XCOMM IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG XCOMM This is an automatically generated prolog. XCOMM XCOMM gos720 src/gos/2d/XTOP/config/cf/Project.tmpl 1.4 XCOMM XCOMM Licensed Materials - Property of IBM XCOMM XCOMM COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996,2007 XCOMM All Rights Reserved XCOMM XCOMM US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or XCOMM disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. XCOMM XCOMM IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG XCOMM SCCSID_BEGIN_TAG XCOMM @(#)44 1.4 src/gos/2d/XTOP/config/cf/Project.tmpl, xclients, gos720 8/30/07 13:15:10 XCOMM SCCSID_END_TAG XCOMM ---------------------------------------------------------------------- XCOMM X Window System Build Parameters and Rules XCOMM $XConsortium: Project.tmpl /main/r61_main/6 1996/01/15 12:26:59 gildea $ /*************************************************************************** * * * DEFAULT DEFINITONS * * * * The following section contains defaults for things that can * * overridden in the various *.cf and site.def files. DO NOT EDIT! * * * **************************************************************************/ #define ProjectX 6 /* do *not* change this line */ /* The following project-specific rules are defined at the end of this file: * * InstallAppDefaults (class) * InstallAppDefaultsLong (file,class) * MakeFontsDir (deplist) * MakeFonts () * InstallFontObjs (objs,dest) * InstallFonts (dest) * InstallFontAliases (dest) * FontSrc (basename) * FontBaseObj (basename) * InstallFontScale (dest) * UncompressedFontTarget (basename) * CompressedFontTarget (basename) * FontTarget (basename) * FontObj (basename) */ /* * X-specific things */ #ifndef HasXServer #define HasXServer YES #endif #ifndef BuildServer #define BuildServer HasXServer #endif #ifndef XServerThreaded #define XServerThreaded NO /* turn on threads in merged server */ #endif #ifndef BuildFontServer #define BuildFontServer YES #endif #ifndef BuildFonts #define BuildFonts (BuildServer | BuildFontServer) #endif #ifndef BuildPhigs #define BuildPhigs NO #endif #ifndef BuildPexExt #define BuildPexExt YES #endif #ifndef BuildXInputExt #define BuildXInputExt NO #endif #ifndef BuildDIS #define BuildDIS NO #endif #ifndef BuildXIE #define BuildXIE YES #endif #ifndef BuildXKB #define BuildXKB YES #endif #ifndef BuildXKBlib #define BuildXKBlib YES #endif /* * WARNING: Setting UseXKBInClients to YES cause incompatibilities * between many clients (such as xterm) and pre-XKB shared * libraries. */ #ifndef UseXKBInClients #define UseXKBInClients NO /* use XKB in "normal" clients? */ #endif #ifndef BuildDBE #define BuildDBE YES #endif #ifndef BuildMultibuffer #define BuildMultibuffer NO #endif #ifndef BuildRECORD #define BuildRECORD YES #endif #ifndef InstallLibManPages #define InstallLibManPages YES #endif #ifndef InstallXtermSetUID #define InstallXtermSetUID YES /* xterm needs to be set uid */ #endif #ifndef InstallXinitConfig #define InstallXinitConfig NO /* install sample xinit config */ #endif #ifndef InstallXdmConfig #define InstallXdmConfig NO /* install sample xdm config */ #endif #ifndef XdmServersType /* what Xservers files to use */ #if BuildServer #define XdmServersType ws #else #define XdmServersType fs #endif #endif #ifndef InstallFSConfig #define InstallFSConfig NO /* install sample fs config */ #endif #ifndef InstallAppDefFiles #define InstallAppDefFiles YES /* install application defaults */ #endif #ifndef ThreadedX #if HasPosixThreads || HasCThreads #define ThreadedX YES /* multi-threaded libraries */ #else #define ThreadedX NO #endif #endif #ifndef ThreadedProject #define ThreadedProject ThreadedX #endif #ifndef HasWChar32 #define HasWChar32 SystemV4 #endif #ifndef HasXdmAuth #define HasXdmAuth NO /* if you can not use XDM-AUTH* */ #endif #ifndef PrimaryScreenResolution #define PrimaryScreenResolution 72 /* a common resolution */ #endif #ifndef DefaultFontPath #if PrimaryScreenResolution < 88 /* (75 + 100) / 2 */ #define DefaultFontPath $(FONTDIR)/misc/,$(FONTDIR)/Speedo/,$(FONTDIR)/Type1/,$(FONTDIR)/75dpi/,$(FONTDIR)/100dpi/ #else #define DefaultFontPath $(FONTDIR)/misc/,$(FONTDIR)/Speedo/,$(FONTDIR)/Type1/,$(FONTDIR)/100dpi/,$(FONTDIR)/75dpi/ #endif #endif #ifndef DefaultRGBDatabase #define DefaultRGBDatabase $(LIBDIR)/rgb #endif #ifndef UseRgbTxt #define UseRgbTxt NO /* default is to compile with dbm */ #endif #ifndef FontCompilerFlags #define FontCompilerFlags -t #endif #ifndef ConnectionFlags #if HasStreams #define ConnectionFlags -DSTREAMSCONN #else #if HasDECnet #define ConnectionFlags -DTCPCONN -DUNIXCONN -DDNETCONN #else #define ConnectionFlags -DTCPCONN -DUNIXCONN #endif #endif #endif #ifndef ProjectThreadsDefines #define ProjectThreadsDefines -DXTHREADS #endif #ifndef FontOSDefines #define FontOSDefines /**/ #endif #ifndef FontDefines #define FontDefines -DFONT_SNF -DFONT_BDF -DFONT_PCF -DCOMPRESSED_FONTS FontOSDefines #endif #ifndef XawI18nDefines #if SystemV4 #define XawI18nDefines -DHAS_WCTYPE_H #else #define XawI18nDefines -DUSE_XWCHAR_STRING #endif #endif #ifndef ExtensionOSDefines #define ExtensionOSDefines /**/ #endif #ifndef ExtensionDefines #ifndef PexDefines #if BuildPexExt #define PexDefines -DPEXEXT #else #define PexDefines /**/ #endif #endif #ifndef ShmDefines #if HasShm #define ShmDefines -DMITSHM #else #define ShmDefines /**/ #endif #endif #ifndef XInputDefines #if BuildXInputExt #define XInputDefines -DXINPUT #else #define XInputDefines /**/ #endif #endif #ifndef XieDefines #if BuildXIE #define XieDefines -DXIE #else #define XieDefines /**/ #endif #endif #ifndef XkbDefines #if BuildXKB #define XkbDefines -DXKB #else #define XkbDefines /**/ #endif #endif #ifndef XkbClientDefines #if UseXKBInClients #define XkbClientDefines -DXKB #else #define XkbClientDefines /**/ #endif #endif #ifndef XkbServerDefines #define XkbServerDefines /**/ #endif #ifndef BigReqDefines #define BigReqDefines -DBIGREQS #endif #ifndef DBEDefines #if BuildDBE #define DBEDefines -DDBE #else #define DBEDefines /**/ #endif #endif #ifndef PervasiveDBEDefines #define PervasiveDBEDefines /* -DNEED_DBE_BUF_BITS -DNEED_DBE_BUF_VALIDATE */ #endif #ifndef MultibufferDefines #if BuildMultibuffer #define MultibufferDefines -DMULTIBUFFER #else #define MultibufferDefines /**/ #endif #endif #ifndef VidTuneExtensionDefines #define VidTuneExtensionDefines /**/ #endif #ifndef RECORDDefines #if BuildRECORD #define RECORDDefines -DXRECORD #else #define RECORDDefines /**/ #endif #endif #ifndef SitePervasiveExtensionDefines #define SitePervasiveExtensionDefines /**/ #endif #ifndef PervasiveExtensionDefines #define PervasiveExtensionDefines -DSHAPE XInputDefines XkbDefines PervasiveDBEDefines SitePervasiveExtensionDefines #endif #ifndef SiteExtensionDefines #define SiteExtensionDefines /**/ #endif #ifndef BaseExtensionDefines #define BaseExtensionDefines MultibufferDefines -DMITMISC -DXTEST -DXSYNC -DXCMISC RECORDDefines PexDefines ShmDefines XieDefines BigReqDefines VidTuneExtensionDefines DBEDefines SiteExtensionDefines #endif #define ExtensionDefines BaseExtensionDefines ExtensionOSDefines #endif #ifndef ServerXdmcpDefines #define ServerXdmcpDefines -DXDMCP #endif #ifndef ServerOSDefines #define ServerOSDefines /**/ #endif #if HasKrb5 #ifndef Krb5Defines #define Krb5Defines -DK5AUTH #endif #else #define Krb5Defines /**/ #endif #ifndef ServerExtraDefines #define ServerExtraDefines /* -DPIXPRIV */ #endif #ifndef ServerDefines #define ServerDefines StandardDefines PervasiveExtensionDefines ServerExtraDefines #endif #ifndef PexDipexDefines #define PexDipexDefines /**/ #endif #ifndef PexDdpexDefines #define PexDdpexDefines /**/ #endif #ifndef PexPhigsDefines #ifndef PexShmIPC #define PexShmIPC HasShm #endif #if PexShmIPC #define PexPhigsDefines /**/ #else #define PexPhigsDefines -DPEX_API_SOCKET_IPC #endif #endif #ifndef PexClientDefines #define PexClientDefines -DPEX_SI_PHIGS #endif #ifndef PhigsInclude #ifdef UseInstalled #define PhigsInclude -I$(INCDIR) #else #define PhigsInclude -I$(BUILDINCDIR) #endif #endif #ifndef PexCDebugFlags #define PexCDebugFlags DebuggableCDebugFlags #endif #ifndef PexCCOptions #ifdef LibraryCCOptions #define PexCCOptions LibraryCCOptions #else #define PexCCOptions DefaultCCOptions #endif #endif #ifndef DefaultFSConfigFile #define DefaultFSConfigFile $(LIBDIR)/fs/config #endif #ifndef BinDir #ifdef ProjectRoot #define BinDir Concat(ProjectRoot,/bin) #else #define BinDir /usr/bin/X11 #endif #endif #ifndef BuildIncRoot #define BuildIncRoot $(TOP) #endif #ifndef BuildIncDir #define BuildIncDir $(BUILDINCROOT)/X11 #endif #ifndef BuildIncTop #define BuildIncTop .. /* relative to BuildIncDir */ #endif #ifndef BuildLibDir #define BuildLibDir $(TOP)/usr/lib #endif #ifndef BuildLibTop #define BuildLibTop .. /* relative to BuildLibDir */ #endif #ifndef LibDir #define LibDir $(USRLIBDIR)/X11 #endif #ifndef ConfigDir #define ConfigDir $(LIBDIR)/config #endif #ifndef FontDir #define FontDir $(LIBDIR)/fonts #endif #ifndef AdmDir #define AdmDir /usr/adm #endif #ifndef XinitDir #define XinitDir $(LIBDIR)/xinit #endif #ifndef XdmDir #define XdmDir $(LIBDIR)/xdm #endif #ifndef XdmConfigurationSubdirectory /* under xdm sources */ #define XdmConfigurationSubdirectory config #endif #ifndef TwmDir #define TwmDir $(LIBDIR)/twm #endif #ifndef XsmDir #define XsmDir $(LIBDIR)/xsm #endif #ifndef NlsDir #define NlsDir $(LIBDIR)/nls #endif #ifndef XLocaleDir #define XLocaleDir $(LIBDIR)/locale #endif #ifndef PexApiDir #define PexApiDir $(LIBDIR)/PEX #endif #ifndef XFileSearchPathBase /* avoid SCCS keyword */ #define XFileSearchPathBase Concat4($(LIBDIR)/%L/%T/%N%C,%S:$(LIBDIR)/%l/%T/%N%C,%S:$(LIBDIR)/%T/%N%C,%S:$(LIBDIR)/%L/%T/%N%S:$(LIBDIR)/%l/%T/%N%S:$(LIBDIR)/%T/%N%S) #endif #ifndef XFileSearchPathDefault #ifdef XAppLoadDir /* avoid SCCS keyword */ #define XFileSearchPathDefault XAppLoadDir/Concat(%N%C,%S):XAppLoadDir/%N%S:XFileSearchPathBase #else #define XFileSearchPathDefault XFileSearchPathBase #endif #endif #ifndef XAppLoadDir #define XAppLoadDir $(LIBDIR)/app-defaults #endif #ifndef XtErrorPrefix #define XtErrorPrefix /* as empty string */ #endif #ifndef XtExtraDefines #define XtExtraDefines /* as empty string */ #endif #ifndef XtWarningPrefix #define XtWarningPrefix /* as empty string */ #endif #ifndef OsNameDefines #define OsNameDefines /* as nothing */ #endif #ifndef DefaultUserPath /* for xdm */ #define DefaultUserPath :/bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR):/usr/ucb #endif #ifndef DefaultSystemPath /* for xdm */ #define DefaultSystemPath /etc:/bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR):/usr/ucb #endif #ifndef DefaultSystemShell /* for xdm to set in SHELL */ #define DefaultSystemShell BourneShell #endif #ifndef ContribDir #define ContribDir $(TOP)/../contrib /* contrib is outside core tree */ #endif #ifndef UnsupportedDir #define UnsupportedDir $(TOP)/unsupported #endif #ifndef AllocateLocalDefines #define AllocateLocalDefines /**/ #endif #ifndef ForceNormalLib #define ForceNormalLib (HasGcc && !HasGcc2) #endif XCOMM ----------------------------------------------------------------------- XCOMM X Window System make variables; these need to be coordinated with rules /* * This list must be reflected in the DIRS_TO_BUILD list in the top-level * Makefile. */ BINDIR = BinDir /* programs */ BUILDINCROOT = BuildIncRoot /* base of build loc */ BUILDINCDIR = BuildIncDir /* built headers */ BUILDINCTOP = BuildIncTop /* top relative to BUILDINCDIR */ BUILDLIBDIR = BuildLibDir /* built libraries */ BUILDLIBTOP = BuildLibTop /* top relative to BUILDLIBDIR */ INCDIR = $(INCROOT)/X11 /* header files, must end in X11 */ ADMDIR = AdmDir /* server log files */ LIBDIR = LibDir /* rgb, XErrorDB, etc. */ FONTDIR = FontDir /* font directories */ XINITDIR = XinitDir /* xinit config files */ XDMDIR = XdmDir /* xdm config files */ TWMDIR = TwmDir /* twm config files */ XSMDIR = XsmDir /* xsm config files */ NLSDIR = NlsDir /* nls files */ XLOCALEDIR = XLocaleDir /* locale files */ PEXAPIDIR = PexApiDir /* PEX support files */ XAPPLOADDIR = XAppLoadDir /* application default resource dir */ FONTCFLAGS = FontCompilerFlags INSTAPPFLAGS = $(INSTDATFLAGS) /* XXX - this should go away - XXX */ #ifdef UseInstalled RGB = rgb /* assume BINDIR in path */ FONTC = bdftopcf /* assume BINDIR in path */ MKFONTDIR = mkfontdir /* assume BINDIR in path */ #else RGB = $(RGBSRC)/rgb FONTC = $(BDFTOPCFSRC)/bdftopcf MKFONTDIR = $(MKFONTDIRSRC)/mkfontdir #endif DOCUTILSRC = $(TOP)/doc/util XDOCMACROS = $(DOCUTILSRC)/macros.t XIDXMACROS = $(DOCUTILSRC)/indexmacros.t PROGRAMSRC = $(TOP)/programs LIBSRC = $(TOP)/lib FONTSRC = $(TOP)/fonts INCLUDESRC = $(TOP)/X11 SERVERSRC = $(TOP)/programs/Xserver CONTRIBSRC = ContribDir UNSUPPORTEDSRC = UnsupportedDir DOCSRC = $(TOP)/doc RGBSRC = $(TOP)/programs/rgb BDFTOPCFSRC = $(PROGRAMSRC)/bdftopcf MKFONTDIRSRC = $(PROGRAMSRC)/mkfontdir FONTSERVERSRC = $(PROGRAMSRC)/xfs FONTINCSRC = $(TOP)/include/fonts EXTINCSRC = $(TOP)/include/extensions TRANSCOMMSRC = $(LIBSRC)/xtrans TRANS_INCLUDES = -I$(TRANSCOMMSRC) #ifndef ShLibIncludeFile /* need this to make ANSI-style preprocessors happy */ #define ShLibIncludeFile #endif #include ShLibIncludeFile #ifndef SharedLibX11 #define SharedLibX11 HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef NormalLibX11 #define NormalLibX11 (!SharedLibX11 | ForceNormalLib) #endif #ifndef DebugLibX11 #define DebugLibX11 NO /* debugged X library */ #endif #ifndef ProfileLibX11 #define ProfileLibX11 NO /* profiled X library */ #endif XLIBSRC = $(LIBSRC)/X11 #if SharedLibX11 #ifndef SharedX11Rev #define SharedX11Rev 6.1 #endif SharedLibReferences(XONLY,X11,$(XLIBSRC),SOXLIBREV,SharedX11Rev) #else UnsharedLibReferences(XONLY,X11,$(XLIBSRC)) #endif XLIBONLY = $(XONLYLIB) #ifndef SharedLibXext #define SharedLibXext HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef NormalLibXext #define NormalLibXext (!SharedLibXext | ForceNormalLib) #endif #ifndef DebugLibXext #define DebugLibXext NO /* debugged Xext library */ #endif #ifndef ProfileLibXext #define ProfileLibXext NO /* profiled Xext library */ #endif XEXTLIBSRC = $(LIBSRC)/Xext #if SharedLibXext #ifndef SharedXextRev #define SharedXextRev 6.1 #endif SharedLibReferences(EXTENSION,Xext,$(XEXTLIBSRC),SOXEXTREV,SharedXextRev) #else UnsharedLibReferences(EXTENSION,Xext,$(XEXTLIBSRC)) #endif LINTEXTENSIONLIB = $(LINTEXTENSION) DEPXLIB = $(DEPEXTENSIONLIB) $(DEPXONLYLIB) XLIB = $(EXTENSIONLIB) $(XONLYLIB) LINTXLIB = $(LINTXONLYLIB) #ifndef SharedLibXau #define SharedLibXau NO /* don't need shared form */ #endif #ifndef NormalLibXau #define NormalLibXau (!SharedLibXau | ForceNormalLib) #endif #ifndef DebugLibXau #define DebugLibXau NO /* debugged auth library */ #endif #ifndef ProfileLibXau #define ProfileLibXau NO /* profiled auth library */ #endif XAUTHSRC = $(LIBSRC)/Xau #if SharedLibXau #ifndef SharedXauRev #define SharedXauRev 6.0 #endif SharedLibReferences(XAUTH,Xau,$(XAUTHSRC),SOXAUTHREV,SharedXauRev) #else UnsharedLibReferences(XAUTH,Xau,$(XAUTHSRC)) #endif #ifndef SharedLibXdmcp #define SharedLibXdmcp NO /* don't need shared form */ #endif #ifndef NormalLibXdmcp #define NormalLibXdmcp (!SharedLibXdmcp | ForceNormalLib) #endif #ifndef DebugLibXdmcp #define DebugLibXdmcp NO /* debugged XDMCP library */ #endif #ifndef ProfileLibXdmcp #define ProfileLibXdmcp NO /* profiled XDMCP library */ #endif XDMCPLIBSRC = $(LIBSRC)/Xdmcp #if SharedLibXdmcp #ifndef SharedXdmcpRev #define SharedXdmcpRev 6.0 #endif SharedLibReferences(XDMCP,Xdmcp,$(XDMCPLIBSRC),SOXDMCPREV,SharedXdmcpRev) #else UnsharedLibReferences(XDMCP,Xdmcp,$(XDMCPLIBSRC)) #endif #ifndef SharedLibXmu #define SharedLibXmu HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef NormalLibXmu #define NormalLibXmu (!SharedLibXmu | ForceNormalLib) #endif #ifndef DebugLibXmu #define DebugLibXmu NO /* debugged Xmu library */ #endif #ifndef ProfileLibXmu #define ProfileLibXmu NO /* profiled Xmu library */ #endif XMUSRC = $(LIBSRC)/Xmu #if SharedLibXmu #ifndef SharedXmuRev #define SharedXmuRev 6.0 #endif SharedDSLibReferences(XMU,Xmu,$(XMUSRC),SOXMUREV,SharedXmuRev) #else UnsharedLibReferences(XMU,Xmu,$(XMUSRC)) #endif #ifndef SharedOldX #define SharedOldX HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef NormalOldX #define NormalOldX (!SharedOldX | ForceNormalLib) #endif #ifndef DebugOldX #define DebugOldX NO /* debugged old X library */ #endif #ifndef ProfileOldX #define ProfileOldX NO /* profiled old X library */ #endif OLDXLIBSRC = $(LIBSRC)/oldX #if SharedOldX #ifndef SharedOldXRev #define SharedOldXRev 6.0 #endif SharedLibReferences(OLDX,oldX,$(OLDXLIBSRC),SOOLDXREV,SharedOldXRev) #else UnsharedLibReferences(OLDX,oldX,$(OLDXLIBSRC)) #endif #ifndef SharedLibXt #define SharedLibXt HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef NormalLibXt #define NormalLibXt (!SharedLibXt | ForceNormalLib) #endif #ifndef DebugLibXt #define DebugLibXt NO /* debugged toolkit library */ #endif #ifndef ProfileLibXt #define ProfileLibXt NO /* profiled toolkit library */ #endif TOOLKITSRC = $(LIBSRC)/Xt #if SharedLibXt #ifndef SharedXtRev #define SharedXtRev 6.0 #endif SharedDSLibReferences(XTOOLONLY,Xt,$(TOOLKITSRC),SOXTREV,SharedXtRev) #else UnsharedLibReferences(XTOOLONLY,Xt,$(TOOLKITSRC)) #endif DEPXTOOLLIB = $(DEPXTOOLONLYLIB) $(DEPSMLIB) $(DEPICELIB) XTOOLLIB = $(XTOOLONLYLIB) $(SMLIB) $(ICELIB) LINTXTOOLLIB = $(LINTXTOOLONLYLIB) #ifndef SharedLibXaw #define SharedLibXaw HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef NormalLibXaw #define NormalLibXaw (!SharedLibXaw | ForceNormalLib) #endif #ifndef DebugLibXaw #define DebugLibXaw NO /* debugged widget library */ #endif #ifndef ProfileLibXaw #define ProfileLibXaw NO /* profiled widget library */ #endif AWIDGETSRC = $(LIBSRC)/Xaw #if SharedLibXaw #ifndef SharedXawRev #define SharedXawRev 6.1 #endif SharedDSLibReferences(XAW,Xaw,$(AWIDGETSRC),SOXAWREV,SharedXawRev) #else UnsharedLibReferences(XAW,Xaw,$(AWIDGETSRC)) #endif #ifndef SharedLibXpm #define SharedLibXpm HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef NormalLibXpm #define NormalLibXpm (!SharedLibXpm | ForceNormalLib) #endif #ifndef DebugLibXpm #define DebugLibXpm NO /* debugged widget library */ #endif #ifndef ProfileLibXpm #define ProfileLibXpm NO /* profiled widget library */ #endif XPMSRC = $(LIBSRC)/Xpm #if SharedLibXpm #ifndef SharedXpmRev #define SharedXpmRev 6.1 #endif SharedDSLibReferences(XPM,Xpm,$(XPMSRC),SOXPMREV,SharedXpmRev) #else UnsharedLibReferences(XPM,Xpm,$(XPMSRC)) #endif #ifndef SharedLibXp #define SharedLibXp HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef NormalLibXp #define NormalLibXp (!SharedLibXp | ForceNormalLib) #endif #ifndef DebugLibXp #define DebugLibXp NO /* debugged widget library */ #endif #ifndef ProfileLibXp #define ProfileLibXp NO /* profiled widget library */ #endif XPSRC = $(LIBSRC)/Xp #if SharedLibXp #ifndef SharedXpRev #define SharedXpRev 6.1 #endif SharedDSLibReferences(XP,Xp,$(XPSRC),SOXPREV,SharedXpRev) #else UnsharedLibReferences(XP,Xp,$(XPSRC)) #endif #ifndef SharedLibXrender #define SharedLibXrender HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef NormalLibXrender #define NormalLibXrender (!SharedLibXrender | ForceNormalLib) #endif #ifndef DebugLibXrender #define DebugLibXrender NO /* debugged widget library */ #endif #ifndef ProfileLibXrender #define ProfileLibXrender NO /* profiled widget library */ #endif XRENDERSRC = $(LIBSRC)/Xrender #if SharedLibXrender #ifndef SharedXrenderRev #define SharedXrenderRev 6.1 #endif SharedDSLibReferences(XRENDER,Xrender,$(XRENDERSRC),SOXRENDERREV,SharedXrenderRev) #else UnsharedLibReferences(XRENDER,Xrender,$(XRENDERSRC)) #endif #ifndef SharedLibXi #define SharedLibXi HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef NormalLibXi #define NormalLibXi (!SharedLibXi | ForceNormalLib) #endif #ifndef DebugLibXi #define DebugLibXi NO /* debugged Xi library */ #endif #ifndef ProfileLibXi #define ProfileLibXi NO /* profiled Xi library */ #endif XILIBSRC = $(LIBSRC)/Xi #if SharedLibXi #ifndef SharedXiRev #define SharedXiRev 6.0 #endif SharedLibReferences(XI,Xi,$(XILIBSRC),SOXINPUTREV,SharedXiRev) #else UnsharedLibReferences(XI,Xi,$(XILIBSRC)) #endif #ifndef SharedLibXtst #define SharedLibXtst HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef NormalLibXtst #define NormalLibXtst (!SharedLibXtst | ForceNormalLib) #endif #ifndef DebugLibXtst #define DebugLibXtst NO /* debugged Xtst library */ #endif #ifndef ProfileLibXtst #define ProfileLibXtst NO /* profiled Xtst library */ #endif XTESTLIBSRC = $(LIBSRC)/Xtst #if SharedLibXtst #ifndef SharedXtstRev #define SharedXtstRev 6.1 #endif SharedLibReferences(XTEST,Xtst,$(XTESTLIBSRC),SOXTESTREV,SharedXtstRev) #else UnsharedLibReferences(XTEST,Xtst,$(XTESTLIBSRC)) #endif #ifndef SharedLibPex #define SharedLibPex HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef NormalLibPex #define NormalLibPex (!SharedLibPex | ForceNormalLib) #endif #ifndef DebugLibPex #define DebugLibPex NO /* debugged PEX5 library */ #endif #ifndef ProfileLibPex #define ProfileLibPex NO /* profiled PEX5 library */ #endif PEXLIBSRC = $(LIBSRC)/PEX5 #if SharedLibPex #ifndef SharedPexRev #define SharedPexRev 6.0 #endif SharedLibReferences(PEX,PEX5,$(PEXLIBSRC),SOPEXREV,SharedPexRev) #else UnsharedLibReferences(PEX,PEX5,$(PEXLIBSRC)) #endif #ifndef SharedLibXie #define SharedLibXie HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef NormalLibXie #define NormalLibXie (!SharedLibXie | ForceNormalLib) #endif #ifndef DebugLibXie #define DebugLibXie NO /* debugged XIE library */ #endif #ifndef ProfileLibXie #define ProfileLibXie NO /* profiled XIE library */ #endif XIELIBSRC = $(LIBSRC)/XIE #if SharedLibXie #ifndef SharedXieRev #define SharedXieRev 6.0 #endif SharedLibReferences(XIE,XIE,$(XIELIBSRC),SOXIEREV,SharedXieRev) #else UnsharedLibReferences(XIE,XIE,$(XIELIBSRC)) #endif #ifndef SharedLibPhigs #define SharedLibPhigs NO /* XXX - haven't made it sharable yet */ #endif #ifndef NormalLibPhigs #define NormalLibPhigs (!SharedLibPhigs | ForceNormalLib) #endif PHIGSLIBSRC = $(LIBSRC)/PHIGS #if SharedLibPhigs #ifndef SharedPhigsRev #define SharedPhigsRev 6.0 #endif SharedLibReferences(PHIGS,phigs,$(PHIGSLIBSRC),SOPHIGSREV,SharedPhigsRev) #else UnsharedLibReferences(PHIGS,phigs,$(PHIGSLIBSRC)) #endif UnsharedLibReferences(XBSD,Xbsd,$(LIBSRC)/Xbsd) #ifndef SharedLibICE #define SharedLibICE HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef NormalLibICE #define NormalLibICE (!SharedLibICE | ForceNormalLib) #endif #ifndef DebugLibICE #define DebugLibICE NO /* debugged ICE library */ #endif #ifndef ProfileLibICE #define ProfileLibICE NO /* profiled ICE library */ #endif ICESRC = $(LIBSRC)/ICE #if SharedLibICE #ifndef SharedICERev #define SharedICERev 6.0 #endif SharedLibReferences(ICE,ICE,$(ICESRC),SOICEREV,SharedICERev) #else UnsharedLibReferences(ICE,ICE,$(ICESRC)) #endif #ifndef SharedLibSM #define SharedLibSM HasSharedLibraries #endif #ifndef NormalLibSM #define NormalLibSM (!SharedLibSM | ForceNormalLib) #endif #ifndef DebugLibSM #define DebugLibSM NO /* debugged SM library */ #endif #ifndef ProfileLibSM #define ProfileLibSM NO /* profiled SM library */ #endif SMSRC = $(LIBSRC)/SM #if SharedLibSM #ifndef SharedSMRev #define SharedSMRev 6.0 #endif SharedLibReferences(SM,SM,$(SMSRC),SOSMREV,SharedSMRev) #else UnsharedLibReferences(SM,SM,$(SMSRC)) #endif #ifndef SharedLibFS #define SharedLibFS NO /* for now */ #endif #ifndef NormalLibFS #define NormalLibFS (!SharedLibFS | ForceNormalLib) #endif #ifndef DebugLibFS #define DebugLibFS NO /* debugged FS library */ #endif #ifndef ProfileLibFS #define ProfileLibFS NO /* profiled FS library */ #endif FSLIBSRC = $(LIBSRC)/FS #if SharedLibFS #ifndef SharedFSRev #define SharedFSRev 6.0 #endif SharedLibReferences(FS,FS,$(FSLIBSRC),SOFSREV,SharedFSRev) #else UnsharedLibReferences(FS,FS,$(FSLIBSRC)) #endif FONTLIBSRC = $(LIBSRC)/font UnsharedLibReferences(FONT,font,$(FONTLIBSRC)) #ifdef BuildXKBlib XKBFILELIBSRC = $(LIBSRC)/xkbfile UnsharedLibReferences(XKBFILE,xkbfile,$(XKBFILELIBSRC)) #ifndef XkbClientDepLibs #if UseXKBInClients #define XkbClientDepLibs $(DEPXKBFILELIB) #else #define XkbClientDepLibs /**/ #endif #endif #ifndef XkbClientLibs #if UseXKBInClients #define XkbClientLibs $(XKBFILELIB) #else #define XkbClientLibs /**/ #endif #endif #else /* !BuildXKBlib */ #ifndef XkbClientDepLibs #define XkbClientDepLibs #endif #ifndef XkbClientLibs #define XkbClientLibs #endif #endif /* BuildXKBlib */ #ifndef XawClientDepLibs #define XawClientDepLibs $(DEPXAWLIB) $(DEPXMULIB) $(DEPXTOOLLIB) $(DEPXLIB) #endif #ifndef XawClientLibs #define XawClientLibs $(XAWLIB) $(XPMLIB) $(XMULIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB) #endif #ifndef NeedDefaultDepLibs #define NeedDefaultDepLibs YES #endif #if NeedDefaultDepLibs /* * Individual libraries should override this */ #if HasSharedLibraries || defined(UseInstalled) DEPLIBS = $(DEPXAWLIB) $(DEPXMULIB) $(DEPXTOOLLIB) $(DEPXLIB) #else DEPLIBS = $(LOCAL_LIBRARIES) #endif DEPLIBS1 = $(DEPLIBS) DEPLIBS2 = $(DEPLIBS) DEPLIBS3 = $(DEPLIBS) #endif /* NeedDefaultDepLibs */ /* * InstallAppDefaults - simple rules to install application default file */ #ifndef InstallAppDefaults #define InstallAppDefaults(class) InstallAppDefaultsLong(class,class) #endif /* InstallAppDefaults */ /* * InstallAppDefaultsLong - general rule to install application default file * if the InstallAppDefFiles configuration parameter is set. */ #ifndef InstallAppDefaultsLong #if InstallAppDefFiles #define InstallAppDefaultsLong(file,class) @@\ InstallNamedTarget(install,file.ad,$(INSTAPPFLAGS),$(XAPPLOADDIR),class) #else #define InstallAppDefaultsLong(file,class) @@\ InstallNamedTargetNoClobber(install,file.ad,$(INSTAPPFLAGS),$(XAPPLOADDIR),class) #endif /* InstallAppDefFiles */ #endif /* InstallAppDefaultsLong */ /* * MakeFontsDir - generate rules to build fonts.dir database. */ #ifndef MakeFontsDir #define MakeFontsDir(deplist) @@\ all:: fonts.dir @@\ @@\ fonts.dir: deplist @@\ RunProgram(MKFONTDIR,.) @@\ @@\ clean:: @@\ RemoveFile(fonts.dir) #endif /* MakeFontsDir */ /* * MakeFonts - generate rules to build font database. */ #ifndef MakeFonts #define MakeFonts() @@\ all:: $(OBJS) @@\ @@\ MakeFontsDir($(OBJS)) @@\ @@\ clean:: @@\ RemoveFiles(*.pcf *.pcf.Z) #endif /* MakeFonts */ /* * InstallFontObjs - generate rules to install font files */ #ifndef InstallFontObjs #define InstallFontObjs(objs,dest) @@\ InstallMultipleFlags(objs,dest,$(INSTDATFLAGS)) @@\ @@\ InstallTarget(install,fonts.dir,$(INSTDATFLAGS),dest) #endif /* InstallFontObjs */ /* * InstallFonts - generate rules to install font files */ #ifndef InstallFonts #define InstallFonts(dest) @@\ InstallFontObjs($(OBJS),dest) #endif /* InstallFonts */ /* * InstallFontAliases - generate rules to install font aliases databases. */ #ifndef InstallFontAliases #define InstallFontAliases(dest) @@\ InstallTarget(install,fonts.alias,$(INSTDATFLAGS),dest) #endif /* InstallFontAliases */ #ifndef FontSrc #define FontSrc(basename) basename.bdf #endif #ifndef FontBaseObj #define FontBaseObj(basename)basename.pcf #endif /* * InstallFontScale - generate rules to install font scale database. */ #ifndef InstallFontScale #define InstallFontScale(dest) @@\ InstallTarget(install,fonts.scale,$(INSTDATFLAGS),dest) #endif /* InstallFontScale */ /* * UncompressedFontTarget */ #ifndef UncompressedFontTarget #define UncompressedFontTarget(basename) @@\ FontBaseObj(basename): FontSrc(basename) @@\ $(FONTC) $(FONTCFLAGS) $? -o $@ #endif /* CompressedFontTarget */ /* * CompressedFontTarget */ #ifndef CompressedFontTarget #define CompressedFontTarget(basename) @@\ FontBaseObj(basename).Z: FontSrc(basename) @@\ $(FONTC) $(FONTCFLAGS) $? | $(COMPRESS) > $@ #endif /* CompressedFontTarget */ #ifdef CompressAllFonts #define FontTarget(basename) CompressedFontTarget(basename) #define FontObj(basename) FontBaseObj(basename).Z #else #define FontTarget(basename) UncompressedFontTarget(basename) #define FontObj(basename) FontBaseObj(basename) #endif /* CompressAllFonts */ /* * PostProcessTroffPS - by default moves the working output into place, * but can be a hook for more complicated post-processing. */ #ifndef PostProcessTroffPS #define PostProcessTroffPS(temp,real) $(MV) temp real #endif #ifndef MakeSimpleDoc #define MakeSimpleDoc(file,srcs) @@\ all:: file.PS @@\ .PRECIOUS: file.PS @@\ @@\ file.PS: srcs @@\ -$(TROFF) $(MSMACROS) $(XDOCMACROS) srcs 2> index.raw > file.nPS \@@\ && PostProcessTroffPS(file.nPS,$@) @@\ @if grep '^[^1-9.]' index.raw; then exit 1; else test $$? = 1; fi @@\ @@\ file.txt: srcs @@\ $(NROFF) $(MSMACROS) $(XDOCMACROS) srcs 2> index.raw > $@ @@\ @@\ clean:: @@\ $(RM) index.raw file.nPS file.PS file.txt #endif #ifndef MakeTblDoc #define MakeTblDoc(file,srcs) @@\ all:: file.PS @@\ .PRECIOUS: file.PS @@\ @@\ file.PS: srcs @@\ -$(TBL) $(XDOCMACROS) srcs | $(TROFF) $(MSMACROS) 2> index.raw > file.nPS \@@\ && PostProcessTroffPS(file.nPS,$@) @@\ @if grep '^[^1-9.]' index.raw; then exit 1; else test $$? = 1; fi @@\ @@\ file.txt: srcs @@\ $(TBL) $(XDOCMACROS) srcs | $(NROFF) $(MSMACROS) 2> index.raw | $(COL) > $@ @@\ @@\ clean:: @@\ $(RM) index.raw file.nPS file.PS file.txt #endif #ifndef MakeEqnDoc #define MakeEqnDoc(file,srcs) @@\ all:: file.PS @@\ .PRECIOUS: file.PS @@\ @@\ file.PS: srcs @@\ -$(TBL) $(XDOCMACROS) srcs | $(EQN) | $(TROFF) $(MSMACROS) 2> index.raw > file.nPS \@@\ && PostProcessTroffPS(file.nPS,$@) @@\ @if grep '^[^1-9.]' index.raw; then exit 1; else test $$? = 1; fi @@\ @@\ file.txt: srcs @@\ $(TBL) $(XDOCMACROS) srcs | $(NEQN) | $(NROFF) $(MSMACROS) 2> index.raw | $(COL) > $@ @@\ @@\ clean:: @@\ $(RM) index.raw file.nPS file.PS file.txt #endif #ifndef MakeDocIndex #define MakeDocIndex(file,srcs) @@\ all:: file.idx.PS @@\ @@\ file.idx.PS: srcs index.raw @@\ tail -1 index.raw > index.pageno @@\ grep '^[1-9]' index.raw | sort -f '-t:' +1 -3 +0n -1n | awk -f $(DOCUTILSRC)/fixindex.awk | awk -f $(DOCUTILSRC)/block.awk > index.troff @@\ cat srcs $(XIDXMACROS) index.troff | $(TROFF) -me > file.idx.nPS \@@\ && $(MV) file.idx.nPS $@ @@\ $(RM) index.troff index.pageno @@\ @@\ clean:: @@\ $(RM) index.troff index.pageno file.idx.nPS file.idx.PS #endif #ifndef MakeLatexDoc #if HasLatex #define MakeLatexDoc(file,src) @@\ all:: file.PS @@\ @@\ file.dvi: src @@\ $(LATEX) src @@\ @@\ file.PS: file.dvi @@\ $(DVIPS) -o file.nPS file && $(MV) file.nPS $@ @@\ @@\ clean:: @@\ RemoveFiles(file.nPS file.PS file.dvi file.log) @@\ RemoveFiles(file.aux file.toc file.lof file.lot) #else /* HasLatex */ #define MakeLatexDoc(file,src) @@\ all:: @@\ file.PS: src @@\ @echo "cannot make file.PS: no latex on this system"; exit 1 #endif /* HasLatex (else) */ #endif /* MakeLatexDoc */