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L" L# L$ L% L& L' L( L) L* L+ M,M -N.>O/*O0O1*P25Q3;QK4|Q5'R6R,7R8S9T]:Ta;Tg<T=KT>T?Un@UrAUwBMUzC(UD9UEV+F$VG VH WI WJ WK W&L W0M W:N WDO WNP WXQ WbR WlS WvT WU WV WW WX WY WZ W[ W\ W] W^W_X`XaXb\c`dbpe#cAfgcegAch!di)d1j0d[kdldm8dnDdo2ep7eHq+er9esTetDf;uEfvEfwNg x>g[ygzg{Pg|?g}<h4~hq i, i6i@ iB iLiViXiZi\i^i`ibidifihijilGinkklelm\!m{Pnn2o o@.p$"pSpv1p(ppqqq4qR!qiqqqq8qr4rIrfBrhr"r"rssXs59s)sKst>$t#t$u u5"uV&uy u u u u u u u u u u v v v v" v, v6 v@ vJ vT v^ vh vrWv|vwRIC0001: Unrecognized option: %1$s RIC0002: Invalid parameter: %1$s RIC0003: File %1$s not found RIC0004: Error accessing file %1$s RIC0005: Invalid card number: %1$s RIC0006: Insufficient storage RIC0007: Invalid process name: %1$s RIC0008: Duplicate process name: %1$s RIC0009: Exception condition %1$s detected on card %2$s RIC0010: No device response from card %1$s Dump of card %1$s in progress Dump of card %1$s complete Dump trigger set for card %1$s Triggered dump of card %1$s cancelled Triggered dump of card %1$s not pending RIC0016: Unexpected system error %1$s %1$s successfully deinstalled RIC0018: %1$s cannot deinstall RIC0019: Driver not installed Licensed Materials - Property of RadiSys Corp. ARTIC960 Support Version %1$s (C) Copyright RadiSys Corp. 1999 All Rights Reserved. (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 1998 %2$s Initializing %1$s installed and running %1$s successfully unloaded from card %2$s RIC0023: Process %1$s not found on card %2$s %1$s successfully started on card %2$s RIC0025: %1$s already started on card %2$s RIC0026: File format error in file %1$s. Internal error %2$s Correct syntax is: |---------ricload--------- -C config_filename-------------------------------+ | | | | | +-path-+ + -Q + +-----------------------+ | | v | | ---card_num----filename--|-----------------------|--| | |-|- -A"process_args"-|-| | | | +- -F arg_filename--+ | | | |-|- -L --------------|-| | | | +- -W timeout-------+ | | | |--- -K stack_size------| | | |--- -N process_name----| | | |--- -P priority--------| | | |--- -V ----------------| | | |--- -O ----------------| | | |--- -T ----------------| | | +--- -D cache_option----+ | |-- -S process_name--------------------| | + -W timeout---+ | |-- -U process_name--------------------| +-- -T --------------------------------+ Correct syntax is: +----------------+ v | |--------ricdump------card_num---------filename-+----------------+-+-----+-+-| | | | | || | | | | -I | | +-path-+ + -Q + |+-path-+ | -A addr,len | + -T + | | | | | | + -P PMC cfgfile + | | | | | | + -O out_file + | | | +---------------- -C ------------------------+ Correct syntax is: |------------riccnfg------------------- -L l1 -----------------------| | | | | | | | | || +-path-+ + -Q + | + l2 + + -S s1 s2 +| | | |--- -C config_filename-----------| |--- -A --------------------------| +--- -P --------------------------+ Correct syntax is: |------------ricstat-----------------------------------------------| | | |---------------------------------| +-path-+ || | | | | | | |+ -I + |---card_num---| + -S + | | + -F dump_file-+ | | | +--------- -D dump_file-----------+ Correct syntax is: +--------------+ v | |------------ricreset----------------|---card_num---|----| | | | | +-path-+ + -Q + Reset of card %1$s in progress Reset of card %1$s complete RIC0034: Reset of card %1$s failed RIC0035: Invalid microcode load Peer communications between cards %1$s and %2$s successfully configured RIC0037: Microcode error. Internal error %1$s RIC0038: Error accessing card %1$s. Internal error %2$s RIC0039: %1$s not installed, no adapters found Dump on card %1$s already active RIC0041: Peer communications not configurable with current hardware options RIC0042: WARNING: Processor mismatch RIC0043: Peer communications pipe size out of range RIC0044: Process failed to initialize RIC0045: Process failed to initialize correctly. Error: %1$s RIC0046: Cards %1$s and %2$s are already configured RIC0047: Configuration failed between %1$s and %2$s. Correct syntax is: |------------ricmbx32----------------------------------------| | | |-- -C -----------config_filename -| +-path-+ | | | | | +-path-+ | +-- -K ----------------------------+ RIC0049: Unable to install Interrupt Handler for card %1$s RIC0050: Resource %1$s already in use RIC0051: %1$s already started on system unit RIC0052: Unable to set System Clock on card %1$s System Clock successfully started on card %1$s Entry Point = %1$s Code = %2$s Data = %3$s BSS = %4$s Stack = %5$s Parameters = %6$s RIC0055: Timeout trying to configure with card %1$s %1$s percent complete.%1$s successfully loaded on card %2$s Process Name = %3$s Process ID = %4$s %1$sPeer communications between card %1$s and system unit successfully configured RIC0060: Card %1$s and system unit are already configured RIC0061: Configuration failed between card %1$s and system unit Mailbox process successfully terminated RIC0063: Mailbox process not running RIC0064: ROM error %1$s detected on card %2$s RIC0065: Symbol %1$s is undefined %1$s Interrupt Nesting Disabled RIC0067: Pipe configuration failed between card %1$s and system unit RIC0068: One or more of the required subsystems was not found for card %1$s %1$s SCB transfers disabled %1$s timeouts disabled RIC0071: Down-level ROM version on card %1$s Correct syntax is: |------------ricmbx------------------------------------------| | | |-- -C -----------config_filename -| +-path-+ | | | | | +-path-+ | +-- -K ----------------------------+ RIC0073: Timeout during mailbox initialization RIC0074: %1$s does not exist RIC0075: Only 4 -A options can be specified. RIC0076: User must have root authority to execute ricmbx RIC0077: OS/2 Resource Manager Functions Installed RIC0078: Invalid test number: %1$s RIC0079: Unable to register hardware for card %1$s RIC0080: Warning: Unsupported option: %1$s Calibrating ARTIC960/RP Timers using card %1$s RIC0082: Warning: Unsupported option %1$s for this hardware RIC0083: Dump process not followed correctly Dump of PMC on card %1$s in progress Dump of PMC on card %1$s complete RIC0086: The format of the configuration file is incorrect RIC0087: Incorrect format for parameter %1$s RIC0088: RIC0089: RIC0090: RIC0091: RIC0092: RIC0093: RIC0094: RIC0095: RIC0096: RIC0097: RIC0098: RIC0099: %1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s 0) Quit 1) Configuration 2) Process summary 3) Resource summary 4) Memory 5) Process details 6) Process resources 7) Process parameters 8) Resource details 9) Exception conditions 10) VPD Information 0) Quit 1) Configuration 2) Process summary 3) Resource summary 4) Memory 5) Process details 6) Process resources 7) Process parameters 8) Resource details 9) Exception conditions 10) VPD Information 11) 80960 registers Enter adapter number => -- Press Enter to continue -- Slot number %1$s Card ID %2$s Bus Type %3$s Interface Chip %9$s Data Cache HW %8$s Base I/O address %4$s Interrupt level %5$s AIB ID %6$s ( %7$s ) Name ID Version Priority State ------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- %1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s %5$s Name Handle Type ------------------------ ---------- --------------- %1$s %2$s %3$s Enter address => Enter length => Enter process name or ID => Name %1$s ID %2$s Priority %3$s Entry point %4$s Stack pointer %5$s Param pointer %6$s State %7$s Version %8$s Type %9$s argv[%1$s] = "%2$s" Enter resource name or Handle => Resource type %1$s Name %2$s Count %3$s Access list: Proc No Process Name Handle ------- -------------------- ---------- %1$s %2$s %3$s Resource type %1$s Name %2$s Semaphores %3$s %1$s Resource type %1$s Name %2$s Address %3$s Size %4$s AIB DMA Access %5$s Mchl Access %6$s Sharable %7$s %1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s Resource type %1$s Name %2$s Handle %3$s Handler %4$s State %5$s Owner name %6$s Owner no %7$s Resource type %1$s Name %2$s Access list: Proc No Process Name Handle Semaphore ------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- %1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s %1$s %2$s Resource type %1$s Name %2$s Type %3$s Receiver %4$s Semaphore %5$s Access list: Proc No Process Name Handle Memory Name ------- -------------------- ---------- ------------------- %1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s Resource type %1$s Name %2$s Access list: Proc No Process Name Handle Entry Key Option ------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------ %1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s %5$s %6$s Resource type %1$s Name %2$s Access List: Proc No Process Name Handle Handler Protection Return Code ------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- Resource type %1$s Name %2$s Status %3$s Valid data %4$s Owner name %5$s Owner no %6$s Device data: Exception code = %1$s (%2$s) Exception data: %1$s = %2$s %3$s %4$s = %5$s %6$s loaded queued blocked suspended stopped semaphore event memory timer queue mailbox signal vector hardware device normal driver subsystem kernel 80960 system bus AIB DMA code data R/W R/O none sharable running stopped expired Elements: Messages: local global remote always match sender enabled disabled yes no fp0 = %1$s fp2 = %3$s fp1 = %2$s fp3 = %4$s Unknown 80960 Operation Fault 80960 Arithmetic Fault 80960 Constraint Fault 80960 Type Fault: Type Mismatch Adapter Fault: Watchdog Timeout Adapter Fault: Parity Adapter Fault: 80960 Memory Protection Violation Adapter Fault: System Bus Master Memory Protection Violation Adapter Fault: AIB Master Memory Protection Violation Software Error: System Bus I/O Subsystem Failure Software Error: SCB Subsystem Failure Software Error: External Mailbox Failure Software Error: Microcode Initialization Failure %1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s Name Type ------------------------ ---- %1$s %2$s driver Resource type %1$s Driver name %2$s Process name %3$s Protection %4$s Invalid input Enter item for display => 0) Return to previous menu 1) Device Driver 2) Event 3) Mailbox 4) Memory 5) Queue 6) Semaphore 7) Signal 8) Timer 9) Hardware Device Enter the resource type => RIC0205: Memory Error :Unable to access memory. No processes existing on card %1$s. RIC0207: Warning: Kernel not loaded. RIC0208: Invalid Resource Name or Handle Wait on PMRq Adapter Fault : Invalid Interrupt Adapter Fault : NMI Adapter Fault : Async no more Resources Adapter Fault : Processor Enter [Address|Name][Length][B|W] Or 0 to Return => %1$s Full Window address %1$s Total memory size %2$s %3$s Available memory %4$s Memory Region Size Type --------------- ---------- ---------------- Access list: Proc No Process Name Handle Access ------- -------------------- ---------- -------- RIC0218: Warning: Version mismatch between kernel and status utility. W/O No Exceptions Found Parallel Parallel faults occurred Trace Instruction Branch Call Return PreReturn Supervisor Breakpoint Operation Invalid Opcode Unimplemented Unaligned Invalid Operand Arithmetic Integer Overflow Arithmetic Zero-Divide Constraint Constraint Range Privileged Protection Length Type Type Mismatch Reserved Termination Code %1$s Requester Id %1$s Source Of Req %2$s Error Code %3$s Fault Type %1$s Subtype %2$s Code Address %3$s Trap Type %1$s Memory Address %2$s Code Address %3$s 0) Previous Menu 1) Base ROM VPD Information 2) AIB ROM VPD Information Displayable Message %1$s Adapter Type %2$s Part Number %3$s FRU Number %4$s Serial Number %5$s Manufacturer ID %6$s EC Level %7$s ROS Level and ID %1$s Software Processor Adapter Local Remote System Unit Command Asynchronous Memory Violation Device Driver Level %1$s Diagnostic Level %2$s Loadable Microcode %3$s N/A %1$s %2$s %3$s %4$s %5$s %6$s RIC0265: Software Error: Data Corruption RIC0266: Adapter Fault : NMI Interrupt 0) Previous Menu 1) Base ROM VPD Information Enter [Address][Length][B|W] Or 0 to Return => hook Adapter Fault : PLX Interrupt RIC0271: RIC0272: RIC0273: RIC0274: RIC0275: RIC0276: RIC0277: RIC0278: RIC0279: RIC0280: RIC0281: RIC0282: RIC0283: RIC0284: RIC0285: RIC0286: RIC0287: RIC0288: RIC0289: RIC0290: RIC0291: RIC0292: RIC0293: RIC0294: RIC0295: RIC0296: RIC0297: RIC0298: RIC0299: Correct syntax is: |------ricsettr-card_num----------------------------------------------------| | | | || +------+| | +------+ | +path+ + -I size -----------+| | || | | | | | | | v || | v | | + -W count+ + -E --class-+ + -D --class+-+ Correct syntax is: |------------ricgettr-----card_num------------------------------| | | | | | | +-path-+ + -O out_filename-+ + -E + Trace Buffer successfully fetched from card %1$s in file %2$s Run ricfmttr to format and view the trace Correct syntax is: |---------ricfmttr---------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | +-path-+ + -I in_filename+ + -O out_filename+ + -C class_filename+ RIC0305: Trace uninitialized on card %1$s RIC0306: The trace buffer is empty - no trace logged Trace Control Block : |----------------------------------| | TraceBuffer = %1$s | | TraceEndPtr = %2$s | | TraceCurrentPtr = %3$s | | TraceLogicalEnd = %4$s | |----------------------------------| Trace Record No : %1$s |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Service Class = %2$s %3$s | | Procedure ID = %4$s %5$s | | Caller Position = %6$s %7$s | | Data Size = %1$s %2$s | | Process In Exec = %3$s | | | | | | Data Words: | | | | %1$s |%1$s| | | | Data Bytes: | | | - %1$s | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| Trace input file successfully formatted Invalid Service Class %1$s : Valid Class Range <0 - 255> | WrapAroundCount = %1$s | | CurWrapAroundCount = %2$s | | | | Service Classes Enabled : | | |Trace successfully set on card %1$s RIC0327: RIC0328: RIC0329: RIC0330: RIC0331: RIC0332: RIC0333: RIC0334: RIC0335: RIC0336: RIC0337: RIC0338: RIC0339: RIC0340: RIC0341: RIC0342: RIC0343: RIC0344: RIC0345: RIC0346: RIC0347: RIC0348: RIC0349: ROM Update Utility Licensed Materials - Property of RadiSys Corp. ARTIC960 Support (C) Copyright RadiSys Corp. 1999 All Rights Reserved. (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998 %1$s Manfacturing Use Only Field Level Update Correct syntax is: |-rommfgud------card_num- -A file- -F file- -S num----------------- -O force--| | | | | | | | | + -Q + | + -M num + + -V + | | | |- -B -------- -F file-- -S num----------------------| | | | | | | | | | + file + + -M num + + -V + | | | | + BASE + | | | | | +- -D --|--------------------------------------------+ | | + AIB --------------------------------------+ Correct Syntax is: |--ricromup--------card_num--- -A AIBfile------ -F VPDfile-------------------| | | | | | | + -Q + | + -V + | | | |- -B BASEfile----- -F VPDfile------------------| | | | | | + -V + | | + BASE + | | | | | +- -D -|----------------------------------------+ | | + AIB ----------------------------------+ |------------------------------------------------------| | %1$s ROM VPD Information | |------------------------------------------------------| | | | Adapter Type : %2$s | | Part/Assembly Number: %3$s | | FRU Number : %4$s | | Serial Number : %5$s | | Manufacturer ID : %6$s | | EC Level : %7$s | | Device Driver Level : %8$s | | Diagnostic Level : %9$s | | Microcode Load ID : %1$s | | Microcode Level : %2$s | | Display Message : %3$s | | | |------------------------------------------------------| ROM Update on card %1$s successful RIC0358: ROM Update on card %1$s failed. ROM image failed data compare with saved file image. RIC0359: Invalid data detected on line %1$s in the VPD data file RIC0360: Invalid VPD file format RIC0361: Invalid serial number specified ROM Update Utility is working, please wait ... AIB BASE RIC0365: VPD information not found on card %1$s for AIB WARNING !! Do not power off or re-IPL the system during ROM update Are you sure you want to update card %1$s (Y/N) ? RIC0368: AIB option is not installed or malfunctioning RIC0369: Invalid manufacturer ID specified RIC0370: VPD information not found in the file specified Pass %1$s of the ROM update process failed on card %2$s Retry the operation (Y/N) ? RIC0372: Fill ROM failed during the ROM update process on card %1$s RIC0373: Erase ROM failed during the ROM update process on card %1$s RIC0374: Write ROM failed during the ROM update process on card %1$s RIC0375: Checksum procedure failed during the ROM update process on card %1$s RIC0376: Attempting to disable the base adapter checksum flag AIBBASEUnable to identify the ROM image file. Are you sure you want to proceed (Y/N) ? RIC0380: The ROM image file specified is invalid for the card. RIC0381: The ROM sector is protected and cannot be updated. RIC0382: WARNING: The user-supplied ROM update completed successfully. ARTIC960 software may no longer function with this ROM. Therefore, ARTIC960 software support may not be provided. RIC0383: RIC0384: RIC0386: RIC0387: Correct syntax is: |-----------ricdiag---------------------------------------------------| | | |-- -A ---------------------------------------| +-path-+ | | | | | | | | | + -W + + -C + + -I + | | | +-- card_num -- test_num ---------------------+ | | | | | | + -W + + -C + + -I + Enter test selection: 0 - Quit 2 - Processor Test 4 - Timer Test 8 - Bus Interface Test 10 - Memory Test 12 - Memory Protection Test 18 - Debug Test 23 - Interface Board Test 46 - SETUP AND LOAD Test 99 - All Test Units Enter choice: 0 - Quit 1 - Test all ARTIC960 adapters 2 - Test a particular ARTIC960 adapter Enter adapter selection: 0 - Quit 1 - Run Interface Board with wrap connector(s) External wrap(s) may be required. 2 - Run Interface Board with internal wrap tests. No external wrap(s) are required. 3 - No Interface Board installed, no wraps required. 0 - Quit 1 - Run tests one time 2 - Run tests continuosly RIC0408: Invalid choice: %1$s RIC0409: No ARTIC960 adapters have been detected. The following ARTIC960 adapter(s) have been selected for test and successfully opened. Interface Logical card # Slot # Board ID -------------- ------ -------- %1$s %2$s %3$s ----- INSTRUCTION MESSAGE ----- ----- QUESTION ----- 0 - NO 1 - YES Card # = %1$s Slot = %2$s Pass = %3$s Executing Diagnostic Load Executing Processor Test Executing Timer Test Executing Bus Interface Test Executing Memory Test Executing Memory Protection Test Executing Debug Port Test Executing Interface Board Test Executing Unknown Test Test Completed Successfully Test terminated during Pass %1$s No Errors were found. Type a 'q' to quit. RIC0428: ----- ERROR ----- RC = %1$s Secondary RC = %2$s Listed in order of probable cause: Adapter Base Card Memory Module (if replaceable) Interface Board (if installed) Option Cable The System requires service RIC0436: The Interface Board Diagnostic Task could not be found or could not be loaded. No Interface Board tests will be performed on this card. Diagnostic Kernel missing or damaged. RIC0439: The Interface Board option is not installed or is malfunctioning. The DRAM size has changed. Power off then on this system to reset this problem. If the problem occurs again do the following: ric_kern.rel missing or damaged. ric_pci.rel missing or damaged. ric_mcio.rel missing or damaged. jdc2.rel missing or damaged. ----- INFORMATION MESSAGE ----- RIC0446: ----- WARNING MESSAGE ----- RIC0447: RIC0448: RIC0449: RIC0450: RIC0451: RIC0452: RIC0453: RIC0454: RIC0455: RIC0456: RIC0457: RIC0458: RIC0459: RIC0460: RIC0461: RIC0462: RIC0463: RIC0464: RIC0465: RIC0466: RIC0467: RIC0468: RIC0469: ; Support for 7588RP.SYS (RP Address Fix-Up Driver) (PTR 1305) ARTIC960/RP Address Fix Support Version %1$s Licensed Materials - Property of RadiSys Corp. ARTIC960 Support (C) Copyright RadiSys Corp. 1999 All Rights Reserved. (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 %2$s Initializing %1$s executed successfully