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Unable to convert Total Bytes (%.10e) into engineering notation! Unable to convert Total Bytes (%.10e) into engineering notation! HXETAPE - %s: %s - %s Num_Ops: %d; Blocks: %d; Pattern: %s; Bytes: %d; Unable to convert Average Bytes/Sec (%.10e) into engineering notation! @(#)39 1.2 src/bos/diag/sysx/hxetape/hxetape.c, dsysx_tape, bos43T 4/14/00 17:58:48HXETAPE - %s: %s - %s Num_loops: %d; max xfer: %d; Pattern: %s VBS Seed Type = %s, crash_on_miscompare = %d %s: HE_name = "%s" location = "%s" description = "%s" reg_rules = "%s" max_cycles = %s   %02X%02X%02X%02X%s/%s%s/%s %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02Xrm %s [%02X] [%02X] [%02X] [%02X] [%02X] [%02X] [%02X] [%02X] [%02X]../pattern../pattern [%02X] [%02X]HTXPATTERNSHTXPATTERNSHTXPATTERNS [%02X]not found!DIAGSHIPDATADIAGSHIPDATA/tmp/cmdout.Read error - Open error - Open error - Open error - Write error - Sense Data: Sense Data:Rewind error - Close error on Close error on reopen error - reopen error - Close error on Close error on Close error on Close error on Close error on Close error on Close error on Close error on Close error on Close error on Close error on Close error on Close error on Close error on Close error on Close error on Close error on Close error on Close error on Close error on Close error on Close error on Close error on SCSI Tape Unit. IE Status Data: IE Status Data: Write EOF error - DBUG Open error - Erase tape error - at Set DBUG rule. NON-SCSI Tape Unit.Tape Unload Error - Robot Status Data: Robot Status Data: Hidalgo Open Error - Hidalgo Open Error - Hidalgo Open Error - Hidalgo Open Error - Hidalgo Open Error - Hidalgo Open Error - Hidalgo Open Error - Hidalgo Open Error - at end of Diag rule. Request Sense Error - Slot %d Status Data: Move Medium succeeded CdatWolf Open Error - Move Medium succeeded CdatWolf Open Error - Slot %d Status Data: Element Status Data: Drive %d Status Data: Drive %d Status Data: at start of Diag rule. Diagnostic Open Error - Diagnostic Open Error - at Set DBUG operation. Diagnostic Open Error - TimberWolf Open Error - TimberWolf Write Error - Device blocksize = %d. Open error in do_cmd() - Forward file skip error - TimberWolf UnLoad Error - Hidalgo Write EOT Error - Backward file skip error - Write EOF err after WEOT - Adante Record Skip Error - Write EOF err after WEOT - Forward record skip error - read to end-of-tape error - Adante Init Element Error - Adante Locate Block Error - Hidalgo Move Medium Error - Hidalgo Move Medium Error - Read Element Status Data:Hidalgo Tape UnLoad Error - Hidalgo Move Medium Error - Backward record skip error - Write to end-of-tape error - Adante Read Position Error - Write to End-of-Tape Error - Write EOF Error after WEOT - at end of move medium rule. TimberWolf Tape Open Error - at end of tape unload rule. TimberWolf Write EOT Error - at end of move medium rule. CdatWolf Move Medium Error - at end of move medium rule. Cannot open pattern file - %s Cannot read pattern file - %s Cannot open pattern file - %s Cannot read pattern file - %s Hidalgo Request Sense Error - Hidalgo Request Sense Error - Command to be Executed > %s at end of Request Sense rule. at end of Request Sense rule. Open Error in UnLoad Command - TimberWolf Move Medium Error - TimberWolf Tape UnLoad Error - TimberWolf Tape UnLoad Error - at end of Request Sense rule. Adante Move Medium Load Error - CdatWolf Element Status Error - CdatWolf Element Status Error - Close error on attempt %d of %d: at start of Request Sense rule. Malloc error in VBS Write Stanza TimberWolf Request Sense Error - TimberWolf Request Sense Error - in Hidalgo Move Medium Command. Adante Move Medium UnLoad Error - Adante Backward File Skip Error - TimberWolf Move Tape Open Error - at end of get blocksize function. Adante Read Element Status Error - CdatWolf Error in UnLoad Command - read compare to end-of-tape error - at end of initialize element rule. at end of initialize element rule. TimberWolf Position Element Error - Hidalgo Read Element Status Error - Position to Element command error - at end of position to element rule. at end of read element status rule. at end of read element status rule. at end of Hidalgo Move Medium rule. System error number value : (%d) %s. Initialize Element command succeeded TimberWolf Initialize Element Error - at end of Hidalgo Read Element rule. at end of Hidalgo Init Element rule. Position to Element command succeeded Element Information command succeeded TimberWolf Read Element Status Error - TimberWolf Read Element Status Error - Element Information command succeeded TimberWolf Write EOF Error after WEOT - TimberWolf Write EOF Error after WEOT - in Hidalgo Initialize Element Command. Write error due to Write-Protected media.Write error due to Write-Protected media. in Adante Unload Request Sense command. TimberWolf Position Element Open Error - Inventory Information command succeeded Inventory Information command succeeded in Hidalgo Read Element Status Command. Close Error on %s in do_cmd() operation: Hidalgo Initialize Element Status Error - Write Error due to Write-Protected Media - TimberWolf Write Error Past End-of-Media - TimberWolf Read Element Status Open Error - Malloc error of Read buffer in VBS Read Stanza VBS: RD/WRITE mode required for VBS write test...Error on Open in TimberWolf Initialize Element - TimberWolf Write Error - Write-Protected Media - TimberWolf Write Error - Write Protected Media - Open error in Close/Open rule on attempt %d of %d: Malloc error of buffers in VBS Read Compare Stanza Hidalgo Write Error due to Write-Protected Media - Close error in Close/Open rule on attempt %d of %d: Write error attempting to write past the end-of-media.VBS: Error %d (%s) changing block size to %d (marker %d)End-of-media sensed during a forward file skip operation.End-of-media sensed during a backward file skip operation.COMMAND: %s FAILED with the Following Error Information: End-of-media sensed during a forward record skip operation.Open on device %s failed when trying to acquire Blocksize. End-of-media sensed during a backward record skip operation.Adante End-of-Media sensed during a record skip operation - Adante End-of-Media sensed during a backward file skip operation - Starting VBS write rule. Operation count=%d; pattern %s max_xfer = %d Starting VBS read rule. Operation count = %d; pattern %s max_xfer = %d Starting VBS read rule. Operation count = %d; pattern %s max_xfer = %d Command FAILED rc = %d > No Error Information returned from command: %s VBS read: operation called but seed not initialized in this or preceeding stanzaVBS read: operation called but seed not initialized in this or preceeding stanzaVBS write: operation called but seed not initialized in this or preceeding stanzaVBS:Iteration %d read %d bytes which was more than the requested value (%d bytes) @(#)50 1.4 src/bos/diag/sysx/hxetape/io_oper.c, dsysx_tape, bos720 8/4/00 11:56:36READ returned less data than requested - Bytes requested: %d > Bytes received: %d diagnostics error -- status validity = %x scsi bus status = %x adapter status = %x Set Debug command error - status validity = %x scsi bus status = %x adapter status = %xRequest Sense command error - status validity = %x scsi bus status = %x adapter status = %xdiagnostics request sense error- status validity = %x scsibus status = %x adapter status = %x diagnostics request sense error - status validity = %x scsi bus status = %x adapter status = %x diagnostics request sense error -- status validity = %x scsi bus status = %x adapter status = %x diagnostics request sense error - status validity = %x scsi bus status = %x adapter status = %x Starting VBS write rule. Operation count=%d; pattern %s Initial seed values: %d,%d,%d; max_xfer = %d Starting VBS read rule. Operation count = %d; pattern %s Initial seed values: %d,%d,%d; max_xfer = %d Starting VBS read rule. Operation count = %d; pattern %s Initial seed values: %d,%d,%d; max_xfer = %d VBS write: loop completed. loop_count=%d max_loops=%d; VBS_last_write=%d; found_eot=%d Total bytes written this stanza: %fVBS read: readback loop completed. loop_count=%d max_loops=%d; VBS_last_write=%d; found_eot=%d Total bytes read this stanza: %fVBS read: errno %d (%s) in loop iteration #%d Bytes attempted=%d; VBS_last_write=%d Initial seed values: %d,%d,%d; bytes_read=%ldVBS read: errno %d (%s) in loop iteration #%d Bytes attempted=%d; VBS_last_write=%d Initial seed values: %d,%d,%d; bytes_read=%ldVBS write: errno %d (%s) in loop iteration #%d Bytes attempted=%d; VBS_last_write=%d initial seed values: %d,%d,%d; bytes_written=%fVBS read/compare: readback loop completed. loop_count=%d max_loops=%d; VBS_last_write=%d; found_eot=%d Total bytes read this stanza: %fVBS write: errno %d (%s) in write eof, iteration #%d Bytes attempted=%d; VBS_last_write=%d Initial seed values: %d,%d,%d, bytes_written=%fVBS:Iteration %d read %d bytes. Unable to match request value (%d bytes) nor VBS_last_write of %d Check that VBS_SEED is correct, else suspect tape errorVBS: Iteration %d read %d bytes. Unable to match request value (%d bytes) nor VBS_last_write of %d Check that VBS_SEED is correct, else suspect tape errorVBS read: ******* miscompare error in readback! loop #%d of %d, read %d bytes of %d expected. VBS_last_write flag=%d, found_eot flag=%d Total bytes read (so far): %ld  %s: Loop#: %d Rule Blks: %d File Blks: %d Bytes: %d Pattern: %s @(#)52 1.1 src/bos/diag/sysx/hxetape/prt_msg.c, dsysx_tape, bos720 4/10/00 17:19:52#001#002#001@(#)46 1.1 src/bos/diag/sysx/hxetape/buf_oper.c, dsysx_tape, bos720 4/10/00 17:16:15WRDSECOR %sRCRWSFSRCORSIEMLLBRPSFSRNONORESMULASFASRWULYESVBSOPERWEOFWEOTREOTDBUGADULTWIETWPETWRETWULTWMMCDRECDMMHUNLHINIHRELHWUNSPECXCMD#001RCEOTVBSWRVBSRDrm %srm %sFIXED%*s %s%*s %s%*s %d%*s %sVBSRDC%*s %d%*s %s%*s %s%*s %s%*s %d%*s %d%*s %d%*s %s%*s %d%*s %d%*s %s%*s %nRANDOMRULE_IDDEST_IDCOMMANDNUM_OPERNUM_BLKSCHS_FILEDEST_ID1VBS_SEED SOURCE_IDPATTERN_IDSOURCE_ID1#CLOSE_PIPE#RULES_NAMEUNLOAD_SLEEPCRASH_ON_MIS#CRASH_ON_MISERROR in rules file %s: Using New Rules File > %sline# %d %s = %s (must be NO) line# %d keywd = %s (invalid) line# %d rule_id not specified line# %d %s = %d (must be >= 0) line# %d %s = %s (must be YES or NO) Line# %d %s = %s is an INVALID operation. line# %d %s = %s (Only valid in VBSRD or VBSWR)line# %d %s = %s (must be 8 characters or less) line# %d %s = %s (must be 8 characters or less) line# %d %s = %s (NO Stanza number found in RULE_ID) line# %d %s = %s (Duplicate Stanza number found in RULE_ID) @(#)47 1.4 src/bos/diag/sysx/hxetape/get_rule.c, dsysx_tape, bos720 10/9/09 13:08:23line# %d %s = %s (must be RANDOM or 4 integers)/nThe last integer being the # of bytes in the lastVariable Write command Valid Operations are W,R,RC,D,RW,WEOF,S,E,SF,SR,COWEOT,C,O,RCEOT, RS,DBUG,IE,RES,ML,MUL,ASF,ASR,LBRP,ADUL,TWIE,TWPE,TWRE,TWUL, WUL,TWMM,VBSWR,VBSRDSPEC. NRWDESCORCRWSFSRCORSMLIERPLBMULRESASFASRWULWEOFWEOTREOTADULTWIETWPETWRETWMMTWULCDRECDMMHUNLHINIHRELHWUNDBUGXCMD%s/%sRCEOT../patternHTXPATTERNSDIAGSHIPDATAcannot open pattern file - %s cannot read pattern file - %s @(#)51 1.1 src/bos/diag/sysx/hxetape/proc_rule.c, dsysx_tape, bos43T 4/10/00 17:18:56a /tmp%s: longshortunkown%s<%d>DEFAULTsetup_mdtopen error%s/sysx.mdthxetape.catDIAG_SYSX_DATA HE_name = %s %s(%s); %s: %s location = %s max_cycles = %d description = %s reg_rules = %s.%s @(#)22 1.2 src/bos/diag/sysx/hxetape/setup_hxetape.c, dsysx_tape, bos720 5/22/02 09:20:36 @L @L$ @L$ @L |  A AP B  B B @4 B( B0 @@ B@ BH B B B ` B B 5 F 64 K K 68 6@ K( K, K0 6 = K8 O O$ = > O(h9hS X: @___bzero@*@6@errno@close@ lseek@ B@ P@malloc@ free@ exit@ strlen@ fopen@ open@ getenv@ fprintf@ fclose@ isdigit@ atoi@ toupper@ sprintf@ write@ ^@ l@ time@ tolower@ read@ strncmp@ fgets@ sscanf@ isspace@ sleep@ rewind@ x@ system@ @ ioctl@ strerror@ openx@ nrand48@ @ __crt0v@sys_nerr@@@ @ @ @ @ @  @ hxfmsg@ 0@ hxfcbuf@ hxfpat@ __start @ ! |   @  @$ @( @, @4 @8 @@ @D @t- @x, @| @/ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @. @ @0 @4 @5 @ @  @' @6 @1 @# @ @3 @  @  @ @ @7 @ @ @ @ @ A A A  A  A A A A A  A$8 A( A, A0 A4 A8 A<& A@ AD AH AL AP* AT( AX A\  A` Ad: Ah Al Ap At9 Ax) A|+ A A% A A A A A  A A! A A A A A A" A A$ A A A A A A A A A2/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc_r.ashr.olibdiag.ashr.olibsysx.ashr.o@VPDhxetape/5765E6200/520 ___strcmp ___memset ___strcpy sigprocmask sys_errlist sigemptyset sigaction localtime setlocale __mod_init__malloc_user_defined_namediag_cat_gets diag_catopendiag_task_screendiag_resource_screen diag_popupdiag_asl_quitdiag_asl_init hxfupdate