ISO8859-1-g:% v c / X ^w/ `  K e I J ? J? > & + 0 \ U2J !"^#$%2&'h(h)*/+',_=-8./0 12 t34 5678 P9 ^:" n;!<C!=!>!?" @""A">B$"C#D_%E%F&G'H(I)ZJ)K*L+Ma,~N:-Ot.P.Q/R/S/T0/UW0LVW0W1X4Y5Z6L[9(\>;]a?b!@c @(d[@2edCfCgD h%D%irDKj2FknFl1G`mGn2HQoHpIRq{IrJfsWK_tWKuMLv M]wOhxPyQz6S{{T|U}W~1X XXRXEXYYOZ:Z^[$1[[[\]I^1^NB^1_#;_ULOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID %1$s IN LOCATION %2$s 802176 Type or select values in entry fields. Use cursor key to move between fields. Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.TOKEN-RING SERVICE AID %1$s IN LOCATION %2$s LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID %1$s IN LOCATION %2$sLOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID * * * WARNING! * * * ENSURE that the correct ring speed is chosen. If the wrong ring speed is chosen, the network will be slowed down and unexpected results will occur. Move cursor to selection, then press Enter.4 megabit data rate ring16 megabit data rate ringData rate unknownLOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID %1$s IN LOCATION %2$s This test may require up to ten minutes. Please stand by.MONITOR RING FROM %1$s IN LOCATION %2$s This test may require up to ten minutes. Please stand by.Source Internet Address [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX] Source Internet Address must be in the format [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX] Example: Destination Internet Address must have the format [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX] Example: Gateway Internet Address must have the format [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX] Example: or If there is no Gateway just leave in blank Destination Internet Address [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX] Gateway Internet Address [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX] (NOTE: Gateway is optional. If the destination station is reached via gateway, the gateway internet address must be provided)To continue, press Enter.Data has been successfully transmitted between - Source Internet Address %1$s and - Destination Internet Address %2$sData has been UNSUCCESSFULLY transmitted between - Source Internet Address %1$s and - Destination Internet Address %2$s- The ODM indicates that there are no LAN adapters in this system unit.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID Select the adapter to be exercised. Token-Ring High-Performance adapter %1$s IN LOCATION %2$sEthernet High-Performance adapter %1$s IN LOCATION %2$sFiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) %1$s IN LOCATION %2$s LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID Move cursor to selection, then press Enter.ADDITIONAL RESOURCE IS REQUIRED FOR TESTING The Service Aid was not executed because the system indicated that the resource was in use. To run LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID, you must do one of the following: - Free this resource and retry the Service Aid. - Shutdown the system and run in maintenance mode. - Run Service Aid from the Diagnostics Diskettes package.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID The system configuration indicates that there is no LAN adapter to be exercised with this Service Aid. None of these following adapters were found in the system: - Token-Ring High Performance Adapter. - Ethernet High Performance Adapter. - FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface) Adapter.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID %1$s IN LOCATION %2$s The network indicates that the network address of the the destination station cannot be found. ENSURE: - The network cable is properly connected. - The Internet Address of the destination station is correct. - TCP/IP is up and running on the destination station. - The Internet Address of the gateway station is correct. - TCP/IP is up and running on the gateway station. - Advanced Diagnostics has been run successfully for this resource.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID %1$s IN LOCATION %2$s The network indicates that the network address of the the destination station cannot be found. ENSURE: - The network cable is properly connected. - The Internet Address of the destination station is correct. - TCP/IP is up and running on the destination station. - Advanced Diagnostics has been run successfully for this resource.DUPLICATE NETWORK ID %1$s at location %2$s The system indicates that the network id is duplicated. Recommended Actions: - Check with Local Area Network administrator. - Replace the resource.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID %1$s IN LOCATION %2$s The Service Aid detected an error. ENSURE: - Advanced Diagnostics has been run successfully for this resource. - The network cable is operational.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID %1$s IN LOCATION %2$s The Service Aid detected an error.HARWARE ERROR %1$s at location %2$s The system indicates that there is a hardware error. Recommended Action: - Running Advanced Diagnostics for the resource.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID %1$s IN LOCATION %2$s Ring State : NORMAL Time remaining: %3$02d:%4$02d The Service Aid is in progress. Please stand by.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID %1$s IN LOCATION %2$s Ring State : ABNORMAL The Service Aid is in progress. Please stand by.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID %1$s IN LOCATION %2$s Ring State : BEACONING Nearest Ative Upstream Neighbour (NAUN): %3$012X Internet Address of NAUN: %4$sLOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID %1$s IN LOCATION %2$s Ring State : BEACONING Nearest Ative Upstream Neighbour (NAUN) Network Address: %3$02X%4$02X%5$02X%6$02X%7$02X%8$02X Beaconing Adapter's Network Address: %9$02X%10$02X%11$02X%12$02X%13$02X%14$02XENSURE the following items are available before running this Service Aid: - The Internet Addresses of the source and destination stations. The network system administrator should be able to provide these addresses. - TCP/IP is up and running on the destination station. - The network cable is properly connected. - Advanced Diagnostics has been run successfully for the resource to be exercised.This service aid is used to exercise the LAN communication adapters - Token-Ring, Ethernet and Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI). The following services are available: - Connectivity testing between two network stations. Data is transferred between these two stations. This requires the user to input the Internet Addresses of both stations. - Monitoring ring (Token-Ring only). The ring is monitored for a period of time. Soft and hard errors are analyzed. - Connectivity testing between two stations. - Monitoring ring.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN)SERVICE AID %1$s IN LOCATION %2$s Select one of the following options.The Token-Ring adapter returns the following open error:FUNTION FAILURE.ENSURE: - Advanced Diagnostics has been run successfully for the resource to be tested. - The Multistation Access Unit (MAU / MSAU) is operational. - The cable from the Token-Ring adapter to the MAU is operational.SIGNAL LOSS. RECOMMENDED ACTION: - UNPLUG the Token-Ring cable from the ring. Use another station on the ring to determine if the ring is operational.WIRE FAULT.FREQUENCY ERROR.TIME OUT.YESNO* * * WARNING * * * The chosen ring speed is %1$d megabit data rate ring. The ring speed in the database is set to %2$d megabit data ring. Do you want to continue testing?RING FAILURE.RING BEACONING.ENSURE: - Advanced Diagnostics has been run successfully for the resource to be tested. - The Multistation Access Unit (MAU / MSAU) is operational. - The ring data rate matches the adapter data rate. - The cable from the Token-Ring adapter to the MAU is operational.DUPLICATE ADDRESS. RECOMMENDED ACTION: - Contact the local network administrator.REQUEST PARAMETERS.REMOVE RECEIVED.IMPL FORCE RECEIVED.DUPLICATE MODIFIER ADDRESS.The Service Aid has detected that the network is down. ENSURE: - The network cables are operational. - The correct data rate ring is chosen. ENSURE: - The network cable is properly connected. - The network is operational. - The Internet Address of the destination station is correct. - TCP/IP is up and running on the destination station. - Advanced Diagnostics has been run successfully for this resource.Errors Report: - Lost Frame Error %1$d frame(s). - Receive congestion %2$d frame(s). - Frame copied error %3$d frame(s). - Frequency Error %4$d frame(s). - Token Error %5$d frame(s). - Line Errors %6$d frame(s). - Internal Errors %7$d frame(s). - Burst Errors %8$d frame(s). - A/C errors %9$d frame(s). - Abort Del Trans %10$d frame(s).LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN)SERVICE AID %1$s IN LOCATION %2$s - Monitoring ring has completed.THE LICENSED PRODUCT PROGRAM (LPP) DEVICE CANNOT BE UNCONFIGURED No trouble was found. However, the LPP device may not be operational because the system indicated that the resource could not be unconfigured.THE LICENSED PRODUCT PROGRAM (LPP) DEVICE CANNOT BE SET TO DIAGNOSE STATE No trouble was found. However, the LPP device may not be operational because the system indicated that the resource could not be set to DIAGNOSE state.THE LICENSED PRODUCT PROGRAM (LPP) DEVICE CANNOT BE SET TO DIAGNOSE STATE No trouble was found. However, the LPP device may not be operational because the system indicated that the resource could not be set from DIAGNOSE state to DEFINE state.THE DIAGNOSTICS DEVICE CANNOT BE CONFIGURED No trouble was found. However, the diagnostics device may not be operational because the system indicated that the resource could not be configured.THE SYSTEM INDICATES THAT THE DEVICE DOES NOT EXIST. No trouble was found. However, the because the system indicated that the resource does not exist.THE DIAGNOSTICS DEVICE CANNOT BE UNCONFIGURED No trouble was found. However, the diagnostics device may not be operational because the system indicated that the resource could not be unconfigured.THE LPP(LICENSED PRODUCT PROGRAM) DEVICE CANNOT BE CONFIGURED No trouble was found. However, the LPP device may not be operational because the system indicated that the resource could not be configured. To run LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID, you must do one of the following: - Free this resource and retry the Service Aid. - Shutdown the system and run in maintenance mode. - Run Service Aid from the Standalone Diagnostics package. The LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID was not executed because the system indicated that the resource was in use. To run this service aid, you must do one of the following: - Free the resource and retry the Service Aid. - Shutdown the system and run in maintenance mode. - Run Service Aid from the Standalone Diagnostics package.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID %1$s IN LOCATION %2$sType values in entry fields. Use cursor key to move between fields. Press COMMIT after making all desired changes. The selected adapter is not currently supported by the LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID. Please select a different adapter to test.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID The system configuration indicates that there is no LAN adapter to be exercised with this Service Aid. None of the following adapters were found in the system: - Token-Ring adapter. - Ethernet adapter. - FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface) adapter.Source Internet Address must have the format [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX] Example: DUPLICATE NETWORK ID %1$s at location %2$s A network ID (netid) required by the LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID is in use by some other software. Recommended Actions: - Free this resource and retry the Service Aid. - Shutdown the system and run in maintenance mode. - Run Service Aid from the Standalone Diagnostics package.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID %1$s IN LOCATION %2$s The network indicates that the network address of the destination station cannot be found. ENSURE: - The network cable is properly connected. - The Internet Address of the destination station is correct. - TCP/IP is up and running on the destination station. - The Internet Address of the gateway station is correct. - TCP/IP is up and running on the gateway station. - Advanced Diagnostics has been run successfully for this resource.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID %1$s IN LOCATION %2$s The network indicates that the network address of the destination station cannot be found. ENSURE: - The network cable is properly connected. - The Internet Address of the destination station is correct. - TCP/IP is up and running on the destination station. - Advanced Diagnostics has been run successfully for this resource.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID %1$s IN LOCATION %2$s Ring State : ABNORMAL Time remaining: %3$02d:%4$02d The Service Aid is in progress. Please stand by.Monitoring ring has completed. The following statistics were reported by the Token-Ring device during the monitored interval: Line Errors : %1$d Burst Errors : %2$d AC Errors : %3$d Abort Errors : %4$d Internal Errors : %5$d Lost Frame Errors : %6$d Receive Congestion Errors : %7$d Frame Copy Errors : %8$d Token Errors : %9$d Soft Errors : %10$d Hard Errors : %11$d Signal Loss Errors : %12$d Lobe Wire Faults : %13$d Remove Received : %14$d Only Station : %15$d Frequency Errors : %16$d Timeout Errors : %17$d Transmit Beacon Errors : %18$dLOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN)SERVICE AID %1$s IN LOCATION %2$s Monitoring ring has completed. Token-Ring device statistics were cleared by other software during the monitored interval. Although this is not an error condition, it prevents Service Aid statistics gathering. Recommended Actions: - Stop any software reset of Token-Ring statistics and retry the Service Aid - Shutdown the system and run in maintenance mode. - Run Service Aid from the Standalone Diagnostics package.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN)SERVICE AID %1$s IN LOCATION %2$s Monitoring ring has completed. Token-Ring device statistics were cleared by a Token-Ring adapter reset during the monitored interval. ENSURE: - Advanced Diagnostics has been run successfully for this resource. - The network cable is operational.The device cannot be configured to Available. No trouble was found. However, the device may not be operational because the system indicated that the resource could not be configured.The device cannot be restored to its original configuration state. No trouble was found. However, the device may not be operational because the system indicated that the resource could not be unconfigured.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID %1$s IN LOCATION %2$s Ring State : BEACONING Nearest Active Upstream Neighbour (NAUN) Network Address: %3$02X%4$02X%5$02X%6$02X%7$02X%8$02X Beaconing Adapter's Network Address: %9$02X%10$02X%11$02X%12$02X%13$02X%14$02XGateway Internet Address [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX] (NOTE: Gateway Internet Address must be provided when the destination station is reached via gateway.)* * * WARNING * * * The chosen ring speed is %1$s. The ring speed in the database is set to %2$s. Do you want to continue testing?Adapter will autosense ring speedautosenseToken-Ring monitoring has completed succesfully. However, the Local Area Network (LAN) Service Aid was unable to check for beacon frames on the ring. The Token-Ring adapter is currently configured to suppress beacon frames. The LAN Service Aid could not reconfigure the adapter because it is in use by some other software. If you have reason to believe that your ring may be beaconing (error log beacon entry, ABNORMAL ring monitoring state, or a non-zero Transmit Beacon Errors count on the statistics menu to follow), do one of the following to enable LAN Service aid beacon frame monitoring: - Free this resource and retry the Service Aid. - Set the Token-Ring beacon_mac configuration value to yes and retry the Service Aid. - Shutdown the system and run in maintenance mode. - Run Service Aid from the Standalone Diagnostics package.Which connector is being used on the Ethernet adapter? Move cursor to selection, then press Enter. DIX (Multipin receptor)BNC (Coaxial connector)USAGE: diag -d -T "ulan"This service aid is used to exercise the LAN communication adapters - Token-Ring, Ethernet and Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI). The following services are available: - Connectivity testing between two network stations. Data is transferred between these two stations. This requires the user to: -- ensure the network interface for the adapter being tested is not in use when running concurrent diagnostics. -- input the Internet Addresses of both stations. - Monitoring ring (Token-Ring only). The ring is monitored for a period of time. Soft and hard errors are analyzed.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID FOR %1$s %2$sLOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID FOR %1$s %2$s This test may require up to ten minutes. Please stand by.Ethernet High-Performance adapter %1$s %2$sDUPLICATE NETWORK ID FOR %1$s %2$s The system indicates that the network id is duplicated. Recommended Actions: - Check with Local Area Network administrator. - Replace the resource.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID FOR %1$s %2$sLOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID FOR %1$s %2$s The Service Aid detected an error. ENSURE: - Advanced Diagnostics has been run successfully for this resource. - The network cable is operational.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID FOR %1$s %2$s Ring State : NORMAL Time remaining: %3$02d:%4$02d The Service Aid is in progress. Please stand by.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID FOR %1$s %2$s Ring State : ABNORMAL The Service Aid is in progress. Please stand by.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID FOR %1$s %2$s Ring State : BEACONING Nearest Active Upstream Neighbour (NAUN) Network Address: %3$02X%4$02X%5$02X%6$02X%7$02X%8$02X Beaconing Adapter's Network Address: %9$02X%10$02X%11$02X%12$02X%13$02X%14$02XLOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN)SERVICE AID FOR %1$s %2$s Select one of the following options.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN)SERVICE AID FOR %1$s %2$s - Monitoring ring has completed.DUPLICATE NETWORK ID FOR %1$s %2$s A network ID (netid) required by the LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID is in use by some other software. Recommended Actions: - Free this resource and retry the Service Aid. - Shutdown the system and run in maintenance mode. - Run Service Aid from the Standalone Diagnostics package.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID FOR %1$s %2$s The network indicates that the network address of the destination station cannot be found. ENSURE: - The network cable is properly connected. - The Internet Address of the destination station is correct. - TCP/IP is up and running on the destination station. - The Internet Address of the gateway station is correct. - TCP/IP is up and running on the gateway station. - Advanced Diagnostics has been run successfully for this resource.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID FOR %1$s %2$s The network indicates that the network address of the destination station cannot be found. ENSURE: - The network cable is properly connected. - The Internet Address of the destination station is correct. - TCP/IP is up and running on the destination station. - Advanced Diagnostics has been run successfully for this resource.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID FOR %1$s %2$s Ring State : ABNORMAL Time remaining: %3$02d:%4$02d The Service Aid is in progress. Please stand by.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN)SERVICE AID FOR %1$s %2$s Monitoring ring has completed. Token-Ring device statistics were cleared by other software during the monitored interval. Although this is not an error condition, it prevents Service Aid statistics gathering. Recommended Actions: - Stop any software reset of Token-Ring statistics and retry the Service Aid - Shutdown the system and run in maintenance mode. - Run Service Aid from the Standalone Diagnostics package.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN)SERVICE AID FOR %1$s %2$s Monitoring ring has completed. Token-Ring device statistics were cleared by a Token-Ring adapter reset during the monitored interval. ENSURE: - Advanced Diagnostics has been run successfully for this resource. - The network cable is operational.LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN) SERVICE AID FOR %1$s %2$s Ring State : BEACONING Nearest Active Upstream Neighbour (NAUN) Network Address: %3$02X%4$02X%5$02X%6$02X%7$02X%8$02X Beaconing Adapter's Network Address: %9$02X%10$02X%11$02X%12$02X%13$02X%14$02XUsage error. Use the following syntax when attempting to run this task from the command line: diag [-c] -d -T "ulan -a " -c No console mode. Run without user interaction. -d devName Run the task on the resource specified. -T ulan Use the device's ping command. -a ip addr Ping destination in the format of XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX. (Example: -a hostName Valid hostname destination to ping.In the space below, type the IP address or the hostname of the system (target) to be pinged. Press COMMIT after making all desired changes.Target IP address or hostname [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]A software error occurred. Contact the service support structure for further assistance.Ping to %1$s was successful.A network error occurred. Ensure: - The network cable is connected.The service aid does not recognize the device. Ensure: - The device name is valid. - The device is present in the system. - The device is in the AVAILABLE state.Ensure that either a valid IP address in the format XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (Example: was entered or a valid hostname was entered.The device %1$s is currently in use. Free the device and retry the service aid.Ping to %1$s failed. Ensure: - TCP/IP is up and running at the destination station. - Advanced Diagnostics has been run successfully for this device.The IP address on the local station is not available because the DHCP server does not respond.The iping function is not supported in this mode.Source Internet AddressSource Internet Address must be in one of the following formats: IPv4: [ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd] Example: IPv6: [xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:...] Example: 12ab:c34d:...Destination Internet Address must be in one of the following formats: IPv4: [ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd] Example: IPv6: [xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:...] Example: 12ab:c34d:...Gateway Internet Address must be in one of the following formats: IPv4: [ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd] Example: IPv6: [xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:...] Example: 12ab:c34d:... or if no gateway is needed, just leave blank.Destination Internet AddressGateway Internet Address (NOTE: Gateway Internet Address must be provided when the destination station is reached via gateway.)An error occurred while attempting to allocate storage. Aborting.Enter IP address or hostname of a target to ping.%1$s could not be restored to its initial configured state.