* @(#)45 1.1 src/bos/diag/sysx/hxetape/sysx.rule.hxetape.short, dsysx_tape, bos720 4/10/00 17:08:58 * IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG * This is an automatically generated prolog. * * bos720 src/bos/diag/sysx/hxetape/sysx.rule.hxetape.short 1.1 * * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * * Restricted Materials of IBM * * COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2000 * All Rights Reserved * * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. * * IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG * * COMPONENT_NAME: dsysx_tape * * ORIGINS: 27 * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 1: Close and the reopen the tape device -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* rule_id = CLSOPN1 oper = co *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 2: Rewind tape media to the beginning. -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* rule_id = REWIND2 oper = rw *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 3: Write 32 x 100 blocks -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = WRITE3 PATTERN_ID = PBEFILE OPER = W NUM_OPER = 100 NUM_BLKS = 32 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 4: Issue a request sense command. -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = REQSNS4 OPER = RS *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 5: Rewind to beginning of tape. x -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = RWIND5 OPER = RW *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 6: Read and Compare 32 x 99 blocks -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = RDCMP6 PATTERN_ID = PBEFILE OPER = RC NUM_OPER = 99 NUM_BLKS = 32 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 7: Issue a request sense command. -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = RQSNS7 OPER = RS *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 8: Rewind to beginning of tape. -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = REWIND8 OPER = RW