# @(#)92 1.3 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/READMEs/README.PARTITION_INSTALL.sh, cmdinstl, bos720 11/10/06 17:49:36 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # bos720 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/READMEs/README.PARTITION_INSTALL.sh 1.3 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2001,2006 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # _____________________________________________________________________________ export PATH="/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:$PATH" AIX 5.1 PARTITION PREPARATION SCRIPTS FOR pSeries 690 SYSTEMS. This document describes key features and limitations associated with the preparation of non-partition systems to enter the pSeries 690 partition (also known as LPAR) environment. For complete instructions on initial installation and partition management, please refer to the the following official publication: "AIX Installation in a Partition Environment." For any other questions or issues, please contact IBM AIX support or your local marketing representative. CONTENTS: * INTRODUCTION * INSTALLING LPAR THROUGH ALT_DISK_INSTALL * USING DEVRESET FOR DISK SWAPPING _____________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION ------------ The utilities described in this README have been designed to simplify the transition of existing systems from standalone configuration to partitioning. Please note that the user could accomplish everything these utilities do using manual AIX commands - the point of these utilities is to make this process streamlined and convenient. Also, the several functions have been added to the alt_disk_install utility to aid installation in a partition environment. _____________________________________________________________________________ INSTALLING LPAR THROUGH ALT_DISK_INSTALL ---------------------------------------- Another option is to install LPARS through the alt_disk_install utility. A user can clone the rootvg from the current system to a target disk. That disk can then be allocated as the boot disk (rootvg) for an LPAR. To facilitate this function, a new flag has been added to the alt_disk_install utility: "-O". The "-O" flag performs the equivalent of "devreset" (device reset.. see bellow) on the target disk (there is no impact to the current rootvg). Example: # /usr/sbin/alt_disk_install -O -B -C hdisk1 Note: You should make sure that all required device support for the target partition is first installed on the current system or installed through alt_disk_install functions. After the newly installed disk (altinst_rootvg) is allocated to the target partition using HMC functions, the bootlist should be setup in SMS menus (multiboot menu) with the first available boot device pointing to the newly installed disk. After the initial boot from the newly installed disk, the partition will not have any user defined device configuration (i.e. networking, console, maxuproc, etc). There are two new alt_disk_install functions to assist the user in configuring the newly installed LPAR: 1. If the "-O" flag is specified, the target altinst_rootvg will not retain its console configuration. Therefore, the user will be prompted to configure the system console during the initial boot from the target disk. If the target console (the console of the system that will boot from the target disk) is known during alt_disk_install installation, it can be specified with the "-c " flag. NOTE: if the "-O" flag is not specified, the "-c" flag is ignored. Example: To set "/dev/tty0" as the console during device reset install to hdisk1: # alt_disk_install -BCO -c /dev/tty0 hdisk1 Example: To set "/dev/lft2" as the console during device reset install to hdisk1: # alt_disk_install -BCO -c /dev/tty0 hdisk1 2. It is possible to specify a customization script during a device reset install with the "-x " flag. The customization script will be copyed into altinst_rootvg and executed from inittab immediately after /etc/rc (before networking and most other functions are started). This gives the user an opportunity to automaticly configure networking and any other device attributes on the target partition. Otherwise, the user will have to login to the newly installed partition and configure devices manually. The "-x" flag applies to alt_disk_install clone, mksysb, and sleep. Example: # cat /tmp/lpar1.cfg #!/usr/bin/ksh # Setup networking /usr/sbin/mktcpip -h lpar1 -a -m \ -i en0 -n -d lparnet.com -g # Setup maxuproc /usr/sbin/chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc=900 # alt_disk_install -B -CO -x /tmp/lpar1.cfg -c /dev/tty0 hdisk1 Alt_disk_install and Dynamic Partitioning ----------------------------------------- It is possible, on a system that supports dynamic LPAR (dynamic logical partitioning), to dynamically add an adapter with disks to a running LPAR. A new rootvg can then be installed to these added disks using alt_disk_install (clone or mksysb). There are a few flags to keep in mind if running alt_disk_install with dynamically added target disks on an LPAR system: 1. If the target disk will be used to boot an LPAR other then the one where the operation is being executed, the "-O" (device reset) flag should be used. 2. The "-B" flag should be added to prevent "bootlist" from being executed. A general limitation of dynamically added disks is that you can not specify them as a boot device (before an initial reboot). If you are attempting to boot an LPAR from dynamically added disks, the bootlist should be set in SMS menus. 3. Dynamically added disks will not appear bootable to the operating system (before an initial reboot). The user will need to verify that the newly added adapter and disks are bootable and run alt_disk_install with the "-g" (ignore bootability checks) flag. Please see the alt_disk_install man page and the "AIX 5.1 Installation Guide" for a full description of alt_disk_install functionality. _____________________________________________________________________________ USING DEVRESET FOR DISK SWAPPING ================================ The function of devreset (full path /usr/sbin/devreset) is to rebuild the device ODM database and reset all devices to default configurations. devreset does this by rebuilding all Cu* (Customized Device Attributes) in /etc/objerepos and deleting non-standard /dev special files. devreset asks for interactive confirmation before making any changes (unless the Force option is invoked), and the old device attributes and special files are backed-up in a save directory (see -A and -R flags bellow). ** WARNING: Running devreset on a live system can result in process ** ** disruption. You must halt the system immediately after devreset ** ** completes. ** Example: # devreset Why use devreset to reset all devices ? -------------------------------------- There may be several reasons, but the major one is in the context of partitioning. The best way to illustrate its functions is by example: Lets say that you have a system installed at AIX 5.1. The rootvg disk (or disks) are hot-plug (removable), and you would like to move this disk from the current system to another system, so that the target system can boot from this rootvg. You have installed all the required devices support and made sure the systems use the same kernel (lets say MP), but there is one more problem. When the target system comes up from the moved disk, all of the old device entries and attributes will still be there ! This can cause various issues down the road. devreset solves this problem by removing all device entries and attributes (a few attributes like rootvg LVM are not removed) so the target system comes up with basicly a new device slate. This can be especially useful in the partitioning environment, where the user may wish to switch boot disks or would like to move a disk to a new partition (physically or logically). A Few devreset Issues: ---------------------- Before running devreset, it is *strongly* recommended that all non essential functions are stopped. It is also a recommended that a system backup of the OS is made (for example: mksysb). Here are a few notes of concern: 1. Make sure you run "bootlist" before running devreset and set it to the disk you wish the current system to boot from next. After running devreset, you may not be able to run "bootlist" because the device ODM definitions for the disks and other devices will be removed. 2. After running devreset, the system will be mostly unusable and should be haled or rebooted. 3. All device configurations will be reset and may need to be reconfigured (for example: networking parameters). 4. During the the first boot from a devreset disk, the user will be prompted to configure the console (by pressing 1 or F1). This is normal and expected. 5. The user may want to search /etc/inittab and disable any gettys that are running for devices that will not exist on the target system. 6. It may be a good idea to clear out the old hardware errpt so there is not confusion on the target system. The command to do this is /usr/bin/errclear -dH 0. 7. Before moving the disk (physically or logically), make sure all device driver support is installed for any new devices on the target system. An easy way to do this is to install ALL existing device support from AIX 5.1 base level media (see -S flag for partition_ready). * devreset arguments * ---------------------- -A Flag. Use alternate save directory. By default, devreset will save the current device configurations and special files in /tmp/devsave. However, you can specify your own save directory with this flag. This directory must be local to the system. devreset attempts to calculate and expand, if needed, the space for the save/backup directory. Usually, the save directory utilizes 1 to 2 megs. Example: # mkdir /usr/odmsave # devreset -A /usr/odmsave -D Flag. Turns tracing on for all devreset functions. This flag is used to debug the devreset script itself and should be rarely used by the end-users. -F Flag. Force, do not verify or confirm. Normally, devreset prompts you for confirmation. However, if there is a need to skip this confirmation, the Force flag may be employed. -R Flag. Recover from previously saved directory. The default save directory is /tmp/devsave. The -S Flag can be used in conjunction with the -A flag. WARNING: Be sure you have specified a valid backup directory. Restoring invalid device files can cause system corruption or other problems. No interactive confirmation is performed for this function. Example: # devreset -A /usr/odmsave -R -S Flag. Save current configuration only. No device attributes are altered. The default save directory is /tmp/devsave. The -S Flag can be used in conjunction with the -A flag. Example: # devreset -S _____________________________________________________________________________