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Usage: ------ ./mxib_ucdl [switches...] [parameters...] Switches summary: ----------------- -crc - Print out each section CRC. Commands affected: verify -d[evice] - Device flash is connected to. Commands affected: all -guid - GUID base value. 4 GUIDs are automatically assigned to the following values: guid -> node GUID guid+1 -> port1 guid+2 -> port2 guid+3 -> system image GUID. Note: port2 guid will be assigned even for a single port HCA - The HCA ignores this value. Commands affected: burn -guids - 4 GUIDs must be specified here. The specified GUIDs are assigned the following values, repectively: node, port1, port2 and system image GUID. Note: port2 guid must be specified even for a single port HCA - The HCA ignores this value. It can be set to 0x0. Commands affected: burn -clear_semaphore - Force clear the flash semaphore on the device. No command is allowed when this flag is used. NOTE: May result in system instability or flash corruption if the device or another application is currently using the flash. Exercise caution. -h[elp] - Prints this message and exits -hh - Prints extended command help -i[mage] - Binary image file. Commands affected: burn, verify -byte_mode - Shift address when accessing flash internal registers. May be required for burn/write commands when accessing certain flash types. -s[ilent] - Do not print burn progress flyer. Commands affected: burn -y[es] - Non interactive mode - assume answer "yes" to all questions. Commands affected: all -vsd - Write this string, of up to 208 characters, to VSD when burn. -use_image_ps - Burn vsd as appears in the given image - do not keep existing VSD on flash. Commands affected: burn -v - Version info. Commands summary (use -hh flag for full commands description): ----------------- b[urn] - Burn flash q[uery] - Query misc. flash/firmware characteristics cfi - Query flash device parameters. v[erify] - Verify entire flash ri - Read the fw image on the flash. Command descriptions: ---------------------------- * Burn flash Burns entire flash from raw binary image. Command: b[urn] Parameters: None Examples: ./mxib_ucdl -d /dev/mst/mt23108_pci_cr0 -i image1.bin burn ./mxib_ucdl -d /dev/mst/mt23108_pciconf0 -guid 0x2c9000100d050 -i image1.bin b * Query miscellaneous FW and flash parameters Command: q[uery] Parameters: None Example: ./mxib_ucdl -d /dev/mst/mt23108_pci_cr0 query * Query flash device parameters (Common Flash Interface) Command: cfi Parameters: None Example: ./mxib_ucdl -d /dev/mst/mt23108_pci_cr0 cfi * Verify entire flash. Command: v[erify] Parameters: None Example: ./mxib_ucdl -d /dev/mst/mt23108_pci_cr0 v * Read the FW image from flash and write it to a file. Command: ri Parameters: file - filename to write the image to (raw binary). Example: ./mxib_ucdl -d /dev/mst/mt23108_pci_cr0 ri file.bin neither a device nor an image filean image filea deviceeither an image file or a deviceboth an image file and a deviceareisFlashImage filenot containsdoes not containGUIDs / MACs-guid(s) / -mac(s)-guid(s)-mac(s)unknownMulti-Protocolflashgiven fileover Q2_3std9bad_alloc:0,Q2_3std9exception:0Q2_3std12length_error:0,Q2_3std11logic_error:0,Q2_3std9exception:0logic errorQ2_3std11logic_error:0,Q2_3std9exception:0Ibad allocationIAddress should be 4-bytes aligned.ILength should be 4-bytes aligned.IBread() when not openedIReading 0x%x bytes from %saddress 0x%x is out of image limits (0x%x bytes)IWarning: Taking flash lock even though semaphore is set. IBCan not obtain Flash semaphore (63). You can run "mxib_ucdl -clear_semaphore -d " to force semaphore unlock. See help for details.I%s %sIBFailed getting flash attributes for device %s: %sIBFailed setting byte mode fore device %s: %sFlash read failed at address %s%x : %sI000%%IB100%%IBNot openedITrying to write %d bytes to address 0x%x, which exceeds flash size (0x%x).IFlash write of %d bytes to address %s0x%x failed: %sIBMFlash erase of address 0x%x failed: %sI%s /0x%08x/ (BOOT2)%s - read error (%s) IB%s /0x%08x/ - unexpected size (0x%x) IB%s /0x%08x-0x%08x (0x%06x)/ (BOOT2)ICrc16::add(%08x) IB%s /0x%08x/ - wrong CRC (exp:0x%x, act:0x%x) IBBad CRC%s - OK (CRC:0x%04x) IB%s - OK IBM%s /0x%08x/ (GeneralHeader)UNKNOWN (%d)IBM%s /0x%08x-0x%08x (0x%06x)/ (%s)IBM%s - size too big (0x%x) IMulticast bit (bit 40) is setIBMore than 48 bits are usedI%s pointer section not valid IB%s image - illegal GUID pointer (%08x) %s image - illegal number of GUIDs (0x%x) I Received signal %d. Cleaning up ...IB Done. ----Sector Organization Parameters------------------- IBM%-50s IDevice size:IBM[%8li] bytes, or [%2i] Mbit IBMNumber of erase block regions:I%d Size:[%8lx] bytes, Mask [%08x], [Number:[%4i] IBMFlash attributes: I HwDevId %d I TotalSize 0x%x IBM Banks 0x%x IBM SectorSize 0x%x IBM WriteBlockSize 0x%x IBM CmdSet 0x%x IBMImage type: %s IBMFW Version: %.4d%.4d%.4d IProduct Version: %s IBMRom Version: IB%x N/A IBMI.S. Version: %d IBMDevice ID: %d IBMChip Revision: %X IBMDescription: Node Port1 Port2 IBSys image IGUIDs: IB%8.8x%8.8x Description:%s Port1 Port2 I IBMACs: %s %4.4x%8.8x IWarning: Bad mac address (%4.4x%8.8x): %s I Warning: Can not get MAC addrerss: Expecting %d entries in guid section, got %d. Probably an old FW image. Please update. Board ID: %sIBM (%s) IVSD: %s IBMPSID: %s IBM Warning: Not a Mellanox FW image (vendor_id = 0x%04x). VSD and PSID are not displayed. IFlash write failed: %sI%03d%%IBurning %-6s FW image without signatures - IBMFAILED (Invalidating signature) IBFAILED IBMOK IBRestoring %-6s signature - IBMOK IBInvalid image: too small.IBInvalid image: two FW images should have the same size.IBRepairing: Copy %s image to %s -IBM READ %s I READ %s 100%IBCan not copy image. Pointer sector %d signature is bad (%08x).I READ FW IB READ FW 100%IB WRITE FW WRITE FW 100%I WRITE %s WRITE %s 100%I SIGNATURE IBM SIGNATURE OK Do you want to continue ? (y/n) [n] : IBMy INot on tty - Can not interact. assuming "no"IBMY Iyes IBMYes IBMYES IBMAborted by user Read and verify Invariant Sector - Flash has wrong signature in Invariant Sector (Expected %08x, got %08x).IBMDIFF DETECTED Invariant sector mismatch. Address 0x%x in image: 0x%08x, while on flash: 0x%08x IBM The invariant sector can not be burnt in a failsafe manner. IB You can continue the FW update without burning the invariant sector. See FW release notes for details on invariant sector updates. I You can perform the FW update without burning the invariant sector by by specifying the -skip_is flag. See FW release notes for details on invariant sector updates. IBInvariant sector mismatchIBOK Flash sector size(0x%x) differs from sector size defined in the image (0x%x). This means that the given FW file is not configured to work with the burnt HCA board type. IBImage is too small.Bad image file given: signature in PPS is 0x%08x (should be 0x%08x)Bad image file given: signature in SPS is 0x%08x (should be 0x%08x)Read and verify PPS/SPS on flash - I Both images (primary and secondary) are invalid on flash. The burning can not be failsafe, but it is harmless for host. IBurn FW image without signatures - Restore right signatures - FAILED (PPS Signature) IBMFAILED (SPS Signature) IBMcur_image_ok[1] || cur_image_ok[0]I../../../../../../src/bos/diag/util/mxib_ucdl/mxib_ucdl.cppReparable Error Detected. IFAILED Bad flash state: Valid images = (%d,%d). IBMagic PatternIBThe given image is not a failsae imageIFailsafe chunk sizes in flash (0x%x) and in image (0x%x) are not the same.I Burning %-6s FW image without signatures - IBRestoring %-6s signature - IWarning: The given VSD length is too large (%d chars). Truncating to %d chars. You are about to replace current PSID in the image file - "%s" with a different PSID - "%s". Note: It is highly recommended not to change the image PSID. Internal error: Operations::PrintGuids() with both guid and mac turned offI%s %s: Node GUID: %8.8x%8.8x Port1 GUID: %8.8x%8.8x Port2 GUID: %8.8x%8.8x Sys.Image GUID: %8.8x%8.8x Port1 MAC: %4.4x%8.8x Port2 MAC: %4.4x%8.8x Old image!!!! Only %d GUIDs may be set. IBM Current settings of You are about to burn the image with the followingI*** ERROR *** Bad mac (%4.4x%8.8x) %s: %s. Please re-burn with a valid -mac flag value. IBMInfo section corrupted: Section data size is %x bytes, but end tag found after %x bytes.IBMInfo section corrupted: Section data size is %x bytes, but end tag not found before section end.IBMInfo section corrupted: Tag %d (TagId %d, size %d) exceeds Info section size (%d bytes) IBMExpansion Rom section not found.IBMROM size (0x%x) is too smallIBMROM size field (0x%2x) is larger than actual ROM size (0x%x)IBMROM size field is 0. Unknown ROM format or corrupted ROM.IBBad ROM Checksum (0x%2x)IBMMellanox version string (%s) not found in ROM section.IFW IDIBGUID PTRIBMFailed to read GUIDs - Illegal GUID pointer (%08x). Probably image is corruptedNumber of GUIDsFailed to read GUIDs - Illegal Number of GUIDs (%d) IBMGUIDSIB Warning: Failed to get ROM Version: %s IBINFO PTRIBMFailed to read Info Section - Bad checksum for Info section pointer (%08x). Probably the image is corrupted.IBMFailed to read Info Section - Info section pointer (%08x) too large. Probably the image is corrupted.IBInfo section sizeIBInfo SectionI%s Pointer Sector /0x%08x/ - invalid signature (%08x) I%s Pointer Sector /0x%08x/ - wrong CRC (exp:0x%x, act:0x%x) IBM%s Image /0x%08x-0x%08x (0x%06x)/ (Pointer Sector)- OK (CRC:0x%04x) IBM%s Image /0x%08x-0x%08x (0x%06x)/ (Pointer Sector)- OK Internal Error: Tried to query PS when image is not failsafeIBMPrimary IBNo valid image found.IBVendor Specific Data (Board ID)SignatureIBCorrupted chunk size checksumIBNo valid image foundIBMMore than 2 image start locations found at addresses %x, %x and %x. Image may be corrupted. ConnectX failsafe image. Start address: %x. Chunk size %x: I NOTE: The addresses below are contiguous logical addresses. Physical addresses on flash may be different, based on the image start address and chunk size ConnectX non failsafe image: IBM IBMConnectX Failsafe image must start at address 0 or at chunk size. Found a failsafe image at address %xIConnectX Non Failsafe image must start at address 0. Found non-fs image at address %xIB Can't read failsafe info word: %s Failsafe image: IInvariant Short image: IrbICan not open file "%s" - %s IBMCan not get file size for "%s" - %s IBMImage size should be 4-bytes aligned. Make sure file %s is in the right format (binary image)IBRead error on file "%s" - %s IBRead error on file "%s" - read only %d bytes (from %ld) IBM*** INTERNAL ERROR *** Unknown command given to CheckMaxCmdArguments (%d) I*** ERROR *** Command "%s" requires %d arguments, but %d arguments were given I*** INTERNAL ERROR *** Unknown command given to CheckCommandInputs() (%d) I*** ERROR *** Command "%s" requires %s to be specifiedI, but %s %s given. . IInvalid GUID syntax (%s) %s IBmtIInvalid BSN. Should be MTxxxxx[-]R[xx]ddmmyy-nnn[-cc] IValid BSN format is: MTxxxxx[-]R[xx]ddmmyy-nnn[-cc] %s. IBMDay (dd) should not exceed 31IBDay (dd) can not be zeroIBMMonths (mm) should not exceed 12IBMMonths (mm) can not be zeroYear (yy) should not exceed 99IYear (yy) can not be zeroIBNumber (num) should not exceed 999INumber (num) can not be zeroIBMChip number (cc) should not exceed 14IBChip number (cc) can not be zeroI The '%s' command is not supported on this system. IBRoot authority is required to run this program. IBM-clear_semaphoreIBM-deviceMissed parameter after "%s" switch -vI-vv-noeraseIBM-noburn-crcIBM-bytewriteI"-bytewrite" should be specifies before "-device" switch in the command line. I-vsdIBM-vsd1IB-psidIB-vsd2IB-bsnIBM-imageI-guidIB-guidsIExactly four GUIDs must be specified. I-macIBM-macsIBExactly two MACs must be specified. IBM-silent-use_image_psIB-striped_imageI-yesIBM-byte_modeI*** ERROR *** No command is allowed when -clear_semaphore flag is given. IB*** ERROR *** No command given. See help for details. I*** ERROR *** Invalid command "%s". IBM*** ERROR *** Memory allocation failed *** ERROR *** Can not open %s: %s I*** ERROR *** Image file open failed: %s IB*** INTERNAL ERROR *** Invalid command %d. Return Code: %d I*** ERROR *** The given device is %sa ConnectX HCA, but the given image file %s a ConnectX FW image IBM*** ERROR *** %s: Not a valid image file (%s) I*** ERROR *** Can not extract %s info from flash. Please specify %s (using command line flags %s ). IB Can not burn in a failsafe mode. If you want to burn in non failsafe mode, use the "-nofs" switch. IBM*** ERROR *** -mac flag is not applicable for IB MT%d device. I*** ERROR *** Use both -mac and -guid flags for %s device id %d. IB*** ERROR *** Use -guid(s) flag for IB MT%d device. IBM*** ERROR *** Use -mac(s) flag for ETH MT%d device. IBM*** ERROR *** Failsafe burn failed: FW image in the %s is non failsafe. IBM It is impossible to burn %sa non failsafe image in a failsafe mode. I*** ERROR *** Can not extract VSD/PSID info from flash. Can not burn in a failsafe mode. Please use "-nofs" flag to burn in a non failsafe mode. Current FW version on flash: I%d.%d.%d IB New FW version: I You are about to replace current PSID on flash - "%s" with a different PSID - "%s". Note: It is highly recommended not to change the PSID. IBM*** ERROR *** Flash access failed during burn: %s I*** ERROR *** Failsafe burn error: %s I%.4d%.4d%.4dIBM*** ERROR *** Unable to open device file for %s IBM*** ERROR *** Unable to update flash version I *** WARNING *** Trying to run query on a corrapted image. Results may be undefined. IB*** ERROR *** %s query (%s) failed: %s *** ERROR *** %s query (%s) failed. Not a valid image. IBM *** ERROR *** FW image verification failed: %sIBM. AN HCA DEVICE CAN NOT BOOT FROM THIS IMAGE. I FW image verification succeeded. Image is bootable. IMissed %s parameter after "%s" command IwbICan not open IB*** ERROR *** Flash read failed: %s IBMWrite error*** ERROR *** Cfi query failed: %s *** ERROR *** Unable to get device number for %s IBDevice number: 0x%x IBM-hh--hhIBM-helpIB--h*** ERROR *** Invalid switch "%s" is specified. IBM%s: %s .IBM SVN %sMXIB_FL_IOCTLNDD_WRITE_FLASHUNKNOWNflopen: Unable to allocate flfile handle - errno=%d, %s IBM/dev/entIBMflopen device=%s IBflopen socket() failed /dev/IBflopen connect() failed IBMflf is %x Iopenx is called IBMDevice %s does not exist. IUnable to perform openx on device %s - errno=%d, %s IBMflopen ioctl type is %s IBM command: %lx dev_fd: %lx I hca_handle: %llx bar0_addr: %llx I offset: %lx I data: %lx IBM devno: %lx IB rc: %lx I version %s IBCan not open flash drive for device %s - rc=%d errno=%d,%s flopen flf=%p bar0=0x%llx fd=%d IBMflclose flf=%p fd=%d IBflclose ioctl type is %s IBflclose is a NOPIBMflclose after close ioctl fd=%d IBMflclose after close function fd=%d Closing device flread4 flf=%p bar0=0x%llx fd=%d offset=0x%x IBflread4 ioctl type is %s IBCan not read from flash drive - rc=%d errno=%d, %s flread4 value=0x%x flwrite4 flf=%p bar0=0x%llx fd=%d offset=0x%x value=0x%x IBflwrite4 ioctl type is %s ICan not write to flash drive - rc=%d errno=%d, %s Ifldevno flf=%p bar0=0x%llx fd=%d IBfldevno ioctl type is %s IBCan not get device number - rc=%d errno=%d, %s fldevno devno=0x%x flupdate_flash_version flf=%p bar0=0x%llx fd=%d version=%s flupdate_flash_version ioctl type is %s IBMCan not update VPD flash version - rc=%d errno=%d, %s Iflupdate_flash_version return @(#)73 src/bos/diag/util/mxib_ucdl/mxib_mflash.cpp, dsaumxib, bos720, 1508A_720 12/5/14 13:23:49LPCSPIXBUSEEPROMMFE_OKMFE_ERRORMFE_BAD_PARAMSMFE_CR_ERRORMFE_INVALMFE_NOT_IMPLEMENTEDMFE_UNSUPPURTED_FLASH_TOPOLOGYMFE_UNSUPPURTED_FLASH_TYPEMFE_CFI_FAILEDMFE_TIMEOUTMFE_ERASE_TIMEOUTMFE_WRITE_TIMEOUTMFE_ERASE_ERRORMFE_WRITE_ERRORMFE_BAD_ALIGNMFE_SEM_LOCKEDMFE_VERIFY_ERRORMFE_NOMEMMFE_OUT_OF_RANGEIBM-E- Cr write (0x%08x, 0x%08x) failed: %s(%d) IB-E- Cr read (0x%08x) failed: %s(%d) IBM-E- Flash gateway timeout: %sIBWriteIBReadIBMRead idWREN commandIBMPP commandIESI-D- cntx_st_spi_page_read(addr=%05x, u_int32_t size=%03x) I-E- More than 8 erase blocks (%d found)- not supported Received CFI query from addr 0x10: [%c%c%c] IB Received CFI query from addr 0x20: [%c%c%c] IB-E- Unexpected SPI electronic signature value (0x%2x) when detecting flash size. Flash #%d my be defected.I-E- SPI flash #%d of size 0x%x bytes differs in size from SPI flash #%d of size 0x%x bytes. All flash devices must be of the same size.-E- flash of type %s not supported. IBM-E- Read a corrupted device id (0x%x). Probably HW/PCI access problem I-E- Device type %d not supported. MTFWޭpAT  @(#)23 1.6 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libpthreads/init.c, libpth, bos720 6/21/07 15:28:59@(#)61 1.16 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libc/__threads_init.c, libcthrd, bos720 8/2/07 13:09:21 ޭ $pxτϔϤϰ0DTdtЄИФ D P$ \tޭ@ hޭ@ hޭ@ tޭ ޭ ޭ ޭ ޭ ޭ ޭ  tޭ   ޭ  ޭ    ޭ   X h X (0TP  4 @ L X LD d p |  p  D\`p           $  0 $ < H T ` l x                <  `       `     "@  p ,@ & ' ? 0 2p D P  ֐  $     Π   P 0  p   ̀ @ `   P 0 `   @ ` `  0    p ۰   @      0 p ݠ  % !0    P ؠ     0  (ɠ   < H T ` l x   , 8  l p t x  ( P T  X  H D M @,@8@E@errno@close@ socket@ _iob@malloc@ free@ _Errno@ exit@ atexit@ strlen@ fopen@ isatty@ getenv@ strtoul@ fprintf@ fclose@ geteuid@ sprintf@ printf@ __assert@ fflush@ Q@ vprintf@ fwrite@ strncmp@ fgets@ perror@ raise@ fread@ ftell@ fseek@ rewind@ strerror@ openx@ connect@ strtoull@ ]@ __crt0v@j@@ @ioctl@ @ signal@ sleep@ @ @ @ @ @ #H zH @ @ H =H IH U@ a@ mH @ #@ 8@ __start !         $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h x           < \ |         4 T h |        $ , < D T \ l t            , @ T> h |                0 8 @ H X \ ` d h l p t x |                5 5 5 (5 05 85 @ P X ` h p x                      $ ( 0 4 < @ H L T X ` d l p x |                            $ , 0 8 < D H P T \ ` h l t x                              ( , 4 8 @ D L P X \ d h p t |                             $ ( 0 4 < @ H L T X ` d l p x |                    1 , +   $/ (. , 0 4 8  < @ D  H L P T7 X \4 `6 d- h lA p t@ x |     % $ & #   '      ( 0      )                       $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D> H? L8 P T X< \ ` d  h l p t x |  =  * 2  3 "  E     ! ; D C      :  B  9/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr.olibpthreads.ashr_xpg5.olibbsd.ashr.olibC.ashr.olibC.aansi_32.olibdiag.ashr.o@VPDmxib_ucdl/5765E6200/520 ___strcmp ___memset ___memmove ___strcpy vsnprintf __mod_init__malloc_user_defined_name __pth_init __pthread __bsd_init__CleanupCatch__PureVirtualCalled__run_final_dtors__run_initial_ctors#__setUncaughtExceptionFlag__3stdFbU_Nullstr__Q2_3std12basic_stringXTcTQ2_3std11char_traitsXTc_TQ2_3std9allocatorXTc__FvR_Tidy__Q2_3std12basic_stringXTcTQ2_3std11char_traitsXTc_TQ2_3std9allocatorXTc__Fb __ReThrowV6 __ThrowV6S__ct__Q2_3std12basic_stringXTcTQ2_3std11char_traitsXTc_TQ2_3std9allocatorXTc__FPCc __dl__FPv __nw__FUl __vd__FPv __vn__FUlassign__Q2_3std12basic_stringXTcTQ2_3std11char_traitsXTc_TQ2_3std9allocatorXTc__FRCQ2_3std12basic_stringXTcTQ2_3std11char_traitsXTc_TQ2_3std9allocatorXTc__UlT2terminate__3stdFvunexpected__3stdFvsupports_diagnostics