! @(#)61 1.8 src/gos/apps/custom/app-custom/Custom.nls, custom, gos720 2/4/94 12:54:08 ! IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG ! This is an automatically generated prolog. ! ! gos720 src/gos/apps/custom/app-custom/Custom.nls 1.8 ! ! Licensed Materials - Property of IBM ! ! COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1992,1993 ! All Rights Reserved ! ! US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or ! disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ! ! IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG ! ! COMPONENT_NAME: (custom) AIXwindows Customizing Tool ! ! FUNCTIONS: app-custom file ! ! ORIGINS: 27 ! ! (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1992,1993 ! All Rights Reserved ! Licensed Materials - Property of IBM ! ! US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or ! disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ! ! Custom data file for the custom application ! "Colors" Color *background "window interior\nbackground" ; "Colors" Color *foreground "window interior\nforeground (text, etc.)" ; "Colors" Color *menubar*background "menu bar" ; "Colors" Color *menubar*foreground "menu bar text" ; "Colors" Color *topEditHighlight "top shadow highlight\nof browser button" ; "Colors" Color *bottomEditHighlight "bottom shadow highlight\nof browser button" ; "Colors" Color *foregroundEditHighlight "foreground highlight\nof browser button" ; "Colors" Color *backgroundEditHighlight "background highlight\nof browser button" ; "Fonts" Font *fontList "window interior" ; "Fonts" Font *menubar*fontList "menu bar" ; "Fonts" Font *appClass.fontList "class name of application\nbeing customized" ; "Fonts" Font *scrolledGroup*fontList "main scrolled area" ; "Fonts" Font *copyright.fontList "copyright" ; "Fonts" Font *helpDialog*scrolledHelp*fontList "help text" ; "Size and Location" Number .width "width" ; "Size and Location" Number .height "height" ; "Size and Location" SelectOne .geometry "window location" +0+0 = "top left" -0+0 = "top right" +0-0 = "bottom left" -0-0 = "bottom right" ; "Icon" Picture $MWM**iconImage "icon picture *\n(for minimized icon)" bitmap; "Icon" Color $MWM**iconImageBackground "icon picture background *" ; "Icon" Color $MWM**iconImageForeground "icon picture foreground *" ; "Icon" String *iconName "icon name" ; "Icon" SelectOne *initialState "window state on\nstartup (iconified)" NormalState = "full window" IconicState = "iconified" ; "Graphics" String .title "window title" ; "Graphics" SelectMany $MWM**clientDecoration "window decorations *" " " all = "turn on all decorations" resizeh = "resize border" border = "plain border" menu = "window menu button" title = "title bar" minimize = "minimize button" maximize = "maximize button" none = "turn off all decorations" ; "Graphics" SelectMany $MWM**clientFunctions "window operations *" " " all = "turn on all operations" resize = "resize" move = "move" minimize = "minimize" maximize = "maximize" close = "close" none = "turn off all operations" ; "Graphics" Cursor *menuCursor "menu cursor" ; "Behaviors" SelectOne $MWM**focusAutoRaise "raise window *\nwhen mouse enters" true = "true" false = "false" ; "Behaviors" String *appCustomPath "list of locations for\napp-custom files\n(see documentation)" ; "Behaviors" SelectOne *windowSearchDepth "search for top application\nwindow to this depth\nin window hierarchy" 1 = "1" 2 = "2" 3 = "3 is default" 4 = "4" 5 = "5" ; "Behaviors" Filename *resourceFile "pathname of resource file\n(usually $HOME/.Xdefaults)" ; "Behaviors" Number *timeout "time to wait for\napplication to communicate (ms)" ; "Behaviors" String .listOfApps "pairs of applications\nand app-custom files\n(xcalc:XCalc,xterm:XTerm ...)" ; "Behaviors" SelectOne *pictureEditor.editor "pixel editor to\nuse in Picture Browser" /usr/bin/X11/bitmap = "bitmap " /usr/dt/bin/dticon = "dticon" ;