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Error(%d): Could not execute: %s %s %s search_next_entry: hour = %d, min = %d multi_sighandler:Received signal #: %d ERROR:could not allocate tminp. In %s:%ddo_initial_tests: child running, pid: %d sigalrm_handler: SIGALRM time=%02d:%02d sigalrm_handler: SIGALRM wday=%d mday=%d Remind Attributes: time=%s freq=%s day=%s read_CDiagAtt_list: name:%s ,attribute:%s Coulnd not allocate dev->devname In %s:%d search_above_curr_min: hour = %d, min = %d Coulnd not allocate dev->next_dev In %s:%d Not Registering the handler for signal: %d daemon_engine:G_sigusr1_received completed Cannot create lock file for 'diagd' utility after adding the reminders, the test list is ERROR: could not allocate tst_list . In %s:%dbefore adding the reminders, the test list is build_ptl: dev: %s, ttime: %04d interval: %04d diff_in_time: next.hour = %d, next.minutes = %d ERROR: could not allocate argsv. Exiting! In %s:%dERROR: could not allocate tminp->devices. In %s:%dError: Another 'diagd'(pid=%d) is already running! Error: tst_list not allocated by add_list In %s:%dERROR: could not allocate argsv. !Exiting!. In %s:%d The '%s' command is not supported on this system. init_sigaction:Registering the handler for signal: %d do_initial_test: %d devices match the test type of %d ================Shhhhhh! The daemon is asleep!=========== ERROR: could not allocate tminp->devices->devname. In %s:%d%2d: name=%-16s time=%-4d type_flag=%-1d freq=%-8s day=%-10s %2d: name=%-16s time=%-4d type_flag=%-1d freq=%-8s day=%-10s diff_in_time: curr.hour = %d, curr.minutes = %d, curr.seconds = %d fpdiags_generate_minutes_list( %s): interval(HHMM)=%04d, interval(minutes)=%d There are no resources in the Periodic Diagnostics Test List. 'diagd' utility exiting. @(#)00 src/bos/diag/util/udiagmon/diagd.c, dsaudiagmon, bos72L, l2018_07A2 1/30/18 13:39:23a/-t-R-t-tdailyweeklysundaymondayfridaymonthlytuesdayname=%sthursdaysaturdaywednesday    /tmp/.DIAG_TRACE     /etc/objrepos/CDiagAtt/etc/objrepos/CDiagAttibm,converged-loc-codes   ( P 8  Dname = %s and attribute = %s@(#)29 1.6 src/bos/diag/util/udiagmon/diagd_lib.c, dsaudiagmon, bos720 4/29/04 13:58:22 Ϭ !(@ $0 2@0TsnFFCFrurepNumPSetMenunametypeflocfmsgtypefrusSetIdMsgIdOrderPortsDNextvaluelabelfnamercodeTtimevalueindexTaskIdActionDaNameTcountActionBuiltinCatalogKernExtPreTestSysxAppKernExtVersionmessageProgMsgRetryTUPDiagTUPkgBlockSupTestsPkgBlockSupTasksPDiagResCDiagAttfru_flagreservedPDiagFRUreservedPDiagSRNErrLabelPriorityPDiagELATestUnitTestDiscWrapPlugErrorNumreservedPDiagTaskattributereserved1reserved2reserved3reserved4ExecOrderreserved1reserved2reserved3reserved4attributeUniquetypeEnclDaNameUniquetypefru_exemptUniquetypeUniquetypeRcvryLabelConditionAConditionBConditionCConditionDUniquetypePDiagTU.vcUniquetypePDiagMcodeTestSuiteIdPDiagRes.vcCDiagAtt.vcPDiagFRU.vcPDiagSRN.vcPDiagELA.vcDescriptionErrorActionMultisessionResourceFlagPDiagTask.vcTotalRetriesAttUniquetypePDiagMcode.vcDiagEnvironmentDiagEnvironmentDescriptionSetIdDescriptionMsgIdImmediateRetries   ! 4, 0 8 " 0 "T< \L dP !T " 0 < L \ L^ ` !Xd "x 0 << D@ P ` !4p " !@ l    #t  #  #$ ( t, 0 4 #8 $: < " 0 !p< "P !|d f Th l | " " " " ! ! 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