pick Command
Selects messages by content and creates and modifies sequences.
pick [ +Folder ] [ Messages ] [ -datefield Field ] [ -not ] [ -lbrace ] [ -after Date ] [ -before Date ] [ -cc "Pattern" ] [ -date "Pattern" ] [ -from "Pattern" ] [ -search "Pattern" ] [ -to"Pattern"] [ —Component "Pattern" ] [ -rbrace ] [ -and ] [ -or ] [ -sequence Name [ -zero | -nozero ] [ -public | -nopublic ] [ -list | -nolist ]
The pick command selects messages containing particular character patterns or particular dates. You can use the -and, -or, -not, -lbrace, and -rbrace flags to construct compound conditions for selecting messages.
Item | Description |
-after Date | Selects messages with dates later than that specified by
the Date variable. Use the following specifications for the Date variable:
The pick command treats the days of the week as days in the past. For example, monday means last Monday, not today or next Monday. You can use the -Days argument to specify a number of days in the past. For example, -31 means 31 days ago. For the SystemDate argument, you can specify any valid format defined for your system. |
-and | Forms a logical AND operation between two message-selecting flags; for example, pick -after Sunday -and -from mark. The -and flag has precedence over the -or flag, but the -not flag has precedence over the -and flag. Use the -lbrace and -rbrace flags to override this precedence. |
-before Date | Selects messages with dates earlier than the specified date. See the -after flag on how to specify Date. |
-cc "Pattern" | Selects messages that contain the character string specified by the "Pattern" variable in the cc: field. |
-date "Pattern" | Selects messages that contain the character string specified by the "Pattern" variable in the Date: field. |
-datefield Field | Specifies which dated field is parsed when the -after and -before flags are given. By default, the pick command uses the Date: field. |
+Folder | Identifies the folder that contains the messages you wish to pick. By default, the system uses the current folder. |
-from "Pattern" | Selects messages that contain the character string specified by the "Pattern" variable in the From: field. |
-help | Lists the command syntax, available switches (toggles), and
version information. Note: For MH, the name of this flag must be fully spelled out. |
-lbrace | Groups -and, -or, and -not operations. Operations between the -lbrace and -rbrace flags are evaluated as one operation. You can nest the -lbrace and -rbrace flags. |
-list | Sends a list of selected message numbers to standard output.
This allows you to use the pick command to generate message
numbers to use as input for other commands. For example, to scan all
messages in the current folder that were sent after Tuesday, you would
enter the following:
If you do not specify a sequence, the -list flag is the default. |
Messages | Specifies the messages to search. You can specify several
messages, a range of messages, or a single message. Use the following
to specify messages:
-nolist | Prevents the pick command from generating a list of the selected message numbers. If a sequence is specified, the -nolist flag is the default. |
-nopublic | Restricts a sequence to your usage. The -nopublic flag does not restrict the messages in a sequence, only the sequence itself. This option is the default if the folder is write-protected from other users. |
-not | Forms a logical NOT operation on a message-selecting flag; for example, pick -not -from george. This construction evaluates all messages not chosen by the message-selecting flag. The -not flag has precedence over the -and flag, and the -and flag has precedence over the -or flag. Use the -lbrace and -rbrace flags to override this precedence. |
-nozero | Appends the selected messages to the specified sequence. |
-or | Forms a logical OR operation on two message-selecting flags; for example, pick -from amy -or -from mark. The -not flag has precedence over the -and flag, and the -and flag has precedence over the -or flag. Use the -lbrace and -rbrace flags to override this precedence. |
-public | Allows other users access to a sequence. The -public flag does not make protected messages available, only the sequence itself. This option is the default if the folder is not write-protected from other users. |
-rbrace | Groups -and, -or, and -not operations. Operations between the -lbrace and -rbrace flags are evaluated as one operation. You can nest the -lbrace and -rbrace flags. |
-search "Pattern" | Selects messages that contain the character string specified by the "Pattern" variable anywhere in the message. |
-sequence Name | Stores the messages selected by the pick command in the sequence specified by the Name variable. |
-to "Pattern" | Selects messages that contain the character string specified by the "Pattern" variable in the To: field. |
-zero | Clears the specified sequence before placing the selected messages into the sequence. This flag is the default. |
—Component "Pattern" | Selects messages that contain the character string specified by the "Pattern" variable in the heading field specified by the Component variable; for example, pick —reply-to amy. |
Profile Entries
The following profile entries are part of the UserMHDirectory/.mh_profile file:
Item | Description |
Current-Folder: | Sets the default current folder. |
Path: | Specifies the user's MH directory. |
Attention RBAC users and Trusted AIX® users: This command can perform privileged operations. Only privileged users can run privileged operations. For more information about authorizations and privileges, see Privileged Command Database in Security. For a list of privileges and the authorizations associated with this command, see the lssecattr command or the getcmdattr subcommand.
- To get a list of message
numbers in the current folder that are from user jones, enter:
pick -from jonesThe system responds with a message similar to the following:
12 15 19
- To see a list of message
numbers in the schedule folder received within the last 30
days, enter:
system responds with a message similar to the following:
5 8 21 30
Item | Description |
$HOME/.mh_profile | Contains the user's MH profile. |
/usr/bin/pick | Contains the pick command. |