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enclosurecontainer/sas/sescontainer/sas/sessesSlotInfo->mUZScontainer/sas/sescontainer/sas/sesparent like sata*container/sas/sescontainer/sas/sescontainer/sas/sescontainer/sas/ses with mSlotNumberchecking enclosure looking for type container/scsi/sescontainer/sas/vsescontainer/scsi/sescontainer/scsi/sescontainer/sas/vsescontainer/sas/vsesoutput_data.statussesSlot->slotStatenew_slot->mSESname In Run_TU( %d )output_data.statusIn deleteNothing()ses->mCuDv->parent%sLinkedList of %s%s -----%2d-----%xcontainer/sas/vsescontainer/sas/vsescontainer/sas/vsescontainer/sas/vsescontainer/sas/vsescontainer/sas/vses set indicator, rc In get_drv_id()gSES_Slot[0]->mHead===================SAFTE not populated In getSlotArrayDevice to ConfigureIn deleteSlotData()In deleteSESArray() In findParent()container/scsi/saftecontainer/scsi/saftecontainer/scsi/saftesesSlot->mSlotNumberLeaving getSlotArrayLeaving getSlotArray In buildSES_Arrayoutput_data.num_slotsIn deleteDeviceData()NumberOfSlots to free In get_sas_cudv()In SetSlotIndicator() slot's current state slot's current statesesSlot->scsi_id (dec)sesSlot->scsi_id (dec)sesSlot->scsi_id (hex)sesSlotInfo->mLocationState or ID is too bigIn deleteParentsData()page 2 reported lengthLeaving get_sas_cudv()rc from set slot statePdDvLn like container/*number of valid devicesError allocating memoryname=%s AND path_id=%hd slot's requested state slot's requested stateIn CheckSlotIndicator() FAULT indicator is setLeaving buildSES_Array()sesDevice->mCuDv->statussesSlotInfo->mSlotNumbernumber of reported slots In findDeviceWithId() In match_dev_to_ses()could not extract path_id In cmp_pdev_to_pses() checking FAULT indicatorFailed to configure deviceIn deleteSlotStatusArray() In free_gSlotDisplay()Leaving match_dev_to_ses()could not get CuPath entryname=%s AND path_status=%dname=%s AND path_status=%d returning with failing rc IDENTIFY indicator is setMatched location with slotSetting indicator for slot In buildSlotStructure() In validate_enclosure() setting FAULT indicator to FAULT indicator is NOT set to set the FAULT indicator In initializeSES_Array()Leaving buildSlotStructure()Leaving validate_enclosure() checking IDENTIFY indicator unable to set indicator, rcLeaving initializeSES_Array() setting IDENTIFY indicator to IDENTIFY indicator is NOT set to set the IDENTIFY indicatorLeaving findDeviceWithId(found)Leaving findDeviceWithId(found)position (should never be zero)Leaving deleteSlotStatusArray()Searching for physical locationdrv_id (hex) in findDeviceWithIdFailed to get the primary parentload id/code rev level vpd page:Trouble getting CuDv for device.***diagTraceCuDv -> CuDv is NULL invalid indicator type selected invalid indicator type selected... Exiting checkSAS_Locations()Entering checkSAS_Locations() ... invalid indicator type specified types available: 0=all, 1=sas sesCould not allocate space for arrayLeaving findDeviceWithId(not found) In buildRedundantSlotStructure()BUT IT IS! sesSlotInfo->mSlotNumberinquiry page vendor id doesn't matchLeaving CheckSlotIndicator() with rc unable to confirm indicator was setLeaving buildRedundantSlotStructure()***diagTraceLinkedList --> LL is NULLError retrieving ODM for sas protocol trying to match inSCSI_SlotNumberdiagnostic page vendor id doesn't match***diagTraceChildOfSES -> Device is NULL***diagTraceSlotInfo -> SlotInfo is NULLcurrentSES = "%s" -- currentDevice = "%s"currentSES = "%s" -- currentDevice = "%s"%s+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-%s+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-Warning: lun id will not fit in 32-bit intWarning: scsi id will not fit in 32-bit intCuDv failed to get available path, criteriaCuDv failed to get available path, criteriaBut the drive found is not in available stateCuPath failed to get available path, criteriaCuPath failed to get available path, criteria only sas ses supports setting fault indicators this function only supports sas ses, but called with FFC@(#)61 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libdiag/diag_sasses.c, libdiag, bos72D, d2015_31A2 7/16/15 16:17:24K LLLMDK K K K K K %s dev%02X78D1CMD: %02x /dev/found major_rcminor_rcseverityparms.tu %-33s %s sdogtu.cparms.loop %s DEBUG_MODEactual_loop %-33s %s drv_id = %x variable_cdb resource_name %-33s %02x Close Failed cmd.flags=%x drv_id = 0x%x data_log_length cmd.buffer=%x num_slots = %x num_slots = %d auto sense data slot[%d] = %08x page 2 len = %x page 2 len = %x buffer_ptr = %x write_mode = %x buffer_ptr = %x write_mode = %x Diag page %02X: buffer_size = %x einval_arg = %hd buffer_size = %x einval_arg = %hd einval_arg = %hd residual = %llu cmd.scsi_cdb[%i] parms.tu_data->adapparms.tu_data->fdesparms.tu_data->cdb0parms.tu_data->cdb1 cmddata_length=%x Open Failed for %s buffer_offset = %x data_length = %llx buffer_offset = %x data_length = %llx data_length = %llx parms.data_log->typeparms.tu_data->stateparms.tu_data_length Inquiry page %02X: i = %d, p1_len = %d cmd.data_length =%d cmd.scsi_cdb[%d]=%x Failed !!!!!!!!!!!! parms.data_log_lengthparms.tu_data->drv_idparms.data_log->statusparms.tu_data->scsi_id cmd.timeout_value=%d Supported VPD Pages: parms.data_log->enqdataparms.data_log->bp_type cmd.command_length=%d Supported DIAG Pages: return = %d at line %d return = %d at line %d element type NOT FOUND return = %d at line %d return = %d at line %d return = %d at line %d return = %d at line %d Test Unit Ready Failed cmd.command_length =%d parms.data_log->num_slotsparms.data_log->microcodeDump of tu_inp structure. sses_hexdump(): length=%ld Dump of tucb_ret structure. parms.tu_data->buffer_offsetelapsed time = %d (seconds) elapsed time = %d (seconds) no auto sense data available ...entering download section ...entering download section scsi_cdb (see command_length) data_size= %d buffer_size= %d ** Adapter failed to start ** Unable to allocate enough memory Unable to allocate enough memory send diagnostics failed: errno = %d send diagnostics failed: errno = %d not found, # to skip when found = %d output slot = %d, slot_ctrl = 0x%04X Invalid parms fdes=%08x fdes_size=%d diag_make_ready( %s ) rc = %d TU = %d element_type = 0x%x, element_slot = %d starting loop looking for element slot Receive Diag page 00 failed: errno: %d Inquiry of page %02X failed: errno = %d Microcode download failed rc:%d errno:%d Standard Inquiry Page failed: errno: %d Receive Diag page %02X failed: errno = %d sense data key=0x%02X ASC=0x%02X ASCQ=0x%02X Zone mode change activate failed rc:%d errno:%d Error retrieving supported VPD pages: errno = %d Microcode download Defered failed rc:%d errno:%d SESPASSTHRU ioctl failed, errno = %d retries = %d Error retrieving supported DIAG pages: errno = %d Microcode download Activate failed rc:%d errno:%d Microcode inquiry failed: File=%s Line=%d errno=%d SESPATHPASSTHRU ioctl failed, errno = %d retries = %d Unable to read microcode image fdes=%08x fdes_size=%d Unable to read microcode image fdes=%08x fdes_size=%d sses_ucode_write_buf-Invalid parms fdes=%08x fdes_size=%d start sses_set_element_state, type=%d, slot=%d, slot_ctrl=0x%04X world_wide_name = 0x%llX node_name = 0x%llX variable_cdb_length = %u @(#)22 src/bos/diag/tu/sdog/sdogtu.c, tu_sdog, bos72F, f2017_21A2 5/19/17 13:39:53sc_passthru: version = %hd status_validity = 0x%02X scsi_bus_status = 0x%02X adap_status_type = 0x%02X adapter_status = 0x%02X adap_set_flags = 0x%02X add_device_status = 0x%02X adap_q_status = 0x%02x q_tag_msg = 0x%02X flags = 0x%02X devflags = 0x%02X q_flags = 0x%02X command_length = %hu einval_arg = %hu autosense_length = %u timeout_value = %u data_length = %lld scsi_id = 0x%llX lun_id = 0x%llX }p}}}~$~P~|~~}p4`@ r HSrb%x sessessessesIBMsessesdev%02X7027%08X%02x saftesafte/dev/SAF-TEmajor_rcminor_rcseverityparms.tu %-33s %s 2104-TL12104-DL12104-TU32104-DU32104-DS42104-TS4pdogtu.c2104-TL12104-DL12104-TU32104-DU32104-TL12104-DL1St V1S2YGHv3 S2FThV1 S2parms.loop %s %s%08X.%4sactual_loop %-33s %s %s%4X.%4.4sresource_name %-33s %02x Close Failed Dual Rep CardNo ucode filedata_log_lengthSingle Rep Card/etc/microcode//etc/microcode/ScioStop Failed ScioRead Failed parms.data_log->idInvalid Signature parms.tu_data->adapparms.tu_data->cdb0parms.tu_data->cdb1Open Failed for %s ScioInquiry Failed parms.data_log->typeparms.tu_data->bp_idparms.tu_data->stateparms.tu_data_lengthInvalid Device Type Failed !!!!!!!!!!!! parms.data_log_lengthparms.tu_data->drv_idRequest Sense Failed Send Blue LED failed .* -print 2>/dev/nullStart Adapter Failed Request Sense Failed Start Adapter Failed Start Adapter Failed parms.data_log->statushexdump(): length=%ld parms.data_log->enqdataparms.data_log->bp_typeparms.tu_data->file_nameScioStart Failed for %s parms.data_log->num_slotsparms.data_log->microcodeDump of tu_inp structure. SAFTE Write Buffer Failed SAFTE Write Buffer Failed Scio Normal Enquiry Failed Scio Inquiry page 3 Failed Downloading ucode file: %s Scio Normal Enquiry Failed Scio Inquiry page 0 Failed Dump of tucb_ret structure. parms.tu_data->buffer_offsetScio Rec Diag page 1 Failed Scio Rec Diag page 2 Failed Scio Rec Diag page 1 Failed Scio Rec Diag page 1 Failed Scio Rec Diag page 2 Failed Scio Rec Diag page 1 Failed /usr/bin/find /etc/microcode/Scio Send Diag page 2 Failed No new level ucode file found Invalid header in download file Read download file failed errno %X Open download file %s failed errno %X Read Enclosure Configuration 0 Failed Read Enclosure Configuration 1 Failed Read Enclosure Configuration 4 Failed Send Diag page 2 Failed rc:%d errorn:%d Invalid length in the header in download file Checksum Error in download file:SUM:%x XOR:%x es1rpt %0X %0X es2rpt %0X %0X dual %X active %X Make your choice: 1 Normal 2 Insert/Remove 4 Identify es1rpt %0X %0X es2rpt %0X %0X dual %X active %X offset=%d @(#)07 src/bos/diag/tu/pdog/pdogtu.c, tu_pdog, bos720 5/30/07 15:16:20pЬp,XԜ@ : :G :C :E : D @    < <  c c c : :   : c d d $ ( 08 0< d d d 0@ 0D d 0H 0P d : : d : d : : dC` p @___bzero@+@7@D@errno@close@ _iob@malloc@ calloc@ free@ exit@ strlen@ fopen@ open@ getenv@ fprintf@ fclose@ strchr@ sprintf@ time@ printf@ fflush@ read@ strncmp@ fgets@ sscanf@ scanf@ sleep@ fread@ ftell@ fseek@ rewind@ strtok@ ioctl@ strstr@ popen@ getopt@ P@ __crt0v@optarg@]@z@ @ @ dt@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ )@ <@ J@ X@ j@ v@ LL_add@ @ @@@ @ odmerrno@__start :! D H P            / / 0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0 0  0$ 0( :` :d :h :l :p :t :x :| : : : : : : : : : : : : ;* ;) ; ; , ;$ ;( ;, ;06 ;4 ;80 ;<( ;@+ ;D ;H4 ;L ;P ;T5 ;X ;\ ;` ;d  ;h ;l ;p ;t ;x ;|  ; ;; ;: ;9 ;A ;B ;@ ;C ; ; ;2 ;- ;. ;& ;  ;? ;> ; ;< ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;$ ; ; ;/ ; < < < < 1 < < < < <  <$ <( <, <0 <4 <8 <<% <@