ISO8859-1  $Bb#$ (   !4 #V%z+: 2(%[ , '+*. ,Y     13 & ( * ,= . l n p r t v x z  |!' "' #' $+ %+ 6&- b' ( )$ *$ +$ ,- 5-- c.+ /! 0 1l 2 N3a4c5xe678z9:.;Y< ='$>9L?@5ABCVD7E9F;G=H?IAJK LMNO P!Q! R*!"S!MT!OU!QV!SW!UXB!kY}!ZE",["r\"s]"t^"u_"v`"wa"xb"yc?"d="ez#fz#g$h$i$j&Bk'Dl()m)n.,bo.p0zq!1r!1As!1ct!1u!1v11w11x2-y.2LzG2{{2|(3G};p~;q;rTAPE DRIVEThe Reserve Unit command failed.The Inquiry command failed.The Load Unit command failed.The Unload Unit command failed.The Mode Select command failed.The Test Unit Ready command failed.The Send Diagnostics command failed.The Read, Write and Compare test failed.The Write Protect test failed.The Release Unit command failed.The Request Sense command failed.The Diagnostic Open command failed.The Device Configuration test failed.The SCSI Adapter Configuration test failed.Error Log Analysis indicates a permanent hardware failure.A Reservation conflict occurred.The drive returned bad or non-extended sense data.An Adapter or Bus I/O error occurred.A device timeout occurred.Test media.Software error.TapeSW Move cursor to selection, then press Enter. To continue, press Enter.When finished, press Enter.YESNORun System Exerciser with Media Installed.Run System Exerciser with No Media Installed IN ADVANCED MODE Please stand by.enabledprotected %1$ld passes completed. %2$ld errors logged. This test may take up to %1$s minutes to complete. This tape drive indicates the test tape is not in the drive. . .(set to write enable)(indicator should point away from safe)(indicator should point away from safe)(indicator should point away from safe)(square tab should be in the open position)(square tab should be in the open position)(square tab should be in the closed position)(place ring on bottom of reel)(set to write protect)(indicator should point toward safe)(indicator should point toward safe)(indicator should point toward safe)(square tab should be in the closed position)(square tab should be in the closed position)(square tab should be in the open position)(remove ring from bottom of reel) %1$06.6lx ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR TAPE DRIVE (%2$s) IN LOCATION %3$s This tape drive was not able to complete the tests sucessfully. This problem may be caused by something on the SCSI bus other than this tape drive. Please refer to the Diagnostic Service Hints for more information. The Service Hints can be viewed by running the Service Hints Service Aid.%1$06.6lx ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR TAPE DRIVE (%2$s) IN LOCATION %3$s This tape drive returned a check condition with the following sense data: Sense Key = %4$02.2X ASC/ASCQ = %5$04.4X %6$s This data may be requested by your support personnel for additional analysis. %1$06.6lx INFORMATION FOR TAPE DRIVE (%2$s) IN LOCATION %3$s This tape drive is not currently supported by diagnostics. The Diagnostic support for this device consists of displaying 32 bytes of sense data for each error logged against this device in the system error log. In order to interpret the following sense data, refer to the START section of the 3490E Maintenance Information documentation. Each screen displayed will contain information for up to three error log entries. Use the cursor keys to scroll through the information. ERROR LABEL....TAPE_ERR%1$d ERROR ID.......%2$X TIMESTAMP......%3$s BYTE NUMBER....00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 SENSE DATA.....%4$s BYTE NUMBER....16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SENSE DATA.....%5$s =============================================================== To search the system error log for more entries logged against this device, press Enter. %1$06.6lx ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR TAPE DRIVE (%2$s) IN LOCATION %3$s The Diagnostic support for this device consists of displaying 32 bytes of sense data for each error logged against this device in the system error log. The system error log indicates there are one or more errors logged against this device. To examine the sense data, test this device using disk based Diagnostics in Problem Determination mode. For additional service information, refer to the START section of the 3490E Maintenance Information documentation. %1$06.6lx ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR TAPE DRIVE (%2$s) IN LOCATION %3$s The Diagnostic support for this device consists of displaying 32 bytes of sense data for each error logged against this device in the system error log. This mode of Diagnostics does not support Error Log Analysis. To search the system error log for errors logged against this device, test this device using disk based Diagnostics in Problem Determination mode. For additional service information, refer to the START section of the 3490E Maintenance Information documentation. To return to the Diagnostic Selection menu, press Cancel.To stop the test, use 'Cancel.'TESTING %1$s TAPE DRIVE (%2$s) IN LOCATION %3$s %4$s %1$06.6lx ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR TAPE DRIVE (%2$s) IN LOCATION %3$s A recoverable error occurred while testing this device. A SCSI Bus reset may cause this type of error. A SCSI Bus reset may be caused by one or more of the following: - SCSI Cables and Terminators A loose, defective or incompatable SCSI Cable or Terminator can cause this type of error. - SCSI Devices An intermittent problem with any device on this SCSI Bus can also cause a SCSI Bus reset to occur. If this type of error continues to occur, contact your support personel for more information. The Diagnostic support for this device consists of displaying sense data for each error logged against this device in the system error log. ERROR LABEL....TAPE_ERR%1$d ERROR ID.......%2$X TIMESTAMP......%3$s BYTE NUMBER..........00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 3490E SENSE DATA.....%4$s BYTE NUMBER..........16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3490E SENSE DATA.....%5$s BYTE NUMBER..........00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 SCSI SENSE DATA......%6$s BYTE NUMBER..........16 17 18 19 20 21 SCSI SENSE DATA......%7$s =============================================================== %1$06.6lx ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR TAPE DRIVE (%2$s) IN LOCATION %3$s The Diagnostic support for this device consists of displaying sense data for each error logged against this device in the system error log. The system error log indicates there are one or more errors logged against this device. To examine the sense data, test this device using disk based Diagnostics in Problem Determination mode. For additional service information, refer to the START section of the 3490E Maintenance Information documentation. %1$06.6lx ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR TAPE DRIVE (%2$s) IN LOCATION %3$s The Diagnostic support for this device consists of displaying sense data for each error logged against this device in the system error log. This mode of Diagnostics does not support Error Log Analysis. To search the system error log for errors logged against this device, test this device using disk based Diagnostics in Problem Determination mode. For additional service information, refer to the START section of the 3490E Maintenance Information documentation. The tape drive is reporting a media error. Has this tape drive been cleaned recently (within the last 24 hours)? Move cursor to selection, then press Enter. The tape drive is reporting a media error. Have you replaced the test tape recently (within the last 24 hours)? Move cursor to selection, then press Enter. TESTING %1$s (%2$s) IN LOCATION %3$s %4$s Testing is complete. REMOVE.........any tape that may be present from this tape drive. LOAD...........the tape into the drive. For instructions on loading, refer to the documentation for this tape drive. WAIT...........until the tape is loaded completely before proceeding. (use a good data tape).ENSURE.........the test tape is write protected. %1$s. ENSURE.........the test tape is write enabled. %1$s. This tape drive is reporting that the test tape is write protected. This test requires the test tape to be write enabled.This tape drive is reporting that the test tape is write enabled. This test requires the test tape to be write protected.LOAD...........the tape containing the diagnostic programs back into the tape drive. For instructions on loading, refer to the documentation of the drive.CLEAN..........the tape drive at this time. For instructions on cleaning, refer to the documentation for this tape drive. AFTER..........the tape drive has been cleaned, press Enter to continue. Note: This test will be run again after the tape drive has been cleaned. If you do not wish to run this test again, press Cancel or Exit.OBTAIN.........a new test tape %1$s AFTER..........a new test tape has been obtained, press Enter to continue. Note: This test will be run again using the new test tape. If you do not wish to run this test again, press Cancel or Exit.TESTING %1$s (%2$s) IN LOCATION %3$s %4$s The following tests require a tape for testing%5$s ANY DATA ON THIS TEST TAPE WILL BE ERASED. This test will take approximately %6$s minutes to complete. Do you have this test tape? TESTING %1$s (%2$s) IN LOCATION %3$s %4$s You may decide to run the System Exerciser with media installed in a device or with no media installed in a device. Running the test with media installed in a device is a more thorough test. If you select to run the System Exerciser with media installed, it will require a tape for testing%5$s This test will take approximately %6$s minutes to complete.%1$06.6lx SERVICE PROCEDURE FOR TAPE DRIVE (%2$s) IN LOCATION %3$s No trouble was found, however, Error Log Analysis indicates this tape drive has one or more temporary media error entries in the System Error Log. The following service procedures are recommended. CLEAN..........the tape drive read/write head and tape path. For instructions on cleaning, refer to the documentation for this tape drive. on old media to new media. NOTE: Old or worn out media may continue to cause media errors. RUN............Advanced Diagnostics, in System Verification mode, to ensure this tape drive is functioning properly.%1$06.6lx SERVICE PROCEDURE FOR TAPE DRIVE (%2$s) IN LOCATION %3$s This tape drive is reporting a media error. The following service procedures are recommended. CLEAN..........the tape drive read/write head and tape path. For instructions on cleaning, refer to the documentation for this tape drive. OBTAIN.........a new test tape %4$s NOTE: An old or worn out test tape may cause media errors. RUN............Advanced Diagnostics, in System Verification mode, to ensure this drive is functioning properly.%1$06.6lx ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR TAPE DRIVE (%2$s) IN LOCATION %3$s No trouble was found, however, this tape drive indicates that it needs to be cleaned. The following service procedures are recommended. CLEAN..........the tape drive read/write head and tape path. For instructions on cleaning, refer to the documentation for this tape drive. RUN............Advanced Diagnostics, in System Verification mode, to ensure this tape drive was cleaned properly.%1$06.6lx ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR TAPE DRIVE (%2$s) IN LOCATION %3$s This tape drive is not recognized by diagnostics. For this reason, the SRN may be invalid. (Test Tape Part Number 92X7510). (Test Tape Part Number 21F8586). (Test Tape Part Number 21F8734). (Test Tape Part Number 21F8577). (Test Tape Part Number 21F8577). (Auto Diagnostic Cartridge Part Number 21F8762). (Auto Diagnostic Cartridge Part Number 8191146). (Test Tape Part Number %1$s). (Auto Diagnostic Cartridge Part Number %1$s).PRESS..........Enter immediately after loading the tape into the drive.WAIT...........until the tape is loaded into the drive if the tape drive uses a magazine. Otherwise, skip this step.Test Tape: For most tape devices, diagnostics requires a tape for testing the drive's ability to read and write. This tape will be referred to as "test tape" in diagnostic menus and is one of the following types. Good Data Tape: When the instructions ask for a "good data tape", use a known good data tape as test tape. If you are not sure if a tape is good or not, use a new data tape as test tape. Data on the test tape will be destroyed when the drive performs the tests. Ensure there is no customer data on the tape before running the tests. Test Tape (by Part Number): When a test tape is asked for by part number, ensure the correct test tape is used. Some test tapes are much shorter than the data tape and the drive may attempt to read and write to the end of the tape. If a data tape is used in place of a specific test tape, the tests may take longer than the time diagnostics allows. This will cause the tests to fail resulting in an SRN incorrectly indicating a drive problem. Auto Diagnostic Cartridge: This type of test tape will be recognized by the drive. The drive will begin running built-in tests as soon as the tape is inserted. When using this type of tape, press Enter immediately after inserting the tape into the drive. When the tests complete, the tape drive will eject the tape. If the tape is ejected within 10 seconds of being inserted, check to see if the tape is write protected. If it is, set the tape to write enable and run diagnostics again. On most drives, the write protect function cannot be tested using this type of test tape. Some tape drives turn on the front panel led indicators if a test tape of this type has exceeded the number of recommended usages. Refer to the tape drive's documentation for more information. This type of test tape may also be used without running Diagnostics to test the tape drive. Refer to the tape drive's documentation when using the test tape without running Diagnostics.The tape drive was not fully tested, because the root logical volume is at or near capacity. Increase the size of the filesystem or free one kilobyte of space and retest the tape drive.