XCOMM IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG XCOMM This is an automatically generated prolog. XCOMM XCOMM gos720 src/gos/2d/XTOP/config/cf/Threads.tmpl 1.1 XCOMM XCOMM Licensed Materials - Property of IBM XCOMM XCOMM COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996 XCOMM All Rights Reserved XCOMM XCOMM US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or XCOMM disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. XCOMM XCOMM IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG XCOMM SCCSID_BEGIN_TAG XCOMM @(#)46 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP/config/cf/Threads.tmpl, xclients, gos720 7/31/96 14:41:57 XCOMM SCCSID_END_TAG XCOMM $XConsortium: Threads.tmpl /main/8 1995/11/14 19:56:41 kaleb $ /* * For a multi-threaded application or library, * Define LocalThreadsDefines in your Imakefile (unless you like the * project default), then include this file. * Everything else should be automatic. */ #ifndef LocalThreadsDefines #ifdef ProjectThreadsDefines #define LocalThreadsDefines ProjectThreadsDefines #else #define LocalThreadsDefines /**/ #endif #endif #ifndef LocalThreads #ifdef ThreadedProject #define LocalThreads ThreadedProject #else #define LocalThreads YES #endif #endif #ifndef ThreadTypeDefines #if HasCThreads #define ThreadTypeDefines -DCTHREADS #else #define ThreadTypeDefines /**/ #endif #endif #ifndef SystemMTDefines #define SystemMTDefines /**/ #endif #ifndef LibraryMTDefines #define LibraryMTDefines /**/ #endif #ifndef HasThreadSafeAPI /* does it have getpwnam_r, etc. */ #define HasThreadSafeAPI YES #endif #ifndef MTSafeAPIDefines #if HasThreadSafeAPI #define MTSafeAPIDefines -DXUSE_MTSAFE_API #else #define MTSafeAPIDefines /**/ #endif #endif #ifndef ThreadPreStdAPIDefines #define ThreadPreStdAPIDefines /* nominally for POSIX P1003.4a (Draft 4) API */ #endif #ifndef CplusplusSystemMTDefines #define CplusplusSystemMTDefines /**/ #endif #ifndef ThreadsCompileFlags #define ThreadsCompileFlags /**/ #endif #ifndef ThreadsCplusplusCompileFlags #define ThreadsCplusplusCompileFlags /**/ #endif #ifndef ThreadsLibraries #define ThreadsLibraries /**/ #endif #ifndef ThreadsCplusplusLibraries #define ThreadsCplusplusLibraries /**/ #endif #ifndef ThreadsLoadFlags #define ThreadsLoadFlags ThreadsCompileFlags #endif #ifndef ThreadsCplusplusLoadFlags #define ThreadsCplusplusLoadFlags ThreadsCplusplusCompileFlags #endif #if LocalThreads THREADS_CFLAGS = ThreadsCompileFlags THREADS_DEFINES = LocalThreadsDefines ThreadTypeDefines SystemMTDefines MTSafeAPIDefines ThreadPreStdAPIDefines THREADS_LDFLAGS = ThreadsLoadFlags THREADS_LIBS = ThreadsLibraries THREADS_CXXFLAGS = ThreadsCplusplusCompileFlags THREADS_CXXDEFINES = LocalThreadsDefines ThreadTypeDefines CplusplusSystemMTDefines MTSafeAPIDefines ThreadPreStdAPIDefines THREADS_CXXLDFLAGS = ThreadsCplusplusLoadFlags THREADS_CXXLIBS = ThreadsCplusplusLibraries #endif