XCOMM @(#)82 1.8 src/gos/2d/XTOP/lib/Imakefile, xsample, gos720 8/21/97 18:13:26 XCOMM IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG XCOMM This is an automatically generated prolog. XCOMM XCOMM gos720 src/gos/2d/XTOP/lib/Imakefile 1.8 XCOMM XCOMM Licensed Materials - Property of IBM XCOMM XCOMM Restricted Materials of IBM XCOMM XCOMM COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1992,1997 XCOMM All Rights Reserved XCOMM XCOMM US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or XCOMM disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. XCOMM XCOMM IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG XCOMM $XConsortium: Imakefile /main/r61_main/1 1995/12/11 20:58:09 mor $ #define IHaveSubdirs #define PassCDebugFlags #ifndef NeedBerklib #define NeedBerklib NO #endif #if NeedBerklib BERKDIR = Xbsd #endif #if BuildXKBlib #XKBLIBDIR = xkbfile #endif LINTSUBDIRS = Xmu Xaw xtrans FS $(XKBLIBDIR) SUBDIRS = $(BERKDIR) $(LINTSUBDIRS) MakeSubdirs($(SUBDIRS)) DependSubdirs($(SUBDIRS)) MakeLintLibSubdirs($(LINTSUBDIRS)) MakeLintSubdirs($(LINTSUBDIRS),install.ln,install.ln)