XCOMM IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG XCOMM This is an automatically generated prolog. XCOMM XCOMM gos720 src/gos/2d/XTOP/contrib/programs/xload/Imakefile 1.4 XCOMM XCOMM Licensed Materials - Property of IBM XCOMM XCOMM COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996,2002 XCOMM All Rights Reserved XCOMM XCOMM US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or XCOMM disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. XCOMM XCOMM IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG XCOMM SCCSID_BEGIN_TAG XCOMM @(#)74 1.4 src/gos/2d/XTOP/contrib/programs/xload/Imakefile, xsample, gos720 5/31/02 12:18:57 XCOMM SCCSID_END_TAG XCOMM $XConsortium: Imakefile,v 1.28 93/07/29 14:01:59 rws Exp $ DEPLIBS = LOCAL_LIBRARIES = XawClientLibs #if defined(SunArchitecture) && defined(i386Architecture) SYS_LIBRARIES = -lkvm #endif #if SystemV4 #ifdef SonyArchitecture SYS_LIBRARIES = -lmld #else SYS_LIBRARIES = -lelf #endif #endif #ifdef SGIArchitecture SYS_LIBRARIES = -lmld #endif #ifdef BSD386Architecture SYS_LIBRARIES = -lutil -lkvm #endif SRCS = xload.c get_load.c get_load64.c OBJS = xload.o get_load.o get_load64.o OSMAJORVERSION = OSMajorVersion OSMINORVERSION = OSMinorVersion DEFINES = -DOSMAJORVERSION=$(OSMAJORVERSION) -DOSMINORVERSION=$(OSMINORVERSION) AllTarget(xload) NormalProgramTarget(xload,$(OBJS),$(DEPLIBS),$(LOCAL_LIBRARIES),NullParameter) XCOMM The first time 'make install' is run, we are replacing the symlink XCOMM /usr/lpp/X11/bin/xload -> /usr/lpp/X11/Xamples/bin/xload with our binary. XCOMM If the Trusted Computing Base is installed, it should be updated to reflect this. tcb:: xload if (test -L /usr/lpp/X11/bin/xload) && (odmget -q attribute=TCB_STATE PdAt | grep deflt | egrep 'tcb_enabled|CC_EVAL' >/dev/null 2>&1); then \ /usr/bin/tcbck -d /usr/lpp/X11/bin/xload ; \ fi install:: tcb #ifndef OSF1Architecture InstallProgramWithFlags(xload,$(BINDIR),$(INSTKMEMFLAGS)) #else InstallProgram(xload,$(BINDIR)) #endif InstallAppDefaults(XLoad) InstallManPage(xload,$(MANDIR)) DependTarget()