ISO8859-1\p] U O/    O . !e% "#$'$%S%j&~p& `'Z!'"d(@# ($(%(&g*g'*(+),W*-@+-,.-p/5."//^/0*0(10S21:32 4253G6474684R94o:5;5<6u=w7.>77?;7@;8AF8VB78C8D9E:F<3G=H?I>AJCKELG)MHNJvOLPMQ`OROS PTQURVpS>WpSXT YUZV[Wn\X$]X^Yx_Zl`[a[b\c]hd^Ue{^df~^g __h0_ji`_j"_k `l`)m`ntaxc*yec9zc{d*|d}eL~efkfgh"h;ijpl l|msn1o8sopppqsrrstLu@vwHxxWx y yy{G_|W}W?}6}*~&~Qhw{|pB5mik&x}CJ_4N7S&ik"HZacBeuJa" v o d7 7Yf)\> IO;(dR#?8cq?<Nm6K0 %|!,"|#1L$+~%&'C(%)@*7X+8,"-'./.30'b123G4#*5GN687889v:T;tc<de#f'g h=iAjRk el rm n opqrs t uvw^xEyJAz1{C|]}e`~fe-d4E-4s~tu=3>>S " =  - "\3$ "2UnAXS(T|I8%# & !/3"-c#A$D%9&LR'2(2)%*3++_,>d-:£.7/!0a810Ú2634930"d ćē)ı$5 V )d Ŏ *ř  8'T|ƙƭ   6L"l!Ǐ+DZ '!" #$%B&1a'4ȓ(%)$*"+'6,'^-2Ɇ.:ɹ/708,1e2Y3*4-5+26D^7Oˣ8<9O0̀%̙8̿6O/AP / J 9a vΛ h/{pЫ.KKXїaeR[ҸGB\ Fӟ C `* _ԋ YcE7թY`;a֜\v[@<3ع"(,#U)y )٣ 8 # :* :e5ڠ5> >K2ۊ3۽<.HC]܌W^B6ݡW80@iު{ ]!ey"f#iF${%,&K'&^()*''+O,d-,}._/% 0:01Uk2=34N536&C7/j8*94::;55<0k=G>?@0 (G'p/$ ! 7 M -^ , &!0782-001 Input data type %s is not valid Refer to the -d flag option for the qprt command. 0782-002 There is not enough memory available now. Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-003 Cannot find attribute name %6$.2s in the data base. The program name is %2$s The subroutine name is %3$s The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-004 Cannot load print formatter. The program name is %2$s The print formatter name is %6$s The errno (error number) from the load system call is %8$d The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-005 Member name datatype in attrparms structures passed to the piogetvals subroutine must have a value of VAR_INT or VAR_STR. The name of the program is %2$s The name of the subroutine is %3$s The attribute name is %6$.2s The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-006 -%6$.1s flag not supported for the print file type, printer language, and printer type selected for the print job. Check the flags. 0782-007 Flag -%6$.1s has no parameter value. Usage: pioformat -@ DataBaseFileName [-! FormatterName] [-#+] [-$+] Drives a printer formatter. 0782-008 Flag -%6$.1s has no parameter value. Check the flag parameter value. 0782-009 -@ flag not specified. Usage: pioformat -@ DataBaseFileName [-! FormatterName] [-#+] [-$+] Drives a printer formatter. 0782-010 Cannot find digested data base file for printer. The command name is %2$s The file name is %6$s Check the value specified for the -@ flag. 0782-011 The parameter value specified with the -%6$.1s flag is not valid. Usage: pioformat -@ DataBaseFileName [-! FormatterName] [-#+] [-$+] Drives a printer formatter. 0782-012 Name of print formatter not specified with either mf attribute name in data base or with -! flag on command line. Usage: pioformat -@ DataBaseFileName [-! FormatterName] [-#+] [-$+] Drives a printer formatter. 0782-013 Value for top margin is not valid. The top margin must be less than the page length and must not be negative. Check the value specified for the top margin. 0782-014 Value for bottom margin is not valid. The bottom margin must be less than the page length and must not be negative. Check the value specified for the bottom margin. 0782-015 Top and bottom margins must not overlap and must not fill the entire page length. Check the values specified for the top and bottom margins. 0782-016 Value for page length is not valid. The page length must be a positive integer or must be zero if pagination is not wanted. Check the value specified for the page length. 0782-017 Top or bottom margin is too large for security labels to fit on page. Check the values specified for the top and bottom margins. 0782-018 Cannot open digested data base file for printer. The command name is %2$s The file name is %6$s The errno (error number) from the open system call is %8$d Check the print queue and queue device names that were specified, or use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-019 File is not a digested data base file for printer. The command name is %2$s The file name is %6$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-020 Digested data base file for printer has incompatible format level. The command name is %2$s The file name is %6$s The file format level is %7$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-021 Cannot read digested data base file for printer. The command name is %2$s The file name is %6$s The errno (error number) from the read system call is %8$d Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-022 The character following a %%n operator (where n is 1 - 9) in a data base attribute value string must be the character d. The attribute name is %6$.2s The incorrect character is %7$.1s The character offset into the the attribute value string is %8$d (Note: Sequences such as \145 and %%%% count as one character.) The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s To display the string, refer to the lsvirprt command. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-023 Parameter values specified with flags cannot contain unprotected single or double quote characters. An unprotected quote character is a quote character not immediately preceded by an odd number (1,3,5, ...) of backslash characters. The flag name is %6$.1s The parameter value is %7$s Check the paramter value. Note: The shell that processed your command may have removed backslash characters from the parameter value that you typed. 0782-024 The piobe command must be invoked only by the spooler's qdaemon. It is dependent on services provided by the qdaemon and cannot run without them. To cause the qdaemon to invoke piobe, refer to the qprt, lp, lpr, and enq commands. 0782-025 Cannot open directory for digested data base file. The command name is %2$s The directory name is %6$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-026 A virtual printer has not been configured for print queue and queue device %6$s:%7$s Refer to the mkvirprt command, or Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-027 Preview option value not recognized. The value must be 0 or 1. Check the parameter value specified with the -a flag. 0782-028 Diagnostic level not recognized. The value must be 0, 1, or 2. Check the parameter value specified with the -A flag. 0782-029 Cannot open a temporary file. The file name is %6$s The errno (error number) from the open system call is %8$d Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-030 Cannot get temporary file name from tempnam subroutine. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-031 Value for input datastream type not recognized. Check the parameter value specified with the -d flag. 0782-032 Unrecognized filter identifier. Check the parameter value specified with the -f flag. 0782-033 Cannot find attribute name %6$.2s in the data base. The program name is %2$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-034 Below is the preview information requested with the -a1 flag. No files will be printed. FLAG VALUES: PIPELINE OF FILTERS: 0782-035 Cannot divide by zero with %%/ operator in data base attribute value string. The attribute name is %6$.2s The character offset into the the attribute value string is %8$d (Note: Sequences such as \145 and %%%% count as one character.) The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s To display the string, refer to the lsvirprt command. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-036 -%c is not a recognized flag for the pioout command. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-037 String specified with -%c flag for pioout command is not valid. The string must be of the form \xxx\xxx ..., where x is an octal digit. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-038 Cannot open file specified with -%1$c flag for pioout command. The file name is %2$s The errno (error number) from the open system call is %3$d Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-039 Cannot load printer read routine specified with -%1$c flag for pioout command. The printer read routine is %2$s The errno (error number) from the load system call is %3$d Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-040 Cannot open print file. The file name is %6$s The errno (error number) from the open system call is %8$d Check the file name specified with your print request. 0782-041 Cannot access print file. The file name is %6$s The errno (error number) from the stat system call is %8$d Check the file name specified with your print request. 0782-042 Cannot access file %6$s The errno (error number) from the stat system call is %8$d Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-043 Cannot specify more than %8$d print files Check the number of files specified with your print request 0782-045 DIAGNOSTIC INFORMATION: ==> ABOVE IS STANDARD ERROR OUTPUT <== ==> GENERATED BY THE PIPELINE SHOWN BELOW <== =====> MESSAGE FROM PRINT JOB %1$s <===== 0782-046 The pioburst command must be run under the spooler's qdaemon. It is dependent on services provided by the qdaemon and cannot run without them. It is normally run in a pipeline invoked by the Print Job Manager, piobe. 0782-047 Either the -h flag or the -t flag (but not both) must be specified with the pioburst command. Usage: pioburst [-H Hostname] TextFile Generates a burst (header or trailer) page for printer output. 0782-048 Flag -%c has no parameter value. Usage: pioburst [-H Hostname] TextFile Generates a burst (header or trailer) page for printer output. 0782-049 -%c is not a recognized flag for the pioburst command. Usage: pioburst [-H Hostname] TextFile Generates a burst (header or trailer) page for printer output. 0782-050 Cannot access text file specified with pioburst command. The file name is %1$s The errno (error number) from the open system call is %2$d Check the file name specified with the -h or -t flag. PIPELINE FOR HEADER PAGE: PIPELINE FOR TRAILER PAGE: PIPELINE FOR PRINT FILE %s: 0782-051 Cannot specify -%6$.1s flag. Usage of the flag has been prohibited by the system administrator. For information about the flag, refer to the qprt command. 0782-052 Cannot access printer. The device name is %1$s The errno (error number) from the ioctl system call is %2$d Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-053 Error detected during read from printer. The device name is %1$s The errno (error number) from the read system call is %2$d Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-054 Error detected during output to printer. The device name is %1$s The errno (error number) from the write system call is %2$d Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-055 Error detected during output to printer %1$s LPQUERY status: %2$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-056 Printer %1$s needs paper. Check the printer. 0782-057 Printer %1$s needs attention. Check the printer. PIPELINE FOR TRAILER PAGE WHEN PRINT JOB TERMINATES EARLY: PIPELINE FOR SENDING FORM FEED TO ALIGN PAPER AFTER PRINTER WAS IDLE: PIPELINE FOR FEEDING PAPER OUT WHEN PRINTER GOES IDLE: 0782-058 Cannot bind print formatter. The program name is %2$s The print formatter name is %6$s The errno (error number) from the loadbind system call is %8$d Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-059 Attribute name passed to subroutine %3$s by program %2$s is not valid. The attribute name is %6$.2s The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-060 Cannot find matching closing bracket for %%%7$.1s operator in data base attribute value string. The attribute name is %6$.2s The opening bracket is at character offset %8$d into the string. (Note: Sequences such as \145 and %%%% count as one character.) The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s To display the string, refer to the lsvirprt command. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-061 No flag letter follows opening bracket for %%%7$.1s operator in data base attribute value string. The attribute name is %6$.2s The opening bracket is at character offset %8$d into the string. (Note: Sequences such as \145 and %%%% count as one character.) The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s To display the string, refer to the lsvirprt command. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-062 No attribute name follows opening bracket for %%%7$.1s operator in data base attribute value string. The name of the attribute value string is %6$.2s The opening bracket is at character offset %8$d into the string. (Note: Sequences such as \145 and %%%% count as one character.) The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s To display the string, refer to the lsvirprt command. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-063 Attribute name specified for %%%7$.1s operator in data base attribute value string is not valid. The name of the attribute value string is %6$.2s The attribute name specified for the %%%7$.1s operator is at character offset %8$d into the string. (Note: Sequences such as \145 and %%%% count as one character.) The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s To display the string, refer to the lsvirprt command. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-064 An attribute name specified for a %%%7$.1s operator in a data base attribute value string must represent either a string constant or a string variable, not an integer variable. The name of the attribute value string is %6$.2s The attribute name specified for the %%%7$.1s operator is at character offset %8$d into the string. (Note: Sequences such as \145 and %%%% count as one character.) The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s To display the string, refer to the lsvirprt command. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-065 Closing quote is missing from character constant in data base attribute value string. The attribute name is %6$.2s The closing quote is expected at character offset %8$d into the string. (Note: Sequences such as \145 and %%%% count as one character.) The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s To display the string, refer to the lsvirprt command. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-066 Cannot find closing brace for %%{ operator in data base attribute value string. The attribute name is %6$.2s The opening brace is at character offset %8$d into the string. (Note: Sequences such as \145 and %%%% count as one character.) The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s To display the string, refer to the lsvirprt command. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-067 The %%%7$.1s operator is not valid in a data base attribute value string. The name of the attribute value string is %6$.2s The operator is at character offset %8$d into the string. (Note: Sequences such as \145 and %%%% count as one character.) The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s To display the string, refer to the lsvirprt command. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-068 Cannot find ending %%; for %%%7$.1s operator in data base attribute value string. The attribute name is %6$.2s The %%%7$.1s operator is at character offset %8$d into the string. (Note: Sequences such as \145 and %%%% count as one character.) The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s To display the string, refer to the lsvirprt command. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-069 Cannot find either %%e or %%; to end %%t statement in data base attribute value string. The attribute name is %6$.2s The %%t operator is at character offset %8$d into the string. (Note: Sequences such as \145 and %%%% count as one character.) The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s To display the string, refer to the lsvirprt command. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-070 %%w loops nested more than 9 levels in data base attribute value string. The attribute name is %6$.2s The %%w operator is at character offset %8$d into the string. (Note: Sequences such as \145 and %%%% count as one character.) The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s To display the string, refer to the lsvirprt command. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-071 The one-character variable name that follows a %%w operator in a data base attribute value string must be in the range a - z. The attribute name is %6$.2s The variable name is at character offset %8$d into the string. (Note: Sequences such as \145 and %%%% count as one character.) The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s To display the string, refer to the lsvirprt command. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-072 Multiple attributes named %6$.2s in file %7$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-073 -%6$.1s flag not expected. Usage: piodigest [-d QueueDevice] [-n DeviceName] [-p OutputDirectory] [-q PrintQueue] [-s DataStreamType] [-t PrinterType] ColonFile Digests attribute values for a virtual printer definition. 0782-074 One file name operand must be specified. Usage: piodigest [-d QueueDevice] [-n DeviceName] [-p OutputDirectory] [-q PrintQueue] [-s DataStreamType] [-t PrinterType] ColonFile Digests attribute values for a virtual printer definition. 0782-075 Cannot open input colon file. The file name is %6$s The errno (error number) from the open system call is %8$d Check the file name specified with the piodigest command. 0782-076 Cannot create a temporary file. The errno (error number) from the tmpfile subroutine is %8$d. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-077 Unexpected end-of-file on line %8$d of input colon file %6$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-078 Unexpected end-of-line on line %8$d of input colon file %6$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-079 Attribute name %7$s is not valid. The attribute name is on line %8$d of input colon file %6$s The attribute name is between the second and third colons on the line. Attribute names must contain only the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, or _. Names of comment attributes begin with two underscore characters and may be up to five characters long. All other attribute names must be two characters long. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-080 Cannot open output file for digested data base attributes. The file name is %6$s The errno (error number) from the open system call is %8$d Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-081 Warning: File lock failed. The file name is %6$s The errno (error number) from the lockf system call is %8$d Try again later, or use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-082 Error detected during output to file. The file name is %6$s The errno (error number) from the write system call is %8$d Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-083 Octal/Hexadecimal value greater than \377 at offset %8$d in string value for attribute %7$s in input colon file %6$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-084 Octal/Hexadecimal digit does not follow \ at offset %8$d in string value for attribute %7$s in input colon file %6$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-085 No virtual printer defined for print queue and queue device. The print queue and queue device names are %6$s Check the print queue and queue device names, or Use local problem reporting procedures (refer to mkvirprt command). 0782-086 Error reading print file. The file name is %6$s The errno (error number) from the read system call is %8$d Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-087 Cannot open directory for digested data base attribute files. The directory name is %6$s The errno (error number) from the opendir system call is %8$d Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-088 Cannot unlink old digested data base attribute file. The file name is %6$s The errno (error number) from the unlink system call is %8$d Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-089 Output to standard error detected while processing your print job. Diagnostic information about the problem has been mailed to you. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-090 Cannot bind printer read routine specified with -%1$c flag for pioout command. The printer read routine is %2$s The errno (error number) from the loadbind system call is %3$d Use local problem reporting procedures. Dummy Message.This is a top-of-page security label to be used for testing print formatters. Security labels are not currently supported.This is a bottom-of-page security label to be used for testing print formatters. Security labels are not currently supported.(no title):black:blue:red:magenta:green:cyan:yellow:brown:TITLE:TIME PRINTED:TIME QUEUED:PRINTED AT:SUBMITTED BY:DELIVER TO:FLAG VALUES:END OF OUTPUT FOR:Message received from printer %s: PRINTER: 0782-091 fork() failed while trying to start a pipeline of filters. The command name is piobe. The errno (error number) from the fork system call is %8$d Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-092 execl() failed trying to start /usr/bin/sh. The command name is piobe. The errno (error number) from the execl system call is %8$d Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-106 Cannot open file specified by %%D operator in a data base attribute value string. The file name is %7$.2s The attribute name is %6$.2s The errno (error number) from the open system call is %8$d The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s To display the string, refer to the lsvirprt command. Use local problem reporting procedures. Dummy Message.0782-500 The parameter value specified with the -%.1s flag is not valid. Check the parameter value. 0782-501 The parameter value specified with the -%.1s flag is not valid. The parameter value must be + or !. Check the parameter value. 0782-502 The parameter value specified with the -%.1s flag is not valid. The parameter value must be 1 or greater. Check the parameter value. 0782-503 The parameter value specified with the -%.1s flag is not valid. The parameter value must be 0 or greater. Check the parameter value. 0782-504 The parameter value specified with the -%.1s flag is not valid. The parameter value must be 10 or 12. Check the parameter value. 0782-505 The parameter value specified with the -%.1s flag is not valid. The parameter value must be 0, 1, 2, or 3. Check the parameter value. 0782-506 The parameter value specified with the -%.1s flag is not valid. The parameter value must be 6 or 8. Check the parameter value. 0782-507 The parameter value specified with the -%.1s flag is not valid. The parameter value must be 0, 1, or 2. Check the parameter value. 0782-508 The parameter value specified with the -%.1s flag is not valid. The parameter value must be less than the page width. Check the parameter value. 0782-509 The parameter value specified with the -%.1s flag is not valid. The parameter value must be 1, 2, or 3. Check the parameter value. 0782-510 Cannot specify a pitch value directly. The pitch value is implied by the font identifier. Specify an appropriate font identifier with the -I flag. Note: To determine the correct font identifier, consult the manual that came with your printer. 0782-511 The parameter value specified with the -%.1s flag is not valid. The parameter value must be one of the following: black (or 0) blue (or 1) red (or 2) magenta (or 3) green (or 4) cyan (or 5) yellow (or 6) brown (or 10) Check the parameter value. 0782-512 Cannot determine whether or not flags file exists. A flags file contains information about which printer fonts are currently loaded. The file name is %1$s The errno (error number) from the open system call is %2$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-002 There is not enough memory available now. Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-513 Value in stage 1 translate table is not valid. The translate table is %1$s The code point in the translate table is %2$s The value at the code point in the translate table is %3$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-514 Format type in stage 1 translate table is not valid. The translate table is %1$s The format type in the translate table is %2$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-515 Character stack size exceeded by print formatter. A maximum of 280 characters can be on the character stack at once. Characters are pushed on the stack by a print formatter using the piopushin() subroutine. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-516 Cannot open file containing stage 1 translate table. The file name is %1$s The errno (error number) from the open system call is %2$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-517 Stage 1 translate file is not valid. The file name is %1$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-518 File format level for stage 1 translate table is incompatible. The file name is %1$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-519 Cannot read file containing stage 1 translate table. The file name is %1$s The errno (error number) from the read system call is %2$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-520 Cannot open file containing stage 2 translate table. The file name is %1$s The errno (error number) from the open system call is %2$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-521 Stage 2 translate file is not valid. The file name is %1$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-522 File format level for stage 2 translate table is incompatible. The file name is %1$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-523 Cannot read file containing stage 2 translate table. The file name is %1$s The errno (error number) from the read system call is %2$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-524 At least one stage 2 translate table must be specified in the data base. Refer to the lsvirprt command to check the value of the t0 attribute, which should specify a stage 2 translate table. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-525 Cannot open file containing fonts to be downloaded. The file name is %1$s The errno (error number) from the open system call is %2$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-526 Cannot print substitute character. Refer to the lsvirprt command to check the value of the mS attribute in the data base. The mS attribute specifies the character to be substituted for a character which cannot be printed. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-527 Value in stage 2 translate table is not valid. The translate table is %1$s The code point in the translate table is %2$s The value at the code point in the translate table is %3$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-528 This is the PASSTHRU formatter. You should not be in LINEOUT. 0782-529 The combination of the typestyle and pitch result in an illegal typeface. Check the values associated with the -s and -p flags. 0782-093 The piomsg command must be invoked only by the spooler's qdaemon. It is dependent on services provided by the qdaemon and cannot run without them. (mail only)Message to:0782-104 Cannot find closing double quote for %%%7$.1s operator in data base attribute value string. The attribute name is %6$.2s The opening quote is at character offset %8$d into the string. (Note: Sequences such as \145 and %%%% count as one character.) The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s To display the string, refer to the lsvirprt command. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-105 %%%7$.1s operator in data base attribute value string cannot compare integer value with string value. The attribute name is %6$.2s The operator is at character offset %8$d into the string. (Note: Sequences such as \145 and %%%% count as one character.) The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s To display the string, refer to the lsvirprt command. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-529 No font is available for %1$s %2$s pitch. Check the values for the -s and -p flags. 0782-530 Cannot determine terminal type. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-531 Error occurred while reading terminfo database for %s.0782-532 Cannot find terminfo attribute %1$s for %2$s.0782-533 Unsupported asynchronous adapter.0782-534 Cannot open terminal attached printer device. The file name is %6$s The errno (error number) from the open system call is %8$d Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-535 TTY hardware line discipline does not match database value. Device "%1$s" has been relocated since print queue configuration. The hardware discipline value is "%2$s". The database attribute name is "y0". To display database value, refer to the lsvirprt command. To reconfigure print queue, refer to the rmvirprt and mkvirprt commands. 0782-107 Error detected in value string for attribute %6$.2s '%7$s' ====> ERROR <===== No Matching ']' For '%%I['. 0782-108 Error detected in value string for attribute %6$.2s '%7$s' ====> ERROR <===== Attribute Not 2 Characters Long. 0782-109 Error detected in value string for attribute %6$.2s '%7$s' ====> ERROR <===== Attribute Referenced But Not Defined. 0782-110 Error detected in value string for attribute %6$.2s %7$s 0782-111 Error detected while reading %6$s bytes from tmpfile. The program name is %2$s The errno (error number) from the read system call is %8$d Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-112 %8$d Errors detected while validating printer attributes. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-113 Size of digested data base file exceeded %6$s bytes. The program name is %2$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-536 Stage 2 translate tables must be loaded by invoking "piotrinit" before translating intermediate code page data into printer code page data. Refer to this formatter source to see if "piotrinit" is invoked in "setup" function. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-114 Stack overflow has occurred due to %%%7$.1s operator in data base attribute value string. The name of the attribute value string is %6$.2s The operator specified is %%%7$.1s and is at character offset %8$d into the string. (Note: Sequences such as \145 and %%%% count as one character.) The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s To display the string, refer to the lsvirprt command. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-115 Stack underflow has occurred due to %%%7$.1s operator in data base attribute value string. The name of the attribute value string is %6$.2s The operator specified is %%%7$.1s and is at character offset %8$d into the string. (Note: Sequences such as \145 and %%%% count as one character.) The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s To display the string, refer to the lsvirprt command. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-116 Delimiters are missing for the %%%7$.1s operator in a data base attribute value string. The name of the attribute value string is %6$.2s The operator is at character offset %8$d into the string. (Note: Sequences such as \145 and %%%% count as one character.) The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s To display the string, refer to the lsvirprt command. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-117 Error in performing regcmp for the %%%7$.1s operator in a data base attribute value string. The name of the attribute value string is %6$.2s The operator is at character offset %8$d into the string. (Note: Sequences such as \145 and %%%% count as one character.) The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s To display the string, refer to the lsvirprt command. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-118 String extraction character @ is missing for the %%%7$.1s operator in a data base attribute value string. The name of the attribute value string is %6$.2s The operator is at character offset %8$d into the string. (Note: Sequences such as \145 and %%%% count as one character.) The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s To display the string, refer to the lsvirprt command. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-119 Pipe could not be opened for a shell command specified in a data base attribute value string. The name of the attribute value string is %6$.2s The shell command string is %7$s The errno (error number) from the open system call is %8$d The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s To display the string, refer to the lsvirprt command. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-120 Error detected in limits string for attribute %6$.2s '%7$s' ====> ERROR <===== No Matching ']' For '%%I['. 0782-121 Error detected in limits string for attribute %6$.2s '%7$s' ====> ERROR <===== Attribute Not 2 Characters Long. 0782-122 Error detected in limits string for attribute %6$.2s '%7$s' ====> ERROR <===== Attribute Referenced But Not Defined. 0782-123 Error detected in limits string for attribute %6$.2s %7$s 0782-124 Octal/Hexadecimal value greater than \377 at offset %8$d in limit string for attribute %7$s in input colon file %6$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-125 Octal/Hexadecimal digit does not follow \ at offset %8$d in limit string for attribute %7$s in input colon file %6$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-126 Flag -%c has no parameter value. Usage: piomsg [-u UsrList] [-c MsgCatalog [-s MsgSet] -n MsgNo] [-a MsgArg ...] [MsgText] Sends a printer backend message to a user. 0782-127 -%c is not a recognized flag for the piomsg command. Usage: piomsg [-u UsrList] [-c MsgCatalog [-s MsgSet] -n MsgNo] [-a MsgArg ...] [MsgText] Sends a printer backend message to a user. 0782-128 Both the flags -c and -n should be specified when either of the flags -c, -s or -n is specified with the piomsg command. Usage: piomsg [-u UsrList] [-c MsgCatalog [-s MsgSet] -n MsgNo] [-a MsgArg ...] [MsgText] Sends a printer backend message to a user. %6$s0782-129 Limit validation failed for attribute %6$.2s. 0782-130 ODM initialization failed (odmerrno is %8$d). The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-131 Setting ODM path to %6$s failed (odmerrno is %8$d). The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-132 Locking the ODM path %6$s failed (odmerrno is %8$d). The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-133 Opening the ODM class "%6$s" failed (odmerrno is %8$d). The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-134 No input pipeline attributes were found in the colon file "%6$s". The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-135 Error in determining referenced attributes for the attribute "%7$.2s" in the colon file "%6$s". The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-136 Error in parsing the ODM info in the limits field of the attribute "%7$.2s" in the colon file "%6$s". The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-137 Error in adding an object to the ODM class "%6$s" (odmerrno is %8$d). The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-138 Invalid op "%6$.1s" specified in the limits field of attribute "%7$s". The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-139 Invalid op syntax - "%6$s" specified in the limits field of attribute "%7$s". The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-140 Signal %8$d received while building ODM information. Aborting ... The print queue and queue device names are %4$s:%5$s Use local problem reporting procedures. Continuing anyway ... yn0782-300 Queue %1$s and queue device %2$s are already configured. 0782-301 A virtual printer is already configured for print queue %1$s and queue device %2$s. Either: (1) Specify a different print queue name or queue device name, or (2) Use the rmvirprt command to remove the existing virtual printer. 0782-302 Cannot open file for customized attributes. The file name is %1$s The errno (error number) from the open system call is %2$d Check the error number. 0782-303 Cannot find customized attributes for print queue %1$s and queue device %2$s Check the -q and -d flags. 0782-304 Predefined attributes for printer type %1$s with data stream type %2$s already exist. 0782-305 Cannot open file for predefined attributes for printer type %1$s with data stream %2$s The file name is %3$s The errno (error number) from the open system call is %4$d Check the error number. 0782-306 Cannot find predefined attributes for printer type %1$s with data stream %2$s Check the -s and -t flags. 0782-310 Usage: mkvirprt -A AttachmentType mkvirprt [ -A AttachmentType ] -d QueueDevice -n Device -q PrintQueue -s DataStream -t PrinterType [ -T ] Use 'smit mkvirprt' to use it interactively. 0782-311 Usage: rmvirprt -q PrintQueue -d QueueDevice Use 'smit rmvirprt' to use it interactively. 0782-312 Usage: chvirprt -q PrintQueue -d QueueDevice [ -a AttributeName=Value [AttributeName=Value...] ] Use 'smit chvirprt' to use it interactively. 0782-313 Usage: lsvirprt [ -q PrintQueue -d QueueDevice { [ -f Format ] [ -n ] [ -a AttributeName | -s SectionName ]... | -i | -D } ] 0782-314 Usage: piopredef -d QueueDevice -q PrintQueue -s DataStream -t PrinterType There is already a print queue for this device. Do you want to add another print queue for the device?0782-318 %1$s is not a valid queue name. 0782-319 Queue name %1$s and queue device name %2$s do not refer to a valid queue device. 0782-320 This is an existing queue. Do you want to add to it?0782-321 The mkque command used to generate the print queue has failed. Use local problem reporting procedures, or press Enter to continue. 0782-322 Must have System Administrator permissions to change attribute values 0782-323 Queue device %1$s already assigned to device %2$s 0782-324 The 'backend =' specification in the existing queue device is not /usr/lib/lpd/piobe. The virtual printer was not created. 0782-325 This program was not run from a tty; interactive mode is not possible. 0782-326 Not a valid printer type. 0782-327 Not a valid data stream type for this printer. 0782-328 Printer type %1$s supports more than one data stream type. The desired data stream must be specified. 0782-329 Not a valid device file name. Press Enter to continue.0782-331 Not a valid XServer name. Press Enter to continue.0782-332 Invalid name. Name may contain only the characters [a-z], [A-Z], [0-9], @, -, or _. Press Enter.0782-333 No virtual printers defined for this system. 0782-334 Invalid name. Must be less than 21 characters long. Press Enter.%1$s configured for print queue %2$s %1$s (%2$s) configured for print queue %3$s NOTE: The %1$s printer supports multiple print data streams. Each of the data streams will now be configured individually. -------------------- %1$s -------------------- No. Queue Device Description No. Description Name Description Name Description ValueEnter printer device name:Enter print queue name:Enter print queue name (or, ! to bypass configuration):Enter number from list above (press Enter to terminate):Enter device name (or, ! to exit):Enter print queue name from list above:Enter print queue device name:Enter print queue device name from list above:Should this queue be the default queue?Press Enter to continue.To list attributes, enter the names separated by spaces, or to list all attributes, enter * (scroll using subcommands for pg command), or press Enter to terminate:To list attributes, enter the names separated by spaces, or to list all attributes, enter * (scroll using subcommands for pg command), or to change an attribute value, enter AttributeName=NewValue, or press Enter to terminate:The %1$s attribute does not exist. Enter AttributeName=NewValue, or press Enter to leave values unchanged:Header pages wanted? (n=none; a=each file; g=each job):Trailer pages wanted? (n=none; a=each file; g=each job):0782-335 Cannot open directory %1$s The errno (error number) from the opendir system call is %2$d Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-336 Cannot open file %1$s The errno (error number) from the open system call is %2$d Check the error number. 0782-337 Line %1$d in file %2$s does not contain %3$d fields separated by colons. 0782-338 The virtual printer attributes for %1$s are currently being modified by someone else. Try again later. A syntax error was detected in the attribute value string. Do you want to edit the attribute value again to view the error message and correct the error? (if not, the update will be discarded)Dummy Message.Printer or Plotter Attached to HostPrinter or Plotter Attached to XstationXstation NameNo Xstation with that name is configured. Enter another name.Serial InterfaceParallel InterfaceXstation 120Xstation 130Serial PortBaud RateParitynoneoddevenstuck oddstuck evenBits Per CharacterNumber of Stop BitsTo LIST attributes, enter AttributeName1 ... (* for all attributes) To terminate, press Enter:To LIST attributes, enter AttributeName1 ... (* for all attributes) To CHANGE an attribute value, enter AttributeName=NewValue To FORMAT and EDIT an attribute value, enter AttributeName~v To EDIT the attribute file, enter ~v To terminate, press Enter:0782-339 Number of defined Virtual Printers exceeds system limit of %1$d. 0782-340 The %1$s attribute can not be modified. 0782-342 Error '%1$s' in popen while executing the command '%2$s'. 0782-343 ODM initialization failed (odmerrno is %d). Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-344 Setting ODM path to %1$s failed (odmerrno is %2$d). Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-345 Locking the ODM path %1$s failed (odmerrno is %2$d). Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-346 Opening the ODM class "%s" failed (odmerrno is %d). Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-652 A virtual printer already exists for the queue name %1$s and the queue device name %2$s! 0782-655 : Device name should not exceed 511 chars Usage: qprt [ flags ] [ File ... ] [ - ] Queues a file for printing. 0782-094 Data stream type specified with -s flag for pioqms100 command must be s (for PostScript) or g (for Graphics Language). 0782-095 Printer interface type specified with -i flag for pioqms100 command must be 0 or 1 for parallel, 2 or 3 for serial. 0782-097 Flags specified with pioqms100 command are not valid. Usage: pioqms100 -s DataStreamType -i Mode -f FlagsFileName pioqms100 -Q (to install HPGL emulator files from diskette) 0782-098 Missing HPGL emulator files. To install the files, enter: su root /usr/lib/lpd/pio/etc/pioqms100 -Q Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-099 pioqms100: HPGL emulator download failed. 0782-100 pioqms100: HPGL emulator activation (Part A) failed. 0782-101 pioqms100: HPGL emulator activation (Part B) failed. 0782-102 HPGL termination failed. 0782-103 Must have root permissions to perform installation. 0782-550 Usage: piofontin -t PrinterType -c CodePage [ -d DisketteDevice ] PrinterType: ibm2380|ibm2381|ibm2390|ibm2391|ibm4201-3|ibm4202-3| ibm4207-2|ibm4208-2 CodePage: 851|853 Copies printer fonts from diskette to font directory. Printer or Plotter Attached to ASCII TerminalTerminal Devices0782-551 Usage: piochpq -q Queue -d QueueDevice [-a AttributeName=Value | -Flag 'Value']... 0782-552 piochpq: Missing argument. 0782-553 piochpq: Illegal flag. Printer Attached to Local HostPrinter Attached to Remote HostPrinter Attached to XstationPrinter Attached to ASCII TerminalFile (in /dev directory)Network Printer (HP JetDirect)0782-554 Usage: %1$s PseudoDevice [ BackendFlags ] PrintFile ... 0782-555 %1$s: Error in extracting communication info from the pseudo-device file %2$s 0782-556 %1$s: Error in extracting xstation name from the pseudo-device file %2$s 0782-557 %1$s: Error in extracting interface type from the pseudo-device file %2$s 0782-558 %1$s: Error in extracting port from the pseudo-device file %2$s 0782-559 Must be super-user 0782-560 Usage: %1$s -i source_file [ -o target_file ] -i - source colon file -o - target colon file (if omitted, same as source file) 0782-561 %1$s: %2$s requires a value 0782-562 %1$s: unknown option %2$s 0782-563 Source file must be supplied 0782-564 A signal was caught during conversion 0782-565 %1$s does not exist or not readable 0782-566 Directory "%1$s" must be writable to create target file 0782-567 Formatter name could not be extracted from the source file 0782-568 The source file "%1$s" is already in new format 0782-569 Parent colon file name could not be extracted from the source file 0782-570 Error %1$d in opening "%2$s" for reading 0782-571 Error %1$d in opening "%2$s" for writing 0782-572 Error(s) in creating "%1$s" 0782-573 Error in expanding additions using "%1$s" %1$s0782-574 Errors found in conversion of the source file "%1$s" 0782-575 Error in restoring to default state using "%1$s" 0782-576 Error %1$d in creating the target file "%2$s" 0782-577 Usage: %1$s { -c | -h } 0782-578 Usage: %1$s -f {+|!} -S Server -P Queue -N Filter [ -o BackendFlag ... ] PrintFile ... 0782-650 Error in creating ODM in the path %1$s 0782-651 Error in adding ODM objects in the path %1$s IBM Network Color PrinterIBM Network Printer ====> ERROR <===== Operator Not Properly Formed.Usage: colon -how -now -brown -cow% -> OUTPUTPOP -> ASCII String -> OUTPUTPOP -> ASCII String (%c digits) -> OUTPUTPOP -> Low-Order Byte -> OUTPUTPOP -> Low-Order Two Bytes -> OUTPUTPOP -> Low-Order Two Bytes -> Reverse Order -> OUTPUTINCLUDE: (%s)INCLUDE Each of the Following Attributes:PUSH: (%s)PUSH: (Character Constant '%c' -> Integer)PUSH: (Integer Constant %d)PUSH: (String Constant %s)PUSH: (Attribute %s String)PUSH: (Length of Attribute: %s)POP -> Internal Variable %cInitialize Internal Variable %c to ZeroPUSH: (Internal Variable %c)PUSH: (pop2 + pop1)PUSH: (pop2 - pop1)PUSH: (pop2 * pop1)PUSH: (pop2 / pop1)PUSH: (Modulus of (pop2 / pop1))PUSH: (pop2 = pop1 ?)PUSH: (pop2 > pop1 ?)PUSH: (pop2 < pop1 ?)PUSH: (! pop) -- Unary NegationPUSH: (pop2 & pop1) -- Bitwise ANDPUSH: (pop2 | pop1) -- Bitwise ORPUSH: (pop2 ^ pop1) -- Bitwise Exclusive ORPUSH: (pop2 ~ pop1) -- One's ComplementPass Through Number of Bytes Specified by Formatter to piocmdout() Loop (Counter is in Internal Variable %c)Begin Using Default (Instead of Command Line) ValuesReturn to Using Values Used Before %oForce Attribute i%c as Main PipelineForce Null String as Main PipelinePut Prefix Pipeline (fx Attribute) HerePut Suffix Pipeline (mo Attribute) HerePUSH: (1 If -%c Flag on Command Line; Otherwise 0)If "-%s Argument" on Command Line, "-# Argument" -> OUTPUTFor Each Flag x on Command Line: "-xArgument" -> OUTPUTFor Each Flag x Passed to pioout: "-xArgument" -> OUTPUT %d SYNTAX ERRORS Found. ====> ERROR <===== IF (%%?) or WHILE (%%w) Operator Not Matched by END (%%;) Operator ====> ERROR <===== Attribute Not DefinedFile was not updated to reflect this change. Download the File Specified by Attribute %sInsert Standard Output Produced when Attribute %s is Passed to ShellIndicate to piobe: Pass the Following Attributes to subsequent printer commandsExtract Pattern From Attribute Value Matching the Reg Exp %sInsert Standard Output Produced when the Following String is Passed to Shell %sFile %s does not exist. Command line option %s is not valid. Argument %1$s to command line option %2$s is not valid. More than one instance of attribute %2$s in file %1$s.File %1$s contains the line '%2$s' which is neither an attribute nor a heading Usage: piocnvt -i InputFileName [ -s +|! ] [ -o OutputFileName ] (dummy)Usage: pioattred -q QueueName -d QueueDeviceName [ -o [0-4] ] -a AttributeName Permission Denied - Must Have root Permissions No Attributes Defined Cannot find file containing previously edited attribute. 0782-336 Cannot open file %1$s The errno (error number) from the open system call is %2$s Check the error number. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit the attribute value below. Observe the following rules: (1) Lines that begin with % specify an operator. (2) Lines that begin with ' specify text. (3) Lines that begin with neither % nor ' are ignored. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0782-341 The %1$s attribute can not be edited. 0782-653 There is not enough memory available now. Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-579 The attribute name %.2s is not valid 0782-580 The limits field of %1$.2s attribute contains the illegal op %2$c 0782-581 The limits field of %1$.2s attribute does not contain a '[' after the op %2$c 0782-582 The limits field of %1$.2s attribute does not contain a matching ']' after the op %2$c 0782-583 The limits field of %1$.2s attribute does not specify a valid entry type for range op %2$c 0782-584 The limits field of %1$.2s attribute specifies an invalid entry type for op %2$c 0782-585 The value of %.2s attribute is not of alphanumeric entry type 0782-586 The value of %.2s attribute is not of numeric entry type 0782-587 The value of %.2s attribute is not of hexadecimal entry type 0782-588 The value of %.2s attribute is not of filename entry type 0782-589 Error in generating a list from the limits field of %1$.2s attribute for list op %2$c 0782-590 Error in reading the list from the limits field of %1$.2s attribute for list op %2$c 0782-591 The value of %.2s attribute is not in the list generated from the limits field 0782-592 The limits field of %1$.2s attribute specifies an invalid range format for range op %2$c 0782-593 The value of %.2s attribute is not an integer 0782-594 The value of %.2s attribute falls out of bounds specified in the range format 0782-595 The limits field of %1$.2s attribute does not specify an integer for validate op %2$c 0782-596 The limits field of %1$.2s attribute specifies an invalid ring format for ring op %2$c 0782-597 The value of %.2s attribute is not in the ring list specified in the limits field 0782-598 The value %1$d specified in the validate op %2$c in the limits field for %3$.2s attribute indicates failure Other (Select this if your printer type is not listed above)0782-599 Usage: %s { -q | -v | -Q | -p | -A } [ -n SmitSelectorName ] -P Queue[:QueueDevice] -n SmitSelectorName -P Queue -d -N AttachmentType -n SmitSelectorName 0782-600 %1$s: Missing argument for the flag -%2$c 0782-601 %1$s: Illegal flag -%2$c 0782-602 %s: Illegal usage 0782-603 %1$s: Error '%2$s' in malloc() # ATTACHMENT TYPE DESCRIPTION # PRINT QUEUE DESCRIPTION # PRINT QUEUE[:PRINTER] DESCRIPTION # PRINT QUEUE PRINTER DESCRIPTION # PRINTER DESCRIPTION 0782-604 %1$s: Error '%2$s' in opening the directory %3$s 0782-605 %1$s: Error '%2$s' in reading the directory %3$s 0782-606 %1$s: Error '%2$s' in opening the file %3$s 0782-607 %1$s: Error '%2$s' in reading the file %3$s 0782-608 %1$s: Error '%2$s' in opening a pipe to command %3$s 0782-609 %1$s: Error '%2$s' in reading a pipe to command %3$s 0782-610 %1$s: Device name (mn) not found in %2$s 0782-611 %1$s: Printer type (mt) not found in %2$s 0782-612 %1$s: No virtual printers found for the queue %2$s User Defined Backend0782-613 Usage: %s -q PrintQueue -d QueueDevice [ -u ] AttributeName... 0782-614 %1$s: No virtual printer exists for the specified queue %2$s and queue device %3$s 0782-615 %1$s: The attribute %2$2.2s does not exist in the virtual printer definition 0782-616 Usage: %s -p PseudoDevice -t AttachmentType { -A | -C | -R | -D } [ -a Clause... ] 0782-617 %1$s: Error '%2$s' in removing the file %3$s 0782-618 %1$s: The specified field '%2$s' is not found in the pseudo-device file %3$s 0782-619 %1$s: Error '%2$s' in writing to the file %3$s 0782-620 %1$s: The device '%2$s' already exists; can not create 0782-621 Usage: piomkapqd -A local -p Printer -d DeviceName -h header [-e] piomkapqd -A local -p Printer -v Device -s Subclass -r Adapter -h header [-e] piomkapqd -A xstation -p Printer -x XstationName -t XstationType -P Port -h header [-e] piomkapqd -A ascii -p Printer -T ttyName -h header [-e] piomkapqd -A file -p Printer -f FileName -h header [-e] piomkapqd -A Attachment -p Printer [ -d Devicename ] -c CmdExec -i DiscCmd -o ObjectId -h header [-e] 0782-622 Predefined virtual printer does not exist for the printer type specified with the '-d' command line option. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-623 ODM initialization failed (odmerrno is %d). Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-624 Setting ODM path to %1$s failed (odmerrno is %2$d). Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-625 Locking the ODM path %1$s failed (odmerrno is %2$d). Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-626 Opening the ODM class "%1$s" failed (odmerrno is %2$d). Use local problem reporting procedures. 0782-627 Error in adding an object to the ODM class "%1$s" (odmerrno is %2$d). Use local problem reporting procedures. Name of new PRINT QUEUE to addAdd a Print Queue EXISTING print queues for this printer(user defined)0782-332 Invalid print queue name '%s'. Name must not exceed 20 characters and may only contain the characters [a-z], [A-Z], [0-9], @, -, or _. 0782-628 Unable to create print queue. Added printer '%s'. Added print queue '%s'. Added printer '%1$s' to print queue '%2$s'. 0782-629 Queue device '%1$s' already exists on print queue '%2$s'. Unable to add queue device. 0782-630 Queue '%s' does not exist. 0782-631 At least one print queue name must be specified. 0782-632 Print queue '%s' specified more than once. Duplicate names not allowed. 0782-633 Print queue '%1$s' already contains printer '%2$s'. 0782-634 Usage: piomkpq -A local -p PrinterType -d DeviceName { -D DataStream -q QueueName }... piomkpq -A local -p PrinterType -d DeviceName -Q QueueName -D DataStream piomkpq -A local -p PrinterType { -D DataStream -q QueueName }... -s SubClass -r ParentAdapter -w PortNo -v DeviceType [ -a {interface|ptop|autoconfig|speed|parity|bpc|stops|xon|dtr|tbc}=DescVal]... piomkpq -A local -p PrinterType -Q QueueName -D DataStream -v DeviceType -s SubClass -r ParentAdapter -w PortNo [ -a {interface|ptop|autoconfig|speed|parity|bpc|stops|xon|dtr|tbc}=DescVal]... piomkpq -A xstation -p PrinterType -d PseudoDeviceName { -D DataStream -q QueueName }... piomkpq -A xstation -p PrinterType -d PseudoDeviceName -Q QueueName -D DataStream piomkpq -A xstation -p PrinterType { -D DataStream -q QueueName }... -x XstationName -t XstationType -P XstationPort [ -a {speed|parity|bpc|stops}=DescVal ]... piomkpq -A xstation -p PrinterType -Q QueueName -D DataStream -x XstationName -t XstationType -P XstationPort [ -a {speed|parity|bpc|stops}=DescVal ]... piomkpq -A ascii -p PrinterType -d TtyName { -D DataStream -q QueueName }... piomkpq -A ascii -p PrinterType -d TtyName -Q QueueName -D DataStream piomkpq -A file -p PrinterType -d FileName { -D DataStream -q QueueName }... piomkpq -A file -p PrinterType -d FileName -Q QueueName -D DataStream piomkpq -A OtherAttachmentType -p PrinterType -d DeviceName { -D DataStream -q QueueName }... -b 'QueueAttribute=Value'... -c 'QueueDeviceAttribute=Value'... 0782-635 Usage: %s -t [ -A AttachmentType ] Maker -T -A AttachmentType -m Generic Printer0782-636 piochdfq: System error - %s. 0782-637 piochdfq: Could not open /etc/qconfig 0782-638 Usage: piochdfq -q default_queue 0782-639 piochdfq: Print queue '%s' does not exist. 0782-640 piochdfq: Could not make queue '%s' the default. Add an Additional Printer to an Existing Print Queue 0782-641 piochdfq: Could not lock /etc/qconfig. 0782-642 %1$s: Error '%2$s' in changing access rights of the file %3$s Removed printer '%s'. Removed print queue '%s'. Removed printer '%1$s' from print queue '%2$s'. 0782-643 %1$s: cannot access file %2$s 0782-644 %1$s: only %2$d files allowed 0782-645 usage: %s -x periph [ -nN ] [file...] Connecting to control port on %s ...failed connected Connecting to %s ...Connecting to data port on %s ...Sending file (stdin) Sending file %s 0782-646 %s: connection closed by peripheral 0782-647 access to %s denied by access list 0782-648 %s: connection reset by peer 0782-649 %1$s: unknown host %2$s