* @(#)10 1.1 src/bos/diag/sysx/hxecd/sysx.rule.hxecd.long, dsysx_cd, bos720 4/10/00 16:36:39 * IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG * This is an automatically generated prolog. * * bos720 src/bos/diag/sysx/hxecd/sysx.rule.hxecd.long 1.1 * * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * * Restricted Materials of IBM * * COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2000 * All Rights Reserved * * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. * * IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG * * COMPONENT_NAME: dsysx_cd * * ORIGINS: 27 * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- Set CDROM disc part number - Required part number = 81F8902 -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* DISC_PN = 81F8902 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 1: Mode Select - CD-ROM Mode 1 -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = MODESEL1 OPER = MS MODE = M1 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 2: Read/Read/Compare - This operation will read Mode 1 data -* *- starting at block 150. It will read the data twice and then -* *- compare the results of the two reads. The total amount of -* *- amount of data is determined by multiplying NUM_BLKS by -* *- NUM_OPER. The reads are done in increments of 25 blocks at a -* *- blocks at a time. Each block is 2048 bytes. -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = RDRDCMP2 OPER = RRC NUM_OPER = 173 NUM_BLKS = 25 INCREMENT = 0 STARTING_BLOCK = 150 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 3: Read Compare - Read and Compare 10 blocks 10 times of Mode 1 -* *- data. -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = RDCMP3 OPER = RC NUM_OPER = 10 NUM_BLKS = 10 PATTERN_ID = CDM102 INCREMENT = 0 STARTING_BLOCK = 04:48:00 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 4: Mode Select - CD-ROM Mode 1 -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = MODESEL4 OPER = MS MODE = M1 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 5: Read - Stream 2 minutes of sequential mode 1 data, 5 blocks -* *- per read -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = STREAM5 OPER = R NUM_OPER = 1800 NUM_BLKS = 5 INCREMENT = 0 STARTING_BLOCK = 04:48:00 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 6: Read - Stream 2 minutes of sequential mode 1 data, 15 blocks -* *- per read -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = STREAM6 OPER = R NUM_OPER = 600 NUM_BLKS = 15 INCREMENT = 0 STARTING_BLOCK = 04:48:00 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 7: Read - Stream 10 minutes of sequential mode 1 data, 25 blocks -* *- per read -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = STREAM7 OPER = R NUM_OPER = 1800 NUM_BLKS = 25 INCREMENT = 0 STARTING_BLOCK = 38:00:00 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 8: Mode Select - Mode 2 Form 1 -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = MODSEL8 OPER = MS MODE = M2F1 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 9: Read/Read/Compare - This operation will read Mode 2 Form 1 -* *- data starting at block 58:51:00. It will read the data twice -* *- and then compare the results of the two reads. The total -* *- amount of data is determined by multiplying NUM_BLKS by -* *- NUM_OPER. The reads are done in increments of 1 block at a -* *- time. Each block is 2048 bytes. This is done because the M2F1 -* *- data is interspersed between M2F2 data. -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = RRCMP9 OPER = RRC NUM_OPER = 2200 NUM_BLKS = 1 INCREMENT = 1 STARTING_BLOCK = 58:51:00 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 10: Read Compare - Read and Compare 10 blocks 10 times. -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = RDCMP10 OPER = RC NUM_OPER = 10 NUM_BLKS = 10 INCREMENT = 1 PATTERN_ID = CDM2F102 STARTING_BLOCK = 58:51:00 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 11: Mode Select - CD-ROM Mode 1 -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = MODSEL11 OPER = MS MODE = M1 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 12: Read/Read/Compare - This operation will read Mode 1 data -* *- starting at block 7425. It will read the data twice and then -* *- compare the results of the two reads. The total amount of -* *- data is determined by multiplying NUM_BLKS by NUM_OPER. The -* *- reads are done in increments of 25 blocks at a time. Each -* *- block is 2048 bytes. -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = RRCMP12 OPER = RRC NUM_OPER = 173 NUM_BLKS = 25 INCREMENT = 0 STARTING_BLOCK = 7425 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 13: Mode Select - Mode 2 Form 2 -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = MODSEL13 OPER = MS MODE = M2F2 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 14: Read/Read/Compare - This operation will read Mode 2 Form 2 -* *- data starting at block 58:51:01. It will read the data twice -* *- and then compare the results of the two reads. The total -* *- amount of data is determined by multiplying NUM_BLKS by -* *- NUM_OPER. This done in one block increments as the M2F2 data -* *- is interspersed between M2F1 data. -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = RRCMP14 OPER = RRC NUM_OPER = 2200 NUM_BLKS = 1 INCREMENT = 1 STARTING_BLOCK = 58:51:01 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 15: Read Compare - Read and Compare 10 blocks 10 times. -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = RDCMP15 OPER = RC NUM_OPER = 10 NUM_BLKS = 10 INCREMENT = 1 PATTERN_ID = CDM2F202 STARTING_BLOCK = 58:51:01 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 16: Mode Select - DA Mode -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = MODSEL16 OPER = MS MODE = DA *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 17: Read 10 blocks 10 times starting at block 03:45:00. -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = READ17 OPER = R NUM_OPER = 10 NUM_BLKS = 10 ADDR_TYPE = SEQ STARTING_BLOCK = 03:45:00 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 18: Mode Select - CD-ROM Mode 1 -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = MODSEL18 OPER = MS MODE = M1 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 19: SCSI Play audio command for 1 block starting at block 2. -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = PAUDIO19 OPER = AMM STARTING_BLOCK = 2 NUM_BLKS = 1 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* *- STANZA 20: Read/Read/Compare - This operation will read Mode 1 data -* *- starting at block 21600. It will read the data twice and -* *- then compare the results of the two reads. The total amount -* *- of data is determined by multiplying NUM_BLKS by NUM_OPER. -* *- The reads are done in increments of 25 blocks at a time. -* *- Each block is 2048 bytes. -* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* RULE_ID = RRCMP20 OPER = RRC NUM_OPER = 9500 NUM_BLKS = 25 INCREMENT = 0 STARTING_BLOCK = 21600