XCOMM IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG XCOMM This is an automatically generated prolog. XCOMM XCOMM gos720 src/gos/2d/XTOP/contrib/programs/a2x/Imakefile 1.2 XCOMM XCOMM Licensed Materials - Property of IBM XCOMM XCOMM COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996,2000 XCOMM All Rights Reserved XCOMM XCOMM US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or XCOMM disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. XCOMM XCOMM IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG XCOMM SCCSID_BEGIN_TAG XCOMM @(#)59 1.2 src/gos/2d/XTOP/contrib/programs/a2x/Imakefile, xsample, gos720 8/29/00 10:35:44 XCOMM SCCSID_END_TAG #if ProjectX > 4 XCOMM $XConsortium: Imakefile,v 1.12 93/12/29 20:01:47 rws Exp $ #endif /* turn on one or more of the following */ #define BuildWithXTest YES #define BuildWithXTrap NO #define BuildWithXTestExt1 NO /* make this YES if you normally use DragonDictate 1.01 */ /* make it NO if you normally use 1.01a or 2.0 */ #define OldDragonDictate YES #if BuildWithXTest XTESTDEFS = -DXTEST #ifdef NormalLibXTest /* test if pre-R6 config files */ XTESTGENLIB = $(XTESTLIB) XTESTGENDEPLIB = $(DEPXTESTLIB) #else XTESTGENLIB = -lXtst #endif #endif #if BuildWithXTrap XTRAPDEFS = -DXTRAP XTRAPGENLIB = -lXTrap $(XTOOLLIB) XTRAPGENDEPLIB = $(DEPXTOOLLIB) INCLUDES = -I$(INCDIR) #endif #if BuildWithXTestExt1 XTESTEXT1DEFS = -DXTESTEXT1 #endif #if OldDragonDictate DDDEFS = -DOLDDD #endif DEFINES = $(XTESTDEFS) $(XTRAPDEFS) $(XTESTEXT1DEFS) $(DDDEFS) DEPLIBS = LOCAL_LIBRARIES = $(XMULIB) $(XTESTGENLIB) $(XTRAPGENLIB) $(XLIB) SYS_LIBRARIES = -lm SimpleProgramTarget(a2x) #ifdef InstallNamedProg InstallNamedProg(DragonDictate,DragonDictate,$(BINDIR)) #endif a2x.PS: a2x.ms $(TROFF) $(MSMACROS) a2x.ms > $@ clean:: $(RM) a2x.PS