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The error log indicates the following physical FRU location(s) as the probable cause(s).Uncorrectable Memory ErrorECC correctable errorCorrectable error threshold exceededMemory Controller internal errorMemory Address (Bad address going to memory)Memory Data error (Bad data going to memory)Memory bus/switch internal errorMemory time-out errorProcessor Bus parity errorProcessor time-out errorProcessor bus Transfer errorI/O Host Bridge time-out errorI/O Host Bridge address/data parity errorAn error has been detected by the memory controller. The error log indicates the following physical FRU location(s) as the probable cause(s).I/O Bus Address Parity ErrorI/O Bus Data Parity ErrorI/O Time-out errorI/O Device Internal ErrorI/O Error on ISA busIntermediate or System Bus Address Parity ErrorIntermediate or System Bus Data Parity ErrorIntermediate or System Bus Time-out ErrorAn error has been detected by the I/O. The error log indicates the following physical FRU location(s) as the probable cause(s).Time-out on communication response from Service ProcessorI/O general bus errorSecondary I/O general bus errorInternal Service Processor memory errorService Processor error accessing special registersService Processor reports unknown communication errorInternal Service Processor firmware errorOther internal Service Processor hardware errorService Processor error accessing Vital Product Data EEPROMService Processor error accessing Operator PanelService Processor error accessing Power ControllerService Processor error accessing Fan SensorService Processor error accessing Thermal SensorService Processor error accessing Voltage SensorService Processor error accessing serial portService Processor error accessing NVRAMService Processor error accessing Real-Time Clock/Time-of-day clockService Processor error accessing JTAG/COP controller/hardwareService Processor detects loss of voltage from the batteryService Processor caused a reboot of the system due to surveillance time-outFan is turning slower than expectedFan stop was detectedOver voltage condition was detectedUnder voltage condition was detectedOver temperature condition was detectedSystem shutdown due to over maximum temperature conditionSystem shutdown due to: 1) Loss of AC power, 2) Power button was pushed without proper system shutdown, 3) Power supply failure.Firmware errorConfiguration errorCPU POST errorMemory POST errorI/O Subsystem POST errorKeyboard POST errorMouse POST errorGraphic Adapter/Display POST errorDiskette Initial Program Load errorDrive Controller Initial Program Load errorCD-ROM Initial Program Load errorHard disk Initial Program Load errorNetwork Initial Program Load errorOther Initial Program Load errorSelf-test error in firmware extended diagnosticsUncorrectable memory or unsupported memoryMissing or bad memoryBad L2 CacheMissing L2 cacheOperator panel display test failed.651101 A non-critical system cooling problem has been detected. Fan number %1$s appears to be rotating slower than expected. Contact your service provider.651102 A non-critical system cooling problem has been detected. The system temperature appears to be above the expected range. Check for elevated room temperatures, restricted air flow around the system or any system covers that are opened. If no problem is found, contact your service provider.651103 A critical system cooling problem has been detected. %1$s The system will shutdown in 10 minutes. The system temperature appears to be above the allowable range. Check for elevated room temperatures, restricted air flow around the system or any system covers that are opened. If no problem is found, contact your service provider.651104 A non-critical system power problem has been detected. One of the internal power sypply voltages appears to be outside the normal operating range. Contact your service provider.651110 CHECKING MEMORY STATUS Excess memory has been installed on this system.651120 CHECKING MEMORY STATUS Checking memory status was incomplete because the firmware property '%1$s' was not found.651121 CHECKING L2 CACHE SIZE Checking L2 cache size was incomplete because the firmware property '%1$s' was not found.651130 TESTING OPERATOR PANEL DISPLAY The diagnostics kernel extension used for testing the operator panel returned a software error.ProcessorI/O Expansion UnitI/O Expansion BusI/O Rack 3/4 Power SupplyI/O Rack 1/4 Power SupplyI/O Expansion Bus Parity Error.I/O Expansion Bus Time-out Error.I/O Expansion Bus Connection Failure.I/O Expansion Unit not in an operating state.System shutdown due to loss of AC Power to the site.CEC Rack shutdown due to: 1) Loss of AC power to the CEC Rack, 2) Open or disconnected SPCN cable between racks 3) AC module, Bulk power, regulator or SPCN card failure.I/O Rack shutdown due to: 1) Loss of AC power to the I/O Rack, 2) Open or disconnected SPCN cable between racks, 3) Power supply failure.Power fault due to internal power supply failure.Power fault due to internal power supply failure.Power fault due to manual activation of power-off op-panel request.System shutdown due to over temperature condition and fan failure. Use the physical FRU location(s) as the probable cause(s).Non-critical power problem, loss of redundant power supply. Use the physical FRU location(s) as the probable cause(s).Non-critical cooling problem, loss of redundant fan. Use the physical FRU location(s) as the probable cause(s).The CEC reported an error. Report the SRN and the following reference and physical location codes to your service provider.The CEC reported an error. Record the following reference and physical location codes, and refer to the System Service Guide for this system unit.651105 A critical system cooling problem has been detected. %1$s The system will shutdown in 10 minutes. The system temperature appears to be above the allowable range. There has been a fan failure. Contact your service provider.651106 A non-critical power problem has been detected. Loss of a redundant power supply or regulator has been detected. Contact your service provider.651107 A non-critical cooling problem has been detected. Loss of a redundant fan or blower has been detected. Contact your service provider.Sensor indicates a fan has failed.Sensor indicates a voltage is outside the normal range.Sensor indicates an abnormally high internal temperature.Sensor indicates a power supply has failed.Sensor indicates a FRU has failed.Sensor status not available.Sensor indicates a fan is turning too slowly.Sensor detected a redundant fan failure.Sensor detected a redundant power supply failure.Sensor detected a redundant FRU failure.651140 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG A critical environmental and power warning was detected by %1$s. %2$s The system will be shutdown in 10 minutes. Contact your service provider.651141 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG A non-critical environmental and power warning was detected by %1$s. If no action is taken, the condition could become critical. Contact your service provider.651142 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG A non-critical environmental and power warning has been detected by %1$s. The system temperature appears to be abnormally high. Check that 1) the room ambient temperature is within the system operating environment, 2) there is unrestricted air flow around the system, 3) all system covers are closed, and 4) there are no fan failures. If none of these problems exist, contact your service provider.651143 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG A non-critical environmental and power warning has been detected by %1$s. A loss of redundancy was detected. Contact your service provider.PS sensorSensor%1$s %2$d651130 TESTING OPERATOR PANEL DISPLAY There was a software error during the testing of the operator panel.Temp sensorVolt SensorRIO Bridge Refer to the Error Code to FRU Index in the system service guide.The CEC or SPCN reported an error. Report the SRN and the following reference and physical location codes to your service provider.The CEC or SPCN reported an error. Record the following reference and physical location codes, and refer to the System Service Guide for this system unit.The CEC or SPCN reported a non-critical error. Report the SRN and the following reference and physical location codes to your service provider.The CEC or SPCN reported a non-critical error. Record the following reference and physical location codes, and refer to the System Service Guide for this system unit.Use the SRN to determine the FRU651150 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG A loss of power was detected by one or more devices with the following physical location codes: %1$s Check for the following: 1. Loose or disconnected power source connections. 2. Loss of site power. 3. For multiple enclosure systems, loose or disconnected power and signal connections between enclosures. If the cause cannot be determined from the list above, then replace the FRUs identified by the physical locations given above. Refer to the System Service Guide.651151 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG A loss of power was detected. Check for the following: 1. Loose or disconnected power source connections. 2. Loss of site power. 3. For multiple enclosure systems, loose or disconnected power and/or signal connections between enclosures.651152 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG Environmental sensor analysis is reporting an unknown status, with the following physical location codes. %1$s Run the Display System Environmental Sensors Service Aid.651153 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG Environmental sensor analysis is reporting an unknown status. Run the Display System Environmental Sensors Service Aid.651154 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG A critical power fault has been detected. However the cause is unspecified. The following physical location codes were reported: %1$s %2$s The system will shutdown in 10 minutes.651155 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG A critical power fault has been detected. However the cause is unspecified. %1$s The system will shutdown in 10 minutes.651156 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG A non-critical environmental and power warning was logged. The following physical location codes were reported: %1$s651157 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG A non-critical environmental and power warning was logged.651158 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG A critical environmental and power warning was logged. The following physical location codes were reported: %1$s %2$s The system will shutdown in 10 minutes.651159 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG A critical environmental and power warning was logged. %1$s The system will shutdown in 10 minutes.651160 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG A system shutdown occured due to a critical environmental and power warning. The following physical location codes were reported: %1$s651161 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG A system shutdown occured due to a critical environmental and power warning.Power fault due to unspecified cause.System shutdown due to power fault with unspecified cause.Fan failure. Use the physical FRU location(s) as the probable cause(s).System shutdown due to fan failure. Use the physical FRU location(s) as the probable cause(s).Power fault due to internal redundant power supply failure.Failure in power distribution network.Memory has no matched pair.Display character test failed.character display logic651162 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG An error was logged on %1$sthat indicates the Power-off button was pressed without performing a proper shutdown. To remove this error from the error log, execute the following command from the command line. errclear -l %2$d 0A non-critical error has been detected: Uncorrectable memory or unsupported memory.A non-critical error has been detected: CPU internal error.A non-critical error has been detected: CPU internal cache error.A non-critical error has been detected: L2 cache parity or multi-bit ECC error.A non-critical error has been detected: L2 cache ECC single-bit error.A non-critical error has been detected: Uncorrectable Memory Error.A non-critical error has been detected: ECC correctable error.A non-critical error has been detected: Correctable error threshold exceeded.A non-critical error has been detected: I/O Expansion Bus Parity Error.A non-critical error has been detected: I/O Expansion Bus Time-out Error.A non-critical error has been detected: I/O Expansion Bus Connection Failure.A non-critical error has been detected: I/O Expansion Unit not in an operating state.A non-critical error has been detected: Intermediate or System Bus Address Parity Error.A non-critical error has been detected: Intermediate or System Bus Data Parity Error.A non-critical error has been detected: Intermediate or System Bus Time-out Error.A non-critical error has been detected: I/O Device Internal Error651170 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG An error was logged against %s, but analysis indicates that the error was corrected or successfully retried. No action is necessary.Refer to the Error Code to FRU Index in the system service guide.CPU internal cache or cache controller errorA non-critical error has been detected: CPU internal cache or cache controller error.External cache parity or multi-bit ECC errorA non-critical error has been detected: External cache parity or multi-bit ECC error.External cache ECC single-bit errorA non-critical error has been detected: External cache ECC single-bit error.I/O bridge/device internal errorA non-critical error has been detected: I/O bridge/device internal errorPlatform specific error. Refer to the System Service Guide for this system unit.A non-critical error has been detected. The error log indicates the following physical FRU location(s) as the probable cause(s).System bus time-out errorA non-critical error has been detected: System bus time-out error.A non-critical error has been detected: Time-out error waiting for I/O.System bus parity errorA non-critical error has been detected: System bus parity error.System bus protocol/transfer errorA non-critical error has been detected: System bus protocol/transfer error.Memory Controller subsystem internal errorA non-critical error has been detected: Memory Controller subsystem internal error.Memory Address Error (Invalid address or access attempt)A non-critical error has been detected: Memory Address (Bad address going to memory).A non-critical error has been detected: Memory Data error (Bad data going to memory).A non-critical error has been detected: Memory bus/switch internal error.A non-critical error has been detected: Memory time-out error.System bus parity errorA non-critical error has been detected: System bus parity error.System bus time-out errorA non-critical error has been detected: System bus time-out error.System bus protocol/transfer errorA non-critical error has been detected: System bus protocol/transfer error.A non-critical error has been detected: I/O Host Bridge time-out error.A non-critical error has been detected: I/O Host Bridge address/data parity error.System support function error.A non-critical error has been detected: System support function error.System bus internal hardware/switch error.A non-critical error has been detected: System bus internal hardware/switch error.A non-critical error has been detected: I/O Bus Address Parity ErrorA non-critical error has been detected: I/O Bus Data Parity ErrorI/O bus time-out, access, or other errorA non-critical error has been detected: I/O Bus time-out, access or other errorA non-critical error has been detected: I/O Error on ISA busError log analysis is unable to determine the error. The error log indicates the following physical FRU location(s) as the probable cause(s).System shutdown due to a fan failure.System shutdown due to voltage outside the normal range.System shutdown due to an abnormally high internal temperature.System shutdown due to a power supply failure.A non-critical error has been detected: Power fault due to unspecified cause.Power Control Network general connection failure.A non-critical error has been detected: Power Control Network general connection failure.Power Control Network node failure.A non-critical error has been detected: Power Control Network node failure.Service Processor error accessing Power Control Network.A non-critical error has been detected: Service Processor error accessing Power Control Network.Error with reserved description.A non-critical error has been detected: Error with reserved description.System shutdown due to FRU that has failed.System bus address parity errorA non-critical error has been detected: System bus address parity errorSystem bus data parity errorA non-critical error has been detected: System bus data parity errorSystem bus time-out errorA non-critical error has been detected: System bus time-out errorError on system busA non-critical error has been detected: Error on system busAn environmental and power warning has been detected. The error log indicates the following physical FRU location(s) as the probable cause(s).Fan failureSystem shutdown due to fan failureInternal power supply failureSystem shutdown due to internal power supply failureRedundant fan failureA non-critical error has been detected: Fan failure.Over temperature conditionA non-critical error has been detected: Over temperature conditionSystem shutdown due to over temperature conditionOver temperature and fan failureA non-critical error has been detected: Over temperature and fan failureSystem shutdown due to over temperature and fan failureRedundant power supply failureA non-critical error has been detected: Redundant power supply failureSystem shutdown due to redundant power supply failureAn error has been detected by the Service Processor. The error log indicates the following physical FRU location(s) as the probable cause(s).A non-critical error has been detected: Time-out on communication response from Service ProcessorA non-critical error has been detected: I/O general bus errorA non-critical error has been detected: Secondary I/O general bus errorA non-critical error has been detected: Internal Service Processor memory errorA non-critical error has been detected: Service Processor error accessing special registersA non-critical error has been detected: Service Processor reports unknown communication errorA non-critical error has been detected: Internal Service Processor firmware errorA non-critical error has been detected: Other internal Service Processor hardware errorA non-critical error has been detected: Service Processor error accessing Vital Product Data EEPROMA non-critical error has been detected: Service Processor error accessing Operator PanelA non-critical error has been detected: Service Processor error accessing Power ControllerA non-critical error has been detected: Service Processor error accessing Fan SensorA non-critical error has been detected: Service Processor error accessing Thermal SensorA non-critical error has been detected: Service Processor error accessing Voltage SensorA non-critical error has been detected: Service Processor error accessing serial portService Processor detected NVRAM errorA non-critical error has been detected: Service Processor detected NVRAM errorA non-critical error has been detected: Service Processor error accessing Real-Time Clock/Time-of-day clockA non-critical error has been detected: Service Processor error accessing JTAG/COP controller/hardwareA non-critical error has been detected: Service Processor detects loss of voltage from the batteryService Processor detected a surveillance time-outA non-critical error has been detected: Service Processor detected a surveillance time-out651171 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG A problem was logged that could be either hardware, software or firmware. If new software or firmware has been recently installed, check if there are any known problems. To further analyze the problem, enter the following command from the command line. diag -ed sysplanar0651172 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG A problem was logged that could be caused by either software or firmware. Take corrective action to correct the known software or firmware problems.651200 ANALYZING FIRMWARE STATUS The following resources have been manually deconfigured. %1$s Use the Service Processor Menus to manually reconfigure the resources. Resource was marked failed by the platform. System is operating in degraed mode.Recoverable errors on resource indicate trend toward unrecoverable error. However the resource could not be deconfigured and is still in use.Resource was marked failed by the platform. System is operating in degraded mode.651173 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG Error log analysis indicates there are missing devices. To analyze the missing devices, execute the following command from the command line. diag -a I/O Host Bridge Time-out caused by software651174 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG Error log analysis indicates an I/O Host Bridge time-out that was caused by software. This error is caused by an attempt to access an invalid I/O device address. Contact the software support structure for assistance if needed. 651175 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG Error log analysis indicates a power fault that was caused by either using the Power-off button without performing a proper shutdown, or a loss of power to the system. 651140 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG A critical environmental and power warning has been detected. %1$s The system will be shutdown in 10 minutes. Contact your service provider.651141 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG A non-critical environmental and power warning has detected. If no action is taken, the condition could become critical. Contact your service provider.651142 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG A non-critical environmental and power warning has been detected. The system temperature appears to be abnormally high. Check that 1) the room ambient temperature is within the system operating environment, 2) there is unrestricted air flow around the system, 3) all system covers are closed, and 4) there are no fan failures. If none of these problems exist, contact your service provider.651143 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG A non-critical environmental and power warning has been detected. A loss of redundancy was detected. Contact your service provider.651201 ANALYZING FIRMWARE STATUS The following memory module or modules were marked failed by the platform, and are not in use, because for each module listed, a module of the same group is missing. %s Internal Service Processor firmware error or incorrect versionA non-critical error has been detected: Internal Service Processor firmware error or incorrect versionService Processor error accessing Scan controller/hardwareA non-critical error has been detected: Service Processor error accessing Scan controller/hardwareLoss of heart beat from Service ProcessorA non-critical error has been detected: Loss of heart beat from Service ProcessorNon-supported hardwareA non-critical error has been detected: Non-supported hardwareError detected while handling an attention/interrupt from the system hardwareA non-critical error has been detected: Error detected while handling an attention/interrupt from the system hardwareArray of Logic Built in Self Test ErrorA non-critical error has been detected: Array of Logic Built in Self Test ErrorWire Test ErrorA non-critical error has been detected: Wire Test ErrorMainstore or Cache IPL Diagnositc ErrorA non-critical error has been detected: Mainstore or Cache IPL Diagnositc ErrorOther IPL Diagnostic ErrorA non-critical error has been detected: Other IPL Diagnostic ErrorClock or PLL ErrorA non-critical error has been detected: Clock or PLL ErrorHardware Scan or Initialization ErrorA non-critical error has been detected: Hardware Scan or Initialization ErrorChip ID Verification ErrorA non-critical error has been detected: Chip ID Verification ErrorFRU Presence/Detect Error (Mis-Plugged)A non-critical error has been detected: FRU Presence/Detect Error (Mis-Plugged)Power fault specifically due to internal battery failure651202 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG An environmental problem has been corrected and is no longer a problem. The problem that was corrected can be viewed by using the command: errpt -a -l %1$d651203 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG An environmental problem has been corrected and is no longer a problem.651204 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG A loss of redundancy on input power was detected. Check for the following: 1. Loose or disconnected power source connections. 2. Loss of the power source. 3. For multiple enclosure systems, loose or disconnected power and/or signal connections between enclosures.651205 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG The system has lost input power and may be running on battery backup. If input power is not restored, the system will lose all power when the battery expires.Array or Logic Built in Self Test ErrorA non-critical error has been detected: Array or Logic Built in Self Test ErrorRecoverable errors on a resource indicate a potential for an unrecoverable error. The resource cannot be deconfigured and is still in use. The problem may be corrected by array bit steering. Use map 0235.651205 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG The system has lost input power and may be running on battery backup. If input power is not restored, the system will lose all power in a few minutes. Close your applications and then shutdown the system.651205 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG The system lost input power. If the system has battery backup and input power is not restored, then the system will lose all power in a few minutes. Take the necessary precautions with running applications for a system shut down due to loss of power. If the system does not have battery backup, then this message is displayed after power has already been restored and your system rebooted successfully. Check the following for the cause of lost input power: 1. Loose or disconnected power source connections. 2. Loss of site power. 3. For multiple enclosure systems, loose or disconnected power and/or signal connections between enclosures.The following resource is unavailable due to an error. System is operating in degraded mode. Supporting data: Ref. Code: %X Location Codes: %s651206 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG The system shutdown because the battery backup lost power. The system was running on battery backup because of loss of input power.651300 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG The platform reports the following error: Supporting data: SRC: %s Priority: %s %s FRU: %sExternal FRU: %sCode FRU Procedure: %sExternal Code FRU Procedure: %sTool FRU: %sSymbolic FRU Id: %sConfiguration Procedure Id: %sMaintenance Procedure Id: %sReserved FRU Type: %s Serial Number: %s CCIN: %s Location: %s 651301 ANALYZING PLATFORM EVENT Processor subsystem including internal cache Informational (non-error) Event. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Processor subsystem including internal cache Recovered Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Processor subsystem including internal cache Predictive Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Processor subsystem including internal cache Predictive Error, degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Processor subsystem including internal cache Predictive Error, fault may be corrected after platform re-IPL. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Processor subsystem including internal cache Predictive Error, fault may be corrected after IPL, degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Processor subsystem including internal cache Predictive Error, loss of redundancy. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Processor subsystem including internal cache Unrecovered Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Processor subsystem including internal cache Unrecovered Error, bypassed with degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Processor subsystem including internal cache Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of redundancy. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Processor subsystem including internal cache Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of redundancy and performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Processor subsystem including internal cache Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of function. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Processor subsystem including internal cache Error on diagnostic test, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Processor subsystem including internal cache Error on diagnostic test, resource may produce incorrect result. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Memory subsystem including external cache Informational (non-error) Event. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Memory subsystem including external cache Recovered Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Memory subsystem including external cache Predictive Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Memory subsystem including external cache Predictive Error, degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Memory subsystem including external cache Predictive Error, fault may be corrected after platform re-IPL. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Memory subsystem including external cache Predictive Error, fault may be corrected after IPL, degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Memory subsystem including external cache Predictive Error, loss of redundancy. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Memory subsystem including external cache Unrecovered Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Memory subsystem including external cache Unrecovered Error, bypassed with degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Memory subsystem including external cache Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of redundancy. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Memory subsystem including external cache Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of redundancy and performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Memory subsystem including external cache Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of function. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Memory subsystem including external cache Error on diagnostic test, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Memory subsystem including external cache Error on diagnostic test, resource may produce incorrect result. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Informational (non-error) Event. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Recovered Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Predictive Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Predictive Error, degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Predictive Error, fault may be corrected after platform re-IPL. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Predictive Error, fault may be corrected after IPL, degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Predictive Error, loss of redundancy. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Unrecovered Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Unrecovered Error, bypassed with degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of redundancy. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of redundancy and performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of function. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Error on diagnostic test, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Error on diagnostic test, resource may produce incorrect result. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Informational (non-error) Event. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Recovered Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Predictive Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Predictive Error, degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Predictive Error, fault may be corrected after platform re-IPL. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Predictive Error, fault may be corrected after IPL, degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Predictive Error, loss of redundancy. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Unrecovered Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Unrecovered Error, bypassed with degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of redundancy. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of redundancy and performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of function. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Error on diagnostic test, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Error on diagnostic test, resource may produce incorrect result. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.CEC hardware Informational (non-error) Event. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.CEC hardware Recovered Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.CEC hardware Predictive Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.CEC hardware Predictive Error, degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.CEC hardware Predictive Error, fault may be corrected after platform re-IPL. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.CEC hardware Predictive Error, fault may be corrected after IPL, degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.CEC hardware Predictive Error, loss of redundancy. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.CEC hardware Unrecovered Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.CEC hardware Unrecovered Error, bypassed with degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.CEC hardware Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of redundancy. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.CEC hardware Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of redundancy and performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.CEC hardware Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of function. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.CEC hardware Error on diagnostic test, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.CEC hardware Error on diagnostic test, resource may produce incorrect result. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Power/Cooling subsystem Informational (non-error) Event. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Power/Cooling subsystem Recovered Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Power/Cooling subsystem Predictive Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Power/Cooling subsystem Predictive Error, degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Power/Cooling subsystem Predictive Error, fault may be corrected after platform re-IPL. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Power/Cooling subsystem Predictive Error, fault may be corrected after IPL, degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Power/Cooling subsystem Predictive Error, loss of redundancy. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Power/Cooling subsystem Unrecovered Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Power/Cooling subsystem Unrecovered Error, bypassed with degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Power/Cooling subsystem Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of redundancy. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Power/Cooling subsystem Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of redundancy and performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Power/Cooling subsystem Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of function. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Power/Cooling subsystem Error on diagnostic test, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Power/Cooling subsystem Error on diagnostic test, resource may produce incorrect result. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Other subsystem Informational (non-error) Event. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Other subsystem Recovered Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Other subsystem Predictive Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Other subsystem Predictive Error, degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Other subsystem Predictive Error, fault may be corrected after platform re-IPL. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Other subsystem Predictive Error, fault may be corrected after IPL, degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Other subsystem Predictive Error, loss of redundancy. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Other subsystem Unrecovered Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Other subsystem Unrecovered Error, bypassed with degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Other subsystem Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of redundancy. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Other subsystem Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of redundancy and performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Other subsystem Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of function. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Other subsystem Error on diagnostic test, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Other subsystem Error on diagnostic test, resource may produce incorrect result. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Surveillance Error Informational (non-error) Event. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Surveillance Error Recovered Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Surveillance Error Predictive Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Surveillance Error Predictive Error, degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Surveillance Error Predictive Error, fault may be corrected after platform re-IPL. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Surveillance Error Predictive Error, fault may be corrected after IPL, degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Surveillance Error Predictive Error, loss of redundancy. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Surveillance Error Unrecovered Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Surveillance Error Unrecovered Error, bypassed with degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Surveillance Error Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of redundancy. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Surveillance Error Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of redundancy and performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Surveillance Error Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of function. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Surveillance Error Error on diagnostic test, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Surveillance Error Error on diagnostic test, resource may produce incorrect result. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Platform Firmware Informational (non-error) Event. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Platform Firmware Recovered Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Platform Firmware Predictive Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Platform Firmware Predictive Error, degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Platform Firmware Predictive Error, fault may be corrected after platform re-IPL. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Platform Firmware Predictive Error, fault may be corrected after IPL, degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Platform Firmware Predictive Error, loss of redundancy. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Platform Firmware Unrecovered Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Platform Firmware Unrecovered Error, bypassed with degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Platform Firmware Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of redundancy. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Platform Firmware Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of redundancy and performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Platform Firmware Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of function. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Platform Firmware Error on diagnostic test, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Platform Firmware Error on diagnostic test, resource may produce incorrect result. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Software Informational (non-error) Event. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Software Recovered Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Software Predictive Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Software Predictive Error, degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Software Predictive Error, fault may be corrected after platform re-IPL. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Software Predictive Error, fault may be corrected after IPL, degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Software Predictive Error, loss of redundancy. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Software Unrecovered Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Software Unrecovered Error, bypassed with degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Software Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of redundancy. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Software Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of redundancy and performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Software Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of function. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Software Error on diagnostic test, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Software Error on diagnostic test, resource may produce incorrect result. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.External environment Informational (non-error) Event. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.External environment Recovered Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.External environment Predictive Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.External environment Predictive Error, degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.External environment Predictive Error, fault may be corrected after platform re-IPL. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.External environment Predictive Error, fault may be corrected after IPL, degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.External environment Predictive Error, loss of redundancy. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.External environment Unrecovered Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.External environment Unrecovered Error, bypassed with degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.External environment Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of redundancy. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.External environment Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of redundancy and performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.External environment Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of function. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.External environment Error on diagnostic test, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.External environment Error on diagnostic test, resource may produce incorrect result. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Reserved Informational (non-error) Event. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Reserved Recovered Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Reserved Predictive Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Reserved Predictive Error, degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Reserved Predictive Error, fault may be corrected after platform re-IPL. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Reserved Predictive Error, fault may be corrected after IPL, degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Reserved Predictive Error, loss of redundancy. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Reserved Unrecovered Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Reserved Unrecovered Error, bypassed with degraded performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Reserved Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of redundancy. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Reserved Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of redundancy and performance. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Reserved Unrecovered Error, bypassed with loss of function. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Reserved Error on diagnostic test, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Reserved Error on diagnostic test, resource may produce incorrect result. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Processor subsystem including internal cache Not applicable.Processor subsystem including internal cache Miscellaneous, Information Only.Processor subsystem including internal cache Dump Notification.Processor subsystem including internal cache Previously reported error has been corrected by the system.Processor subsystem including internal cache System resources manually deconfigured by user.Processor subsystem including internal cache System resources deconfigured by system due to prior error event.Processor subsystem including internal cache Resource deallocation event notification.Processor subsystem including internal cache Customer environmental problem has returned to normal.Processor subsystem including internal cache Concurrent Maintenance Event.Processor subsystem including internal cache Capacity Upgrade Event.Processor subsystem including internal cache Resource Sparing Event.Processor subsystem including internal cache Dynamic Reconfiguration Event.Processor subsystem including internal cache Normal system/platform shutdown or powered off.Processor subsystem including internal cache Platform powered off by user with normal shutdown.Memory subsystem including external cache Not applicable.Memory subsystem including external cache Miscellaneous, Information Only.Memory subsystem including external cache Dump Notification.Memory subsystem including external cache Previously reported error has been corrected by the system.Memory subsystem including external cache System resources manually deconfigured by user.Memory subsystem including external cache System resources deconfigured by system due to prior error event.Memory subsystem including external cache Resource deallocation event notification.Memory subsystem including external cache Customer environmental problem has returned to normal.Memory subsystem including external cache Concurrent Maintenance Event.Memory subsystem including external cache Capacity Upgrade Event.Memory subsystem including external cache Resource Sparing Event.Memory subsystem including external cache Dynamic Reconfiguration Event.Memory subsystem including external cache Normal system/platform shutdown or powered off.Memory subsystem including external cache Platform powered off by user with normal shutdown.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Not applicable.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Miscellaneous, Information Only.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Dump Notification.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Previously reported error has been corrected by the system.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) System resources manually deconfigured by user.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) System resources deconfigured by system due to prior error event.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Resource deallocation event notification.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Customer environmental problem has returned to normal.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Concurrent Maintenance Event.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Capacity Upgrade Event.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Resource Sparing Event.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Dynamic Reconfiguration Event.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Normal system/platform shutdown or powered off.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Platform powered off by user with normal shutdown.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Not applicable.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Miscellaneous, Information Only.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Dump Notification.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Previously reported error has been corrected by the system.I/O adapter, device and peripheral System resources manually deconfigured by user.I/O adapter, device and peripheral System resources deconfigured by system due to prior error event.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Resource deallocation event notification.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Customer environmental problem has returned to normal.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Concurrent Maintenance Event.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Capacity Upgrade Event.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Resource Sparing Event.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Dynamic Reconfiguration Event.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Normal system/platform shutdown or powered off.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Platform powered off by user with normal shutdown.CEC hardware Not applicable.CEC hardware Miscellaneous, Information Only.CEC hardware Dump Notification.CEC hardware Previously reported error has been corrected by the system.CEC hardware System resources manually deconfigured by user.CEC hardware System resources deconfigured by system due to prior error event.CEC hardware Resource deallocation event notification.CEC hardware Customer environmental problem has returned to normal.CEC hardware Concurrent Maintenance Event.CEC hardware Capacity Upgrade Event.CEC hardware Resource Sparing Event.CEC hardware Dynamic Reconfiguration Event.CEC hardware Normal system/platform shutdown or powered off.CEC hardware Platform powered off by user with normal shutdown.Power/Cooling subsystem Not applicable.Power/Cooling subsystem Miscellaneous, Information Only.Power/Cooling subsystem Dump Notification.Power/Cooling subsystem Previously reported error has been corrected by the system.Power/Cooling subsystem System resources manually deconfigured by user.Power/Cooling subsystem System resources deconfigured by system due to prior error event.Power/Cooling subsystem Resource deallocation event notification.Power/Cooling subsystem Customer environmental problem has returned to normal.Power/Cooling subsystem Concurrent Maintenance Event.Power/Cooling subsystem Capacity Upgrade Event.Power/Cooling subsystem Resource Sparing Event.Power/Cooling subsystem Dynamic Reconfiguration Event.Power/Cooling subsystem Normal system/platform shutdown or powered off.Power/Cooling subsystem Platform powered off by user with normal shutdown.Other subsystem Not applicable.Other subsystem Miscellaneous, Information Only.Other subsystem Dump Notification.Other subsystem Previously reported error has been corrected by the system.Other subsystem System resources manually deconfigured by user.Other subsystem System resources deconfigured by system due to prior error event.Other subsystem Resource deallocation event notification.Other subsystem Customer environmental problem has returned to normal.Other subsystem Concurrent Maintenance Event.Other subsystem Capacity Upgrade Event.Other subsystem Resource Sparing Event.Other subsystem Dynamic Reconfiguration Event.Other subsystem Normal system/platform shutdown or powered off.Other subsystem Platform powered off by user with normal shutdown.Surveillance Error Not applicable.Surveillance Error Miscellaneous, Information Only.Surveillance Error Dump Notification.Surveillance Error Previously reported error has been corrected by the system.Surveillance Error System resources manually deconfigured by user.Surveillance Error System resources deconfigured by system due to prior error event.Surveillance Error Resource deallocation event notification.Surveillance Error Customer environmental problem has returned to normal.Surveillance Error Concurrent Maintenance Event.Surveillance Error Capacity Upgrade Event.Surveillance Error Resource Sparing Event.Surveillance Error Dynamic Reconfiguration Event.Surveillance Error Normal system/platform shutdown or powered off.Surveillance Error Platform powered off by user with normal shutdown.Platform Firmware Not applicable.Platform Firmware Miscellaneous, Information Only.Platform Firmware Dump Notification.Platform Firmware Previously reported error has been corrected by the system.Platform Firmware System resources manually deconfigured by user.Platform Firmware System resources deconfigured by system due to prior error event.Platform Firmware Resource deallocation event notification.Platform Firmware Customer environmental problem has returned to normal.Platform Firmware Concurrent Maintenance Event.Platform Firmware Capacity Upgrade Event.Platform Firmware Resource Sparing Event.Platform Firmware Dynamic Reconfiguration Event.Platform Firmware Normal system/platform shutdown or powered off.Platform Firmware Platform powered off by user with normal shutdown.Software Not applicable.Software Miscellaneous, Information Only.Software Dump Notification.Software Previously reported error has been corrected by the system.Software System resources manually deconfigured by user.Software System resources deconfigured by system due to prior error event.Software Resource deallocation event notification.Software Customer environmental problem has returned to normal.Software Concurrent Maintenance Event.Software Capacity Upgrade Event.Software Resource Sparing Event.Software Dynamic Reconfiguration Event.Software Normal system/platform shutdown or powered off.Software Platform powered off by user with normal shutdown.External environment Not applicable.External environment Miscellaneous, Information Only.External environment Dump Notification.External environment Previously reported error has been corrected by the system.External environment System resources manually deconfigured by user.External environment System resources deconfigured by system due to prior error event.External environment Resource deallocation event notification.External environment Customer environmental problem has returned to normal.External environment Concurrent Maintenance Event.External environment Capacity Upgrade Event.External environment Resource Sparing Event.External environment Dynamic Reconfiguration Event.External environment Normal system/platform shutdown or powered off.External environment Platform powered off by user with normal shutdown.Reserved Not applicable.Reserved Miscellaneous, Information Only.Reserved Dump Notification.Reserved Previously reported error has been corrected by the system.Reserved System resources manually deconfigured by user.Reserved System resources deconfigured by system due to prior error event.Reserved Resource deallocation event notification.Reserved Customer environmental problem has returned to normal.Reserved Concurrent Maintenance Event.Reserved Capacity Upgrade Event.Reserved Resource Sparing Event.Reserved Dynamic Reconfiguration Event.Reserved Normal system/platform shutdown or powered off.Reserved Platform powered off by user with normal shutdown.Unclaimed interrupts have exceeded thresholdUnclaimed interrupts on a shared level have exceeded thresholdPlatform error, switch network interface extended error data is available.Not applicable Reserved. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Processor subsystem including internal cache Reserved. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Memory subsystem including external cache Reserved. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Reserved. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Reserved. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.CEC hardware Reserved. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Power/Cooling subsystem Reserved. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Others subsystem Reserved. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Surveillance Error Reserved. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Platform Firmware Reserved. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Software Reserved. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.External environment Reserved. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Reserved Reserved. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Not applicable Reserved.Processor subsystem including internal cache Reserved.Memory subsystem including external cache Reserved.I/O subsystem (hub, bridge, bus) Reserved.I/O adapter, device and peripheral Reserved.CEC hardware Reserved.Power/Cooling subsystem Reserved.Others subsystem Reserved.Surveillance Error Reserved.Platform Firmware Reserved.Software Reserved.External environment Reserved.Reserved Reserved.651302 ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG Error log format error. Unable to parse error data.This is a test of the flow of a Serviceable Event from this system to the Service Focal Point on the HMC. This is not a real problem.Normal system shutdown with no additional delay.Loss of utility power, system is running on UPS/Battery.Loss of system critical functions, system should be shutdown.Ambient temperature too high.651301 ANALYZING PLATFORM EVENT The following informational event was reported by Platform Firmware. 651303 ANALYZING PLATFORM EVENT The following informational event was reported by Platform Firmware. %0X VIO ALERT %s Firmware Update Access Key has Expired. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Platform Firmware Unrecovered Error, general. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.Firmware Update Access Key has Expired. Refer to the system service documentation for more information.The AIX Update Access Key is expiring. Obtain and apply a new AIX UAK to ensure the server is entitled to AIX updates and support.The AIX Update Access Key has expired. Obtain and apply a new AIX UAK to ensure the server is entitled to AIX updates and support.ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG Please stand by.ANALYZING POST RESULTS Please stand by.ANALYZING ERROR LOG Please stand by.CHECKING ENVIRONMENTAL SENSORS Please stand by.CHECKING MEMORY STATUS Please stand by.CHECKING L2CACHE STATUS Please stand by.ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG IN ADVANCED MODE Please stand by.ANALYZING POST RESULTS IN ADVANCED MODE Please stand by.ANALYZING ERROR LOG IN ADVANCED MODE Please stand by.CHECKING ENVIRONMENTAL SENSORS IN ADVANCED MODE Please stand by.CHECKING MEMORY STATUS IN ADVANCED MODE Please stand by.CHECKING L2CACHE STATUS IN ADVANCED MODE Please stand by.ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG IN ADVANCED MODE Testing multiple times. %1$6d passes completed. %2$6d errors logged. To stop the test, use 'Cancel'.ANALYZING POST RESULTS IN ADVANCED MODE Testing multiple times. %1$6d passes completed. %2$6d errors logged. To stop the test, use 'Cancel'.ANALYZING ERROR LOG IN ADVANCED MODE Testing multiple times. %1$6d passes completed. %2$6d errors logged. To stop the test, use 'Cancel'.CHECKING ENVIRONMENTAL SENSORS IN ADVANCED MODE Testing multiple times. %1$6d passes completed. %2$6d errors logged. To stop the test, use 'Cancel'.CHECKING MEMORY STATUS IN ADVANCED MODE Testing multiple times. %1$6d passes completed. %2$6d errors logged. To stop the test, use 'Cancel'.CHECKING L2CACHE STATUS IN ADVANCED MODE Testing multiple times. %1$6d passes completed. %2$6d errors logged. To stop the test, use 'Cancel'.ANALYZING SYSTEM ERROR LOG Testing multiple times. %1$6d passes completed. %2$6d errors logged. To stop the test, use 'Cancel'.ANALYZING POST RESULTS Testing multiple times. %1$6d passes completed. %2$6d errors logged. To stop the test, use 'Cancel'.ANALYZING ERROR LOG Testing multiple times. %1$6d passes completed. %2$6d errors logged. To stop the test, use 'Cancel'.CHECKING ENVIRONMENTAL SENSORS Testing multiple times. %1$6d passes completed. %2$6d errors logged. To stop the test, use 'Cancel'.CHECKING MEMORY STATUS Testing multiple times. %1$6d passes completed. %2$6d errors logged. To stop the test, use 'Cancel'.CHECKING L2CACHE STATUS Testing multiple times. %1$6d passes completed. %2$6d errors logged. To stop the test, use 'Cancel'.CHECKING MEMORY SIZE IN ADVANCED MODECHECKING MEMORY SIZE%1$d MB of memory was detected as follows: LOCATION SIZE(MB) SPEED(NS) TYPE #BANKS ERROR DETECTION%1$-8s %2$3d %3$3d %4$-5s %5$1d %6$-6s Is this correct? Make selection, then use 'Enter'. CHECKING L2CACHE SIZE IN ADVANCED MODECHECKING L2CACHE SIZE%1$d KB of L2 cache was detected as follows: LOCATION SIZE(KB) STATUS%1$-8s %2$3d %3$s Is this correct? Make selection, then use 'Enter'. YES AND DISPLAY THE NEXT CHARACTERYES AND STOP THE TESTYESNORUN TEST AGAINTESTING OPERATOR PANEL DISPLAY IN ADVANCED MODE Operator Panel Display TestTESTING OPERATOR PANEL DISPLAY Operator Panel Display TestThe following test is used to ensure the operator panel display is working properly. When the test is started the numbers 0000, 1111, 2222, 3333, 4444, and 6666 will be displayed for approximately 3 seconds each in the operator panel display. OBSERVE........the operator panel display after starting the test. To start the test, use 'Enter'.Did the numbers 0000, 1111, 2222, 3333, 4444, and 6666 show correctly on the display? Make selection, then use 'Enter'.The following test is used to ensure the operator panel display is working properly. When the test is started, the next screen will show the characters that should also appear on the operator panel display. If the operator panel is displayed correctly, another set of characters will be displayed. This continues until either ALL of the displayable characters have been displayed, an error is reported, or the test is stopped. To start the test, use 'Enter'.The test can be stopped at any time by selecting YES AND STOP THE TEST or by using 'Cancel'. The operator panel display should be displaying : %1$s (a full display of %2$c's) Is this correct? Make selection, then use 'Enter'.Is this correct? Make selection, then use 'Enter'.Did the operator panel display work properly? Make selection, then use 'Enter'.Operator Panel Display Test The following test is used to ensure the operator panel display is working properly. When the test is started the numbers 0000, 1111, 2222, 3333, 4444, and 6666 will be displayed for approximately 3 seconds each in the operator panel display. OBSERVE........the operator panel display after starting the test.Operator Panel Display Test Did the numbers 0000, 1111, 2222, 3333, 4444, and 6666 show correctly on the display?Operator Panel Display Test The following test is used to ensure the operator panel display is working properly. When the test is started, the next screen will show the characters that should also appear on the operator panel display. If the operator panel is displayed correctly, another set of characters will be displayed. This continues until either ALL of the displayable characters have been displayed, an error is reported, or the test is stopped.Operator Panel Display Test The test can be stopped at any time by selecting YES AND STOP THE TEST or by using 'Cancel'. The operator panel display should be displaying : %1$s (a full display of %2$c's) Is this correct?Operator Panel Display Test Did the operator panel display work properly?Operator Panel Display Test The following test is used to ensure the operator panel display is working properly. When the test is started the numbers 1111, 2222, 3333, 4444, and 6666 will be displayed for approximately 3 seconds each in the operator panel display. OBSERVE........the operator panel display after starting the test.Operator Panel Display Test Did the numbers 1111, 2222, 3333, 4444, and 6666 show correctly on the display?A problem was logged that could be either hardware, software or firmware. Has any new software been installed or has firmware been updated recently?Are there any known software or firmware problems?Operator Panel Display Test The test can be stopped at any time by selecting YES AND STOP THE TEST or by using 'Cancel'. The operator panel display should be displaying : %1$s Is this correct?Operator Panel Display Test This system is managed by an Hardware Management Console and diagnostics does not have access to the operator panel. Therefore diagnostics can not provide a valid operator panel test. Do you wish to proceed to create a test Serviceable Event to verify the data flow of Serviceable Events from this system to the HMC? %sUnknown.Location