cli_importvg command
Imports a new volume group definition from a set of physical volumes on all nodes in a clusterSyntax
cli_importvg [ -y VolumeGroup ] [ -V MajorNumber ] PhysicalVolume
Uses C-SPOC to run the importvg command with the specified parameters. This command causes the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) on each cluster node to read the LVM information on the disks in the volume group, and update the local volume group definition.
- -V MajorNumber
- Specifies the major number of the imported volume group.
- -y VolumeGroup
- Specifies the name to use for the new volume group. If you do not use this flag, the system
automatically generates a new name. The volume group name can contain only the following characters:
- A - Z
- a - z
- 0 - 9
- _ (underscore character)
- - (minus character)
- . (period character)
To make the volume group that is name bkvg from the physical volume that is named hdisk07 available on all cluster nodes, enter:cli_importvg -y bkvg hdisk07