/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* gos720 src/gos/2d/XTOP/programs/twm/twm.c 1.2 */ /* */ /* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996,1999 */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* */ /* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or */ /* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ /* SCCSID_BEGIN_TAG */ #ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)10 1.2 src/gos/2d/XTOP/programs/twm/twm.c, xsample, gos720 12/8/99 13:40:02"; #endif /* SCCSID_END_TAG */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 1989 X Consortium Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE X CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the X Consortium. */ /** Copyright 1988 by Evans & Sutherland Computer Corporation, **/ /** Salt Lake City, Utah **/ /** Cambridge, Massachusetts **/ /** **/ /** All Rights Reserved **/ /** **/ /** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and **/ /** its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby **/ /** granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all **/ /** copies and that both that copyright notice and this permis- **/ /** sion notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the **/ /** name of Evans & Sutherland not be used in advertising **/ /** in publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without **/ /** specific, written prior permission. **/ /** **/ /** EVANS & SUTHERLAND DISCLAIMs ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD **/ /** TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANT- **/ /** ABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL EVANS & SUTHERLAND **/ /** BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAM- **/ /** AGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA **/ /** OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER **/ /** TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE **/ /** OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. **/ /*****************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************** * * $XConsortium: twm.c,v 1.135 94/12/27 20:52:15 mor Exp $ * * twm - "Tom's Window Manager" * * 27-Oct-87 Thomas E. LaStrange File created * 10-Oct-90 David M. Sternlicht Storing saved colors on root ***********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "twm.h" #include "add_window.h" #include "gc.h" #include "parse.h" #include "version.h" #include "menus.h" #include "events.h" #include "util.h" #include "gram.h" #include "screen.h" #include "iconmgr.h" #include #include #include XtAppContext appContext; /* Xt application context */ Display *dpy; /* which display are we talking to */ Window ResizeWindow; /* the window we are resizing */ int MultiScreen = TRUE; /* try for more than one screen? */ int NumScreens; /* number of screens in ScreenList */ int HasShape; /* server supports shape extension? */ int ShapeEventBase, ShapeErrorBase; int HasSync; /* server supports SYNC extension? */ int SyncEventBase, SyncErrorBase; ScreenInfo **ScreenList; /* structures for each screen */ ScreenInfo *Scr = NULL; /* the cur and prev screens */ int PreviousScreen; /* last screen that we were on */ int FirstScreen; /* TRUE ==> first screen of display */ Bool PrintErrorMessages = False; /* controls error messages */ static int RedirectError; /* TRUE ==> another window manager running */ static int CatchRedirectError(); /* for settting RedirectError */ static int TwmErrorHandler(); /* for everything else */ char Info[INFO_LINES][INFO_SIZE]; /* info strings to print */ int InfoLines; char *InitFile = NULL; Cursor UpperLeftCursor; /* upper Left corner cursor */ Cursor RightButt; Cursor MiddleButt; Cursor LeftButt; XContext TwmContext; /* context for twm windows */ XContext MenuContext; /* context for all menu windows */ XContext IconManagerContext; /* context for all window list windows */ XContext ScreenContext; /* context to get screen data */ XContext ColormapContext; /* context for colormap operations */ XClassHint NoClass; /* for applications with no class */ XGCValues Gcv; char *Home; /* the HOME environment variable */ int HomeLen; /* length of Home */ int ParseError; /* error parsing the .twmrc file */ int HandlingEvents = FALSE; /* are we handling events yet? */ Window JunkRoot; /* junk window */ Window JunkChild; /* junk window */ int JunkX; /* junk variable */ int JunkY; /* junk variable */ unsigned int JunkWidth, JunkHeight, JunkBW, JunkDepth, JunkMask; char *ProgramName; int Argc; char **Argv; char **Environ; Bool RestartPreviousState = False; /* try to restart in previous state */ unsigned long black, white; extern void assign_var_savecolor(); Atom TwmAtoms[11]; /* don't change the order of these strings */ static char* atom_names[11] = { "_MIT_PRIORITY_COLORS", "WM_CHANGE_STATE", "WM_STATE", "WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS", "WM_PROTOCOLS", "WM_TAKE_FOCUS", "WM_SAVE_YOURSELF", "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", "SM_CLIENT_ID", "WM_CLIENT_LEADER", "WM_WINDOW_ROLE" }; /*********************************************************************** * * Procedure: * main - start of twm * *********************************************************************** */ main(argc, argv, environ) int argc; char **argv; char **environ; { Window root, parent, *children; unsigned int nchildren; int i, j; char *display_name = NULL; unsigned long valuemask; /* mask for create windows */ XSetWindowAttributes attributes; /* attributes for create windows */ int numManaged, firstscrn, lastscrn, scrnum; extern ColormapWindow *CreateColormapWindow(); int zero = 0; char *restore_filename = NULL; char *client_id = NULL; ProgramName = argv[0]; Argc = argc; Argv = argv; Environ = environ; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (argv[i][0] == '-') { switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'd': /* -display dpy */ if (++i >= argc) goto usage; display_name = argv[i]; continue; case 's': /* -single */ MultiScreen = FALSE; continue; case 'f': /* -file twmrcfilename */ if (++i >= argc) goto usage; InitFile = argv[i]; continue; case 'v': /* -verbose */ PrintErrorMessages = True; continue; case 'c': /* -clientId */ if (++i >= argc) goto usage; client_id = argv[i]; continue; case 'r': /* -restore */ if (++i >= argc) goto usage; restore_filename = argv[i]; continue; case 'q': /* -quiet */ PrintErrorMessages = False; continue; } } usage: fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s [-display dpy] [-f file] [-s] [-q] [-v] [-clientId id] [-restore file]\n", ProgramName); exit (1); } #define newhandler(sig) \ if (signal (sig, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) (void) signal (sig, signalDone) newhandler (SIGINT); newhandler (SIGHUP); newhandler (SIGQUIT); newhandler (SIGTERM); #undef newhandler Home = getenv("HOME"); if (Home == NULL) Home = "./"; HomeLen = strlen(Home); NoClass.res_name = NoName; NoClass.res_class = NoName; XtToolkitInitialize (); appContext = XtCreateApplicationContext (); if (!(dpy = XtOpenDisplay (appContext, display_name, "twm", "twm", NULL, 0, &zero, NULL))) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: unable to open display \"%s\"\n", ProgramName, XDisplayName(display_name)); exit (1); } if (fcntl(ConnectionNumber(dpy), F_SETFD, 1) == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: unable to mark display connection as close-on-exec\n", ProgramName); exit (1); } if (restore_filename) ReadWinConfigFile (restore_filename); HasShape = XShapeQueryExtension (dpy, &ShapeEventBase, &ShapeErrorBase); HasSync = XSyncQueryExtension(dpy, &SyncEventBase, &SyncErrorBase); TwmContext = XUniqueContext(); MenuContext = XUniqueContext(); IconManagerContext = XUniqueContext(); ScreenContext = XUniqueContext(); ColormapContext = XUniqueContext(); (void) XInternAtoms(dpy, atom_names, sizeof TwmAtoms / sizeof TwmAtoms[0], False, TwmAtoms); /* Set up the per-screen global information. */ NumScreens = ScreenCount(dpy); if (MultiScreen) { firstscrn = 0; lastscrn = NumScreens - 1; } else { firstscrn = lastscrn = DefaultScreen(dpy); } InfoLines = 0; /* for simplicity, always allocate NumScreens ScreenInfo struct pointers */ ScreenList = (ScreenInfo **) calloc (NumScreens, sizeof (ScreenInfo *)); if (ScreenList == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: Unable to allocate memory for screen list, exiting.\n", ProgramName); exit (1); } numManaged = 0; PreviousScreen = DefaultScreen(dpy); FirstScreen = TRUE; for (scrnum = firstscrn ; scrnum <= lastscrn; scrnum++) { /* Make sure property priority colors is empty */ XChangeProperty (dpy, RootWindow(dpy, scrnum), _XA_MIT_PRIORITY_COLORS, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, NULL, 0); RedirectError = FALSE; XSetErrorHandler(CatchRedirectError); XSelectInput(dpy, RootWindow (dpy, scrnum), ColormapChangeMask | EnterWindowMask | PropertyChangeMask | SubstructureRedirectMask | KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask); XSync(dpy, 0); XSetErrorHandler(TwmErrorHandler); if (RedirectError) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: another window manager is already running", ProgramName); if (MultiScreen && NumScreens > 0) fprintf(stderr, " on screen %d?\n", scrnum); else fprintf(stderr, "?\n"); continue; } numManaged ++; /* Note: ScreenInfo struct is calloc'ed to initialize to zero. */ Scr = ScreenList[scrnum] = (ScreenInfo *) calloc(1, sizeof(ScreenInfo)); if (Scr == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: unable to allocate memory for ScreenInfo structure for screen %d.\n", ProgramName, scrnum); continue; } /* initialize list pointers, remember to put an initialization * in InitVariables also */ Scr->BorderColorL = NULL; Scr->IconBorderColorL = NULL; Scr->BorderTileForegroundL = NULL; Scr->BorderTileBackgroundL = NULL; Scr->TitleForegroundL = NULL; Scr->TitleBackgroundL = NULL; Scr->IconForegroundL = NULL; Scr->IconBackgroundL = NULL; Scr->NoTitle = NULL; Scr->MakeTitle = NULL; Scr->AutoRaise = NULL; Scr->IconNames = NULL; Scr->NoHighlight = NULL; Scr->NoStackModeL = NULL; Scr->NoTitleHighlight = NULL; Scr->DontIconify = NULL; Scr->IconMgrNoShow = NULL; Scr->IconMgrShow = NULL; Scr->IconifyByUn = NULL; Scr->IconManagerFL = NULL; Scr->IconManagerBL = NULL; Scr->IconMgrs = NULL; Scr->StartIconified = NULL; Scr->SqueezeTitleL = NULL; Scr->DontSqueezeTitleL = NULL; Scr->WindowRingL = NULL; Scr->WarpCursorL = NULL; /* remember to put an initialization in InitVariables also */ Scr->screen = scrnum; Scr->d_depth = DefaultDepth(dpy, scrnum); Scr->d_visual = DefaultVisual(dpy, scrnum); Scr->Root = RootWindow(dpy, scrnum); XSaveContext (dpy, Scr->Root, ScreenContext, (caddr_t) Scr); Scr->TwmRoot.cmaps.number_cwins = 1; Scr->TwmRoot.cmaps.cwins = (ColormapWindow **) malloc(sizeof(ColormapWindow *)); Scr->TwmRoot.cmaps.cwins[0] = CreateColormapWindow(Scr->Root, True, False); Scr->TwmRoot.cmaps.cwins[0]->visibility = VisibilityPartiallyObscured; Scr->cmapInfo.cmaps = NULL; Scr->cmapInfo.maxCmaps = MaxCmapsOfScreen(ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, Scr->screen)); Scr->cmapInfo.root_pushes = 0; InstallWindowColormaps(0, &Scr->TwmRoot); Scr->StdCmapInfo.head = Scr->StdCmapInfo.tail = Scr->StdCmapInfo.mru = NULL; Scr->StdCmapInfo.mruindex = 0; LocateStandardColormaps(); Scr->TBInfo.nleft = Scr->TBInfo.nright = 0; Scr->TBInfo.head = NULL; Scr->TBInfo.border = 1; Scr->TBInfo.width = 0; Scr->TBInfo.leftx = 0; Scr->TBInfo.titlex = 0; Scr->MyDisplayWidth = DisplayWidth(dpy, scrnum); Scr->MyDisplayHeight = DisplayHeight(dpy, scrnum); Scr->MaxWindowWidth = 32767 - Scr->MyDisplayWidth; Scr->MaxWindowHeight = 32767 - Scr->MyDisplayHeight; Scr->XORvalue = (((unsigned long) 1) << Scr->d_depth) - 1; if (DisplayCells(dpy, scrnum) < 3) Scr->Monochrome = MONOCHROME; else if (DefaultVisual(dpy, scrnum)->class == GrayScale) Scr->Monochrome = GRAYSCALE; else Scr->Monochrome = COLOR; /* setup default colors */ Scr->FirstTime = TRUE; GetColor(Scr->Monochrome, &black, "black"); Scr->Black = black; GetColor(Scr->Monochrome, &white, "white"); Scr->White = white; if (FirstScreen) { SetFocus ((TwmWindow *)NULL, CurrentTime); /* define cursors */ NewFontCursor(&UpperLeftCursor, "top_left_corner"); NewFontCursor(&RightButt, "rightbutton"); NewFontCursor(&LeftButt, "leftbutton"); NewFontCursor(&MiddleButt, "middlebutton"); } Scr->iconmgr.x = 0; Scr->iconmgr.y = 0; Scr->iconmgr.width = 150; Scr->iconmgr.height = 5; Scr->iconmgr.next = NULL; Scr->iconmgr.prev = NULL; Scr->iconmgr.lasti = &(Scr->iconmgr); Scr->iconmgr.first = NULL; Scr->iconmgr.last = NULL; Scr->iconmgr.active = NULL; Scr->iconmgr.scr = Scr; Scr->iconmgr.columns = 1; Scr->iconmgr.count = 0; Scr->iconmgr.name = "TWM"; Scr->iconmgr.icon_name = "Icons"; Scr->IconDirectory = NULL; Scr->siconifyPm = None; Scr->pullPm = None; Scr->hilitePm = None; Scr->tbpm.xlogo = None; Scr->tbpm.resize = None; Scr->tbpm.question = None; Scr->tbpm.menu = None; Scr->tbpm.delete = None; InitVariables(); InitMenus(); /* Parse it once for each screen. */ ParseTwmrc(InitFile); assign_var_savecolor(); /* storeing pixels for twmrc "entities" */ if (Scr->SqueezeTitle == -1) Scr->SqueezeTitle = FALSE; if (!Scr->HaveFonts) CreateFonts(); CreateGCs(); MakeMenus(); Scr->TitleBarFont.y += Scr->FramePadding; Scr->TitleHeight = Scr->TitleBarFont.height + Scr->FramePadding * 2; /* make title height be odd so buttons look nice and centered */ if (!(Scr->TitleHeight & 1)) Scr->TitleHeight++; InitTitlebarButtons (); /* menus are now loaded! */ XGrabServer(dpy); XSync(dpy, 0); JunkX = 0; JunkY = 0; XQueryTree(dpy, Scr->Root, &root, &parent, &children, &nchildren); CreateIconManagers(); if (!Scr->NoIconManagers) Scr->iconmgr.twm_win->icon = TRUE; /* * weed out icon windows */ for (i = 0; i < nchildren; i++) { if (children[i]) { XWMHints *wmhintsp = XGetWMHints (dpy, children[i]); if (wmhintsp) { if (wmhintsp->flags & IconWindowHint) { for (j = 0; j < nchildren; j++) { if (children[j] == wmhintsp->icon_window) { children[j] = None; break; } } } XFree ((char *) wmhintsp); } } } /* * map all of the non-override windows */ for (i = 0; i < nchildren; i++) { if (children[i] && MappedNotOverride(children[i])) { XUnmapWindow(dpy, children[i]); SimulateMapRequest(children[i]); } } if (Scr->ShowIconManager && !Scr->NoIconManagers) { Scr->iconmgr.twm_win->icon = FALSE; if (Scr->iconmgr.count) { SetMapStateProp (Scr->iconmgr.twm_win, NormalState); XMapWindow(dpy, Scr->iconmgr.w); XMapWindow(dpy, Scr->iconmgr.twm_win->frame); } } attributes.border_pixel = Scr->DefaultC.fore; attributes.background_pixel = Scr->DefaultC.back; attributes.event_mask = (ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | KeyPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask); attributes.backing_store = NotUseful; attributes.cursor = XCreateFontCursor (dpy, XC_hand2); valuemask = (CWBorderPixel | CWBackPixel | CWEventMask | CWBackingStore | CWCursor); Scr->InfoWindow = XCreateWindow (dpy, Scr->Root, 0, 0, (unsigned int) 5, (unsigned int) 5, (unsigned int) BW, 0, (unsigned int) CopyFromParent, (Visual *) CopyFromParent, valuemask, &attributes); Scr->SizeStringWidth = XTextWidth (Scr->SizeFont.font, " 8888 x 8888 ", 13); valuemask = (CWBorderPixel | CWBackPixel | CWBitGravity); attributes.bit_gravity = NorthWestGravity; Scr->SizeWindow = XCreateWindow (dpy, Scr->Root, 0, 0, (unsigned int) Scr->SizeStringWidth, (unsigned int) (Scr->SizeFont.height + SIZE_VINDENT*2), (unsigned int) BW, 0, (unsigned int) CopyFromParent, (Visual *) CopyFromParent, valuemask, &attributes); XUngrabServer(dpy); FirstScreen = FALSE; Scr->FirstTime = FALSE; } /* for */ if (numManaged == 0) { if (MultiScreen && NumScreens > 0) fprintf (stderr, "%s: unable to find any unmanaged screens\n", ProgramName); exit (1); } (void) ConnectToSessionManager (client_id); RestartPreviousState = False; HandlingEvents = TRUE; InitEvents(); HandleEvents(); } /*********************************************************************** * * Procedure: * InitVariables - initialize twm variables * *********************************************************************** */ InitVariables() { FreeList(&Scr->BorderColorL); FreeList(&Scr->IconBorderColorL); FreeList(&Scr->BorderTileForegroundL); FreeList(&Scr->BorderTileBackgroundL); FreeList(&Scr->TitleForegroundL); FreeList(&Scr->TitleBackgroundL); FreeList(&Scr->IconForegroundL); FreeList(&Scr->IconBackgroundL); FreeList(&Scr->IconManagerFL); FreeList(&Scr->IconManagerBL); FreeList(&Scr->IconMgrs); FreeList(&Scr->NoTitle); FreeList(&Scr->MakeTitle); FreeList(&Scr->AutoRaise); FreeList(&Scr->IconNames); FreeList(&Scr->NoHighlight); FreeList(&Scr->NoStackModeL); FreeList(&Scr->NoTitleHighlight); FreeList(&Scr->DontIconify); FreeList(&Scr->IconMgrNoShow); FreeList(&Scr->IconMgrShow); FreeList(&Scr->IconifyByUn); FreeList(&Scr->StartIconified); FreeList(&Scr->IconManagerHighlightL); FreeList(&Scr->SqueezeTitleL); FreeList(&Scr->DontSqueezeTitleL); FreeList(&Scr->WindowRingL); FreeList(&Scr->WarpCursorL); NewFontCursor(&Scr->FrameCursor, "top_left_arrow"); NewFontCursor(&Scr->TitleCursor, "top_left_arrow"); NewFontCursor(&Scr->IconCursor, "top_left_arrow"); NewFontCursor(&Scr->IconMgrCursor, "top_left_arrow"); NewFontCursor(&Scr->MoveCursor, "fleur"); NewFontCursor(&Scr->ResizeCursor, "fleur"); NewFontCursor(&Scr->MenuCursor, "sb_left_arrow"); NewFontCursor(&Scr->ButtonCursor, "hand2"); NewFontCursor(&Scr->WaitCursor, "watch"); NewFontCursor(&Scr->SelectCursor, "dot"); NewFontCursor(&Scr->DestroyCursor, "pirate"); Scr->Ring = NULL; Scr->RingLeader = NULL; Scr->DefaultC.fore = black; Scr->DefaultC.back = white; Scr->BorderColor = black; Scr->BorderTileC.fore = black; Scr->BorderTileC.back = white; Scr->TitleC.fore = black; Scr->TitleC.back = white; Scr->MenuC.fore = black; Scr->MenuC.back = white; Scr->MenuTitleC.fore = black; Scr->MenuTitleC.back = white; Scr->MenuShadowColor = black; Scr->IconC.fore = black; Scr->IconC.back = white; Scr->IconBorderColor = black; Scr->PointerForeground.pixel = black; XQueryColor(dpy, Scr->TwmRoot.cmaps.cwins[0]->colormap->c, &Scr->PointerForeground); Scr->PointerBackground.pixel = white; XQueryColor(dpy, Scr->TwmRoot.cmaps.cwins[0]->colormap->c, &Scr->PointerBackground); Scr->IconManagerC.fore = black; Scr->IconManagerC.back = white; Scr->IconManagerHighlight = black; Scr->FramePadding = 2; /* values that look "nice" on */ Scr->TitlePadding = 8; /* 75 and 100dpi displays */ Scr->ButtonIndent = 1; Scr->SizeStringOffset = 0; Scr->BorderWidth = BW; Scr->IconBorderWidth = BW; Scr->UnknownWidth = 0; Scr->UnknownHeight = 0; Scr->NumAutoRaises = 0; Scr->NoDefaults = FALSE; Scr->UsePPosition = PPOS_OFF; Scr->FocusRoot = TRUE; Scr->Focus = NULL; Scr->WarpCursor = FALSE; Scr->ForceIcon = FALSE; Scr->NoGrabServer = FALSE; Scr->NoRaiseMove = FALSE; Scr->NoRaiseResize = FALSE; Scr->NoRaiseDeicon = FALSE; Scr->NoRaiseWarp = FALSE; Scr->DontMoveOff = FALSE; Scr->DoZoom = FALSE; Scr->TitleFocus = TRUE; Scr->NoTitlebar = FALSE; Scr->DecorateTransients = FALSE; Scr->IconifyByUnmapping = FALSE; Scr->ShowIconManager = FALSE; Scr->IconManagerDontShow =FALSE; Scr->BackingStore = TRUE; Scr->SaveUnder = TRUE; Scr->RandomPlacement = FALSE; Scr->OpaqueMove = FALSE; Scr->Highlight = TRUE; Scr->StackMode = TRUE; Scr->TitleHighlight = TRUE; Scr->MoveDelta = 1; /* so that f.deltastop will work */ Scr->ZoomCount = 8; Scr->SortIconMgr = FALSE; Scr->Shadow = TRUE; Scr->InterpolateMenuColors = FALSE; Scr->NoIconManagers = FALSE; Scr->ClientBorderWidth = FALSE; Scr->SqueezeTitle = -1; Scr->FirstRegion = NULL; Scr->LastRegion = NULL; Scr->FirstTime = TRUE; Scr->HaveFonts = FALSE; /* i.e. not loaded yet */ Scr->CaseSensitive = TRUE; Scr->WarpUnmapped = FALSE; /* setup default fonts; overridden by defaults from system.twmrc */ #define DEFAULT_NICE_FONT "variable" #define DEFAULT_FAST_FONT "fixed" Scr->TitleBarFont.font = NULL; Scr->TitleBarFont.name = DEFAULT_NICE_FONT; Scr->MenuFont.font = NULL; Scr->MenuFont.name = DEFAULT_NICE_FONT; Scr->IconFont.font = NULL; Scr->IconFont.name = DEFAULT_NICE_FONT; Scr->SizeFont.font = NULL; Scr->SizeFont.name = DEFAULT_FAST_FONT; Scr->IconManagerFont.font = NULL; Scr->IconManagerFont.name = DEFAULT_NICE_FONT; Scr->DefaultFont.font = NULL; Scr->DefaultFont.name = DEFAULT_FAST_FONT; } CreateFonts () { GetFont(&Scr->TitleBarFont); GetFont(&Scr->MenuFont); GetFont(&Scr->IconFont); GetFont(&Scr->SizeFont); GetFont(&Scr->IconManagerFont); GetFont(&Scr->DefaultFont); Scr->HaveFonts = TRUE; } RestoreWithdrawnLocation (tmp) TwmWindow *tmp; { int gravx, gravy; unsigned int bw, mask; XWindowChanges xwc; if (XGetGeometry (dpy, tmp->w, &JunkRoot, &xwc.x, &xwc.y, &JunkWidth, &JunkHeight, &bw, &JunkDepth)) { GetGravityOffsets (tmp, &gravx, &gravy); if (gravy < 0) xwc.y -= tmp->title_height; if (bw != tmp->old_bw) { int xoff, yoff; if (!Scr->ClientBorderWidth) { xoff = gravx; yoff = gravy; } else { xoff = 0; yoff = 0; } xwc.x -= (xoff + 1) * tmp->old_bw; xwc.y -= (yoff + 1) * tmp->old_bw; } if (!Scr->ClientBorderWidth) { xwc.x += gravx * tmp->frame_bw; xwc.y += gravy * tmp->frame_bw; } mask = (CWX | CWY); if (bw != tmp->old_bw) { xwc.border_width = tmp->old_bw; mask |= CWBorderWidth; } XConfigureWindow (dpy, tmp->w, mask, &xwc); if (tmp->wmhints && (tmp->wmhints->flags & IconWindowHint)) { XUnmapWindow (dpy, tmp->wmhints->icon_window); } } } /*********************************************************************** * * Procedure: * Done - cleanup and exit twm * * Returned Value: * none * * Inputs: * none * * Outputs: * none * * Special Considerations: * none * *********************************************************************** */ void Reborder (time) Time time; { TwmWindow *tmp; /* temp twm window structure */ int scrnum; /* put a border back around all windows */ XGrabServer (dpy); for (scrnum = 0; scrnum < NumScreens; scrnum++) { if ((Scr = ScreenList[scrnum]) == NULL) continue; InstallWindowColormaps (0, &Scr->TwmRoot); /* force reinstall */ for (tmp = Scr->TwmRoot.next; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) { RestoreWithdrawnLocation (tmp); XMapWindow (dpy, tmp->w); } } XUngrabServer (dpy); SetFocus ((TwmWindow*)NULL, time); } int Done() { Reborder (CurrentTime); XCloseDisplay(dpy); exit(0); return 0; } SIGNAL_T signalDone() /* defect 291824 */ { Reborder (CurrentTime); XCloseDisplay(dpy); _exit(0); SIGNAL_RETURN; } /* * Error Handlers. If a client dies, we'll get a BadWindow error (except for * GetGeometry which returns BadDrawable) for most operations that we do before * manipulating the client's window. */ Bool ErrorOccurred = False; XErrorEvent LastErrorEvent; static int TwmErrorHandler(dpy, event) Display *dpy; XErrorEvent *event; { LastErrorEvent = *event; ErrorOccurred = True; if (PrintErrorMessages && /* don't be too obnoxious */ event->error_code != BadWindow && /* watch for dead puppies */ (event->request_code != X_GetGeometry && /* of all styles */ event->error_code != BadDrawable)) XmuPrintDefaultErrorMessage (dpy, event, stderr); return 0; } /* ARGSUSED*/ static int CatchRedirectError(dpy, event) Display *dpy; XErrorEvent *event; { RedirectError = TRUE; LastErrorEvent = *event; ErrorOccurred = True; return 0; }