ISO8859-1h`s$  #( L g w  #!#*(&S0z18 $,80e%8&51R% %!" #$,'%T&:q'()* + , .-2 E. x/ 0" 1$ 2+ 3" 42 :5! m6 7 8$ 9! : ;1 &<2 X=? >5 ? @ A+ 0B \C" gD" E" F" G" H" I 9J JK ^L pM" N# O P" QRS  T!+U,MVzWXYZ[\ ]^ #_ 1` ;a GbTc od |e f)g+hInitial loading...The dictionary file is updatedAll data is correctThe dictionary file needs recoveringNothing is required for recoveryCan not access user dictionaryInvalid key has been pressedThere is no data in user dictionarySome data has been deletedInput CandidateInput Key and its CandidatesInput KeyThe registration has been completedAlready exists in user dictionaryAlready exists in system dictionaryInvalid characters exist in KeyThe dictionary file size exceeds the limitNumber of candidates exceeds the limitThe Key and the Candidate should not be the sameThe data will be deleted. Press Enter to continueAll update has been cancelled. Enter = End F12 = CancelEnter the KeyNot Regist this KeyLength of the Key exceeds the limit(10 char)The Key and the Candidate should not be the sameFailed in dictionary file recovery!!!There is no data in user dictionary, so you can't updateAlready exists data in user dictionaryThe Key must consist of only Hanguls or only numericsThe data will be deleted. Press Enter to continueNow Searching... Please wait a momentNow Updating... Please wait a momentCan not access user dictionaryCan not access system dictionaryCan not access profileLength of the Key exceeds the limit(10 char)The dictionary is now in useYour update will not be applied. Enter = Start F12 = ExitAll update has been cancelledNo data left in dictionary filePlease press F3 or F12 keyNo data could be recoveredRecovering...Please input file nameFile name already exists. Enter = Do F12 = CancelFile access permission deniedCombining...The file combination was completedAdditional dictionary does not existIt is not allowed to combine the same filesSecond file is not user dictionaryFinished writing user dictionary to the above fileFinished printing user dictionaryFile access permission deniedPrinting Error occurredThe dictionary file needs recoveringNew dictionary file is now in useThis file name is invalidFile combination successed, but some data deletedLength of the Candidate exceeds the limit(10 char)Additional dictionary and new dictionary should not be the sameTotal length of candidates of A Key exceeds the limitdisplay size err** User Dictionary Utility **Move cursor to desired item and press EnterEnter = Do 1. Registration 2. Update(replacement, deletion) 3. List 4. Combination 5. Recovery 9. Exit File Seek Error Status Write Error File Write Error (dictionary : ** User Dictionary Registration **Enter after key and candidate inputkey : [ ]candidate : [ ]Enter = RegisterF3 = EndF5 = Clear** User Dictionary Combination **This function combines two user dictionariesEnter the file namesOriginal User DictionaryAdditional User DictionaryNew User DictionaryEnter = Combine F3 = End** User Dictionary Update **F2 = DeleteF3 = EndF7 = PreviousF8 = NextF9 = SearchF12 = Cancel** User Dictionary List ** 1. Screen 2. Printer 3. File This function lists content of dictionaryMove cursor to desired item and press Enter** User Dictionary Display **