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No module or possible errorState = %d, Init = %d, Init_CQ = %d, Init_EQ = %dActive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandINIT_PORT Port %d Failed. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s Passive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandAdapter timed out while reading flash semaphore = 0x%08xMMIO error while performing Software Reset. LIne: %d File:%s@(#)77 1.5 src/bos/diag/tu/trnic3/trnic3_functions.c, tu_travis3_en, bos72V, v2020_07A3 12/9/19 12:51:51 *      " "   ! # # & ' h #T #p 'P 'x ! ! % % (h ( * * !( !@ # # ' ' ! " & &8 ( ) + +T&p&&&&&'' '8'P&p&p&p&p&p&p&p'h'''''&p&p&p&p&p&p&p&p&p&p&p&p&p&p&p&p&p&p&p&p&p&p&p&p&p&p'h'''''((((((8(H(X(h(x(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()l)t)|))))))))l)l)l)l)l)l)l)))))))l)l)l)l)l)l)l)l)l)l)l)l)l)l)l)l)l)l)l)l)l)l)l)l)l)l)))))) /%s :trnic3UnknownEthernetEthernetInfinibandInfinibandEEH error. ERRNUM = %d ERRNUM = %d ERRNUM = %d ERRNUM = %d ERRNUM = %d ERRNUM = %d ERRNUM = %d ERRNUM = %d ERRNUM = %d ERRNUM = %d ERRNUM = %d ERRNUM = %d ERRNUM = %d ERRNUM = %d ERRNUM = %d ERRNUM = %d ERRNUM = %d ERRNUM = %d Fibre ChannelFibre ChannelInvalid TU error Invalid TU error Unknown Active CableUnknown Active CableActive Cable EthernetActive Cable EthernetUnknown Passive CableUnknown Passive CableEthernet or InfinibandEthernet or InfinibandPassive Cable EthernetPassive Cable EthernetFAILING SIZE = 0x%08x ACTUAL VALUE = 0x%08x ACTUAL VALUE = 0x%08x ACTUAL VALUE = 0x%08x Active Cable InfinibandActive Cable InfinibandPassive Cable InfinibandPassive Cable InfinibandTU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x Pdiag_open error found. TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x COMPARISON MASK = 0x%8X EXPECTED VALUE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x EXPECTED VALUE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x EXPECTED VALUE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x TU RETURN CODE = 0x%08x Ethernet or Fibre ChannelEthernet or Fibre ChannelPdiag_close error found. FAILING ADDRESS = 0x%08x FAILING ADDRESS = 0x%08x FAILING ADDRESS = 0x%08x FAILING ADDRESS = 0x%08x Device Busy Error found. FAILING ADDRESS = 0x%08x FAILING ADDRESS = 0x%08x COMPARISON MASK = 0x%08x COMPARISON MASK = 0x%08x COMPARISON MASK = 0x%08x COMPARISON MASK = 0x%08x FAILING ADDRESS = 0x%08x Active Cable Fiber ChannelActive Cable Fiber ChannelACTUAL VALUE = 0x%08x%08x Fibre Channel or InfinibandFibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Fibre ChannelFIRST ACTUAL VALUE = 0x%08x FIRST ACTUAL VALUE = 0x%08x EXPECTED VALUE = 0x%08x%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x Error waiting for interrupt. PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x FAILING BUS ADDRESS = 0x%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x FAILING BUS ADDRESS = 0x%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x COMPARISON MASK = 0x%08x%08x FIRST EXPECTED VALUE = 0x%08x FIRST EXPECTED VALUE = 0x%08x No data received error found. ATTEMPTED WRITE VALUE = 0x%08x ATTEMPTED WRITE VALUE = 0x%08x Memory Allocation Error found. Pdiag_restore_state error found. FAILING VIRTUAL ADDRESS = 0x%08x FAILING VIRTUAL ADDRESS = 0x%08x Pdiag_dd_dma_enable error found. FAILING VIRTUAL ADDRESS = 0x%08x Pdiag_diagnose_state error found. Pdiag set EEH option error found. Pdiag set slot reset error found. Active Cable Ethernet or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandPdiag read slot reset error found. Memory data ambiguity error found. Device initialization error found. Passive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandFIRST ATTEMPTED WRITE VALUE = 0x%08x Active Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelPdiag DMA setup operation error found. Active Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandPdiag_dd_read_IO operation error found. IO register data ambiguity error found. IO register data ambiguity error found. Passive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandData pattern data ambiguity error found. Pdiag DMA complete operation error found. Pdiag_restore_multifunc_state error found. Pdiag_diagnose_multifunc_state error found. Pdiag shared slot list request error found. pdiag_dd_read memory operation error found. Config register data ambiguity error found. Data not present. No module or possible errorPCI Configuration Register read error found. Pdiag_dd_write memory operation error found. PCI Configuration Register write error found. Pdiag configuration services open error found. Pdiag configuration services close error found. Pdiag config services get attribute error found. Active Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPdiag config services free attribute error found. pdiag_dd_write_IO register operation error found. Passive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandFAILING OFFSET RANGE, START = 0x%08x, END = 0x%08x FAILING BUS ADDRESS RANGE, START = 0x%08x, END = 0x%08x FAILING VIRTUAL ADDRESS_RANGE, START = 0x%08x, END = 0x%08x FAILING VIRTUAL ADDRESS RANGE, START = 0x%08x, END = 0x%08x FAILING VIRTUAL ADDRESS RANGE, START = 0x%08x, END = 0x%08x @(#)93 1.2 src/bos/diag/tu/trnic3/tu_errors.c, tu_travis3_en, bos72V, v2020_07A3 12/9/19 12:52:06 D 0 0 0$ 1t 1 7 8 00 0< 2L 2d 9 : A< Ad 1 1 1 2 9 9 A A 3 3$ @8 @\ B| B FL F 2 24 2| 2 : :< B B, 3< 3X @ A CX C G GP & &&&&&&&&&'&'''''''&&&' &     ',',',',&&',', <  lpt LPTT "##l#$$ Ktrnic3UnknownTU_MSG EthernetEthernetInfinibandInfinibandtu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.ctu01_regs.cFibre ChannelFibre ChannelTU01: 0x%03x 0x%08xUnknown Active CableUnknown Active CableActive Cable EthernetActive Cable EthernetUnknown Passive CableUnknown Passive CableEthernet or InfinibandEthernet or InfinibandPassive Cable EthernetPassive Cable EthernetActive Cable InfinibandActive Cable InfinibandPassive Cable InfinibandPassive Cable InfinibandEthernet or Fibre ChannelEthernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Fiber ChannelActive Cable Fiber ChannelFibre Channel or InfinibandFibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Fibre ChannelTU_01_PCIcfg and Register TestActive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandData not present. No module or possible errorPWR_capa error [%02x] = 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s VPD_capa error [%02x] = 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s MSIX_capa error [%02x] = 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s Active Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPCIEX_capa error [%02x] = 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s Passive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s Data validation error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during PCI write Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s Data validation error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s Data validation error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s Data validation error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s Data validation error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s Data validation error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s Data validation error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s Data validation error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s Data validation error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s Data validation error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s Data validation error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s Data validation error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s Data validation error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s Data validation error 0x%02x 0x%08x 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0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s Data validation error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 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PCI config write error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config write error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s PCI config write error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s PCI config write error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s PCI config write error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s PCI config write error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s PCI config write error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config write Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config write Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config write Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config write Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config write Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s Attempting to run test on non-BAR offset 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s @(#)82 1.3 src/bos/diag/tu/trnic3/tu01_regs.c, tu_travis3_en, bos72V, v2020_07A3 12/9/19 12:51:55 X K K K S S UH Ud K K T T U U V W S T T T8 U U W0 WX T T VH Vl W W YL Y TP Th T T U V W W U U, V V X( XT Y Z Dtrnic3UnknownTU_MSG EthernetEthernetInfinibandInfinibandtu02_regs.ctu02_regs.ctu02_regs.ctu02_regs.ctu02_regs.ctu02_regs.ctu02_regs.ctu02_regs.ctu02_regs.ctu02_regs.ctu02_regs.ctu02_regs.ctu02_regs.cFibre ChannelFibre ChannelTU_02_IO Reg TestUnknown Active CableUnknown Active CableActive Cable EthernetActive Cable EthernetUnknown Passive CableUnknown Passive CableEthernet or InfinibandEthernet or InfinibandPassive Cable EthernetPassive Cable EthernetActive Cable InfinibandActive Cable InfinibandPassive Cable InfinibandPassive Cable InfinibandEthernet or Fibre ChannelEthernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Fiber ChannelActive Cable Fiber ChannelFibre Channel or InfinibandFibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Fibre Channel TU02: HCR Register Offset: %d = %xActive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandData not present. No module or possible errorDevice failed reset. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s Active Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandEEH error occurred during mem_read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during mem_read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during mem_read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during mem_read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during mem_write Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during mem_write Line: %d File:%s IO REG TEST FAILED During mem_write rc=%04x offset=%04x Line: %d File:%s IO REG TEST FAILED during mem_read rc=0x%x offset=0x%08x Line: %d File:%s IO REG TEST FAILED during mem_read rc=0x%x offset=0x%08x Line: %d File:%s IO REG TEST FAILED during mem_read rc=0x%x offset=0x%08x Line: %d File:%s IO REG TEST FAILED during mem_write rc=0x%x offset=0x%08x Line: %d File:%s @(#)83 1.3 src/bos/diag/tu/trnic3/tu02_regs.c, tu_travis3_en, bos72V, v2020_07A3 12/9/19 12:51:57IO REG TEST FAILED, Data anomaly rc=0x%x offset=0x%08x received=0x%08x expected=0x%08x Line: %d File:%s 0 L h t 4 D  H d h  ,  X p  ( @ 0 X @ h  , trnic3UnknownTU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG EthernetEthernetInfinibandInfinibandtu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.ctu03_nvram.cFibre ChannelFibre ChannelUnknown Active CableUnknown Active CableActive Cable EthernetActive Cable EthernetUnknown Passive CableUnknown Passive CableEthernet or InfinibandEthernet or InfinibandPassive Cable EthernetPassive Cable EthernetTU_03 Flash & VPD TestActive Cable InfinibandActive Cable InfinibandPassive Cable InfinibandPassive Cable InfinibandEthernet or Fibre ChannelEthernet or Fibre ChannelTU03: Total Keywords = %dActive Cable Fiber ChannelActive Cable Fiber ChannelFibre Channel or InfinibandFibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Fibre ChannelTU03: Function Description: %sTU03: RO Size = %d RW Size = %dActive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandData not present. No module or possible errorDevice failed reset. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s TU03:0x%x - %s %-32s Writeable = %d Size = %dInvalid Checksum, Checksum = %x Line:%d File:%s Active Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandFW Initialization failed. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s Passive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandEEH error occurred during mem_read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during VPD Read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during VPD Read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during VPD Read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during VPD Read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during VPD Read Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s PCI config read error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s PCI config write error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during config read Line: %d File:%s Keyword overflow. Offset 0x%x = 0x%08x Line:%d File:%s Keyword overflow. Offset 0x%x = 0x%08x Line:%d File:%s EEH error occurred during config write Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s Unexpected VPD value. Offset 0x00 = 0x%08x Line:%d File:%s Unexpected VPD value. Offset 0x%x = 0x%08x Line:%d File:%s Unexpected VPD value. Offset 0x%x = 0x%08x Line:%d File:%s Unexpected VPD value. Offset 0x%x = 0x%08x Line:%d File:%s EEH error occurred during FW initialization Line: %d File:%s Device failed flash checksum test. DEV ID = %d Line:%d File:%s @(#)84 1.3 src/bos/diag/tu/trnic3/tu03_nvram.c, tu_travis3_en, bos72V, v2020_07A3 12/9/19 12:51:58  $ ( T |  ( @ X  0 D p p D `  H d  , T  trnic3UnknownTU_MSG EthernetEthernetInfinibandInfinibandtu04_bist.ctu04_bist.ctu04_bist.ctu04_bist.ctu04_bist.ctu04_bist.cFibre ChannelFibre ChannelTU_04_BIST TestUnknown Active CableUnknown Active CableActive Cable EthernetActive Cable EthernetUnknown Passive CableUnknown Passive CableEthernet or InfinibandEthernet or InfinibandPassive Cable EthernetPassive Cable EthernetActive Cable InfinibandActive Cable InfinibandPassive Cable InfinibandPassive Cable InfinibandEthernet or Fibre ChannelEthernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Fiber ChannelActive Cable Fiber ChannelFibre Channel or InfinibandFibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Fibre ChannelTU04: HW Status = 0x%016llx Active Cable Ethernet or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandData not present. No module or possible errorDevice failed reset. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s Active Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandHW HEALTH CHECK FAILED: STATUS=0x%llx Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during FW initialization Line: %d File:%s FW Initialization failed after reset. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s Error occurred during HCR Health Check Command Line: %d File:%s @(#)85 1.3 src/bos/diag/tu/trnic3/tu04_bist.c, tu_travis3_en, bos72V, v2020_07A3 12/9/19 12:51:59 ( 8 < H p X p  H ` 8 d H |  0 X t  x  trnic3UnknownTU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG EthernetEthernetInfinibandInfinibandFibre ChannelFibre Channeltu05_link_detect.ctu05_link_detect.ctu05_link_detect.ctu05_link_detect.ctu05_link_detect.ctu05_link_detect.ctu05_link_detect.ctu05_link_detect.ctu05_link_detect.ctu05_link_detect.ctu05_link_detect.ctu05_link_detect.ctu05_link_detect.ctu05_link_detect.ctu05_link_detect.ctu05_link_detect.ctu05_link_detect.ctu05_link_detect.ctu05_link_detect.ctu05_link_detect.ctu05_link_detect.ctu05_link_detect.ctu05_link_detect.ctu05_link_detect.ctu05_link_detect.ctu05_link_detect.cUnknown Active CableUnknown Active CableActive Cable EthernetActive Cable EthernetUnknown Passive CableUnknown Passive CableEthernet or InfinibandEthernet or InfinibandPassive Cable EthernetPassive Cable EthernetActive Cable InfinibandActive Cable InfinibandPassive Cable InfinibandPassive Cable InfinibandEthernet or Fibre ChannelEthernet or Fibre ChannelTU_05 Link Detection TestActive Cable Fiber ChannelActive Cable Fiber ChannelFibre Channel or InfinibandFibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Fibre ChannelActive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandFailed to start adapter. Line:%d File:%s TU05: Link Detected on Port 1. Speed is %xTU05: Link Detected on Port 2. Speed is %xData not present. No module or possible errorDevice failed reset. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s Failed to initialize port 1. Line:%d File:%s Failed to initialize port 2. Line:%d File:%s TU05: It took %d seconds to initialize Port 1TU05: It took %d seconds to initialize Port 2Failed to setup QP for Port 1. Line:%d File:%s Failed to setup QP for Port 2. Line:%d File:%s Active Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandFailed to allocate buffers for TX/RX. Line:%d File:%s Failed to allocate buffers for TX/RX. Line:%d File:%s EEH error occurred during port setup Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during port setup Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter startup Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during FW Initialization Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during buffer allocation Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during buffer allocation Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during QP initialization Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during QP initialization Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during QUERY_PORT 1 command Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during QUERY_PORT 2 command Line: %d File:%s Device failed FW initialization after reset. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s ERROR: No link detected on Port 1 after 30 seconds. Line: %d File:%s ERROR: No link detected on Port 2 after 30 seconds. Line: %d File:%s Error occurred during HCR QUERY_PORT 1 Command. rc = %d Line: %d File:%s Error occurred during HCR QUERY_PORT 2 Command. rc = %d Line: %d File:%s ERROR: Incorrect link speed on port 1. Expected %dG. Currently %dG Line: %d File:%s ERROR: Incorrect link speed on port 2. Expected %dG. Currently %dG Line: %d File:%s @(#)86 1.3 src/bos/diag/tu/trnic3/tu05_link_detect.c, tu_travis3_en, bos72V, v2020_07A3 12/9/19 12:51:59 h  $  ( @ X L t  d  p , H 0 L D p  < trnic3UnknownEthernetEthernetInfinibandInfinibandFibre ChannelFibre ChannelUnknown Active CableUnknown Active CableActive Cable EthernetActive Cable EthernetUnknown Passive CableUnknown Passive CableEthernet or InfinibandEthernet or InfinibandPassive Cable EthernetPassive Cable EthernetActive Cable InfinibandActive Cable InfinibandPassive Cable InfinibandPassive Cable Infinibandtu11_internal_loopback.ctu11_internal_loopback.ctu11_internal_loopback.ctu11_internal_loopback.ctu11_internal_loopback.ctu11_internal_loopback.ctu11_internal_loopback.ctu11_internal_loopback.ctu11_internal_loopback.ctu11_internal_loopback.ctu11_internal_loopback.ctu11_internal_loopback.ctu11_internal_loopback.ctu11_internal_loopback.ctu11_internal_loopback.ctu11_internal_loopback.ctu11_internal_loopback.ctu11_internal_loopback.cEthernet or Fibre ChannelEthernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Fiber ChannelActive Cable Fiber ChannelFibre Channel or InfinibandFibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Fibre ChannelTU_11 Internal Loopback TestActive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandData not present. No module or possible errorDevice failed reset. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s Failed to start adapter. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s Active Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandFailed to initialize port 1. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s Failed to initialize port 2. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s EEH error occurred during port setup Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during port setup Line: %d File:%s Failed to setup QP for Port 1. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter start Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during FW Initialization Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during buffer allocation Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during QP Initialization Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during QP Initialization Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during buffer allocation. Line: %d File:%s Failed to allocate buffers for TX/RX. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s Failed to allocate buffers for TX/RX. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s Failed to allocate buffers for TX/RX. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s Device failed FW initialization after reset. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s @(#)87 1.4 src/bos/diag/tu/trnic3/tu11_internal_loopback.c, tu_travis3_en, bos72V, v2020_07A3 12/9/19 12:52:00 0 @  $  , 8 ` P h @ X ( T l  ( H d p   Ptrnic3UnknownTU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG EthernetEthernetInfinibandInfinibandFibre ChannelFibre ChannelUnknown Active CableUnknown Active Cabletu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.ctu21_external_wrap.cActive Cable EthernetActive Cable EthernetUnknown Passive CableUnknown Passive CableEthernet or InfinibandEthernet or InfinibandPassive Cable EthernetPassive Cable EthernetActive Cable InfinibandActive Cable InfinibandPassive Cable InfinibandPassive Cable InfinibandTU_21 External Wrap TestEthernet or Fibre ChannelEthernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Fiber ChannelActive Cable Fiber ChannelFibre Channel or InfinibandFibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Fibre ChannelTU21: STD Frame port 1->2 loop# %dTU21: STD Frame port 2->1 loop# %dActive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandTU21: Jumbo Frame port 1->2 loop# %dTU21: Jumbo Frame port 2->1 loop# %dEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelTU21: LSO STD Frame port 2->1 loop# %dPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandTU21: LSO Jumbo frame port 1->2 loop# %dPassive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandData not present. No module or possible errorDevice failed reset. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s Failed to start adapter. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s Active Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandERROR: No link detected on Port 2 Line: %d File:%s ERROR: No link detected on Port 1. Line: %d File:%s Failed to initialize port 1. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s Failed to initialize port 2. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s Failed to setup QP for Port 1. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s EEH error occurred during MTU change. Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during MTU change. Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during MTU change. Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during MTU change. Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during MTU change. Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during MTU change. Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during MTU change. Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during MTU change. Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during MTU change. Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during MTU change. Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during MTU change. Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during MTU change. Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during port 1 setup Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during port 2 setup Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter start Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during FW initialization Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during buffer allocation Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during buffer allocation Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during QP initialization Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during QP initialization Line: %d File:%s Failed to allocate buffers for TX/RX. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s Failed to allocate buffers for TX/RX. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s Failed to allocate buffers for TX/RX. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s EEH error occurred during port 1 SQ DB ring. Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during port 1 SQ DB ring. Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during port 2 SQ DB ring. Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during port 2 SQ DB ring. Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during port 1 SQ DB ring. Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during port 2 SQ DB ring. Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during QUERY_PORT 1 command Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during QUERY_PORT 2 command Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during packet verification. Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during packet verification. Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during packet verification. Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during packet verification. Line: %d File:%s Port 1: Error while ringing SQ Doorbell. rc = %d Line: %d File:%s Port 1: Error while ringing SQ Doorbell. rc = %d Line: %d File:%s Port 2: Error while ringing SQ Doorbell. rc = %d Line: %d File:%s Port 2: Error while ringing SQ Doorbell. rc = %d Line: %d File:%s Port 1: Error while ringing SQ Doorbell. rc = %d Line: %d File:%s Port 2: Error while ringing SQ Doorbell. rc = %d Line: %d File:%s Port 1: Failed to change the MTU to 1536. rc = %d Line: %d File:%s Port 2: Failed to change the MTU to 1536. rc = %d Line: %d File:%s Port 1: Failed to change the MTU to 9216. rc = %d Line: %d File:%s Port 2: Failed to change the MTU to 9216. rc = %d Line: %d File:%s Port 1: Failed to change the MTU to 1536. rc = %d Line: %d File:%s Port 2: Failed to change the MTU to 1536. rc = %d Line: %d File:%s Port 1: Failed to change the MTU to 9216. rc = %d Line: %d File:%s Port 2: Failed to change the MTU to 9216. rc = %d Line: %d File:%s Port 1: Failed to change the MTU to 9216. rc = %d Line: %d File:%s Port 2: Failed to change the MTU to 9216. rc = %d Line: %d File:%s Port 1: Failed to change the MTU to 1536. rc = %d Line: %d File:%s Port 2: Failed to change the MTU to 1536. rc = %d Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during LSO packet verification. Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during LSO packet verification. Line: %d File:%s Device failed FW initialization after reset. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s Error occurred during HCR QUERY_PORT 1 Command. rc = %d Line: %d File:%s Error occurred during HCR QUERY_PORT 2 Command. rc = %d Line: %d File:%s Port1->Port2: LSO Packet verification error. Loop = %d rc = %d Line: %d File:%s Port2->Port1: LSO Packet verification error. Loop = %d rc = %d Line: %d File:%s Port1->Port2: Packet verification error. Packet #%d Loop = %d rc = %d Line: %d File:%s Port1->Port2: Packet verification error. Packet #%d Loop = %d rc = %d Line: %d File:%s Port2->Port1: Packet verification error. Packet #%d Loop = %d rc = %d Line: %d File:%s Port2->Port1: Packet verification error. Packet #%d Loop = %d rc = %d Line: %d File:%s @(#)88 1.3 src/bos/diag/tu/trnic3/tu21_external_wrap.c, tu_travis3_en, bos72V, v2020_07A3 12/9/19 12:52:01 X ˜ ¤  8 ° ¼ 8 P ˌ ˨ , T T p | ͤ ʘ ʰ D h D p ϴ  h ʀ  ̌ ̴  P trnic3UnknownEthernetEthernetInfinibandInfinibandtu_close.ctu_close.ctu_close.cFibre ChannelFibre ChannelTU_CLOSE_TestUnknown Active CableUnknown Active CableActive Cable EthernetActive Cable EthernetUnknown Passive CableUnknown Passive CableEthernet or InfinibandEthernet or InfinibandPassive Cable EthernetPassive Cable EthernetActive Cable InfinibandActive Cable InfinibandPassive Cable InfinibandPassive Cable InfinibandEthernet or Fibre ChannelEthernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Fiber ChannelActive Cable Fiber ChannelFibre Channel or InfinibandFibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Fibre ChannelActive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandData not present. No module or possible errorActive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandClose Failed: pdiag_restore_state rc=%x Line: %d File:%s CLOSE uar_handle FAILED. Handle =%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s CLOSE regs_handle FAILED. Handle =%08x PDIAGEX RETURN CODE = 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s @(#)92 1.2 src/bos/diag/tu/trnic3/tu_close.c, tu_travis3_en, bos72V, v2020_07A3 12/9/19 12:52:05 $ 4  8 $ L T l t D \  @ (  , T p t l \ %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s 8trnic3UnknownTU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG EthernetEthernetInfinibandInfinibandtu42_qsfp.ctu42_qsfp.ctu42_qsfp.ctu42_qsfp.ctu42_qsfp.ctu42_qsfp.ctu42_qsfp.ctu42_qsfp.ctu42_qsfp.ctu42_qsfp.ctu42_qsfp.ctu42_qsfp.ctu42_qsfp.ctu42_qsfp.ctu42_qsfp.ctu42_qsfp.ctu42_qsfp.ctu42_qsfp.ctu42_qsfp.ctu42_qsfp.ctu42_qsfp.ctu42_qsfp.ctu42_qsfp.ctu42_qsfp.cFibre ChannelFibre Channel%02x:%02x:%02x%02x:%02x:%02xUnknown Active CableUnknown Active CableActive Cable EthernetActive Cable EthernetUnknown Passive CableUnknown Passive CableDUMP_UPPER0: id: 0x%xEthernet or InfinibandEthernet or InfinibandPassive Cable EthernetPassive Cable EthernetTU42: %s %s. rc = 0x%xTU42: %s %s. rc = 0x%xActive Cable InfinibandActive Cable InfinibandDUMP_LOWER: l_vcc: 0x%xDUMP_SFP_A0: vendor: %sPassive Cable InfinibandPassive Cable InfinibandEthernet or Fibre ChannelEthernet or Fibre ChannelDUMP_UPPER0: cc_ext: 0x%xActive Cable Fiber ChannelActive Cable Fiber ChannelDUMP_LOWER: l_rx_los: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: tx1_bias: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: tx2_bias: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: tx3_bias: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: tx4_bias: 0x%xDUMP_SFP_A0: rate id: 0x%xDUMP_SFP_A0: vendor pn: %sDUMP_SFP_A0: vendor sn: %sDUMP_SFP_A0: date code: %sDUMP_SFP_A2: voltage: %f VDUMP_UPPER0: vendor_pn: %sDUMP_UPPER0: vendor_sn: %sDUMP_UPPER0: date_code: %sDUMP_UPPER0: cc_base: 0x%xFibre Channel or InfinibandFibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Fibre ChannelDUMP_LOWER: power_set: 0x%xDUMP_SFP_A0: encoding: 0x%xDUMP_SFP_A0: vendor oui: %sDUMP_SFP_A0: vendor rev: %sDUMP_SFP_A2: alarms: 0x%04xDUMP_SFP_A2: tx_bias: %f mADUMP_UPPER0: encoding: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER0: vendor_oui: %sDUMP_UPPER0: vendor_rev: %sDUMP_UPPER0: tx_fault: 0x%xTU42: TRANSCEIVER_1: SN: %sTU42: TRANSCEIVER_2: SN: %sDUMP_LOWER: l_tx_fault: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: l_tx1_bias: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: l_tx2_bias: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: l_tx3_bias: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: l_tx4_bias: 0x%xDUMP_SFP_A2: tx_power: %f mWDUMP_SFP_A2: rx_power: %f mWDUMP_UPPER0: vendor_name: %sTU42: TRANSCEIVER_1: FRU: %sTU42: TRANSCEIVER_1: REV: %sTU42: TRANSCEIVER_2: FRU: %sTU42: TRANSCEIVER_2: REV: %sDUMP_LOWER: tx3_disable: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: tx2_disable: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: tx1_disable: 0x%xDUMP_SFP_A0: identifier: 0x%xDUMP_SFP_A0: length smf: %d mDUMP_SFP_A0: length om1: %d mDUMP_SFP_A0: length om2: %d mDUMP_SFP_A0: length om3: %d mDUMP_SFP_A2: warnings: 0x%04xDUMP_UPPER0: tx_squelch: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER0: tx_disable: 0x%xTU_42 QSFP/SFP Validation TestDUMP_HEX_SFP: SFP A0 page dumpDUMP_HEX_SFP: SFP A2 page dumpDUMP_LOWER: rx2_power (mw): %fDUMP_LOWER: rx3_power (mw): %fDUMP_LOWER: rx4_power (mw): %fDUMP_LOWER: tx1_power (mw): %fDUMP_LOWER: tx2_power (mw): %fDUMP_LOWER: tx3_power (mw): %fDUMP_LOWER: tx4_power (mw): %fDUMP_SFP_A0: extended id: 0x%xDUMP_SFP_A0: length smf: %d kmDUMP_SFP_A2: temperature: %f CDUMP_UPPER0: rate_select: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER3: vcc_low_alarm: %fTU42: TRANSCEIVER_1: LANES: %dTU42: TRANSCEIVER_2: LANES: %dDUMP_HEX_SFP: A0: 0x%02x 0x%08xDUMP_HEX_SFP: A2: 0x%02x 0x%08xDUMP_UPPER3: temp_low_alarm: %fDUMP_UPPER3: vcc_high_alarm: %fTU42: TRANSCEIVER_1: VENDOR: %sTU42: TRANSCEIVER_1: WATTS: %fWTU42: TRANSCEIVER_2: VENDOR: %sTU42: TRANSCEIVER_2: WATTS: %fWDUMP_LOWER: data_not_ready: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER0: vendor_specific: %sDUMP_UPPER3: temp_high_alarm: %fDUMP_UPPER3: vcc_low_warning: %fDUMP_LOWER: rx4_rate_select: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: rx3_rate_select: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: rx2_rate_select: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: rx1_rate_select: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: tx4_rate_select: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: tx3_rate_select: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: tx2_rate_select: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: tx1_rate_select: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: power_over_ride: 0x%xDUMP_SFP_A0: connector type: 0x%xDUMP_SFP_A0: transceiver code: %sDUMP_UPPER3: temp_low_warning: %fDUMP_UPPER3: vcc_high_warning: %fTU42: TRANSCEIVER_1: CONNECTOR: %sTU42: TRANSCEIVER_1: TEMP: %d (C)TU42: TRANSCEIVER_1: VOLTAGE: %fVTU42: TRANSCEIVER_2: TEMP: %d (C)TU42: TRANSCEIVER_2: VOLTAGE: %fV0x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02xDUMP_SFP_A0: nominal rate: %d mbpsDUMP_UPPER0: length_om3: %d metersDUMP_UPPER0: length_om2: %d metersDUMP_UPPER0: length_om1: %d metersDUMP_UPPER0: wavelength: %f 0.05nmDUMP_UPPER0: max_case_temp (c): %dDUMP_UPPER3: temp_high_warning: %fDUMP_UPPER3: tx_bias_low_alarm: %fActive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandTU42: TRANSCEIVER_2: CONNECTOR: %sDUMP_LOWER: l_rx1_power alarm: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: l_rx3_power alarm: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER0: connector_values: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER0: qsfp_rate_select: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER0: pin_apd_detector: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER3: rx_power_low_alarm: %fDUMP_UPPER3: tx_bias_high_alarm: %fPassive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandTU42: TRANSCEIVER_1: ALARMS: 0x%04xTU42: TRANSCEIVER_2: ALARMS: 0x%04xDUMP_UPPER0: existence_of_clei: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER0: rx_output_disable: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER0: tx_loss_of_signal: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER3: rx_power_high_alarm: %fDUMP_UPPER3: tx_bias_low_warning: %fEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandTU42: TRANSCEIVER_1: WARNINGS: 0x%04xDUMP_HEX_QSFP28: LOWER: 0x%02x 0x%08xDUMP_LOWER: l_rx2_power warning: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: l_rx4_power warning: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER0: power_class_module: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER0: wavelength_control: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER0: rx_squelch_disable: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER0: tx_squelch_disable: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER3: rx_power_low_warning: %fDUMP_UPPER3: tx_bias_high_warning: %fActive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelTU42: TRANSCEIVER_1: TYPE: 0x%02x, %sTU42: TRANSCEIVER_2: WARNINGS: 0x%04xTU42: TRANSCEIVER_2: TYPE: 0x%02x, %sDUMP_UPPER0: fibre_channel_speed: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER0: tranmitter_tuneable: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER3: rx_power_high_warning: %fPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelDUMP_HEX_QSFP28: UPPER_0: 0x%02x 0x%08xDUMP_HEX_QSFP28: UPPER_3: 0x%02x 0x%08xDUMP_LOWER: supply_voltage (v): %f 0x%xDUMP_SFP_A0: length om4 %d m / cu: %d mActive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandDUMP_LOWER: rx4_application_select: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: rx3_application_select: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: rx2_application_select: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: rx1_application_select: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: tx4_application_select: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: tx3_application_select: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: tx2_application_select: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: tx1_application_select: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER0: tx_squelch_reduce_oma: 0x%xPassive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandFailed to start adapter. Line:%d File:%s DUMP_HEX_QSFP28: QSFP28 upper page 0 dumpDUMP_HEX_QSFP28: QSFP28 upper page 3 dumpDUMP_UPPER0: sonet_compliance_codes: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER0: length_copper/om4: %d metersDUMP_UPPER0: transmitter_technology: 0x%xTU42: TRANSCEIVER_1: MODULE SPEED: %d GbpsTU42: TRANSCEIVER_2: MODULE SPEED: %d GbpsDUMP_UPPER0: cool_uncool_transmitter: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER0: memory_page_02_provided: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER0: memory_page_01_provided: 0x%xDUMP_SFP_A0: nominal rate (BR max): %d mbpsDUMP_SFP_A0: nominal rate (BR min): %d mbpsTU42: TRANSCEIVER_1: EXPECTED SPEED: %d GbpsTU42: TRANSCEIVER_2: EXPECTED SPEED: %d GbpsDUMP_UPPER0: fibre_channel_link_length: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER0: extended_compliance_code 0x%02xDUMP_UPPER0: module_respond_to_fec_ber: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER0: rate_selection_declartion: 0x%xData not present. No module or possible errorDevice failed reset. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s DUMP_SFP_A0: secondary transceiver code: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER0: wavelength_tolerance: %f 0.005nmDUMP_UPPER0: infiniband_compliance_codes: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: bytes address 1-2 status intl: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER0: length_standard_sm_fiber_km: %f kmDUMP_UPPER0: br_nominal: %d x100 megabits/secondDUMP_UPPER0: br_nominal: %d x250 megabits/secondDUMP_UPPER0: receive_power_measurement_type: 0x%xActive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandDUMP_UPPER0: fibre_channel_transmission_media: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER0: gigabit_ethernet_compliance_codes: 0x%xDUMP_SFP_A0: wavelength %d nm / cu compliance: 0x%08xDUMP_LOWER: bytes 86-99 control bytes tx4_disable: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER0: ethernet_compliance_codes_10_gigabit: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER0: fibre_channel_transmitter_technology: 0x%xDUMP_UPPER0: application_select_table_declaration: 0x%xTU42: TRANSCEIVER_1: CURRENT SPEED: NA - Not yet enabledTU42: TRANSCEIVER_2: CURRENT SPEED: NA - Not yet enabledDUMP_HEX_QSFP28: QSFP28 lower page and upper page 0 dumpEEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter startup Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during MAD_IFC command Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during FW Initialization Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during port 1 module read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during port 2 module read Line: %d File:%s READ_TRANSCEIVER: Query adapter for port %d module informationREAD_TRANSCEIVER: rc = 7, invalid i2c address Line: %d File:%s DUMP_LOWER: byte address 0 identifier lower_map_identifier: 0x%xREAD_TRANSCEIVER: rc = 1, invalid port selected Line: %d File:%s READ_TRANSCEIVER: rc = 0x%x, unknown error code Line: %d File:%s DUMP_LOWER: bytes 6-8 module monitor interrupt flags l_temp: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: bytes 3-5 channel status interrupt flags l_tx_los: 0x%xError occurred during HCR MAD_IFC Command. rc = %d Line: %d File:%s DUMP_LOWER: bytes 34-81 channel monitoring values rx1_power (mw): %fDevice failed FW initialization after reset. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s DUMP_LOWER: bytes 9-21 channel monitor interrupt flags l_rx1_power: 0x%xDUMP_LOWER: bytes 22-33 module monitoring values temperature (c): %f 0x%xDUMP_SFP_A2: Diagnostic monitoring page A2 not implemented on this moduleREAD_TRANSCEIVER: rc = 5, page number is greater than 15 Line: %d File:%s READ_TRANSCEIVER: rc = 6, invalid device address or size Line: %d File:%s DUMP_HEX_SFP: A2: Diagnostic monitoring page A2 not implemented on this moduleREAD_TRANSCEIVER: rc = 3, cable or optic module is not connected Line: %d File:%s READ_TRANSCEIVER: Timeout waiting for HCR MAD_IFC Command. rc = %d Line: %d File:%s DUMP_SFP_A2: SFP externally calibrated - values not available in this version of TUsREAD_TRANSCEIVER: rc = 4, cable has no eprom, possibly passive copper cable Line: %d File:%s READ_TRANSCEIVER: rc = 2, command not supported, port type is CX4 or internal Line: %d File:%s @(#)91 1.3 src/bos/diag/tu/trnic3/tu42_qsfp.c, tu_travis3_en, bos72V, v2020_07A3 12/9/19 12:52:04TU42: TRANSCEIVER_1: Incorrect module type installed. Expected type %x, received %x. Line: %d File:%s TU42: TRANSCEIVER_2: Incorrect module type installed. Expected type %x, received %x. Line: %d File:%s TU42; TRANSCEIVER_1: Cable/Optical Module indicated error. Status return code = 0x%02x. Line: %d File:%s TU42; TRANSCEIVER_2: Cable/Optical Module indicated error. Status return code = 0x%02x. Line: %d File:%s READ_TRANSCEIVER: rc = 8, cable violates QSFP specification and ignores the MODSEL signal Line: %d File:%s  @   0 8 P h D `    X p 8 \    D    < X  (  P     (  8JKKLKKL0L|LM%s%s%s%sNo%s%s%s%sSCLCMUSGNRZNRZPAM4PAM4RJ45RJ454B/5B4B/5BMT-RJ8B/10B64/66B8B/10B64/66BUnknown74Y7010UnknownBNC/TNCFC Coax78P5153EthernetEthernetMPO 1x12MPO 2x16HSSDC IIMXC 2x16MPO 2x12MPO 1x16596820001256B/257B256B/257BInfinibandInfinibandManchesterManchesterFiber JackCS OpticalUnspecifiedUnspecified4->1 Adapter4x1 Breakout2x2 Breakout2x1 BreakoutFibre ChannelFibre ChannelFC Style-1 CuFC Style-2 CuNon-SeparableCopper Pigtail4 Channel Cable2 Channel CableSONET ScrambledSONET ScrambledOptical PigtailMini CS OpticalUnknown Active CableUnknown Active CableActive Cable EthernetActive Cable EthernetUnknown Passive CableUnknown Passive CableEthernet or InfinibandEthernet or InfinibandPassive Cable EthernetPassive Cable EthernetActive Cable InfinibandActive Cable InfinibandPassive Cable InfinibandPassive Cable InfinibandEthernet or Fibre ChannelEthernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Fiber ChannelActive Cable Fiber ChannelFibre Channel or InfinibandFibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Fibre ChannelReserved or Vendor SpecificReserved or Vendor SpecificReserved or Vendor SpecificActive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandData not present. No module or possible errorActive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or Infiniband (< !d ! ! " " $ $ " "$ $ $ %@ %\ & & #x # # # % %$ & ' $h $ & &( ' ' (l ( # # $8 $P %x % '< 'd $ $ &L &t ' ( ( )QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQUPUlUUUUUVV0VLVhVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWW,WHWdWWWWQPPPPPPPPQQPPPQQPPPQQQQPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPQQQQQQQQPPPPQQQQQQQQQQQQPPPPPPPQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQSSTT$T@T\TxTTRPRlRRRRRSS0ZZXZtZZZZ^`]]]]]]]]^`^`]]]^`^`]]]^`^`^`^`]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]^`^`^`^`^`^`^`^`]]]]^`^`^`^`^`^`^`^`^`^`^`^`]]]]]]]^`^`^`^`^`^`^`^`^`]]]]]]O4O8O8O8O8O8O8O8O8O4O4O8O8O8O4O4O8O8O8O4O4O4O4O8O8O8O8O8O8O8O8O8O8O8O8O8O8O8O8O8O4O4O4O4O4O4O4O4O8O8O8O8O4O4O4O4O4O4O4O4O4O4O4O4O8O8O8O8O8O8O8O4O4O4O4O4O4O4O4O4OHOHOHOHOHOX%s 1trnic3UnknownTU_MSG TU_MSG TU_MSG EthernetEthernetInfinibandInfinibandFibre ChannelFibre Channeltu41_interrupt.ctu41_interrupt.ctu41_interrupt.ctu41_interrupt.ctu41_interrupt.ctu41_interrupt.ctu41_interrupt.ctu41_interrupt.ctu41_interrupt.ctu41_interrupt.cUnknown Active CableUnknown Active CableTU_41 Interrupt TestTU41: 0x%02x 0x%08xTU41: 0x%02x 0x%08xActive Cable EthernetActive Cable EthernetUnknown Passive CableUnknown Passive CableEthernet or InfinibandEthernet or InfinibandPassive Cable EthernetPassive Cable EthernetActive Cable InfinibandActive Cable InfinibandPassive Cable InfinibandPassive Cable InfinibandEthernet or Fibre ChannelEthernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Fiber ChannelActive Cable Fiber ChannelFibre Channel or InfinibandFibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Fibre ChannelTU41: EQ Buffer before interruptActive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandFailed to start adapter. Line:%d File:%s Data not present. No module or possible errorDevice failed reset. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s Active Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPCI mem_write error 0x%02x 0x%08x Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter startup Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during FW Initialization Line: %d File:%s Device failed FW initialization after reset. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s EQ does not contain correct value, interrupt failed. Event Type = 0x%x Line: %d File:%s EQ status does not contain correct value, interrupt failed. Status = 0x%x Line: %d File:%s @(#)90 1.4 src/bos/diag/tu/trnic3/tu41_interrupt.c, tu_travis3_en, bos72V, v2020_07A3 12/9/19 12:52:03 7p 1$ 1P 1\ 1 1 4 4$ 1h 1t 3@ 3X 4x 4 5 5 2h 2 2 2 4@ 4\ 5 6 3 3 5 50 6 6 7 8 3 3( 3p 3 4 4 6D 6l 3 3 5T 5| 6 7 88 8l%s <trnic3UnknownTU_MSG TU_MSG EthernetEthernetInfinibandInfinibandFibre ChannelFibre Channeltu31_verchk.ctu31_verchk.ctu31_verchk.ctu31_verchk.ctu31_verchk.ctu31_verchk.ctu31_verchk.ctu31_verchk.ctu31_verchk.ctu31_verchk.ctu31_verchk.ctu31_verchk.ctu31_verchk.ctu31_verchk.cUnknown Active CableUnknown Active CableActive Cable EthernetActive Cable EthernetUnknown Passive CableUnknown Passive CableEthernet or InfinibandEthernet or InfinibandPassive Cable EthernetPassive Cable EthernetActive Cable InfinibandActive Cable InfinibandPassive Cable InfinibandPassive Cable InfinibandEthernet or Fibre ChannelEthernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Fiber ChannelActive Cable Fiber ChannelFibre Channel or InfinibandFibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Fibre ChannelActive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet or InfinibandEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandEthernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelPassive Cable Ethernet or Fibre ChannelActive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandTU_31 Firmware Version Verification TestPassive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Fibre Channel or InfinibandTU31: VPD Contains IBM Specific InformationData not present. No module or possible errorDevice failed reset. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s Active Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandActive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandFW Initialization failed. rc = %d Line:%d File:%s Passive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandPassive Cable Ethernet, Fibre Channel or InfinibandEEH error occurred during VPD Read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during VPD Read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during VPD Read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during VPD Read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during VPD Read Line: %d File:%s EEH error occurred during adapter reset Line: %d File:%s Unexpected VPD value. Offset 0x00 = 0x%08x Line:%d File:%s Unexpected VPD value. Offset 0x%x = 0x%08x Line:%d File:%s EEH error occurred during FW initialization Line: %d File:%s FW LEVEL CHECK FAILURE, REQD FW 2.30.8210, DETECTED FW %d.%d.%d Line:%d File:%s TU31: Firmware version is greater than or equal to 2.30.8210. Version = %d.%d.%dFAILURE: VPD does not contain IBM specific information. Keyword Z0 = %s Line:%d File:%s FAILURE: VPD does not contain IBM specific information. Missing Z0 keyword Line:%d File:%s @(#)89 1.3 src/bos/diag/tu/trnic3/tu31_verchk.c, tu_travis3_en, bos72V, v2020_07A3 12/9/19 12:52:02 B( < <0 << <` 

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