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bufferIBM*vfile->data.char_array.current == '\0' && "vfile_getc failure in buffer"IB../../bsdscan/V_vfscanf.cIBvfile->type == VFILE_CHAR_ARRAYvfile->data.char_array.buffer + vfile->data.char_array.count - vfile->data.char_array.current >= numbytesIBvfile->data.char_array.current == vfile->data.char_array.buffer + vfile->data.char_array.countIvfile->data.char_array.buffer < vfile->data.char_array.current && "ungetc position failure in buffer"IB(unsigned char)*vfile->data.char_array.current == (unsigned char)c && "ungetc failure in buffer"IBMvfileIBfpIbufferuser_siduser_nameuser_infoauth_typeresilientpeer_masklocal_infoextra_inforemote_infodomain_namepeer_hostidpeer_is_ecauser_info_uiduser_info_gidmaster_serverpeer_hostnamenbx_node_namepeer_cert_infolocal_endpointis_dhcp_clientconnection_infolocal_cert_infouser_info_unameuser_info_gnamerequest_timeoutcertificate_infonbrntd_peer_addrnbrntd_sock_addrdhcp_client_namesessiontoken_infouser_info_isadminindirect_user_sidindirect_user_uidindirect_user_gidpeer_host_detailsuser_info_user_jwtuser_info_isdaemonindirect_user_nameuser_info_priv_maskindirect_user_gnameuser_info_nb_org_userindirect_user_isadminuser_info_iswebserviceuser_info_clientostypecertificate_issuer_nameindirect_user_priv_maskcertificate_subject_namenetbackup_certificate_typepeer_sessiontoken_audit_infocertificate_subject_alt_nameindirect_userinfo_from_vnetdcertificate_serial_number_namecertificate_subject_common_namecertificate_issuer_org_unit_name data-in-transitI%dUnknown errornbuix=targetdb_passwd=recovery_passwd=IBMUnknown error %dIBM%s%c%sI*NULL*I******I"user_siduser_nameuser_infoauth_typeresilientpeer_masklocal_infoextra_inforemote_infodomain_namepeer_hostidpeer_is_ecauser_info_uiduser_info_gidmaster_serverpeer_hostnamenbx_node_namepeer_cert_infolocal_endpointis_dhcp_clientconnection_infolocal_cert_infouser_info_unameuser_info_gnamerequest_timeoutcertificate_infonbrntd_peer_addrnbrntd_sock_addrdhcp_client_namesessiontoken_infouser_info_isadminindirect_user_sidindirect_user_uidindirect_user_gidpeer_host_detailsuser_info_user_jwtuser_info_isdaemonindirect_user_nameuser_info_priv_maskindirect_user_gnameuser_info_nb_org_userindirect_user_isadminuser_info_iswebserviceuser_info_clientostypecertificate_issuer_nameindirect_user_priv_maskcertificate_subject_namenetbackup_certificate_typepeer_sessiontoken_audit_infocertificate_subject_alt_nameindirect_userinfo_from_vnetdcertificate_serial_number_namecertificate_subject_common_namecertificate_issuer_org_unit_name formed IP address (%s) on line %dWrong class of IP address (%s) on line %dreadStructreadListParseConfigExAAppendToBufferAgetUnameInfoDatagetAIXreleaseLevelCheckSemanticsCheckSemanticsForUpdateOpenTemporaryConfigFiletmpOpenClusterAwareConfigFileReadClusterAwareConfigFileWriteClusterAwareConfigFileObsoleteInvalidUpdateClusterAwareConfigFilegetCertDetailsFromConfigExisWinCertStoreBkupEnabledgetCrlCheckLevelFromConfiggetVirtualizationCrlCheckLevelFromConfigisVirtualizationHostsSecureConnectEnabledgetHadoopCrlCheckLevelFromConfigisHadoopSecureConnectEnabledisVMwareTLSminimum_v1_2isCurlLoggingEnabledENABLE_NBCURL_VERBOSEisAllowWorldReadableLogsEnabledRead method returned unknown error code %d; Option skipped on line %d: %s = %sIRead method returned unknown error code %d; Option skipped on line %d: %sIBBadly formed configuration entry on line %d: %s = %sIBMBadly formed configuration entry on line %d: %sUnable to allocate memory; Option skipped on line %d: %s = %sIBUnable to allocate memory; Option skipped on line %d: %sIBMExtra data (%s) at end of line %d ignored.IOption (%s) redefined on line %d, discarding definition on line %d.Missing 'value'; Option skipped on line %d: %sI%s configuration option on line %d: %s = %sTHIS_ENTRY_HAS_BEEN_DELETED_FROM_THE_GEN_KEY_VAL_LIST_AND_WILL_NOT_BE_DISPLAYED_GMESERVER not specified in NetBackup configurationUSE_CTIME_FOR_INCREMENTALS specified without DO_NOT_RESET_FILE_ACCESS_TIME. DO_NOT_RESET_FILE_ACCESS_TIME set alsoUnable to allocate space for the config bufferIcheck_master_config_ptr%s.%d: Master configuration read failed../../../nb/lib/bpconf_api.cIBMget_master_config_ptrIB%s.%d: Master configuration read failed, abortingIBget_users_config_ptrIBM%s.%d: Users configuration read failed, abortingI= IB%s.%03xfailed to open %s: %s (%d)Iwropen of %s failed: %s (%d)Istat of file %s failed: %s (%d)unable to allocate memoryIBread of file %s failed: %s (%d)param: name = %s, value = %sIBMparam: name = %s, modified = %dRequired agument missing for param %sIBModifying param %sIDeleting param %sIB%s = %s IBM%s Copying param %s entry as-isIBM%s entry (line %d) deleted: %sI = %sIB# %s = %s I# %s IBRequired argument missing for param %sIAdding param %s/usr/openv/var/globalIB/usr/openv/var/global/nbcl.confupdate_dir_perms_to_service_user failed for temp fileIBUnable to rename %s to %s: %s (%d)IUnable to write configuration to temporary file, configuration update failed: %s (%d)IBUnable to read configuration from %sIBMUnable to open configuration file from %sIB%s%s%sI/usr/openv/varI/IBnb_AIX_ReleaseLevelcouldn't retrieve uname values, errno = %d - %s.IB???my_AIX_ReleaseLevelunable to write the new version string to file %s , errno = %d, %sI# DO NOT remove, alter, or modify this dynamically generated file. couldn't write release level to %s, errno = %d - %scouldn't retrieve uname valuesI errno = %d - %sI10%dI%s = "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" "%s" %s IBUnknownNetBackupIBExternal CA host certificate path not found in configuration file.IExternal CA keystore path not found in configuration file.IExternal CA truststore path not found in configuration file.IBMPassphrase file path for private key of certificate signed by external CA not found in configuration file.IRequest to fetch information for cluster virtual name.IExternal CA host certificate path not found in cluster configuration file.IExternal CA keystore path not found in cluster configuration file.IExternal CA truststore path not found in cluster configuration file. Returning value from local node configurationIExternal CA truststore path not found in local as well as cluster configuration file.IBPassphrase file path for private key of certificate signed by external CA not found in cluster configuration file.IExternal CA crl path not found in configuration file.IBCRL path sync interval not found in configuration file.crlCheckLevel is NULL.INB_read_master_config() failed, Status = %dcrlCheckFlag value read from bpconf : %dIBMInvalid value read from bpconfIvirtualizationCrlCheckLevel is NULL.IBMvirtualizationCrlCheckFlag value read from bpconf : %dIhadoopCrlCheckLevel is NULL.IBMhadoopCrlCheckFlag value read from bpconf : %dIFailed to read configuration file. Hence returning default value (%d)IBisDTEClientModeModified%s.%d: DTE_CLIENT_MODE is modifiedIFailed to read configuration file. Hence returning default value (%d) .Failed to read configuration file. Hence returning default value (%d).IInteger (%d) out of range on line %d, %s %s legal value (%d).IB%ldInteger64 (%ld) out of range on line %d, %s %s legal value (%ld).IBfffffffgIllegal enumerated value (%s) on line %d, substituting %s.IIllegal enumerated value (%s) on line %d, subsituting %dIBMString too long on line %d. Truncating "%.500s"IBM to "%s".IBExtra data (%s) at end of field on line %d ignored.Missing required data field on line %d.%s is not a recognized units valueI%s is not a valid unit type for this valueIUnits data (%ld,%d) out of range on line %d, %s %s legal value (%ld,%d).IBM%ld %sIPEM_VERBOSE=-9 JM_VERBOSE=-9 RB_VERBOSE=-9 user_siduser_nameuser_infoauth_typeresilientpeer_masklocal_infoextra_inforemote_infodomain_namepeer_hostidpeer_is_ecauser_info_uiduser_info_gidmaster_serverpeer_hostnamenbx_node_namepeer_cert_infolocal_endpointis_dhcp_clientconnection_infolocal_cert_infouser_info_unameuser_info_gnamerequest_timeoutcertificate_infonbrntd_peer_addrnbrntd_sock_addrdhcp_client_namesessiontoken_infouser_info_isadminindirect_user_sidindirect_user_uidindirect_user_gidpeer_host_detailsuser_info_user_jwtuser_info_isdaemonindirect_user_nameuser_info_priv_maskindirect_user_gnameuser_info_nb_org_userindirect_user_isadminuser_info_iswebserviceuser_info_clientostypecertificate_issuer_nameindirect_user_priv_maskcertificate_subject_namenetbackup_certificate_typepeer_sessiontoken_audit_infocertificate_subject_alt_nameindirect_userinfo_from_vnetdcertificate_serial_number_namecertificate_subject_common_namecertificate_issuer_org_unit_name5. dir emptyIBUser name emptyuid:%d or gid:%d invalidIBMMemory allocation failedI:%s%s%sI/IB%sIrequest received to fix SERVICE_USER=[%s] folder=[%s]IBSERVICE_USERIBM/usr/openv/netbackup/bp.confIBM/usr/openvIrootIBM%s.%d: bpconf_ref_count_ cannot be decremented from (%d), abortingI%s.%d: get_bpconf_list_node_by_key failed with (%d), abortingIB%s.%d: Reserved access_key (%d) requested in wrong function, abortingIBNBU_CONFIG_ENVIbp.conf/usr/openv/netbackupIBMerrnoIBpathIBM/usr/openv/var/global/nbcl.conf%s.%d: getDefaultConfig failed with (%d), abortingI%s.%d: first_bpconf_read failed with (%d), abortinguser_siduser_nameuser_infoauth_typeresilientpeer_masklocal_infoextra_inforemote_infodomain_namepeer_hostidpeer_is_ecauser_info_uiduser_info_gidmaster_serverpeer_hostnamenbx_node_namepeer_cert_infolocal_endpointis_dhcp_clientconnection_infolocal_cert_infouser_info_unameuser_info_gnamerequest_timeoutcertificate_infonbrntd_peer_addrnbrntd_sock_addrdhcp_client_namesessiontoken_infouser_info_isadminindirect_user_sidindirect_user_uidindirect_user_gidpeer_host_detailsuser_info_user_jwtuser_info_isdaemonindirect_user_nameuser_info_priv_maskindirect_user_gnameuser_info_nb_org_userindirect_user_isadminuser_info_iswebserviceuser_info_clientostypecertificate_issuer_nameindirect_user_priv_maskcertificate_subject_namenetbackup_certificate_typepeer_sessiontoken_audit_infocertificate_subject_alt_nameindirect_userinfo_from_vnetdcertificate_serial_number_namecertificate_subject_common_namecertificate_issuer_org_unit_name data-in-transitgetUserHomeReadConfigFile>NULL<getLocalHostConfigImagegetLocalUsersConfigImageWriteConfigFileObsoleteInvalidUpdateConfigFileSkipUpdateLocalHostConfigDeleteLocalHostConfigSettingUpdateLocalUsersConfigIsysconf failed. errno: %dIBUsing 4K as default for getpwuid buffer length.rootIBMgetpwnam for %s failed. errno: %dIcouldn't allocate memory for getpwnam bufferIBMgetpwuid failed. errno: %dcouldn't allocate memory for getpwuid bufferIBMcouldn't allocate memory for user's home pathIB****fstat of %s failed, errno = %d = %sIB****(%s) statBuf.st_size < 1 = %ldCannot read file %s****open of %s failed, errno = %d = %sGENERIC_KEY_VAL_LISTIBMParam = %s, matches skip label, moving to next itemgetConfigDataPointer returned NULL for Param = %s, continuingIBParam = %s, modified = %dIBParam = %s, modified status unknown, assuming not modifiedIRequired agument missing %sModifying %sIBM%sI = %sIB%s = %s IBMCopying = %s entryI%s entry (line %d) deleted: %sI = # %sIBM%s Required argument missing %sIBMAdding %sIBTHIS_ENTRY_HAS_BEEN_DELETED_FROM_THE_GEN_KEY_VAL_LIST_AND_WILL_NOT_BE_DISPLAYED_GMEUnable to follow link of %s: %s (%d)IBMupdate_dir_perms_to_service_user failed for temp fileIBUnable to rename %s to %s: %s (%d)IUnable to write configuration to temporary file, configuration update failed: %s (%d)IBUnable to read configuration from %sIBMUnable to open configuration file from %sIB%s%s%sI/usr/openv/netbackupI/bp.confUpdateConfigFile (%s) completed <%d>IBM/usr/openv/var/global/nbcl.confUpdateClusterAwareConfigFile (%s) completed <%d>IBMUpdateClusterAwareConfigFile (%s) failed <%d>IBUpdateConfigFile (%s) failed <%d>IBReadHostConfigEx failed <%d>IBMUpdateConfigFileDelete (%s) completed <%d>IUpdateConfigFileDelete (%s) failed <%d>UpdateConfigFile completed <%d>UpdateConfigFile failed <%d>IBMReadUsersConfigEx failed <%d>IBUnable to become user (%s)INBU_CONFIG_ENVI IBUnable to read user configuration file (%s)Unable to open user configuration file (%s)Unable to read master configuration fileuser_siduser_nameuser_infoauth_typeresilientpeer_masklocal_infoextra_inforemote_infodomain_namepeer_hostidpeer_is_ecauser_info_uiduser_info_gidmaster_serverpeer_hostnamenbx_node_namepeer_cert_infolocal_endpointis_dhcp_clientconnection_infolocal_cert_infouser_info_unameuser_info_gnamerequest_timeoutcertificate_infonbrntd_peer_addrnbrntd_sock_addrdhcp_client_namesessiontoken_infouser_info_isadminindirect_user_sidindirect_user_uidindirect_user_gidpeer_host_detailsuser_info_user_jwtuser_info_isdaemonindirect_user_nameuser_info_priv_maskindirect_user_gnameuser_info_nb_org_userindirect_user_isadminuser_info_iswebserviceuser_info_clientostypecertificate_issuer_nameindirect_user_priv_maskcertificate_subject_namenetbackup_certificate_typepeer_sessiontoken_audit_infocertificate_subject_alt_nameindirect_userinfo_from_vnetdcertificate_serial_number_namecertificate_subject_common_namecertificate_issuer_org_unit_name5. [%s] is configured on hostIBMIBMInvalid input arguments: user_name:[%p], uid:[%p], gid:[%p]getpwnam_r failed. errno = %d, pw_buffer_size = %ldmemory allocation failed. pw_buffer_size = %ldIgetpwnam_r failed (pw_result is NULL). result = %d, errno = %d, pw_buffer_size = %ldIBMInvalid input arguments: group_name:[%p], group_name_len:[%lu].getgrgid_r failed. errno = %d, gr_buffer_size = %ldmemory allocation failed. gr_buffer_size = %ldIgetgrgid_r failed (gr_result is NULL). result = %d, errno = %d, gr_buffer_size = %ldIBMget_uid_gid_from_username failed with status: %dIBMget_groupname_from_gid failed with status: %dIB/IB%s%ccheckWriteAccessTempFile_XXXXXXCannot open(%s): %s (%d)IBMTest open(%s) success...I%s%s%sValidFilebecome_userbecome_user_group/...I\.I./I../\./Warning - invalid path: %sIWarning - path length too long: %sI%s: %s IBinitgroups(%s, %d) failed: %dIBNONEuser_siduser_nameuser_infoauth_typeresilientpeer_masklocal_infoextra_inforemote_infodomain_namepeer_hostidpeer_is_ecauser_info_uiduser_info_gidmaster_serverpeer_hostnamenbx_node_namepeer_cert_infolocal_endpointis_dhcp_clientconnection_infolocal_cert_infouser_info_unameuser_info_gnamerequest_timeoutcertificate_infonbrntd_peer_addrnbrntd_sock_addrdhcp_client_namesessiontoken_infouser_info_isadminindirect_user_sidindirect_user_uidindirect_user_gidpeer_host_detailsuser_info_user_jwtuser_info_isdaemonindirect_user_nameuser_info_priv_maskindirect_user_gnameuser_info_nb_org_userindirect_user_isadminuser_info_iswebserviceuser_info_clientostypecertificate_issuer_nameindirect_user_priv_maskcertificate_subject_namenetbackup_certificate_typepeer_sessiontoken_audit_infocertificate_subject_alt_nameindirect_userinfo_from_vnetdcertificate_serial_number_namecertificate_subject_common_namecertificate_issuer_org_unit_name5. %s: %d %u 0x%08x%s.%d: %s: %sIB../../libvlibs/nbconf_private.cretvalI_NONE_cmnlogPARAMSIBM-LOGSEVERITYI %dI0"%s" user_siduser_nameuser_infoauth_typeresilientpeer_masklocal_infoextra_inforemote_infodomain_namepeer_hostidpeer_is_ecauser_info_uiduser_info_gidmaster_serverpeer_hostnamenbx_node_namepeer_cert_infolocal_endpointis_dhcp_clientconnection_infolocal_cert_infouser_info_unameuser_info_gnamerequest_timeoutcertificate_infonbrntd_peer_addrnbrntd_sock_addrdhcp_client_namesessiontoken_infouser_info_isadminindirect_user_sidindirect_user_uidindirect_user_gidpeer_host_detailsuser_info_user_jwtuser_info_isdaemonindirect_user_nameuser_info_priv_maskindirect_user_gnameuser_info_nb_org_userindirect_user_isadminuser_info_iswebserviceuser_info_clientostypecertificate_issuer_nameindirect_user_priv_maskcertificate_subject_namenetbackup_certificate_typepeer_sessiontoken_audit_infocertificate_subject_alt_nameindirect_userinfo_from_vnetdcertificate_serial_number_namecertificate_subject_common_namecertificate_issuer_org_unit_name5.{opendir() failed: %s (%d)IB/usr/openv/netbackup/db/imagesIdb_marker.txtIBmalloc() contents failed: %s (%d)IBcreate_dlist_entry() failed: %s (%d)IBMFailed to allocate directory entry namewIB (deleted)ISymlink target %s is marked deletedreceived pid=%d, pid to match=%dIBMval <= 0x7f../../lib/cmnutils.cIBM(1 <= encoded_byte_count) && (encoded_byte_count <= 3)I..I..//../IBM/..target_dir is NULL %s contains invalid character sequence strdup() failed, errno = %d IBMno more slashes in path, path = %s chmod() failed, errno = %d, path = %s, mode = %d IBmkdir() failed, errno = %d, path = %s Istat() failed, errno = %d, path = %s IBnot a directory, path = %s mkdirpath_with_logging_with_chown() failed, status = %d, working_dir = %s Imkdirpath_with_logging_with_chown() failed, status = %d, target_dir = %s IBmkdir() failed, errno = %d, working_dir = %s IBInvalid filepath argumentIBInvalid Windows filepath!IBInput filepath: %sIFilepath changed to: %sNULL input parameter: filenameIInput filename: %sIFilename changed to: %sSecure permissions would not be applied to: %sIbad user_name_size %ld or user_name pointer %pIgeteuid() failed: %dIBMgetpwuid(%ld) failed: %dIBMrootIBMUNKNOWNSERVICE_USERIBMbad group_name_size %ld or group_name pointer %pIBMgetgrgid(%ld) failed: %duser_siduser_nameuser_infoauth_typeresilientpeer_masklocal_infoextra_inforemote_infodomain_namepeer_hostidpeer_is_ecauser_info_uiduser_info_gidmaster_serverpeer_hostnamenbx_node_namepeer_cert_infolocal_endpointis_dhcp_clientconnection_infolocal_cert_infouser_info_unameuser_info_gnamerequest_timeoutcertificate_infonbrntd_peer_addrnbrntd_sock_addrdhcp_client_namesessiontoken_infouser_info_isadminindirect_user_sidindirect_user_uidindirect_user_gidpeer_host_detailsuser_info_user_jwtuser_info_isdaemonindirect_user_nameuser_info_priv_maskindirect_user_gnameuser_info_nb_org_userindirect_user_isadminuser_info_iswebserviceuser_info_clientostypecertificate_issuer_nameindirect_user_priv_maskcertificate_subject_namenetbackup_certificate_typepeer_sessiontoken_audit_infocertificate_subject_alt_nameindirect_userinfo_from_vnetdcertificate_serial_number_namecertificate_subject_common_namecertificate_issuer_org_unit_name5. %ld %s %s %s %sI%dIlogcoreIBMproviderIBM_providerIB_coreIB.logIBMVDDK-IB%s %ld %s %sIBMError copying directory file name %s (%d) I.IB..Iunable to open directory %s: %s (%d) IB%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d [%d] <%d> %-.128s: %-.*s IB%s.%%06s_%%05d.log%%[^ ]IBM%%06s_%%05d.log%%[^ ]IBlog.%06sIBM%s%s%sIBM IaIB%02d%02d%02dIBMNBU_CONFIG_ENVIwrite recursive deferred logIBM%s.%%02d%%02d%%02d_%%05d.log%%[^ ]I%%02d%%02d%%02d_%%05d.log%%[^ ]log.%02d%02d%02dIBM%s.%02d%02d%02d%05droot.%02d%02d%02d%05dIB%d/%d/%dIBM%s is not a valid debug log file nameIBCould not convert to unix date for file %s. Invalid DatemmICerTmf0100NddICerTmf0110NyyICerTmf0120NyyyyIBMCerTmf0130NhhImnICerTmf0150NMMIssICerTmf0160NSSIHHICerTmf0140N%2d%c%2d%c%4d %2d%c%2d%c%2dIBM%2d%c%2d%c%2d %2d%c%2d%c%2dIBM?p?oAMIPMICerTmf0010NCerTmf0020N IB/usr/openv/msg/.confIr I IB ^ ^ ov hh:mn:ss ^ mm/dd/yyyy ^I^ I%02d%02d%02d %02d%02d%02dIDATE ERROR IINFINITY I%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02dIBINFINITY IB%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d+0000IDATE ERROR IB%02dIBM12I%04dIBMCerTmf0040NCerTmf0041NCerTmf0042NDATE ERRORI%02d/%02d/%02d:%02d%02d%02d%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02dIBMHYj|%03d:%02d:%02dI%AI%bI%YI%xISmeRet0017Nday%dI%s %s %sIB%s %s %sIBM%cI%03d%s%02d%s%02dI/%10.10lduser_siduser_nameuser_infoauth_typeresilientpeer_masklocal_infoextra_inforemote_infodomain_namepeer_hostidpeer_is_ecauser_info_uiduser_info_gidmaster_serverpeer_hostnamenbx_node_namepeer_cert_infolocal_endpointis_dhcp_clientconnection_infolocal_cert_infouser_info_unameuser_info_gnamerequest_timeoutcertificate_infonbrntd_peer_addrnbrntd_sock_addrdhcp_client_namesessiontoken_infouser_info_isadminindirect_user_sidindirect_user_uidindirect_user_gidpeer_host_detailsuser_info_user_jwtuser_info_isdaemonindirect_user_nameuser_info_priv_maskindirect_user_gnameuser_info_nb_org_userindirect_user_isadminuser_info_iswebserviceuser_info_clientostypecertificate_issuer_nameindirect_user_priv_maskcertificate_subject_namenetbackup_certificate_typepeer_sessiontoken_audit_infocertificate_subject_alt_nameindirect_userinfo_from_vnetdcertificate_serial_number_namecertificate_subject_common_namecertificate_issuer_org_unit_name the requested operation was successfully completedthe requested operation was partially successfulnone of the requested files were backed upvalid archive image produced, but no files deleted due to non-fatal problemsarchive file removal failedthe restore failed to recover the requested filesthe backup failed to back up the requested filesthe archive failed to back up the requested filesunable to determine the status of rbaka necessary extension package is not installed or not configured properlyallocation failedsystem call failedfile open failedfile read failedfile write failedfile close failedunimplemented featurepipe open failedpipe close failedgetservbyname failedinvalid command parametersocket open failedsocket close failedsocket read failedsocket write failedcannot connect on socketclient/server handshaking failedchild process killed by signalfailed trying to fork a processfailed trying to exec a commandcould not get passwd informationcould not set user id for processcould not set group id for processfailed while trying to send mailfailed waiting for child processcannot make required directoryfailed trying to allocate memoryoperation requested by an invalid servercould not get group informationclient name mismatchnetwork connection brokennetwork connection timed outnetwork read failedunexpected message receivednetwork write failedrequest attempted on a non reserved portserver not allowed accesshost is unreachableclient hostname could not be foundclient did not startclient process abortedtimed out waiting for database informationtimed out waiting for media manager to mount volumebackup restore manager failed to read the file listtimed out connecting to clientpermission denied by client during rcmdclient's network is unreachableclient connection refusedcan't connect to clientaccess to the client was not allowedclient cannot read the mount tablethe vnetd proxy encountered an errorthe vnetd outbound proxy encountered an errorprocess was killed by a signaltimed out waiting for the client backup to startclient timed out waiting for the continue message from the media managerclient backup failed to receive the CONTINUE BACKUP messageclient backup failed to read the file listclient timed out waiting for the file listinvalid filelist specificationan entry in the filelist expanded to too many charactersNone of the files mentioned in the file list exist or may not be accessiblethe client type is incorrect in the configuration databasebpstart_notify failedclient timed out waiting for bpstart_notify to completeclient timed out waiting for bpend_notify to completeclient timed out reading fileexecution of the specified system command returned a nonzero statusafs/dfs command failedunsupported image format for the requested database queryMedia Manager device daemon (ltid) is not activeMedia Manager volume daemon (vmd) is not activemedia manager killed by signalmedia open errormedia write errormedia read errormedia position errormedia close errorOpen Storage WORM lock errorproblems encountered during setup of shared memorymedia manager received no data for backup imagefatal NB media database errormedia manager detected image that was not in tar formatmedia manager found wrong tape in drivecannot position to correct imagerequested media id is not assigned to this host in the EMM databaseunable to allocate new media for backup, storage unit has none availablerequested media id is in use, cannot process requesterror requesting media (tpreq)NDMP backup failuresystem error occurred while processing user commandfailed opening mail pipefailed closing mail pipeerror occurred during initialization, check configuration fileinvalid file pathnamefile pathname exceeds the maximum length allowedinvalid file pathname found, cannot process requesttoo many arguments specifiedAction succeeded but auditing failedinvalid date specifiedCannot find the NetBackup configuration informationNo entry was found in the server listno files specified in the file listbad operationunimplemented error code 114unimplemented error code 115VxSS authentication failedAccess to perform the operation was deniedVxSS authorization failedData type overflow or underflowcannot find configuration database record for requested NB database backupno media is defined for the requested NB database backupspecified device path does not existspecified disk path is not a directoryNB database backup failed, a path was not found or is inaccessiblea NetBackup catalog backup is in progressNB database backup header is too large, too many paths specifiedspecified media or path does not contain a valid NB database backup headerNB database recovery failed, a process has encountered an exceptional conditionDisk storage unit is fullsystem error occurredclient is not validated to use the serveruser is not validated to use the server from this clientinvalid requestunable to process request because the server resources are busyclient is not validated to perform the requested operationtir info was pruned from the image filecatalog corruption occurredpartial catalog corruption occurredcatalog recovery faileduser id was not superuserfile path specified is not absolutefile does not existinvalid command protocolinvalid command usagedaemon is already runningcannot get a bound socketrequired or specified copy was not founddaemon fork failedmaster server request failedtermination requested by administratorBackup Exec operation failedrequired value not setserver is not the master serverstorage unit characteristics mismatched to requestdisk is fullsnapshot error encounteredsuspend requested by administratorfailed accessing daemon lock filelicensed use has been exceededAuthentication failedEvaluation software has expired. See www.veritas.com for ordering informationincorrect server platform for licensemedia block size changed prior to resumeunable to mount media because it is in a DOWN drive, misplaced, or otherwise not availableNB image database contains no image fragments for requested backup id/copy numberbackups are not allowed to span mediacannot find requested volume pool in EMM databasecannot overwrite media, data on it is protectedmedia id is either expired or will exceed maximum mountsthird party copy backup failuremedia id must be 6 or less characterscannot read media header, may not be NetBackup media or is corruptedcannot read backup header, media may be corruptedmedia manager - system error occurrednot all requested files were restoredcannot perform specified media import operationcould not deassign media due to Media Manager errormedia id is not in NetBackup volume pooldensity is incorrect for the media idtar was successfultar received an invalid argumenttar received an invalid file nametar received an invalid archivetar had an unexpected errortar did not find all the files to be restoredtar received no datatar device discovery failedunimplemented error code 188the server is not allowed to write to the client's filesystemsfound no images or media matching the selection criteriano images were successfully processedVxSS authentication is required but not availableVxSS authentication is requested but not allowedthe maximum number of jobs per client is set to 0client backup was not attemptedclient backup was not attempted because backup window closedthe specified schedule does not exist in the specified policyno active policies contain schedules of the requested type for this clientoperation not allowed during this time periodThe scheduler found that no backups are due. Or, the target hosts do not need to be upgraded.handshaking failed with server backup restore managertimed out connecting to server backup restore managerserver backup restore manager's network is unreachableconnection refused by server backup restore managercannot connect to server backup restore manageraccess to server backup restore manager deniederror obtaining date of last backup for clientfailed reading user directed filelisterror creating or getting message queueerror receiving information on message queuescheduler child killed by signalerror sending information on message queueno storage units available for useregular bpsched is already runningfailed reading global config database informationfailed reading retention database informationfailed reading storage unit database informationfailed reading policy database informationthe required storage unit is unavailabledatabase system errorcontinuedonean invalid entry was encounteredthere was a conflicting specificationtext exceeded allowed lengththe entity already existsno entity was foundunable to process requestevents out of sequence - image inconsistencythe specified policy does not exist in the configuration databaseschedule windows overlapa protocol error has occurredpremature eof encounteredcommunication interruptedinadequate buffer spacethe specified client does not exist in an active policy within the configuration databasethe specified schedule does not exist in an active policy in the configuration databasethe database contains conflicting or erroneous entriesthe specified client does not exist in the specified policyno schedules of the correct type exist in this policythe specified schedule is the wrong type for this requestoperation would cause an illegal duplicationthe client is not in the configurationmain bpsched is already runningthe specified policy is not of the correct client typeno active policies in the configuration database are of the correct client typethe specified policy is not activethere are no active policies in the configuration databasethe file list is incompletethe image was not created with TIR informationthe tir information is zero lengthextended error status has been encountered, check logsthe catalog image .f file has been archivedserver name not found in the NetBackup configurationunimplemented error code 255logic error encounteredfailed to get job datavault duplication was aborted by administrator requestvault configuration file not foundfailed to send signalvault internal error 261vault internal error 262session id assignment failedunimplemented error code 264session id file is empty or corruptcannot find robot, vault, or profile in the vault configurationcannot find the local host namethe vault session directory is either missing or inaccessibleno vault session id was foundunable to obtain process id, getpid failedvault XML version mismatchexecution of a vault notify script failedinvalid job idno profile was specifieda session is already running for this vaultinvalid session idunable to print reportsunable to collect pre eject information from the API roboteject process is completethere are no volumes to ejectvault core errorcannot connect to nbvault servererror(s) occurred during vault report generationerror(s) occurred during vault report distributionunable to locate vault directoryvault internal errorvault eject failedvault eject partially succeededcannot consolidate reports of sessions from container and slot-based vaultsone or more errors detected during eject processingnumber of media has exceeded capacity of MAP; must perform manual eject using vltopmenu or vltejecteject process failed to starteject process has been abortedvault catalog backup failedeject process could not obtain information about the robotprocess called but nothing to doall volumes are not available to ejectthe library is not ready to eject volumesthere is no available MAP for ejectingvmchange eject verify not respondingvmchange api_eject command failederror encountered attempting backup of catalog (multiple tape catalog backup)error encountered executing Media Manager commandspecified profile not foundmultiple profiles existvault duplication partially succeededeject process has already been run for the requested vault sessionno images duplicatedreport requested without eject being runUpdating of Media Manager database failedIron Mountain Report is already created for this sessioninvalid container database entrycontainer does not exist in container databasecontainer database truncate operation failedfailed appending to container databasecontainer_id is not unique in container databasecontainer database close operation failedcontainer database lock operation failedcontainer database open operation failedthe specified container is not emptycontainer cannot hold any media from the specified robotcannot find vault in vault configuration filecannot find robot in vault configuration fileinvalid data found in retention map file for duplicationunable to find policy/schedule for image using retention mappingspecified file contains no valid entryno media ejected for the specified vault sessioninvalid container idinvalid recall statusinvalid database hostinvalid container descriptionerror getting information from EMM databaseerror getting information from media manager command lineunable to receive response from robot; robot not readyfailure occurred while suspending media for ejectfailure occurred while updating session informationfailure occurred while updating the eject.mstr filevault eject timed outvault configuration file format errorvault configuration tag not foundvault configuration serialization failedcannot modify - stale viewrobot already existsvault already existsprofile already existsduplicate MAPvault configuration cache not initializedspecified report does not existincorrect catalog backup policyincorrect vault catalog backup scheduleall configured vault steps failedAuditing internal failureFailed to connect to nbauditFailed to connect to audit databaseFailed to query audit databaseFailed to insert in audit databaseFailed to lookup VxUL message catalogFailed to delete expired audit recordsYour NetBackup account is locked because you exceeded the permitted logon attempts. Contact your NetBackup administrator for assistance.Failed to export the audit record in the system logs.Server Group Type is InvalidServer Group Already ExistsServer Group Already Exists with a different typeServer Group Active State is not validServer Group does not existsMember's server type not compatible with Server GroupThe machine specified is not a member of the server group specifiedMember's NetBackup version not compatible with Server GroupServer Group is in useMember already exists in server groupA backup host pool with this name already exists.The backup host pool group state is not active.The backup host pool does not exist.The host entry in the backup host pool already exists.an exception condition occurredunable to open listen socketcannot set non blocking mode on the listen socketcannot register handler for accepting new connectionsno target storage unit specified for the new jobreceived error notification for the jobno robot on which the media can be readno images were found to synthesizestorage unit query failedreader failedend point terminated with an errorno connection to readercannot send extents to bpsynthcannot connect to read media servercannot start reader on the media serverinternal error 615internal error 616no drives available to start the reader processinternal error 618internal error 619internal error 620unable to connect to bpcoordconnection to the peer process does not existexecution of a command in a forked process failedunable to send a start command to a reader/writer process on media serverdata marshalling errordata un-marshalling errorunexpected message received from bpsynthinsufficient data receivedno message was received from bptmunexpected message was received from bptmreceived an error from bptm request to suspend mediareceived an error from bptm request to un-suspend mediaunable to listen and register service via vnetdno drives available to start the writer processunable to register handle with the reactorread from input socket failedwrite on output socket failedinvalid arguments specifiedspecified policy does not existspecified schedule was not foundinvalid media type specified in the storage unitduplicate backup images were foundunexpected message received from bpcoordextent directive contained an unknown media idunable to start the writer on the media serverunable to get the address of the local listen socketvalidation of synthetic image failedunable to send extent message to bpcoordunexpected message received from BPXMunable to send extent message to BPXMunable to issue the database query for policyunable to issue the database query for policy informationunable to send a message to bpcoordinternal error 654no target storage unit was specified via command lineunable to send start synth message to bpcoordunable to accept connection from the readerunable to accept connection from the writerunable to send a message to the writer child processrequest for media resources failedunable to send exit message to the BPXM readerunknown image referenced in the synth context message from BPXMimage does not have a fragment mapzero extents in the synthetic image, cannot proceedtermination requested by bpcoordunimplemented error codeunable to open pipe between bpsynth and bpcoordpipe fgets call from bpcoord failedbpcoord startup validation failuresend buffer is fullquery for list of component images failedresource request failedJM internal errorJM internal protocol errorJM terminatingjob is activeinvalid jobidthis mpx group is unjoinablebpbrm termination in progressunable to send command to BPBRM to start backupinvalid span requestmedia manager failurefailed to communicate with resource requesterfailed to communicate with resource brokerduplicate reference string specifiedjob has been delayed as previous end try is pendingbpmount termination in progressinvalid versionruncmd termination in progressretention level mismatchunable to communicate with JM proxyinvalid request detected by JMunknown jobidno job found matching selection criteriano BRMComm to joinno BRMComm for the given mpxidno callback specified for the requestoperation not valid for this jobinvalid calljob did not terminate when canceledcataloged name is required for Pure Disk Export jobdrive(s) unavailable or downimage has been validatedfailed to write discover data to a fileerror parsing discovered XML datamissing required Job Param MediaRequest_Exp_6540 expansionmissing required Job Param MediaRequest_Exp_6520 expansionmissing required Job Param MediaRequest_Exp_6500 expansionmissing required Job Param MediaRequest_Exp_6500 capabilities expansionmissing required Job Param Mdar expansion field Mdrmissing required Job Param Mdar expansion field Bsrmissing required Job Param Mdar expansion field Stumissing required Job Param SecondaryJobidsmissing required Job Param RequiredResourcesmissing required Job Param IncludeFileListmissing required Job Param NamedResourceGroupmissing required Job Param CleanupResourceGroupmissing required Job Param AppStateCapturemissing required Job Param Policymissing required Job Param PemInfomissing required Job Param Schedmissing required Job Param Localemissing required Job Param SnapshotMountInfomissing required Job Param SnapshotMethodArgsmissing required Job Param Schedulesmissing required Job Param Clientsmissing required Job Param Affinitiesfailed to renamefailed to set permissionsdid not receive bpbrm PIDExceeded maximum number of retries, unable to deactivate deployment host.Exceeded maximum number of retries, unable to activate deployment host.The entry for exclude_file_list parameter in the Job Param file is not present.invalid job type specifiedNo namespace foundretry nbrb request laterRB internal errorRB invalid argumentRB communication errorRB max reallocation tries exceededRB media server mismatch - all storage units must be accessible from a common media serverRB operator denied mount requestRB user canceled resource requestRB was resetLTID reset media server resourcesRB operator deallocated resourcesRB deallocated orphaned resourcesRB disk volume mount failedRB disk volume mount failed, will queue againRB media reservation not foundRB disk volume mount must retryresource request timed outinvalid MPX Groupthere is no MPX Group for this media or drivefailed to connect to the databasenone of media servers that is associated with the application server is available for job executionno media server is associated with the application serverfailed to get media server list for the application serverCloudPoint host name is not provided in the RB requestapplication server name is not provided in the RB requestBackup host pool name is not provided in the Resource Broker request.Failed to get backup host from backup host poolNo backup host from configured backup host pool is available for job execution.The NetBackup version of backup hosts from the configured backup host pool must be of the same version.client is offlinediscovery document errordiscovery detected a failed clientrecovered job not allowed to run for this policy typeFailed to get snapshot management server nameMissing one or more of the required policy values for unix_eca_cert_path, unix_eca_trust_store_path, or unix_eca_private_key_pathMissing one or more of the required policy values for win_eca_cert_path, win_eca_trust_store_path, or win_eca_private_key_pathCan not specify policy values for win_eca_cert_path, win_eca_trust_store_path, win_eca_private_key_path, and win_eca_key_passphrasefile when policy value win_eca_cert_store is specifiedMissing required field unix_eca_crl_pathMissing required field win_eca_crl_pathField unix_eca_crl_check_level must be use_path if field unix_eca_crl_path is specifiedField win_eca_crl_check_level must be use_path if field win_eca_crl_path is specifiedMissing required field win_eca_crl_check_levelInvalid deployment_cert_source value, 'file' must be specifiedInvalid deployment_cert_source value, 'cert_store' must be specifiedInvalid host specified, media server host expectedInvalid host specified, client host expectedUnsupported host specified, client or media server host expectedUnable to update client version because it exceeds version of the media server.Failed to get CloudPoint server capability.Failed to get the last backup snapshot ID.The maintenance version that is specified is not the same base version as installed version.The maintenance version that is specified cannot be older than installed version, or no update required.Invalid package name specified.The BigData policy cannot be used to protect Nutanix AHV VMs using a backup host with NetBackup version 8.3 or later.Internal errorKMS is already initializedKMS is not initializedHMK file open errorKeystore file open errorHMK and Keystore file open errorInvalid HMK fileInvalid keystore fileIncorrect file formatHMK file already existsStream IO errorPersistence failureWeak passphraseIncorrect passphraseInvalid argumentInvalid tagInvalid key nameInvalid key group nameInvalid versionInvalid attributeInvalid KAD lengthInvalid HMKKey group is not emptyInitialization of cryptographic engine failedCryptographic operation failedCryptographic hash generation failedIntegrity check failedKey group does not have an active keyTrying to update a stale recordKey group was not foundThe cipher type of the new key group does not match the previous key groupA key record with specified name already exists in the key groupA key group with specified name already existsA record with specified tag already existsKAD is unique in the key storeKAD matches more than one key record in the key storeFailed to create directoryFailed to create fileFailed to rename fileFailed to delete fileSpecified key state change is not permittedNothing changedOperation not allowed for key record in this stateAll matching key records were returnedSome matching key records were not returnedKPK, HMK and Keystore file open errorKPK and HMK file open errorKPK and Keystore file open errorKPK file open errorInvalid KPKFile already existsKPK file already existsFile open errorKPK change was disallowedKPK Manager is not initializedInvalid KPK typeInvalid KPK fileConfiguration agent failureInvalid configuration keyInvalid configuration item typeKey record was not foundKAD did not match any key recordsMaximum supported key group records already existMaximum supported key records in a key group already existThe HMK for this key store was randomly generatedThe KPK for this key store was randomly generatedSpecified key was randomly generatedYou must be root/local administrator on this machine to use this commandThe KMS db already existsFailed to read message catalogA decryption operation failedThis host is not the master serverAn instance of the KMS service is runningThe KMS db is in an inconsistent stateFailed while recovering KMS db from unclean shutdownAutomatic KMS db recovery is not possibleKMS db write failed - no change was madeKMS db write failed - some changes may have been madeKMS is not supported on this platformKMS is quiescedKMS is not quiescedThis is the inactive cluster nodeInvalid saltImport failedSpecified passphrase is incorrect or the input file is corruptDid not find any records to exportFailed to enable FIPS modeInvalid characters found in name. --Valid character set: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, -, :, . and space --Name should start with A-Z, or a-z or 0-9Failed to retrieve the Key Management Service (KMS) details.Failed to create the Key Management Service (KMS) configuration.Failed to update Key Management Service (KMS) configuration.The NetBackup Key Management Service (KMS) is already configured, but not registered.The NetBackup Key Management Service (KMS) cannot be registered because it is not configured.The JSON string cannot be processed.Timeout has occurred while sending the JSON string to the NetBackup key management utility.The JSON string cannot be read from the NetBackup key management utility as the utility is being executed.The KMS configuration cannot be validated.The KMS key cannot be created.Cannot communicate with one or more key management servers.The KMS configuration pre-check failed.Invalid arguments receivedHold id or Hold name argument is invalidBackup id argument is invalidImage copy number argument is invalidNo images are foundInvalid hold typeInvalid hold stateDatabase errorUnable to connect to DatabaseNo data foundCatalog errorHold record is being updatedRequested hold is not foundDuplicate hold foundDuplicate image foundPartially failed due to duplicate imagePartially failed due to unhold imageRequested image is not foundPartially failed due to invalid image copyCannot expire on hold image copyActive holds cannot be changedCannot deassign media on holdUnable to retrieve hold status of the image copiesRequested Legal hold is not foundRequested Local hold is not foundRetired holds cannot be changedNo dependent images found.Image Expire Errorstorage unit does not exist or can't be used where specifiedsource operation cannot be used where specifiedretention type cannot be used where specifiedvolume pool does not exist or can't be used where specifiedserver group does not exist or can't be used where specifiedalternate read server does not exist or can't be used where specifieddata classification does not existinvalid deferred operation flagstorage lifecycle policy exceeds maximum copiesstorage lifecycle policy exceeds maximum backup operationsstorage lifecycle policy cannot have more than one snapshot operationstorage lifecycle policy must have at least one fixed retention or snapshot rotation operationstorage lifecycle policy must have at least one backup, import, or snapshot operationinvalid priorityinvalid operation typemultiplexing value is not valid or cannot be used where specifiedall storage units or groups must be on the same media serverinvalid retention levelbackup image is not supported by storage lifecycle policyImages are in process. Please, run the nbstlutil command to get a list of those images if you need to cancel or expire them.Data Classification is in use and cannot be deletedDatabase not availableError executing database queryInvalid fragmentDuplicate image recordInvalid lsustorage lifecycle policy exceeds maximum import operationsstorage lifecycle policy can have only one of backup, import, and snapshot operationsThe source copy for a duplication to remote master is not capable of replicationThe source copy for a duplication to remote master must specify a storage unitOnly one duplication to remote master allowed per copyAn Import storage lifecycle policy requires one copy with Remote Retention typeImport failed because the imported image specifies an SLP name which does not existImport failed because the imported image data class is different than the SLP data classImport failed because the imported image specifies an SLP name with no import operationImport failed because the imported image backup id conflicts with an existing imageStorage unit or storage unit group cannot be deleted because it is referenced in a storage lifecycle policy. The referencing SLP may be an older version. Use the nbstl command to modify/delete older SLP versionsBackup policy and storage lifecycle policy have conflicting configurationsData Classification in storage lifecycle policy conflicts with backup policyBackup policy generates snapshots but storage lifecycle policy does not handle themStorage lifecycle policy expects snapshots but backup policy does not create them with SLP management enabledSnapshot creation failed. The maximum snapshot limit for the policy has been exceeded and no existing snapshots are eligible for expiration.An existing snapshot is no longer valid or cannot be mounted for subsequent operationsPolicy type is not compatible with storage lifecycle policy operationsMultistreaming is not compatible with storage lifecycle policy operationsSchedule type is not compatible with storage lifecycle policy operationsCapacity managed retention type not compatible with operation typeExpire after copy retention requires a dependent copyRetention type is not compatible with snapshot operationTIR information selection is not compatible with storage lifecycle policy operationsDuplication to remote master not supported with other storage lifecycle policy operationsA snapshot capable storage unit(group) not allowed on any operation when backup operation selectedThe source and target storage units are not valid replication partnersCheckpoints are not allowed with storage lifecycle policy operationsStorage unit snapshot capability is not compatible with operation characteristicsStorage lifecycle policy structure is invalid. Source operation not located for duplication operation.Storage lifecycle policy deletion failed because its being referred by backup policyMust specify mirror retention when target storage unit is mirror capableMirror retention is not allowed when target storage unit is not mirror capableStorage lifecycle policy referenced in policy or schedule not foundFixed or rotation retention required without a Replication operationPolicy using NDMP conflicts with multiple Backup From Snapshot operations in storage lifecycle policyBackup schedule generates snapshots but storage lifecycle policy provided does not handle themStorage lifecycle policy expects snapshots but backup schedule does not create them with SLP management enabledStorage lifecycle policy contains errorsPolicy snapshot method is not compatible with storage lifecycle policy snapshot operationsStorage unit required for snapshot operation when no other operation presentOnly one NDMP backup of a snapshot per backupid is allowed.Only one Index From Snapshot operation is allowed per storage lifecycle policySnapshot storage unit is not configured for primary snapshots. It cannot be used in snapshot operationPolicy type does not support Index from SnapshotData mover type specified in policy does not support Index from SnapshotStorage unit must be specified for this operationBackup image expiration cannot be modified because its SLP processing is not yet completeData Classification name can not be 'Any'Data Classification auto creation failedTopology validation failedStorage unit in the SLP does not match the accelerator attribute in policyInvalid window close optionsOne or more images were not processed because the window closedVMware policy with 'Persistent Frozen Image' enabled requires an SLPNon-application consistent VMware policy is not compatible with snapdupe operationsApplication consistent VMware policy requires VM quiesceVMware policy with 'Persistent Frozen Image' enabled requires VIP auto discoveryVMware policy with 'Persistent Frozen Image' enabled requires schedule type of Full BackupBackup image cannot be expired because not all dependent copies are expiredSLP operation was canceledStorage lifecycle policy cannot have both targeted and untargeted replication to remote masterTarget master server is already used in one of the replication to remote masterCannot connect to specified target master serverCannot find specified target import SLPNo import SLP(s) found with compatible replication target deviceTrusted master servers are being referred by one or more Storage Lifecycle Policies on the source or target domainReplication Director for VMware policy requires mapped backupsFailed to determine disk mediaIdA snapshot capable storage unit is required for snapshot operation when dependent index from snapshot operation is configuredSelect a storage lifecycle policy that has no snapshot operation as a policy's Storage DestinationReplication Director for Oracle policy requires an SLPOracle policy using snapshots which are retained requires an SLPApplication schedule storage selection cannot be a snapshot SLPThe Policy storage is a snapshot SLP and the Application schedule does not override the policy storage selection. Snapshot SLP storage is not allowed on an Application schedule.Full schedule requires a snapshot SLPThe Policy storage is not a snapshot SLP and the Full schedule does not override the policy storage selection. Snapshot SLP storage is required on the Full schedule.Failed to save target SLP volume information.No import SLP(s) found with compatible data classLatest version specified for Storage lifecycle policy cannot be deletedThe multiple copy synthetic backup option is in use for the backup policy/schedule. This is not compatible with SLP usage.Indexing is not supported on NetApp 7-mode array using NDMP policy.The region asset used as a cloud snapshot replication destination does not exist. Enter a valid region asset.The region asset is already used as a cloud snapshot replication destination. Provide a different region asset.The provided region assets associate with different snapshot management servers. The provided region assets must associate with same snapshot management server.The assets subscribed to the protection plan belong to different snapshot management servers. Subscribed assets must belong to the same snapshot management server.Some of the selected assets belong to a snapshot management server other than the snapshot management server of the snapshot replication destination region asset. The assets must belong to the same snapshot management server.For some of the selected assets, the source region is same as the cloud snapshot replication destination region. The source region and the cloud snapshot replication destination region must be different.Cloud snapshot replication is supported only for Amazon cloud assets.Cloud snapshot replication is not supported for the asset type 'region'.Checkpoints are only allowed for the Backup from Snapshot storage lifecycle policy operation.Cloud snapshot indexing is not supported for the specified asset.This retention period is incompatible with WORM storage expiration duration. The lock minimum and maximum duration can be found in disk pool properties.Expire-After-Copy type cannot be used with a WORM storage unit.A WORM storage unit is not allowed for this SLP operation.For a NAS-Data-Protection policy, the SLP supports only 1 backup from a snapshot operation.Invalid input provided forThe units that are related to size can only be one among - BYTES, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB.The units that are related to time can only be one among - SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS, YEARS.storage lifecycle policy name length exceeds the maximum limit (124 chars).Expire-After-Copy images found in cancellation request.Replication target is not supported for on premise replication.The SLP is not capable for snapshot replication.The SLP supports either index from snapshot or backup from snapshot operations.While configuring a NetBackup policy with the Veritas snapshot option (VSO) FIM, you must select an SLP as Policy storage destination.Block-level incremental backup is enabled in the backup policy but the Storage lifecycle policy does not have 'Backup From Snapshot' operation. Block-level incremental backup expects 'Backup From Snapshot' operation in the SLP.Internal Resolver errorResolver failed to enumerate SharePointinvalid client listUnknown command type specifiedNull input parameter detectedInvalid input parameters detectedFailed to connect to hostUnable to send requestFailed to obtain destination client operating system informationThe destination client OS does not match the source client OSFailed to obtain a response for the requested operationPath validation failed, an internal error occurredValidation failed for the following paths: Validation failed for the following paths (displaying only the first five): Unable to impersonate userThis image is not available for a restore operationCould not obtain the version of the Oracle installationThe version of the source database is different than the destination Oracle installation: Cannot delete instance group that contains instances (delete or move instances first)Database error, cannot access the instance repositoryInstance group already existsCannot find a group by this nameAnother process modified this instance, database, or instance group.An instance with this name and client already existsThe specified instance or database cannot be found.An instance with this name/client is already registeredThis operation is not allowed when the instance is part of an instance groupDomain is a required field for Windows instancesThe requested operation(s) failedThe entry specified already existsThe entry specified does not existThe credentials for 1 or more instances could not be verifiedThe request to browse files failed for 1 or more instances. To browse, make sure that the credentials are correct.Error detected during execution of query. Please check the logs for more details.Domain is not an allowed property for instances on unix clientsAn instance, database, or instance group cannot be deleted or renamed when it is included in a policy.Cannot change instance or database state without credentialsNot running as Local SystemA process is already running to refresh discovered instances. Please wait, the process could take several minutes to complete. Select View->Refresh to view the newly discovered instances as they are found.Operation requires that the instance-group have Unix OS credentialsOperation requires that the instance-group have Windows OS credentialsThe specified TNS_ADMIN path is not compatible with associated OS typeThe specified user does not have SQL Server System Administrator privilegesValidation failed because the specified instance cannot be found. Check that the instance name and fully qualified hostname have been entered correctly.Invalid configuration detected. The service user for NetBackup Client Service and NetBackup Legacy Network Service must be the same user. Change the service users in the Windows Service Manager and try again.The validation operation timed out waiting for a response from the clientCould not validate credentials. Failed to connect to the clientValidation of operating system user/password failedInput exceeds maximum length allowedThe current version of NetBackup on the client is incorrect for the validation of the requested credential type.The instance is already activeThe instance is already inactiveFailed to find JSON keyFailed to load JSONFailed to fetch recovery pointAn availability group cannot be deleted when it is included in a policy. First remove the availability group from all policies.Unable to delete the asset because metadata for it exists. Expire any backup images that contain the asset and try again.Moving an instance to a different RAC cluster is not allowed.Registering a RAC instance is not allowed.A registered single instance cannot be moved to a RAC cluster.Unable to register a RAC cluster as it does not contain any RAC instances.Oracle Wallet credentials cannot be used with Oracle or OS credentials.Cannot perform the specified operation without credentials.Addition of an Oracle alias did not succeed.Deletion of an Oracle alias did not succeed.RMAN catalog credentials that are stored in an Oracle Wallet cannot be used with Oracle or OS credentials.The specified instance is not registered.Cannot connect to the specified instance.Cannot connect to the specified instance. Invalid credentials.Cannot fetch image copy information matching specified criteria.Addition of an Oracle Data Guard did not succeed.Deletion of an Oracle Data Guard did not succeed.The specified Oracle Data Guard cannot be found.Update of an Oracle Data Guard configuration did not succeed.No media is availableNo drives are availableStorage unit identifier type is invalidDrive is not allocatedDrive is already allocatedMDS received an invalid messageNDMP machine or NDMP credentials are not defined in EMMStorage unit is not compatibleAll compatible drive paths are downAll compatible drive paths are down but media is availableJob type is invalidThe media server reported a system errorMedia has conflicts in EMMError record insert failedMedia is not assignedMedia is expiredMedia is assigned to another serverMedia needs to be unmounted from a driveNumber of cleanings is invalidMedia is in a drive that is not configured on the local systemRobotic library is down on serverAllocation record insert failedAllocation status record insert failedAllocation identifier is not known to EMMAllocation request update failedAllocation request delete failedAllocation status request update failedMedia server is not activeMedia is reservedEMM database is inconsistentInsufficient disk space or High Water Mark would be exceededMedia is not defined in EMMMedia is in use according to EMMMedia has been misplacedRetry the allocation request laterRequest needs to pendDrive is in a robotic library that is upDrive is not readyMedia loaded in drive is not write-enabledSCSI reservation conflict detectedMaximum job count has been reached for the storage unitStorage unit is downDensity mismatch detectedRequested slot is emptyMedia is assigned to another applicationStorage unit is disabled since max job count is less than 1Media is unmountableMedia is write protectedMedia is in use by the ACS robotic libraryMedia not found in the ACS robotic libraryACS media has an unreadable external labelACS media is not in the drive's domainAn ACS Library Storage Module (LSM) is offlineMedia is in an inaccessible driveMedia is in a drive that is currently in a DOWN stateACS physical drive is not availableThe file name used for the mount request already existsThe scan host of the drive is not activeLTID needs to be restarted on media servers before the device can be usedThe robotic library is not availableMedia needs to be rewound or unmounted from a driveThe host is not an active node of a clusterThrottled job count has been reached for the storage unitServer is not licensed for Remote Client OptionJob history indicates that no media is availableJob history indicates that no drives are availableDisk pool not foundDisk volume not foundDisk volume mount point not foundDisk volume mount point record insert failedThe specified mount path will not fit in the allocated spaceUnable to find any storage servers for the requestInvalid operation on static mount pointDisk pool is downDisk volume is downFibre Transport resources are not availableDSM returned an unexpected errorDSM has already mounted the volumeThe maximum number of mounts for the disk volume have been exceededDSM has detected that an invalid filesystem is mounted on the volumeDisk volume has no max writers countDisk volume has no max readers countThe drive needs to be marked as availableThe media affinity group is not defined in EMMMedia affinity group record insert failedDisk volume is not availableDisk volume cannot be used for more than one copy in the same jobMedia allocation would exceed maximum partially full media limitCleaning media is not availableFT client is not runningFT client has no devices configuredFT client devices are offlineFT server devices for client are offlineNo FT servers for this client are runningSTU cannot run Lifecycle backupsSTU cannot run VMWare backupNDMP operation does not support multiple inline copiesStorage Unit group does not exist in EMM configurationMedia pool is not eligible for this jobRequired drive or drive path is not configuredMaximum number of mounts has been exceeded for tape mediaMedia server not found in EMM databaseStorage unit does not support spanningMedia server mismatchStorage units are not availableStorage unit requested for replication job is not replication capableDisk storage server is downRequested media server does not have credentials or is not configured for the storage serverRequested NDMP machine does not have credentials or is not configured in NetBackupRequested FT client machine was not found in NetBackup configurationRequested machine is not configured in NetBackupAll storage units are configured with On Demand Only and are not eligible for jobs requesting ANY storage unitNetBackup media server version is too low for the operationHost credentials not defined in Disk Array Hosts or Invalid credentials or host cannot be connectedMedia server is not recognizedCannot retrieve the specified CloudPoint server or plugin instance.Unsupported workload subtype specified.The 'vmRecoveryDestination' field must be specified in the recovery request.The 'alternateLocationDirectory' field must not be blank.The 'instanceUuid' field must not be blank.The 'stagingLocation' field must not be blank.The 'datastore' field must not be blank.Invalid virtual machine user name or password.The 'vmFiles' field must not be blank.The 'source' field of virtual machine files must not be blank.The 'destination' field of virtual machine files must not be blank.Failed to create the agentless recovery restore specification.The 'size' field must not be blank.Failed to add guest virtual machine credentials.The 'source' path of virtual machine files must begin with '/'The 'destination' path of virtual machine files must begin with '/'Failed to download the recovery packageFailed to remove guest virtual machine credentials.The 'Append string to file names' field must not be blank.Append string to file names is not supported for directories.Flatten directory structures is not supported for directories.Failed to connect to the recovery host.The specified recovery host must be at NetBackup version 8.2 or greater to support agentless restores.Failed to create the staging location path on recovery host.The staging location exists but file mode bits are insecure or ACLs are inherited and not explicitly set.Failed to remove staging location, files left on the Recovery Host.The specified recovery host must be at NetBackup version 9.0 or greater to support agentless restores in restricted restore mode.Failed to update the recovery state file.Failed to format the agentless recovery rename file entries.The 'communicationType' field cannot be empty.The 'targetHost' field is either empty or the name is invalid.The 'sshFingerprint' field cannot be empty.The specified recovery host must be at NetBackup 9.1 or later to support agentless restores.Failed to start program in guest machine.Failed to upload tar image in guest machine.Recovery host staging location does not exist.Tar image not found at staging location on recovery host.Internal error has caused failure of recovery validation.Not enough space available on recovery host.User won't be able to perform 'Rename targets for soft links' only 'Create new files for hard links' is supported in restricted restore mode.Not enough space available on target host.Tar is not present on the target host.The user does not have required permission on the target host staging-location.The provided credential does not have required permission on the target host for agentless files or folders restore.Admin share of target host is not accessible from the recovery host.For agentless files or folders restore in User Account Control (UAC) environment, please provide credential of domain user which is part of local Administrator group on the Windows target host.Agentless restore is not possible.Operating systems do not match. Ensure that the operating system of recovery host matches with the backed up VM operating system.Failed to retrieve the backup image operating system.Recovery host operating system is not compatible with provided communication mode. Ensure that the operating system of recovery host and provided communication mode are compatible.Target Host SSH private key is invalid.Target host operating system is not supported for the agentless files or folders restore.Invalid input was received for configuring the service operation.Failed to generate response for the specified service operation.System call execution fails for the service operation.Unknown error has occurred while the service operation request was processed.Failed to start nbcctd for the specified hostThe specified directory path does not exist.SQLite database error occurred.The specified Storage path size validation failed.Failed to register the specified virtual machine to the backup host.Service configuration pre-checks are not met.Failed to configure the specified backup host.Failed to retrieve the service configuration.Failed to remove the service configuration.Failed to stop the nbcctd service.Watermark(s) validation failed.There is an insufficient buffer on the specified host.The specified host already has an active configuration.The CDP service on the host is not running.Failed to unregister the specified VM from the backup host.Another CDP enabled backup is running for this VM.You can register only one VM.You can update CDP policy only with the same VM.The Storage path directory is not empty.NetBackup Accelerator must be enabled for CDP policies.Intelligent policy is not supported for CDP policies.You cannot select multiple VMs for backup in CDP policies.The VM is already subscribed to another policy.Failed to remove the specified CDP host configuration. It is being used under one or more protection plan(s).Failed to start the CDP gateway service because the memory size validation failed.Failed to start the CDP gateway service. Check the CCT_POOL_SIZE_QUOTA_PERCENTAGE value in the nbcct.conf file.Only full backup schedule is supported for CDP policies.Insufficient space available on the Storage path for the CDP gateway.NBCCTD is down for the specified host.Storage path does not have a supported file system.The provided CDP Storage path has an unsupported file system. Please refer Web UI VMware Administrator's guide to know list of supported file systems.No mount point found for the provided Storage path.Cannot update accelerator forced rescan property, for the CDP policyOnly one accelerator force rescan schedule is supported for continuous data protection policies.Only one accelerator force rescan schedule, and at least one full backup schedule with no accelerator force rescan, are required for CDP policies.Invalid backup host.Cannot subscribe the VM. No space available in the Storage path directory.Cannot subscribe the VM. Insufficient memory available.The nbcctd service user on the CDP host does not have sufficient permissions to the staging directory.Pre-check validation failed for CDP configuration parameters.VM quota size in GB validation has failed for CDP configuration.VM quota reserve percentage validation has failed for CDP configuration.Max full-sync validation has failed for CDP configuration.VM quota size in GB validation has failed for CDP configuration because the VM quota size in GB must be less than staging space.CDP service configuration was successful but failed to add CDP host configured entry in the bp.conf file on the CDP gateway.CDP configuration migration is not complete. First start the CDP service manually and complete the migration.Cannot connect to the back-end services on the primary server or the CDP gateway.Cannot perform the requested CDP operation because an internal error occurred.Invalid target host username or password.Invalid patternNo images matching the specified criteriaNo such clientDirect expiration of a mirror copy is not allowedUnable to connect to the databaseNo dotf fileFailed to compress dotf fileFailed to decompress dotf fileCan not expire published image copyMaster server not added in EMMStorage lifecycle policy window cannot be deleted because it is referenced in a storage lifecycle policy. The referencing SLP may be an older version. Use the nbstl command to view/change older SLP versionsDR file is on the same partition as your catalog and will be unusable in an actual disaster or disk failureParent image can not be manually expiredFailed to process snapshot state fileBackup file name formats must end with a percent sign followed by a tFailed to process an image whose expiration date is in the pastBackup set identifier may only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-+_Cannot expire image as its duplication is in progressPolicy already exists as an internal or template policyCannot trigger current catalog backup; another catalog backup in progressDatafile copy tag may only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and .-+_Oracle policy cannot include a pluggable database with a FRA backupFailed to add client to NetBackup configuration.Catalog backup failed, because the passphrase for the disaster recovery package is not set.Passphrase for the disaster recovery package is not set. You must set it for the catalog backups to be successful.The master server certificate cannot be backed up from Windows Certificate Store during catalog backup.Changes are not allowed for a policy that a Protection Plan manages.Changes are not allowed for an SLP that a Protection Plan manages.Expiration for Open Storage WORM cannot be extended without using extend_worm_locks option.Expiration for Open Storage WORM cannot be shortened.The disaster recovery package was successfully created. However, one or more users who have permissions to the identity files from the package do not exist on the system.Schedule copies have storage units from different media servers.Failed to refresh WORM unlock time for one or more copies in catalog.Ensure that the service user account 'service_user' has access permissions on the specified paths and their contents. Refer to the NetBackup Security and Encryption guide for more details.Failed to get metadata for WORM image.Action cannot be performed on a copy that is already WORM.Expiration for Open Storage WORM cannot be extended for non-WORM copy.Standard policy restore errorOracle policy restore errorInformix-On-BAR policy restore errorSybase policy restore errorMS-SharePoint policy restore errorMS-Windows policy restore errorNetWare policy restore errorDataTools-SQL-BackTrack policy restore errorMS-SQL-Server policy restore errorMS-Exchange-Server policy restore errorSAP policy restore errorDB2 policy restore errorNDMP policy restore errorFlashBackup policy restore errorAFS policy restore errorDataStore policy restore errorFlashBackup-Windows policy restore errorNBU-Catalog policy restore errorEnterprise-Vault policy restore errorVMware policy restore errorHyper-V policy restore errorHypervisor policy restore errorUnknown restore error 2823 - contact Veritas Technical SupportCloud policy restore errorUnknown restore error 2825 - contact Veritas Technical SupportMaster server failed to connect to backup restore manager on media server for restoreClient failed to connect to the media server for restoreRestore failed because the MS SQL Server services are downRestore failed due to MS-SQL-Server database in useRestore failed due to an incorrect path in MS-SQL-Server MOVE script or API restore requestRestore failed due to failure to validate restore proxyRestore failed due to rename file format errorRestore failed due to partition restore errorRestore failed due to failure to read change block bit mapRestore failed due to corrupt imageRestore failed because the bitmap size read from the image header differs from the expected sizeRestore failed due to invalid metadataRestore failed because no raw partitions were foundRestore failed due to invalid raw partition idRestore failed due to out of sequence raw partitionsRestore failed due to failure to read the header from the backup imageRestore failed due to failure to read the vmware bitmapRestore failed due to failure to start VxMSRestore failed due to failure to read the FIID fileRestore failed due to failure to retrieve the bitmapRestore failed due to failure to retrieve the fsmapRestore failed due to failure to start the bptm writerRestore failed due to failure to create the virtual machineRestore failed due to failure to delete the virtual machine snapshotRestore errorUnable to get client name from restore specification file.Backup image details are missing from restore specification file.Unable to get client type from restore specification file.Unable to get restore type from restore specification file.Unable to find the specified vmdk file in the backup image.No vmdk files are specified in the restore specification file for restore.Invalid restore parameters are specified in the restore specification file.Invalid start date specified in the restore specification file.Invalid end date specified in the restore specification file.Hyper-V wmi pre-restore operation failed.Hyper-V wmi post restore operation failed.Hyper-V wmi disk restore operation failed.The specified recovery host in restore specification does not support recovery to an existing VM for individual vmdk restores. Needs NetBackup version 8.0 and above.The disaster recovery package could not be imported.The database table could not be loaded.The specified passphrase is incorrect.Environment variable could not be set.Environment variable for the passphrase is not set.The identity package is corrupt.The master server certificate cannot be imported from the DR package to Windows Certificate Store.Failed to retrieve the external CA configuration information from the disaster recovery package.External CA-signed certificates were not backed up during the catalog backup or the external CA-signed certificate was not configured.Failed to retrieve the external CA CRL configuration status from the disaster recovery package.Failed to retrieve the external CA CRL configuration information from the disaster recovery package.Failed to retrieve the backup status of the external certificates from the disaster recovery package.Unable to access recovery package.Hypervisor pre-restore operation failed.Hypervisor restore data error.Hypervisor post restore error.The specified recovery host in restore specification does not support in-place virtual machine disk restores.Failed to query the data specific to disaster recovery package.The specified disaster recovery package is being restored on a host with a name that is different from the one where the package was created.One or more users who have permissions to the identity files that need to be backed up as part of the DR package do not exist on the system.Cloud pre-restore operation failed.Cloud restore data operation failedCloud post-restore operation failed.Import of VM to vApp failed.VM has been left at vCenter after import failure.K8s pre-restore operation failed.K8s restore data operation failedK8s post-restore operation failed.K8s metadata restore from backup operation failed.To use the Allow dynamic multi-streaming option, the Veritas snapshot option FIM should be selected in snapshot optionsUnused status codeClient timed out waiting for file system crawler to populate the filelist in the shared memoryThe crawler process timed out waiting for streams to attach with shared memoryYou must select the off-host backup for the NAS-Data-Protection policyInstant Recovery Snapshot only option is not supported if the checkpoint option is selectedFor NAS-Data-Protection policy, the policy storage must be Storage Lifecycle Policy or select the Override policy storage selection option while configuring the schedulesFor NAS-Data-Protection policy, the destination client cannot be used to restoreFailed to get required value from Media DescriptionFor NAS-Data-Protection policy, the value of the Maximum jobs per policy attribute must be greater than the Maximum number of streams per volume attributeFor NAS-Data-Protection policy, the off-host backup and use backup host pool options must be selectedFor NAS-Data-Protection policy, backup host pool name must be configured in policyFailed to get local host nameThe Snapshot only SLP is not supported for the NAS-Data-Protection policyFailed to generate vendor change tracking informationFailed to start vendor change tracking operation. Snapshot is already locked by other operationFailed to get snapshot diffSnapshot does not support diff capabilityBase snapshot id is unknown to get diffFailed to get all snapshot diffsFailed to parse response of create vendor change tracking informationFailed to parse response of get vendor change tracking informationFailed to parse response of get all snapshot diffsFailed to find existing diff for given snapshotsFor NAS-Data-Protection policy, the snapshot method argument max_snapshots is not supportedFor NAS-Data-Protection policy, the Maximum snapshot limit retention option is not supported in SLPFor NAS-Data-Protection policy, if the Vendor change tracking for incremental backup option is enabled, the Expire after copy option retention is not supportedIncompatible backup host usedFailed to create checkpoint directory for dynamic data stream backupsFailed to create checkpoint file for saving shared memory stateFailed to save shared memory state in checkpoint fileFailed to rename temporary checkpoint file. Resume operation for current job might not be able to use checkpoint informationFailed to access checkpoint directory. Resume operation for current job will commence from the startFailed to read data from checkpoint file. Resume operation for current job will commence from the startFailed to fetch checkpoint file for reading shared memory state from master serverFailed to push checkpoint file to store shared memory state file to master serverFailed to get shared memory identifierFailed to attach with shared memory identifierFailed to create shared memory configuration directory for dynamic data stream backupsFailed to open shared memory configuration fileFailed to save shared memory information in configuration fileFor the NAS Data protection policy, the value of the Maximum concurrent jobs of storage unit must be greater than or equal to the Maximum number of streams per volume attribute.For NAS-Data-Protection policy, storage unit disk type should be AdvancedDisk or PureDisk.Unable to reach the BMR server due to downtime or not configured.Skip file as file is being backed up.Cassandra version is not supported.OS platform version is not supported.CBR node hash provided in tpconfig and cassandra configuration is not matching.Data Staging Server Node parameters are not specified.Username of Data Staging Server node is not specified for the secure shell connection.Data Staging Server node password is not specified for the secure shell connection.Data folder is not specified in configuration for Data Staging Server node.Data Staging Server node keyhashes are not specified.Username of Data Staging Server Cassandra cluster is not specified.Data Staging Server password for Cassandra cluster is not specified.Cassandra cluster name of Data Staging Server node is not specified.Snapshot name is not specified.Backup type is not specified.Backup filename is not specified.Controller ID is not specified.Controller ID of the claim command did not match with controller ID of the upload done command.CBR node not specified in configuration settings.Failed to create the directory.Error occurred while copying file.Failed to delete the data directory.Production Cassandra cluster password is not specified in the command.Production Cassandra cluster username is not specified in the command.Security mode is not specified.Unable to open the progress file to read.No data found to copy. Verify the path for Data Staging Server path in the configuration setting.Error occurred due to platform mismatch for the Data Staging Server nodes.Error occurred due to unsupported distributions.Failed to write on Script Home or Data Staging Server path directory.Cassandra is not installed on the required hosts.Operating system is not supported.Data Staging Server doesn't not have enough ram.Data directory storage of Data Staging Server does not have enough storage.Failed to validate Data Staging Server. Command parameters are incorrect.Parse error.Down node's threshold value exceeds permissible limit.JSON format is not valid.Production Cassandra cluster node entries are not specified.Username of Production Cassandra cluster is not specified for the secure shell connection.Password of Production Cassandra cluster is not specified for the secure shell connection.Production Cassandra cluster node keyhashes are not specified.Username of Production Cassandra cluster is not specified.Password of Production Cassandra cluster is not specified.Production Cassandra cluster name is not specified.Failed to validate Production Cassandra cluster. Command parameters are incorrect.Failed to get Production Cassandra cluster IP addresses.Exception occurred during Production Cassandra cluster validation.Command is not valid.Cassandra Query Language Shell is not available.Production Cassandra cluster yaml file does not exist.Production Cassandra cluster name did not match with the configuration settings.Failed to run Cassandra Query Language Shell command.No valid nodes found for restore.Failed to start Cassandra service.Failed to stop Cassandra service.Failed to start Cassandra server.Failed to stop Cassandra server.Failed to set Cassandra yaml file on Data Staging Server cluster.Exception occurred while fetching Cassandra schema.Unable to fetch database schema.Failed to run Cassandra Query Language query on the cluster.No table schema found.Failed to create keyspaces.Failed to create tables.Failed to alter tables.Cassandra Query Language command is empty.Failed to drop keyspaces.Unable to fetch Datacenter from the Cassandra cluster.Exception occurred while fetching Datacenter.Unable to fetch Datacenter for a node.Failed to setup backup Cassandra cluster.No keyspace found for Cassandra cluster backup.Job cleanup timeout is not valid. Please check Cassandra configuration.Failed to prepare backup.BigData backup image group validation failed as the specified image selection consists of full backup images from multiple image groups.BigData backup image group validation failed as the specified image selection does not contain all backup images from the image group.Failed to delete stale database schema.No User Defined Types schema found.Unused status code (3279)Data Staging Server nodes do not have enough space.Failed to disassemble the Data Staging Server cluster.Failed to get the backup status.Failed to set the incremental backup flag.Failed to flush the nodetool buffer.Unused status code (3285)Error occurred during Backup Prepare due to invalid input.Keyspace or the Column Family already exists on the Production Cassandra cluster.Minimum ram required is not specified for Data Staging Server cluster.Minimum Storage per backup node is not specified for Data Staging Server cluster.Cassandra yaml file path is not specified for Data Staging Server cluster.Concurrent Compactions are not specified for Data Staging Server cluster.Memory size of Sorted Strings Table Loader is not specified for Data Staging Server cluster.Concurrent transfers parameter is not specified for Data Staging Server cluster.Script home is not specified for the Data Staging Server cluster.Working directory is not specified for the Cassandra backup and restore node.Distribution path to copy binaries is not specified for the Data Staging Server cluster.Connections per host is not specified for the Data Staging Server cluster.Backup is failed.Backup failed after retrying.Exception occurred during backup task execution.Finalize status is not specified for Backup task.Unused status code (3302)Unused status code (3303)Exception occurred during restore prepare.Unused status code (3305)Failed to get the file status.Failed to create the upload done file.Failed to create upload failed file.Target file is not ready.Failed to lock the file.File is already locked.Persisted task list is empty.Job status is invalid.Exception encountered during performing finalize.Requested file is already claimed.Failed to truncate the column family.The specified hosts are not found in the Datacenter or Cluster. Please check credentials or configurations.Invalid value for the nodeDownThresholdPercentage parameter. Please check Cassandra configuration.Backup failed as one of the tasks failed in start backup.Unused status code (3320).Specified download directory path does not exist.Specified download directory is empty.Failed to transfer the Sorted Strings Table.Parallel transfer task has failed.Backup Optimize Task has failed.Backup Transfer task has failed.Error occurred during Backup in Production Data Transfer due to invalid command parameters.Error occurred during Restore in Data Transfer due to invalid command parameters.Error occurred during Backup in Optimize task due to invalid command parameters.An active job is currently running for this Cassandra Cluster.Try to run the job later.One or more of the input parameters or arguments for restore is invalid.Backup failed due to an invalid query in the Cassandra Query Language shell command.Restore is failed.Unused status code (3334).Column family must be selected when you rename the file.Keyspace can not be changed when column family is selected.Strategy can not be changed when column family is selected.Unused status code (3338).Unused status code (3339).Verbose is not specified.Maximum Log size is not specified.Failed to cleanup Production Cassandra cluster.Failed to disassemble the Cassandra cluster of Data Staging Server.Failed to parse prepare backup results.Failed to set FIPS mode.Optional threshold is not specified.Failed to get the Client ID, Tenant ID, and Store Site name from NetBackup SaaS Protection.Failed to set authorization token in curl client.Invalid URI.Hub information retrieval failed.Services information retrieval failed.StorSites and Stors information retrieval failed.Unexpected response received from NetBackup SaaS Protection.Failed to create curl clientInvalid or expired authorization token is set in the requestContent type header is missing in the responseNo server credentials configured.Unable to obtain Hub credentials.Invalid proxy configuration.Failed to login to the NetBackup deduplication web server.Failed to create the instant access mount.Failed to fetch the instant access mount list.Failed to fetch the instant access mount details.Failed to create an instant access virtual machine (VM).A backup image from an unsupported storage type was specified.A backup image from an unsupported policy type was specified.Failed to fetch the storage server name.Unexpected response from the Storage Platform Web Service.Failed to fetch the instant access virtual machine (VM) details.Failed to fetch the list of instant access virtual machines (VM).Failed to restore a single file to the specified virtual machine (VM).Failed to list the instant access mount directory.Failed to delete the instant access mount.Invalid instant access mount id.Instant access mount is not yet ready. Try after some time.Failed to get the download url from the instant access mount.Failed to get RSA public keys from the Storage Platform Web Service.Failed to fetch storage server list.Failed to fetch storage server credentials.Failed to fetch Vmware server credentials.Invalid source or target file path specified.Invalid virtual machine (VM) username/password.One of the required parameters (BIOS uuid, Instance uuid, VM Name) is invalid.Invalid virtual machine (VM) name specified.Failed to fetch image details.Backup image does not support instant access. Make sure image is on supported storage.Failed to create the instant access mount. The maximum number of instant access mounts has been reached.Failed to reload Media Server Deduplication Pool meta data.Failed to get images from S3.Internal api call failed.Internal api call to catalog failed.Failed to get version from the Storage Platform Web Service (SPWS). Ensure that Nginx is running and configured correctly on the selected MSDP storage server.Verification of the JSON Web Token signature failed.Failed to create NetBackup job for the instant access operation.Failed to update NetBackup job for the instant access operation.Failed to fetch NetBackup instant access job details.Failed to delete an instant access virtual machine (VM).Failed to get instant access folder attributes.The required parameter path is invalid.The storage server has an earlier version of NetBackup.Failed to create the universal share.Failed to fetch the instant access universal share details.Failed to fetch the instant access universal share list.Failed to delete the instant access universal share.Universal share capability is not supported.Failed to fetch asset information.Failed to ping Storage Platform Web Service.Failed to rollback vm.Failed to fetch vm rollback details.Failed to configure instant access.Invalid input host nameInstant Recovery is not supported for this image. Please use Instant Access instead.Operation failed: Unable to acquire snapshot lockIncorrect snapshot method configuration or snapshot method not compatible for protecting backup selection entries.Invalid or incompatible storage destination configuredInvalid or unsupported entry found in backup selection filelistIncompatible client foundCredential error or provider software errorAuthentication error occurred. NetBackup Client Service is running as Local System, this is likely incorrect.Could not fetch snapshot metadata or state filesCould not send snapshot metadata or state filesSnapshot metadata or state files cannot be createdIncorrect or no content found in snapshot metadataSnapshot not accessible or invalid snapshotRecreation of snapshot filedSnapshot import failedSnapshot mount failedSnapshot deletion failedSnapshot cleanup failedSnapshot restore failedSnapshot deport failedCommand operation failed: Third party command or API execution failedCommand operation failed: System command or API execution failedFound an invalid or unsupported configurationOperation failed: Unable to acquire policy lock to take snapshotOperation not completedSTS Internal ErrorUnauthorized operation attempted by client or media on storage serverCommunication failure occurred with storage serverSTS Plugin Error occurredStorage server or plugin version mismatchInsufficient resources or capabilities found by storage serverInvalid storage topology or storage server configuration errorUnexpected STS ErrorInvalid Discovery Query URIBIOS uuid client reference not allowed for vCloudVMware server login failurevCloud keyword used when vCloud not enabledvCloud policy includes multiple organizationsClient does not meet policy requirementsNo server credentials configured for policyUnable to find the virtual machineOperation not supportedBlock-level incremental backups are not supported for this deviceFailed to delete all snapshot devicesUnable to connect to VirtualCenter serverVirtual machine snapshot failedInvalid pathname for backup selection. NDMP pathname for NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP is expected of format /vserver_name/vol_name. IP cannot be used in the pathname.The requested operation was partially successful. Potential causes: not all backup selections apply to all selected clients or backup selection refers to invalid volume name or backup selection refers to a directory.Index from snapshot for RD NDMP Policy is not supported on AIX media serverIndex from snapshot operation failed with an internal errorIndex from snapshot operation failed. Catalog already exists.Index from snapshot operation failed. Unable to find child image or files file information.Index from snapshot operation failed. Failed to write into index database.Index from snapshot operation failed. Entry does not belong to any of the backup selection entriesIndex from snapshot operation failed. SLP version mismatch for current and previous backup image.Invalid or no path found to create index database.Index from snapshot operation is disabled by user.Index from snapshot is not supported for filesystem associated with backup selection.Index from snapshot is not supported for storage serverTransient error encountered while taking Hyper-V VM snapshot.Failed to find Virtual Center hostname in VMware Lookup ServiceEncountered SSO login failureEncountered VMware Internal Server ErrorEncountered VMware vCloud Suite API failureEncountered VMware SOAP API failureEncountered unexpected error while processing TagView XMLEncountered a VMware Virtual Machine Server that does not support TagsEncountered a VMware Virtual Machine Server that does not offer Tag APIsFailed to initialize Java runtime environmentFailed to retrieve resource pool informationFound multiple virtual machines with same identityA snapshot of the virtual machine exists and the policy option specifies aborting the backupMaximum virtual machine snapshots exceededMaximum delta files exceededUnable to lock the backup or restore host for virtual machine snapshot operationsFailed to remove virtual machine snapshotUnable to consolidate virtual machine disksUnable to retrieve virtual machine disk informationVirtual machine path contains unsupported charactersUnable to retrieve virtual machine informationUnable to retrieve virtual machine vCloud informationVirtual machine contains independent and Raw Device Mapping disks onlyVirtual machine contains independent disks onlyVirtual machine contains Raw Device Mapping disks onlyError detected while processing disk identifiersEncountered VMware Not Found failureEncountered VMware Invalid Argument failureConditional success for TagsA NetBackup snapshot of the virtual machine exists and the policy option specifies aborting the backupFailed to create VMware Tag association(s)Backup status is unknownFailed to create virtual machine snapshot. Virtual machine is busy performing another operationThe media server or client machine has a version of NetBackup which does not support a requested snapshot optionUnable to activate change block tracking in current state of virtual machineInvalid credentials or access violationVirtual machine is disconnectedVM retrieval failedNo server credentials configuredUnable to obtain RHV server credentialsUnable to obtain RHV manager versionunable to get topology view treeLinux Logical Volume Manager is used in the storage stack thus, system services 'lvm2-lvmetad.service' and 'lvm2-lvmetad.socket' must not be running on the systemSingle file restore is not supported for this policy type.The VM is unavailable on the current host. If the VM is a highly available VM, it may have moved to another host.Unable to obtain the Vendor Change Tracking informationUnable to list the resourcesUnable to list resources matching the criteriaAuthentication error. NetBackup legacy network service is running as local system.Authentication error. The service user for NetBackup client service and NetBackup legacy network service, must be the same.Authentication error. Unable to retrieve user for the service.Cannot retrieve snapshot information.Cannot restore snapshot because of consistency group mismatch.The job did not complete because the /etc/fstab file contains an entry of a backup selection in the UUID or LABEL form.The rollback restore did not complete because the /etc/fstab file contains an entry of backup selection in UUID or LABEL form.The number of images to be imported is more than the limit.Incorrect media ID is used while importing the image.Invalid information about the master or the media server.Current active job count exceeds active job count limitation.The number of images to import is zero.Input client name is inconsistent with client name in backup ID.Failed to get images from cloud storage.Failed to reload MSDP metadata.Failed to get AMI IDs from AWS.Failed to get DR in cloud status.Cloud DR LSU name is not specified.Specified cloud DR LSU name does not exist.No cloud DR LSU is present.Input LSU name must be a string.Failed to get storage servers.Storage server name is not specified.Specified storage server name does not exist.No storage server is present.Input storage server name must be a string.Failed to get active import job count.This operation is not supported on current cloud provider.This operation is not supported on requested workload.Failed to cloud VM IDs.Error accessing usage data.Error accessing trend data.The usage report data is not available.Not enough backup data is available to display usage trends. Or, the usage report data is not available.Unable to attach restored disks to target VM.Unable to get virtual machine configuration for VM.Delete of existing VM failed with error.Virtual machine creation failed, can not proceed with restore.Failed to create virtual machine with specified disks.Unable to retrieve virtual disk configuration.Incorrect virtual disk configuration retrieved.Unable to attach restored networks to target VM.Unable to attach restored tags to target VM.Unable to set high availability option on target VM.Failed to get VM Tags Information.CURL encountered an error. Insufficient memory or inadequate resources available to complete the job.Resource name is empty.Resource name contains unsupported characters.Resource name length exceeds supported maximum length.Pre recovery check failure.Unsupported hypervisor type.The Hypervisor Resource doesn't exist.Invalid API Request Parameter.Unable to read and understand Virtual Disk Metadata.Encrypted Virtual Disk is not supported.Compressed Virtual Disk is not supported.Failed to read from Virtual Disk.Failed to write into Virtual Disk.Invalid Disk Transfer Info.An internal error occurred.Failed to create snapshot of the specified VM.Failed to fetch VM snapshot information.Failed to open the specified disk.Failed to read the specified disk.Failed to close the specified disk.Received invalid response.Error in parsing the http response.Operation failed due to locked status of VM.Failed to update catalog metadata of VMFailed to read storage details of VM.Failed to set power state of VM.Cannot create VM, VM already exists.Required number of extents are determined.No disks are attached to the specified VM.Failed to parse catalog entry.Access forbidden.The backup host is either unauthorized to complete operation or it is unable to establish a connection with the application server.Invalid http method.Failed to make http request.Failed to get the signed ticket to download the disk from the RHV server. The disk might be in locked state.An unaligned page table entry is found in the disk. Repair the disk and retry the operation.Storage domain type is undefined. Disk creation failed.Cannot retrieve the VM. Check if the VM exists at the VM server.Unable to obtain server credentials.Failed to delete the snapshot of the specified VM.Error occurred while encrypting or decrypting input data.Downloaded data size is unexpected.Failed to update VM in the Nutanix-AHV ClusterUnable to obtain server version.Unable to process the request because the server resources are either busy or unavailable. Retry the operation.The combination of the selected recovery options is invalid. Check the Admin Guide for more information.VM already exists with the same UUID on cluster.VM with Network UUID does not exist on cluster.VM already exists with the same MAC address on cluster.Data store size validation Error.Data store does not exist on the cluster.Rename file validation failed during the pre-restore check.Unmount operation failed.Mount operation failed.The required keyword-value pairs for the Hypervisor snapshot method arguments are missing.Entered keyword-value pairs for the Hypervisor snapshot method arguments are inconsistent.Unsupported keyword in snapshot method arguments.Unable to retrieve the list of containers.Enter a valid primary VM identifier, NetBackup uses this VM identifier to select and backup virtual machines.Failed to start IO tapping for the virtual machine on the VM server.Invalid request was received to start IO tapping for the virtual machine on the VM server.Failed to retrieve the virtual machine host information.Failed to interact or operate with the VM server services.Invalid request was received to stop IO tapping for the VM on the VM server.Failed to stop IO tapping for the virtual machine on the VM server.Protection Plan removed partially. For complete removal of Protection Plan, detach the storage policy for virtual disks from the VM at the vCenter, before removing the protection of VM.Power state of specified virtual machine to be registered for IO tapping is not on.Unsupported ESXi version. Supported version is 6.7 or higher.Failed to retrieve or parse the version of Veritas IO filter.Unsupported Veritas IO filter version. Supported version is 4.0 or higher.Storage policy is not attached to one or more virtual disks of virtual machine to be registered for IO tapping.The operation was canceled because another operation is in progress for the Veritas IO filter, retry after some time.Virtual machine is already registered for IO tapping to some gateway.iSCSI initiator on the backup/recovery host is either not running or unable to connect/authenticate.External data service IP for iSCSI is not set on the AHV cluster.Unable to retrieve the list of AHV hosts.Unable to verify data integrity.Invalid Hypervisor type.The trial backup operation is not supported for the NetBackup version of the remote host.An internal error has occurred, while performing the Veritas IO filter operation.Failed to clean the VMs' admin wait flag attribute.The NetBackup UI Compatibility Service is not running.Indexing Service Internal FailureUnable to connect to Policy Execution ManagerBackup Image is already indexedInvalid Backup Image IdInvalid Database keyInvalid machine name for Indexing ServerInvalid Indexing ServerUnable to get Master Server keyInvalid Indexing StateInvalid Date RangeNo images in sequence to processNo such record foundBackup Image is not IndexedFailure in getting image headerIndexing is in progress for backup imageFailure in Database ConnectionDatabase Error occurredDuplicate Record foundData not foundIndexing Server value is not setUnsupported policy type for indexingUnknown Error occurredError in querying indexing schedule windowsUnable to connect to Job ManagerIndexing failedIndexing engine initialization failedFailed to connect to the indexing engineThe Backup image did not have files that can be indexedInvalid index specified for indexingfailed to send the index metadataindex disk is fullMultiple machine name entries for particular hostFailed to suspend indexing serverFailed to resume indexing serverCannot migrate to an existing indexing serverIndexing Server upgrade not requiredIndexing Server upgrade failedUnsupported machine configuration for indexing serverFailure in reading host configuration for indexing serverFailure in reading cluster informationFailure in updating NetBackup configuration on cluster nodesTime out while querying indexing engineCommunication with EMM failedIndexing Server is already in suspended stateIndexing Server is already in active stateNo index details found for cleanupASC Internal FailureRequired VSS component not installed in VM.Client version does not support Application State CaptureTo use the accelerator, you must select a storage unit that supports it (not Any Available)The storage unit selected in one or more schedules does not support the acceleratorThe storage unit selected in this policy does not support the acceleratorBackup error - None of the requested objects were found in the databaseBackup error - FRA (Fast Recovery Area) was requested, but it was not found in the databaseOS Authentication error - Could not connect to the database. Please check the OS credentialsOracle Authentication error - Could not connect to the database. Please check the Oracle credentialsASM validation error - PROXY backup is not supported for ASMRecovery Catalog Authentication error - Could not connect to the Recovery Catalog. Please check the Recovery Catalog credentialsArchive log only backup requested, but database is not in ARCHIVELOG ModeDatabase is in the wrong state (must be OPEN) for the requested actionOS Authentication error - Could not find credentials. If this instance is part of an instance group, make sure that the group has credentials that match this OS TypeCloning is NOT supported for this client platformOracle Intelligent Policy is NOT supported for this client platformCannot do a hot backup of a database in NOARCHIVELOG modeDatabase is in the wrong state (must be OPEN or MOUNTED) for an Archive Log BackupDatabase is in the wrong state (must be OPEN or MOUNTED) for an FRA BackupThe requested operation is not supported with this client version.Cannot shutdown read only standby database.Oracle could not resolve the TNS connection identifier.An error has occurred checking if the NFS server is an appliance.The NFS server is not an appliance.The database backup share directory is not available on the appliance.Whole Database - Datafile Copy Share is not supported for this client platform.None of the requested pluggable databases were found.Partial success - one or more of the requested pluggable databases were not found.None of the requested Tablespaces were found in the requested pluggable databases.Partial success - one or more of the requested pluggable databases did not contain any of the requested Tablespaces.None of the requested data files were found in the requested pluggable databases.Partial success - one or more of the requested pluggable databases did not contain any of the requested data files.Partial success - more than one error was encountered, please refer to the Detailed Status tab in the Job Details and review logs for more information.No database backup shares were found.No new files or files that are related to the instance or database were found in the database backup share.Database must be in ARCHIVELOG mode to perform a cold backup of a pluggable database.The requested operation did not get a response from the NetBackup appliance.The requested NetBackup appliance operation is unsuccessful.The NetBackup request did not complete due to a NetBackup appliance communication issue.Cannot validate the identity of the NetBackup appliance.Recovery point operations (-create, -delete, or -list) must be initiated from a master server.No recovery point was found.Partial success - recovery points from one or more database shares were not found.Requested export path information is not found.Validation unsuccessful. The recovery point was not created from the specified backup ID.Required environment variable is not set.Attempt to open oracle direct NFS file was unsuccessful.Attempt to retrieve the device information from the NFS mount path was unsuccessful.Backup ID cannot be used for Oracle instant recovery.The NetBackup appliance credentials retrieval was unsuccessful.Oracle instant recovery share cannot be used for backup operations.Partial success - backup of one or more of the requested shares unsuccessful.Could not resolve appliance hostname from IP address.Could not match the appliance to a server in the client's server list.The script is not approved for execution.No scripts or paths are approved for execution on this client.The script is stored in a remote location.The script cannot be accessed.The discovered Database ID or Database Unique Name did not match the ID or Name that was expected or provided.The client is not part of the specified RAC cluster.The Oracle backup did not start.No Oracle RAC instance connections.Database must not contain any data files that are in backup mode.The collection and backup of metadata was unsuccessful.Oracle and DB2 templates are not supported.Cannot perform a log backup before a full backup is taken.No data file copies were found on the NFS share.Hostname for trusted master server is same as current master serverUser authentication failed. User name, domain, password or token is incorrectCould not authenticate user. Authentication Broker is not running on the remote master or, the remote master server is not running NetBackup 7.6 or higherCould not establish/revoke AT trustRemote master server could not establish AT trust from this master serverRemote master server could not remove AT trust from this master serverMaster server could not establish AT trust with remote master serverMaster server could not remove AT trust to remote master serverEncountered error while adding/removing into EMM databaseRemote master server encountered error(s) while adding this master into EMM databaseRemote master server encountered error(s) while deleting this master server from EMM databaseMaster server encountered error(s) while adding trusted master into EMM databaseMaster server encountered error(s) while deleting trusted master server from EMM databaseThe remote master server is not reachableCould not establish secure connection to trusted master server. The remote master server may not be running NetBackup version 7.6 or higherThe local master server is not reachableThe local master server is not reachable. The trust is unidirectional right now, the remote master server trusts the local master server, but the local master server doesn't trust the remote master. Please remove the trustCould not send data to remote master serverCould not get response from remote master serverCould not read data from remote master serverCould not send data to master serverCould not get response from master serverCould not read data from master serverTrust setup with the remote master was done in a older version. Use the nbseccmd command to delete the older trust setupRemove trusted master server operation failed. Trust was not established with the remote master server.The remote master is already added as a trusted master server.After you upgrade both the source and the target master server, you must update the trust relationship on both the servers. Only after you update the trust relationship, you will be able to make any configuration changes related to the trusted master servers.Update trust operation failed. There is no existing trust setup with the remote master server.Trusted master server is successfully removed. However, the certificate could not be revoked because the host name is mapped with multiple host IDs. You must revoke the appropriate certificate manually.Remote trusted master cannot be added using username and password. Remote master has revoked the host's certificate and reissue token cannot be granted to the host because the host is mapped with multiple host IDs. Enter the reissue token to add the remote trusted master server.Failed to get version of remote master server.The source master server uses a NetBackup CA-signed certificate and the target master server uses an external CA-signed certificate. Configure an external certificate on the source master server, which should be compatible with the target master server.Trust operation cannot be performed with the target master server as it uses an older version of NetBackup.WARNING: Although the master server specified is now identified as a trusted master, a secure exchange was not made between these two hosts. This is because one of the masters is rejecting connections. Please refer the logs for further troubleshooting. After resolving the issue you need to reconfigure the trusted master.WARNING: NBAC is configured in REQUIRED mode on specified trusted master server, whereas it is not configured on the local master server. Although the specified master server is identified as trusted master, no further configuration involving cross domain interaction can be made till NBAC is configured on local master server. After configuring NBAC you need to reconfigure trusted master.WARNING: NBAC is configured in REQUIRED mode on master server, whereas it is not configured on the specified trusted master server. Although the specified master server is identified as trusted master, no further configuration involving cross domain interaction can be made till NBAC is configured on trusted master. After configuring NBAC you need to reconfigure the trusted master.WARNING: NBAC is configured on source and target masters. Please verify that the user has correct permissions on both NetBackup domains before you perform any other configuration involving cross domain interaction. After configuring the user permission in the target domain you need to reconfigure the trusted master.WARNING: Although the master server specified is now identified as a trusted master, a secure exchange was not made between these two hosts. Repeating this command on the specified trusted master will complete this process.WARNING: NBAC is configured on source and target masters. Please verify that the user has correct permissions on both NetBackup domains before you perform any other configuration involving cross domain interaction.Logging Assistant record createdDebug logging set upDebug logging partially set upFailed to set up debug loggingDebug logging disabledLogs partially disabledFailed to disable debug loggingDebug logging set to minimumDebug logging partially set to minimumFailed to set minimum debug loggingCollecting debug logsCopying debug logsCollecting nbsu outputCopying nbsu outputDebug logs partially collectedFailed to collect debug logsDebug logs collectedUploading collected debug logsDebug logs partially collected and uploadedDebug logs collected but partially uploadedDebug logs partially collected and partially uploadedDebug logs collected but failed to uploadDebug logs collected and uploadednbsu output partially collectedFailed to collect nbsu outputnbsu output collectedUploading collected nbsu outputnbsu output partially collected and uploadednbsu output collected but partially uploadednbsu output collected but failed to uploadnbsu output collected and uploadedUploading filesFiles partially uploadedFiles uploadedFailed to upload filesFailed to access or write the readme or progress fileSpecified directory path is not validUnused status code (5738)Unused status code (5739)Unused status code (5740)Unused status code (5741)Unused status code (5742)Unused status code (5743)Unused status code (5744)Unused status code (5745)Unused status code (5746)Unused status code (5747)Unused status code (5748)Unused status code (5749)Unused status code (5750)Unused status code (5751)Unused status code (5752)Unused status code (5753)Unused status code (5754)Unused status code (5755)Unused status code (5756)Unused status code (5757)Unused status code (5758)Unused status code (5759)Unused status code (5760)Failed to initialize Windows Socket libraryPeer is not a NetBackup Master or Media ServerEncountered error during socket communicationCommand specified for execution is invalid or not allowedFailed to execute specified command (CreateProcess or exec)Failed to execute specified command (fork)Failed to get exit code of child processFailed to read complete output of executed commandFailed to read exit code of child processFailed to get cluster configurationFailed to write output received from remote commandFailed to read unified logging configuration fileFailed to get virtual name of Master ServerSpecified logs are not validInvalid option specifiedFailed to spawn new processFailed to create staging directory on Master ServerFailed to read Logging Assistant databaseFailed to lock Logging Assistant databaseFailed to set non-inherit flag on database file handleFailed to prepare to save Logging Assistant databaseFailed to start to write Logging Assistant databaseFailed to save Logging Assistant databaseFile or directory does not exist or not accessibleFTP connection failedLogging Assistant record does not existLogging Assistant record already existsDebug logging has not been set up for Logging Assistant recordFailed to interpret bpdbjobs output for job detailFailed to fetch PureDisk configuration setting from Windows registryUnused error code (5791)Unused error code (5792)Unused error code (5793)Failed to calculate debug logs size for previewUpload evidence directory does not existLogging Assistant agent encountered failure writing on socket to Master ServerFailed to upload file to FTP serverFailed to list disk volumes on Master Server using bpmountFailed to get disk space information of volumes or mount pointsFailed to execute bpdbjobs to fetch job detailsFailed to fetch job details. Check if job existsUnknown ftp server location specifiedFailed to modify PureDisk configuration fileFailed to modify Java GUI configuration file (Debug.properties)Remote host NetBackup version not supported by Logging AssistantUnexpected contents of PureDisk configuration file (pdregistry.cfg)Failed to copy nbcplogs/nbsu output file from remote hostFailed to load PBX configuration to change log levelInvalid PBX Debug Log Level specifiedNo files to upload in specified directoryTemporary directory to use for logs collection does not existnbcplogs exited with errornbcplogs did not collect any logsnbsu exited with errorNo activity for the Logging Assistant record is in progressCollect and upload debug logs operation canceledCollect and upload nbsu operation canceledUpload evidence operation canceledCancel operation requestedNot a valid Logging Assistant temporary directory for clean-upFailed to get policy detailsInvalid category argument string receivedInvalid Target directory path. Must be an absolute pathInvalid Target directory path. Contains invalid characters'Record ID' parameter must be specified'Host and Log' parameter must be specified'Target Directory' parameter must be specified'Support Case ID' parameter must be specifiedInvalid Support case IDInvalid Record ID. Length exceeds maximum limit (50 chars)Invalid Record ID. Must be a Support Case ID or consist of alphanumeric characters, '-', or '_'Invalid Description or comment text. Length exceeds maximum limit (256 chars)Invalid Description or comment text. Contains invalid characters'Job ID' parameter must be specifiedInvalid Job ID. Must be positive numeric valueHost(s) validation information not found. Host(s) validation must be performedThe certificate is not valid.The private key is not valid.Fingerprint of the certificate could not be generated.CA certificate could not be verified.Internal error.The host ID is not valid.The token is not valid.Unknown resource requested.Unknown error occurred.Token does not exist for this token value.Host name is not specified.Key is not specified.A token with this name already exists.The security service is not available.Request timed out.Token name is not specified.The reissue token cannot have the usage count greater than one.The maximum usage count for the token should be provided within the valid range, which is from 1 to 99999.Validity period specified for this token is not valid. The maximum validity period that you can specify is 999 days.The specified token is associated with a different host name.The specified token is associated with a different host ID.The reissue token cannot be associated with the host name.A certificate is already issued to the host.Certificate is not issued to the host.The required data is missing.Certificate signing request is not valid.The specified file could not be opened.The host name is not part of the alias list.The certificate is not in the Active state, so it cannot be renewed.The request could not be authorized.The host ID is empty.Token usage count is not set.The maximum token usage limit has been reached.The token has expired.The token is not yet activated.The specified token name is not valid. Ensure that it contains valid characters and the length does not exceed 256 characters.The CA certificate is not valid.The revocation reason code is not valid.This revocation reason code is not supported by the server.Reissue token is mandatory, please provide a reissue token.The host ID is not associated with any host.Certificate could not be read from the local certificate store.Lock cannot be acquired on the file for writing.The host alias list has multiple host names.Host alias is not specified.Token is mandatory, please provide a token.The host is not registered with the server.Certificate could not be written to the local certificate store.Certificate does not exist.Certificate already exists.The host ID buffer size is less than required.The format of the host ID mapping file is not valid.The certificate deployment level is not valid.The host name could not be resolved to the requesting host's IP address.The host name is not known to the master server.The existing certificate deployment level on the master server does not allow this operation.The master server is unable to connect to the CA.The master server is unable to access the CA certificate.The NetBackup AT credentials of the web service user are not valid.NetBackup AT configuration on the master server could not be initialized.User identity does not exist.The host name does not match the existing name in the certificate.Entity does not exist.Data conversion error.The host ID associated with this reissue token is assigned to another host. Before you can reuse the host ID for this host, revoke the existing certificate associated with the host ID and map this host name to the host ID.The host has an active certificate. You need to revoke the certificate before you can dissociate the host from its host ID.The file already exists.The host information could not be retrieved while creating the certificate signing request.Response from the NetBackup Web Management Console service could not be parsed.The server time could not be fetched.The token contains characters that are not supported.The certificate could not be revoked. It was already revoked or expired.The token type is not valid.The specified token requires a host ID.The specified key is not present in the json response.The passphrase must contain minimum 8 and maximum 1024 characters.The existing and the new passphrase must be different.Attempt to refresh certificate revocation list failed.The certificate revocation list in certificate is invalid.The security level in certificate is invalid.The global security configuration setting is not valid.The certificate revocation list is unavailable.The host certificate is revoked.The specified environment variable is empty.The specified host name maps to multiple host IDs.Certificate request for host was rejected as the host could not be validated as a master server.Could not fetch the host ID of the NetBackup master server. The master server may not have the certificate.The host name is not part of the host ID-to-host name mapping list.Reissue token is mandatory as a certificate is already issued to this host. Revoke the existing certificate if it is active and map this host name to the associated host ID.The specified host ID-to-host name mapping is being shared by multiple hosts and the auto reissue certificate parameter is set for two or more hosts.The specified host either does not exist or the auto reissue certificate parameter is not set for the host.Certificate request has failed as the host information cannot be updated.The certificate is not valid for this host.The specified fingerprint does not match the CA certificate's fingerprint.The certificate enrollment failed. The host ID that is associated with the certificate to be enrolled is assigned to another host.The certificate enrollment failed. The certificate to be enrolled is missing from the request or is corrupted.The host certificate cannot be enrolled. The certificate must contain the Client Authentication and Server Authentication attributes in the Extended Key Usage field.The certificate is not enrolled with this master server.The private key of the external certificate is encrypted, but the passphrase is not provided.The provided path is not allowedThe host could not get certificate from masterFailed to connect. Resiliency Manager might be unreachable. Check Resiliency Manager connectivity.Invalid Resiliency Platform API access key.Invalid NetBackup API access key.An internal server error occurred while connecting to the resiliency manager.The infrastructure management server is not connected to the NetBackup master serverFailed to configure the current NetBackup master server with the Resiliency Platform.Failed to establish a persistent connection between the current NetBackup master server and the Resiliency Platform. You must delete the NetBackup configuration from your Resiliency Platform, remove resiliency manager that is added as WebSocket endpoint from the NetBackup master server and try again.The Resiliency Platform credentials could not be saved. Try to add the Resiliency Platform again.Operation not supported. You are trying to add an older version of Veritas Resiliency Platform.The resiliency manager certificate is issued by an unknown certificate authority.Failed to forward connection socket to the Private Branch Exchange.An internal error has occurred during the subscriber process.A socket that connects the subscriber and the message queue broker processes is closed.A socket that connects the publisher and the message queue broker processes is closed.The publisher process cannot publish messages to the message queue broker.The publisher/subscriber process did not receive acknowledgment for the published message.Failed to build a message that is to be published in a JSON format.Failed to parse the JSON message that the message queue broker has sent.Message type to Message Queue broker is not supported.Message queue broker details in the JSON response are not valid.General socks server failure.Connection not allowed by rule set.Network unreachable.Host unreachable.Connection refused.Time to live expired.Command not supported.Address type not supported.Socks version not supported.No acceptable methods.Socks protocol sanity check failed.Failed to create service principal.Unable to create the service principal, as it already exists.Service principal does not exist.Unable to provide the service principal details.Unable to delete the service principal details.The route configuration file not accessible.The route configuration file format is not valid.The host information is not available in the route configuration file.SSH initialization failedFile Copy to remote host failed.Failed to write buffer to the remote host.Failed to initialize the write buffer.Failed to close file handle for read/write buffer Specified path does not exist on the local disk.WMI connection to the target host is failed.File exists on the remote host.Directory with same name exists.Unable to find the specified directory on the remote server.Failed to remove the directory on remote host.Failed to create a directory on remote host.Failed to initialize the Secure File Transfer Protocol.Failed to close the Secure File Transfer Protocol sessionFailed to run the command on the remote host using SSHNetBackup does not support the operating system on the target host.Unable to find the specified file on the remote server.Failed to list the specified directory on the remote server.Failed to get file attributes on the remote server.Failed to set file attributes on the remote server.Failed to copy the file from the remote host.Failed to read the file into the buffer from the remote server.Failed to initialize the read buffer.File exists with same name as the directory.Failed to Create File on the remote host using SSH.Failed to Remove File on the remote host.Failed to get output of SSH commandWMI initialization failed.Process not exited in stipulated time.Failed to run the execute query on the remote host using WMI.Failed to validate administrative privileges for the userFailed to connect a network resource using windows API.Failed to disconnect an existing network connection using windows API.Failed to set the object permissions.Failed to terminate process on remote host.Unable to retrieve user's home directory on the target host. Specify the custom staging location.Failed to set the cipher for SSH communication.Failed to establish SSH session with host.Failed to verify SSH key fingerprint of host.Failed to verify host as known host.Failed to authenticate the host with provided username or password.Failed to authenticate the host with specified SSH Key.Failed to change File Time attribute using WMI.Unknown file type specified.Failed to create the object for the process.Failed to get the process information.Failed to set input parameters to the process.Failed to create the process.Failed to create SMB connection.Failed to disconnect SMB connection.Failed to copy file using Windows API.Failed to get the user security descriptors.The user does not have required sudo permission on the target host.Failed to set a file pointer using Windows API.Failed to set the host key method for SSH communication.Operation failed in Windows API as user has aborted it manually.Either specified staging location does not exist on target host or user does not have required permission to access.Failed to fetch specified registry key value from target host.Failed to fetch SSH key fingerprint.Matching SSH Key fingerprint host key method not found on target host.Operation GUID not specifiedOperation GUID specified is not validInvalid operation requestImage key could not be read from configurationNBFSD Server details could not be read from configurationCould not read mount details from configurationInvalid NBFSD port specifiedNBFSD port could not be read from configurationCurrent operation state could not be read from configurationCould not read DB instance from configurationCould not read DB details from configurationCould not remove image details from configurationCould not add image details to configurationCould not add NBFSD server details to configurationCould not add mount details to configurationCould not add NBFSD port details to configurationCould not add current operation state to configurationCould not add DB instance details to configurationCould not add DB details to configurationCould not add DB name to configurationCould not read DB user details from configurationCould not add DB user details to configurationInvalid view pathCreation of mutex failedCould not find Operation ContextCould not perform the SQL transactionUnable to start SharePoint web service on serverValidation of operating system user/password failed for clientSharePoint web service restore job has failed. Please check the logs on the web front end client for more detailsThe SharePoint restore request was rejected by web service due to bad request format. Please check the web service logs for more detailsSharePoint web service received an invalid Request IdUnable to connect to the SharePoint web serviceCould not add process details to configurationCould not read process details from configurationUnsupported composite image type for SharePoint granular restoreCould not add mount point details to configurationCould not add staging location to configurationCould not add image base type to configurationCould not add mount path to configurationCould not read mount path from configurationUnable to obtain the SQL server credentials. Ensure that you have correctly configured the SharePoint clients.Failed to read SharePoint recovery time options.The BigData policy job failed. Check and verify that you have entered valid credentials and provided correct entries for the application server or the backup hosts.One or more of the input parameters or arguments are invalid.Insufficient memory or inadequate resources available to complete the job.Cannot complete the operation. Access to the server is denied due to a lack of system permissionsFailed to complete the operation. The number of open objects on the server has reached its limit.Unable to process the request because the server resources are busy.Failed to complete the operation. The object already exists.The version of NetBackup does not match with the version of the BigData framework libraries.The version of NetBackup does not match with the version of the plug-in libraries.The NetBackup plug-in cannot complete the operation because the object is invalid.An internal error occurred in the NetBackup processes.undefined error codeFailed to complete the operation.The operation type is currently not supported.A system call failed.NetBackup cannot find the file to complete the operation.An error occurred because of a network connectivity issue.The server has exceeded its connection limit.An error occurred because the network protocol is not supported.An internal error has occurred in the NetBackup process.Failed to connect to the application server or the backup host. The server is either shut down or not reachable.The server name is invalid.Unable to establish a network connection due to an error with the Domain Name Service.Unable to complete the operation. Failed to authorize the user or the server.Insufficient storage available to the system.Unable to complete the operation. Access to the object is denied due to a lack of system permissions.Unable to find the file or the object.The version of the server does not support the requested operation.The version of the NetBackup process does not match with the BigData framework libraries.The relevant libraries are either unavailable or being denied access to.The relevant libraries are either unavailable or the plug-in does not support the requested operation.Unable to communicate with the server.Unable to create or access a directory or a path.Failed to complete the operation. The version of the plug-in might not support the requested operation.The selected schedule type is currently not supported.Unable to retrieve the credentials for the server.The virtual machine does not exist.Invalid credentials. Verify and enter the correct credentials.The server you are trying to connect is not responding.Backup failed. Snapshot could not be created.Backup failed. Workload file could not be created.Encountered empty file.Unable to find the configuration parameter.Unable to find the configuration file.Failed to establish a Secure Shell connection with the remote server.Unable to load JSON object.There was an error constructing the URL.The MongoDB processes are not running on the host.The mongod process is not running on the host.The mongos process is not running on the host.Unable to capture the topology of the MongoDB cluster.Unable to capture balancer state.Unable to find database.Failed to shutdown database server.Failed to perform pre-recovery operation.Failed to clean the data paths.Data path does not exist.Unable to complete the operation because the MongoDB processes are running on the server.Unable to add a shard to the MongoDB cluster.Failed to initiate the shard.Failed to perform post-recovery operation.Unable to recover the MongoDB cluster.Multiple objects with same name found.Host not found.Failed to create instance snapshot.Failed to create volume snapshot.Volume creation is in an invalid state.Failed to retrieve volume detailsVolume snapshot creation is in an invalid state.Failed to retrieve volume snapshot detailsMongoDB topology has changed since the last backup. You must create a full backup.The MongoDB rename file is either missing or invalid.Unable to create MongoDB restore specification file.Unable to read and process the MongoDB restore specification file.Unable to read and process the MongoDB configuration file.Backup of MongoDB is supported only on Logical Volume Management based volumes.Backup of MongoDB on VxFS volumes is not supported.Simultaneous backup operations on same or different MongoDB instances on a machine are not supported. Reschedule the operations to run at different times.Maximum number of supported volumes has been reachedMaximum number of supported security groups exceededMaximum number of supported attached volumes exceededMaximum number of supported network interfaces reachedUnable to open the device.Unable to obtain the authentication token.Backup of an instance with flavor disk size 0 and booting from image is not supported.Restoring multiple MongoDB nodes on one replica set is invalid.Restoring MongoDB data on an arbiter node is invalid.A discovered shard was found in drain state, cannot proceed with backup.An unsupported MongoDB storage engine is detected.Unable to parse command output.Unable to run the command.Pre-check for recovery has failed as Wired Tiger Log files present at the database path.Unable to backup MongoDB configuration file.Unable to find operation log for previous backup.Operation log roll-over detected.Error while collection was iterated.Operation log verification error.Failed I/O operation on operation log store info file.Invalid delete path was passed for restored operation log files. Operation log files have not been deleted.Unable to replay operation logs.Unable to revoke NetBackup replay operation logs role from user.Unable to drop NetBackup replay operation logs role.Unable to replay operation logs. Also, failed to revoke NetBackup replay operation logs role and drop NetBackup replay operation logs role.Unable to replay operation logs. Also, failed to revoke NetBackup replay operation logs role.Unable to replay operation logs. Also, failed to drop NetBackup replay operation logs role.Restore node count is invalid.Unable to find information about the MongoDB replica set.Either the backup host that is selected as the destination client is invalid or inaccessible, or the required plug-in is not found on the client.Failed to transfer a file to the remote host.Invalid backup host was used in the policy.Unable to download the thin client from the package repository.The selected schedule type is currently not supported for the sharded cluster that has Feature Compatibility Version 4.2 or later.All the required parameters for authentication type certificate-based are not provided.Ensure that you provide all the required parameters.NetBackup does not support protection of the given MongoDB cluster version.Unable to obtain the MongoDB version.Unable to obtain the Feature Compatibility Version.The source and the target cluster must have the same communication mode for certificate-based authentication.Unable to stop the balancer on the MongoDB cluster.Unable to start the balancer on the MongoDB cluster.The cluster is created using the externally sourced configuration file values. NetBackup currently does not support this MongoDB configuration.Either the MongoDB Version or the Feature Compatibility Version of the MongoDB cluster has changed.Quota exceeded for Volumes.Quota exceeded for Instances.Failed to get instance name.Backup host hostname is empty.Failed to connect to MongoDB instance.Connection cannot be established because the backup host failed to resolve the application server.The backup host cannot establish a connection to the application server.A problem has occurred with the SSL or the TLS communication.Failed in SSL or TLS communication due to an invalid client certificate.Failed to verify the application server.Failed to read the SSL CA certificate.An unknown Certificate Authority issued the certificate.Ensure that the application server clock and the backup host clocks are synchronized.The security certificate has expired.The certificate revocation list (CRL) is unavailable.The certificate revocation list (CRL) has expired.The security certificate is revoked.Unable to decrypt the certificate revocation list (CRL) signature.Certificate revocation list (CRL) signature failure.The certificate revocation list (CRL) is not yet valid.The certificate revocation list (CRL) last update date is not in a valid format.The certificate revocation list (CRL) next update date is not in a valid format.Unable to retrieve the certificate revocation list (CRL) issuer certificate.Key usage does not include certificate revocation list (CRL) signing.Critical certificate revocation list (CRL) contains invalid file extensions.The certificate revocation list (CRL) scope is different, it must cover all revocation reasons.Certificate revocation list (CRL) path validation error.Failed to verify the application server certificate.Unable to find the object.Object access forbidden.Payload too large.An unsupported protocol was used to communicate with the application server.Unable to retrieve the issuer certificate.A self-signed certificate cannot be found in the list of trusted certificatesUnable to verify the first certificate.Cannot locate the required VxUpdate package for the NetBackup version of the backup host and the operating system of the MongoDB host.Partial success - failed to parse SAS URI for managed disk snapshot.Partial success - the disk snapshot export failed.Partial success - the disk snapshot cancel export failed.Partial success - failed to delete managed disk snapshot.Partial success - invalid SAS URI returned when disk snapshot was exported.Partial success - the open object for disk operation failed.Partial success - failed to obtain the disk snapshot blob.The asynchronous operation returned an unknown failure.The asynchronous operation is in progress.The asynchronous operation failed.The asynchronous operation was canceled.The asynchronous operation returned an unknown error.The configuration is invalid for the specified resource.Invalid location specified.Failed to create the disk.Unable to find a storage account.Failed to recover the VM.Failed to create the resource.An invalid backup selection is specified in the policy.Failed to clean up the resources that were created during restore.Unable to find the resource.Unable to find an available port on MongoDB host for the thin client.New NetBackup CA of the given key size cannot be set up for migration.The NetBackup CA that is newly set up for migration cannot be activated.The migration of NetBackup CA cannot be completed.NetBackup CA with the given fingerprint cannot be decommissioned.The key size is not valid. In non-FIPS mode, NetBackup supports 2048, 3072, 4096, 8192 and 16384 bits for key size. In FIPS mode, NetBackup only supports 2048 and 3072 bits for key size.The migration of NetBackup CA is not initiated.NetBackup CA with the given fingerprint does not exist.NetBackup CA with the given fingerprint cannot be decommissioned. A NetBackup CA should be in ABANDONED state to be decommissioned.The trust version does not exist.NetBackup CA with the given certificate does not exist.The NetBackup CA migration summary cannot be retrieved.The NetBackup CA migration is initiated, however the CA migration status is incorrect. The expected CA migration status: INITIATED.Failed to retrieve the list of hosts that do not have the required CA certificates in their trust stores.The activation phase of the NetBackup CA migration is to be started. The CA migration status should be INITIATED.The activation phase of the NetBackup CA migration is complete, however the CA migration status is incorrect. The expected CA migration status: ACTIVATED.The completion phase of the NetBackup CA migration is to be started. The CA migration status should be ACTIVATED.The NetBackup CA migration is complete, however the CA migration status is incorrect. The expected CA migration status: NO_MIGRATION.The listed hosts do not have the required CA certificates in their trust stores.The NetBackup CA migration summary cannot be retrieved after the activation of migration.The CA migration database cannot be updated with the current NetBackup CA certificate details.Failed to retrieve the list of hosts that require certificate renewal.Certificate renewal for the listed hosts is pending with the new CA.Migration cannot be initiated as an NBCA is currently activated. Complete the existing migration and then initiate a new migrationThe NetBackup CA migration summary cannot be retrieved after the completion of migration.The NetBackup CA migration summary cannot be retrieved after initiating the migration.The CA cannot be migrated as there are hosts pending trust propagation in the domain.The CA migration cannot be completed as there are hosts pending certificate renewal in the domain.None of the credential IDs map with the given credential name or ID.Multiple credential IDs map with the given credential name or ID.One or more credential configuration checks failed.The specified workflow was not found.The minimum passphrase length must be greater than the sum of minimum characters that you have defined.The passphrase must have at least one constraint.The passphrase validation failed.Buffer size provided to the Fibre Transport pipe interface larger than the max allowedSome parameters to the the Open Pipe() call are invalidSplit buffer control on restores should not be usedNumber of segments provided to the Fibre Transport pipe interface smaller than the min allowedNumber of segments provided to the Fibre Transport pipe interface larger than the max allowedBuffer size provided to the Fibre Transport pipe interface smaller than the min allowedBuffer segment size is invalid. It has to be multiple of MIN_FT_BUFFER_SIZEPipe limit number is not setFailed to attach to the shared memoryPipe already openPipe already closedSome parameters to the the Close Pipe() call are invalidRequested shared memory doesn't match value in the pipe objectRequested shared memory doesn't exist in the arrayRequested buffer not ready for data transferInvalid parameter in the CORBA requestCould not find FT portFailed to initialize FT portExecution of nbinstallagent in the remote host failed.The file name is not provided.Unable to retrieve NetBackup version from the remote host.Unable to retrieve platform information from the remote host.Remote host name not specified.Unable to retrieve NetBackup install directory from the remote host.Unable to receive the data from the client.A required file cannot be opened.The deployment package was not found in the cache media server.Unable to write to the specified file.Failed to convert NetBackup version string.The nbinstallagent command has executed with empty argument.Unable to identify remote host platform.Failed to copy the specified file.Failed to stat VxUpdate package.The package name does not comply with VxUpdate package name standard.The package repository location does not exist.The package already exists in the package repository.Invalid package ID.The deployment package was not found in the package repository.The package delete operation was canceled.The package was not found.The requested operation is not supported.Could not create a required file or directory.A specified file or directory was not found.A supporting command failed.Cannot open nbinstallagent log file.Installation of the target package was unsuccessful.Could not copy nbinstallagent to destination path as part of self-update process.Could not execute nbinstallagent from new path.Could not open a required registry key.Could not query registry value.Could not resolve the path to a NetBackup directory.Could not remove the nbinstallagent binary's configuration file.Failed to open or extract a package.The package signature is invalid.The public key was not found at the expected location.Windows socket initialization was unsuccessful.Exceeded time-out waiting for Windows socket initialization.The Winsock version is unsupported.Could not initialize socket.Temporary files cannot be removed from the system.An unsupported self-update operation was attempted.An unsupported registry query was attempted.Could not open a pipe to capture command output.The NetBackup command to retrieve version information is not present.Could not open process for reading.Process status cannot be determined.Process cannot be stopped.The attempt to extract a package was unsuccessful.The package is empty.Data in process was formatted incorrectly.A supporting command's output was in an unexpected format.Could not get current working directory path.Could not determine the state of security certificates on the local host.The deployment policy's external CA certificate configuration specifications are invalid for this host.Could not parse the json string to retrieve the external certificate values.Could not load the json string.Could not determine the CA certificate type configured on the master server.There is insufficient disk space available to complete the operation.Package release version is not supported.Package type is invalid.Package operating system is not supported.Package EEB version is not supported.EEB install is not supported.Found active NetBackup jobs on the target host.There are no existing security certificates on the host.The initialization of the nbcertcmdtool utility failed.The preinstallation checks failed.The existing security configuration is invalid.The native Package Manager command failed.The NetBackup processes cannot be started.The NetBackup configuration on the host is invalid or corrupt.Failed to get the NetBackup install status from the remote host.The host type and package type do not match.The command-line length is too long.Could not query the system for the state of existing installed packages.Could not parse the deployment option.Package file paths were not accepted.Could not find a value for javagui_jre field in the conf file.Could not extract and verify the nbjavajre package successfully.Incorrect javagui_jre value that is specified in the conf file. The valid values are include, exclude, or match.Could not query registry info.The installed NetBackup packages list exceeds the maximum allowed characters.The VxUpdate platform name exceeds the maximum allowed characters.The definition for the VxUpdate platform is not valid.The definition for the VxUpdate platform is not found.The package is invalid for hosts at this version level.The destination release's agent process did not execute as expected. Confirm that the destination NetBackup release level is compatible with the platform and OS level of this host.This host will not be able to communicate with the master server following the upgrade.Could not take the host offline.Failed to delete the deployment package file.The specified file exists, but some NetBackup processes cannot access it. Confirm the file exists at a location that NetBackup has permission to access.Storage server with the same name and type already exists.Failed to create storage server.Failed to get storage server properties.Failed to update storage server.Failed to delete storage server.Failed to remove the storage server.Requested data has the following invalid or missing fieldsDisk pool with the same name already exists.Failed to get disk pool.Failed to update disk pool.Failed to delete disk pool.Storage unit with the same name already exists.Failed to create storage unit.Failed to get storage unit.Failed to update storage unit.Failed to delete storage unit.Service method unimplemented.Storage API Management feature is disabled.Access denied on target storage server.Failed to add replication target to the storage server.Replication relationship already exists.Failed to get storage server configuration properties.Failed to create disk pool.Failed to create disk volume.Failed to get disk volume.Failed to get replication targets.Failed to get the replication relationship details.Failed to create universal share.Failed to update universal share.Failed to fetch the universal share details.Failed to delete universal share.Failed to fetch the universal share list.Failed to add replication target on disk volume.Failed to delete replication target on disk volume.Failed to get replication target details of disk volume.Failed to update disk volume details.Failed to list cloud buckets.Failed to create a cloud bucket.Storage Unit validation failed.Cannot retrieve snapshot replication group details.Cannot create snapshot replication group.Cannot delete snapshot replication group.The 'databaseName' field must be specified.The 'instanceName' field must be specified.The 'consistencyCheck' field must be specified.The 'consistencyCheck' field must be one of these values: NONE, FULLINCLUDINGINDICES, FULLEXCLUDINGINDICES, CHECKCATALOG, or PHYSICALCHECKONLY.The 'maxTransferSize' field must be specified.The 'maxTransferSize' field must be one of these values: 64K, 128K, 256K, 1M, 2M, or 4M.The 'numBuffs' field must be between 1 to 32.The 'recoveredState' field must be specified.The 'recoveredState' field must be one of these values: Recovered, NotRecovered, or Standby.The 'traceLevel' field must be specified.The 'traceLevel' field must be one of these values: Minimum, Medium, or Maximum.Exactly one option in 'trxLogRecoveryOptions' must be specified.The 'toPointInTime' field must be specified.The 'toTrxLogMark' field must be specified.The 'toTrxLogMarkButAfter' field must be specified.The 'beforeTrxLogMark' field must be specified.The 'beforeTrxLogMarkButAfter' field must be specified.The 'standbyPath' field must be specified.The 'standbyPath' field must be a valid file.The 'trxLogRecoveryOptions' can't be specified.Could not start database recovery.Failed to authenticate instance credentials on the target server.Failed to impersonate specified user on the target server.File is emptyCertificate read failedInvalid Host Id for the hostAccess denied by remote serverClient not found in client databaseBad http responseGeneric http errorAn unknown internal error occurredFailed to register service with PBXUnused error code (7602)Failed to initialize PBXFailed to register PBX acceptor with the reactorUnused error code (7605)Unused error code (7606)Failed to set socket to non-blocking modeUnused error code (7608)Failed to perform a reactor event handler operationFailed to parse the specified objectA connection protocol error occurredAn unexpected protocol event occurredA lookup failed for hostNo valid source-target bindings exist for hostUnused error code (7615)Unused error code (7616)A JSON conversion error occurredThe specified state machine is still activeUnused error code (7620)Unused error code (7621)Input I/O is requiredOutput I/O is requiredA SSL socket accept failedA SSL socket connect failedUnused error code (7626)SSL initialization failedVxSS initialization failedUnused error code (7629)Unused error code (7630)Certificate path lookup failedA protocol sanity check failedThe state machine was terminated before completionFailed to set up a UNIX Domain Socket listener for userFailed to create a local acceptorFailed to import socket from remote processFailed to export socket to remote processFailed to create a socket pairFailed to create a peer name mappingThe peer closed the connectionFailed to find a common CA Root for secure handshakeFailed to verify Java GUI session tokenConnection cannot be established because the host validation cannot be performedFailed to get peer certificate chainCould not get name from certificate informationFailed to get peer certificateProxy peer does not conform to proxy protocolConnection cannot be established because the host validation failedData that is retrieved from the cache is not in a valid formatData that is retrieved from the server is not in a valid formatCould not process audit reasonSecure communication proxy is not available for useThe Peer Certificate is revokedThe Certificate Revocation List is invalidCertificate Revocation List is signed incorrectlyCertificate Revocation List is out of dateCannot identify service type of acceptorConnection cannot be established because the host validation cannot be performed on the target hostConnection cannot be established because the host validation failed on the target hostThe peer proxy cannot find usable certificates for the certificate protocolConflict in the peer vnet proxy version and hint is detected.The external certificate cannot be automatically enrolled. The peer host's external certificate must be already enrolled.The matching master server name is not available in the NetBackup configuration file, which is required for the automatic enrollment of the external certificate.Unable to display the details for all identity providers.Unable to display the details for the identity provider with the specified name.Failed to add the identity provider.The IDP configuration contains invalid arguments or details.Failed to delete the configuration for the identity provider.Failed to update the details for the configured identity provider with the specified name.An IDP configuration with the specified name already exists.An IDP configuration with the specified name does not exist.An empty or a null name was specified.An invalid IDP configuration name was specified. The name can only contain the following characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, _.Failed to get service provider metadata.An attempt was made to enable a new or an existing IDP configuration when there is already an IDP configuration that is enabled.At least one IDP configuration must be enabled.The enable field or the metadata field is not present in the update identity provider payload. One of the fields is required to update the details for the configured identity provider with the specified name.The specified file does not have expected format.Failed to redirect to the IDP server.The user does not have permission to perform the requested operation.The JSON Web Token is expired.The JSON Web Token is in an invalid format.Public key provided for decrypting the JSON Web Token is invalid.The object group criteria is malformed.The public key for JSON Web Token is empty.Unable to convert the public key to an SSL internal key.Unable to decompress the JSON Web Token payload.The specified permission is not present in the JSON Web Token.The object type is not supported.The parent namespace is not registered.One or more roles specified in the x-netbackup-initial-owner-role HTTP header are invalid.Unimplemented error code 8013Unimplemented error code 8014One or more of the required parameters is missing.Additional parameters are not required for this schema type.Cannot delete a role or an object group that is configured in an access rule.Identity cannot be empty. Enter a valid user or group.Invalid identity format. When specifying a domain, use either the User Principal Name (UPN) format or the Down-Level Logon Name format.Cannot delete a role that is configured in an access definition.Unable to validate the user or group.Failed to register object with access control.Failed to unregister managed object.Access control commit failed, object is in PENDING state.Access control rollback failed, object is in PENDING state.An access control attribute specified in rule condition has not been registered.An operand for rule operator is invalid.A rule condition operator is not supported.A rule condition method is not supported.The bulk commit or rollback for access control failed.KMIP internal error.Failed to connect to the external KMS server.Failed to connect to the external KMS server, connection timed out.Failed to initialize SSL context to connect to the external KMS server.Failed to establish SSL connection with the external KMS server.Failed to establish SSL connection with the external KMS server, connection timed out.The KMIP input request is not valid.The KMIP request to external KMS server failed.The KMIP request to external KMS server timed out.The KMIP item cannot be found.The KMIP response is not valid.SSL verification failed due to hostname mismatch.SSL verification failed due to IP address mismatch.The KMIP operation is not supported by the external KMS server.The KMIP attribute cannot be found.The KMIP attribute is not valid.The KMIP version is not supported.Error was encountered at external KMS server while the operation was performed.The KMIP attribute is not supported by the external KMS server.The KMIP operation is illegal.The permission is denied.The KMIP object is archived.The KMIP object cannot be extracted.The KMIP request cannot be encoded.NetBackup does not support any of the KMIP versions that the external KMS server supports.The KMIP attribute value is not valid.The KMIP operation is not attempted.No NetBackup keys are found.Failed to perform CRL check.The external KMS server certificate is revoked.Attribute with the specified value already exists for the given key.The KMIP request to external KMS server is not valid.The KMIP request to external KMS server contains an invalid field.The KMIP response is too large.Failed to set certificate in the SSL context.Failed to set CA certificates in the SSL context.Failed to set private key in the SSL context.The keys that were retrieved from the external KMS server are not usable for encryption.The keys that were retrieved from the external KMS server are not usable for decryption.No active NetBackup keys are found.The KMIP object already exists.Cannot create the NetBackup job.Failed to update NetBackup job.Unsupported policy type.Cannot restore the requested resource.The global data-in-transit encryption is enforced in the NetBackup domain, but it cannot be enabled as the client or the backup host version is older than 9.1.The global data-in-transit encryption is enforced in the NetBackup domain, but it cannot be enabled as the media server version is older than 9.1.The data-in-transit encryption attribute of the backup image cannot be updated.The data-in-transit encryption attribute of the job cannot be updated.The global data-in-transit encryption setting cannot be fetched.The data-in-transit encryption setting of the client cannot be fetched.The data-in-transit encryption (DTE) mode of the backup image is set to 'On', therefore NetBackup tries to encrypt the data but the media server version is older than 9.1.The global data-in-transit encryption (DTE) is enforced in the NetBackup domain, but the DTE setting is disabled on the client or the backup host.The data-in-transit encryption (DTE) mode of the backup image is set to 'On', therefore NetBackup tries to encrypt the data but the client version is older than 9.1.The data-in-transit encryption (DTE) cache cannot be refreshed for inactive cluster node.The data-in-transit encryption (DTE) setting is enabled on the client, but is disabled on the media server.The global data-in-transit encryption (DTE) is enforced in the NetBackup domain, but the DTE setting is disabled on the media server.The data-in-transit encryption (DTE) mode of the backup image is set to 'On', but the DTE setting is disabled on the media server.The data-in-transit encryption (DTE) mode of the backup image is set to 'On', but the DTE setting is disabled on the client.The media is not yet ready for the backup operation.The media server is yet to complete the backup operation.Failed to retrieve the pre-shared key which is required for TLS communication.Failed to put the pre-shared key into the store which is required for TLS communication.Failed to update the entitlement for the pre-shared key which is required for TLS communication.The backup job failed. The protection plan is configured to fail partially successful backups.Kubernetes Operator Service is down.The asset group doesn't have valid clusters.Kubernetes discovery request timed out.Failed to copy the discovery data file from the NetBackup Kubernetes Operator container.Error in creating the service for the PrimaryServer.Error in fetching the service for the PrimaryServer.Error in creating the service for the PrimaryServer because the service is already available in the namespace with an unexpected label.Error in creating the service for the PrimaryServer because the service is already available in the namespace with an unexpected selector.Error in creating the ConfigMap for the PrimaryServer.Error in fetching the ConfigMap for the PrimaryServerError in creating the ConfigMap for the PrimaryServer because the ConfigMap is already present in the namespace.Error in creating the PVC for the PrimaryServer.Error in fetching the PVC for the PrimaryServer.Error in updating the PVC for the PrimaryServer.Error in creating the StatefulSet for the PrimaryServer.Error in fetching the StatefulSet for the PrimaryServer.Error in creating the StatefulSet for the PrimaryServer because the StatefulSet is already available in the namespace with an unexpected label.Error in creating the StatefulSet for the PrimaryServer because the StatefulSet is already available in the namespace with an unexpected selector.Error in creating the Service for the MediaServer.Error in fetching the Service for the MediaServer.Service already present in the namespace for MediaServer with unexpected labels.Service already present in the namespace for MediaServer with unexpected selectors.Error in creating the ConfigMap for the MediaServer.Error in fetching the ConfigMap for the MediaServer.Error in updating the ConfigMap for the MediaServer.ConfigMap is already available in the namespace for the MediaServer with unexpected labels.Error in creating the StatefulSet for the MediaServer.Error in fetching the StatefulSet for the MediaServer.Error in updating the StatefulSet for the MediaServer.StatefulSet already present in the namespace for the MediaServer with unexpected labels.StatefulSet already present in the namespace for the MediaServer with unexpected selectors.Failed to get instance of the Primary service.Failed to get the load balancer service details of the Primary server.Failed to connect to the Primary server. Primary server may not have started yet.Failed to get the Primary server's authentication secret.Failed to get the CA certificate fingerprint or token from the Primary server.Error in updating the bp.conf of Primary server for the Media server.Only one IP can be provided in iplist of Custom Resource for a Primary server.Number of IP addresses provided in iplist of Custom Resource must not be less than the replica count.ResourceNamePrefix in spec of custom resource of the media server must not contain the string 'primary'.ResourceNamePrefix in spec of custom resource of the primary server must not contain the string 'media'.External IP is not assigned to service.Error in creating the Job.Config-checker failed or the configuration requirements were not met.Failed to get Config-checker logs.Config-checker exceeded the timeout limit.Incorrect username or password in the secret.Error in creating the role.Error in fetching the roleInvalid format for static IP address provided in custom resource specification.Cannot retrieve primary server credentials.Cannot prepare the NetBackup API Client.Cannot create the primary server resource.Cannot update the primary server resource.Cannot create expected MSDP scale out resources.Cannot create expected media server resources.Connection with the web service was not established.Web service access was denied.Malformed URI encounteredUnknown error returned by CURLThe web service certificate is issued by an unknown Certificate Authority.The certificate is not yet valid.The certificate has expired.The certificate could not be verified.List of trusted Certificate Authorities could not be fetched.The specified server name was not found in the web service certificateWeb service certificate verification failedFailed to load the local certificate or the keystore.Failed to retrieve the certificate information.SSL handshake error has occurred.The specified SSL cipher cannot be used.Direct resource access is forbidden.Field is not modifiable.Failed to remove certificate for host.Unable to establish connection with host.Unable to validate the certificate for host.Error loading keystoreCertificate with same name already existsThe certificate did not match with the one accepted by the user, please verify the certificateProblem occurred while storing the SSL certificate in the truststoreFailed to setup SSL securityFailed to open connection to the remote object referred to by the URIUnable to parse JSON contentsJSON contents not validMalformed URI.The web service is unable to connect to EMM. Hint: check your security settings; The config web service is not compatible with NBAC.Targeted Host Name is empty.Connection continues as insecure communication with hosts is allowed.Connection is dropped, because the host ID-to-hostname mapping is not yet approved.Connection continues as the host ID-to-hostname mapping is automatically approved.Connection is dropped, because insecure communication with hosts is not allowed.Connection is dropped, because the host now appears to be NetBackup 8.0 or earlier.Connection is dropped, because a conflict in host ID-to-hostname mapping is detected.Failed to determine the connection type for the host.Invalid category for auditing the certificate validation failures, only the connection category is supported.Server is unavailable to process the request. Please try later.Bad request.Socket done sending data.Invalid WebSocket protocol. Only wss protocol is supported.The NetBackup deduplication web server's SSL certificate hash entry was not found in the NetBackup configuration database.The NetBackup deduplication web server's SSL certificate record was not found in the NetBackup configuration database.The current host Id-to-host name mapping conflicts with the NetBackup deduplication web server's host name in the NetBackup configuration database. Please update the NetBackup deduplication web server's SSL certificate record.The NetBackup deduplication web server's SSL certificate was not found in the truststore for NetBackup deduplication servers.The provided SSL certificate hash did not match the SSL certificate presented by the NetBackup deduplication web server.Key with same name already exists.Problem occurred while storing the key in the keystore.Error loading keystore.Encryption error occurred when working with initialization vector.Encryption error occurred when working with encryption cipher.Encryption error occurred when working with encryption key.Encryption error occurred when working with key tag.Encryption manager error occurred.Encryption error occurred when working with key store.Failed to add CA certificate in trust store.Failed to list CA certificates from trust store.Failed to delete CA certificate from trust store.This alias for CA certificate does not exist.The CA certificate is not a valid certificate.The SAML certificate already exists.The SAML keystore cannot be generated.The SAML keystore cannot be deleted.The access code is not appropriate.The access code is expired.The access code request is declined.The access code request is already approved.The access code request has approval pending.Failed to generate an access code for the session.The host database web service is unavailable due to an internal error.The host does not exist.The host cannot be created, because the host name already exists in the host database.The host cannot be created, because the host ID-to-host name mapping already exists in the host database..A conflict occurred while updating the host database. Kindly retry the operation.The required field is missing from the input request.The web service cannot update the host ID.Constraint violations are detected for the given attributes in the input request.The destination file or directory already exists.The file cannot be uploaded because of insufficient disk space on the host.The folder where the telemetry data needs to be uploaded does not existFailed to upload the file.Failed to upload the file. The input file cannot be empty.The mapping cannot be marked as unshared, because it is already shared.Conflict in the mapping is detected. The host name is already mapped with a different host.The mapping cannot be added, because it is empty.Failed to perform the operation as one of the input parameters is invalid.The mapping cannot be deleted as this is the primary host name for the host ID.The conflicting mapping cannot be approved, because it is not a shared mapping.The host ID does not exist.Specify valid value for the time-to-live parameters. The valid range is from 0 min to 43200 min (or 30 days).The specified name exceeds the maximum allowed length, which is 1024 characters. Enter a valid name for host ID-to-host name mapping.The specified comment exceeds the maximum allowed length.The host ID-to-host name mapping cannot be configured as a shared mapping, because it is associated with a single host.The host ID should not be provided in the request along with the subject name.External CA-signed certificates cannot be used for host communication.The certificate operation failed, because the NetBackup CA certificates cannot be used for host communication in the domain.No external certificates with the specified subject are available.External certificate with the specified subject is already available.The subject name of the certificate is not in the valid format.An entry for the specified subject name associated with a host ID already exists in the NetBackup database.An entry for the specified host ID associated with the subject name already exists in the NetBackup database.The host configuration setting does not exist on host.The host configuration setting already exists on host.The host configuration setting Disallow_server_file_writes is enabled.No NetBackup service exists with the specified name on the host.The host configuration setting is read-only.The host ID-to-host name mapping cannot be added. Automatic mapping is disabled for NAT clients.Failed to fetch master server information.This feature is not available for the selected back-level host.Cannot delete this host as it has active CDP configuration.The host does not have any external CA certificate that is enrolled with this master server.The requested operation is not supported for the NetBackup version of the remote host.The certificate enrollment failed. The host name should be part of the certificate.The certificate enrollment failed. The host name should be a primary name.The certificate enrollment failed. The host name should be part of the certificate and it should be a primary name.The certificate enrollment failed. The host name is already enrolled with a certificate with a different subject name.Failed to retrieve the Certificate Authority usage information of the NetBackup web server.The certificate enrollment failed. NetBackup configuration cannot be updated.The certificate to be used for enrollment is not yet valid.The certificate to be used for enrollment is expired.The certificate enrollment failed. The certificate is revoked.The private key of the external certificate is encrypted, but the passphrase is blank.The certificate enrollment failed. Another host with the same short name exists in the NetBackup databaseThe certificate or the certificate path is not valid.The host does not have any security certificate configured with respect to this master server.The certificate enrollment failed. Common name(CN) is not present in the certificate.The certificate enrollment failed. The issuer in the certificate and the one that you have provided do not match.The specified certificate store does not exist on the local machine.Certificate path is invalid. If your store name, issuer, or subject contains any special characters, ensure that they are included in double quotes.The certificate could not be found at the specified path.The certificate with the given subject name could not be found.The Windows certificate store could not be opened.The certificate is not valid as the certificate validity period starts in the future.The Windows certificate store could not be closed.The host name could not be retrieved.NetBackup does not support the public key algorithm used, see logs for more information regarding the algorithm.Failed to get certificate due to an unknown error.Failed to get the specified certificate from windows certificate store.ECA health check failed.Subject Alternative Name field is empty.NetBackup configuration cannot be updated with external CA configuration information.Failed to retrieve the key size for the NetBackup certificate keys.The key size for the NetBackup certificate keys that is set on the master server is not valid.The key size for the NetBackup certificate keys is not defined.The specified private key of the external certificate is not FIPS-compliant.The Cryptographic Service Provider or Key Storage Provider does not support security descriptors.Failed to acquire private key corresponding to certificate in Windows certificate store.Failed to update security descriptor of private key corresponding to certificate in Windows certificate store.Failed to read the security descriptor of private key corresponding to certificate in Windows certificate store.Failed to set the attributes of the private key or certificate inside Windows certificate store.Failed to read the attributes from the private key or certificate inside Windows certificate store.NetBackup is not enabled to manage the private key corresponding to certificate in the Windows certificate store. Check NetBackup configuration.The requested operation cannot be carried out. Disable the FIPS mode for the operation to be successful.The certificate enrollment failed. The host name is already enrolled with a certificate with a different Common name.The certificate enrollment failed. The Common name that is associated with the certificate to be enrolled is assigned to another host.The certificate of the host cannot be validated because FIPS mode is enabled.Communication with EMM failed.VM discovery is not initiated for the VM server, or the VM server name is invalid.The disk space is too low to store the file.The file name must be of the form 'vmware-resource@discovered-host'.The file is either empty or too large to be processed as a vmware resource.The contents of the entity cannot be converted into valid JSON notation.Invalid ESXi or Cluster server name.The policy generation ID in the request header does not match the current generation ID of the policy.Policy API for the specified operation, version, and policy type is not supported.Policy API for the specified operation, version, and policy type is supported only using the generic schema, with the request header (X-NetBackup-Policy-Use-Generic-Schema) set to true.An error occurred while reading policy type from the request payload. A valid policy type must be specified.The ID and policyName in the JSON payload do not match.The policyName in the URL and the ID and policyName in the JSON payload do not match.Policy attributes must be specified using the property named 'policy'.Please enter a valid Hyper-V machine name.Invalid credentials.The ID in the URL does not match the ID in the body.The credential name that you provided already exists.Invalid policy name.Invalid schedule name.Failed to retrieve details of all the media servers.Failed to retrieve the details of the specified media server.Failed to add the trusted master server.Failed to update the trusted master server.Failed to retrieve the trusted master server details.Failed to retrieve the remote master server details.Creating a BigData backup policy for Nutanix AHV is deprecated. You can use the existing BigData backup policy to protect the Nutanix AHV VMs, but it is recommended that you migrate the existing BigData backup policy to the Hypervisor backup policy. Refer to the Migrating BigData policy to Hypervisor policy topic in the NetBackup Administrator's guide for Nutanix AHV (Hypervisor policy).Copying a BigData backup policy for Nutanix AHV to new policy is deprecated. It is recommended to use the Hypervisor backup policy to protect your Nutanix AHV VMs by migrating your existing BigData policy to the Hypervisor policy. Refer to the Migrating BigData policy to Hypervisor policy topic in the NetBackup Administrator's guide for Nutanix AHV (Hypervisor policy).It is recommended to use the Hypervisor backup policy to protect your Nutanix AHV VMs by migrating your existing BigData policy to the Hypervisor policy. Refer to the Migrating BigData policy to Hypervisor policy topic in the NetBackup Administrator's guide for Nutanix AHV (Hypervisor policy).Migrating from Hypervisor to BigData backup policy for Nutanix AHV VMs is deprecated.An error occurred while reading client type from the request payload. A valid client type must be specified.Policy does not go into effect until later.The trusted master server is removed successfully. However, unable to revoke the host ID-based certificate.Policy cannot have both VIP and ODATA Vmware client selection queries defined.The policy cannot be saved. Policy contains duplicate clients.Failed to retrieve cached SSH fingerprint.Failed to update the details of the specified media server.The specified media server does not support this DTE configuration.The host name that was provided must be associated with a single host ID.The mapping name that was provided does not exist.Mappings for the specified host do not exist.The NetBackup API version is invalid.A response cannot be generated in the media type specified by the request accept header.The content type specified by the request content-type header is not supported by the requested resource for the requested method.The filter criteria is invalid.Invalid parameter specified.Multiple authorization headers are not allowed.The HTTP method is not supported.A database system error occurred.Multiple audit reason headers are not allowed.The X-NetBackup-Audit-Reason header is not properly URL-encoded.An invalid API request is encountered.Requested operation failed.The host name that you have specified to connect to the NetBackup web server is not present in the NetBackup web server certificate.No Audit Record was found.Failed to fetch the audit record.No matching report found.Invalid filter specified in the request.Invalid report request.Invalid job report type found.Failed to lock file.Failed to unlock file.Unexpected response from the web service.The certificate verification failed.Failed to set the certificate verification flags.Failed to retrieve the SSL certificate.The cache entry is not valid.Failed to connect to the vnetd service.Failed to build the request JSON.SSL context initialization failed.SSL init failed.SSL connect failed.SSL connect timed out.SSL read failed.SSL read timed out.SSL write failed.SSL write timed out.SSL shutdown failed.SSL shutdown timed out.SSL error.Peer certificate is revoked.Reverse connection failed.The remote server's certificate is not valid or doesn't exist.The trust store path is not configured or the certificate path is not accessible or doesn't exist.Failed to obtain the backup ID from the track log file.The private key file cannot be loaded.The private key file cannot be validated.The SSL handshake failed.Cannot connect to the host. Verify if the NetBackup services are running on the host.The service user cannot switch the context to another user.The service user account does not have the write permissions on the specified path.Failed to encode certificate revocation list.Failed to decode certificate revocation list.The certificate revocation list is not newer than the saved version.Request to retrieve CRL failed.Waiting for curl call to return.CRL retrieval operation was partially successful.Request to retrieve security level failed.CRL internal error.Failed to read certificate revocation list.Failed to write certificate revocation list.The CRL for the specified issuer could not be found in the CRL cache.Failed to clean up the CRL for the specified issuer from the CRL cache.Failed to clean up the expired CRLs from the CRL cache.Failed to clean up some of the expired CRLs from the CRL cache.The CRL is expired.Failed to update some of the CRLs in the CRL cache.Failed to update the CRLs in the CRL cache.The CRL check is disabled.The certificate is revoked.The certificate is not revoked.Failed to set the CRL verification flags.Failed to download the CRL.Failed to load the CRL in the CRL cache.Failed to retrieve the HTTP URL(s) from the CRL distribution point.The CRL cache cannot be updated. The ECA_CRL_PATH configuration option is not set to a valid CRL directory path.The CRL cache cannot be updated. CRLs are not available in the directory that is set for the ECA_CRL_PATH configuration option.The CRL is delta CRL.Unable to retrieve CRL for the certificate.Unable to decrypt the CRL signature.CRL signature failure.The CRL is not yet valid.The CRL last update date is not in a valid format.The CRL next update date is not in a valid format.Unable to retrieve the CRL issuer certificate.Key usage does not include CRL signing.Critical CRL extension is not valid.The CRL scope is different, it should cover all revocation reasons.CRL path validation error.The CRL on the server is expired.The CRL is not available on the server.CRL server internal error.The API key is not valid.The API key cannot be generated.An unexpected API key error occurred.The API key for the given user already exists.The specified API key does not exist.The API key has expired.The API key tag in the URL should match the ID from the payload.The API key expiration date must not be later than '9999-12-31 23:59:59 +00:00'.The API key expiration date not found in SAML User authentication details, login using SSO and try again.The values provided for the API key are not valid.The API key cannot be reissued.The OData json is malformed.The OData filter criteria is invalid.An OData operator is not supported.An OData entity data model (EDM) type is not supported.An operand for an OData operator or method is invalid.An OData method is not supported.The specified OData filter generated no query.Failed to list the AD and LDAP servers.Failed to add the AD and LDAP server.Failed to delete the AD and LDAP server.Email could not be sent.Email recipient address is NULL.Email recipient address is invalid.Email sender address is NULL.Email sender address is invalid.Email sender host server address is NULL.Email subject is NULL.Email body is NULL.Could not find notification record with alert ID and Notification TypeUnable to delete Asset groupFailed to get the UUID of the host.Failed to update the last backup status of the asset.Failed to create the JSON payload.The asset count is less than zero.The asset count exceeds the maximum integer value of Multiple results were received unexpectedly from a single-result query.Invalid request fields: The Asset Group count exceeds the maximum integer value of An asset group with this name already exists.The workloadType value cannot be null.The workloadType and assetType values cannot be modified.The asset group GUID in the request and the body are different.Invalid asset audit operation: Invalid Asset Group audit operation: Invalid argument supplied to the query builder. not accepted.Unable to get Asset groups.Asset service cache is at capacity. Please try again.Unable to create subscription. The asset is already covered by the same protection plan.Cannot complete the operation because the protection plan currently protects an asset.The schedule retention is smaller than or equal to the schedule frequency. This schedule issue may cause some data to be unprotected.The schedule must have a backup window and no overlap is allowed.The duplication retention period must be greater than the schedule frequency.The PATCH request can only be used to update description and storage details of the protection plan.A protection plan already exists with the same name.Could not create the necessary SLP for the subscription or protection plan.A schedule must specify a valid backup storage and a duplication storage option. Replication must have a target master server and a target SLP. All storage options must be the same for all schedules.Protection plan for snapshot storage must not have any duplication, replication, or storage options.Tape is not a supported storage option in a protection plan.Basic disk is not supported as part of SLP configuration.The update or create process did not complete. Invalid workload type.Unable to create subscription. Schedule list is missing.Unable to create subscription. Asset validation failed.Could not find asset or asset group details for the given ID.Unable to create subscription. Cloud Asset, provider generated ID is invalid.Unable to create subscription. No instance UUID found for the asset.Unable to create subscription. Invalid selection type specified.The replication retention period must be greater than the schedule frequency.Cannot add or delete a schedule in protection plan. Also, each schedule must specify storage attributes.Failed to perform the policy operation.ID must be same in the request URL and the body.Cannot subscribe vmware asset to snapshot storage protection plan or cloud asset to non-snapshot storage protection plan.Unable to find the protection plan for the given ID.The protection plan does not support the SLP operation that the policy uses.The protection plan does not support multiple copies within a schedule.Policy type, storage, frequency, or retention details in the policy are invalid or missing.The schedule type that is specified is invalid. Schedule type must be specified for either all of the schedules or none of the schedules. If specifying schedule type, workload type must be specified.The schedule type that is specified is incompatible with the selected workload type.Unable to update the subscription. The field 'allowSubscriptionEdit' is set to false for the associated protection plan.Unable to find subscription for given ID.The cloud snapshot replication retention period must be greater than the schedule frequency.Multi-target cloud snapshot replication is not supported.The cloud snapshot replication is not compatible with specified workload type.The assets must be the same workload type to add them to an existing protection plan.Frequency must be specified for frequency-based schedules and include dates must be specified for calendar-based schedules. These fields cannot be specified simultaneously.Schedule type must be specified for calendar-based schedules.Subscription edit is not allowed for Cloud workload type.PUT protection plan or subscription must provide the same inputs as POST. Both schedules and policyDefinition must be supplied.The upgrade of this protection plan to NetBackup 8.2 or later produced a failure.The protection plan update partially succeeded.The protection plan cannot change from accelerator-capable backup storage to non-accelerator capable backup storage or vice versa.Multiple transaction log schedules found.The subscription contains one or more configuration entries that have not been delegated to this user.A subscription cannot delete inherited protection plan schedules.A subscription cannot add schedules.At least one subscription schedule does not supply the scheduleName field that is required to identify the protection plan schedule being edited.Cannot subscribe or backup Microsoft SQL Server availability group with the protection plan because of incorrect policy options.Cannot subscribe or backup Microsoft SQL Server availability group database with the protection plan because of incorrect policy options.This subscription must be reset to protection plan defaults before it can be customized.The update or create process did not complete due to an invalid cloud provider type.The cloud assets must be the same cloud provider type to add them to an existing protection plan.Invalid cloud provider attributes provided for the cloud provider type.The cloud service provider does not support cloud replication.Cannot subscribe to this protection plan. The protection plan is in old format, create a new protection plan, or wait till the protection plan gets converted.Do not specify Retention period when the schedule Retention type is Expire after copy.Cannot subscribe asset to this protection plan. This asset is not eligible for the protection plan.Cannot subscribe the asset. Either the subscription ID or the region of the asset does not match with the values provided in the protection plan's resource group.You can subscribe or backup only cloud VM assets using a protection plan with Backup From Snapshot operation.A protection plan that has enabled the disk exclusion option can only be applied to the cloud VM type assets.Cannot subscribe the asset to this protection plan. The asset is provider protected and not eligible for the protection plan.You can subscribe or backup GCP cloud VM asset whose snapshot-mgmt-server have in-cloud deployment and project id of snapshot-mgmt-server and asset is same.This feature requires Accelerator support. Please check if you have the license for NetBackup Accelerator.Backup from snapshot operation is supported on the NetBackup media server 10.0 and later versions.CloudPoint server is not configured.CloudPoint server login failed.Failed to retrieve the supported plug-in list from the CloudPoint server.Failed to retrieve the NetBackup supported plug-in list.The plug-in is not supported for the cloud vendor.The specified configuration instance was not found.A configuration instance with the same configuration details already exists.Internal server error.The plug-in type is not supported.The plug-in instance name already exists.Failed to configure the plug-in instance in CloudPoint.Failed to register the plug-in instance in NetBackup.Failed to retrieve the configured plug-in instance from CloudPoint.Failed to retrieve the configured plug-in instance from NetBackup.The instance type for the specified configured plug-in does not match with the instance type entry in NetBackup.Failed to modify the configured plug-in instance in CloudPoint.No CloudPoint server is associated with the specified plug-in type.The CloudPoint server on which the specified plug-in instance was configured is not available.A CloudPoint server is not available for the plug-in instances with the specified plug-in type.Failed to disable the plug-in instance.The specified plug-in instance does not exist on the CloudPoint server.The plug-in instance already exists in the CloudPoint server.Plug-in authentication failed. Credentials are invalid.Invalid CloudPoint server.Invalid snapshot id.Invalid media server provided.Failed to retrieve media description.Failed to retrieve snapshot id.Failed to retrieve CloudPoint hostname.Operation not supported. The associated CloudPoint server is using an older version.The specified CloudPoint server is not associated with required plug-in type.Could not connect to the virtual machine.NetBackup could not connect to the virtual machine.The specified asset is not found in the CloudPoint database.Application configuration operation failed.Application already configured on CloudPoint.Configure application operation failed from NetBackup.The specified operation is not supported with the current CloudPoint license in use.The original asset is deleted. Only snapshot of the asset is available.Required Cloud Point server attribute is missing.The CloudPoint host name does not match with the associated CloudPoint server.The virtual machine is already connected.Unable to retrieve virtual machine details.Unable to retrieve the application details.The specified operation is not supported on the Windows host. Please deploy the Windows snapshot agent manually.Failed to update the asset information in the database.Failed to retrieve cloud asset typeInvalid Cloud asset type.Invalid virtual machine credentials.The specified application is not supported on the host's operating system.For plug-ins configured directly with NetBackup, the original instance name and specified plug-in ID must be same.Unimplemented error code 9852Invalid copy type.Cloud snapshot replication failed.Snapshot export failed.Failed to parse JSON response from CloudPointFailed to start indexing of snapshot.Failed to add NetBackup with CloudPoint server.Failed to retrieve Mount Path.Invalid Cloud FS mount pathThis CloudPoint server is already added to another NetBackup deployment.Failed to get CA certificate for CloudPoint server.Failed to save CA certificate for CloudPoint server.Failed to retrieve NAS assets from CloudPoint server.NetBackup Media server platform should be either Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server or Microsoft Windows to be associated with a CloudPoint server.The CloudPoint server's certificate is not valid or doesn't exist.The ECA_TRUST_STORE_PATH option is not configured or the certificate path is not accessible or doesn't exist.Failed to get API version for CloudPoint server.Failed to get Deployment Summary for CloudPoint server.Failed to get version for CloudPoint server.Operation not supported. The specified media server must be NetBackup version 8.3 or later.Unable to retrieve CloudPoint server on-host agent token details.The CloudPoint server is disabled.Given snapshot is not indexed. GRT operations on non-indexed snapshot are not supported.Failed to add preconfigured plugins from CloudPoint server.Failed to disconnect VM from CloudPoint server.Failed to unconfigure application from CloudPoint Server.Unconfigure application API failed due to discovery not performed after configure application API.Failed to unconfigure the application as it has active snapshot(s).Virtual machine connect operation is successful but failed to fetch an attribute for index operation from CloudPoint. Wait for next cloud asset discovery cycle or try running cloud asset discovery manually.Failed to get the configured port for CloudPoint Server.Failed to create disks selection file during volume restore operation.Failed to retrieve disks selection information during volume restore operation.CloudPoint server failed to retrieve the specified cloud domain(s), against the specified plugin instance.CloudPoint server failed to retrieve the specified cloud domain type information, against the specified plugin instance.CloudPoint server failed to retrieve the specified cloud domain attributes, against the specified plugin instance.The CloudPoint server credentials entered are invalid.Could not access CloudPoint extensions from the CloudPoint server.The snapshot cannot be indexed, as it is a crash consistent snapshot.The snapshot cannot be indexed.Snapshot deport failed.Cannot retrieve plug-in details for the agent.Cannot retrieve configuration details of the plug-in.Failed to add NetBackup with CloudPoint server due to the failure in certificate generation.Failed to change ownership for certificate path or CA certificate for CloudPoint server to the service user account.Discovery failed for CloudPoint plugin.User does not have the required privileges to establish an agentless connection.'sourceAsset' must not be blank'backupId' has an invalid syntaxNo recovery request specified'vmDisplayName' must not contain more than 80 characters'defaultDiskProvisioning' has an invalid value'type' specified in the recovery request is invalid'transportMode' has an invalid syntax'recoveryPoint' must be specified in the recovery requestUser is not authorized to perform Recovery operation on the specified destinationFailed to fetch all the required images.'datacenter' must not be blank'vmxDatastore' must not be blank'diskMediaServer' must not be blank'defaultDiskProvisioning' must not be blank'esxiServer' must not be blank'vmFolder' must not be blank'network' must not be blank'recoveryHost' must not be blank'resourcePoolOrVapp' must not be blank'transportMode' must not be blank'vCenter' must not be blank'datacenter' must begin with '/''vmFolder' must begin with '/''resourcePoolOrVapp' must begin with '/'Invalid response received for file list requestInvalid response received for VM list requestInput JSON is invalidUnused Status Code (9927)No workload specifiedInvalid workload specifiedNo scenario specifiedInvalid scenario specifiedInvalid recovery job id'client' must not be blankSpecified end date-time value in the 'filter' must not be less than the start date-timeSpecified date-time values in the 'filter' must use a valid ISO 8601 formatSpecified date-time values in the 'filter' must not be in the futureEither 'backupId' or 'client' must be specified in the recovery request'backupId' must not be specified along with 'client' or 'filter'Invalid 'filter' syntax'backupId' must not be specified along with 'sourceAsset' or 'filter''attributes' must be specified in the recovery requestEither 'backupId' or 'sourceAsset' must be specified in the recovery requestFailed to connect to the recovery serviceNo matching backup image found to perform recoveryFailed to create the rename fileInvalid field specified in the 'filter'Invalid comparison operator specified for the fieldGrouping operator is not allowed in the 'filter'Invalid logical operator specified in the 'filter'Failed to create Progress log.Unable to retrieve CloudPoint serverUnable to retrieve asset detailsRequest for the pre-recovery check is not specified or the request format is invalid.Request 'type' that is specified in the pre-recovery check is invalid.Bad response received for the pre-recovery check.'source' of virtual machine disks must not be blank.'source' of virtual machine disks must begin with '/''destination' of virtual machine disks must not be blank.'destination' of virtual machine disks must begin with '/'virtual machine disks must not be blank.'temporaryDatastore' must not be blank.Invalid instant recovery ID.Failed to complete the instant recovery of the VM.Failed to deactivate the instant recovery of the VM.Failed to reactivate the instant recovery of the VM.Failed to get the information of the virtual machines activated by instant recovery.Invalid recovery type specified in the recovery request.No recovery object specified as part of the recovery request.Invalid recovery object specified.Failed to get the result of the recovery request.The 'recoveryPoint' field must be specified.The 'assetId' field must be specified.The 'domain' field must be specified.The 'user' field must be specified.The 'password' field must be specified.Exactly one option in 'alternateFileLocation' must be specified.The 'renameAllFilesToSameLocation' field must be specified.The 'renameEachFileToDifferentLocation' field must be specified.The 'restorePriority' field must be specified.The 'destinationAssetId' or 'display Name' parameter is required for alternate restore.Invalid parameter 'destinationAssetId' or 'display Name' provided for restore to original location.Recovery request contains an invalid value for the image copy. Provide a value between 1 to 10.Invalid asset ID specified in the recovery request.Invalid parameter 'destinationAssetId' or 'display Name' provided for rollback recovery.The 'recoveredState' field must be one of these values: RECOVERED or, NOT_RECOVERED.Input validation of GRT request failed.Invalid power state for the specified virtual machine.Copy not found.Invalid operation type set for restore.Target host staging location path contains non-ASCII characters.The 'backupId', 'sourceAsset' or 'filter' cannot be specified with 'providerRecoveryPointId'.Cannot perform recovery because the resource was not found.Cannot perform recovery due to a restricted operation.Cannot specify 'instanceName' for Azure SQL type.Unable to create mount due to an error in Instant Access.Unable to check status of the mount due to an error in Instant Access.Workload is not supported for malware detection.Unable to get details of the image from the catalog.Specified scan host pool is invalid.Unable to create a worklist.Invalid backupId.Scan host pool is not provided in the request.Malware tool is not specified in the request.Scan host name is not specified in the request.Scan host pool name is not specified in the request.Share type is not specified in the request.Specified malware tool is invalid.Specified scan host is invalid.The scan host cannot be created because the scan host name already exists in the database.The scan host pool cannot be created because the scan host pool name already exists in the database.The specified malware tool does not exist.The malware tool cannot be created because the malware tool name already exists in the database.The specified scan host does not exist.The specified scan host pool does not exist.The specified scan result does not exist.Invalid scan result request.No scan host was found for the specified scan host pool.Unable to delete the mount due to an error in Instant Access.Unable to update the backup image by catalog client.Invalid worklist id.Invalid scan host credentials.Invalid media server in Image catalog.Unable to initiate the scan on media server.No active scan host was found in the selected scan host pool.Unable to assign permissions on scan host credentials.The specified scan host pool and scan host mapping does not exist.Specified media server is not supported.Specified media server is not available.Storage Server does not exists. data-in-transitinvalid error numberinvalid error number.nbbase_get_tss_data() failedcalloc() failedCIB**WARNING** Locale definition file <%s> not found. Using defaultsI/usr/openv/msg/.confIr%sI**LOCALE ERROR** locale <%s> not found in file <%s>ov getlocale Completed SuccessfullyC@lftIBLANGIBMLC_ALLILC_CTYPEIBMLC_TIMELC_COLLATEILC_NUMERICILC_MESSAGESError: %dIB%%s%.*s%s%sIBMdiufFeEgGxXaAosScpnCerCom2055NNecErr%.4dNNLS_LANG=%s%s /netbackupvolmgrhsmxvxms/usr/openv/msgI%s%s%sI-IB%sI%dI%xITrbErr%.4dN%s%sIrTrbMsgs.%suser_siduser_nameuser_infoauth_typeresilientpeer_masklocal_infoextra_inforemote_infodomain_namepeer_hostidpeer_is_ecauser_info_uiduser_info_gidmaster_serverpeer_hostnamenbx_node_namepeer_cert_infolocal_endpointis_dhcp_clientconnection_infolocal_cert_infouser_info_unameuser_info_gnamerequest_timeoutcertificate_infonbrntd_peer_addrnbrntd_sock_addrdhcp_client_namesessiontoken_infouser_info_isadminindirect_user_sidindirect_user_uidindirect_user_gidpeer_host_detailsuser_info_user_jwtuser_info_isdaemonindirect_user_nameuser_info_priv_maskindirect_user_gnameuser_info_nb_org_userindirect_user_isadminuser_info_iswebserviceuser_info_clientostypecertificate_issuer_nameindirect_user_priv_maskcertificate_subject_namenetbackup_certificate_typepeer_sessiontoken_audit_infocertificate_subject_alt_nameindirect_userinfo_from_vnetdcertificate_serial_number_namecertificate_subject_common_namecertificate_issuer_org_unit_nameVNET_PROXY_HINT_UNKNOWNVNET_PROXY_HINT_USE_PROXYVNET_PROXY_HINT_USE_WHITELISTVNET_PROXY_HINT_LOCALHOST_USER_VALIDATIONVNET_PROXY_HINT_DTE_CAPABLE5. data-in-transitENABLEDDISABLEDNOT APPLICABLElog_set_callback_tssdump_json_logging_cbLogging for this program has been disabled (x_VERBOSE is -2)logparamssuppress_log_file_mgmtI%s%s%s.%s_%05d.logI/aUnable to open file %s: %s (%d): I IBpwdpasswordI*severityIBMverbosityIBmsgwhoFailed to dump deferred log message, invalid argument found[%s] %s IBM{s:i, s:i, s:s, s:s*}IBdebuglogIBM%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d [%d] %-.4072s IUsername:[%s], IsServiceAdmin:[%d], UserID:[%d], GroupID:[%d]IBProcessName:[%s], FipsMode:[%s], %slogging_testerIProcessContextI/usr/openv/netbackup/logsIB%s_VERBOSEIBPDBM_VERBOSEIBBPJOBD_VERBOSEIBPRD_VERBOSEIBMBPTM_VERBOSEIBMBPBRM_VERBOSEIBNBPROXY_VERBOSEVAULT_VERBOSEIB%-.02d:%-.02d:%-.02d (%s) %-.2660s %-.02d:%-.02d:%-.02d %-.2660s Iswitching to a new tss logging callbackswitched to a new tss logging callbackIswitching to a new logging callbacklog_set_callbackIBMswitched to a new logging callbackޭ着%pI{[siIbfFOonobjectarraystringintegerrealtruefalsenullIBIOut of memoryIBIBMExpected object, got %s, I%li object item(s) left unpacked: %sIBMObject item not found: %sIBINULL object keyIBMExpected format 's', got '%c'IBUnexpected end of format stringExpected '}' after '%c', got '%c'IBExpected array, got %sI%li array item(s) left unpackedArray index %lu out of rangeIBMUnexpected format character '%c'IBMExpected ']' after '%c', got '%c'IBExpected string, got %sNULL string argumentIBMNULL string length argumentExpected integer, got %sIBMExpected true or false, got %sIExpected real, got %sIBExpected real or integer, got %sIBMExpected null, got %sIBINULL root valueNULL or empty format stringGarbage after format stringNULL %sInvalid UTF-8 %sIBMCannot use '%c' on optional stringsobject keyINULL object valueIBUnable to add key "%s"INULL objectInvalid floating point valueIBMUnable to append to array...  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~ @(((((( common_signalcommon_signal_revertIBMInvalid parameters.Call to sigaction to revert handler for signal %d FAILED, errno: %dCall to sigaction to retrieve current handler for signal %d FAILED, errno: %dIBCall to sigaction for signal %d FAILED, errno: %dIBSuccessfully installed new handler on signal %d.IBMSignal %d has defined handler, NOT installing new handler.do_cmdstdinstdoutstderrfscdsconvV_fsckV_mountV_umountV_dos2unixIrIBcannot open %s, errno=%dIBM%s_tempwIBline=%s%s execing cmd: %s argv[%d]=%sIBMCannot use stdout_fd or stderr_fd for stdin of sub-process.Cannot use stdin_fd or stderr_fd for stdout of sub-process.Cannot use stdin_fd or stdout_fd for stderr of sub-process.ERROR: sigaction could not register SIGINT signal handler; errno=%dERROR: sigaction could not register SIGQUIT signal handler; errno=%dIBMERROR: sigaction could not restore SIGINT signal handler; errno=%dIERROR: sigprocmask could not add SIGCHLD to blocked signal mask; errno=%dIBERROR: sigaction could not restore SIGQUIT signal handler; errno=%dERROR: sigprocmask could not restore signal mask; errno=%dI/dev/nullIBDuring %s redirection, open(%s, %d) returned %d: errno=%d (%s)IDuring %s redirection, dup2(%d, %d) returned %d: errno=%d (%s)Iexec() of %s failed: errno=%d (%s)Iwaitpid() returned status of process %d; expected status of process %dICommand %s terminated with unexpected status: %dIBM/opt/VRTS/bin/fscdsconvCould not allocate temporary file nameI-yI-fINo recovery file supplied for a recovery operationIRecovery file does not exist; conversion probably not needed: %sIBM-rI-iI/usr/sbin/fsckI-VIargv array overflow at element %dIBexpanded_object buffer too smallIBM/usr/sbin/mountvers=4Ivers=3I,IBrsize=Iclusterckpt=:Mounting checkpoint, but no checkpoint namesnapof=option_buffer too small-oIMounting snapshot, but no vxfs_snapofIB/usr/sbin/umount//tmp//tmpIBMTMPDIRI..ItempIBM-%05u%09u%03u%03u%09u-XXXXXXdirFilesLISTIBMopen directory (error:%i):%sI/pathnames_list_search_addis_pathname_in_ino_listis_symlink_in_ino_listcheck_exe_inoNULLadd_to_progs_list -busyproc -busyfilebusy_file_checknbproc3pprocproc_info_displaynot-NULLpsget_aix_processesfile_list_display (is empty) -> file_list_freefile_list_build_from_pathnamefile_list_buildfile_list_from_manifest--/usr/openv/java/jre/default--/usr/openv/logs--/usr/openv/netbackup/logs--/usr/openv/netbackup/db/discovery--/usr/openv/netbackup/db/images--/usr/openv/netbackup/db/jobs--/usr/openv/netbackup/db/snapshot--/usr/openv/netbackup/online_util/fi_cntl--/usr/openv/volmgr--/usr/openv/tmp/usr/openv/non-existent-file/usr/openv/non-existent-directory//usr/openv/--/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps--/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmscd--/usr/openv/volmgr/debug//usr/openv/volmgr//opt/VRTSpbx/NB_dbsrvbeam.smpdbeng17backup_notifybmrbdbmrdbpbpVMreqbpVMutilbpadmbparchivebpbackupbpbackupdbbpbkarbpbkarvbpfisbpbkar32bpbrmbpbrmdsbpcatarcbpcatlistbpcatresbpcatrmbpcdbpchangeprimarybpclntcmdbpcompatdbpconverttouchbpdbjobsbpdbmbpdhcpbpdmbpduplicatebpend_notifybpexpdatebpfsmapbpgetconfigbpimagelistbpimportbpinstbpjava-msvcbpjava-susvcbpjava-usvcbpjobdbplabelbplistbpmedialistbpminlicensebppfibppficorrbppllistbprdbprecoverbprestorebpretlevelbpstart_notifybpstsinfobpstulistbpsynthbptmbpverifydbbackup_notifyepmdfips_proxyjavamtfrdmtstrmdnbaapireq_handlernbanomalyalertnbanomalydetectnbanomalymgmtnbarsnbatdnbauditnbazdnbbsdtarnbcctdnbcospnbcsnbdeletenbdeployutilnbdevquerynbdisconbemmnbemmcmdnbevtmgrnbfdrv64nbfsdnbftclntnbftsrvrnbhostdbcmdnbimnbivenbjmnbkmsnblbcnbmswnbmtransnbostpxynbpasnbpemnbpemreqnbproxynbrbnbreplicatenbrestorenbrmmsnbrntdnbslnbsmartdiagnbsnapimportnbstlnbstservnbsvcmonnbtarnbtelemetrynbteleschednbutilnbvaultndmpagentndmpclientocsdrestore_notifysession_notifyspadspooldvpfsdspwstar32userreq_notifyvlt_ejectlist_notifyvlt_end_notifyvlt_endeject_notifyvlt_start_notifyvlt_starteject_notifyvltadmvltcorevltejectvltinjectvltoffsitemediavltopmenuvltrunvltcontainersvmscdvnetdacscmdacsdacsselacsssiacstestavrdltidmmcrawlodldodltestoprdrdevmirobtesttl4dtl4testtl8cdtl8dtl8testtldcdtlddtldtesttlhcdtlhdtlhtesttlmdtlmtesttpconfigtshdtshtestvmadmvmcheckxxxvmdvmoprcmdvmqueryvmupdatepbx_exchangevxatdvxazdfind_processes#BUSYnb#BUSYext#BUSYallgetPidFromFileis_it_a_keeperget_cli_pid_from_ppidpgrep -l -P %dIrIBFailed to open %s.I%dIpgrepCmdLine=%s%d %sIBV_fscanf() successful, childPid=%d, childName=%sIBMV_fscanf() failedIBpopen() failed: %s (%d)strdup of %s failed.IBMmalloc of %lu bytes for file_info->pathnames failed.IBMRealloc of %lu bytes for file_info->pathnames failed.IBUnexpectedly called with relative pathname %s.IEvaluating %s with options 0x%X.IBMPathname %s is on exclusion listIBMlstat of %s failed, %s, errno = %dIdev %lu ino %lu nlink %lu %c mode %o pathname %sIBMfile_list_search_add_ino ignored insert request.IBMCircular file system links involving %s, skipping.IFound hard link %s for already known pathname %s.IBreadlink_real of %s failed, %s, errno = %dIreadlink_real of %s returned a path longer than %lu bytesIBFollowing link %s -> %s with modes %o and options 0x%X.Expanding directory %s with modes %o and options 0x%X.I/IBopendir of %s failed, %s, errno = %dI...ILength of %d bytes exceeded by pathname %s and dirent %s, skipping it.IPathname %s is on exclusion list after inode comparisonreaddir of %s failed, %s, errno = %dIBMExpanding directory %s - Done.Itotal entries %d and pathnames %d freed for %s.Excluding loc %s ino %luIBMExclude not needed for loc %sIBMaximum exclude list exceeded, max %dIBProcessing loc %s, options %oIBabandoned ino_listIDone, status %u ino_list %s count %d pathnames %dIBFile list: %s%s: %10s %10s %6s/%5s %7s %6s %s%s%sIDeviceIInodeIBOSrefsIFoundIBDir|SymModes IPathnameIBM --> IBLink target: %10u %10u %6u/%-5d %c %6.6o %s%s%sItotal entries %d and pathnames %d confirmed for %s.Constructing file list for %s.I#BUSYIBUsing file list %s.FilesIB#BUSYoneIBM#BUSYxstotal entries %d and pathnames %d found for %s, options 0x%X.IBmalloc failed, (%d):%sItotal malloc-ed = %luIBrealloc UP from %d to %luIBrealloc failed for %lu bytes, get out (%d):%sIBprogs_list_size = %lu == total calculated size = %d == (total_space_used = %d + whats_left = %d)IBMprogs list size != total calculated size, count errorIBrealloc down to %dIdownsizing realloc failed, ignored, (%d):%sopenvIBNBJAVAInbwmcIBmqbroker/erlang/usr/openv/mqbroker/rmqpidI%ld %s|%d|%d|%ld|%llu|%llu|%lu|%lu|%lu|%s|%s| /bp.kill_allIBM/bppsIB/bpclusterkillIreadlink_real(%s) failed: %s (%d)IBreadlink_real(%s) returned a path longer than %lu bytesSymlink %s unexpectedly has modes %oIBM%s|%s|%s|%s|-|-|-|-|-|%s|-| I-%s|%d|%s|%s|-|-|-|-|-|%s|-| IBMChecking ino list for %s %s is_symlink %d for pid %d/%s.IBMMatched ino list to %s %s.IChecking cwd=(%s) exepath=(%s) cmd=(%s) arg1=(%s) arg2=(%s)shIksh93IBAfter exepath cwd=(%s) exepath=(%s) cmd=(%s) arg1=(%s) arg2=(%s) p_or_n=(%s) is_script=%dIBAfter cmd cwd=(%s) exepath=(%s) cmd=(%s) arg1=(%s) arg2=(%s) p_or_n=(%s) is_script=%dIBCommand path is %sIino validated for %s.IB_notifyino is a notify script, treat as 3rd-party.ino not matched for %s.ino unavailable for cwd=(%s) exepath=(%s) cmd=(%s) arg1=(%s) arg2=(%s) p_or_n=(%s) is_script=%dgetargs failed, (%d):%sgetthrds64 failed, (%d):%sIPID %d command pi_comm %sIBPID %d arg0 %s arg1 %s arg2 %s for cmd %sIB%s/%d/cwdIB/procIBcwd for PID %d is = %s, stat = %dIB%s/%d/object/a.outIChecking ino for process exe (%s) or cwd (%s) with arg0 (%s) arg1 (%s) arg2 (%s)IBMMatched ino for %s target %sIBMUnable to validate process %s.Iexe for PID %d is = %s, stat = %dIBexecwd%s/%d/fdIBM%s/%d/fd/%sopenIBM%s/%d/objectIBM%s/%d/object/%sa.outIBmappedIis_it_a_keeper failed, (%d) %sI%d getprocs64 entries examined; %d failed in getargs or gethrds64IB%s options=%x list=%s pid=%d/%s is_nb_ino=%d is_nb_exe=%d is_3p_exe=%d ps_added=%d ps=%s path=%sIBMYou must be root(%d):%scmutex_define() failed: %s (%d)cmutex_lock() failed: %s (%d)IBPreparing to process list_type %sIB#NB#MM#XS#ALLBPIInitialFinalIBFreeing file list, status %d busy flag %dIBcmutex_unlock() failed: %s (%d)|IB%sI YD>ZI3Lq!7xfz9.:kB5dOfgxb4R4a>u/hG$>A-:VwI?/` Rk<'P mЬ%s%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x MD5LineToDigestMD5AppendDigestunhexIB%s.%d: %s failed: %d IB../../lib/md5c.cIBMgE#ͫ2Tv#VMD5_DIGEST=IB%02x%s%u IB#V_CRC_CHECKSUM=IBM%uYD>ZI3Lq!7xfz9.:kB5dOfgxb4R4a>u/hG$>A-:VwI?/` Rk<'P mЬ ;n C&vkkMGP&"/+Ka5 d1͆< 8OLpHEAR_[԰VRVuj6n+c gZy@}]p{zt^f͘#W`9'<݋Rd+[XF﷩`6h}/-03l ]2mp'ݰVqKI6Lδ "u=:(Fy>C͚}-4pw0Gm=K9V'#C.=* rOx ͻK} x|VqiuԍkoRlbf^FZ^[W}S`fM0cIZ-D @Ɨd 'NK`#%▒+/l6/A ]h@D+f{*uP6&;>k;qv2PUMƼ_}>1ֆոy4:Zi mY`ۀdO7z2~ɋs\wKO VKF68BG+\{Xf=U@QC]S%;!&),(^G6MB2P?v,;Zk&ˑ HVнMR#/VKm`lp+ =eh 'ޥdo#j͡`볽>~ɴ}:̣y{6`Ɵ}q[uF2 -tq0]YK.TPɶ@NEJOG +C{}!C`rFOv[h lGJa0e-$KZV^pm0=5^ [7Q3R>?:Ѐ$Ѝ V:-)Tũ&yh;+֭PlM/kv|`v#d'sĉ yྀ:gК՞}b> q 2+ߢ6hfmu{ڵ6]@user_siduser_nameuser_infoauth_typeresilientpeer_masklocal_infoextra_inforemote_infodomain_namepeer_hostidpeer_is_ecauser_info_uiduser_info_gidmaster_serverpeer_hostnamenbx_node_namepeer_cert_infolocal_endpointis_dhcp_clientconnection_infolocal_cert_infouser_info_unameuser_info_gnamerequest_timeoutcertificate_infonbrntd_peer_addrnbrntd_sock_addrdhcp_client_namesessiontoken_infouser_info_isadminindirect_user_sidindirect_user_uidindirect_user_gidpeer_host_detailsuser_info_user_jwtuser_info_isdaemonindirect_user_nameuser_info_priv_maskindirect_user_gnameuser_info_nb_org_userindirect_user_isadminuser_info_iswebserviceuser_info_clientostypecertificate_issuer_nameindirect_user_priv_maskcertificate_subject_namenetbackup_certificate_typepeer_sessiontoken_audit_infocertificate_subject_alt_nameindirect_userinfo_from_vnetdcertificate_serial_number_namecertificate_subject_common_namecertificate_issuer_org_unit_name data-in-transitread_AD_HOC_config_entryFoundMissingread_legacy_touch_fileCheckAndParseTeStSCheckForTeStSCheckForTeStSAndStringITriggered test 0x%.8x (%s:%d)IBerror, multiple tests triggered at the same timeIBM%s%s%sI/IBFound %s; requested from (%s.%d).rmalloc failed; from (%s.%d).IBM../../../nb/lib/adhoc_config.cI%dI%d read ; requested from (%s.%d).IBCan't read int from >%s< ; requested from (%s.%d).IFile %s is empty; requested from (%s.%d).IBUnable to read from file %s; requested from (%s.%d).IBMUnable to open file %s; requested from (%s.%d).The line_buffer_size (%d) from (%s.%d) must be at least 2IBconfig_name cannot be NULL; from (%s.%d)IBMGranite Test override, %s %s from (%s.%d)IB0x%.8xI*NODE_SPECIFIC_DB?I*CLUSTER_AWARE_DB?IRetrieving the config value from an alternate database is not yet supportedTeStSIB.TeStSIFound %s; from (%s.%d)Icalloc failed for Granite_TeST; from (%s.%d).IBTARGET=TAPEIBM%sITEST=IB%uIBPTMIBMBPBRMIBCOUNT=ISTICKYIWRITERICOPY_INDEX=PIB0xI%xIDISKIBMRobotIBProcessed test 0x%.8x, for target %s count %u copy_index %u writer %uIBparameters: 0x%.8x %.8x %.8x %.8xIB : 0x%.8x %.8x %.8x %.8xuser_siduser_nameuser_infoauth_typeresilientpeer_masklocal_infoextra_inforemote_infodomain_namepeer_hostidpeer_is_ecauser_info_uiduser_info_gidmaster_serverpeer_hostnamenbx_node_namepeer_cert_infolocal_endpointis_dhcp_clientconnection_infolocal_cert_infouser_info_unameuser_info_gnamerequest_timeoutcertificate_infonbrntd_peer_addrnbrntd_sock_addrdhcp_client_namesessiontoken_infouser_info_isadminindirect_user_sidindirect_user_uidindirect_user_gidpeer_host_detailsuser_info_user_jwtuser_info_isdaemonindirect_user_nameuser_info_priv_maskindirect_user_gnameuser_info_nb_org_userindirect_user_isadminuser_info_iswebserviceuser_info_clientostypecertificate_issuer_nameindirect_user_priv_maskcertificate_subject_namenetbackup_certificate_typepeer_sessiontoken_audit_infocertificate_subject_alt_nameindirect_userinfo_from_vnetdcertificate_serial_number_namecertificate_subject_common_namecertificate_issuer_org_unit_name5. failedIBparseNetspec failednetspec is whichparseIpseudo PN for Icalloc() failedReadHostConfigExA() failedIIBM UpdateLocalHostConfig failed: %d \\\"\b\f\n\r\t\/:: I"IB\u%04XI\u%04X\u%04XI {}IBi == sizeIB/home/dkempeni/work/jansson/src/GITHUB/jansson/src/dump.cIBvalue,[]%lldIBMtrueIBMfalseIBnullIw%.*gIBMend == strbuffer->value + strbuffer->length/home/dkempeni/work/jansson/src/GITHUB/jansson/src/strconv.cIBM%s near '%s'IBM%s near end of file%sIstream->buffer_pos > 0I/home/dkempeni/work/jansson/src/GITHUB/jansson/src/load.cIBstream->buffer[stream->buffer_pos] == cc == dIcount >= 2Iunable to decode byte 0x%xItoo big negative integerIBMtoo big integerend == saved_text + lex->saved_text.lengthIreal number overflowIBMstr[0] == 'u'IBinvalid escapeIinvalid Unicode '\u%04X\u%04X'Iinvalid Unicode escape '%.6s'0invalid Unicode '\u%04X'IBMunexpected newlineIcontrol character 0x%xIpremature end of inputItrueIBMfalseIBnullIBM']' expectedIBM':' expectedIBMduplicate object keyIBMNUL byte in object key not supportedIBMstring or '}' expectedI'}' expectedIBMmaximum parsing depth reachedIB\u0000 is not allowed without JSON_ALLOW_NULIBMinvalid tokenIBunexpected tokenIBM'[' or '{' expectedend of file expectedIBMIwrong argumentsrbIunable to open %s: %sIBIBM2.13.1OX6GGzG4m8YK$/w)k =p fffffffg ěS  @(#) $Source$ $Revision$@(#) $Source$ $Revision$    ,0<X|4(DT`p<l  d \|<& & & &&&&&D&&&T&&&&&&&&&p&&&&&&&&&&&D& & & &&'&'&'4&X(D(`&(p(|(&&&p&(CmUx8Pl..B@@@@LT @PPPT\ ``dddhp0 2t` '` '` @`<<DL X``PPX` ߀d` f `` ` s``` `,,4< hꀠ``@@HP P@``TTTX` `,d`T H- ``T 0/*`` p;_` qxh`$$$, tyS 4`\\\`h l`\ $`\  0`\  1`@D@LT @X`@@@LT @@ øs 44@<D ǠHp@ ˈ  5Ĵ 4\\\`h \@l\ _|  \(0 c4\\ dD*!! 8DDDHP"" 0zT|D## D $$ <ddDdl%% \t&& ]J$$$,'' ]q4\(( h])) ]DHDT\** l`D++ lD,, xl HppDpx-- m..B@ސި(((0<..B@@h՘՘՘դլ @ѨѨѨѬѴ ѸѸѼѼѼ0 2Ѹ 'Ѹ, '4Ѹ\\\`h @lѸҔҔ\ҜҤ XѸѸҨҨ\ҰҸ ߀ҼѸ\ f ѸѸ\  Ѹ44\<D s`ѸѸHH\PX \Ѹӄӄ\ӌӔ hꀠѸѸӘӘ\ӠӨ P@ѸѸӬӬӬӰӸ `,ӼѸӬ H- ѸѸӬ 0/*ѸѸ    p;_ѸDDDHP qxhTѸ||D|Ԅ tyS ԌѸԴԴԴԸ ѸԴ $Ѹ$$Դ$,  04Ѹ\\Դdl 1pѸ՘՜՘դլ @հѸ՘՘՘դլ @((՘08 øs<d֌֌՘֔֜ Ǡ֠՘ ˈ ,TTTX` 5Ĵd׌״״״׸ \@״$ _|(Pxx״؀؈ c،ش״ dD*<<<@H!! 8Ltٜٜٜ٠٨"" 0z٬ٜ##  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Feb 15 20:19:02 2022 IBM XL C for AIX, Version Feb 15 20:19:03 2022 .vrts_jsso_clean_logger.vrts_jsso_init_logger.vrts_jsso_client_authenticate../../bsdscan/V_fscanf.cTue Feb 15 20:12:01 2022 .V_fscanf../../bsdscan/V_sscanf.cTue Feb 15 20:12:02 2022 .V_sscanf../../bsdscan/V_strtoimax.c.__Vstrtoimax../../bsdscan/V_strtoumax.cTue Feb 15 20:12:03 2022 .__Vstrtoumax../../bsdscan/V_swscanf.c.V_swscanf../../bsdscan/V_vfscanf.cTue Feb 15 20:12:04 2022 .scclw.sccl.V_vfwscanf.V_vfscanf.vfile_advance.vfile_direct_buffer_remaining.vfile_direct_buffer.vfile_type.vfile_peek_wchar.vfile_ungetc.vfile_getc.vfile_init_char_array.vfile_init_file../../lib/FeatureToggle.cTue Feb 15 20:12:05 2022 .IsFeatureEnabledByID.IsFeatureEnabled_c../../lib/V_Ctype.c.V_tolower.V_toupper.V_isascii.V_iscsymf.V_iscsym.V_iscntrl.V_isgraph.V_isprint.V_ispunct.V_isspace.V_isalnum.V_isxdigit.V_isdigit.V_islower.V_isupper.V_isalpha../../lib/V_signals.cTue Feb 15 20:12:06 2022 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.cmnlogARGS.cmnlogSeveritySET.cmnlogOPEN.cmnlogPARAMS.cmnlogMSG.cmnlogCLOSE.cmnlogARGS@AF12_1.cmnlogMSG@AF13_5../../lib/cmnutils.c.NbOpenFileInternal.merge_sort_dlist.merge_dlists.create_dlist_entry.name_dos2unix.name_unix2miscA.nb_get_group_name.nb_get_log_user_name.nb_get_user_name.is_folder_file_part_of_skip_list.allow_world_readable_log.find_replace_chars_in_filename.find_replace_chars_in_filepath.indirection_check.myfgetline.mklogdirpath.looks_like_dir.mkdirpath.mkdirpath_with_logging_with_chown.mkdirpath_with_logging.strHash.is_utf8_naughty.utf8_to_ucs1.ucs1_to_utf8_v2.ucs1_to_utf8.utf8_byte_count.decolonize_by_mode.colonize_by_mode.is_pid_of_netbackup_process.NbGetLocalTime.NbIsDirectory.NbGetFileSizeW.NbGetFileSize.NbCloseFile.NbTruncateFile.NbSyncFile.NbSeekFile.NbWriteFile.NbReadFile.NbUnlockFile.NbLockFile.NbHandleEqual.NbOpenFile.NbOpenLogFile.readlink_real.follow_link.V_fcreat.V_rand.V_srand.v_atoi.TrimAbsolutePath.IsAbsoluteNtPath.IsValidLabel.insertion_sort_dlist.get_dir_listW.get_dir_list.free_dir_list.free_char_array.T_readlink.T_PATH_SEP_CHAR_C.name_dos2unix@AF70_5.free_char_array@AF71_58.T_PATH_SEP_CHAR_C@AF72_60he_verbosegui_session_mapgui_session_map_lock../../lib/cmutex.c.local_mutex_lock.local_mutex_define.cmutex_free.cmutex_unlock.cmutex_trylock.cmutex_lock.cmutex_define_recursive.cmutex_define_errorcheck.cmutex_define../../lib/cstr.cTue Feb 15 20:12:09 2022 .cstrLiteralSIZE.cstrDQuotesENCLOSE.cstrDQuotesCHECK.cstrDQuotesUNCHECK.cstrDQuotesSTRIP.cstrTokenNEXT.cstrTokenOBTAIN.cstrTokenGET.cstrTOcstra.cstrTRIMcstr.cstrTRIM.cstrLAST.cstrMATCH.cstrEMPTY.cstrUPPER.cstrLOWER.cstrCOUNTchars.cstrCOUNTchar.strchrwdelim.strtokwdelim.stripdelims.cstrTokenFIND.cstrLiteralSIZE@AF28_1.cstrUPPER@AF29_15.cstrTokenOBTAIN@AF30_7.cstrDQuotesSTRIP@AF31_5.cstrDQuotesENCLOSE@AF32_2../../lib/cstra.c.cstraDIFF.cstraRMATCH.cstraMATCH.cstraTOcstr.cstraItemsFREE.cstraFREE.cstraAPPEND.cstraDUP.cstraCOUNT.cstraDUP@AF15_8.cstraItemsFREE@AF16_5.cstraFREE@AF17_6.cstraRMATCH@AF18_2../../lib/cstrvsa.c.vsaSizeCheck.cstrvsaREMOVEALL.cstrvsaFREEALL.cstrvsaUNIQUE.cstrvsaMATCH.cstrvsaVSARRAY.cstrvsaSIZE.cstrvsaSET.cstrvsaREMOVE.cstrvsaPOINTER.cstrvsaOBJECT.cstrvsaNEW.cstrvsaINSERT.cstrvsaFREE.cstrvsaDETACH.cstrvsaCOUNT.cstrvsaATTACH.cstrvsaAPPEND.cstrvsaREMOVE@AF24_9.cstrvsaREMOVEALL@AF25_2.vsaSizeCheck@AF26_1.cstrvsaINSERT@AF27_13.cstrvsaAPPEND@AF28_18.cstrvsaATTACH@AF29_17.cstrvsaFREE@AF30_14.cstrvsaDETACH@AF31_15.cstrvsaOBJECT@AF32_11.cstrvsaSET@AF33_8.cstrvsaFREEALL@AF34_3../../lib/directory.cTue Feb 15 20:12:10 2022 .dirFilesLIST.dirCHMOD.dirMAKE.dirFilesLIST@AF9_1../../lib/encode_decode_hex.c.v_decode_hex.v_convert_to_hex../../lib/get_process.c.file_list_from_manifest.file_list_build.file_list_build_from_pathname.file_list_free.file_list_display.get_aix_processes.proc_info_reset.proc_info_display.busy_file_check.add_to_busy_list.add_to_progs_list.check_exe_ino.prep_exe_path.is_symlink_in_ino_list.is_pathname_in_ino_list.file_list_search_pathnames.pathnames_list_search_add.file_list_search_add_ino.is_it_a_keeper.getPidFromFile.find_processes_NB.find_processes_ex.find_processes.get_cli_pid_from_ppid.get_cli_pid.add_to_busy_list@AF33_10Proc_All../../lib/hexoctconversion.cTue Feb 15 20:12:11 2022 .v_from_oct.v_to_hex.v_to_oct_no_space_or_null.v_to_oct../../lib/logdirperms.cTue Feb 15 20:12:12 2022 .CompareLogFolderName.getDirCreationMode.getDirCreationMode@AF8_2../../lib/logging.c.vlogmsgvf.simple_write.stupid_logmsg.get_process_context_for_log.T_logmsgv.get_exe_basename.log_parse_logfile_name.log_set_lastConfigReadTime.log_get_max_file_size.log_set_max_file_size.log_get_locking.log_set_locking.suppress_log_file_mgmt.log_set_debug_fd.close_debug_log.logparamswithdate.logparams.logmsgvf.logmsgf.restore_net_errno.get_net_errno.dump_json_logging_cb.deferred_json_logging_cb.noop_logmsg_cb.ncflogmsg.logmsgv.logmsg.rl_free_logfile_list.rl_get_logfile_list.debuglog.close_logging_file.open_logging_file.open_debug_file.log_get_process_bpconf_verbose.log_set_process_bpconf_verbose.log_set_verbosity_filter.log_get_verbose.get_configured_verbose.open_debug_log.open_log.logwithtime_and_id.logwithtime.logwithoutdate.log_clear_pid.log_set_pid.log_get_callback.log_get_callback_tss.log_restore_callback_no_logging_tss.log_set_callback_no_logging_tss.log_set_callback_tss.log_get_callback_global.log_restore_callback_no_logging.log_set_callback_no_logging.log_set_callback.get_exe_basename@AF72_18.simple_write@AF73_2.get_process_context_for_log@AF74_4.debuglog@AF75_42../../lib/logmngconf.cTue Feb 15 20:12:13 2022 .isCriticalProcess../../lib/md5c.c.unhex.rehex.MD5Error.Decode.Encode.MD5Transform.NBDeobfuscateVar.NBObfuscateVar.return_first_file.get_final_config.MD5AppendDigest.MD5TextFileDigest.MD5LineToDigest.MD5DigestToLine.list_mode_bits.check_system_time.NB_MD5Final.NB_MD5Update.NB_MD5Init.MD5Error@AF25_3../../lib/multi_hasher.c.NB_Multi_Hasher_Cmp.NB_AppendDigest.NB_Digest_TextFileDigest.NB_Line_ToDigest.NB_Digest_ToLine.NB_Digest_VeritasFinal_3_3.NB_Digest_VeritasFinal.NB_Digest_Final.NB_Digest_Update.NB_Digest_Init../../lib/misc.cTue Feb 15 20:12:14 2022 .argValuesGET.argEXISTS.itoaLJ.argValuesGET@AF9_1.argEXISTS@AF10_2../../lib/nblog.cTue Feb 15 20:12:15 2022 .NbLog_WriteLogData.NbLog_OpenNextLogFile.NbLog_OpenLogFile.NbLog_ValidateHandle.NbLog_FinalizeCurrentLogFile.NbLog_GetLogFileSeqNum.NbLog_ReadDir.NbLog_CreateRootPath.NbLog_PruneAsPerSeqNo.NbLog_PruneLogDirectory._setHandle.NbLog_Extract_Date_From_Filename.NbLog_CloseLoggerInfo.NbLog_OpenFile.NbLog_FetchUserNameLogFile.NbLog_IsValidLogFileFormat.NbLog_CompareFileName.NbLog_GetRootPath.NbLog_MutexCleanup.NbLog_Cleanup.NbLog_Write.NbLog_SetFD.NbLog_GetFD.NbLog_SetHandle.NbLog_GetHandle.NbLog_SetPid.NbLog_SetLocking.NbLog_GetVerbosity.NbLog_SetVerbosity.NbLog_Open.NbLog_Initialize.NbLog_ParseLogFileName.NbLog_PrepareMsgContent.NbLog_PrepareMsg.NbLog_GetSortedDirList.NbLog_FreeDirList.NbLog_FreeDirList@AF42_36.NbLog_CloseLoggerInfo@AF43_13.NbLog_FinalizeCurrentLogFile@AF44_5.NbLog_Open@AF45_30.NbLog_WriteLogData@AF46_1../../lib/nblogconf.c.NbLogConf_FreeMemory.NbLogConf_LogAllowSymlink.NbLogConf_MaxNumLogFiles.NbLogConf_MaxLogFileSize.NbLogConf_Verbosity.NbLogConf_LogCritical.NbLogConf_ReadBpconf.NbLogConf_UnlockMutex.NbLogConf_LockMutex../../lib/nbxutils.cTue Feb 15 20:12:16 2022 .nbx_runtime../../lib/ovmsg.cTue Feb 15 20:12:17 2022 .vovgetmsg.localeTranslation.getECmsg.writeCliLocalizedMessage.getregistrylocale.ovsetlocale.setOracleLocaleFromReal.real2oraclelocale.common2reallocale.real2commonlocale.getECmsgl.ovgetmsgv_errno.ovgetmsg_errno.ovgetmsgv.ovgetmsgformats.ovgetmsg.ovgetlocaleEx.writeCliLocalizedMessage@AF23_4../../lib/ovmsgcache.cTue Feb 15 20:12:18 2022 .scanMsgFile.cacheMsg.createLocale.createMsgFile.destroyFileList.msgCmp.destroyMsg.ParseUMICode.ovmsgcache_cleanup.msgCacheUnload.getLocalMsgFmtUMI.getLocalMsgFmt.getLocalMsgFmt@AF18_12.getLocalMsgFmtUMI@AF19_11../../lib/tempnam.cTue Feb 15 20:12:19 2022 .cleanup_dirlist.generate_dirlist.set_seq.get_seq.T_PATH_SEPARATOR.V_find_tempnam.V_tempnam.cleanup_dirlist@AF13_1.T_PATH_SEPARATOR@AF14_5.V_find_tempnam@AF15_6../../lib/utf8PathUtils.cTue Feb 15 20:12:20 2022 .lstatUTF8Path.statUTF8Path.rmdirUTF8Path.mkdirUTF8Path.openUTF8PathMode.openUTF8Path.fopenUTF8Path.removeUTF8Path.unlinkUTF8Path.renameUTF8Path.accessUTF8Path../../lib/vstrings.c.V_vsnprintf_i.V_wmemcpy.V_wmemchr.V_wmemset.V_memchr.V_func_block_signals.V_dumb_realloc.V_vsnwprintf.V_vsnprintf.V_FindAndMaskSensitiveData.V_ExtractPasswordInCmdLine.V_HidePasswordInCmdLine.V_HidePasswordInString.V_GetLibPathA.V_strerror.V_syserror.V_wstrverify.V_cat_snwprintf.V_snwprintf.V_wstrXncpy.V_wcslncat.V_wcslncpy.V_wcslcat.V_wcslcpy.V_strnlen.V_strverify.V_cat_snprintf.V_snprintf_ex.V_snprintf.V_strXncpy.V_strlncat.V_strlncpy.V_strlcat.V_strlcpy.V_strlcat@AF40_33.V_vsnprintf_i@AF41_1.V_wcslcpy@AF42_24.V_wcslcat@AF43_23.V_wcslncpy@AF44_22.V_wstrXncpy@AF45_20.V_vsnwprintf@AF46_8.V_strerror@AF47_15.V_dumb_realloc@AF48_7../../lib/vtime.cTue Feb 15 20:12:21 2022 .V_timegm.V_gmtime.V_localtime.V_asctime.V_ctime.V_gmtime@AF11_2.V_localtime@AF12_3../../../nb/lib/adhoc_config.cTue Feb 15 20:12:22 2022 .read_legacy_touch_file.CheckForTeStSAndString.CheckForTeStS.UnlinkTeStS.CheckAndParseTeStS.read_AD_HOC_config_entry.UnlinkTeStS@AF12_4../../../nb/lib/bpconf_api.cTue Feb 15 20:12:23 2022 .WriteClusterAwareConfigFile.OpenClusterAwareConfigFile.getKeyValListTail.removeKeyValFromList.buildKVP.getUnitID.addVersionInfo.getAIXreleaseLevel.bpconf_UpdateLocalUsersConfig.bpconf_UpdateLocalHostConfig.bpconf_GetUserConfigImage.bpconf_GetHostConfigImage.no_vxul_updateuldebuglevels.no_vxul_readuldebuglevels.copyKeyValList.copyKeyValPair.freeKeyValList.freeKeyValPair.getConfigStructEntry.formatUnits.readUnits.formatList.readList.copyList.delList.formatStruct.readStruct.copyStruct.delStruct.formatString.readString.copyString.delString.formatIPAddr.readIPAddr.formatFlags.readFlags.formatEnum.readEnum.formatInt64.readInt64.formatInt.readInt.isAllowWorldReadableLogsEnabled.isCurlLoggingEnabled.isVMwareTLSminimum_v1_2.isHadoopSecureConnectEnabled.isVirtualizationHostsSecureConnectEnabled.isDTEClientModeModified.anyClusterAwareEntryModified.isClusterAwareParam.isULParam.isWinCertStoreBkupEnabled.getHadoopCrlCheckLevelFromConfig.getVirtualizationCrlCheckLevelFromConfig.getCrlCheckLevelFromConfig.getCertDetailsFromConfigEx.getCertDetailsFromConfig.getLocalUsersConfigImageEx.getLocalHostConfigImageEx.getKeyValPairFromList.combineKeyValLists.bpconfGetKeyValPairAsInt.bpconfGetKeyValPairAsBool.bpconfGetKeyValPairInBuffer.bpconfSetKeyValPair.bpconfGetKeyValPair.getUnameInfoData.UpdateClusterAwareConfigFile.ReadClusterAwareConfigFile.OpenTemporaryConfigFile.filterConfigImageA.makeConfigImageA.getConfigItemRequested.ReadUsersConfigExA.ReadHostConfigNeedAuthExA.ReadHostConfigExA.ReadHostConfigSimplex.UpdateUsersConfigClientOrServer.UpdateHostConfigClientOrServer.InitConfig.getDefaultConfig.getConfigTokenA.getConfigUnitsName.computeConfigUnitsBaseValue.read_users_config.forced_read_users_config.NB_forced_read_master_config.NB_read_master_config.get_users_config_ptr.get_master_config_ptr.check_master_config_ptr.AppendToBufferA.getFormattedConfigItemA.CheckSemanticsForUpdate.CheckSemantics.ParseConfigExA.formatConfigItemA.getConfigTableSize.getConfigDataPointer.getConfigDataType.ConfigRequiresValue.IsMultiLineConfigData.getConfigAltLabels.getConfigLabelA.getConfigIndexA.FreeConfig.CopyConfig.freeKeyValPair@AF114_18.freeKeyValList@AF115_17.getConfigTokenA@AF116_83.buildKVP@AF117_5.ReadHostConfigNeedAuthExA@AF118_76.ReadUsersConfigExA@AF119_75.removeKeyValFromList@AF120_4.formatInt@AF121_42.formatInt64@AF122_40.formatEnum@AF123_38.formatFlags@AF124_36.formatIPAddr@AF125_34.delString@AF126_33.copyString@AF127_32.delStruct@AF128_29.copyStruct@AF129_28.formatStruct@AF130_26.formatList@AF131_22.formatUnits@AF132_20skip_backlevel_user_validation_bprd_rangevxupdate_server_read_timeout_seconds_rangevxupdate_client_read_timeout_seconds_rangeport_window_rangesaas_proxy_tunneling_rangecdp_data_checksum_verification_timeout_rangecdp_snapshot_pol_interval_rangecdp_snapshot_pol_count_rangeresilient_backup_job_restart_timeout_rangeinvalid_server_logging_threshold_rangeinvalid_server_logging_interval_rangeaccelerator_tracklog_free_space_percent_rangedynamic_streaming_child_backup_jobs_start_timeout_rangebackup_host_cpu_usage_factor_rangebackup_host_memory_usage_factor_rangeevent_records_cleanup_interval_rangeevent_records_retention_rangeevent_records_size_rangerhv_createdisk_timeout_rangemax_cloud_snapshot_replication_jobs_per_destination_rangecloud_snapshot_curlopt_timeout_rangemax_cloud_jobs_per_media_server_rangecloud_hosted_app_discovery_interval_rangecloud_asset_discovery_thread_rangeoptimized_zeroed_backup_rangesaas_autodiscovery_batchsize_rangenutanix_autodiscovery_batchsize_rangerhv_autodiscovery_batchsize_rangevmware_autodiscovery_batchsize_rangemalware_scan_operation_timeout_rangesaas_autodiscovery_interval_rangek8s_autodiscovery_interval_rangenutanix_autodiscovery_interval_rangerhv_autodiscovery_interval_rangevmware_autodiscovery_interval_rangecloud_discovery_interval_rangecp_parallel_connections_rangek8s_snapshot_cleanup_connection_rangecloud_snapshot_cleanup_connection_rangecrl_refresh_interval_rangecrl_path_sync_interval_rangehyperv_wmi_create_disk_timeout_rangehostdb_resync_interval_rangegui_max_concurrent_sessions_rangegui_account_lockout_duration_rangegui_max_login_attempts_rangegui_idle_timeout_rangebpcd_allowed_path_alt_namesaccl_vmw_statefile_count_rangecorba_open_file_limit_rangeslp_generic_rangeslp_zero_time_rangeslp_10sec_time_rangeslp_batch_size_rangeslp_image_count_rangeslp_true_false_rangevmware_san_buffer_size_rangenbvmcopyback_buffer_size_rangenbars_discovery_timer_rangetfi_producer_buffer_size_rangenbjm_job_update_time_rangenbrntd_max_keep_alive_time_rangenbrntd_min_keep_alive_time_rangenbrntd_max_connections_rangenbrntd_idle_timeout_rangenbrntd_peer_sock_expiration_rangehost_cache_resync_timeout_rangehost_cache_resync_interval_rangevnet_options_host_cache_time_rangemax_corba_payload_size_rangenbrb_enable_optimizations_rangenbrb_cleanup_obsolete_dbinfo_rangenbrb_mpx_group_unload_delay_rangenbrb_retry_delay_after_emm_err_rangenbrb_reeval_pending_rangenbrb_force_full_eval_rangenbrb_reeval_period_rangemax_indexing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Feb 15 20:12:25 2022 .UpdateConfigFile.UpdateConfigFileSkip.WriteConfigFile.ReadConfigFileA.becomeUser.VgetUserName.GetIsConfReadRetryAllowed.SetIsConfReadRetryAllowed.getLocalUsersConfigImage.getLocalHostConfigImage.UpdateLocalUsersConfig.DeleteLocalHostConfigSetting.UpdateLocalHostConfig.getUserHome.getpwnam_r.getpwuid_r.becomeUser@AF22_5../../libvlibs/nbbase_tss.cppTue Feb 15 20:12:28 2022 IBM XL C/C++ for AIX, Version Feb 15 20:12:29 2022 .nbconf_get_info.tss_conf_update_time.nbconf_free_info.nbconf_set_info.nbconf_create_authentication_domain.nbconf_free_authentication_domain.nbconf_create_port_forwarding.nbconf_free_port_forwarding.nbconf_create_authorization_service.nbconf_free_authorization_service.nbconf_create_vxss_network.nbconf_free_vxss_network.bpconf_get_mock_modtime__Fv.get_bpconf_list_node_by_key.get_bpconf_update_time.conf_update_time__FiPlT2.nbconf_get_info_ref_count.nbconf_decrement_ref_count.bpconf_read_into_tss.first_bpconf_read__FP15nbbase_tss_data.bpconf_no_ref.bpconf_readonly_ref.allocate_bpconf_key_and_struct.bpconf_writeable_ref.bpconf_decrement_ref_count.get_unique_access_key__FP16bp_config_list_sPi.get_bpconf_ref_total.free_bpconf_list.set_master_server.get_master_server.populate_master_server__Fv.bpconf_disable_thread_config_reads.bpconf_disable_thread_config_reads_key.bpconf_disable_global_config_reads.bpconf_disable_thread_config_reads_buffer.bpconf_disable_config_reads_buffer__FPCc16config_mock_type.bpconf_disable_global_config_reads_buffer.bpconf_enable_thread_config_reads.bpconf_enable_global_config_reads.create_log_directory_for_user.bpconf_enable_global_config_reads@AF41_39.first_bpconf_read__FP15nbbase_tss_data@AF42_20../../libvlibs/nbconf.c.free_authentication_domain_list.copy_web_server_tunnel_rec.convert_use_authentication_value.free_resilient_network_list.copy_nbconf_resilient_network_list.copy_resilient_network_list.free_resilient_network_rec.copy_nbconf_resilient_network_rec.copy_resilient_network_rec.copy_preferred_network_list.copy_vnet_options_rec.copy_limit_bandwidth_list.copy_limit_bandwidth_rec.convert_wst_use_value.convert_vxss_mech_value.convert_use_vxss_value.copy_default_connect_options_rec.copy_connect_options_list.copy_connect_options_rec.copy_vxss_network_list.copy_vxss_network_rec.copy_nbconf_authorization_service_rec.copy_authorization_service_rec.copy_nbconf_port_forwarding_list.copy_port_forwarding_list.copy_port_forwarding_nbconf_rec.copy_port_forwarding_rec.copy_nbconf_authentication_domain_list.copy_authentication_domain_list.copy_authentication_domain_nbconf_rec.copy_authentication_domain_rec.free_port_forwarding_list.free_port_forwarding_rec.free_authentication_domain_rec.free_server_list.copy_nbconf_server_list.copy_web_server_tunnel_list.copy_server_list.free_server_rec.copy_nbconf_server_rec.copy_server_rec.nbconf_get_bpinfo.nbconf_cleanup.nbconf_set_bpinfo.nbconf_init.parseNetspec.nbconf_cleanup@AF52_43.free_server_rec@AF53_39.free_server_list@AF54_35.free_resilient_network_rec@AF55_7.free_resilient_network_list@AF56_4.free_port_forwarding_list@AF57_32.free_authentication_domain_list@AF58_1../../libvlibs/nbconf_private.cTue Feb 15 20:12:31 2022 .nbconf_free_resilient_network_list.nbconf_free_resilient_network_rec.nbconf_free_preferred_network_list.nbconf_free_vnet_options_rec.nbconf_free_limit_bandwidth_list.nbconf_free_limit_bandwidth_rec.nbconf_debug_msg.nbconf_free_default_connect_options_rec.nbconf_free_connect_options_list.nbconf_free_connect_options_rec.nbconf_free_vxss_network_list.nbconf_free_vxss_network_rec.nbconf_create_vxss_network_rec.nbconf_free_authorization_service_rec.nbconf_create_authorization_service_rec.nbconf_free_port_forwarding_rec.nbconf_create_port_forwarding_rec.nbconf_free_authentication_domain_rec.nbconf_create_authentication_domain_rec.nbconf_free_web_server_tunnel_list.nbconf_free_server_list.nbconf_free_web_server_tunnel_rec.nbconf_free_server_rec.nbconf_free_info_rec.nbconf_free_port_forwarding_list.nbconf_free_authentication_domain_list.nbconf_free_resilient_network_rec@AF32_2.nbconf_free_resilient_network_list@AF33_1.nbconf_free_authentication_domain_rec@AF34_18.nbconf_free_authentication_domain_list@AF35_26.nbconf_free_port_forwarding_rec@AF36_16.nbconf_free_port_forwarding_list@AF37_25.nbconf_free_server_rec@AF38_23.nbconf_free_server_list@AF39_21.nbconf_free_web_server_tunnel_rec@AF40_22.nbconf_free_web_server_tunnel_list@AF41_20.nbconf_free_preferred_network_list@AF42_3.nbconf_free_vnet_options_rec@AF43_4.nbconf_free_limit_bandwidth_rec@AF44_6.nbconf_free_limit_bandwidth_list@AF45_5.nbconf_free_default_connect_options_rec@AF46_8.nbconf_free_connect_options_rec@AF47_10.nbconf_free_connect_options_list@AF48_9.nbconf_free_vxss_network_rec@AF49_12.nbconf_free_vxss_network_list@AF50_11.nbconf_free_authorization_service_rec@AF51_14.nbconf_free_info_rec@AF52_24.nbconf_debug_msg@AF53_7../../libvlibs/nbsvc_user_utils.cTue Feb 15 20:12:32 2022 .recursive_chown_to_service_user.get_path_info.is_user_service_or_consumer_impl_for_unix.is_admin_configured_as_service_user.get_service_admin_name.getgrgid_r.get_current_user_name.get_service_user_name.update_dir_perms_to_service_user.switch_to_service_user.init_ServiceUserDetails.get_groupname_from_gid.get_user_name_from_uid.get_uid_gid_from_username.get_user_info_for_uname_unix.get_service_user_info.cache_service_user_name.is_current_user_configured_service_admin.is_user_admin_for_unix.check_write_access.is_user_admin.is_user_configured_service_admin.get_daemon_running_with_admin_account.get_daemon_running_with_service_account.enable_daemon_running_with_admin_account.set_process_running_with_service_account.enable_process_for_service_account.is_service_user_configured.get_user_name_from_uid@AF37_19../../lib/timefuncs.c.fgets_notabs.normalize_year.is_day_before_month.i18ndef.eodf.getyearl.dayofmonthl.dcmp.dodate.dotime.validdef.setupampm.get_locale_day_indicator.getdef_sep.getdef.backup_time_to_string.wide_cast_time.narrow_cast_time.get_next_midnight.get_midnight.bp_strftime.gettstring.getdstring.getdtstring.hhmmssl.fulldatestring.spelled_datetimesecl.spelled_datetimel.spelled_datel.spelled_datetimesec.spelled_datetime.spelled_date.monthofyearl.dayofweek.hhmmss.ValidDay.unctime.short_timestringl.zero_short_datestringl.short_datestringl.short_datestring.datestring_for_oracle.dateonlystringl.datestringl.datestring_utc.datestring.date_and_time.convert2unixdatel.convert2unixdate.backup_time_to_string@AF55_16../../../nb/lib/client.cTue Feb 15 20:12:33 2022 .file_level.multibyte_strcmp.ValidFilePath.UpOneDir.become_user_group.become_user.StrCat.ValidFile.ReadCmdLineFiles../../lib/bsd_crc32.cTue Feb 15 20:12:34 2022 .bsd_crc32_veritas_3_3_final.bsd_crc32_veritas_final.bsd_crc32_final.bsd_crc32_update_word.bsd_crc32_update.bsd_crc32_init/home/dkempeni/work/jansson/src/GITHUB/jansson/src/dump.cThu Jul 8 15:36:51 2021 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Feb 15 19:51:54 2022 NB_STATIC_RELEASE_STR../nb_version_string_util.c.compare_nb_versions_string_and_unsigned.compare_nb_versions_string_and_signed.compare_nb_versions_strings.compare_nb_versions_unsigned.compare_nb_versions_signed.nb_version_unsigned_from_string.nb_version_signed_from_string.get_one_digit_number.get_two_digit_number.is_char_nul.is_char_dot.is_char_numeric.validate_compare_nb_versions_string_and_unsigned_args.validate_compare_nb_versions_string_and_signed_args.validate_compare_nb_versions_strings_args.validate_compare_nb_versions_unsigned_args.validate_compare_nb_versions_signed_args.validate_nb_version_unsigned_from_string_args.validate_nb_version_signed_from_string_args.validate_nb_version_comparsion_pointer.validate_nb_version_unsigned_range.validate_nb_version_signed_range.validate_nb_version_unsigned_pointer.validate_nb_version_signed_pointer.validate_nb_version_string.validate_nb_version_string@AF26_25MIN_NB_VERSION_LONGMIN_NB_VERSION_ULONGMAX_NB_VERSION_LONGMAX_NB_VERSION_ULONGstrcmp.s.strcmpstrncpy.s.strncpyisnan.s.isnan._isnan../../../../../../../src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/librtl/64bit/rtld.cSat Sep 29 14:04:14 2007 IBM XL C Enterprise Edition for AIX, Version --- __rtldglink64.s.exit.access.chdir.chmod.chown.close.fsync.ftruncate.getargs.getthrds64.getprocs64.lseek.mkdir.readlink.rename.rmdir.setgid.setuid.sigprocmask.uname.unlink.malloc.calloc.realloc.free.getenv._Errno.strlen.fopen.lseek64.open.getpagesize.fprintf.fclose.strncasecmp.isdigit.strchr.atoi.strcasecmp.stat.geteuid.getuid.abort.write.sigemptyset.sigaction.sigaddset.getpid.time.snprintf.fputs.gettimeofday.__assert.fflush.__flsbuf.fstat.fcntl.vswprintf.vsnprintf.fdopen.wcslen.wcstombs.fwrite.tolower.localeconv.mblen.__filbuf.read.strncmp.strrchr.isupper.mbtowc.fgets.ungetc.strtod.isspace.memchr.getppid.sleep.fread.toupper._posix_getpwuid_r._posix_getpwnam_r.getpwnam.getpwuid.ftell.fseek.strdup.fgetc.rewind.lstat.stat64.strtok_r.strtok.strspn.localtime.gmtime.ctime.asctime.mktime.isalpha.waitpid.isprint.setlocale.strcspn.qsort.getcwd.fork.strstr.dup2.opendir.closedir.readdir.isxdigit.pclose.popen.execv.getgid.bsearch.putenv.srandom.random._posix_getgrgid_r.setgrent.getgrnam.getgrgid.basename.sysconf.strerror_r.strerror.strftime.getegid.iswspace.mkstemp.strtol.remove.initgroups.realpath.inet_pton.strtoll.wmemset.wmemcpy.wmemchr.strtoumax._isinf