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Invalid file id (%d) for %s. %s -- Unexpected error from ulimit(GET_FSIZE). errno: %d (%s). %s -- error in send_signal(), Passed process id = %d (decimal). %s (child process of fork()) -- Error on exec(). errno: %d (%s). %s -- Error receiving message with msgxrcv() call. errno: %d (%s). %s -- error in send_signal(), Passed signal number = %d (decimal). %s -- Error writing to pipe. Only %d of %d bytes actually written. %s -- Error on pipe() system call in start_heart(). errno: %d (%s). %s -- Error on wait3() WNOHANG call in SIGCHLD_hdl(). errno: %d (%s). %s -- Error on msgctl IPC_RMID of the message queue. errno: %d (%s). %s -- Error with sigaction() system call for %d signal. errno: %d (%s). %s -- %s Log wrap/max-size threshold (%s) must be a non-negative number. %s -- write access to the specified stress device (%s) is not permitted. @(#)69 1.3 src/bos/diag/sysx/hxsmsg/hxsmsg.c, dsysx, bos720 1/27/99 14:20:41 %s -- Error: Unable to get modification time (stat()) of %s. errno: %d (%s). %s (child process of fork()) -- Error on sprintf() of pipe_dev[0]. errno: %d (%s). %s -- Error in msgsnd() system call of the send_message() function. errno: %d (%s). %s -- error writing to %s. Only %d bytes out of a %d byte buffer were written to disk. %s -- error writing to %s. Only %d bytes out of a %d byte buffer were written to disk. %s -- Error in the gettimer() system call of the send_message() function. errno: %d (%s). %s -- SIGTERM signal received. Sending the SIGUSR1 signal to the supervisor to shut us down... %s -- Warning: %s Log wrap/max-size threshold (%d) too big. Threshold set to %d by %s program. %s -- wait3() WNOHANG call in SIGCHLD_hdl() returned 0. No child processes have stopped or exited! %s -- Error during atoi() conversion of the specified Stress Lab "heartbeat" cycle (%s). errno: %d (%s). %s -- hxsstress program has been terminated by a %s. Sending SIGUSR1 signal to hxssup to terminate test... %s -- Unable to put HTX_SYS_FINAL_MSG on the IPC message queue. Calling clean_up() function and exit()... %s -- Unable to put HTX_SYS_FINAL_MSG on the IPC message queue. Calling clean_up() function and exit()... %s -- Error during atol() conversion of the specified %s Log wrap/max-size threshold ("%s"): errno: %d (%s). %s -- Error: Child process id (%d) returned by the wait3() system call is not any child process that I recognize. %s -- Error sending SIGUSR1 signal to the supervisor. Putting HTX_SYS_FINAL_MSG on IPC message queue to shut us down... %s -- Error sending SIGUSR1 signal to the supervisor. Putting HTX_SYS_FINAL_MSG on IPC message queue to shut us down... %s -- Warning: Stress Lab "heartbeat" cycle was specified as %d seconds. It must be at least %d seconds. So, the %s program has set it to the minimum value. %s -- Warning: Stress Lab "heartbeat" cycle was specified as %d seconds. It must be no larger than %d seconds. So, the %s program has set it to the maximum value.  %\ %\E %\B %\ $  $ 7( $ 70 $ 7 $ 7 $ 8 $ 8p $ $ $ 8 8 %D %, %P-L/@)@errno@access@ close@ fsync@ 5@ kill@ lseek@ msgctl@ msgget@ pipe@ _iob@exit@ strlen@ open@ getenv@ fprintf@ atoi@ stat@ sprintf@ write@ A@ O@ ulimit@ fflush@ fstat@ read@ getppid@ sleep@ atol@ ctime@ execl@ fork@ wait3@ strerror@ ftok@ remove@ msgxrcv@ msgsnd@ gettimer@ [@ __crt0v@h@__start %0! $ ( 0  %0 %4 %8 %< %D %H %P %T %- %, % %. % % % % %+ % %& % % % % %" %* % % % %  %  % % % % % % % % % & & & &  & &  & & &  &$ &( &,) &0 &4 &8$ &< &@# &D  &H &L' &P  &T &X &\( &` &d &h &l! &p &t &x &| &%/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr.o@VPDhxsmsg/5765E6200/520 ___strcmp ___strcpy ftruncate sigemptyset sigaction __mod_init__malloc_user_defined_name