/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* gos720 src/gos/2d/XTOP/programs/xkbcomp/keycodes.c 1.2 */ /* */ /* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1997,2009 */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* */ /* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or */ /* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ /* SCCSID_BEGIN_TAG */ #ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)63 1.2 src/gos/2d/XTOP/programs/xkbcomp/keycodes.c, xsample, gos720 2/9/09 14:33:22"; #endif /* SCCSID_END_TAG */ /* $Xorg: keycodes.c,v 1.4 2000/08/17 19:54:32 cpqbld Exp $ */ /************************************************************ Copyright (c) 1994 by Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Silicon Graphics not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific prior written permission. Silicon Graphics makes no representation about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty. SILICON GRAPHICS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ********************************************************/ /* $XFree86$ */ #include "xkbcomp.h" #include "tokens.h" #include "expr.h" #include "keycodes.h" #include "misc.h" #include "alias.h" char * longText(unsigned long val,unsigned format) { char buf[4]; LongToKeyName(val,buf); return XkbKeyNameText(buf,format); } /***====================================================================***/ void LongToKeyName(unsigned long val,char *name) { name[0]= ((val>>24)&0xff); name[1]= ((val>>16)&0xff); name[2]= ((val>>8)&0xff); name[3]= (val&0xff); return; } /***====================================================================***/ typedef struct _IndicatorNameInfo { CommonInfo defs; int ndx; Atom name; Bool virtual; } IndicatorNameInfo; typedef struct _KeyNamesInfo { char * name; int errorCount; unsigned fileID; unsigned merge; int computedMin; int computedMax; int explicitMin; int explicitMax; int effectiveMin; int effectiveMax; unsigned long names[XkbMaxLegalKeyCode+1]; unsigned files[XkbMaxLegalKeyCode+1]; unsigned char has_alt_forms[XkbMaxLegalKeyCode+1]; IndicatorNameInfo * leds; AliasInfo * aliases; } KeyNamesInfo; static void InitIndicatorNameInfo(IndicatorNameInfo *ii,KeyNamesInfo *info) { ii->defs.defined= 0; ii->defs.merge= info->merge; ii->defs.fileID= info->fileID; ii->defs.next= NULL; ii->ndx= 0; ii->name= None; ii->virtual= False; return; } static void ClearIndicatorNameInfo(IndicatorNameInfo *ii,KeyNamesInfo *info) { if (ii==info->leds) { ClearCommonInfo(&ii->defs); info->leds= NULL; } return; } static IndicatorNameInfo * NextIndicatorName(KeyNamesInfo *info) { IndicatorNameInfo * ii; ii= uTypedAlloc(IndicatorNameInfo); if (ii) { InitIndicatorNameInfo(ii,info); info->leds= (IndicatorNameInfo *)AddCommonInfo(&info->leds->defs, (CommonInfo *)ii); } return ii; } static IndicatorNameInfo * FindIndicatorByIndex(KeyNamesInfo *info,int ndx) { IndicatorNameInfo * old; for (old= info->leds;old!=NULL;old=(IndicatorNameInfo *)old->defs.next) { if (old->ndx==ndx) return old; } return NULL; } static IndicatorNameInfo * FindIndicatorByName(KeyNamesInfo *info,Atom name) { IndicatorNameInfo * old; for (old= info->leds;old!=NULL;old=(IndicatorNameInfo *)old->defs.next) { if (old->name==name) return old; } return NULL; } static Bool AddIndicatorName(KeyNamesInfo *info,IndicatorNameInfo *new) { IndicatorNameInfo *old; Bool replace; char * action; replace= (new->defs.merge==MergeReplace)|| (new->defs.merge==MergeOverride); old= FindIndicatorByName(info,new->name); if (old) { if (((old->defs.fileID==new->defs.fileID)&&(warningLevel>0))|| (warningLevel>9)) { WARN1("Multiple indicators named %s\n", XkbAtomText(NULL,new->name,XkbMessage)); if (old->ndx==new->ndx) { if (old->virtual!=new->virtual) { if (replace) old->virtual= new->virtual; action= "Using %s instead of %s\n"; } else { action= "Identical definitions ignored\n"; } ACTION2(action,(old->virtual?"virtual":"real"), (old->virtual?"real":"virtual")); return True; } else { if (replace) action= "Ignoring %d, using %d\n"; else action= "Using %d, ignoring %d\n"; ACTION2(action,old->ndx,new->ndx); } if (replace) { if (info->leds==old) info->leds= (IndicatorNameInfo *)old->defs.next; else { IndicatorNameInfo *tmp; tmp= info->leds; for (;tmp!=NULL;tmp=(IndicatorNameInfo *)tmp->defs.next) { if (tmp->defs.next==(CommonInfo *)old) { tmp->defs.next= old->defs.next; break; } } } uFree(old); } } } old= FindIndicatorByIndex(info,new->ndx); if (old) { if (((old->defs.fileID==new->defs.fileID)&&(warningLevel>0))|| (warningLevel>9)) { WARN1("Multiple names for indicator %d\n",new->ndx); if ((old->name==new->name)&&(old->virtual==new->virtual)) action= "Identical definitions ignored\n"; else { char *oldType,*newType; Atom using,ignoring; if (old->virtual) oldType= "virtual indicator"; else oldType= "real indicator"; if (new->virtual) newType= "virtual indicator"; else newType= "real indicator"; if (replace) { using= new->name; ignoring= old->name; } else { using= old->name; ignoring= new->name; } ACTION4("Using %s %s, ignoring %s %s\n", oldType,XkbAtomText(NULL,using,XkbMessage), newType,XkbAtomText(NULL,ignoring,XkbMessage)); } } if (replace) { old->name= new->name; old->virtual= new->virtual; } return True; } old= new; new= NextIndicatorName(info); if (!new) { WSGO1("Couldn't allocate name for indicator %d\n",new->ndx); ACTION("Ignored\n"); return False; } new->name= old->name; new->ndx= old->ndx; new->virtual= old->virtual; return True; } static void ClearKeyNamesInfo(KeyNamesInfo *info) { if (info->name!=NULL) uFree(info->name); info->name= NULL; info->computedMax= info->explicitMax= info->explicitMin= -1; info->computedMin= 256; info->effectiveMin= 8; info->effectiveMax= 255; bzero((char *)info->names,sizeof(info->names)); bzero((char *)info->files,sizeof(info->files)); bzero((char *)info->has_alt_forms,sizeof(info->has_alt_forms)); if (info->leds) ClearIndicatorNameInfo(info->leds,info); if (info->aliases) ClearAliases(&info->aliases); return; } static void InitKeyNamesInfo(KeyNamesInfo *info) { info->name= NULL; info->leds= NULL; info->aliases= NULL; ClearKeyNamesInfo(info); info->errorCount= 0; return; } static int FindKeyByLong(KeyNamesInfo *info,unsigned long name) { register int i; for (i=info->effectiveMin;i<=info->effectiveMax;i++) { if (info->names[i]==name) return i; } return 0; } static Bool AddKeyName( KeyNamesInfo * info, int kc, char * name, unsigned merge, unsigned fileID, Bool reportCollisions) { int old; unsigned long lval; if ((kceffectiveMin)||(kc>info->effectiveMax)) { ERROR2("Illegal keycode %d for name <%s>\n",kc,name); ACTION2("Must be in the range %d-%d inclusive\n",info->effectiveMin, info->effectiveMax); return False; } if (kccomputedMin) info->computedMin= kc; if (kc>info->computedMax) info->computedMax= kc; lval= KeyNameToLong(name); if (reportCollisions) { reportCollisions= ((warningLevel>7)|| ((warningLevel>0)&&(fileID==info->files[kc]))); } if (info->names[kc]!=0) { char buf[6]; LongToKeyName(info->names[kc],buf); buf[4]= '\0'; if (info->names[kc]==lval) { if (info->has_alt_forms[kc] || (merge==MergeAltForm)) { info->has_alt_forms[kc]= True; } else if (reportCollisions) { WARN("Multiple identical key name definitions\n"); ACTION2("Later occurences of \"<%s> = %d\" ignored\n",buf,kc); } return True; } if (merge==MergeAugment) { if (reportCollisions) { WARN1("Multiple names for keycode %d\n",kc); ACTION2("Using <%s>, ignoring <%s>\n",buf,name); } return True; } else { if (reportCollisions) { WARN1("Multiple names for keycode %d\n",kc); ACTION2("Using <%s>, ignoring <%s>\n",name,buf); } info->names[kc]= 0; info->files[kc]= 0; } } old= FindKeyByLong(info,lval); if ((old!=0)&&(old!=kc)) { if (merge==MergeOverride) { info->names[old]= 0; info->files[old]= 0; info->has_alt_forms[old]= True; if (reportCollisions) { WARN1("Key name <%s> assigned to multiple keys\n",name); ACTION2("Using %d, ignoring %d\n",kc,old); } } else if (merge!=MergeAltForm) { if ((reportCollisions)&&(warningLevel>3)) { WARN1("Key name <%s> assigned to multiple keys\n",name); ACTION2("Using %d, ignoring %d\n",old,kc); ACTION("Use 'alternate' keyword to assign the same name to multiple keys\n"); } return True; } else { info->has_alt_forms[old]= True; } } info->names[kc]= lval; info->files[kc]= fileID; info->has_alt_forms[kc]= (merge==MergeAltForm); return True; } /***====================================================================***/ static void MergeIncludedKeycodes(KeyNamesInfo *into,KeyNamesInfo *from,unsigned merge) { register int i; char buf[5]; if (from->errorCount>0) { into->errorCount+= from->errorCount; return; } if (into->name==NULL) { into->name= from->name; from->name= NULL; } for (i=from->computedMin;i<=from->computedMax;i++) { unsigned thisMerge; if (from->names[i]==0) continue; LongToKeyName(from->names[i],buf); buf[4]= '\0'; if (from->has_alt_forms[i]) thisMerge= MergeAltForm; else thisMerge= merge; if (!AddKeyName(into,i,buf,thisMerge,from->fileID,False)) into->errorCount++; } if (from->leds) { IndicatorNameInfo *led,*next; for (led=from->leds;led!=NULL;led=next) { if (merge!=MergeDefault) led->defs.merge= merge; if (!AddIndicatorName(into,led)) into->errorCount++; next= (IndicatorNameInfo *)led->defs.next; } } if (!MergeAliases(&into->aliases,&from->aliases,merge)) into->errorCount++; if (from->explicitMin>0) { if ((into->explicitMin<0)||(into->explicitMin>from->explicitMin)) into->effectiveMin= into->explicitMin= from->explicitMin; } if (from->explicitMax>0) { if ((into->explicitMax<0)||(into->explicitMaxexplicitMax)) into->effectiveMax= into->explicitMax= from->explicitMax; } return; } typedef void (*FileHandler)( XkbFile * /* rtrn */, XkbDescPtr /* xkb */, unsigned /* merge */, KeyNamesInfo * /* included */ ); static Bool HandleIncludeKeycodes( IncludeStmt * stmt, XkbDescPtr xkb, KeyNamesInfo * info, FileHandler hndlr) { unsigned newMerge; XkbFile * rtrn; KeyNamesInfo included; Bool haveSelf; haveSelf= False; if ((stmt->file==NULL)&&(stmt->map==NULL)) { haveSelf= True; included= *info; bzero(info,sizeof(KeyNamesInfo)); } else if (strcmp(stmt->file,"computed")==0) { xkb->flags|= AutoKeyNames; info->explicitMin= XkbMinLegalKeyCode; info->explicitMax= XkbMaxLegalKeyCode; return (info->errorCount==0); } else if (ProcessIncludeFile(stmt,XkmKeyNamesIndex,&rtrn,&newMerge)) { InitKeyNamesInfo(&included); (*hndlr)(rtrn,xkb,MergeOverride,&included); if (stmt->stmt!=NULL) { if (included.name!=NULL) uFree(included.name); included.name= stmt->stmt; stmt->stmt= NULL; } } else { info->errorCount+= 10; return False; } if ((stmt->next!=NULL)&&(included.errorCount<1)) { IncludeStmt * next; unsigned op; KeyNamesInfo next_incl; for (next=stmt->next;next!=NULL;next=next->next) { if ((next->file==NULL)&&(next->map==NULL)) { haveSelf= True; MergeIncludedKeycodes(&included,info,next->merge); ClearKeyNamesInfo(info); } else if (ProcessIncludeFile(next,XkmKeyNamesIndex,&rtrn,&op)) { InitKeyNamesInfo(&next_incl); (*hndlr)(rtrn,xkb,MergeOverride,&next_incl); MergeIncludedKeycodes(&included,&next_incl,op); ClearKeyNamesInfo(&next_incl); } else { info->errorCount+= 10; return False; } } } if (haveSelf) *info= included; else { MergeIncludedKeycodes(info,&included,newMerge); ClearKeyNamesInfo(&included); } return (info->errorCount==0); } static int HandleKeycodeDef( KeycodeDef * stmt, XkbDescPtr xkb, unsigned merge, KeyNamesInfo * info) { int code; ExprResult result; if (!ExprResolveInteger(stmt->value,&result,NULL,NULL)) { ACTION1("No value keycode assigned to name <%s>\n",stmt->name); return 0; } code= result.ival; if ((codeeffectiveMin)||(code>info->effectiveMax)) { ERROR2("Illegal keycode %d for name <%s>\n",code,stmt->name); ACTION2("Must be in the range %d-%d inclusive\n",info->effectiveMin, info->effectiveMax); return 0; } if (stmt->merge!=MergeDefault) { if (stmt->merge==MergeReplace) merge= MergeOverride; else merge= stmt->merge; } return AddKeyName(info,code,stmt->name,merge,info->fileID,True); } #define MIN_KEYCODE_DEF 0 #define MAX_KEYCODE_DEF 1 static int HandleKeyNameVar(VarDef *stmt,XkbDescPtr xkb,unsigned merge,KeyNamesInfo *info) { ExprResult tmp,field; ExprDef * arrayNdx; int which; if (ExprResolveLhs(stmt->name,&tmp,&field,&arrayNdx)==0) return 0; /* internal error, already reported */ if (tmp.str!=NULL) { ERROR1("Unknown element %s encountered\n",tmp.str); ACTION1("Default for field %s ignored\n",field.str); return 0; } if (uStrCaseCmp(field.str,"minimum")==0) which= MIN_KEYCODE_DEF; else if (uStrCaseCmp(field.str,"maximum")==0) which= MAX_KEYCODE_DEF; else { ERROR("Unknown field encountered\n"); ACTION1("Assigment to field %s ignored\n",field.str); return 0; } if (arrayNdx!=NULL) { ERROR1("The %s setting is not an array\n",field.str); ACTION("Illegal array reference ignored\n"); return 0; } if (ExprResolveInteger(stmt->value,&tmp,NULL,NULL)==0) { ACTION1("Assignment to field %s ignored\n",field.str); return 0; } if ((tmp.ivalXkbMaxLegalKeyCode)) { ERROR3("Illegal keycode %d (must be in the range %d-%d inclusive)\n", tmp.ival,XkbMinLegalKeyCode,XkbMaxLegalKeyCode); ACTION1("Value of \"%s\" not changed\n",field.str); return 0; } if (which==MIN_KEYCODE_DEF) { if ((info->explicitMax>0)&&(info->explicitMaxexplicitMax); ACTION("Minimum key code value not changed\n"); return 0; } if ((info->computedMax>0)&&(info->computedMincomputedMin); ACTION("Minimum key code value not changed\n"); return 0; } info->explicitMin= tmp.ival; info->effectiveMin= tmp.ival; } if (which==MAX_KEYCODE_DEF) { if ((info->explicitMin>0)&&(info->explicitMin>tmp.ival)) { ERROR2("Maximum code (%d) must be >= minimum key code (%d)\n", tmp.ival,info->explicitMin); ACTION("Maximum code value not changed\n"); return 0; } if ((info->computedMax>0)&&(info->computedMax>tmp.ival)) { ERROR2("Maximum code (%d) must be >= highest defined key (%d)\n", tmp.ival,info->computedMax); ACTION("Maximum code value not changed\n"); return 0; } info->explicitMax= tmp.ival; info->effectiveMax= tmp.ival; } return 1; } static int HandleIndicatorNameDef( IndicatorNameDef * def, XkbDescPtr xkb, unsigned merge, KeyNamesInfo * info) { IndicatorNameInfo ii; ExprResult tmp; if ((def->ndx<1)||(def->ndx>XkbNumIndicators)) { info->errorCount++; ERROR1("Name specified for illegal indicator index %d\n",def->ndx); ACTION("Ignored\n"); return False; } InitIndicatorNameInfo(&ii,info); ii.ndx= def->ndx; if (!ExprResolveString(def->name,&tmp,NULL,NULL)) { char buf[20]; sprintf(buf,"%d",def->ndx); info->errorCount++; return ReportBadType("indicator","name",buf,"string"); } ii.name= XkbInternAtom(NULL,tmp.str,False); ii.virtual= def->virtual; if (!AddIndicatorName(info,&ii)) return False; return True; } static void HandleKeycodesFile( XkbFile * file, XkbDescPtr xkb, unsigned merge, KeyNamesInfo * info) { ParseCommon *stmt; info->name= uStringDup(file->name); stmt= file->defs; while (stmt) { switch (stmt->stmtType) { case StmtInclude: if (!HandleIncludeKeycodes((IncludeStmt *)stmt,xkb,info, HandleKeycodesFile)) info->errorCount++; break; case StmtKeycodeDef: if (!HandleKeycodeDef((KeycodeDef *)stmt,xkb,merge,info)) info->errorCount++; break; case StmtKeyAliasDef: if (!HandleAliasDef((KeyAliasDef *)stmt, merge,info->fileID,&info->aliases)) info->errorCount++; break; case StmtVarDef: if (!HandleKeyNameVar((VarDef *)stmt,xkb,merge,info)) info->errorCount++; break; case StmtIndicatorNameDef: if (!HandleIndicatorNameDef((IndicatorNameDef *)stmt,xkb, merge,info)) { info->errorCount++; } break; case StmtInterpDef: case StmtVModDef: ERROR("Keycode files may define key and indicator names only\n"); ACTION1("Ignoring definition of %s\n", ((stmt->stmtType==StmtInterpDef)? "a symbol interpretation": "virtual modifiers")); info->errorCount++; break; default: WSGO1("Unexpected statement type %d in HandleKeycodesFile\n", stmt->stmtType); break; } stmt= stmt->next; if (info->errorCount>10) { #ifdef NOISY ERROR("Too many errors\n"); #endif ACTION1("Abandoning keycodes file \"%s\"\n",file->topName); break; } } return; } Bool CompileKeycodes(XkbFile *file,XkbFileInfo *result,unsigned merge) { KeyNamesInfo info; XkbDescPtr xkb; xkb= result->xkb; InitKeyNamesInfo(&info); HandleKeycodesFile(file,xkb,merge,&info); if (info.errorCount==0) { if (info.explicitMin>0) xkb->min_key_code= info.effectiveMin; else xkb->min_key_code= info.computedMin; if (info.explicitMax>0) xkb->max_key_code= info.effectiveMax; else xkb->max_key_code= info.computedMax; if (XkbAllocNames(xkb,XkbKeyNamesMask|XkbIndicatorNamesMask,0,0)==Success) { register int i; xkb->names->keycodes= XkbInternAtom(xkb->dpy,info.name,False); uDEBUG2(1,"key range: %d..%d\n",xkb->min_key_code,xkb->max_key_code); for (i=info.computedMin;i<=info.computedMax;i++) { LongToKeyName(info.names[i],xkb->names->keys[i].name); uDEBUG2(2,"key %d = %s\n",i, XkbKeyNameText(xkb->names->keys[i].name,XkbMessage)); } } else { WSGO("Cannot create XkbNamesRec in CompileKeycodes\n"); return False; } if (info.leds) { IndicatorNameInfo *ii; if (XkbAllocIndicatorMaps(xkb)!=Success) { WSGO("Couldn't allocate IndicatorRec in CompileKeycodes\n"); ACTION("Physical indicators not set\n"); } for (ii=info.leds;ii!=NULL;ii=(IndicatorNameInfo *)ii->defs.next){ xkb->names->indicators[ii->ndx-1]= XkbInternAtom(xkb->dpy, XkbAtomGetString(NULL,ii->name),False); if (xkb->indicators!=NULL) { register unsigned bit; bit= 1<<(ii->ndx-1); if (ii->virtual) xkb->indicators->phys_indicators&= ~bit; else xkb->indicators->phys_indicators|= bit; } } } if (info.aliases) ApplyAliases(xkb,False,&info.aliases); return True; } ClearKeyNamesInfo(&info); return False; }