XCOMM IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG XCOMM This is an automatically generated prolog. XCOMM XCOMM gos720 src/gos/2d/XTOP/contrib/programs/xcalc/Imakefile 1.2 XCOMM XCOMM Licensed Materials - Property of IBM XCOMM XCOMM COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996,2000 XCOMM All Rights Reserved XCOMM XCOMM US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or XCOMM disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. XCOMM XCOMM IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG XCOMM $XConsortium: Imakefile,v 1.9 93/08/17 21:17:38 rws Exp $ #if defined(MacIIArchitecture) || defined(MotoR4Architecture) IEEE_DEFS = -DIEEE #endif DEFINES = $(IEEE_DEFS) $(SIGNAL_DEFINES) DEPLIBS = LOCAL_LIBRARIES = XawClientLibs SYS_LIBRARIES = MathLibrary SRCS = actions.c math.c xcalc.c OBJS = actions.o math.o xcalc.o ComplexProgramTarget(xcalc) InstallAppDefaults(XCalc) InstallAppDefaultsLong(XCalc-col,XCalc-color)