cronlog.conf File
Specifies the default configuration file of the cron daemon for logging information.
The cronlog.conf configuration file informs the cron daemon where and how to log information. If you do not use the -f flag, the cron daemon reads the default /etc/cronlog.conf configuration file. If the cron daemon fails to open the configuration file, it continues with the /var/adm/cron/log file. The cron daemon ignores blank lines and lines beginning with a # (pound sign).
- archive
- Specifies that the saved rotated files will be copied to a directory. It is followed by the directory name. If archive is not specified and rotation is valid, files are rotated in the directory of logfile.
- compress
- Specifies that the saved rotated files will be compressed. If keyword is not present then no compression is done.
- logfile
- Specifies the full path name of the log file. If the file does not exist, it is created with permission 660. Do not create the log file in the "/" file system. If the cron daemon cannot create the name of the log file, the daemon creates a log of its activities in the /var/adm/cron/log file, and all of the features below it are turned off.
- quiet
- Specifies that cron logging will be disabled.
- rotate
- Specifies the total number of rotated files. It is followed by a number. If a number is not specified then there are unlimited number of rotated files. If the rotate keyword is not present, then no rotation is done. If specified, minimum of number of rotated files is 2.
- size
- Limits the size of a logfile. It is followed by a number and either a k (kilobytes) or m (megabytes). The default and minimum size is 30K. If the size value is invalid then rotation feature is turned off.
- To log information in the directory /home/user,
log file cron.out, size of 2M , total number
of rotated files = 4, archive in /usr/home,
compress archive files, create the configuration file as follows:
logfile=/home/user/cron.out size=2m rotate=4 archive=/usr/home compress
- To log information in directory /home/user,
log file cron.out, size of 50k , unlimited
log files, archive in /usr/home, compress
archive files, create the configuration file as follows:
logfile=/home/user/cron.out size=50k rotate archive=/usr/home compress
- To log information in directory /home/user,
log file cron.out, size of 50k , total number
of rotated files = 4, create the configuration file as follows:
logfile=/home/user/cron.out size=50K rotate=4
- To log information in directory /home/user,
log file cron.out, size of 50k , total number
of rotated files = 4, archive in /usr/home,
archive files without compression, no logging of cron jobs, create
the configuration file as follows:
In this case, cron.out will contain only debug or error messages.logfile=/home/user/cron.out size=50K rotate=4 archive=/usr/home quiet