config for spa:<%s>IPDSTS: %s: pd_mount() for spa:<%s> failed (%d:%s), ignore for nowIBPDSTS: %s: mount for spa:<%s> is incomplete, ignore for nowPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_CONFIG) failed with %i (%d:%s)IBMpd_get_eventIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_GET_EVENT) failed (%d:%s)pd_get_next_eventIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_GET_NEXT_EVENT) failed (%d:%s), possibly communicating with an older spaIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_GET_NEXT_EVENT) failed (%d:%s)IBMpd_delete_eventPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_DELETE_EVENT) failed (%d:%s), possibly communicating with an older spaIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_DELETE_EVENT) failed (%d:%s)Ipd_test_for_open_serverPDSTS: %s: get_creds() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: %s isn't embedded, and get_agent_cfg_file_path_for_mount failed: (%d:%s)pd_gen_warm_fileIBMPDSTS: %s: invalid input parameter, unable to generate warm file (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: no PureDisk server connection found for mountpoint:<%s>, unable to generate warm file (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_GEN_WARM_FILE) failed(STS) (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_GEN_WARM_FILE) failed(CR) (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_GEN_WARM_FILE) failed(SYS) (%d:%s)IBMpd_query_warm_fileIPDSTS: %s: invalid input parameter, unable to query warm file (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: no PureDisk server connection found for mountpoint:<%s>, unable to query warm file (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_QUERY_WARM_FILE_STATUS) failed(STS) (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_QUERY_WARM_FILE_STATUS) failed(CR) (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_QUERY_WARM_FILE_STATUS) failed(SYS) (%d:%s)IBpd_get_pdsdk_versionIBMPDSTS: %s: invalid input buffer, unable to obtain PDSDK version (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: no PureDisk server connection found for mountpoint:<%s>, unable to obtain PDSDK version (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_GET_SDK_VERSION) failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: checking if instant accesss supportedIBMpd_instant_access_supportedPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_GET_VLD_STATS) failed for mount point:<%s> (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: VLD is %dIBMPDSTS: %s: checking if image share is enabled.Ipd_image_share_statusIBpd_test_in_clusterIPDSTS: %s: no PureDisk server connection found for mountpoint:<%s>, unable to perform the ushare operation in cluster env(%d:%s)IBMpd_ushare_opearationIBMPDSTS: %s: invalid input parameter, unable to perform the ushare operation in cluster env (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_USHARE_QUERY) failed (%d:%s)Ipd_fp_conversionIBMPDSTS: %s: no PureDisk server connection found for mountpoint:<%s>, unable to generate prefetch file (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_FP_CONVERSION) failed(STS) (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_FP_CONVERSION) failed(CR) (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_FP_CONVERSION) failed(SYS) (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: pd_post_app_event: %s, %dIBMpd_post_app_eventIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsGetSDKVersion failed: (%d %s). Assuming legacy server.Ipd_from_lsu_to_dsidPDSTS: %s: cannot find mount point for lsu: %sIPDSTS: %s: cannot find dsid for lsu: %sPDSTS: %s: server caps is CLOUD GWIPDSTS: %s: %s: %sIBpd_app_update_catalogIBPDSTS: %s: failed to find dsid from lsu name %sPDSTS: %s: %s: lsu %s to dsid %uIBMpd_app_query_catalogIBMpd_app_del_catalogIPDSTS: %s: %s: null lsu nameIBMpd_check_oracle_sthPDSTS: %s: %s: %d, %s, %s, %s, %s, %sIBPDSTS: %s: %s: null clientIpd_app_query_policyPDSTS: %s: %s: null q outputIBM%s%c%u%c%sIPDSTS: %s: %s: open client %sIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsStat(%s) the client is not created yetIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsOpendir(%s) failed opening path (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: processing policy entry <%s>PDSTS: %s: processing done @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is fullUNKNOWN STS ERROR CODENULLunknownPDSTS: %s: entry/exit: not supportedIBMpi_iocontrol_v11IBMPDSTS: %s: Could not set storage locality name %s for fd %d: (%d %s)IBMpd_label_locIBMPDSTS: %s: failed to set PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_VTL_ALWAYSPDSTS: %s: name=%s fd=%d, stg_loc_name=%s, stg_loc_strm_id=%lu, flags=0x%x, loc_enable=%dIBpd_create_locIB:IB%s%sIBMpuredisk.confIBInterfaceMapIBPDSTS: %s: got previous usable interface <%s> for storage server <%s>IBget_prev_usable_interfaceIBPDSTS: %s: remove previous usable interface for storage server <%s>save_usable_interfaceIBPDSTS: %s: save usable interface <%s> for storage server <%s>IBPDSTS: %s: entryIBMpi_open_server_v7IB(Storage server: %s)IBMPDSTS: %s: invalid parameters (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: the interface <%s> no longer exists in spad configuration, continue open_server with default interfaceIBPDSTS: %s: impl_close_server() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: open server with the interface <%s> failed ((%d:%s))PDSTS: %s: the interface <%s> is not able to be looked up, try open_server without interfaceIBMPDSTS: %s: impl_open_server(%s) failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: exit: (%d:%s), pi_nconnect:<%d>Ipi_open_target_server_v9IBMPDSTS: %s: impl_open_target_server(%s) failed (%d:%s)IBpi_close_server_v7Ipi_get_server_prop_v8IBPDSTS: %s: impl_get_server_prop() failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: exit: (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: entry: server:<%s>IBpi_get_server_prop_byname_v8IBMPDSTS: %s: impl_get_server_prop_byname(%s) failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: entry: image_to_handle(0x%p) offset_to(%lu) image_from_handle(0x%p) offset_from(%lu) len(%lu)IBMpi_include_in_image_v7IPDSTS: %s: impl_append_image() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: exit (%d:%s)pi_include_in_image_v10PDSTS: %s: exitpi_list_lsu_v7IPDSTS: %s: lsu name:<%s>IBMPDSTS: %s: impl_get_next_lsu() failed (%d:%s)IBpi_open_lsu_list_v9PDSTS: %s: invalid server handle (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: impl_get_lsu_list() failed (%d:%s)IBpi_open_lsu_list_v11IBMpi_close_lsu_list_v7IBMPDSTS: %s: impl_free_lsu_list() failed (%d:%s)Ipi_get_lsu_prop_byname_v9IBPDSTS: %s: Invalid target server handle specified (no credentials)IPureDiskVolumeIPDSTS: %s: lsu name:<%s>, saveas:<%d>IBPDSTS: %s: impl_get_lsu_info() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: exit: (%d:%s), info:<%p>pi_get_lsu_prop_byname_v11IPDSTS: %s: failed to get lsu type: <%s>PDSTS: %s: impl_get_cloud_lsu_info() failed (%d:%s)pi_get_lsu_worm_info_v12IBMPDSTS: %s: impl_get_lsu_worm_info() failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: exit: (%d:%s) info:<%p>IPDSTS: %s: entry: size:<%d>, length:<%d>IBMpi_label_lsu_v9PDSTS: %s: impl_write_lsu_label() failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: entry: <%s>Ipi_get_image_prop_byname_v10IBMPDSTS: %s: returning image %s 0x%xIpi_get_image_prop_byname_v7pi_open_image_list_v7IBpi_open_image_list_v10Ipi_list_image_v10IBPDSTS: %s: exit (%d:%s) %sIpi_list_image_v7IBMpi_close_image_list_v7Ipi_read_image_meta_v9IBpi_write_image_meta_v9Ipi_create_image_v10PDSTS: %s: entry: (%p)Ipi_get_image_prop_v10IBpi_write_image_v7IBPDSTS: %s: impl_write_image() failed (%d:%s)IBMpi_read_image_v7IBMPDSTS: %s: impl_read_image() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: exit (%d:%s) %lupi_delete_image_v10PDSTS: %s: impl_delete_image() failed (%d:%s)IBpi_open_image_v10IBPDSTS: %s: impl_open_image() failed (%d:%s)pi_copy_extent_v9IBPDSTS: %s: impl_copy_extent() failed due to being busy, but a retry is expected (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: impl_copy_extent() failed (%d:%s)IBMpi_close_image_v7IBPDSTS: %s: impl_close_image() failed (%d:%s)IBMpi_claim_v7PureDisk:IBPDDEBUG:IBMpi_ioctl_v9PDSTS: %s: Check image share status for MSDP-CloudIPDSTS: %s: Check image share for MSDP-Cloud err=%uIPDSTS: %s: update app catalog %sIBMPDSTS: %s: del app catalog %sIBPDSTS: %s: query app policy for client %sIBPDSTS: %s: query app catalog %sPDSTS: %s: wrong query app formatIBPDSTS: %s: check oracle sth %s, %s, %s, %sIPDSTS: %s: app trigger air eventIBM%s%c%s%c%s%c%s%s%c%s%c%ld%sEVENT_I.dataIBPureDisk:%sPureDisk:%s-._%sIBMPDSTS: %s: app_create_event_file failed to create app air event file (%d:%s).IBPDSTS: %s: STS_IOCTL_GET_ALIGN_GUIDE failed to open target image (%d:%s).IBPDSTS: %s: STS_IOCTL_GET_MSDP_IMAGE_FPTYPE failed to open image (%d:%s).IBMPDSTS: %s: pd_fp_conversion() failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: STS_IOCTL_GET_DDUP_STATS len:<%d>IBMPDSTS: %s: pd_get_mount_stats() failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: STS_IOCTL_GET_STS_CONFIGPDSTS: %s: pd_get_config() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: STS_IOCTL_GET_STS_CONFIG is not supported (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: STS_IOCTL_SET_STS_CONFIGadd-lsu-cloudIBreuse-lsu-cloudmigrate-cloudcatalystIBPDSTS: %s: pd_set_config() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: STS_IOCTL_SET_STS_CONFIG is not supported (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: STS_IOCTL_GET_REPL_TOPOLOGY is not supportedPDSTS: %s: STS_IOCTL_SET_REPL_TOPOLOGY is not supportedPDSTS: %s: STS_IOCTL_GET_PDSDK_VERSIONIPDSTS: %s: pd_get_pdsdk_version() failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: STS_IOCTL_SET_RETRY_CONNECT_TIMEOUT val<%d>IPDSTS: %s: reconnect timeout:%dPDSTS: %s: unable to save configuration file : '%s'PDSTS: %s: unable to release configuration file : '%s'IPDSTS: %s: unable to save reconnect timeout to configuration file : '%s'IBMPDSTS: %s: STS_IOCTL_WARM_DATAIPDSTS: %s: pd_gen_warm_file() failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: STS_IOCTL_WARM_STATUSIBMPDSTS: %s: pd_query_warm_file() failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: Warming is not finished yet, changing return value to STS_EAGAINPDSTS: %s: STS_IOCTL_CLUSTER_ENVIBMPDSTS: %s: may not in cluster envIBPDSTS: %s: perform ushare operations failed: <%d:%s>IBMPDSTS: %s: invalid STS ioctl command:<%d> (%d:%s)IBpi_get_event_v9PDSTS: %s: not supported (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: impl_get_event() failed (%d:%s)Ipi_get_event_v11IBMpi_delete_event_v9IPDSTS: %s: impl_delete_event() failed (%d:%s)IBpi_delete_event_v11PDSTS: %s: returning STS_EOK for dpsProxyIBpi_open_evchannel_v9IBMPDSTS: %s: impl_open_evchannel(%s) failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: entry: server:<%s>, started event:<%lu>Ipi_open_evchannel_v11IBPDSTS: %s: impl_open_evchannel2(%s) failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: entry: event handle:<%p>pi_close_evchannel_v9IBPDSTS: %s: impl_close_evchannel() failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: entry: inits:<%d>IBMpi_terminate_v7PDSTS: %s: session_exit() failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: invalid inits:<%d> (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: exit: (%d:%s), inits:<%d>IBMpi_async_cancel_v11PDSTS: %s: impl_async_cancel() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: entry: blockflag: %dpi_async_wait_v11IBPDSTS: %s: impl_async_wait() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: entry: %sIBMpi_async_copy_image_v11FILESYS:IBMPDSTS: %s: set_dsid_from_lsuname() failed (%d:%s))IPDSTS: %s: impl_async_copy_image() failed (%d:%s)IBpi_get_event_payload_v11IBMPDSTS: %s: impl_get_event_payload() failed (%d:%s)Ipi_get_lsu_replication_prop_v11PDSTS: %s: impl_get_lsu_replication_prop() failed (%d:%s) @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is fullUNKNOWN STS ERROR CODEIPDSTS: %s: can't retrieve replication targets for LSUIBset_lsu_replication_infoIBMPDSTS: %s: cant retrieve replication sources for LSUIBMPDSTS: %s: called to record stats onto file for %sIimpl_rec_lsu_statsI%s/%s.statswIBPDSTS: %s: Error occured while writing to stats file for %sPDSTS: %s: Error[%d] occured while removing stats file for %sIBPDSTS: %s: lsu stats recorded: lsu_capacity - %ldIBPDSTS: %s: lsu stats recorded: lsu_capacity_phys - %ldIPDSTS: %s: lsu stats recorded: lsu_used_phys - %ldIPDSTS: %s: lsu stats recorded: lsu_used - %ldIBPDSTS: %s: lsu stats recorded: timestamp - %ldIPDSTS: %s: Error occured while creating stats file for %sIBPDSTS: %s: Invalid parameter. info:<%p>, svh_server:<%p>IBMPDSTS: %s: cached lsu stats retrieved: lsu_capacity - %ldIBimpl_get_cached_lsu_statsIBPDSTS: %s: cached lsu stats retrieved: lsu_capacity_phys - %ldIPDSTS: %s: cached lsu stats retrieved: lsu_used - %ldIBPDSTS: %s: cached lsu stats retrieved: lsu_used_phys - %ldIPDSTS: %s: Cached stats successfully retrievedIPDSTS: %s: One of the required parameters is NULLIBPDSTS: %s: entry: (%p), lsu_name: %sIBMlsu_get_capacity_infoIBPureDiskVolumeIPDSTS: %s: svh invalidIPDSTS: %s: Light weight mode detected, re-using cached stats...PDSTS: %s: svh embedded, not mountedIBMPDSTS: %s: dsidpath not setPDSTS: %s: can't stat puredisk LSU %sIBPDSTS: %s: enter blocks=%lu, size=%lu, free=%luPDSTS: %s: PdvfsOpen(%s) failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: PDDE: skip version checkIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_GET_CR_STATS) failed for <%s> (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: exit, pc=%lu, pu=%lu, lc=%lu, lu=%lu, la=%dIPDSTS: %s: exit (%p), err=(%d:%s)IBPureDisk storage unit (%s)IBM IAPDSTS: %s: invalid server handle (%d:%s)IBMimpl_read_lsu_label%s%c%sILSU_LABELIBPDSTS: %s: entry: lsu label file:<%s>IBPDSTS: %s: lsu label file:<%s> not foundIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsStat(%s) failed (%d:%s)%sIPDSTS: %s: read <%d> bytes, buf:<%s>, label:<%s>IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsRead() of <%s> failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: exit: (%d:%s)IBMimpl_is_lsu_worm_enablePDSTS: %s: svh is valid. lsu_name:%sIBMPDSTS: %s: not in light weight modePDSTS: %s: entry (%p %s)IBMPDSTS: %s: lightwt_mode is set to trueIPDSTS: %s: cannot find dsid for lsu: %sPDSTS: %s: PdvfsOpen failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_IS_LSU_WORM_ENABLE) failed for <%s> (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: exit (%d:%s)impl_get_lsu_infoIBPDSTS: %s: svh is validPDSTS: %s: lsu_name:%s, svh->svh_lsuname:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: Could not get capacityIBPDSTS: %s: impl_is_lsu_worm_enable() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: set_lsu_stats_phys() failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: impl_read_lsu_label() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: exit (%d:%s) lsu=%s, sld_alloc=%d, sld_flags=0x%x, block_size=%luIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsGetSDKVersion failed: (%d %s). Assuming legacy server.Iimpl_get_cloud_lsu_infoPDSTS: %s: <%s> is cloud lsu, add PI_LSUF_PUREDISK_CLOUD flagIBCloudLSU=%s;IBM,status:DOWN,IBPDSTS: %s: cloud lsu <%s> is DOWNIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsGetCloudLSUInfo() failed (%d:%s)IBMimpl_get_lsu_worm_infoIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_LSU_WORM_INFO) failed for <%s> (%d:%s)IBMimpl_write_lsu_labelIBMPDSTS: %s: entry: lsu label file:<%s>, lsu label:<%s>IB%s PDSTS: %s: PdvfsWrite() to labelfile:<%s> failed (%d:%s), wrote <%d> bytes while expecting to write <%d> bytesIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsClose() failed for <%s> (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: entry: index:<%d>IBMimpl_get_next_lsuIBPDSTS: %s: invalid lsu list handle (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: mount point pointer is invlaid (%d:%s)IBPDDOIBMPDSTS: %s: Failed to get all data selections (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: entryIBMimpl_get_lsu_listIBPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for lsu list (%d:%s)IBM IBvPDSTS: %s: lsudef filter neededimpl_free_lsu_listIimpl_get_lsu_replication_propIBPDSTS: %s: invalid parameters (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: impl_get_lsu_info() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: LSU:<%s> is a replication source, targets discoveredPDSTS: %s: Can not retrieve replication targets for LSU:<%s>: (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: <%d> target(s) discovered for LSU:<%s>IB%s%sIBMPureDisk:IBPDSTS: %s: LSU:<%s> is not a replication sourcePDSTS: %s: LSU:<%s> is a replication target, sources discoveredPDSTS: %s: cant retrieve replication sources for LSU:<%s> (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: <%d> source(s) discovered for LSU:<%s>IBPDSTS: %s: LSU:<%s> is not a replication targetMSSQL_enabledoracle_enabledMSSQL_Sth.confOracle_Sth.conforacle_disabled @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is fullLF_NORMAL_DISK_FILE_UNIXLF_NORMAL_DISK_FILELF_DUMPED_FILE_LINKLF_SYMLINKLF_CHAR_SPECIAL_FILELF_BLOCK_SPECIAL_FILELF_DIRECTORYLF_FIFO_SPECIAL_FILELF_CONTIGUOUS_FILELF_SPARSE_FILE_GT_2GLF_RAW_CHAR_SPECIAL_FILELF_COMP_CHAR_SPECIAL_FILELF_SPARSE_CHAR_SPECIAL_FILELF_SPARSE_CHAR_SPECIAL_CHANGEDLF_X_REC_ENCRYPT_INFOLF_RAW_BLOCK_SPECIAL_FILELF_COMP_BLOCK_SPECIAL_FILELF_SQL_SERVER_OBJECTLF_SQL_SERVER_COMP_OBJECTLF_FULL_AFS_VOL_VOS_DUMPLF_INCR_AFS_VOL_VOS_DUMPLF_RAW_FIFO_SPECIAL_FILELF_COMP_FIFO_SPECIAL_FILELF_DB2_OBJECTLF_DB2_COMP_OBJECTLF_LOTUS_NOTES_DBLF_INFORMIX_OBJECTLF_INFORMIX_COMP_OBJECTLF_GENERATED_TEST_DATALF_SYBASE_OBJECTLF_SYBASE_COMP_OBJECTLF_EXCHANGE_OBJECTLF_EXCHANGE_COMP_OBJECTLF_SQL_BACKTRACK_OBJECTLF_SQL_BACKTRACK_COMP_OBJECTLF_SPARSE_CHAR_SPECIAL_FILE_LARGELF_SPARSE_BLOCK_SPECIAL_FILE_LARGELF_X_REC_SECURITY_INFO_SOLARISLF_ENCRYPTED_BEFORE_ARCHIVEDLF_FILE_NAMES_DIRLF_EXTRA_INFOLF_X_REC_SECURITY_INFO_EPIXLF_X_REC_SECURITY_INFO_AIXLF_X_REC_SECURITY_INFO_HPLF_EXTRA_DIR_INFO_SECURITYLF_X_REC_SECURITY_INFO_SEQUENTLF_X_REC_SECURITY_INFO_SEQUENT1LF_X_REC_SECURITY_INFO_NTLF_CONT_FILELF_FILENAME_GT_100LF_OBACKUP_COMPLF_OBACKUPLF_END_U_LEN_FILELF_HFS_RES_FORKLF_SPARSE_FILESLF_NOVELL_FILESLF_NOVELL_DIRSLF_VOL_HDRLF_HFS_ATTR_NO_RES_FORKLF_FARM_MIGRATEDLF_HFS_ATTR_WITH_RES_FORKLF_FILE_COMPLF_OS_2_OBJECTLF_CHANGED_BLOCKS_SPARSE_HDRLF_OS_2_SECURITYLF_CHANGED_BLOCKS_LARGE_SPARSE_HDRLF_SPARSE_BLOCK_SP_FILE_SPARSELF_SPARSE_BLOCK_SP_FILE_CHANGEDLF_EXTRA_FILE_INFOLF_NT_NETLINK_ACLLF_XBSALF_XBSA_COMPLF_X_REC_SECURITY_INFO_HP_SYSV_ACLLF_PREV_BAD_BACKED_UP_OBJECTLF_NT_ACL_INFO_SERVPOINT_NASLF_NT_ATTR_INFO_SERVPOINT_NASLF_PADLF_X_REC_ENCRYPT_CIPHER_INFOLF_LONG_HDRLF_X_REC_SECURITY_INFO_AIX_VXFS_ACLLF_VERSIONLF_KEEPALIVELF_X_REC_SECURITY_INFO_PD_NTLF_UNUSED5LF_X_ATTR_VXFSLF_X_ATTR_SOLARIS_9LF_OS2_XATTRLF_X_REC_SECURITY_INFO_POSIXLF_X_REC_SECURITY_INFO_SOLARIS_ACELF_UNUSED9LF_UNUSED10LF_UNUSED11LF_UNUSED12LF_UNUSED13multi-threaded streaming is turned on but not used for this backup becauseUNKNOWN STS ERROR CODEPID=RCWDQcheckpointfragment NULL_F1DIRECTORYNORMAL_FILESYMBOLIC_LINKHARD_LINKBACKUP_READ_FILEVSS_AND_BACKUPEXEC_STREAM_FILEBACKUPEXEC_STREAM_FILEBACKUP_READ_DIRSPARSE_FILENT_SECURITYPOSIX_SECURITYOPAQUE_UNKNOWN_LENOPAQUE_KNOWN_LENUNKNOWN_LEN_TRAILERUNKNOWN_LEN_BADOTHERNONETAR LAST_STATSIZE_UNKNOWN LASTREF REPEAThdrimgTRUEFALSECLIENT_TYPESCHEDULE_TYPEHDRIMG STS_ENOENT STS_EOK(unknown)IBPDSTS: %s: Invalid argument, pdvfs_data:%p, lsu:%p, dsid:%pget_dsid_by_lsuPureDiskVolumeIPDDOIBMPDSTS: %s: cannot find dsid for lsu: %s, refresh dsid list and try againIBMPDSTS: %s: cannot find dsid for lsu: %sPDSTS: %s: Failed to get all data selectionsIBMPDSTS: %s: svh for lsu: %s, not valid (%d:%s)IBset_dsid_from_lsunameIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsGetSDKVersion for lsu: %s, failed: (%d %s). Assuming legacy server.%s%c%dIPDSTS: %s: set_dsid_from_lsuname: use dsid %u for lsu: %sIBPDSTS: %s: ctx refcnt in use for date (%s) policy (%s) imgname(%s)Ipd_release_all_img_ctxIPDSTS: %s: release ctx for date (%s) policy (%s) imgname(%s)IBM_CI_TIR_RI_TIRIBM_IM_RIB_IM_OPT_DUPIBM_HDR_RI_HDRIBM_AH_FIPDSTS: %s: received NULL image nameget_backup_namePDSTS: %s: expected %d instances of '%c' in img name %s, but found %d insteadIBPDSTS: %s: get_backup_name() failed for last_backup_name_set: dedup stat tracking disabledIsetup_dedup_trackingIBMPDSTS: %s: last_backup_name=%sIPDSTS: %s: get_backup_name() failed for new or continued backup: dedup stat tracking disabledIBPDSTS: %s: last_backup_name=%s, cur_backup_name=%sIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsDedupLoggerTerminate() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsStatLoggerSetEnabled() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsStatLoggerTrackImg() failed (%d:%s)IB%c%sIBMPDSTS: %s: basename(%s) not formatted with img_date(%s)get_client_from_imgdefIPDSTS: %s: basename(%s) format unknownIUNKNOWNPDSTS: %s: PdvfsRead() failed (%d:%s) trying to read mapfile version IBverify_mapfile_versionIPDSTS: %s: version mismatch ("%s" "%s")PDSTS: %s: version match ("%s" "%s")IBM.imgIBMPDSTS: %s: MSSQL_get_marker_entry from cache:%sMSSQL_get_marker_entryIPDSTS: %s: CA is NULLIBMSSQLIBPDSTS: %s: Marker entry on dsid:%d, sthtype: %s, client:%s, policy:%s is %sPDSTS: %s: CAGetSthMarker for dsid client policy faileddefaultPDSTS: %s: CAGetSthMarker for MSSQL dsid policy failedIPDSTS: %s: Marker entry on dsid:%d, sthtype:%s, policy:%s is %sPDSTS: %s: CAGetSthMarker for type MSSQL failedPDSTS: %s: Marker entry by type:%sIPDSTS: %s: Marker entry:%sIMSSQL_is_sth_enabledIBMPDSTS: %s: Get marker entry failed. Using default setting.I%sIenabledPDSTS: %s: Stream Handler is enabledIBMPDSTS: %s: Stream Handler is defaultIBMPDSTS: %s: Stream Handler is disabledIBPDSTS: %s: enter parse_ash_paras, parse parameters = (%sIBMparse_ash_parasPDSTS: %s: mssql mode enable,pstart = %sIBMPDSTS: %s: enter _is_ash_enable, policy_type = %d I_is_ash_enableIPDSTS: %s: enter _is_ash_enable, find imh->imh_policy = %s in pdvfs_conf_adap_policy_name[%d] = %sI*IBPDSTS: %s: enter _is_ash_enable, find imh->imh_nbu_client = %s in pdvfs_conf_adap_client_name[%d] = %sIPDSTS: %s: enter is_ash_enable, imh->imh_seg_mode = %d, imh->imh_policy = %s, imh->imh_nbu_client = %sIis_ash_enableIBPDSTS: %s: enter set_segsize_mt_mode, seg_size = %d, imh->imh_img_segsize = %dIset_segsize_mt_modePDSTS: %s: PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_STREAM_SEGSIZE %d failed: %sPDSTS: %s: PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_SEG_ALG failed: %sIBPDSTS: %s: spa=%s, flags=0x%x, mode_flags=0x%x, is_local=%dsetup_pdvfs_image_cachePDSTS: %s: skipping fingerprint cache loading, disable cache flag setIBPDSTS: %s: skipping fingerprint cache loading, synthetic backupPDSTS: %s: skipping fingerprint cache loading, incremental or synthetic backupIPDSTS: %s: skipping fingerprint cache loading, storage server is localIPDSTS: %s: skipping, cache already enabledIPDSTS: %s: image haven't get openIBPDSTS: %s: ERROR determining the cache directory to use %d:(%s)PDSTS: %s: ERROR loading cache for dsid_path: %s, client: %s, policy: %s %d:(%s)IBPDSTS: %s: enter fd=%d, session=%sIstart_mtstrm_sessionIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsMtstrmSetIpcTimeout of %u failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsMtstrmSetPerfBenchmarkEnabled of %u failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: PdvfsMtstrmStartDaemon failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_START_MTSTRM_SESSION, %s) failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: exit fd=%d, session=%s, err=%dIBPDSTS: %s: %s %s was enabled, but multi-threaded streaming is not supported with this plugin configurationImtstrm_enabledIMTSTRM_BACKUP_ENABLEDIBPDSTS: %s: %s not img fragmentIuse_mtstrmIPDSTS: %s: can't get client name from imgdef, %s will not be honoredIBMMTSTRM_BACKUP_CLIENTSIBPDSTS: %s: %s %s is set and current client "%s" is not in the listIPDSTS: %s: %s %s is set and current policy "%s" is not in the listIMTSTRM_BACKUP_POLICIESIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsMtstrmGetMaxSegSize for %u failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: %s the maximum segment size could not be retrievedIBPDSTS: %s: %s %s is set to %d bytes which exceeds the multi-threaded streaming limit of %u bytesIBMSEGKSIZEIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsGetSegmentationInfo for fd %d failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: %s PDVFS segmentation info could not be retrievedIBMPDSTS: %s: %s PDVFS segmentation control is disabled (%i, %i)IBPDSTS: %s: %s the stream segment size is set to %d bytes which exceeds the multi-threaded streaming limit of %u bytesIBPDSTS: %s: %s %s is enabledMATCH_PDROIDONT_SEGMENT_TYPESIPDSTS: %s: %s virtual synthetics is enabledPDSTS: %s: server=%s, imh_imgpath=%s, returning %dIPDSTS: %s: error (%d %s) PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_SEGSIZE %dsetup_stream_segsizeIBMPDSTS: %s: error (%d %s) PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_STREAM_SEGSIZE %dIPDSTS: %s: could not set segment sizes for stream %s: %d:(%s)IBsetup_new_clf_imgIBPDSTS: %s: error (%d %s) creating %sIBMPDSTS: %s: error (%d %s) PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_COMPRESSION %sPDSTS: %s: write pdvfs plugin version to mapfile (%s)IBPDSTS: %s: error (%d %s) write map file versionPDSTS: %s: PdvfsClose() failed (%d:%s) for headerIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsClose() failed (%d:%s) for imageIBMPDSTS: %s: entry: svh %p, date (%s), policy (%s), basename(%s), copy %d, frag %d, mode %dIBset_img_ctxPDSTS: %s: PI_IMGM_CREATE %s clf_streamoffset=%lu last_clf_streamoffset=%lu %s frag: ctx=%d imh=%d cnt=%d refcnt=%dPDSTS: %s: Continue next frag img_date(%s), count=%d clf_streamoffset=%lu ostver=%luIBMPDSTS: %s: frag repeat, reset clf offset for (%s) copy %dIBPDSTS: %s: Server handle is different with last fragment, reset the streamoffset asclf_streamoffset=%lu img_streamoffsett=%lu hdr_streamoffset=%luIPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate %d bytesIPDSTS: %s: creating new ctx for fragment:%d, reset the streamoffset asclf_streamoffset=%lu img_streamoffsett=%lu hdr_streamoffset=%luIBPDSTS: %s: Non-NBU, reset clf offset for (%s) policy (%s)IBOPT_DUP_BEGINIBOPT_DUP_ENDPDSTS: %s: entry: %u %d m=(%s%s%s%s%s) (%s) (%s)IBMimpl_image_handleIBPDSTS: %s: NULL imgdef or basenameIPDSTS: %s: NULL rimh or invalid lsuPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for image handle (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: acquire_svh() failedPDSTS: %s: can't determine NBU frag number for (%s)PDSTS: %s: copy=%d, frag=%dPDSTS: %s: PdvfsGetSDKVersion failed: (%d %s). Assuming legacy server.IPDSTS: %s: cannot find mount point for lsu: %sIPDSTS: %s: use dsid %u for lsu: %sIPD_IMG_0.1IPDSTS: %s: impl_get_imh_image_prop: unexpected error (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: set_img_ctx() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: filestatus=0x%x mode=0x%x img fd=%d sa=%dIBMPDSTS: %s: image existsPDSTS: %s: cannot create. saveas mismatch (%d:%d)IBPDSTS: %s: Unable to find PD_PATH_SEP in imgpath %s_IM.IBM_HDR.IBPDSTS: %s: standard create 0x%xPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_IMG_TYPE, %d) failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_COMPRESSION, %d) failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_ENCRYPTION, %d) failed (%d:%sPDSTS: %s: PI_IMGM_CREATE: Data-in-transit encryption flag is received from NetBackup.IPDSTS: %s: PI_IMGM_CREATE: Data-in-transit encryption flag is not received from NetBackup.IPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_NB_DTE, %d) failed (%d:%sPDSTS: %s: setup_new_clf_img() failed (%d:%s)IB%s_%s_%d_%sPDSTS: %s: start_mtstrm_session failed for session %s (%d:%s), multi-threaded streaming will not be usedIBMPDSTS: %s: lsu: %s, rebasing threshold: %u, period rebasing threshold: %uIBPDSTS: %s: ushare backup enable, disable image rebasingPDSTS: %s: pid = %sPDSTS: %s: fail set parentid %dPDSTS: %s: success set parentid %dI_F1.img_F1_RIBBEOST_IBEOST_SMapIBEOST_SDrvIBEOST_SInfIBEOSTIBPDSTS: %s: (BE_)setup_pdvfs_image_cache() failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: call set_segsize_mt_mode failed %d:(%s)IPDSTS: %s: opt-dupe createIPDSTS: %s: PI_IMGM_CREATE opt-dup: Data-in-transit encryption flag is received from NetBackup.IPDSTS: %s: PI_IMGM_CREATE opt-dup: Data-in-transit encryption flag is not received from NetBackup.IOPT-DUPPDSTS: %s: set_pdvfs_job_details() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: image busyIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsOpen(%s) failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: PdvfsUnlink(%s) failed (%d:%s) for imagePDSTS: %s: successfully removed %sIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsUnlink(%s) failed (%d:%s) for infoIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsUnlink(%s) failed (%d:%s) for headerIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsUnlink(%s) failed (%d:%s) for mapIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_MB_IMPORT, 0) failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: PdvfsUnlink(%s) failed (%d:%s) for fmkIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_MB_IMPORT, %d) failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: PdvfsClose() failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: empty image delete successIBPDSTS: %s: reopen for write (%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: file not image pending (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: reopen_image(%s) failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: reopening %sPDSTS: %s: verify_mapfile_version() failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: image already opened for write (%s)IPDSTS: %s: open for read (%s)IB%pIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsGeneratePreDownloadFile returned (%d)IBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsOpen(%s) failed (%d %s) for imageIBPDSTS: %s: PI_IMGM_READ: Data-in-transit encryption flag is received from NetBackup.IBMPDSTS: %s: PI_IMGM_READ: Data-in-transit encryption flag is not received from NetBackup.IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_PREFETCH, %d) failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: PdvfsOpen(%s) failed (%d:%s) for headerIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsOpen(%s) failed (%d:%s) for mapPDSTS: %s: imgfd=%dPDSTS: %s: hdrfd=%dPDSTS: %s: mapfd=%dPDSTS: %s: pd_close() failed (%d:%s) for imageIPDSTS: %s: impl_set_imh_image_prop_in_memory() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: status 0x%xIPDSTS: %s: exit (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: entry: 0x%x %s%s, img_basename=%sIBMimpl_open_imagePDSTS: %s: impl_image_handle() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: svh not valid (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: svh embedded, not mounted (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: not mounted (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: no dsid processedIBMPDSTS: %s: svh_dsids not set (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: exit: (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: entry: img_basename=%sIBimpl_create_imageIBPDSTS: %s: lsu not valid (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: impl_create_image pd_is_image_sharing_target failedIPDSTS: %s: impl_create_image failed because currently it is in imagesharing target modemark_full_imagePDSTS: %s: error (%d %s) closing %sPDSTS: %s: entry. opid=%pIBimpl_async_cancelIBPDSTS: %s: opid is NULL.IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsCancelImageConversion failedIBMPDSTS: %s: async_cancel_jobs() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: async_cancel_image() failed (%d:%s)Iimpl_close_imageIBMPDSTS: %s: entry: 0x%x m=(%s%s%s%s%s) 0x%x %d (%d %d %d) %d %d %d %p, img_basename=%s, parentid=%d, appname=%sIPDSTS: %s: unexpected mode: %d)PDSTS: %s: (%d) status:0x%xPDSTS: %s: PdvfsFstat() failed (%d:%s) for img filePDSTS: %s: PdvfsFstat() failed (%d:%s) for hdr filePDSTS: %s: The size(%lu) in the .info file doesn't match the sum of .img file size(%lu) and .hdr file size(%lu)PDSTS: %s: Fail to get image related source ID.PDSTS: %s: no unique data in this imagePDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_IMG_FLAG, %d) failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: received %s close clf_streamoffset=%lu last_clf_streamoffset=%lu total=%lu ISMapIBMSDrvIBMSInfIBMPDSTS: %s: close_image() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: sync_pdvfs(%s) failed (%d:%s)IBMbpdmIBMbpdm.exeIBM_OPT_DUP_IBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsSyncPODB2Cloud failed (%d:%s)IBbptmIBMnbostpxyIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsSyncImage2CloudGW failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsSyncImage2CloudGW upload %s:%s, postfix is %sIB%s%sIBM_OPT_DUP_ENDIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsSyncImage2CloudGW send end marker %sIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsSyncImage2CloudGW fail to send end markerIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsSyncImage2CloudGW not upload %s:%sIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsSyncImage2CloudGW upload %sPDSTS: %s: PdvfsSyncImage2CloudGW do not upload %sIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsInvalidPreDownloadFile returned (%d)IBMCanceling pending opt-dup operationsIBMPDSTS: %s: impl_async_cancel() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: (%d) EBUSY status:0x%xIBPDSTS: %s: exit (%d:%s) 0x%xIBMPDSTS: %s: entryIBMimpl_delete_image_legacyIBMPDSTS: %s: could not remove %s (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: impl_close_image() failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: skip delete of replicated imageIPDSTS: %s: svh_dsids not setIBMdelete_image_directPDSTS: %s: can't get client name or mount point name from imgdefIBMUnable to delete image: %sIPDSTS: %s: %s: mount table pointer is empty.IBMdelete_client_seeding_dirIBPDSTS: %s: %s: dsid path in mount table is empty.IBPDSTS: %s: %s: dsid path doesn't have a null character at its end as a final guard. Adding it now (%s).PDSTS: %s: cache_util_cleanup_seeding_dir failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: entry. img_basename=%sIimpl_delete_imageIBPDSTS: %s: Fast Delete not possible for this operation, using impl_delete_image_legacyIPDSTS: %s: writing zero pad of %lu bytes (%d)IBwrite_zero_padIPDSTS: %s: len > segsize (%lu %lu)IPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for zerobuf (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: pd_wrte() failed (%d:%s) writing zero pad (%lu %lu)IPDSTS: %s: entry: off=%lu len=%lu fd=%dwrite_mapIBPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for mapbuf (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: file map entries %d, file fd=%d (%s)PDSTS: %s: pd_write() failed (%d:%s) write map file entry (%lu %lu)PDSTS: %s: (called by %s) PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_SEG_DONE) failed (%d:%s)IBpd_set_seg_donePDSTS: %s: (called by %s) skipping attempted PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_SEG_DONE on fd %d because it was not readyPDSTS: %s: set_mt_mode() enterIset_mt_modePDSTS: %s: init_adap_ctx() enterIBMinit_adap_ctxIBPDSTS: %s: init_adap_ctx failed: (%d:%s)IBMadjust_img_segsizeIPDSTS: %s: pd_set_seg_done() failed (%d:%s) for no segsize changeIBPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_match_pdro = falseIBMPDSTS: %s: pd_set_seg_done() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: img_streamoffset=0IBPDSTS: %s: pd_set_seg_done() failed (%d:%s) for PDROIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_DERIVE_SEGSIZE,%lu) failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: specified strm_segsize value of %d is below the minimum limit of %d, changing to the minimum limitIBPDSTS: %s: specified strm_segsize value of %d is above the maximum limit of %d, changing to the maximum limitIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_SET_STREAM_SEGSIZE,%d) failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: cur_filename=%s, cur_filesize_unknown=%d, cur_filesize=%lu, extent.length=%lu, img_segsize=%d, map_imglength=%lu, img_segsize=%d, err=%dPDSTS: %s: entry: writing %s of %lu bytes, previous offset %lu (%d)write_bufIBPDSTS: %s: segsize not setIPDSTS: %s: last_hdr_segsize not setPDSTS: %s: align new hdr frag, padlength=%lu, remainder=%luPDSTS: %s: exit: (%lu 0x%x %d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: IMG stream data exists=%s itype=%sIBPDSTS: %s: align new img frag, remainder=%luIBMPDSTS: %s: IMH_FRAG_CLEAREDPDSTS: %s: last_img_segsize not setPDSTS: %s: align new img frag, padlength=%lu, remainder=%lu, last_maplength=%lu, last_mapoffset=%lu, last_remainder=%luPDSTS: %s: write_zero_pad() failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: initialize first segsize: map_imglength(%lu) imh_cur_filesize(%lu) img_segsize(%d)IBPDSTS: %s: adjust_img_segsize() failed: (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: spanned fragment alignment not segmenting %luIBMPDSTS: %s: spanned fragment alignment segmenting %luIBMPDSTS: %s: write success %d bytesIBPDSTS: %s: frag_remainder now zero, align %s fragmentIBPDSTS: %s: need_align=%d, imh_cur_objnum=%lu, imh_cur_filesize=%lu, extent.length=%lu, last_filesize=%luIBMPDSTS: %s: skip pad map_imglength(%lu) imh_cur_filesize(%lu)IBMPDSTS: %s: write_map() failed: (%d:%s)IFailed to write to spoold on storage server %s (%s). Ensure storage server services are running and operational.IBMPDSTS: %s: adjust_img_segsize() failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: frag_remainder=%lu, imh_cur_objnum=%lu, imh_cur_filesize=%lu, extent.length=%lu, fsize=%lu, extent.file_offset=%luIBPDSTS: %s: pd_set_seg_done failed (%d,%s)IBPDSTS: %s: pd_write(%lu %lu) failed (%d:%s) for %s PDSTS: %s: pd_write(%lu %lu) failed (%d:%s) for %sIPDSTS: %s: buf(%p) buflen(%lu) bytes(%lu) map_imglength(%lu) imh_cur_filesize(%lu) actual_size(%lu)write_multi_bufPDSTS: %s: write_buf() failed (%d:%s) with map_imglength(%lu) should less than actual_size(%lu)PDSTS: %s: write_buf() failed (%d:%s) with imh_status (0x%x) for actual sizeIBMPDSTS: %s: write_buf() failed (%d:%s) with imh_status (0x%x)IBMPDSTS: %s: entry:write_ndmp_buf streamoffset=%luIBMwrite_ndmp_bufIPDSTS: %s: be_ndmp: ndmp_stream_offset_increment=%luIBMPDSTS: %s: be_ndmp: streamoffset=%luIBMPDSTS: %s: while: buflen=%lu, blkoffset=%lu, bytes_processed=%lu, meta_ctx=0x%pPDSTS: %s: exit: streamoffset=%lu, bytes_processed=%lu imh_size=%lu, err=%dPDSTS: %s: TAR linkflag: %scheck_tar_flagIscan_ulen_hdr_bufIBPDSTS: %s: hdr_len(%u) > buflen(%u), streamoffset=%luIBPDSTS: %s: exit: buf(%p) hdr_len(%u) map_hdrlength(%lu)PDSTS: %s: entry: buf(%p) buflen(%lu)IBwrite_hdr_bufIBPDSTS: %s: exit: buf(%p) buflen(%lu) bytes(%lu) map_hdrlength(%lu)IPDSTS: %s: write_special_buf: buf(%p) buflen(%lu) map_imglength(%lu) streamoffset(%lu)Iwrite_special_bufIBPDSTS: %s: starting stream for %sIBPDSTS: %s: fbu_scan_buf failed: (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: scan_ulen_hdr_buf failed: (%d:%s). bytes: %lu status: 0x%xIBPDSTS: %s: write_buf failed: (%d:%s). bytes: %lu status: 0x%xIBPDSTS: %s: new file: buflen(%lu) bytes(%lu) imh_cur_filesize(%lu)IBPDSTS: %s: entry: (imh=0x%p buf=0x%p buflen=%lu offset=%lu)write_unknown_len_bufIBPDSTS: %s: STS_SF_SIZE_UNKNOWN not set (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: buf(%p) buflen(%lu) bytes(%lu) map_hdrlength(%lu)IBMPDSTS: %s: write_ndmp_buf() failed, byteswritten:<%lu>, status:<0x%x> (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: write_special_buf() failed, byteswritten:<%lu>, status:<0x%x> (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: nbbesth_process_scc_be_streams() failed, byteswritten:<%lu>, status:<0x%x> (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: nbbesth_process_be_streams() failed, byteswritten:<%lu>, status:<0x%x) (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: oracle_write_buf() failed, byteswritten:<%lu>, status:<0x%x> (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: write_multi_buf() failed, byteswritten:<%lu>, status:<0x%x> (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: nbbesth_process_cached() failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: nbbesth_terminate() failed (%d:%s)IBIBMPDSTS: %s: starting stream for <%s>PDSTS: %s: scan_ulen_hdr_buf() failed, byteswritten:<%lu> status:<0x%x> (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: write_hdr_buf() failed, byteswritten:<%lu>, status:<0x%x> (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: xlate not done yetIBPDSTS: %s: bytes_needed:<%d>IBMPDSTS: %s: extent:<%d>, stream_offset:<%llu>, length:<%llu>, file_offset:<%llu>PDSTS: %s: first extent:<%llu> > buflen:<%u>, unable to align dataIPDSTS: %s: write_buf() failed, byteswritten:<%lu>, status:<0x%x> (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: buf(%p) exts[0].stream_offset(%lu) bytes(%lu) map_hdrlength(%lu)PDSTS: %s: xlate buflen == 0, no IMG dataIBPDSTS: %s: pdsts_backupread_xlate() failed, byteswritten:<%lu>, status:<0x%x> (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: can't xlate, hdr_size:<%u> > xlate_left:<%u>, buflen:<%u>, streamoffset:<%lu>IBMPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate <%d> bytes (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: PDVFS_IOCTL_INIT_ADAP_CTX oracle call. set seg_mode to fixed.IBMPDSTS: %s: PDVFS_IOCTL_INIT_ADAP_CTX failed: %sPDSTS: %s: nbbesth_initialize() failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: nbbe_sth_process_be_streams_start() failed, byteswritten:<%lu>, status:<0x%x> (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: nbbesth_process_scc_be_streams_start() failed, byteswritten:<(%lu>, status:<0x%x> (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: exit: status:<0x%x> (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: entry: statp=%p buf=%p buflen=%lu streamoffset=%lu metaHeaderPtr=%pIwrite_first_bufPDSTS: %s: STS_SF_REPEAT setIBMPDSTS: %s: invalid stat: write stream_offset(%lu) > stat stream_offset(%lu)PDSTS: %s: hdr_len (%d) > buflen (%lu)IPDSTS: %s: exit: hdr_len(%d) byteswritten(%lu) map_hdrlength(%lu)IBwrite_known_len_bufPDSTS: %s: STS_SF_SIZE_UNKNOWN setIPDSTS: %s: write_hdr_buf() failed (%d:%s) with imh_status (0x%x)IBMPDSTS: %s: write_first_buf() failed (%d:%s) with imh_status (0x%x)IPDSTS: %s: write_multi_buf() failed (%d:%s) with imh_status (0x%x)IPDSTS: %s: write_multi_buf() failed (%d:%s) with imh_status (0x%x) for repeatIBinclude_so_from_bufPDSTS: %s: dsid=%d, dcid=%lu, startOff=%lu, endOff=%lu, objOff=%u, fp=%s, version=%d, size=%lu, padSize = %dIBMPDSTS: %s: write_known_len_buf() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: (%d %s) writing (%lu %lu)IBMPDSTS: %s: STAT contents: st_type=%d [%s%s%s] st_len=%lld st_flags=0x%x [%s%s%s] st_seqno=%llu flags=%d [%s] extents=[%d] offset=%llu length=%llu fname=%s PDSTS: %s: can't find policy type in HDR %s_extract_image_propertiesIBPDSTS: %s: can't find schedule type in HDR %sIBPDSTS: %s: policy type %u, schedule type %u, nbu schedule type %uIBPDSTS: %s: entry: (imh=0x%p %s saveas=%d offset=%lu size=%lu %d %d %d) in: buf=0x%p buflen=%lu offset=%lu stat=%p)Iimpl_write_imageIBMPDSTS: %s: max image size exceeded (%d MB)IBackup image exceeded max size (%d MB). This is not a supported configuration, please set the fragment size below %d MB and try again.IPDSTS: %s: image: %s, policy type: %u, schedule type: %uIBMPDSTS: %s: Setting policy type to file %s failedIBMPDSTS: %s: Failed to extract image properties when writing image %sPDSTS: %s: seeking from %lu to %lu (%d)PDSTS: %s: (%d:%s) seeking (from %lu to %lu)IBMPDSTS: %s: !(STS_SA_CLEARF|STS_SA_OPAQUEF) writing %lu bytes; total size %lu (%d)IBPDSTS: %s: STAT NULLIBMPDSTS: %s: buflen(%lu) imh->imh_size(%lu) clf_streamoffset(%lu) hdr_streamoffset(%lu) img_streamoffset(%lu) st_seqno(%lu) st_flags=(%d)PDSTS: %s: svh_pdvfs_segsize %d, svh_minfile_size %d new fragment setIBPDSTS: %s: CPR reset check : st_seqno=%lu flags=0x%x (%d) clf_streamoffset=%lu last_clf_streamoffset=%lu cuml_clf_streamoffset=%luIPDSTS: %s: include_so_from_buf() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: write_unknown_len_buf() failed (%d:%s)IB-F%d-%dGBIBPDSTS: %s: fd=%d, stg_loc_name=%s, loc_enable=%dIBMPDSTS: %s: buflen expected (%lu) written (%lu)IPDSTS: %s: exit (%lu 0x%x %d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: reading data (%d %s)fill_mapentry_bufferIBMPDSTS: %s: mapfile EOFI_reset_offsetwindowget_offsetwindowIBMPDSTS: %s: entry: (imh=0x%p %s saveas=%d offset=%lu size=%lu %d %d %d) in: buf=0x%p buflen=%lu offset=%lu)Iimpl_read_imagePDSTS: %s: seek (%d %lu %lu)IBMPDSTS: %s: seek for read data failed (%d %s)IBMPDSTS: %s: read (%d %p %lu)PDSTS: %s: could not read data (%d %s)IPDSTS: %s: Read past EOF (%lu > %lu)IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsStat(%s) failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for maprbuf (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: fill_mapentry_buffer() failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: get_offsetwindow() failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: unexpected mapfile EOF for offset %lu, size %luIPDSTS: %s: seek back (%d %lu %lu)IBPDSTS: %s: _reset_offsetwindow() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: reduce prefetch size to %d due to random readIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsLseek() failed (%d:%s) for %s file fd(%d) pdseek_offset(%lu) %luIBMPDSTS: %s: len not valid (%p %lu %lu)IBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsRead() failed (%d:%s) for %s data %lu %luIBPDSTS: %s: read after mapfile EOF (%p %lu %lu)IPDSTS: %s: exit: (%lu %lu %lu)IPDSTS: %s: files not providedIBget_imh_filenamesIBPDSTS: %s: empty dsidpathIBPDSTS: %s: Need four files for saving STS_SA_CLEARF|STS_SA_OPAQUEFIPDSTS: %s: Expected two filesIB%s%c%s%c%s%c%s%sIBM.infoIBPDSTS: %s: strdup(%s) failed (%d:%s) for infoIBPDSTS: %s: strdup(%s) failed (%d:%s) for imageI.mapIBMPDSTS: %s: strdup(%s) failed (%d:%s) for mapIBM.hdrIBMPDSTS: %s: strdup(%s) failed (%d:%s) for headerget_imh_files_metadata_wsIBPDSTS: %s: invalid image handle, err=%dPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for file list (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for src and/or dest list (%d:%s)IB%c%s%c%sIBM%s%s_C%d*IBPDSTS: %s: before call to mb checkIPDSTS: %s: PO count mismatch. Expected %d but got %d (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsLink(<%s>,<%s>) failed (%d:%s) for imgIpd_image_linkIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsLink(<%s>,<%s>) failed (%d:%s) for mapIquery_imh_files_metadata_wsPDSTS: %s: PO count zeroIBMPDSTS: %s: exit: pocnt(%d)IPDSTS: %s: NULL image handle foundIimpl_copy_extent_realtimeIBPDSTS: %s: entry: (%lu %lu %lu %d) %lu %lu %lu %lu PDSTS: %s: OPT_DUP marker image %s encountered; image will not be copied.IB%s TRACE line %d of %sI../image.cIPDSTS: %s: get_imh_filenames() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: opt-dup to/from same destinationPDSTS: %s: fix saveas mismatch <0x%x,0x%x>IPDSTS: %s: check opt-dup replication state between (%s, %s)%s_%sIBPDSTS: %s: svh already replicated returned: %sIPDSTS: %s: imgname(%s) not formatted with imh_date(%s)I%s_%s_*%s%c%s%c%s%c%sIPDSTS: %s: initiating opt-dup from <%s> to <%s> for <%s>IBMPDSTS: %s: query_imh_files_metadata_ws() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: PdvfsReplicate() failed: (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: opt-dup initiated, remote jobID=%dIBPDSTS: %s: replication already completedIBMPDSTS: %s: pause %d seconds to wait for opt-dup replicationPDSTS: %s: copied %lu bytes past EOF (from=%lu to=%lu) - file truncated correctlyIBPDSTS: %s: completing optimized duplicationPDSTS: %s: pd_iamge_link() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for metadata (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: get_imh_files_metadata_ws() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsMBPOPut() failed (%d:%s) - could not move meta data to primary dsidReplication job started but failed to move metadata to correct location. Look at the logs on the target storage server for more information.IBMPDSTS: %s: add_pdvfs_task_time(%d) failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: check_pdvfs_job jobId %d unexpected state %dPDSTS: %s: PdvfsGetJobErrorDescription() failed (%d:%s)Replication job started but failed to complete successfully. Refer to the replication logs on the source storage server for more information.IBReplication job started but failed to complete successfully: %s. Refer to the replication logs on the source storage server for more information.IBPDSTS: %s: check_pdvfs_job() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: NULL point for bytescopiedIBPDSTS: %s: NBU BEGIN imageIdetermine_optdup_image_typePDSTS: %s: NBU END image - will start replicationIBPDSTS: %s: First call with BE image - will start replicationIBMPDSTS: %s: Repeated call with BE image - will NOT start replicationPDSTS: %s: NBU fragmentimpl_async_waitPDSTS: %s: entry. opid=%p, opid->type=%d, blockflag= %dPDSTS: %s: PdvfsQueryImageConversion failedPDSTS: %s: async_get_job_status() failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: sleeping for %d secondsIPDSTS: %s: unknown async job state %dIBPDSTS: %s: Failed to cancel opid.IBPDSTS: %s: async_finish_replication() failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: exit: status %d (%d:%s)INetBackupIBPDSTS: %s: entry: from_image: %s, to_image: %s, imageset: %sIBMimpl_async_copy_imageIBPDSTS: %s: Invalid parameter, opid is NULL (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: allocate memory for *opid faieldPDSTS: %s: async_add_image() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: Beginning replication.IBPDSTS: %s: from_lsu equal to NULL.IPDSTS: %s: async_air_replicate() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: async_normal_replicate() failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: Failed to cancel opidIBMPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for opid array (%d:%s)get_next_optdup_opidIBMPDSTS: %s: exitconvert_imh_to_imagedefimpl_copy_extent_directCOPY_EXTENT_SETPDSTS: %s: get_next_optdup_opid() failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: impl_async_copy_image() failed (%d:%s)IBFailed to start replication job: %s (%d)IBMPDSTS: %s: impl_async_wait() failed to replicate (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: impl_async_wait() failed (%d:%s)impl_copy_extentIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsGetSPASupportsRTR() failed (%d:%s) - PDDO source (%s) does not support Real Time ReplicationIBMPDDO source server (%s) does not support the required method of replicationPDSTS: %s: PdvfsGetSPASupportsDR() failed (%d:%s) - PDDE source (%s) does not support Direct ReplicationIBMPDDE source server (%s) does not support the required method of replicationPDSTS: %s: Optimized Duplication from PDDO to MSDP is not support yet,please upgrade you PDDO to Goldfish versionIBPDDE source server (%s) does not support optimized duplication to MSDP,please upgrade you PDDO to Goldfish if you'd like optimized duplication to MSDPIPDSTS: %s: entry: (%s) saveas=%uIBMimpl_persist_replicant_imageIBMPDSTS: %s: source and destination are sameIPDSTS: %s: mode not for readIBMPDSTS: %s: image is already openIBMPDSTS: %s: get_imh_filenames() failed (%d:%s) for srcfilesIPDSTS: %s: get_imh_filenames() failed (%d:%s) for pri_files%s%c%sIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsMkdir(%s) failed (%d:%s) for baseIB%s%c%s%c%sIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsMkdir(%s) failed (%d:%s) for policyPDSTS: %s: PdvfsLink(%s,%s) failed (%d:%s) for infoPDSTS: %s: PdvfsLink(%s,%s) failed (%d:%s) for imageIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsLink(%s:%s) failed (%d:%s) for mapIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsLink(%s:%s) failed (%d:%s) for headerIB%s%c%s%c%s%cIBMPDSTS: %s: pdsts_mount_sync_pdvfs (%s) failed (%s)Irefresh_pdvfsIBPDSTS: %s: pd_refresh_path (%s) failed (%s)PDSTS: %s: entry: appending %s of %lu bytes to (%d) from (%d) offset %luIBMappend_bufIPDSTS: %s: pd_append() failed (%d:%s) appending %s size %luPDSTS: %s: write_map() failed (%d:%s) for hdrIBPDSTS: %s: write_map() failed (%d:%s) for imgIBPDSTS: %s: entry: (from_imh=0x%p %s saveas=%d offset=%lu size=%lu %d %d %d) in: len=%lu from_offset=%lu to_offset=%luIBimpl_append_imageIBPDSTS: %s: saveas mismatch <0x%x,0x%x>IPDSTS: %s: append (from_imgfd=%d, len=%lu, to_imgfd=%d)PDSTS: %s: append_buf() failed(%lu 0x%x %d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: len not valid (%lu %lu)IPDSTS: %s: len not valid (%lu %lu %lu)IPDSTS: %s: append_buf() failed (%lu 0x%x %d:%s)PDSTS: %s: read after mapfile EOF (%lu %lu %lu)PDSTS: %s: basename: %sextract_client_from_imagedefIBMPDSTS: %s: basename(%s) format unknown, or client buffer too smallIPDSTS: %s: exit: client: %sPDSTS: %s: entry: type=%dIBend_buf_segPDSTS: %s: exit: type=%d, err=%dIBMPDSTS: %s: wrong image typeget_image_sosize_listIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsGetImgSoSizeList failed7h PDSTS: %s: pd_stat of %s failedPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate %lu bytes for imh_maprbuf.IBMPDSTS: %s: fill map entry buffer failed(%d).IBMPDSTS: %s: get offset window failed(%d).IBMPDSTS: %s: unexpected mapfile EOF for offset %luIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsGetImgFPType failedget_image_fptypeIBM%s%c%d%c%s%c%s%c%sIPDSTS: %s: Marker file path:(%s)IBMMSSQL_create_marker_fileIBMPDSTS: %s: pd_write() failed (%d %s) write marker file PDSTS: %s: Oracle marker file createdIBPDSTS: %s: Client:(%s), Policy:(%s), imh_ctx.policy:(%s)IBMMSSQL_has_imagesIBMPDSTS: %s: Images foundPDSTS: %s: No Images found, creating marker fileIBMPDSTS: %s: Error getting the latest images for client %s, policy %sPDSTS: %s: No Images found, returning falsePDSTS: %s: No marker file:(%s)IMSSQL_has_marker_fileIBPDSTS: %s: Marker file:(%s) found @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is fullUNKNOWN STS ERROR CODEI%s%c%sI%s%c%s%c%sIPDSTS: %s: changing permissions on %sIBchmod_policyIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsChmod(%s) failed (%d:%s) for clientPDSTS: %s: changed permissions on %sIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsChmod(%s) failed (%d:%s) for policyPDSTS: %s: walking %s %s (%d %p %p %p)Iacquire_openimageIBPDSTS: %s: inserting %s (prev=%p root=%p)IBPDSTS: %s: unable to malloc <%d> bytes for path %s (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: returning (%p %d)IBMPDSTS: %s: releasing cached image %s fd=%d %d-- (%p %p %p r=%p)release_openimageIB%s TRACE line %d of %sI../imagecache.cPDSTS: %s: acquire_openimage(%s) failedreopen_imageIBMPDSTS: %s: selected image %s fd=%d %d %p 0x%xIBPDSTS: %s: using image %s fd=%d %d %p 0x%xIPDSTS: %s: release_svh() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: discarding found image %s state=%dIBPDSTS: %s: invalid image file descriptorIBMclose_imagePDSTS: %s: saving image %s state(%d fd=%d offset=%lu)IBPDSTS: %s: hard-closing image %s (%d fd=%d offset=%lu)IPDSTS: %s: check_pdvfs_job() failed (%d:%s) for image %sIBMPDSTS: %s: pdvfs job not running for image %s, state=%dPDSTS: %s: PdvfsClose(%s) failed (%d:%s) for image fdIBPDSTS: %s: header file previously closedIBMPDSTS: %s: closing header file (%d)PDSTS: %s: PdvfsClose(%s) failed (%d:%s) for header fdIPDSTS: %s: map file previously closedIBPDSTS: %s: write_map() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: closing map file (%d)IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsClose(%s) failed (%d:%s) for map fdPDSTS: %s: image %s not STS_II_IMAGE_PENDING (%d)IBPDSTS: %s: flushing image %s (use_count=%d offset=%lu openmode=0x%x status=0x%x)Iflush_imagecacheIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsClose() failed (%d:%s) @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is fullUNKNOWN STS ERROR CODEI:IB%s%s.%scfg%s: config file:%sIget_worm_flag_from_agent_cfgIBMPDSTS: %s: Attempting to check for cached stats on %s...IBMlite_open_check%s/%s.statsrIBPDSTS: %s: fread failed to read file.IBPDSTS: %s: Time is now %ld, timestamp reads %ldPDSTS: %s: Difference between time stamp and now is %dIPDSTS: %s: Stats are still recent, re-using stats.IPDSTS: %s: entry: server<%s>, svh:<%p>Ifind_svh_llPDSTS: %s: walking open_server_ll_t: %s (nhandle=%d open=%d) ? %sIBPDSTS: %s: unable to match name and pointer, finding available connectionIBPDSTS: %s: exit: node:<%p>IPDSTS: %s: invalid server handle:<%p> in listIBPDSTS: %s: ERROR: invalid server handle:<%p> in listIBMPDSTS: %s: entry: svh:<%p>Ifind_svh_remove_ref_llIPDSTS: %s: walking open_server_ll_t: %s (svh=%p svh_target=%p nhandle=%d open=%d)IBPDSTS: %s: target reference found in %s (svh=%p svh_target=%p nhandle=%d open=%d)IBPDSTS: %s: src reference found in %s (svh=%p svh_target=%p nhandle=%d open=%d)IPDSTS: %s: exitPDSTS: %s: entry: svh:<%p>, server:<%s>, nhandle:<%d>IBfree_svh_llPDSTS: %s: normally STS_EBUSY. flush all open files.IBMPDSTS: %s: pd_umount() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: removing svh:<%p> from list, open_count:<%d>PDSTS: %s: keeping svh:<%p> in list, open_count:<%d>, nhandle:<%d>IPDSTS: %s: invalid server handle (%d:%s)IBMclose_serverIBMPDSTS: %s: server:<%s> not found (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: free_svh_ll() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: pd_release_all_img_ctx() failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: credentials not specified, credp:<%p> (%d:%s)IBMget_credsIBPDSTS: %s: invalid credential type (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: credentials length:<%d> doesn't match cr_len:<%d> <%s %s> (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: entry: server:<%s>IBnew_svhPDSTS: %s: ERROR: unable to allocate memory for svh nodeIBMPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for svhIBM IBMopen_serverPDSTS: %s: invalid parameters (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: target server already specified (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: previous target sever: %s in cluster modeIBMPDSTS: %s: new svh node for server:<%s>, node:<%p>, list:<%p>, open_count:<%d>IPDSTS: %s: unable to obtain svh node (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: existing svh node for server:<%s>, node:<%p>, list:<%p>, open_count:<%d>, nhandle:<%d>IPDSTS: %s: nhandle:<%d>, open_count:<%d>, mntp:<%p>PDSTS: %s: NULL storage serverIPDSTS: %s: existing server credentials:<%s> don't match:<%s> (%d:%s))IBPDSTS: %s: open for opt-dup to same locationIBMPDSTS: %s: open for opt-dup from spa:<%s> to spa:<%s>IBPureDisk:IBPDSTS: %s: spa:<%s> is already a source for another duplication to target spa:<%s>IPDSTS: %s: spa:<%s> is already a source for another duplication to a different target spa:<%s> (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: CR_STATS_TIMER is set to %u , enabling light weight modePDSTS: %s: Going through normal path IBPDSTS: %s: about to mount spa:<%s>IPDSTS: %s: pd_mount() failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsGetSDKVersion failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: set server WORM flags into agent cfgPDSTS: %s: not mounted, only allowing ioctl and close_serverIBMPDSTS: %s: spa:<%s> not mounted, assume embedded for nowIBMPDSTS: %s: spa:<%s> not mounted and not embedded: mntp(%p)IPDSTS: %s: close_server() failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: exit: (%d:%s) svh:<%p>IBopen_target_server_no_credsPDSTS: %s: entry: (%d: %s)Iget_server_infoPDSTS: %s: exit: (%d: %s)IBPDSTS: %s: invalid server handleIBMacquire_svhPDSTS: %s: svh:<%p>, nhandle:<%d>IBrelease_svhPDSTS: %s: ill-behaved application, nhandle:<%d> (%d:%s)oracle_enabledOracle_Sth.conforacle_disabled @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is full@@ExTeNdEd_DataOracle Database Oracle BackupUNKNOWN STS ERROR CODEIPDSTS: %s: entryIBMoracle_sth_terminateIBMPDSTS: %s: Cannot terminate because image handle has not been initialized with this stream handlerIPDSTS: %s: Block size not foundoracle_get_block_sizeIBPDSTS: %s: header, buf[8]=%dIBMoracle_get_endianIBPDSTS: %s: header, buf[9]=%dIBMPDSTS: %s: header, buf[10]=%dIBPDSTS: %s: header, buf[11]=%dIBPDSTS: %s: footer, buf[0]=%dIBMPDSTS: %s: footer, buf[1]=%dIBMPDSTS: %s: footer, buf[2]=%dIBMPDSTS: %s: footer, buf[3]=%dIBMPDSTS: %s: Footer not included, buflen left=(%lu)IBoracle_is_full_blockIBMPDSTS: %s: 1st TAR header is not ExTeNdEd dataIoracle_is_oracle_streamPDSTS: %s: 1st TAR header with ExTeNdEd foundIBPDSTS: %s: 2nd TAR header is not Oracle backup streamIBPDSTS: %s: FIRST HEADER found at=(%lu)IPDSTS: %s: 2nd TAR header with Oracle Database Oracle Backup foundIPDSTS: %s: Oracle header not found. bytes_processed:(%lu)IB%s%c%d%c%s%c%s%c%sIPDSTS: %s: Marker file path:(%s)IBMoracle_is_enabledIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsOpen(%s) failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: pd_read() failed (%d %s) raading marker file IBMPDSTS: %s: Marker buf:(%s)IPDSTS: %s: Oracle stream handler enabledIBMPDSTS: %s: Oracle stream handler disabledIBPDSTS: %s: Oracle marker file not foundPDSTS: %s: No marker file:(%s)Ioracle_has_marker_fileIPDSTS: %s: Marker file:(%s) foundIBPDSTS: %s: CA is NULLIBoracle_get_marker_entryOracleIPDSTS: %s: CAGetSthMarker for dsid client policy failedPDSTS: %s: Marker entry on dsid:%d, sthtype:%s, client:%s, policy:%s is %sIdefaultPDSTS: %s: CAGetSthMarker for dsid oplicy failedIBMPDSTS: %s: Marker entry on dsid:%d, sthtype:%s, policy:%s is %sPDSTS: %s: CAGetSthMarker for type Oracle failedIBMPDSTS: %s: Marker entry on Oracle type:%sIBoracle_create_marker_fileIBPDSTS: %s: pd_write() failed (%d %s) write marker file PDSTS: %s: Oracle marker file createdIBPDSTS: %s: Client:(%s), Policy:(%s), imh_ctx.policy:(%s)IBMoracle_has_imagesIBPDSTS: %s: Images foundPDSTS: %s: No Images found, creating marker fileIBMPDSTS: %s: Error getting the latest images for client %s, policy %sPDSTS: %s: No Images found, returning falsePDSTS: %s: Marker entry:%sIoracle_is_sth_enabledIBPDSTS: %s: Seg size:%dIPDSTS: %s: Get marker entry failed. Using default setting.I%sIenabledPDSTS: %s: Stream Handler is enabledIBMPDSTS: %s: Stream Handler is disabledIBPDSTS: %s: write partial buf Body failed (%d,%s)IBMoracle_footer_write_bufPDSTS: %s: write buf Footer failed(%d,%s)IBPDSTS: %s: write buf Header failed (%d,%s)Ioracle_header_write_buforacle_block_write_bufIPDSTS: %s: write buf Body failed (%d,%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: entry, blockSize=(%lu), endian=%dIBMoracle_sth_initializeIBPDSTS: %s: meta_ctx already initializedPDSTS: %s: can't malloc meta_ctx (%d) bytesV>IBPDSTS: %s: can't malloc meta_ctx->buf (%lu) bytesIBPDSTS: %s: Buffer len=(%lu), img_size=(%lu)oracle_write_bufIBMPDSTS: %s: end_buf_seg Header failed (%d,%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: FooterNotIncluded, partial block size:(%lu)IPDSTS: %s: oracle footer write buf failed (%d,%s)IBPDSTS: %s: FNI, fileID:%d,count:%d.PDSTS: %s: end_buf_seg failed (%d,%s)IBPDSTS: %s: FNI, END OF STREAM IPDSTS: %s: end_buf_seg Image failed (%d,%s)PDSTS: %s: Header Not Found. processing bytes=(%lu)PDSTS: %s: HNF, FIRST HEADER found at(%lu), block size=(%lu)IBPDSTS: %s: HNF, imh->meta ctx is NULLIBPDSTS: %s: HNF, meta ctx is NULLIBMPDSTS: %s: write_buf failed (%d,%s)PDSTS: %s: buflen: %lu, %lu bytes processedPDSTS: %s: HNF, Revert it bacKIPDSTS: %s: HF, Boundary found. Current fileId: %d next fileId: %dIBPDSTS: %s: oracle block write buf failed (%d,%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: oracle header write buf failed (%d,%s)IBPDSTS: %s: HF, Oracle block size is not found. END OF STREAMIBMPDSTS: %s: HF, write the end bufferPDSTS: %s: FNI, SOMETHING WRONG. It's not a legit Oracle Block.PDSTS: %s: Returning ERROR after while, unprocessed bytes is less than 20 @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is fullQ2_3std12length_error:0,Q2_3std11logic_error:0,Q2_3std9exception:0logic errorQ2_3std12out_of_range:0,Q2_3std11logic_error:0,Q2_3std9exception:0Q2_3std9bad_alloc:0,Q2_3std9exception:0std::logic_errorstd::out_of_rangestd::bad_allocstd::length_errorQ2_3std11logic_error:0,Q2_3std9exception:0Ibad allocationPDSTS: %s: FileMap, dump for fileId:%d, count:%dIBMfilemap_dump(void *) @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is fullNULLnocredsUNKNOWN STS ERROR CODEnullIBMPDSTS: %s: invalid server handleIBMis_target_svhIBPDSTS: %s: opentype:<0x%x>, open dupe:<0x%x>, result:<%d>IBPDSTS: %s: plugin path is not specified (%d:%s)CreateCACtxPDSTS: %s: Failed to initialize CA configuration to talk to to cluster <%s> failed with error <%d>I%s%s.%scfgPDSTS: %s: Failed to load CA configuration to talk to cluster <%s>IPDSTS: %s: Set reconnect timeout %d to ca_connectionIBMPDSTS: %s: Failed to connect to CA to talk to cluster <%s> with error <%d>IPDSTS: %s: Failed to get port number to connect to cluster <%s>, number is <%d>PDSTS: %s: entry: server:<%s>, interface:<%s>, creds:<%s>, cr_len:<%d>, sd_flags=0x%xIBimpl_open_serverIBMPDSTS: %s: invalid parameters (%d:%s). sd:<%p>, server:<%p>, rsvh:<%p>I:IBPDSTS: %s: session id sd_id = %sIBMdpsProxyIBMPDSTS: %s: running in no cache mode for session %sIPDSTS: %s: pd_test_for_open_server() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: Ok in dps no-cache mode, returning ok for open_serverIBMPDSTS: %s: limited accessIBPDSTS: %s: embedded, not mounted yetIBMPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_datap:<%p>, vfs_cas_opaque:<%p>IBMPDSTS: %s: open_server(%s) failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: exit: (%d:%s), svh:<%p>IPDSTS: %s: entry: src_svh:<%p>Iimpl_open_target_serverPDSTS: %s: invalid parameters (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: open_server_no_creds(%s) with dummy credentials failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: exit: (%d:%s), svh:<%p>PDSTS: %s: exit: (%d:%s), svh:IBPDSTS: %s: svh:IBimpl_close_serverIBPDSTS: %s: entry: svh:<%p>IPDSTS: %s: exit: (%d:%s)IBMimpl_get_server_propIBMPDSTS: %s: dsidpath:<%s>, STS_TST_SRV_CAP:<%d>, svh_nhandle:<%d>IBMPDSTS: %s: %s:STS_SRV_WORM_ENABLED=%dIBPDSTS: %s: entry: server:<%s>IBimpl_get_server_prop_bynamePDSTS: %s: pd_test_for_get_server_prop_byname(%s) failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: info (srv_server:<%s>, srv_flags:<0x%x>)PDSTS: %s: get_server_info(%s) failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: get server info of WORM flags from agent cfg. @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is full@@PaDIBustar ustar00 @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is fullUNKNOWN STS ERROR CODEIPDSTS: %s: entryIBMnbbesth_initializeIPDSTS: %s: unable to malloc <%d> bytes (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: image handle has been initialized for a different stream handler (%d:%s)nbbesth_terminateIBPDSTS: %s: cannot terminate because image handle has not been initialized with this stream handler (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: ID:<%d>, size:<%lu>, match:<%d>, img:<%d>IBM_be_stream_xlateIBMPDSTS: %s: processing <%lu> bytes for BE stream for <%s>IBMnbbesth_process_be_streamsIPDSTS: %s: write_buf() failed, byteswritten:<%lu>, status:<0x%x> (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: buf:<%p>, buflen:<%lu>, map_imglength:<%lu>, imh_cur_filesize:<%lu>IPDSTS: %s: <%d> bytes needed, stream header has been cachedPDSTS: %s: starting stream for <%s>_nbbe_stream_startIPDSTS: %s: scan_ulen_hdr_buf() failed, byteswritten:<%lu>, status:<0x%x> (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: buf:<%p>, bytes:<%lu>,map_hdrlength:<%lu>IBMPDSTS: %s: _nbbe_stream_start() failed, status:<0x%x>, (%d:%s)Inbbesth_process_be_streams_startIBMPDSTS: %s: nbbesth_process_be_streams() failed, status:<0x%x> (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: BE stream version:<%d>IB_process_scc_streamPDSTS: %s: main id:<%08x%08x>, id:<%08x%08x>IBM_scc_stream_xlateIBM IB_CcSpIkScNoCtNoCcRtStRtSPDSTS: %s: fill_size:<%d>, data_size:<%d>, name_size:<%d>, extras_size:<%d>PDSTS: %s: translating SCC stream <%lu> bytes for <%s>I_process_scc_stream_headerIPDSTS: %s: invalid SCC header for <%s>IPDSTS: %s: nbbesth_process_be_streams() failed, byteswritten:<%lu>, status:<0x%x> (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: write_buf() failed, byteswritten:<%lu> status:<0x%x> (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: resetting partial BE stream headerIB_process_scc_data_streamIBMPDSTS: %s: saving partial BE stream headerIPDSTS: %s: disabling SCC stream processingIPDSTS: %s: processing <%lu> bytes for SCC stream for <%s>IBnbbesth_process_scc_be_streamsIPDSTS: %s: _process_scc_stream() failed, byteswritten:<%lu>, status:<0x%x> (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: _process_scc_data_stream() failed, byteswritten:<%lu>, status:<0x%x> (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: nbbe_sth_process_be_streams() failed, byteswritten:<%lu>, status:<0x%x> (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: _nbbe_sth_process_scc_stream_header() failed, byteswritten:<%lu>, status:<0x%x> (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: _nbbe_stream_start() failed, status:<0x%x> (%d:%s)IBnbbesth_process_scc_be_streams_startIBMPDSTS: %s: nbbesth_process_scc_be_streams() failed, status:<0x%x> (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: checking for cached datanbbesth_process_cachedIPDSTS: %s: processing <%d> bytes for cached header data for <%s>IBMPDSTS: %s: write_buf() failed, status:<0x%x> (%d:%s) @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is fullUNKNOWN STS ERROR CODEIPDSTS: %s: buflen:<%u>Ipdsts_backupread_xlateIPDSTS: %s: invalid parameters (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: streamOffset:<%lu> != saveOffset:<%lu> (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: ID:<%d>; streamSize:<%lu>, streamNameSize:<%d>IBPDSTS: %s: BACKUP_DATA not found, need more dataIBMPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate stream data structure (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: bytesNeeded:<%u>, nextents:<%d>, offset:<%llu> (%d:%s)BEOST_PEOST_ @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is fullsame as aboveUNKNOWN STS ERROR CODEH N C E IPDSTS: %s: entry: normalized stream_offset=%lu, buflen=%lu, align_cur_ext=%uIBMfbu_align_extentsIBPDSTS: %s: PARTIAL non-extent stream_offset=%lu, remainder=%luIPDSTS: %s: no extents foundPDSTS: %s: (%u) INTERFILE size=%luIPDSTS: %s: (%u) stream_offset(%lu) != extent.stream_offset=(%lu)IBMPDSTS: %s: (%u) FOUND stream_offset=%lu, file_offset=%lu, length=%lu, fsize=%lu%s distribution: ~64 KB: %u, 64 ~ 128 KB: %u, 128 ~ 256 KB: %u, 256 ~ 1024 KB: %u, 1MB ~ 10MB: %u, 10MB ~ 100MB: %u, 100MB ~ 1GB: %u, 1GB+: %u IBM%s size break down: ~64 KB: %lu, 64 ~ 128 KB: %lu, 128 ~ 256 KB: %lu, 256 ~ 1024 KB: %lu, 1MB ~ 10MB: %lu, 10MB ~ 100MB: %lu, 100MB ~ 1GB: %lu, 1GB+: %lu I%s/vmdk_stats.logIBrbI%s/old_vmdk_stats.logIBa+b[%s]Total image extents: %u, ExtentIFile size breakdown: Total file count: %lu, ~64 KB: %u, 64 ~ 128 KB: %u, 128 ~ 256 KB: %u, 256 ~ 1024 KB: %u, 1MB ~ 10MB: %u, 10MB ~ 100MB: %u, 100MB ~ 1GB: %u, 1GB+: %u c:/extent_info.logIwbIgap size: %lu I(%u) stream_offset=%lu, file_offset=%lu, length=%lu, fsize=%lu, inode=%lu, %s IiYB Mapped data accounts for %.1f%% of total data backed up while extents with size <=128 KB accounted for %.1f%%IGap (non-mapped data)IBtotal FSMAP size: %lu(%.1f%%) total gapsize: %lu(%.1f%%) total extent size: %lu(%.1f%%) total backup stream size: %lu total number of gaps among extents: %u total number of continuous extents from the same file: %u IBMـPDSTS: %s: no meta ctx!fbu_sort_extentsIBMPDSTS: %s: no image extentsPDSTS: %s: starting, num_image_extents=%uIBPDSTS: %s: finishedPDSTS: %s: (%u) stream_offset=%lu, file_offset=%lu, length=%lu, fsize=%lu, inode=%luIBMfbu_add_extentsPDSTS: %s: entry: buflen=%lu, streamoffset=%lu, fm_len=%u, fm_nns=%u, fm_nxext=%luIfbu_check_extentsIBPDSTS: %s: magic=%u UNKNOWNPDSTS: %s: f_findex=%lu, f_type=%u, f_size=%lu, nxext=%luIBVMDKMAPVIRTUAL_FILEIBMPDSTS: %s: (%lu), vex_objoff=%lu, vex_subobjoff=%lu, vex_length=%lu, vex_flags=0x%x (%s%s%s%s)IPDSTS: %s: nxext=(%lu) vex_flags=0x%08x; not to skip this VFM_EXT_HOLE_NULL because vex_subobjoff is not non-zeroIBPDSTS: %s: nxext=(%lu) vex_flags=0x%08x; Skip VFM_EXT_HOLE_NULLPDSTS: %s: (%lu), bm_nsect=%lu, bm_adr=%luIPDSTS: %s: (%lu), vex_length=%lu, vex_flags=0x%x EMBEDDED, skipPDSTS: %s: (%lu), vex_length=%lu, vex_flags=0x%x VMDK, skipPDSTS: %s: bytesNeeded=%u, f_findex=%lu, nd_nxext=%lu, buflen=%luIBPDSTS: %s: starting adr=%luvxms_transadrIBPDSTS: %s: index(%lu) < pix(%lu)IBMPDSTS: %s: map_part >= %dIBPDSTS: %s: bmw=0x%x, map_part=%d, part_index=%lu, pix=%luIBPDSTS: %s: bmw=0 for adr %lu in bitmapIPDSTS: %s: couldn't find adr %lu in bitmapIPDSTS: %s: bitmap_cursize(%lu) >= bitmap_maxlength(%lu)IBMfbu_fill_bitmapPDSTS: %s: streamoffset=%lu, buflen=%lu, bitmap streamoffset at (%lu)IBPDSTS: %s: aligned streamoffset=%luPDSTS: %s: can't malloc %lu bytesIBPDSTS: %s: bitmap complete, %lu bytesIBPDSTS: %s: cnt=%dIBPDSTS: %s: can't malloc %d bytesIBMPDSTS: %s: fbu_sort_extents() failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: (%lu) stream_offset(%lu) + length(%lu) > (%lu) stream_offset(%lu)IBMPDSTS: %s: vxms_transadr(%lu) failedIBMPDSTS: %s: cnt=%d but remainder=0IBPDSTS: %s: (%lu) stream_offset=%lu, file_offset=%lu, length=%lu, fsize=%luIPDSTS: %s: exit bitmap_cursize=%lu, bitmap_done=%dIfbu_check_filheaderPDSTS: %s: buf=0x%p, buflen=%lu, streamoffset=%lu, next_streamoffset=%luIBMPDSTS: %s: reset the following buf=0x%p, buflen=%lu, streamoffset=%lu, next_streamoffset=%luIBMPDSTS: %s: bad streamoffset!IBMPDSTS: %s: buf=0x%p, buflen=%lu, streamoffset=%lu, fh_magic=0x%x, meta_length=%d, filenum=%li, f_type=%u, fsize=%u.%uIBPDSTS: %s: starting BITMAP, size=%u, streamoffset=%luIBPDSTS: %s: fbu_fill_bitmap() failed: (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: fbu_check_extents() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: prev_filnum(%lu) != fh_filnum(%lu)IBPDSTS: %s: bytesNeeded=%uIBPDSTS: %s: no filheader found buf=0x%p, buflen=%lu, streamoffset=%lu, next_streamoffset=%luPDSTS: %s: UNKNOWN fbu_fh->fh_magic=0x%xIBMPDSTS: %s: streamoffset(%lu) != next_streamoffset(%lu)IPDSTS: %s: bitmap incomplete! bitmap_cursize=%lu, bitmap_maxlength=%luIPDSTS: %s: next_streamoffset=%lu, short_blk=%d, buflen=%luIPDSTS: %s: Enabled server side rebase for accelrator:VmWare:Incremental backups!IBMenableServerSideRebasingForVmwareAccIncrementalBackupIBPDSTS: %s: buf=0x%p, buflen=%lu, ih_magic=0x%x FlashbkupIBMfbu_check_imgheaderPDSTS: %s: buf=0x%p, buflen=%lu, ih_magic=0x%x VmwareIBPDSTS: %s: buf=0x%p, buflen=%lu, ih_magic=0x%x Hyper-VIPDSTS: %s: buf=0x%p, buflen=%lu, ih_magic=0x%x VMware VCB 3.0IBPDSTS: %s: buf=0x%p, buflen=%lu, ih_magic=0x%x VMware vSphereIBPDSTS: %s: buf=0x%p, buflen=%lu, ih_magic=0x%x VMware vCloudIBMPDSTS: %s: buf=0x%p, buflen=%lu, ih_magic=0x%x UNKNOWNIPDSTS: %s: found FBU imgheader, fiid_fsize=%uIBPDSTS: %s: found FBU imgheader, fiid_fsize_vcloud=%uIBMPDSTS: %s: setting svh_minfile_size to FBU specific setting of %dIBPDSTS: %s: exit (%d:%s)fbu_xlateIBPDSTS: %s: not FBU format, skippingPDSTS: %s: bytesNeeded = %uPDSTS: %s: can't malloc meta_ctx (%d) bytesfbu_scan_bufIBMPDSTS: %s: entry: buf=0x%p, buflen=%lu, streamoffset=%lu, next_streamoffset=%lu, st_seqno=%lu, extents_done=%d, num_image_extents=%uIBMMAPVMDKIBMHYPERVIPDSTS: %s: starting next extents for %s filheadersz(%d)PDSTS: %s: bitmap already in use before %sIPDSTS: %s: reset extents for next mapIBPDSTS: %s: free image_extentsIBPDSTS: %s: starting FBU alignment offset=%lu, for %sIBMPDSTS: %s: starting Vmware alignment offset=%lu, for %sVMFILEIPDSTS: %s: starting Hyper-V alignment offset=%lu, for %sIBMPDSTS: %s: starting VMware VCB 3.0 alignment offset=%lu, for %sPDSTS: %s: starting VMware vSphere alignment offset=%lu, for %sPDSTS: %s: starting VMware vCloud alignment offset=%lu, for %sIPDSTS: %s: streamoffset < next_streamoffset, add to bitmapIPDSTS: %s: fbu_fill_bitmap() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: streamoffset < next_streamoffset, skip xlatePDSTS: %s: streamoffset > next_streamoffset, retry xlateIBMPDSTS: %s: streamoffset = fbu_meta_ctx->next_streamoffset, release retry_bufIBMPDSTS: %s: fbu_xlate() failed (%d:%s), will release retry_bufIBPDSTS: %s: fbu_add_extents() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: bytesNeeded <= xbuflenIBPDSTS: %s: bytesNeeded already setIPDSTS: %s: fbu_sort_extents() failed (%d:L%s)IBPDSTS: %s: err=(%d:%s) can't process FBU format, ignorePDSTS: %s: exit, err=(%d:%s), bytes=%luPDSTS: %s: exit, next_streamoffset=%lu, extents_done=%d, num_image_extents=%u, bytes=%lu @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is fullUNKNOWN STS ERROR CODEIPDSTS: %s: entryIBMtarsth_terminateIBMPDSTS: %s: cannot terminate because image handle has not been initialized with this stream handlerIPDSTS: %s: entry: buf=0x%p, buflen=%luItarsth_can_support_bufIPDSTS: %s: exit: can_handle_buf=%dIPDSTS: %s: meta_ctx already initializedtarsth_initializeIBPDSTS: %s: can't malloc meta_ctx (%d) bytesPDSTS: %s: linkflag='%c', err=%dIBMPDSTS: %s: linkflag='0x%02x', err=%dIBM size=IPDSTS: %s: Extended data=<%s>IBtarsth_get_size_from_extended_dataI size=%luIBPDSTS: %s: Need to process extended data, size=%luItarsth_process_tar_headerIBPDSTS: %s: TAR header found at %lu, linkflag=%c, filesize=%lu, next_hdr_pos=%luPDSTS: %s: error writing TAR header: %d:%sIPDSTS: %s: file_bytes_remaining=%lu, img_bytes_to_process=%lu, hdr_bytes_to_process=%lutarsth_process_dataPDSTS: %s: error writing image data: %d:%sIPDSTS: %s: cannot write buffer because image handle has not been initialized with this stream handlerIBtarsth_write_bufIBMPDSTS: %s: entry: buf=0x%p, buflen=%lu, streamoffset=%lu, st_seqno=%lu, byteswritten=%lu, state=%dIPDSTS: %s: while: cur_pos=%lu, bytes_processed=%lu, state=%d, found_hdr=%dIPDSTS: %s: expecting TAR stream type:<%d> but found TAR stream type:<%d>IBMPDSTS: %s: exit: buf=0x%p, buflen=%lu, streamoffset=%lu, st_seqno=%lu, byteswritten=%lu, state=%d, err=%d @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is fullTS_TAPETS_INODETS_ADDRTS_BITSTS_CLRITS_ENDTS_EOMUNKNOWNUFSSTH_BLOCK_MODEUFSSTH_JUMP_MODEINVALIDIMGHDRFLUSHUNKNOWN STS ERROR CODEufssth_write_buf_blockIPDSTS: %s: cannot terminate because image handle has not been initialized with this stream handlerIufssth_terminateIBMPDSTS: %s: err=%dIBPDSTS: %s: is_enabled=%dIBMufssth_is_enabledIBPDSTS: %s: is_magical=%dIBMufssth_is_magicalIBPDSTS: %s: checksum=%dIufssth_get_checksumPDSTS: %s: buflen=%lu, swap_bytes=%d, is_header=%dIufssth_is_headerIBMPDSTS: %s: buflen=%lu, header_state=%dIufssth_get_header_statePDSTS: %s: entry: spcl_size=%d, di_size=%d, buf=0x%p, buflen=%luIBMufssth_can_support_bufIPDSTS: %s: exit: can_handle_buf=%dIPDSTS: %s: meta_ctx already initializedufssth_initializeIBPDSTS: %s: can't malloc meta_ctx (%d) bytesAPDSTS: %s: entry: size=%lu, seq_size=%lu, last_seg_type=%s(%d), type=%s(%d)ufssth_write_seqIBMPDSTS: %s: writing data failed for type %s(%d): %d:(%s)PDSTS: %s: exit, size=%lu, seq_size=%lu, last_seg_type=%s(%d), type=%s(%d), err=%dIPDSTS: %s: enter: cur_pos=%lu(0x%lx), next_hdr_pos=%lu, buf_end_pos=%lu, end_boundary=%lu, bytes_to_process=%luufssth_write_buf_jumpIBPDSTS: %s: skip ahead detected at position %lu(0x%lx), resetting to block modeIPDSTS: %s: writing data failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: exit: bytes_written=%lu, mode=%s(%d), err=%dPDSTS: %s: exit, c_type=%s(%d), imh_cur_fs=%luIufssth_setup_next_objIBPDSTS %s: UFS hdr at %lu(0x%lx), c_type=%s(%d), c_inumber=%u, c_magic=%d, c_count=%d, di_mode=%o, di_size=%lu, di_flags=0x%x, c_host=%s, c_filesys=%s, c_level=%dIBPDSTS %s: Partial UFS hdr at %lu(0x%lx), c_type=%s(%d), c_inumber=%u, c_magic=%d, c_count=%d, di_mode=%o, di_size=%lu, di_flags=0x%xIBMPDSTS: %s: entry: cur_pos=%lu(0x%lx), ufs_blk_size=%dIBPDSTS: %s: writing UFS header block failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: forcing end of buffer segment for first inode failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: forcing end of buffer segment for dump end block failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: end of dump TAR at %luIBPDSTS: %s: data block at %luIBMPDSTS: %s: writing UFS data block failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: cannot write buffer because image handle has not been initialized with this stream handlerIBufssth_write_bufIBMPDSTS: %s: entry: buf=0x%p, buflen=%lu, streamoffset=%lu, st_seqno=%lu, byteswritten=%lu, state=%dIPDSTS: %s: found first UFS header, swap_bytes=%d, c_magic=%dIBMPDSTS: %s: incomplete_hdr=%d, mode=%s(%d)IBPDSTS: %s: c_count = %d, data_bytes = %luIBPDSTS: %s: could not write partial header block: %d(%s)PDSTS: %s: while: cur_pos=%lu(0x%lx), bytes_processed=%lu, byteswritten=%lu, mode=%s(%d), state=%dIPDSTS: %s: bytes_remaining=%lu, mode=%s(%d)PDSTS: %s: could not write remaining segment block: %d(%s)IPDSTS: %s: expected 0 or %d remaining bytes but got %luPDSTS: %s: could not write UFS data sequence: %d(%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: could not flush sequence buffer: %d:(%s)PDSTS: %s: could not write block: %d(%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: warning could not find first UFS dump header of streamIBPDSTS: %s: exit: buf=0x%p, buflen=%lu, streamoffset=%lu, st_seqno=%lu, byteswritten=%lu, state=%d, err=%demptyemcpaxsth_fileemcpaxsth_unknownemcpaxsth_unknownemcpaxsth_file_adsemcpaxsth_hardlinkemcpaxsth_softlinkemcpaxsth_seek_dataemcpaxsth_directoryemcpaxsth_char_deviceemcpaxsth_block_deviceemcpaxsth_directory_adsemcpaxsth_seek_tar_end_header @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is fullTRUEFALSEIMGHDRINVALIDUNKNOWN STS ERROR CODEIemcPDSTS: %s: is_emcpax_ctx=%demcpaxsth_is_initializedIBMPDSTS: %s: cannot terminate because image handle has not been initialized with this stream handlerIemcpaxsth_terminatePDSTS: %s: exit: (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: is_enabled=%dIBMemcpaxsth_is_enabledIBMPDSTS: %s: is_emc_ctx=%dIBMemcpaxsth_is_emc_ctxIBMPDSTS: %s: buflen=%lu, is_header=%demcpaxsth_is_headerPDSTS: %s: entry: buf=0x%p, buflen=%luIemcpaxsth_can_support_bufIBPDSTS: %s: exit: can_support_buf=%dPDSTS: %s: meta_ctx already initializedemcpaxsth_initializeIBMPDSTS: %s: can't malloc meta_ctx (%d) bytesPDSTS: %s: err=%dIBPDSTS: %s: entry: buflen %lu| writelen %lu| content_type %s| offset %luemcpaxsth_write_to_bufferIBPDSTS: %s: Can only write %lu out of %lu bytes. The rest will need to be written from subsequent buffers.IBPDSTS: %s: Calling write_buf(%p, %p,%lu,%lu,%s)PDSTS: %s: error writing data for type %s(%d): %d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: exit: Wrote %lu bytes| is STS_EOK %dPDSTS: %s: buflen %lu| meta->file_end %lu| meta->bytes_read_from_start_of_header %luIBMemcpaxsth_write_paddingemcpaxsth_write_fileIBMPDSTS: %s: buflen %lu| data_size=%lu | data_bytes_processed=%lu | to_write=%luIemcpaxsth_write_ads_dataIBMPDSTS: %s: entry: getting ads data header: buflen %lu| meta->data_hdr_bytes_read %u | meta->starting_offset %luemcpaxsth_retrieve_ads_data_headerIPDSTS: %s: data header wraps to next buffer. Wrote first %u bytesIBPDSTS: %s: data size=%lu (0x%lx)IBMPDSTS: %s: buflen %lu| name_size=%u | name_bytes_processed=%u | to_write=%luIBMemcpaxsth_write_ads_nameIBMPDSTS: %s: entry: getting ads name header: buflen %lu| meta->name_hdr_bytes_read %u | meta->starting_offset %luemcpaxsth_retrieve_ads_name_headerIPDSTS: %s: name header wraps to next buffer. Wrote first %u bytesIBPDSTS: %s: name size=%u (0x%x)IPDSTS: %s: terminating ads name header foundIBMPDSTS: %s: buflen %lu| size %lu | bytes_processed %lu | bytes_to_write %luIemcpaxsth_write_ufs64_eaIBMPDSTS: %s: entry: getting ufs64 ea size: buflen %lu | size_bytes_read %u | starting_offset %luIemcpaxsth_retrieve_ufs64_ea_sizeIBMPDSTS: %s: size wraps to next buffer. Attempting to write %lu bytesPDSTS: %s: ufs64 ea size=%luIBMPDSTS: %s: setting file name to %sIemcpaxsth_save_filenamePDSTS: %s: Wrote %lu of %lu bytes of file descriptorIBMemcpaxsth_write_file_descriptorPDSTS: %s: encountered unknown entity type=%dIBemcsthpax_entity_type_to_stringPDSTS: %s: printing emc pax structIemcpaxsth_print_structIPDSTS: %s: mode: '%s'IBMPDSTS: %s: uid: '%.*s'IPDSTS: %s: gid: '%.*s'IPDSTS: %s: pre-size: '%.*s'IPDSTS: %s: size : '%s'IBMPDSTS: %s: mtime: '%s'IBMPDSTS: %s: checksum: '%s'IBMPDSTS: %s: type: '%c' (%s)IBPDSTS: %s: magic: '%s'IBMPDSTS: %s: flags: '%.*s'IPDSTS: %s: name_size: '%s'IBMPDSTS: %s: ea_size: '%s'IBMPDSTS: %s: entry: getting emcpax header: buflen %lu| meta->bytes_read_from_start_of_header %lu| meta->starting_offset %luIBemcpaxsth_retrieve_headerIBPDSTS: %s: Header wraps to next buffer. Wrote first %lu bytesIBPDSTS: %s: Did not find 'emc' in magic bytes. Changing to look for ending TAR headerIBMPDSTS: %s: Found a non-empty block that was not a valid EMC header. Will backup individual blocks.IPDSTS: %s: %lu is not a good boundary. Copying padding to get to next good boundary (%lu).IPDSTS: %s: exit: attempting to get emcpax header: bytes_read_from_start_of_header %lu | starting_offset %lu | file_start %lu | file_end %lu | process_ads %d | process_ufs64_ea %dIPDSTS: %s: %sIBemcpaxsth_should_process_headerPDSTS: %s: entry: buf addr %p | buflen %lu | streamoffset %luIBemcpaxsth_write_bufPDSTS: %s: cannot write buffer because image handle has not been initialized with this stream handlerIBPDSTS: %s: Process step: %sPDSTS: %s: bytes_from_start_hdr %lu | process_ads %d | process_ufs64_ea %dIPDSTS: %s: process ufs64 ea: size_bytes_read=%u | size=%lu | bytes_processed=%luIBMPDSTS: %s: done processing ufs64 ea, resetting meta dataIBMPDSTS: %s: waiting for file descriptor to be processed before processing ufs64 eaIBPDSTS: %s: process ads: name_hdr_bytes_read=%u | name_size=%u | name_bytes_processed=%u |data_hdr_bytes_read=%u, data_size=%lu, data_bytes_processed=%luIBMPDSTS: %s: done processing ADS stream, resetting meta data for next streamIPDSTS: %s: waiting for file descriptor to be processed before processing adsIBMPDSTS: %s: Ending byteswritten: %lu | npc=%uIBMPDSTS: %s: No progress processing stream after %u internal iterations. Aborting now to prevent infinite loop.IPDSTS: %s: (err == STS_EOK) -> %d | (*byteswritten < buflen) -> %dIPDSTS: %s: exit: buflen %lu | byteswritten %lu | imh->imh_size %lu| meta->starting_offset %lu | meta->bytes_read_from_start_of_header %lu | meta->file_start %lu | meta->file_end %luIBPDSTS: %s: Encountered buffer that did not start on 512-byte boundary.IPDSTS: %s: Encountered buffer that would not end evenly while searching for ending tar header.buflen %lu | byteswritten %luPDSTS: %s: Found tar header byteswritten(%lu)IBPDSTS: %s: Searched a full buffer without finding a tar headerIPDSTS: %s: Have not found tar headerIBMPDSTS: %s: exit: buflen %lu | byteswritten %lu | imh->imh_size %lu | meta NULL @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is full#pdseed/-,_C_FUNKNOWN STS ERROR CODEIPDSTS: %s: NULL filenameIBMcache_util_parse_nbu_filenameIBPDSTS: %s: '%s' => no extension foundIBPDSTS: %s: '%s' => missing %sIBPDSTS: %s: '%s' => invalid copy numberIPDSTS: %s: '%s' => invalid fragment numberIPDSTS: %s: '%s' => missing client and date/timePDSTS: %s: '%s' => missing date/timeIBMPDSTS: %s: '%s' => invalid date/timeIBMPDSTS: %s: '%s' => missing clientIBPDSTS: %s: specified date string '%s' is missing %d fieldsIparse_date_stringIBPDSTS: %s: specified month string '%s' of date string '%s' is not a numberIPDSTS: %s: specified day string '%s' of date string '%s' is not a numberIBMPDSTS: %s: specified year string '%s' of date string '%s' is not a number (%d)IPDSTS: %s: date string '%s' has extra tokens, they will be ignoredIPDSTS: %s: NULL client/policy/date stringIBparse_client_policy_date_stringPDSTS: %s: specified client/policy/date string '%s' is missing %d fieldsIBMPDSTS: %s: specified date string '%s' in client/policy/date string '%s' is invalidIPDSTS: %s: client/policy/date string '%s' has extra tokens, they will be ignoredIBMPDSTS: %s: ERROR opening path '%s'Idir_contains_fragsIPDSTS: %s: done readdirPDSTS: %s: readdir completedIBMPDSTS: %s: readdir error with %s (%d %s)IBM.fmkIBMPDSTS: %s: enter db=%s, client=%s, policy=%sIBMis_first_full_backupIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsGetSDKVersion failed: (%d %s). Assuming legacy server.IPDSTS: %s: Images available with get_latest_images for client %s, policy %sPDSTS: %s: Error getting the latest images for client %s, policy %sPDSTS: %s: This is the first backup for client %s, policy %sIBMPDSTS: %s: exit is_first_full_backup=%d, client=%s, policy=%sIBPDSTS: %s: enter dsidpath=%s, scp='%s', bc=%s, bc_len=%u, bp=%s, bp_len=%uIcache_util_get_cache_dirIBMPDSTS: %s: checking manually specified seeding policy '%s'IPDSTS: %s: specified seeding client/policy/date string '%s' is invalidIPDSTS: %s: date from specified client seeding policy '%s' has expired and will be ignoredIB%s%c%s%c%sIPDSTS: %s: using client '%s' and policy '%s'IBMPDSTS: %s: could not find cache directory %s for specified client seeding policy '%s'IBPDSTS: %s: new backup, using existing client seeding directoryIPDSTS: %s: Using images from a previous backup for client '%s' and policy '%s', ignoring the seeding directoryIPDSTS: %s: The client seeding directory is not available. Using images from a previous backup for current client '%s' and policy '%s', if it existsPDSTS: %s: exit dsidpath=%s, scp='%s', bc=%s, bc_len=%u, bp=%s, bp_len=%uIB%s: convert %s to uint64_t failed.Icheck_rebasing_neededIBPDSTS: %s: will enable period rebasing, last rebasing time: %s, current span: %uIBMPDSTS: %s: won't enable period rebasing, last rebasing time: %s, current span: %uIBPDSTS: %s: file_path=%scache_util_load_fp_cache_fileIBPDSTS: %s: error (%d %s) opening %s, it will not be cachedIPDSTS: %s: error (%d %d %s) PDVFS_IOCTL_ADD_DO_FP_CACHE failed for %s, it will not be cached.IBPDSTS: %s: error (%d %d %s) PDVFS_IOCTL_PROTECT_DO_LOAD_FP failed for %s, it will not be protected.PDSTS: %s: error (%d %d %s) PdvfsClose %d %sIBMget_last_successful_full_backupPDSTS: %s: enter client=%s, policy=%s, policy_type=%d, schedule_type=%d, parentid=%d, me=%luIBMcache_util_load_fp_cache_nbuIBMPDSTS: %s: max_entries is 0, no FP cache will be loaded for dsid_path: %s, client: %s, policy: %sIBPDSTS: %s: ERROR get DOs of the latest images %d:(%s)IBPDSTS: %s: get_latest_images returns %sPDSTS: %s: fp returns %sIBM__Last_Rebasing_Time__IPDSTS: %s: images available with get_latest_images, fp=(%s), dcid=(%lu)PDSTS: %s: cacheFull PDVFS_IOCTL_PROTECT_DO_LOAD_FPPDSTS: %s: error (%d %d %s) PDVFS_IOCTL_PROTECT_DO_LOAD_FP failed for fp(%s) dcid(%lu)IPDSTS: %s: cacheFull PDVFS_IOCTL_ADD_DO_FP_CACHEIBMPDSTS: %s: PDVFS cache limit reached or max entries reachedPDSTS: %s: PDVFS_IOCTL_ADD_DO_FP_CACHE failed for fp(%s) dcid(%lu), it will not be cachedIBPDSTS: %s: error (%d %d %s) PDVFS_IOCTL_ADD_DO_FP_CACHE failed for fp(%s) dcid(%lu), it will not be cachedIPDSTS: %s: status for non legacy cache load=%dIPDSTS: %s: PDVFS cache limit reachedIBMPDSTS: %s: no images available with get_latest_images, performing search for imagesPDSTS: %s: no images available with get_latest_imagesIBPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_conf_search_previous_images_disabled=%d, search for previous backup imagesPDSTS: %s: could not allocate %lu bytes for the cache listIPDSTS: %s: could not find last full backup in %s, caching any available imagesIPDSTS: %s: most recent backup client=%s, date=%lu, copy=%d, frag=%d, ext=%sPDSTS: %s: threshold=%luIBM.imgIBM%s%c%sIPDSTS: %s: adding '%s' to cache list (%lu)IPDSTS: %s: max cache entry limit of %lu reached, no more images will be cachedIPDSTS: %s: opening %s for image cache (%lu/%lu)PDSTS: %s: PDVFS cache limit reached with %lu images remainingIPDSTS: %s: could not find any NBU images in %s to cachePDSTS: %s: exit dir_path=%s, t=%lus, ne=%lu, me=%lu, err=%dPDSTS: %s: enter dsidpath=%s, cc=%scache_util_cleanup_seeding_dirIPDSTS: %s: exit seeding dir '%s' not present or there is no previous backup availableIBPDSTS: %s: skipping '%s'IBMPDSTS: %s: cannot remove entry '%s' from seeding directory '%s' because it is not a regular fileIBMPDSTS: %s: removing '%s'IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsUnlink(%s) failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: could not remove seeding directory '%s' because entries still existIPDSTS: %s: exit dsidpath=%s, cc=%s, err=%dPDVFS Ver 0.0 @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is fullQ2_3std12length_error:0,Q2_3std11logic_error:0,Q2_3std9exception:0Q2_3std9bad_alloc:0,Q2_3std9exception:0logic errorQ2_3std12out_of_range:0,Q2_3std11logic_error:0,Q2_3std9exception:0Q2_3std8bad_cast:0,Q2_3std9exception:0std::basic_istream >std::basic_ios >std::ios_basestd::basic_stringbuf,std::allocator >std::basic_ostream >std::basic_iostream >std::basic_stringstream,std::allocator >std::bad_caststd::bad_allocstd::logic_errorstd::ctype_basestd::ctypestd::length_errorstd::out_of_rangeQ2_3std11logic_error:0,Q2_3std9exception:0Ibad allocationCIBRCQ2_3std9exceptionconfig_util_is_mtstrm_backup_client(const char *)IB failed with std::exception: IBPDSTS: %s: %sIB failed with an unknown exceptionIBPDSTS: %s: client_list="%s"config_util_parse_mtstrm_backup_client(const char *)IBMvalid_I/extsrc/DeDupe_3rd_party/ %s: entry %d = "%s"Iconfig_util_is_mtstrm_backup_policy(const char *)IBPDSTS: %s: policy_list="%s"config_util_parse_mtstrm_backup_policy(const char *)I, @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is full_fakePureDisk:rootv1UNKNOWN STS ERROR CODEQ2_3std9bad_alloc:0,Q2_3std9exception:0Q2_3std12length_error:0,Q2_3std11logic_error:0,Q2_3std9exception:0logic errorQ2_3std8bad_cast:0,Q2_3std9exception:0Q2_3std12out_of_range:0,Q2_3std11logic_error:0,Q2_3std9exception:0std::logic_errorstd::basic_iostream >std::basic_ios >std::basic_istream >std::basic_ostream >std::ios_basestd::bad_allocstd::basic_stringstream,std::allocator >std::basic_stringbuf,std::allocator >std::out_of_rangestd::length_errorstd::num_put > >std::bad_castQ2_3std11logic_error:0,Q2_3std9exception:0Eefalsetruestd::numpunctbad allocationIPDSTS: %s: MSDPX pd_plugin_path path is empty.Isave_telemetry(json_t *, const char *)IPDSTS: %s: pd_plugin_path: %sIB%s/%sIBmsdpx_telemetry%s%sIBMPDSTS: %s: Failed to create telemetry dir: %s - %sIPDSTS: %s: Failed to create telemetry node dir: %s - %s/IBmsdpx_telemetry_dataIBMmsdpx_telemetry_data_partIBPDSTS: %s: Telemetry data not processed: %sPDSTS: %s: Failed to rename back: %s - %sIBPDSTS: %s: Failed to read JSON: %sIdataIBMPDSTS: %s: Invalid format: datafile has no data section.IBMPDSTS: %s: Invalid format: telemetry has no data section.IBPDSTS: %s: Failed to append new data.IBPDSTS: %s: Failed to append to: %sIPDSTS: %s: Failed to save to: %sIBMPDSTS: %s: Failed to rename: %s - %sIBMPDSTS: %s: Telemetry data saved: %scheck_telemetry_time(const char *)IPDSTS: %s: Data file not existIrbIPDSTS: %s: Failed to open: %sIBPDSTS: %s: Telemetry timer: t=%lu, tt=%lu, d=%lu, intervel=%dIBPDSTS: %s: invalid OST storage server name <%s>.IBMcheck_storage_mode(const char *, const char *, const sts_cred_t *, std::string &, bool &)IBPDSTS: %s: failed to create CA connection context for <%s>.PDSTS: %s: ping Controller via <%s> failed with error <%d>IPDSTS: %s: getTelemetry <%s> failed with error <%d>PDSTS: %s: Saving JSONIfakeIBMcheck_storage_mode_fake_credential(const char *, bool &)IBMPDSTS: %s: entryIBMcluster_close_server_v7(stsp_server_handle_t)IBPDSTS: %s: Close server handle of <%s> returned: %dPDSTS: %s: leavingIcluster_get_server_prop_byname_v8(const sts_session_def_t *, const char *, sts_server_info_t *)%sIcluster_list_lsu_v7(stsp_lsu_list_handle_t, sts_lsu_name_t *)IBPDSTS: %s: listed LSU <%s>IPDSTS: %s: leaving(%d)Icluster_get_lsu_prop_byname_v11(const stsp_lsu_v7_t *, sts_lsu_info_v11_t *)IBMPDSTS: %s: get property of LSU <%s> from Controller <%s> failed with error <%d>APDSTS: %s: impl_is_lsu_worm_enable() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: %s cluster event handle is NULLIPDSTS: %s: leaving with <%d>IBM_CIBM IffffffeCIBsh: I sd: IBMis_tgt: IBMis_cluster: IBMevt_handle: IBMtgt_handle: IBMserver_name: IBcontroller_name: IBimage2engine map: I IB: Iengine2handle map: noncluster_hdl: IBMPDSTS: %s: Need to connect to source engine %sIgetSourceEngineHandle(stsp_server_handle_t, const std::string &)IBMPDSTS: %s: Cann't find source engine handle for %sIPDSTS: %s: Dump cluster map for %s: %sPDSTS: %s: Find source engine handle: %s, %s, %pIBMcluster_get_engine_name(const std::string &, const char *, const char *, const std::string &, const std::string &, const std::string &, const sts_uint32_t, std::string &)IPDSTS: %s: getEngine CURL request failed with error <%d>IBMPDSTS: %s: The engine used for %s image (imgname = %s; policy = %s) is %s.IPDSTS: %s: exitOPT_DUP_BEGINIBOPT_DUP_ENDPDSTS: %s: entry, controller: %s, server: %s, basename: %sIcluster_check_connect_engine(stsp_server_handle_t, const char *, const sts_image_def_t *, const char *, stsp_priv_server_handle_t &, std::string &)PDSTS: %s: parse image name failed. imagename=<%s>I_IBdeleteIPDSTS: %s: unexpectedly no engine handle foundIPDSTS: %s: engine [%s] connection was already establishedIBPDSTS: %s: get engine name failed with error <%d>IBPDSTS: %s: open new target server [%s], opentype=%dPDSTS: %s: unable to get SPA interfaces with PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_GET_CLUSTER_NODE_INTERFACES) (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: Opened engine STS %s with iface '%s'.IBMPDSTS: %s: Failed to open engine STS %s with iface '%s', return: %d, try next ifacePDSTS: %s: Failed to open engine STS %s, return: %dcluster_get_image_prop_byname_v10(const stsp_lsu_t *, const sts_image_def_t *, sts_image_info_t *)IopenIBMPDSTS: %s: check to connect Engine instance failed with error <%d>IPDSTS: %s: Failed to get image prop by name, error code = %dIBMcluster_create_image_v10(const stsp_lsu_t *, const sts_image_def_v10_t *, int, stsp_image_handle_t *)IBcreateIPDSTS: %s: Failed to create image, return code = %dcluster_delete_image_v10(const stsp_lsu_t *, const sts_image_def_v10_t *, int)IPDSTS: %s: Failed to delete image, error code = %dIcluster_open_image_v10(const stsp_lsu_t *, const sts_image_def_v10_t *, int, stsp_image_handle_t *)PDSTS: %s: Failed to open image, return code = %dIBPDSTS: %s: e2h_map[%s]: %pIcluster_get_perf_stats(stsp_server_handle_t, stsp_priv_server_handle_t, pdvfs_perf_stats_t *)IBPDSTS: %s: cluster_get_perf_stats for <%s>IPDSTS: %s: PdvfsIoctl(PDVFS_IOCTL_GET_PERF_STATS) failed for mount point:<%s> (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: no PureDisk server connection found for mountpoint:<%s>. (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: pd_perf_stats_clearup() fails for the handle of %sIBcluster_perf_stats_clearup(stsp_server_handle_t)IBMPDSTS: %s: invalid parameter, msgbuf is NULL (%d:%s)IBMcluster_get_mount_stats(stsp_server_handle_t, stsp_priv_server_handle_t, char *, size_t, char *, size_t)IBMPDSTS: %s: <%s%s> for <%s> (reset active)IBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsSaveJobStats failed for mount point:<%s> (%d:%s)IBMcluster_get_ddup_stats(stsp_server_handle_t, void *)IBMPDSTS: %s: STS_IOCTL_GET_DDUP_STATS len:<%d>IBMPDSTS: %s: cluster_get_mount_stats() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: No found any server handler in cluster.Icluster_get_ushare_engine(stsp_server_handle_t, void *)PDSTS: %s: %s:get engine for ushare failedIPDSTS: %s: %s: No engine foundIcluster_get_preferred_media_server(stsp_server_handle_t, void *)IBMPDSTS: %s: %s:get preferred media server failedPDSTS: %s: %s: No preferred media serverIBMPDSTS: %s: %s: A media server name was returned which is too long(%s). Ignore itIBMPDSTS: %s: entry with cmd %dIBMcluster_ioctl_v9(stsp_server_handle_t, int, void *)PDSTS: %s: invalid OST cluster server name <%s>.IBMcluster_open_event_handle(const sts_session_def_t *, const char *, const sts_cred_t *, const char *, stsp_priv_server_handle_t *)IBPDSTS: %s: %s:get engine list failedIBMPDSTS: %s: engine_sts name: %sIPDSTS: %s: open storage server <%s> failed with error <%d>IPDSTS: %s: entry, controller: %sIBMcluster_check_connect_engine_by_name(stsp_server_handle_t, const char *, stsp_priv_server_handle_t &)IBPDSTS: %s: Failed to open engine server, return: %dPDSTS: %s: entry: server:started event:<%lu>IBMcluster_get_next_event_engine(stsp_server_handle_t, const uint64_t, stsp_priv_server_handle_t *)IBMPDSTS: %s: %s: Failed to get engine for next event of %luIBPDSTS: %s: No more events after %luPDSTS: %s: %s: engine %s for next event of %luIPDSTS: %s: %s: Failed to connect engine %sIcluster_get_curr_event_engine(stsp_server_handle_t, const uint64_t, stsp_priv_server_handle_t *)IBMPDSTS: %s: %s: Failed to get engine for current event %luIBPDSTS: %s: Faild to find engine for event %luIBPDSTS: %s: %s: engine %s for current event of %luIBcluster_get_event_payload_v11(stsp_server_handle_t, void *, const sts_event_v11_t *)IBMPDSTS: %s: Failed to get event payload, returned: %dIBMcluster_delete_event_v11(stsp_server_handle_t, sts_event_v11_t *)IBPDSTS: %s: Failed to delete event returned: %dI,IB%pIBM%s near '%s'IBM%s near end of file%sIstream->buffer_pos > 0Iload.cIstream->buffer[stream->buffer_pos] == cc == dIcount >= 2Iunable to decode byte 0x%xItoo big negative integerIBMtoo big integerend == saved_text + lex->saved_text.lengthIreal number overflowIBMstr[0] == 'u'IBpremature end of inputIunexpected newlineIcontrol character 0x%xIinvalid escapeIinvalid Unicode escape '%.6s'IBinvalid Unicode '\u%04X\u%04X'Iinvalid Unicode '\u%04X'I0trueIBMfalseIBnullIBM']' expectedIBMstring or '}' expectedINUL byte in object key not supportedIBMduplicate object keyIBM':' expectedIBM'}' expectedIBMmaximum parsing depth reachedIB\u0000 is not allowed without JSON_ALLOW_NULIBMinvalid tokenIBunexpected tokenIBM'[' or '{' expectedend of file expectedIBMIBMwrong argumentsIBMrbIunable to open %s: %sIB...%.*gIBMend == strbuffer->value + strbuffer->lengthstrconv.c/dev/urandomޭ \\\"\b\f\n\r\t\/:: I"IB\u%04XI\u%04X\u%04XI IB%pInullIBMtrueIBMfalseIB%lldI[],{}i == sizeIBdump.cIvaluew @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is full_IMQ2_3std9bad_alloc:0,Q2_3std9exception:0Q2_3std12out_of_range:0,Q2_3std11logic_error:0,Q2_3std9exception:0logic errorstd::logic_errorstd::out_of_rangestd::bad_allocQ2_3std11logic_error:0,Q2_3std9exception:0Ibad allocationPDSTS: %s: entryIBMstspi_close_server_v7(stsp_server_handle_t)PDSTS: %s: clean up cluster api contextPDSTS: %s: clean up cluster api context doneIBMPDSTS: %s: leaving with <%d>IBMPDSTS: %s: imh->imh_imgname=%s, flag=%Xstspi_close_image_v7(stsp_image_handle_t, int, int)PDSTS: %s: %s failed with error <%d>, client:%s, policy:%s, image:%s IBPDSTS: %s: expose an image to insant access, image=%sIBPDSTS: %s: %s failed to add image, client:%s, poicy:%s, image:%sIBMstspi_close_lsu_list_v7(stsp_lsu_list_handle_t)stspi_create_image_v10(const stsp_lsu_t *, const sts_image_def_v10_t *, int, stsp_image_handle_t *)stspi_delete_image_v10(const stsp_lsu_t *, const sts_image_def_v10_t *, int)IBMInvalid serverl handle, can't delete image from IA, image = %sIstspi_get_image_prop_byname_v10(const stsp_lsu_t *, const sts_image_def_t *, sts_image_info_t *)IBMstspi_get_lsu_prop_byname_v11(const stsp_lsu_v7_t *, sts_lsu_info_v11_t *)IPureDiskVolumeIPDSTS: %s: Could not find the next event handle in cluster modePDSTS: %s: STS_LSUF_WORM_INDELIBLE=%dIBPDSTS: %s: STS_LSUF_WORM_IMMUTABLE=%dIBPDSTS: %s: STS_LSUF_WORM_IMAGEAUDIT=%dIstspi_get_server_prop_v8(stsp_server_handle_t, sts_server_info_t *)PDSTS: %s: STS_SRV_WORM_ENABLED=%dIstspi_get_server_prop_byname_v8(const sts_session_def_t *, const char *, sts_server_info_t *)IBPDSTS: %s: sd->si = %sIPDSTS: %s: entry with cmd %dIBMstspi_ioctl_v9(stsp_server_handle_t, int, void *)IBstspi_list_lsu_v7(stsp_lsu_list_handle_t, sts_lsu_name_t *)stspi_open_evchannel_v9(const sts_session_def_t *, const char *, const sts_cred_t *, const char *, sts_evhandler_v9_t, sts_handle_t, sts_event_v9_t *, void *, int, stsp_evc_handle_t *)IBMPDSTS: %s: Failed to openv evchannel with error <%d>.IBstspi_open_lsu_list_v11(const stsp_server_handle_t, const sts_lsu_def_v11_t *, stsp_lsu_list_handle_t *)IBMPDSTS: %s: get LSU listfailed with error <%d>IBPDSTS: %s: entry: %sIBMstspi_open_target_server_v9(const stsp_server_handle_t, const char *, const sts_cred_t *, const char *, stsp_server_handle_t *)PDSTS: %s: pd_test_for_open_server() failed with error <%d>PDSTS: %s: Failed to check storage server mode of <%s> with error <%d>.PDSTS: %s: credential has not been providedPDSTS: %s: invalid OST storage server name <%s>.IBMPDSTS: %s: open target server <%s> failed with error <%d>IBPDSTS: %s: MSDP <%s> is in cluster modePDSTS: %s: target server is in cluster modde.IBPDSTS: %s: svh:<%p>, leaving with <%d>Istspi_open_image_v10(const stsp_lsu_t *, const sts_image_def_v10_t *, int, stsp_image_handle_t *)IBstspi_label_lsu_v9(const stsp_lsu_t *, char *)Istspi_open_image_list_v7(const stsp_lsu_t *, int, stsp_image_list_handle_t *)IBstspi_delete_event_v11(stsp_server_handle_t, sts_event_v11_t *)stspi_open_evchannel_v11(const sts_session_def_v7_t *, const char *, const sts_cred_v7_t *, const char *, sts_evhandler_v11_t, sts_event_v11_t *, int, sts_evseqno_v11_t, stsp_evc_handle_t *)Istspi_async_copy_image_v11(const stsp_lsu_v7_t *, const sts_image_def_v10_t *, const stsp_lsu_v7_t *, const sts_image_def_v10_t *, stsp_opid_t *, const sts_opname_v11_t, int)IopenIBMPDSTS: %s: check to connect Engine %s failed with error <%d>IBMPDSTS: %s: Air to_lsu is not nullIBstspi_get_event_payload_v11(stsp_server_handle_t, void *, const sts_event_v11_t *)Istspi_get_lsu_replication_prop_v11(const stsp_lsu_v7_t *, sts_uint32_t, sts_lsu_spec_v11_t *, sts_uint32_t, sts_lsu_spec_v11_t *)IBstspi_iocontrol_v11(stsp_server_handle_t, int, void *, int, sts_uint32_t)IBPDSTS: %s: %s: STS_ENOTSUPIstspi_async_set_image_worm_prop_byname_v12(const stsp_lsu_v7_t *, const sts_image_def_v10_t *, const sts_opname_v11_t, stsp_opid_v11_t *, sts_uint64_t, sts_int64_t, int)IBstspi_get_image_worm_prop_byname_v12(const stsp_lsu_v7_t *, const sts_image_def_v10_t *, sts_image_worm_info_v12_t *)IBPDSTS: %s: check to connect Engine instance failed with error <%d>IPDSTS: %s: %s: get_dsid_by_lsu failed for lsu(%s)IBPDSTS: %s: WORM find image policy : %sIPDSTS: %s: mount_point: %s, dsid: %u, basename: %s, policy: %s, client: %sIPDSTS: %s: pd_get_image_retention failed with error<%d>PDSTS: %s: WORM image flags: %lu, existence: %lu, immutable: %lu, indeletable: %lu, audit: %sIBstspi_get_image_worm_prop_v12(stsp_image_handle_t, sts_image_worm_info_v12_t *)stspi_get_lsu_worm_prop_byname_v12(const stsp_lsu_v7_t *, sts_lsu_worm_info_v12_t *)IBMPDSTS: %s: %s cluster event handle is NULLIPDSTS: %s: %s: pd_is_worm_enabled failed with err(%d).IPDSTS: %s: pd_get_lsu_worm_prop failed with error<%d>IBPDSTS: %s: WORM LSU: flag=0x%x, min= %lu, max=%lu,info=%sIBPDSTS: %s: %s: worm is not enabled in storage server.IBstspi_set_image_worm_prop_byname_v12(const stsp_lsu_v7_t *, const sts_image_def_v10_t *, sts_uint64_t, sts_int64_t)PDSTS: %s: lsu=%s, dsid=%d, basename=%s, policy=%s, client=%s, worm_flags=%lu,retention=%lu IBMPDSTS: %s: pd_set_image_retention failed with error<%d>stspi_set_image_worm_prop_v12(stsp_image_handle_t, sts_uint64_t, sts_int64_t)IBPDSTS: %s: basename=%s, policy=%s, client=%s, worm_flags=%lu, retention=%lu IBMOPT_DUP_BEGINIBOPT_DUP_ENDPDSTS: %s: entry: plugins:<%s>, master_version:<%lu>, inits:<%d>, operating_version:<%lu> Istspi_init(sts_uint64_t, const char *, stspi_api_t *)IBPureDisk:IBOpenStorage PureDisk Plugin%s %s %sIBM16.0000.0022.0215IB15:48:46IBMFeb 15 2022PDSTS: %s: exit: vendor_version:<%s>IBMstspi_open_server_v7(const sts_session_def_t *, const char *, const sts_cred_t *, const char *, stsp_server_handle_t *)PDSTS: %s: FeatureToggle::IsFeatureEnabled(FTO_INSTACCESS)=%dIBPDSTS: %s: open storage server <%s> failed with error <%d> @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is full|UNKNOWN STS ERROR CODEIBMPDSTS: %s: %s has no value.sscanf_stringIBPDSTS: %s: error (%d %s) deleting %sIBMdelete_image_propIB_CI-F%d-%dGBIB%s%sIBM.tmpIBMPDSTS: %s: could not parse date from %s, the locality stream ID will not be setgenerate_localityIBMSDPLB+%s_%uIB%sIPDSTS: %s: entryIBMimpl_get_image_propPDSTS: %s: invalid parametersIBPDSTS: %s: IMO_SERVER=%sIBMPDSTS: %s: IMO_LSU=%sIBPDSTS: %s: IMG_VERSION=%sIBPDSTS: %s: exit (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: entry: (%s)Iimpl_get_image_prop_byname_internalPDSTS: %s: svh invalidIPDSTS: %s: svh embedded, not mountedIBMPDSTS: %s: svh_mntp invalidPDSTS: %s: error during image handle (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: close failed (%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: impl_close_image() failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: impl_image_handle returned error (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: svh_dsids not setIBMPDSTS: %s: entry: (%s, %p)Iimpl_get_image_prop_bynameIPDSTS: %s: image name(imh): (%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: calling impl_get_image_prop(%s)IPDSTS: %s: calling impl_get_image_prop_byname_internal(%s)IPDSTS: %s: generate_HDR_img_name %s can't find copy numberIgenerate_HDR_img_name_PDSTS: %s: generate_HDR_img_name %s invalid base nameIBHDR.imgIBMPDSTS: %s: generate_HDR_img_name %sCLIENT_TYPEPDSTS: %s: HDR_fullname is null ptrreadout_client_typePDSTS: %s: HDR path is %sIBPDSTS: %s: open HDR file %s failedIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsRead(%s) failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: readout len %d buf %sIBMcan't find policy type in HDR %sIBMPDSTS: %s: can't find policy type from HDR file %sIPDSTS: %s: image policy type is %uIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsClose %s failed (%d:%s)CLIENT_TPDSTS: %s: impl_readout_client_type_from_fullname invalid po path %sIBMimpl_readout_client_type_from_fullnameIPDSTS: %s: impl_readout_client_type_from_fullname full po path %sIBPDSTS: %s: construct_info_path svh is null ptrIconstruct_HDR_pathIPDSTS: %s: construct_info_path svh->svh_mntp is null ptrIBM%s%c%dI%c%sIBMPDSTS: %s: basename(%s) not formatted with img_date(%s)PDSTS: %s: basename(%s) format unknownIUNKNOWNPDSTS: %s: construct_HDR_path invalid base name %sI%s%c%s%c%s%c%sIPDSTS: %s: construct HDR path %sIBMPDSTS: %s: impl_readout_client_type failed svh is null ptrIimpl_readout_client_typeIBMPDSTS: %s: construct_HDR_path(for read) %s, policy %s, date %sIPDSTS: %s: constrct_HDR_path failed, err %uIBMPDSTS: %s: entry: imh(0x%p) imgdef(0x%p)IBMimpl_get_imh_image_propPDSTS: %s: svh not mountedI%s%c%d%c%sIBEOST_SMapIBEOST_SDrvIBEOST_SInfIPDSTS: %s: attempting to determine policy typeI%s%c%sIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsOpendir(%s) failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: start readdir (%s), image (%s)IB%s%c%s%c%s%c%s%sIBM.infoIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsClosedir() failed for <%s> (%d:%s)IBEOSTIBPDSTS: %s: sync_pdvfs (%s) failed (%s)IPDSTS: %s: Unable to determine policy (%s)IPDSTS: %s: Determined policy type (%s) for (%s)PDSTS: %s: pd_stat_mb(%s) failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: pd_stat_mb(%s) successfulIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsReaddir completed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsReaddir(%s) failed (%d:%s)I.hdrIBM.mapIBM.fmkIBMPDSTS: %s: set_pdvfs_job_details() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsMkdir(%s) failed: %d (%d:%s)IBM%s%c%s%c%sIPDSTS: %s: imh->imh_infopath(%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: imh->imh_imgpath(%s)PDSTS: %s: imh->imh_hdrpath(%s)PDSTS: %s: imh->imh_mappath(%s)PDSTS: %s: image %s not foundIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsStat(%s) failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: skipping infopath readIBPDSTS: %s: file zero length! (%s)IBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsOpen(%s) failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: read %d bytes: %sIBMIMG_VERSION=IBMPD_IMG_0.0IPDSTS: %s: parsing failed for (IMG_VERSION)IMG_DATE=IBPDSTS: %s: parsing failed for (IMG_DATE)IBMIMG_POLICY=PDSTS: %s: parsing failed for (IMG_POLICY)IIMG_SAVEAS=%u IPDSTS: %s: parsing failed for (IMG_SAVEAS)IIMG_FORMAT=PDSTS: %s: parsing failed for (IMG_FORMAT)IIMG_FLAGS=%uIBMPDSTS: %s: parsing failed for (IMG_FLAGS)IBIMO_SIZE=%luIBMPDSTS: %s: parsing failed for (IMO_SIZE)IBMIMO_BLOCKSIZE=%luIBPDSTS: %s: parsing failed for (IMO_BLOCKSIZE)IBIMO_STATUS=%uIBPDSTS: %s: parsing failed for (IMO_STATUS)IIMG_ISID_VERSION=%luIBMPDSTS: %s: parsing failed for (IMG_ISID_VERSION)IBMIMG_ISID_DPAID=PDSTS: %s: parsing failed for (IMG_ISID_DPAID)IIMG_ISID_DPAVER=IBMPDSTS: %s: parsing failed for (IMG_ISID_DPAVER)IMG_NBUINFO_BCKPID_MASTER_SERVER=IBPDSTS: %s: parsing failed for (IMG_NBUINFO_BCKPID_MASTER_SERVER)IBMIMG_NBUINFO_BCKPID_TIME=%luPDSTS: %s: parsing failed for (IMG_NBUINFO_BCKPID_TIME)IMG_NBUINFO_BCKPID_COPY_NUMBER=%uIBPDSTS: %s: parsing failed for (IMG_NBUINFO_BCKPID_COPY_NUMBER)IIMG_NBUINFO_STRM_NUM=%uPDSTS: %s: parsing failed for (IMG_NBUINFO_STRM_NUM)IBMIMG_NBUINFO_IMG_TYPE=%uPDSTS: %s: parsing failed for (IMG_NBUINFO_IMG_TYPE)IBMIMG_NBUINFO_FRAG_NUM=%uPDSTS: %s: parsing failed for (IMG_NBUINFO_FRAG_NUM)IBMIMG_NBUINFO_INSTANCE_NUM=%uPDSTS: %s: parsing failed for (IMG_NBUINFO_INSTANCE_NUM)IBMIMG_NBUINFO_CLIENT=PDSTS: %s: parsing failed for (IMG_NBUINFO_CLIENT)IIMG_NBUINFO_SLPNAME=IBMPDSTS: %s: parsing failed for (IMG_NBUINFO_SLPNAME)PDSTS: %s: imh_status = %uIPDSTS: %s: impl_persist_replicant_image() failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: entry: imgname(%s) status(0x%x) info_status(0x%x) svh(%p)IBMimpl_set_imh_image_prop_in_memoryIBPDSTS: %s: set svh_cur_imh(%p)Iimpl_set_imh_image_propPDSTS: %s: PdvfsUnlink(%s) failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: pd_create_loc(%s) failed (%d:%s)IMG_VERSION=%s READCOUNT=0 WRITECOUNT=0 IMG_BASENAME=%s IMG_DATE=%s IMG_FULLDATE=%s IMG_POLICY=%s IMG_SAVEAS=%u IMG_FORMAT=%s IMG_FLAGS=%d IMO_SIZE=%lu IMO_BLOCKSIZE=%lu IMO_STATUS=%d IMG_ISID_VERSION=%lu IMG_ISID_DPAID=%s IMG_ISID_DPAVER=%s IMG_NBUINFO_BCKPID_MASTER_SERVER=%s IMG_NBUINFO_BCKPID_TIME=%lu IMG_NBUINFO_BCKPID_COPY_NUMBER=%u IMG_NBUINFO_STRM_NUM=%u IMG_NBUINFO_IMG_TYPE=%d IMG_NBUINFO_FRAG_NUM=%u IMG_NBUINFO_INSTANCE_NUM=%u IMG_NBUINFO_CLIENT=%s IMG_NBUINFO_SLPNAME=%s IBPDSTS: %s: writing %s %sIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsWrite failed (%d:%s): wrote %d while expecting %d bytes (%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsClose() failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: clear svh_cur_imh(%p)IBMPDSTS: %s: cleanup %s @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is fullUNKNOWN STS ERROR CODEIPDSTS: %s: Cannot allocate backup image info vectorappend_info_to_vecIPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for bufferwrite_bbh_bufferIBMIMG_VERSION=%s PD_IMG_0.1I%c %s %10lu IBMBE_BACKUP_HISTORYIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsOpen(%s) failed (%d:%s)write_info_vec_to_bbhIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsFtruncate() failed for <%s> (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: PdvfsWrite() failed for <%s> (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: PdvfsClose() failed for <%s> (%d:%s).infoIBPDSTS: %s: image %s not foundIBbuild_info_vec_from_imagesIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsRead(%s) failed (%d:%s)IMG_BASENAME=IBIMG_BASENAME=%4095sIMG_DATE=IBIMG_FLAGS=ILAST_BACKUP_MARKERIPDSTS: %s: Deleted old %sIBPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for backup infoIBMparse_bbhIBIMG_VERSION=%15sIBM %1s %4095s %31sIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsOpen(%s) failed (%d:%s), rebuilding historyget_info_vec_from_bbhIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsFstat() failed for <%s> (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: <%s> is emptyIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsRead() failed for <%s> (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: PdvfsClose() failed for <%s>, returned:<%d> (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: PDVFS cache limit reached with %lu images remainingIload_fps_for_imageI%s.imgIPDSTS: %s: opening %s for image cache (%lu/%lu)PDSTS: %s: Loaded cache with FPs from %d images for <%s>IBMPDSTS: %s: skipping fingerprint cache loading, disable cache flag setIBBE_setup_pdvfs_image_cacheIPDSTS: %s: skipping fingerprint cache loading, incremental or synthetic backupIPDSTS: %s: skipping fingerprint cache loading, storage server is localIPDSTS: %s: skipping, cache already enabledIpvlsvr.exeIPDSTS: %s: skipping fingerprint cache loading for pvlsvr.exeIBMPDSTS: %s: refresh_pdvfs() failed for <%s> (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: cache not enabled (%d:%s)IBMBE_write_marker_for_pdvfs_image_cache @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is fullUNKNOWN STS ERROR CODEIPureDiskVolumeIPDSTS: %s: entry: getting event payload for event, seq#:<%lu>IB_get_event_payload_pathPDSTS: %s: invalid server handle (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: no mount point, svh_mntp:<%p> (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: pd_get_next_event() failed (%d:%s)IBEVENT{version:%u;IBPDSTS: %s: invalid event string:<%s> (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: event version:<%u> is different than current version:<%u>IBMEVENT{version:%*u;type:%d;id:%lu;date:IPDSTS: %s: invalid event id (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: sequence number for payload id:<%lu> does not match requested event seq#:<%lu>IBIMAGEREPEVENTIBPDSTS: %s: invalid event string (wrong event type?):<%s> (%d:%s)IBMIMAGEREPEVENT{size:PDSTS: %s: invalid event string (bad format):<%s> (%d:%s)IBIMAGEREPEVENT{size:%lu;path:IBMPDSTS: %s: invalid event string (size mismatch):<%s> (%d:%s)IBM;path:I;}}PDSTS: %s: invalid event string (bad ending):<%s> (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: event string is: %sIlsu:IBMPDSTS: %s: lsu in the event string is: %sIBPDSTS: %s: cannot find dsid for lsu: %s%s%c%u%c%sIPDSTS: %s: payload path is:%s IPDSTS: %s: pd_path_exists (%s) failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: invalid event string (unknown event type):<%s> (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: exit: (%d:%s)IBMPureDiskPDSTS: %s: entry: looking for server:<%s>IBfind_evh_llPDSTS: %s: walking open_server_ll_t: server:<%s>, nhandle:<%d>, opencount:<%d>IPDSTS: %s: exit: evh_ll:<%p>IBMPDSTS: %s: invalid event handle in listPDSTS: %s: evh:<%p>, server:<%s>, nhandle:<%d>, opencount:<%d>Ifree_evh_llPDSTS: %s: normally STS_EBUSY. flush all open files. IBPDSTS: %s: impl_close_server() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: removing evh:<%p> from list, opencount:<%d>IPDSTS: %s: keeping evh:<%p> in list, opencount:<%d>, nhandle:<%d>IBPDSTS: %s: entryIBMimpl_close_evchannelIBMPDSTS: %s: invalid event handle (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: server:<%s> not found (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: free_evh_ll() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: entry: server:<%s>IBnew_evhPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for evh nodeIBPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for evhIBM IBMimpl_open_evchannel2IBMPDSTS: %s: invalid parameters (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: new event node for server:<%s>, node:<%p>, list:<%p>, open_count:<%d>IBMPDSTS: %s: unable to obtain event node (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: existing svh node for server:<%s>, node:<%p>, list:<%p>, open_count:<%d>, nhandle:<%d>IPDSTS: %s: evh_nhandle:<%d>, shl_opencount:<%d>, evh_svh:<%p>IBPDSTS: %s: impl_open_server(%s) failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: server:<%s> not opened (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: entry: event string:<%s>IBM_readEventStringIBMPDSTS: %s: event version:<%u> is greater than current supported version:<%u>IBMEVENT{version:%u;type:%d;id:%lu;date:%luIBMLEGACYEVENTLEGACYEVENT{payload:IBM_PURE_DISK_EVENT_v9_:date=%lu;%sIBMPDSTS: %s: Truncating legacy payload:<%s>IBIMAGEREPEVENT{size:%u;path:PDSTS: %s: invalid event string (incorrect event formatting):<%s> (%d:%s)IBLSUSTATUSEVENTILSUSTATUSEVENT{state:%u;IBM;server:IBMCAPACITYEVENTIBCAPACITYEVENT{capacity:%lu;capacityphys:%lu;used:%lu;usedphys:%lu;server:IBSERVERSTATUSEVENTIBSERVERSTATUSEVENT{state:%u;server:IABILITIESEVENTIABILITIESEVENT{flags:0x%X;server:IB(NULL)IACTIVITYEVENTIBACTIVITYEVENT{version:%d;action:%d;time:%lu;severity:%dmsg:IBMPDSTS: %s: invalid event string (missing activity message):<%s> (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: Truncating activity message:<%s>PDSTS: %s: dpsProxy, returning no eventimpl_get_eventIPDSTS: %s: entry: event handle:<%p>PDSTS: %s: invalid parameters, svh:<%p>, mntp:<%p> (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: not embedded and legacy specified (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: pd_get_event() (legacy) failed, disabling events for this server (%d:%s)_PURE_DISK_EVENT_v9_:date=%u;sev=%d;type=%d;msg=%sIPDSTS: %s: _readEventString() failed, unable to parse event string (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: entry: deleting event, seq#::<%lu>IBimpl_delete_eventIBPDSTS: %s: _get_event_payload_path() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: PdvfsUnlink(%s) failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: sync_pdvfs(%s) failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: pd_delete_event() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: read <%d> bytes, buf:<%s>IBM_read_dup_payload_bodyIPDSTS: %s: unable to reallocate memory for image info list (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: PdvfsRead() failed reading event payload (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsRead() failed reading payload header, end of file reached prematurely (%d:%sIBM_read_dup_payload_headerIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsRead() failed reading payload header (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: Invalid payload headerIBPDSTS: %s: getting event payload for event, seq#:<%lu>Iimpl_get_event_payloadIPDSTS: %s: lsu in event is %sIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsStat(%s) failed for event payload file (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: PdvfsOpen(%s) failed opening event payload file (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: _read_dup_payload_header() failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: _read_dup_payload_body() failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: failed to get real LSU name (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: image info: sln_name: %s, server lsuname: %sPDSTS: %s: update lsu in image list to %sIBPDSTS: %s: lsu of the first image in the event payload is:%sIBMPDSTS: %s: invalid event type:<%d>IPDSTS: %s: PdvfsClose() failed closing event payload file (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: Unable to get event payload. Changing original error code (%d:%s) to (%d:%s) so the event is not deleted, avoiding a storage leak @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is fullUNKNOWN STS ERROR CODENONEIBMPDSTS: %s: processing sub-directory <%s, %s> count=%dIBimpl_get_image_list_subdirIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsOpendirForList(%s) failed opening mount point (%d:%s). This can happen if the first backup of a policy fails and the images are cleaned upIPDSTS: %s: processing entry %sI%s%c%sI.imgIBMPDSTS: %s: skipping non-image %s (%s)IBPDSTS: %s: trying %s %s/IBPDSTS: %s: slashcount(%d)IB%s%sIBM.infoIB%s%s%c%s%sIPDSTS: %s: already on primary dsid, skipping %sPDSTS: %s: adding entry (%s) list=%p count=%dIBPDSTS: %s: realloc newsize=%dIBPDSTS: %s: unable to realloc <%lu> bytes (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: pd_stat_indir(%s) failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: done readdirPDSTS: %s: PdvfsReaddir completed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsReaddir() failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: done opendir, err=%sPDSTS: %s: PdvfsClosedir() failed (%d:%s)IB%s%c%dIPDSTS: %s: opening path %sIquery_dsid_imagesIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsOpendirForList(%s) failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: processing entry (%s)IBMBEDataIPDSTS: %s: impl_get_image_list_subdir() failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: readdir completed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: done opendirPDSTS: %s: exit (%d:%s) count=%dIBMPDSTS: %s: entry: %pIBMimpl_free_image_listIBMPDSTS: %s: invalid image list handleIBMPDSTS: %s: release_svh() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: exit (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: dsidpath not setimpl_open_image_listIBMPDSTS: %s: rilh not setPDSTS: %s: lsu not setIPDSTS: %s: entry: <%s, %s> %pIBPDSTS: %s: pdvfs_get_sdk_version failedPDSTS: %s: malloc failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: get dsid (%d) from lsu (%s)IPDSTS: %s: query_dsid_images() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: cannot find dsid for lsu: %sPDSTS: %s: acquire_svh() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: freeing err=%dIBPDSTS: %s: svh_dsids not setIBMPDSTS: %s: exit (%d:%s) count=%d, refcnt=%dimpl_get_next_imagePDSTS: %s: index (%d) is not less than list size(%d)IBMPDSTS: %s: exit (%d:%s) %d <%s> @(#) PD_16.0000.0022.0215 PureDisk SDK 2.0 @(#) $URL: http://rmnsvn1/svn/pd/sources/darrieus-pddem/libs/clibs/include/dct/revision.h $ RCS_16.0000.0022.0215OKone or more invalid argumentsmemory allocationtoo many async reads/writes queuedtoo much async read/write data queuedobject is busy, cannot be closedobject already existsapp version not <= master lib versionplug-in version not match master versionobject not claimed by a plug-innot initializedoffset invalid for object or contextcall should be repeatedno more entriesoperation abortedinvalid save as attributes of imageoperation not supportedsystem call failedfile not founderror occurred on network socketstorage server connection limit exceedednetwork protocol errorsoftware errorserver is shut downinterface to storage server invalidunauthorized client hostinvalid server namestart file invalid syntaxnetwork Domain Name Service errorauthorization failureattempted to overlap creation of related imagesout of spacecall should be repeated with same stat blockSnapVault secondary is not licensed on NearStoreSnapVault is not turned on on NearStoreHost is not in the SnapVault access list on NearStoresave as specified does not match previous image in backup setaccess not allowedno such deviceillegal backup image state, incremental with out fullstorage server version doesn't support operationattempted open for write on a complete imageincremental with out fullno events availablewarning error for delete files not completing successfullyplugin busyplugin errorstorage server/plugin version mismatchdlopendlsymThread initialize conditionalNetBackup database errorNetBackup critical database errorLoadLibraryobtain the address of an exported functionCreateEventStream Handler errorOpenStorage Proxy Plugin ErrorOpenStorage Proxy Server Errorplugin crashed and is no longer available within this processInvalid storageInvalid topologyvolume level rollback not possiblea filesystem limitation was encounteredWORM invalid minWORM invalid maxUnable to match WORM state for source and target lsuUnable to match WORM state for source and replica Imageunable to update immutable imageunable to delete locked imageautomatic WORM locking not supportedlsu WORM limitation was encounteredDedupe predictive cache memory is fullUNKNOWN STS ERROR CODEUNKNOWNRUNNINGSUCCESSQUEUEDFAILEDABORTED???PureDiskVolumeformat_filesys_replication_file_listsformat_replication_file_listsIBPDSTS: %s: entry: event_path:<%s>, number of events:<%d>IBMapp_create_event_fileIBPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for event_file (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: PdvfsUnlink(%s) failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsOpen(%s) failed (%d:%s)%s|%sIBv1.0IBMPDSTS: %s: writing <%d> bytes, buf:<%s>PDSTS: %s: PdvfsWrite() failed, wrote <%d> of <%d> bytes to file:<%s> (%d:%s)IB%s|%s|%s|%s|%u|%u|%s|%s|%s|%lu|%lu|%u|%s|%lu|%u|%u|%d|%u|%u|%s|%sIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsClose(%d) failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: sync_pdvfs(%s) failed (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: exit: (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: invalid parameters (%d:%s)IBimage_list_initPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for async image list (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for event list (%d:%s)add_image_to_event_listPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for image info (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: impl_get_image_prop_byname() failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: unable to reallocate memory for event list (%d:%s)IBimage_set_list_initPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for async image set list (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: entry: source_image:<%s:, imageset:<%s>Iasync_add_imagePDSTS: %s: image_list_init() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: image_set_list_init() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: add_image_to_event_list() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: adding image to set list, but set list has already been canceled (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: already in set listIPDSTS: %s: adding to set listIBPDSTS: %s: (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: entryIBMasync_get_job_statusIBMPDSTS: %s: Invalid argument: image is NULLIPDSTS: %s: Invalid argument: set_list is NULLIBPDSTS: %s: Invalid argument: status_list is NULLIBMPDSTS: %s: status for all targets is <%s>IBPDSTS: %s: check_pdvfs_job() failed (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: job status is unknown, fail this jobjob status is unknown, fail this jobIBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsGetJobBytesProcessed() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: SPAD jobid:<%d>, number of bytes replicated:<%lu>IBMPDSTS: %s: PdvfsGetJobErrorDescription() failed (%d:%s)Replication started but failed to complete successfully. Refer to the replication logs on the source storage server for more informationIBMReplication started but failed to complete successfully: %s. Look at the replication logs on the source storage server for more information.IBMPDSTS: %s: status for <%s> is <%s>IPDSTS: %s: status for <%s> is SUCCESSIBPDSTS: %s: status for <%s> is FAILEDIBMPDSTS: %s: unknown pdvfs job state:<%d>PDSTS: %s: num_jobs equal to zero, invalid status list passed inIBMPDSTS: %s: exit: status:<%s> (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: entry. opid=%pIBasync_cancel_imageIPDSTS: %s: Image already canceledIBPDSTS: %s: canceled=%d, active=%dIBPDSTS: %s: last image has been canceled, removing image set:<%s>IBMasync_cancel_jobsIBPDSTS: %s: status_list is NULL, no jobs were startedIBMPDSTS: %s: entry: image_set: %s image: %sIBPDSTS: %s: PdvfsGetSDKVersion failed: (%d %s). Assuming legacy server.IPDSTS: %s: PdvfsCancelReplicationJob() failed (%s:%d). Unable to cancel jobid %d.IBPDSTS: %s: Successfully cancelled replication jobid %dIPDSTS: %s: PDDO Replication source does not support job cancellation. Replication job will time out in 10 minutes.IPDSTS: %s: exit (err == %d)PDSTS: %s: entry: deleting event file:<%s>Iair_delete_payload_file%s%c%sIPDSTS: %s: entry: sending event to <%s>air_send_replication_eventIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsCompleteAIRReplicate() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: AIR target storage server has too many events. Please ensure that event processing is happeningPDSTS: %s: exit (%d:%s)bptmIBMbptm.exeIBMnbostpxyIBMnbostpxy.exeIBMbpdmIBMbpdm.exeIBMasync_finish_replicationIBMPDSTS: %s: entry, image_set: %s image: %sIBPDSTS: %s: target_lsu.sl_server_handle is not NULL, image->set_list->finished: (%d).IBMPDSTS: %s: target_lsu.sl_server_handle is NULL, image->set_list->finished: (%d).IBMPDSTS: %s: target LSU is:%sPDSTS: %s: air_send_replication_event() failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: air_delete_payload_file() failed (%d:%s)CC_AIRIPDSTS: %s: PdvfsSyncImage2CloudGW failed (%d:%s)IBMBEOSTIBPDSTS: %s: Calling PdvfsSyncPODB2Cloud dsid=%d, policy=%s, client=%s, is_nbu=%dPDSTS: %s: PdvfsSyncPODB2Cloud failed (%d:%s)IBair_get_replication_targetsPDSTS: %s: <%d> replication targets definedPDSTS: %s: no targets defined, cannot auto replicate images (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: unable to allocate meory for <%d> targets (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: impl_get_lsu_replication_prop() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: exitPDSTS: %s: unable to find match for <%s>IBMremove_status_list_by_targetIBMPDSTS: %s: found match for <%s> -> <%s>PDSTS: %s: unable to find match for <%s> (%d:%s)IBMlookup_jobid_by_targetIreplication_status_list_initIBMPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for replication status list (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for target url (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for event path (%d:%s)PDSTS: %s: replication_status_list_init() failed (%d:%s)IBMadd_event_path_to_status_listIBair_create_event_fileIB-._PDSTS: %s: Could not extract dpa_job_id from NULL sd_idextract_dpa_job_idIPDSTS: %s: Could not allocate memory for sd_buf.IBM:bptm:I:bpdm:IPDSTS: %s: Could not parse NetBackup job id from session def: %sIBMPDSTS: %s: This replication job is NetBackup job id %dIPDSTS: %s: invalid arguments (%d:%s)IBMreduce_replication_pathsIBMPDSTS: %s: invalid path:<%s> or <%s> (%d:%s)IBMPDSTS: %s: unable to read paths:<%s> or <%s> (%d:%s)IBMIB%s%sIBMPDSTS: %s: directory renaming enabled, source:<%s>, target:<%s>%s%c%s%sI*PDSTS: %s: image renaming enabled, source:<%s>, target:<%s>PDSTS: %s: num_active_images:<%d> does not match number of images:<%d> (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for target file list (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for source file list (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: unable to allocate memory for file list (%d:%s)Iasync_air_replicatePDSTS: %s: Directed replication to remote master (%s)IBPDSTS: %s: Unable to allocate memory for targets (%d:%s)IBMPureDisk:IBPDSTS: %s: air_get_replication_targets() failed (%d:%s)%s%c%s%c%sIPDSTS: %s: format_replication_file_lists failed (%d:%s)PureDisk:%1024s%s%c%s%s%s%s%s%ld%sEVENT_I_IB.dataIBPDSTS: %s: air_create_event_file failed() (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: add_event_path_to_status_list() failed (%d:%s)IBPDSTS: %s: lookup_jobid_by_target() failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: PdvfsLaunchAIRReplicate() failed (%d:%s)FILESYS:IBMPDSTS: %s: source_lsu FILESYS: specified without target_lsu FILESYS: (%d:%s)IBM%s%s%c%sIBMPDSTS: %s: file renaming enabled, source:<%s>, target:<%s>IPDSTS: %s: no renaming enabled for <%s>PDSTS: %s: num_active_images:<%d> does not match number of images:<%d>Iasync_normal_replicateIPDSTS: %s: %s() failed (%d:%s)IPDSTS: %s: PdvfsReplicateDirect() failed (%d:%s) `  n n (n <n `n n n n n n 8n Hn pn n n n n n n n 0n \n tn n n n n n n ,n Dn to o o o o Ho o o o o  o  Ho  do  xo  o o o o o o (o Do ho to o o o o o Do To ho o  o! o" o# o$ Lo% po& o' o(  ,8DP\ 8 h n n n n 8n `n n n n n n n Hn `n pn n n n n n n 4n Ln \n pn n n n n n n Lo \o o o o o `o to o o  o  o  <o  Po  o o o o o o o o @o Lo xo o o o o o ,o @o do  o! o" o# o$ $o% Ho& ho' o( $,4<DL  0 n n n n n (n Ln dn n n n n n (n 8n Ln pn n n n n n n $n 8n \n xn n n n n o $o To o o o (o <o Lo o  o  o  o  o  To `o po o o o o o o o @o Lo do o o o o o ,o  To! ho" |o# o$ o% o& 0o' Xo( |w ww$w$w0w<wHw$wHw$wTw`wlwHw$wxww$w$ww$wHw$ww$wxw$ww0w$w$w0ww$w$wwwwwwwwwwwwwww$www$wwwwh\xX(\@(< "x " #n # n #@n #Tn #xn #n #n #n $n $0n $Pn $`n $n $n $n $n $n %n %n %$n %Hn %tn %n %n %n %n %n &n & n &Dn &\n &o &o &o 'o '(o '`o 'o 'o 'o 'o  (0o  (`o  (|o  (o  (o (o (o )o )o ) o )@o )\o )o )o )o )o )o )o *o *\o *lo *o *o  *o! *o" *o# +,o$ +do% +o& +o' +o( + = = ><n >@n >`n >tn >n >n >n >n ?$n ?Pn ?pn ?n ?n ?n ?n ?n @n @ n @4n @Dn @hn @n @n @n @n @n An A$n A@n Adn A|n Ao Ao Ao B o BHo Bo Bo Bo Bo Co  CPo  Co  Co  Co  Co Co Do D0o D8o D@o D`o D|o Do Do Do Do Do Eo E<o E|o Eo Eo Eo  Eo! Fo" Fo# FLo$ Fo% Fo& Fo' Fo( G G<0 GX1 Gl2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G9 Ga Hb H,c HHd Hde Hf Hg Hh Hi Hj Ik I$l I@m I\n Ixo Ip Iq Ir Is It Iu Jv J w J4x JLy Jdz JA JB JC JD K E K F K0G KLH KhI KJ KK KL KM KN L O L P L0Q L Ox, O. O? 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Feb 15 15:48:41 2022 IBM XL C for AIX, Version Feb 15 15:48:42 2022 .parse_preferred_ext_segksizes.init_msdp_app_client.parse_puredisk_conf_file.pdsts_dct_init.determine_keepalive_interval.parse_exts.session_exit.session_init.parse_configfile._CheckFree@AF97_34Tue Feb 15 15:48:43 2022 .tar_is_magical.tar_get_filesize.tar_is_ndmp_header.tar_is_header.tar_is_header@AF77_7Tue Feb 15 15:48:44 2022 .tarsth_process_tar_header.tarsth_process_data.tarsth_get_size_from_extended_data.tarsth_get_next_hdr_pos.tarsth_is_initialized.tarsth_terminate.tarsth_get_state.tarsth_write_buf.tarsth_initialize.tarsth_can_support_buf../ufsdump_sth.c.ufssth_is_enabled.ufssth_is_initialized.ufssth_get_header_state.ufssth_write_buf_block.ufssth_write_buf_jump.ufssth_write_seq.ufssth_setup_next_obj.ufssth_get_data_bytes.ufssth_is_end_type.ufssth_is_inode_type.ufssth_setup_imh.ufssth_is_header.ufssth_log_header.ufssth_get_checksum.ufssth_is_magical.ufssth_get_seq_type_str.ufssth_get_mode_str.ufssth_get_type_str.ufssth_terminate.ufssth_get_state.ufssth_write_buf.ufssth_initialize.ufssth_can_support_bufu_datau_spcl../emcpax_sth.c.emcpaxsth_finished_processing_ufs64_ea.emcpaxsth_finished_processing_ads.emcpaxsth_finished_processing_file.emcpaxsth_write_padding.emcpaxsth_should_write_padding.emcpaxsth_write_file.emcpaxsth_write_ads_data.emcpaxsth_write_ufs64_ea.emcpaxsth_write_ads_name.emcpaxsth_should_write_file.emcpaxsth_write_file_descriptor.emcpaxsth_should_write_file_descriptor.emcpaxsth_retrieve_header.emcpaxsth_check_process_ufs64_ea.emcpaxsth_retrieve_ads_data_header.emcpaxsth_retrieve_ufs64_ea_size.emcpaxsth_retrieve_ads_name_header.emcpaxsth_write_to_buffer.emcpaxsth_save_filename.emcpaxsth_get_seq_type_str.emcpaxsth_should_process_ads_data_content.emcpaxsth_should_process_ads_data_hdr.emcpaxsth_should_process_ufs64_ea.emcpaxsth_should_process_ads_name_content.emcpaxsth_should_process_ufs64_ea_size.emcpaxsth_should_process_ads_name_hdr.emcpaxsth_should_process_header.emcpaxsth_is_header.emcpaxsth_find_end_of_block_offset.emcpaxsth_find_end_of_file_offset.emcpaxsth_get_file_start_offset.emcpaxsth_print_struct.emcpaxsth_setup_next_obj.emcpaxsth_init_ufs64_ea_ctx.emcpaxsth_init_ads_meta.emcpaxsth_str2oct.emcpaxsth_is_initialized.is_regular_file_type.is_ads_type.emcsthpax_process_step_to_string.emcsthpax_entity_type_to_string.get_sum_of_512_bytes.emcpaxsth_terminate.emcpaxsth_get_state.emcpaxsth_write_buf.emcpaxsth_initialize.emcpaxsth_can_support_buf.emcpaxsth_is_emc_ctx.emcpaxsth_is_enabled.emcpaxsth_should_process_ads_data_hdr@AF127_22../be_backup_marker.c.compare_image_info.append_info_to_vec.build_info_vec_from_images.expand_image_info_vector_if_needed.write_bbh_buffer.write_info_vec_to_bbh.find_previous_fulls.parse_bbh.get_info_vec_from_bbh.load_fps_for_image.BE_write_marker_for_pdvfs_image_cache.BE_setup_pdvfs_image_cache._CheckFree@AF90_27../oracle_sth.c.oracle_sth_terminate.oracle_sth_initialize.oracle_sth_is_initialized.oracle_footer_write_buf.oracle_header_write_buf.oracle_block_write_buf.oracle_write_buf.oracle_get_file_id.oracle_is_full_block.oracle_is_big_endian.oracle_is_little_endian.oracle_get_endian.oracle_get_block_size.oracle_has_images.oracle_create_marker_file.oracle_is_sth_enabled.oracle_get_marker_entry.oracle_has_marker_file.oracle_get_marker_file_path.oracle_is_enabled.oracle_is_oracle_stream._CheckFree@AF99_36Tue Feb 15 15:48:46 2022 IBM XL C/C++ for AIX, Version Feb 15 15:48:51 2022 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Jan 8 08:02:26 2022 .compare_keys.dump_string.dump_indent.loop_check.do_dump.json_dump_callback.json_dumps.json_dumpb.json_dumpf.json_dumpfd.json_dump_file.dump_to_strbuffer.dump_to_buffer.dump_to_file.dump_to_fdSat Jan 8 08:02:27 2022 .jsonp_error_vset.jsonp_error_set_source.jsonp_error_init.jsonp_error_set.json_decref.hashtable_iter_set.list_init.hashtable_init.hashtable_do_clear.hashtable_close.bucket_is_empty.list_insert.insert_to_bucket.hashtable_do_rehash.hashtable_find_pair.hashlittle.hashtable_set.hashtable_get.list_remove.hashtable_do_del.hashtable_del.hashtable_clear.hashtable_iter_next.hashtable_iter.hashtable_iter_at.hashtable_iter_key.hashtable_iter_valuehashtable_seed.c.buf_to_uint32.seed_from_urandom.seed_from_timestamp_and_pid.generate_seed.json_object_seedSat Jan 8 08:02:28 2022 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Sep 29 14:04:14 2007 IBM XL C Enterprise Edition for AIX, Version --- 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