ISO8859-16I2V| $ O 2a 3 t=+W B=T;7dHD3;9o6Y :!j "6 @# w$ >% *&{ ') (B )*I+n,>-U.Q'/y01q2  34l5+6 }SPARE SECTOR AVAILABILITYOPTICAL DISK MEDIAOPTICAL DISK MEDIA SERVICE AIDThe Service Aid can not find any supported optical devices in the system.The specified device is either not found in the system or it is not an optical device.Select the optical disk.Optical disk device in location %1$sSelect the type of format desired. Move cursor to selection, then press Enter.INITIALIZE -- Formats the disk without certifying.FORMAT AND CERTIFY -- Formats and certifies disk.A number of attributes are found to be missing from the Data Base. Unexpected results may occur due to this problem.To continue, press Enter.Move cursor to selection, then press Enter.* * * WARNING! * * * THE FOLLOWING OPERATION WILL DESTROY THE DATA ON THE SIDE OF THE DISK BEING FORMATTED. Do you want to continue?YESNORun diagnostics on the optical disk device to isolate the problem.A hardware problem is detected while running the service aid.A software error is detected while running the service aid.The Service Aid indicates that the device is reserved by another host. Free the device and rerun the Service Aid. If the device is not reserved by another host, run diagnostics to isolate the problem.The format operation is in progress. %1$d%% completed.Please standby.The Service Aid indicates that there is no media in the drive. Please load the media into the drive.The media in the optical disk device is not compatible with this device.The media in the optical disk drive is write protected. UNLOAD .......... the media from the drive. WRITE ENABLE..... the media. LOAD .......... the media into the drive.An unexpected error caused the service aid to stop.LOAD ...... the optical disk to be %1$s into the drive.UNLOAD ...... the optical disk(if any) from the drive.The format operation is in progress. It will take approximately %1$d minutes to complete.The format operation has completed successfully. If you would like to format the other surface of the disk, please run this service aid on the other side.An error was encountered while unconfiguring the device. Unable to return the device to the initial state.An error was encountered while configuring the device.* * * WARNING! * * * The format operation has not completed. Stopping the format operation at this time will leave the optical disk in an unknown state. Do you want to stop this format operation?A conflict has occurred while reserving the optical device. *** WARNING *** The device may be reserved by another host. The result of continuing the operation will reset the device and may cause a loss of data. Do you want to continue?Unable to perform the operation. The service aid indicated that the device is busy. Free the device before running the service aid. If the device is not busy or reserved by another host, run diagnostics on the device to isolate the problem.The service aid does not support the media type in the optical disk drive. Please run this service aid on rewritable media.The format operation cannot be performed.The check spare sector availability operation cannot be performed.The media in the optical disk drive is still write protected. If the disk is write enabled, this result may indicate a problem.NOTE: The drive may return write protected status for unsupported media.The Service Aid does not recognize the media in the optical disk drive. Do you want to continue the operation?The number of free spare sectors is below the acceptable value. It is recommended that the data on the disk be backed up and the disk be replaced. Formatting the disk may not correct the problem. Do you want to continue the format?Select the optical disk service aid. Move cursor to selection, then press Enter.FormatSpare Sector AvailabilityThe disk has an acceptable number of spare sectors. Spare Sector Availability Service Aid completed successfully.formattedcheckedA command timeout has occurred while running the service aid. Check the SCSI controller, cables and SCSI ID.%1$s TASK FOR DEVICE %2$s IN LOCATION %3$s.FORMAT MEDIAINITIALIZE -- Formats the disk without certifying. This option does not reassign the defective blocks.It also does not erase the data on the disk. It takes approximately 1 min. to format the disk. This is a quick way of formatting after cleaning the disk. FORMAT AND CERTIFY -- Formats and certifies disk. This option reassigns the defective blocks. It also erases all the data on the disk. It will take 20 to 60 minutes to format and certify the disk.Format -- Formats the optical disk. Spare Sector Availability -- This service aid checks how many spare sectors are still available on the disk. The spare sectors are used to reassign when defective sectors are encountered during normal usage and during a format with certify operation. Low availability of spare sectors indicates that the disk needs to be backed up and replaced.