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Invalid display index: perform_test: system test. returntest_analysis. Report device busythreshold_analysis: report errorreport_frub: DA_ERROR_OTHER, linereport_frub: DA_ERROR_OTHER, lineerror from diag_get_phy_location()perform_test: interactive_tests rcretrieve_errors: SRN...stop searchthreshold_analysis. t_hold.count: threshold_analysis: Ela[i].seq_numperform_test: customer mode. returntest_analysis. DA_ERROR_OTHER, lineprocess_ela: REPORT_MG Ela[i].valueprocess_ela: REPORT_FRU Ela[i].valuedisplay_menugoal: diag_catopen errnoretrieve_errors: errdata_str.err_id: display_progress: Progress indicatorperform_test: non_interactive_tests rcthreshold_analysis: don't report errorcheck_asl_stat: Display malloc failurecheck_asl_stat: Display software errorperform_test: run non_interactive_teststest_analysis: REPORT_FRU Alarm_timeoutupdate_list: Ela[index].t_hold.err_headupdate_list: Ela[index].t_hold.err_tailupdate_list: Ela[index].t_hold.err_tailthreshold_analysis: don't report errorpoll_kb_for_quit: QUIT sequence startedtest_analysis. Report SW error due to TUtest_analysis: SETRC_ERROR Alarm_timeoutretrieve_errors: ELA search criteriaretrieve_errors: Ignoring sense_detail: display_progress: Invalid progress indexdisplay_menugoal: Invalid menugoal indextest_analysis. Report SW error in TU_OPENtest_analysis. Report other error. tu_rc: test_tu exiting due to user interrupt in TUretrieve_errors: No Ela entry for for ERRIDretrieve_errors: terminate error log accessupdate_list: Ela[index].t_hold.err_tail->linkprocess_ela: something reported. stop lookingretrieve_errors: No error log entries for deviceerror_log_analysis. Could not retrieve ela errorsretrieve_errors: Unable to access error log. errno: @(#)01 1.4 src/bos/diag/da/y4crypto/dy4crypto.c, da_y4crypto, bos720 10/8/09 14:04:04dddddddd4 2ޭ Z9gbƒe}h*6 / /?` /> /   18 % 2( & &0 &8 , , , , / 2H 2X 2x , , , , , , / 2 , , .0 .@ .H .P / / /0XP ___bzero@ @,@9@errno@malloc@ free@ exit@ getenv@ unload@ load@ sprintf@ E@ catclose@ sleep@ Q@ mktime@ ]@ alarm@ i@ __crt0v@v@@addfrub@ @ @ @ dt@ @ @ @  @ @ +@ C@ P@ ]@ t@ @ @ @ @ @ menugoal@ @ @ @__start /!    , / / / / / / / / 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0  0$ 0(' 0, 00 04" 08( 0< 0@) 0D 0H/ 0L 0P 0T 0X 0\ 0` 0d 0h 0l 0p 0t 0x 0| 0 0 0 0- 0 0% 0 0 0* 0  0  0 01 0 0 0 0& 0 0 00 0 0$ 0+ 0# 0 0 0 0  0  0 0 0 1  1 1. 1 ! 1  1 1 1 1  1$ 1( 1,,/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr.olibdiag.ashr.olibcfg.ashr.o@VPDdy4crypto/5765E6200/520 ___memset ___memmove ___strcpy sigaction localtime setlocale __mod_init__malloc_user_defined_name da_exit_codediag_get_listdiag_free_list add_loc_codeerror_log_getsave_davars_mgoal_elasave_davars_eladiag_cat_gets diag_catopendiag_get_phy_location term_dgodm init_dgodmdiag_resource_screendiag_progressdiag_asl_readdiag_asl_quitdiag_asl_initdiag_asl_clear_screendiag_display_menu insert_frub getdainput CuDv_CLASS