Version 1.1 Using cp_bos_updates: cp_bos_updates -d device "device" can be a CD or DVD, or a directory. "device" needs to be a location that has the bos.rte* updates at the same level as the original operating system install. NOTE: bos.rte.tty should be the last update processed. If you do not see it at the end of the output, you may need to increase the size of the /usr filesystem. Please check the output. ------------------------------------------------------------- Introduced in 6100-08 and 7100-02, is the ability for a Workload Partition (WPAR) to be upgraded, when restored to a new global system that has a different install history (but is at a more recent level of AIX), than the global system the WPAR was originally created on. For new system installs (overwrite/preservation/migration) of 6100-08 or 7100-02, cp_bos_updates is run as part of the operating system install. The log is in /var/adm/ras/cp_bos_updates.log. Note, when run command line, cp_bos_updates does not save the output to a log. For systems installed with prior base levels of AIX, and upgraded to 6100-08 or 7100-02, in order to support WPAR upgrade, cp_bos_updates must be executed before any restores of WPARs from systems with a different install history. The cp_bos_updates command restores the root parts of bos.rte* updates onto the system, which are then used for the WPAR upgrade. If your system was base installed at 6100-05 and upgraded to 6100-08, bos.rte.install install history will be similar to: # lslpp -ah bos.rte.install Fileset Level Action Status Date Time ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Path: /usr/lib/objrepos bos.rte.install COMMIT COMPLETE 09/14/12 11:38:29 COMMIT COMPLETE 09/14/12 15:12:50 APPLY COMPLETE 09/14/12 14:04:19 Path: /etc/objrepos bos.rte.install COMMIT COMPLETE 09/14/12 11:38:29 COMMIT COMPLETE 09/14/12 15:12:51 APPLY COMPLETE 09/14/12 14:04:29 The cp_bos_updates command needs to be run with a software source (device) from 6100-05. This can be physical media from 6100-05, or a 6100-05 NIM lpp_source made from physical media, or from the 6100-05 Technology Level updates as downloaded from Fix Central or on physical media. For instance, if I have the TL updates mounted on /mnt/6100-05, I can run: # cp_bos_updates -d /mnt/6100-05 Then for each bos.rte* update, that had a root part, you will see a directory in /usr/lpp/bos/bos.rte* directories: # pwd /usr/lpp/bos/bos.rte.install # ls # ls -R inst_root liblpp.a # PRIOR to any WPAR upgrade operations, its strongly suggested that all updates on the global be committed. END OF README