# @(#) *---------------------------------------------------------------*
# @(#) |  [richelp] Displays a particular system message corresponding |
# @(#) |            to a RIC message number.                           |
# @(#) |  ARTIC960 - korn shell script                                 |
# @(#) *---------------------------------------------------------------*
#| Filename: richelp                                                          |
#|                                                                            |
#| Input Parameters :                                                         |
#|       parameter 1 : Error message number                                   |
#|                                                                            |
#| Dependencies :                                                             |
#|       RICPATH variable definition                                          |
#|                                                                            |
trap "echo '\n[Break] richelp interrupted, script terminated ...';exit 1" 2 3 9 15

function err1
echo "*--------------------------------------------------------------------*"
echo "| Command Syntax :  richelp <ms>                                     |"
echo "|                                                                    |"
echo "|   where:                                                           |"
echo "|                                                                    |"
echo "|   <ms>  : ARTIC960 message number. ( format RICxxxx )              |"
echo "*--------------------------------------------------------------------*"
exit 1
function err2
echo "*--------------------------------------------------------------------*"
echo "| [Fatal Error] : RICPATH not set, cannot continue.                  |"
echo "|                                                                    |"
echo "|                 Action : Set the RICPATH environment variable.     |"
echo "|                                                                    |"
echo "*--------------------------------------------------------------------*"
exit 1
function err3
echo "*--------------------------------------------------------------------*"
echo "| [Fatal Error] : ARTIC960 Support Program not found at the          |"
echo "|                 specified RICPATH location, cannot continue.       |"
echo "|                                                                    |"
echo "|                 Action : Check the RICPATH environment variable.   |"
echo "|                                                                    |"
echo "*--------------------------------------------------------------------*"
exit 1

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                          Command line parameters checking
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if test $# -lt 1 || test $# -gt 1 || [ "${1}" = "?" ] ; then
   err1 ; fi                                # invalid command line parameter
                                            # or help syntax requested

msgnum=`echo ${1} | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`     # Set all uppercase alpha chars.

echo ${msgnum} | grep -q -E "RIC[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]"
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
   echo "\n[richelp] The system detects an invalid message number ${msgnum}"
   echo "format ( format RICxxxx, where 'x' is a numeric digit).\n"
   exit 1

if [ "${RICPATH}" = "" ] ; then
   err2 ; fi                                # RICPATH not defined

if [ ! -d "${RICPATH}/bin" ] ; then
   err3 ; fi                                # ARTIC960 product not installed

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#             Search for the error message inside the rich.txt file
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
grep -q ${msgnum} ${RICPATH}/sys/rich.txt
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
   echo "\n[richelp] The system cannot find message ${msgnum}"
   echo "in message file rich.txt.\n"
   exit 1

#  fixed ptr 1173, 1736 PJB
dspcat ${RICPATH}/sys/ric.cat 1 `echo ${msgnum} | sed "s/RIC//g"` | sed "s/\$s//g"

sed -n "/${msgnum}/ {
        b lab2
        }" ${RICPATH}/sys/rich.txt

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                        End of richelp script file
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
exit 0