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Connecting the legacy way with IPv4 only support.gethostbyname failed for %s, error = %dconnecting to %sIBMcan't create TCP connection to %s (%d %d), will retry...IBMcan't create TCP connection to %s (%d %d), giving upIBMconnection established to %sIBMCould not create socket. Invalid Socket.IBMSocket created successfully.IBMsetsockopt passed.Isetsockopt failed with error = %d . This operation is not mandatory, so continue execution despite error.IBSocket connect failed with error: %d, %dIBMSocket connected successfully.IEntering generic_rpc_connect.IBUsing vnet_getifaddrs() on local host %sIBMError: vnet_getifaddrs return status %dvnet_getifaddrs - Successfully resolved address Using vnet_cached_getaddrinfo on hostname %sIBMError: vnet_cached_getaddrinfo return status %d / %dIBMvnet_cached_getaddrinfo - Successfully resolved addressSorting the IP addresses in DNS order with preference to IPv4 over IPv6.IBMNOADDRIResolved IP address for hostname %s is : %s IBMset_port returned trueIsocket_create_and_connect returned falseIBMsocket_create_and_connect returned trueTry connecting to %s with port=%d Failed clnttcp_create with errno = %d, %sIBcan't create TCP connection to %s, will retry...IBMcan't create TCP connection to %s with IP %s , giving up. Will try with next IP if available.IBSuccessful clnttcp_createIBconnection established to %s using IP: %sIBset_port returned falseEXIT_STATUS=%d %s%snbfsdIB/usr/openv/netbackup/logs/nbfsdIB/usr/openv/netbackup/binIBMnbfs_mountoptsI../nbfs.cIB%s%snbfs_mountoptsIrIBopened: %sInbfsIBMread line: %sIBforceumountretry=Ibad retry value (%d) in mount-opt fileItimeout=IBMbad timeout value (%d) in mount-opt fileIBMignoring unknown mount-opt option: %sIBmountIBumountIactivateIBMdeactivateIshowmountIBshowmountallIBMshowexportsgettimeoutIvmmountvmunmountIBunknown operationIB-server-server requires a server nameI-portIB-port requires a port numberIBMbad value in port numberIBM-credIB-cred requires a cred stringIBM-vmserverIB-vmserver requires a vm server name-esxhostIBM-esxhost requires a esx server name-timeoutIBM-timeout requires a timeout valueIBbad value in timeoutIBM-retryI-retry requires a retry count valuebad value in retryI-fI-f is valid only for unmountIBMunknown optionI-server is required-cred is requiredIB-cred is not valid for this optionI-vmserver is requiredIB-esxHost is requiredIBMunexpected trailing argumentsIBtoo many tailing argumentsI is requiredIB is requiredinvalid connect to %s failed IBactivate has invalid format/lengthIBmalloc(%d) for mntpath failedIBfixing mntpath - %s => %sIBBASEDIR=%s MNTPATH=%s umount pre-op returned %d, continuingIB%s -o %s,port=%d IB/usr/sbin/mount:IB/usr/sbin/umountIBM -f%sIMOUNTPOINT=%s Ireturn error on command : %d (%d)0@(#)23 1.6 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libpthreads/init.c, libpth, bos610 6/21/07 15:28:59@(#)61 1.16 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libc/__threads_init.c, libcthrd, bos61B, b2007_33A0 8/2/07 13:09:21@(#)42 1.1 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libc/POWER/crti.C, libcproc, bos610 3/13/07 11:03:08ޭ 8SE<RlRRRRRRRR R..B@RRDItItItII @IIEEEEE EEEEEEE0 2EEEEEEE 'EEEFEEE 'FEF8F8F8F<FD @FHEFpFpF8FxF XEEFFF8FF ߀FEFFF8FF f EEFFF8FF FEGGF8GG s`EEG$G$F8G,G4 G8EG`G`F8GhGp hꀠEEGtGtF8G|G P@EEGGGGG `,GEGGGGG H- EEGGGGG 0/*EEGGGGG p;_GEH H H H$H, qxhH0EHXHXH HXH` tyS HhEHHHHH HEHHHHH $HEIIHII  0IEI8I8HI@IH 1ILEItIxItII @IEItItItII @IIJJItJ J øsJJ@JhJhItJpJx ǠJ|JJJItJJ ˈ JKK0K0K0K4K< 5ĴK@KhKKKKK \@KKKKKKL _|LL,LTLTKL\Ld cLhLLLKLL dD*LLMMMMM$!! 8M(MPMxMxMxM|M"" 0zMMMMMxMM## MNN8N8MxN8N@$$ NHNpNNMxNN%% \NNNNNNO&& ]JOO0OXOXNOXO`'' ]qOhOOONOO(( h]OOPPNPP )) ]P(PPPxP|PxPP** lPPPPPxPP++ lPQQDQDPxQDQL,, xlQTQ|QQPxQQ-- mQQRRRR R..B@RRD @(#) NetBackup_10.08@((`((((@(3(4(6 (8 (5@(5(6(7(h(PHA8XhC}#%n8 @@ @ &@ .@ 7@ D@\@i@x@@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @  @ @ @ &@ /@ <@ F@ N@ X@ c@ m@ ~@ @ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ %@ J@ ^@ l@v@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @  @  @ 2@ >@ P@ d@ u! ?h?p?x????(?X?`??????????????? ?(?0?P?`?h?p?x????????????? ?(?0?8?X?h?p?x????????????? ?(?0?8?@?`?p?x???????????? ? ? 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