UlH  `  +t ` +1L.text ` .data ` ` `@.bss , ,.loader,B(= ,|nx|#x|+xb,;ؑAA 4| S*N!A98}{x~xH` ,Ab$H A| @__start,M H4N @__threads_init|!HAf| FN!Ab ,cA| CN!Ab,cAl| CN!Ab,Ac| CN!Ab,cA| CN!AH8!@}N b,AK A__threads_init@AF2_1|ܓ!Aa;``;h`8`c;!HAA88}HYA8H`zLc8cHUA,T,?A<```,qATApcc8 HA,?,@,8}A8HA`,ApH8@8<@DHA,c@H-A,c@PHAAcH]AcCHyA8`8!}A!a컁N p8cC868LHYA`~b8cHmA`e8@cHA8`8!}A!a컁N p8cC8<8HA`~b8cHA`e8@cHA8`8!}A!a컁N p8cC887HyA`d8@HA8`8!}A!a컁N p8cC888H!A`d8@HaAcCH݀A8`8!}A!a컁N ;{wHAA`y8}TH1A|c8cHIA8l|yyc#A4HY``xc#Hu`c#8He`K(p86cC88,HMA`~b8cHaA`e8@cHuA8`8!}A!a컁N p8lcC888H݀A`d8@HAcCHA8`8!}A!a컁N A \main@A L| N DA L| N PA L| N XA L| N \A L| N `A L| N dA L| N hA L| N lA L| N tA L| N xA L| N |A L| N A L| N A L| N H @strcpypk=@!k9J}i8A,AP8B8} P8})P},P@} P8})P},PA})@})PyA}+4Uk|Xp!k}iA ,8M 8B耤0|P8})P},P@4} P8})P},P@,|P8})P},PA})(})PyAH})@})PyA}Cx8tT@>@N @ strcatA L| N  + +| ,@(#)61 1.16 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libc/__threads_init.c, libcthrd, bos720 8/2/07 13:09:21'q:q:piobe.cat/etc/qconfigpiochdfq: System error - %spiochdfq: System error - %sUsage: piochdfq -q default_queue Usage: piochdfq -q default_queue piochdfq: Could not open /etc/qconfig piochdfq: Could not lock /etc/qconfig @(#)92 1.4 src/bos/usr/lib/pios/piochdfq.c, cmdpios, bos720 6/14/07 02:07:43/bin/ksh -c ' function qdef { dir=/tmp qconfig_new=/etc/qconfig qdef=${1%%:*} # Check for non-existent queue /usr/bin/enq -P $qdef -Y 2>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s 8 piobe.cat 57 "piochdfq: Print queue %s does not exist. " $qdef >&2 exit 1 fi # # awk variables: # qconfig_new : Comments and blank lines from top of old qconfig # qconfig_save : New default queue and queue device stanzas # qconfig_chop : Everything else # save = -1 : Before default queue is found # save = 0 : After default queue found, but before processing devices # save > 0 : While processing devices /usr/bin/awk "BEGIN { # user-input queue to become new default queue = ARGV[1]; # getline reads ARGV[1] : re-map so it works ARGV[1] = ARGV[2]; ARGV[2] = \"\"; ARGV[3] = \"\"; save = -1; past_comments = 0; } (\$0 ~ \"^[\*]\" || \$0 ~ \"^[ ]*\$\") && past_comments == 0 { if (qconfig_new == \"\") { qconfig_new = \$0 } else { qconfig_new = qconfig_new \"\n\" \$0 } next; } \$0 ~ /^.*:/ { past_comments = 1; unget = 0; do { # Strip off colon from name obj_name = substr(\$1,0,index(\$1,\":\")-1) if (obj_name == queue) { # This is either default queue # OR a device in some other queue. done = 0; tmp = \$0; while ( getline > 0 && !done) { if (match(\$0, /^[ ]*device[ ]*=/)) { qd_num = split(\$3,qd_list,\",\") save = 0; } else { if (match(\$0, /^[^\*]*:/)) { done = 1; # We have read an extra line # save it for processing during next iteration replay = \$0; unget = 1; break; } #endif } #endif tmp = tmp \"\n\" \$0 } #endwhile if (save == 0) { # We found the default queue, # save off device stanzas for the default queue # Current line is processed here making replay # obselete. Thats Ok because we overwrite it # in the while loop. qconfig_save = tmp while (save < qd_num && save >=0) { old_save = save for (i in qd_list) { device = substr(\$1,0,index(\$1,\":\")-1) if (device == qd_list[i]) { save++; # Found device in default q # step through stanza done = 0; qconfig_save = qconfig_save \"\n\" device \":\" while ((rc=getline) > 0 && !done) { if (match(\$0,/^[^\*]*:/)) { done = 1; # We have read an extra line # save it for processing during next iteration replay = \$0; unget = 1; break; } #endif qconfig_save = qconfig_save \"\n\" \$0 } #endwhile if (rc <= 0) { exit; } #endif } #endif } #endfor if (old_save == save) { save = -1; } #endif } #endwhile } else { # this is a device not part of default queue qconfig_chop = qconfig_chop \"\n\" tmp } #endif } else { # Not part of default queue if (qconfig_chop == \"\") { qconfig_chop = \$0 } else { qconfig_chop = qconfig_chop \"\n\" \$0 } #endif } #endif # if we read an extra line # without processing it, put it back if (unget == 1) { \$0 = replay; unget = 0; } else { rc = getline } #endif } while (rc > 0) } END { print qconfig_new \"\n\" qconfig_save \"\n\" qconfig_chop }" $qdef /etc/qconfig > $dir/qdefault.sorted.$$ /usr/lib/lpd/digest $dir/qdefault.sorted.$$ $dir/qdefault.bin.$$ if [ $? -eq 0 ] then /usr/bin/mv -f $dir/qdefault.sorted.$$ $qconfig_new /usr/bin/chown root.printq $qconfig_new /usr/bin/chmod 664 $qconfig_new else /usr/bin/dspmsg -s 8 piobe.cat 58 "piochdfq: Could not make queue %s the default." $qdef >&2 fi /usr/bin/rm -f $dir/qdefault*.$$ 2>/dev/null }; qdef /bin/ksh -c ' function qdef { dir=/tmp qconfig_new=/etc/qconfig qdef=${1%%:*} # Check for non-existent queue /usr/bin/enq -P $qdef -Y 2>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s 8 piobe.cat 57 "piochdfq: Print queue %s does not exist. " $qdef >&2 exit 1 fi # # awk variables: # qconfig_new : Comments and blank lines from top of old qconfig # qconfig_save : New default queue and queue device stanzas # qconfig_chop : Everything else # save = -1 : Before default queue is found # save = 0 : After default queue found, but before processing devices # save > 0 : While processing devices /usr/bin/awk "BEGIN { # user-input queue to become new default queue = ARGV[1]; # getline reads ARGV[1] : re-map so it works ARGV[1] = ARGV[2]; ARGV[2] = \"\"; ARGV[3] = \"\"; save = -1; past_comments = 0; } (\$0 ~ \"^[\*]\" || \$0 ~ \"^[ ]*\$\") && past_comments == 0 { if (qconfig_new == \"\") { qconfig_new = \$0 } else { qconfig_new = qconfig_new \"\n\" \$0 } next; } \$0 ~ /^.*:/ { past_comments = 1; unget = 0; do { # Strip off colon from name obj_name = substr(\$1,0,index(\$1,\":\")-1) if (obj_name == queue) { # This is either default queue # OR a device in some other queue. done = 0; tmp = \$0; while ( getline > 0 && !done) { if (match(\$0, /^[ ]*device[ ]*=/)) { qd_num = split(\$3,qd_list,\",\") save = 0; } else { if (match(\$0, /^[^\*]*:/)) { done = 1; # We have read an extra line # save it for processing during next iteration replay = \$0; unget = 1; break; } #endif } #endif tmp = tmp \"\n\" \$0 } #endwhile if (save == 0) { # We found the default queue, # save off device stanzas for the default queue # Current line is processed here making replay # obselete. Thats Ok because we overwrite it # in the while loop. qconfig_save = tmp while (save < qd_num && save >=0) { old_save = save for (i in qd_list) { device = substr(\$1,0,index(\$1,\":\")-1) if (device == qd_list[i]) { save++; # Found device in default q # step through stanza done = 0; qconfig_save = qconfig_save \"\n\" device \":\" while ((rc=getline) > 0 && !done) { if (match(\$0,/^[^\*]*:/)) { done = 1; # We have read an extra line # save it for processing during next iteration replay = \$0; unget = 1; break; } #endif qconfig_save = qconfig_save \"\n\" \$0 } #endwhile if (rc <= 0) { exit; } #endif } #endif } #endfor if (old_save == save) { save = -1; } #endif } #endwhile } else { # this is a device not part of default queue qconfig_chop = qconfig_chop \"\n\" tmp } #endif } else { # Not part of default queue if (qconfig_chop == \"\") { qconfig_chop = \$0 } else { qconfig_chop = qconfig_chop \"\n\" \$0 } #endif } #endif # if we read an extra line # without processing it, put it back if (unget == 1) { \$0 = replay; unget = 0; } else { rc = getline } #endif } while (rc > 0) } END { print qconfig_new \"\n\" qconfig_save \"\n\" qconfig_chop }" $qdef /etc/qconfig > $dir/qdefault.sorted.$$ /usr/lib/lpd/digest $dir/qdefault.sorted.$$ $dir/qdefault.bin.$$ if [ $? -eq 0 ] then /usr/bin/mv -f $dir/qdefault.sorted.$$ $qconfig_new /usr/bin/chown root.printq $qconfig_new /usr/bin/chmod 664 $qconfig_new else /usr/bin/dspmsg -s 8 piobe.cat 58 "piochdfq: Could not make queue %s the default." $qdef >&2 fi /usr/bin/rm -f $dir/qdefault*.$$ 2>/dev/null }; qdef  + + `  /_'@errno@close@ _iob@malloc@ free@ exit@ strlen@ open@ fprintf@ catopen@ catgets@ catclose@ fcntl@ system@ +@ getopt@ strerror@ 7@ __crt0v@opterr@optind@optarg@D@__start +t! ` d l +t +x +| + + + + + + + + +  + + + + +  + + + + + + + , ,  ,  ,  , /usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr.o@VPDpiochdfq/5765E6200/520 ___strcpy setlocale __mod_init__malloc_user_defined_name