bx  , A1L6|:T5` AH.text6| .data , ,:T8,@.bss B B5`.loader[r|!H8`8!p}N A$iscsisw_kdb_entry|!8bpH4QA(8bH4EA(8bH49A(8bH4-A(8bH4!A(8bH4A(8!p}N Adiscsisw_kdb_unregister|!9"@a%9p8888iH3A(99"@8888D8iH3A(99"@888 8L8iH3yA(99"@8l888T8i$H3UA(99"@8x888d8i\H31A(99"@88888<8i0H3 A(8!p}N Aiscsisw_kdb_register|``d`}&|, N|c!qA\(-`e8 @(NB8c,?,$lA@x`d8c`e,(-@|`, AH( `d@<8c( ,```LFBA8c,( KH2A(,#Acc8`8pH2 A(,@`ap,#A|;;@@808 H2A((0p8}8@xH2A(8}H2A(8}3 H1A(8}3(H1A(8}40H1A(8}4D@H1A(8}4xAH1A(8}4BH1A(8}4CH1A(8}5HH1A(8}H1yA(8}XH1iA(8}YH1YA(8} ZH1IA(8}h[H19A(8} \H1)A(8} $`H1A(8},dH1 A(8}hH0A(8}pH0A(8}PxH0A(8}#|H0A(8h8}+H0A(8}䀟H0A(8}/H0A(8}#H0A(8}H0yA(8}H0iA(8} DH0YA(8} dH0IA(8} H09A(8}4H0)A(8}H0A(8}t8H0 A(8}H/A(88}7PH/A(8}H/A(8} 4H/A(8} H/A(8} H/A(8}숟H/A(8}ĀH/A(8}XH/}A(8} \H/mA(8}88H/]A(8}H/QA(8} 8H/AA(8}HH/A(8}@H/A(8}#̀HH.A(8}4H.A(80 8 ,#ap@8`8!|} N 8} $H.A(8`8!|} N 8 80H.9A((0@p8}8H.IA(8}H.=A(8}3 H.-A(8}3(H.A(8}40H. A(8}4D@H-A(8}4xAH-A(8}4BH-A(8}4CH-A(8}5HH-A(8}H-A(8}XH-A(8}YH-A(8} ZH-A(8}h[H-qA(8} \H-aA(8} $`H-QA(8},dH-AA(8}hH-1A(8}pH-!A(8}PxH-A(8}#|H-A(8h8}+H,A(8}䀟H,A(8}/H,A(8}#H,A(8}H,A(8}H,A(8} DH,A(8} dH,A(8} H,qA(8}4H,aA(8}H,QA(88}tH,AA(8}H,5A(88}7PH,%A(8}H,A(8} 4H,A(8} H+A(8} H+A(8}숟H+A(8}ĀH+A(8}XH+A(8} \H+A(888}H+A(8}H+A(8} 8H+yA(8}HH+IA(8}@H+9A(8}#̀HH+)A(8}4H+A(8`8!|} N 8`8!|} N ;@8H*A(8hH*A(8`8!|} N ;@8H*yA(8LH*mA(8`8!|} N 8b@8c0H*5A(8`8!|} N C discsisw_kdb_iswspcmd|``d`}&|, N|c!qA\(-`e8 @(NB8c,?,$lA @ؘ`d8c`e,(-@|`, AH( `d@<8c( ,```LFBA8c,( KH(eA(,#A cc8`8pH(iA(,@ap,#A,;;@@|c8 H(aA(( p8}`@(H(qA(8}H(eA(8}2<H(UA(8}2pH(EA(8}2H(5A(8}6H(%A(8}2؈ H(A(8}3 !H(A(8}3@"H'A(8}3t#H'A(8}5(H'A(8}H'A(8}؈8H'A(8}$9H'A(8} D:H'A(8};H'A(8} Ĉ Expected Symbol or address. connInfo_t &ci = 0x%p { Expected Symbol or address. An incomplete read occurred Expected Symbol or address. uchar cmd_state = 0x%x; uint resid = 0x%x; char *data = 0x%p; Expected Symbol or address. uchar cmd_state = 0x%x; uint resid = 0x%x; char *data = 0x%p; An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. Usage: iswdinfo [-l|-t] addr Usage: iswdinfo [-l|-t] addr Usage: iswdinfo [-l|-t] addr Usage: iswdinfo [-l|-t] addr An incomplete read occurred. tid_t dev_event = 0x%x; uchar authid = 0x%x; ras_block_t rasb = 0x%p; An incomplete read occurred. An incomplete read occurred. uint status = 0x%x; uint dataSN = 0x%x; uchar flags = 0x%x; An incomplete read occurred. uint status = 0x%x; uint dataSN = 0x%x; uchar flags = 0x%x; uint retry_count = 0x%x; "iscsi_info" address...[0x%p] uint num_open_scsi = 0x%x uint num_cfgs = 0x%x ctl_elem_blk *tt_hash @%p uchar sfifo_state = 0x%x; uchar status = 0x%x; uchar sfifo_state = 0x%x; uchar status = 0x%x; ras_block_t rasb = 0x%p; int eras_status = 0x%x; Specify either -l or -t option recv_kproc.sem = 0x%lx send_kproc.sem = 0x%lx int data_bcount= 0x%x; char *text_area= 0x%p; sessionInfo_t &si = 0x%p { uchar link_retries = 0x%x; unsigned int resid = 0x%x; uchar link_retries = 0x%x; unsigned int resid = 0x%x; lock_t iscsi_lock = 0x%llx hkeyset_t hkeyset = 0x%lx; uchar waiting = 0x%x; ushort num_act_cmds = 0x%x; ushort timer_id = 0x%x; ushort timer_id = 0x%x; ushort timer_id = 0x%x; ushort timer_id = 0x%x; int map_failures = 0x%x; int copy_failures = 0x%x; ras_block_t rasb = 0x%p; ushort login_flags = 0x%x; ushort timer_id = 0x%x; long dog.count = 0x%lx; ushort timer_id = 0x%x; long dog.count = 0x%lx; ushort timer_id = 0x%x; long dog.count = 0x%lx; ushort timer_id = 0x%x; long dog.count = 0x%lx; ushort timer_id = 0x%x; recv_kproc.pid = 0x%llx char *recv_area = 0x%p; struct scsi_buf *bp = 0x%p; uchar response = 0x%x; struct scsi_buf *bp = 0x%p; uchar response = 0x%x; uchar pending_err = 0x%x uchar trace_enabled = 0x%x ushort qstate = 0x%x; struct wtimer &wdog = 0x%p { uint index = 0x%x; ushort state = 0x%x; struct wtimer &wdog = 0x%p { recv_kproc.flags = 0x%lx send_kproc.pid = 0x%llx send_kproc.flags = 0x%lx uchar *challenge = 0x%p; uchar state_flag = 0x%x; uchar text_flags = 0x%x; tid_t text_event = 0x%x; uint would_block = 0x%x; struct dev_info *dev = 0x%p; struct dev_info *dev = 0x%p; uchar iscsi_response = 0x%x; struct iscsi_dds &dds = 0x%p; uchar state = 0x%x; uchar opened = 0x%x; uchar open_intrpt = 0x%x; uchar used_nameserver = 0x%x; uint max_data_rate = 0x%x; uint get_elem_failed = 0x%x; uint num_devices = 0x%x; uchar inuse = 0x%x; uchar start_pending = 0x%x; uchar stop_pending = 0x%x; long dog.restart = 0x%lx; long dog.restart = 0x%lx; long dog.restart = 0x%lx; long dog.restart = 0x%lx; char *redirect_name = %s; unsigned int cmdSN= 0x%x; uchar pending_retries = 0x%x; uint data_offset = 0x%x; uchar iscsi_cntl = 0x%x; uchar pending_retries = 0x%x; uint data_offset = 0x%x; uchar iscsi_cntl = 0x%x; uchar iscsi_qualifier = 0x%x; dev_t devno = 0x%lx; uint64_t any_waiting = 0x%lx; tid_t open_event = 0x%lx; tid_t ioctl_event = 0x%lx; Unable to find vscsi_map_buffers_fp_t = 0x%p; vscsi_remote_copy_fp_t = 0x%p; uchar cancel_retry = 0x%x; uchar stop_pending = 0x%x; uchar dev_queuing = 0x%x; uchar prev_dev_queuing = 0x%x; uchar need_resume_set = 0x%x; uchar aca_error_state = 0x%x; int redirect_count = 0x%x; uchar status_class = 0x%x; struct ctl_elem_blk ctl_elem { struct scsi_info *scsi = 0x%p; uint data_xmitlen = 0x%x; uchar iscsi_q_tag = 0x%x; uint sense_length = 0x%x; struct ctl_elem_blk ctl_elem { struct scsi_info *scsi = 0x%p; uint data_xmitlen = 0x%x; uchar iscsi_q_tag = 0x%x; uint sense_length = 0x%x; lock_t scsi_lock = 0x%llx; struct socket *sock = 0x%p; uint text_inclusion = 0x%x; uint text_fsm_state = 0x%x; uint resource_issue = 0x%x; unsigned short tsid = 0x%x; uchar status_detail = 0x%x; unshort retry_count = 0x%x; "iscsisw_scsi_ptrs" address...[0x%p] vscsi_unmap_buffers_fp_t = 0x%p; struct wtimer &log_wdog = 0x%p { iscsisw_kproc &recv_kproc = 0x%p iscsisw_kproc &send_kproc = 0x%p cmd_elem_t *data_cmd = 0x%p; unsigned int tasktag = 0x%x; unsigned short flags = 0x%x; unsigned char logout = 0x%x; uchar *iscsi_header = 0x%p; uchar pending_flags = 0x%x; uchar *iscsi_header = 0x%p; uchar pending_flags = 0x%x; Simple_lock ioctl_lock = 0x%llx; Simple_lock spin_lock = 0x%llx; struct scsi_shared shared = 0x%p; struct dev_info dev[%03d] = 0x%p; struct cmd_elem *cmd_pool = 0x%p; struct wtimer &log_delay = 0x%p { struct wtimer &cdar_wdog = 0x%p { int redirect_name_len = 0x%x; unsigned int sock_err = 0x%x; unsigned char exp_rcv = 0x%x; uchar challenge_length= 0x%x; struct xmem &text_xmem = 0x%p uint text_area_length = 0x%x; uint text_resp_length = 0x%x; unsigned int expCmdSN = 0x%x; unsigned int maxCmdSN = 0x%x; unsigned int tasktag = 0x%x; uchar iscsi_cmd_type = 0x%x; uchar pending_status = 0x%x; uint response_length = 0x%x; unsigned int tasktag = 0x%x; uchar iscsi_cmd_type = 0x%x; uchar pending_status = 0x%x; uint response_length = 0x%x; Enter the iscsi_info address (in hex): struct dev_info *next = 0x%p; struct dev_info *prev = 0x%p; struct target_info *target = 0x%p; struct dev_info *tnext = 0x%p; struct dev_info *tprev = 0x%p; struct scsi_info *scsi = 0x%p; struct scsi_buf *head_act = 0x%p; struct scsi_buf *tail_act = 0x%p; struct scsi_buf *head_pend = 0x%p; struct scsi_buf *tail_pend = 0x%p; Simple_lock tgt_lock = 0x%llx; Simple_lock sleep_lock = 0x%llx; uchar login_stage_last = 0x%x; uchar *challenge_value = 0x%p; unsigned int spin_wait = 0x%x; unsigned int expStatSN = 0x%x; struct target_info *target = 0x%p; uint scsi_data_length = 0x%x; struct target_info *target = 0x%p; uint scsi_data_length = 0x%x; unsigned int buffer_length = 0x%x; struct mbuf *mbuf_free_pool = 0x%p; int mbuf_count = 0x%x; int mbuf_fail = 0x%x; struct wtimer &starve_wdog = 0x%p { struct wtimer &cancel_wdog = 0x%p { struct scsi_info *scsi = 0x%p; struct dev_info *dev = 0x%p; tid_t target_event = 0x%x; struct trb *stimer = 0x%p; uchar stimer_started = 0x%x; uchar stimer_needstart = 0x%x; struct trb *rtimer = 0x%p; uchar rtimer_started = 0x%x; usigned int rtimer_state = 0x%x; usigned int rtimer_counter = 0x%x; struct trb *rkp_timer = 0x%p; uchar rkp_timer_state = 0x%x; uchar connect_failed = 0x%x; struct wtimer &cancel_wdog = 0x%p { unsigned char target_name = %s; unsigned int target_pgt = 0x%x; unsigned int datadigest = 0x%x; unsigned int loginError = 0x%x; unsigned char Time2Wait = 0x%x; unsigned long long scsi_id = 0x%llx; unsigned long long lun_id = 0x%llx; ushort num_act_cmds_complete = 0x%x; struct wtimer &lun_cdar_wdog = 0x%p{ uchar login_stage_target = 0x%x; struct iscsi_rsp *cur_rsp = 0x%p unsigned char target_alias = %s; unsigned char initialr2t = 0x%x; unsigned char logoutResp = 0x%x; struct mbuf *mclust_free_pool = 0x%p; int mclust_count = 0x%x; int mclust_fail = 0x%x; iscsisw_offl &start_offl = 0x%p; ras_block_t rasb = 0x%p; struct *mbuf unknown_keys = 0x%p; unsigned int headerdigest = 0x%x; unsigned char Time2Retain = 0x%x; unsigned char async_event = 0x%x; unsigned char async_vcode = 0x%x; struct iscsi_pdu cmd_payload = 0x%p { struct iscsi_pdu cmd_payload = 0x%p { struct cmd_elem *cmd_free_pool = 0x%p; struct scsi_buf *head_adp_pend = 0x%p; struct scsi_buf *tail_adp_pend = 0x%p; unsigned short port_num = 0x%x; unsigned char next_rcv_len = 0x%x; struct iscsi_rsp *rsp_queue = 0x%p uint64_t scsi_info_flags = 0x%llx; struct spc_cmd_elem &abort_elem = 0x%p; unsigned int maxconnections = 0x%x; unsigned int maxburstlength = 0x%x; unsigned char immediatedata = 0x%x; struct cmd_elem *sfifo_head = 0x%p; struct cmd_elem *sfifo_tail = 0x%p; struct target_info *target[%02d] = 0x%p; struct iscsi_secret *secret_list = 0x%p; char temp_chap[ISCSI_ATTRVALSIZE] = %s; iscsi_ip_addr addr.addr_type = 0x%x; iscsi_ip_addr addr.addr[0] = 0x%llx; iscsi_ip_addr addr.addr[1] = 0x%llx; unsigned char isid = 0x%x%x%x%x%x%x; unsigned char datapduinorder = 0x%x; unsigned int target_tasktag = 0x%x; unsigned int target_tasktag = 0x%x; Enter the iscsisw_scsi_ptrs address (in hex): struct spc_cmd_elem &ilog_cmd_elem = 0x%p unsigned int firstburstlength = 0x%x; unsigned int defaulttime2wait = 0x%x; struct ctl_elem_blk *tt_hash[%03d] = 0x%p; unsigned short redirect_status = 0x%x; unsigned int maxoutstandingr2t = 0x%x; struct dev_info *dev_fairness_ptr = 0x%p; struct spc_cmd_elem &lun_reset_elem = 0x%p; struct spc_cmd_elem &clear_aca_elem = 0x%p; unsigned int errorrecoverylevel = 0x%x; unsigned int defaulttime2retain = 0x%x; struct ctl_elem_blk *next = 0x%p; struct ctl_elem_blk *prev = 0x%p; struct ctl_elem_blk *sfifo_next = 0x%p; uchar ctl_type = 0x%x; uchar flags = 0x%x; uchar status = 0x%x; uchar state = 0x%x; struct ctl_elem_blk *next = 0x%p; struct ctl_elem_blk *prev = 0x%p; struct ctl_elem_blk *sfifo_next = 0x%p; uchar ctl_type = 0x%x; uchar flags = 0x%x; uchar status = 0x%x; uchar state = 0x%x; unsigned long long scsi_id = 0x%llx; char temp_chap_name[ISCSI_ATTRVALSIZE] = %s; unsigned short redirect_port_num = 0x%x; long long lun_id = 0x%llx; long long lun_id = 0x%llx; unsigned long long async_correlator = 0x%llx; struct spc_cmd_elem &target_reset_elem = 0x%p unsigned char datasequenceinorder = 0x%x; unsigned long long num_started_luns = 0x%llx; struct ctl_elem_blk *tt_hash_next = 0x%p; struct iscsi_response_iu resp_payload = 0x%p { struct iscsi_response_iu resp_payload = 0x%p { iscsi_ip_addr redirect_addr.addr_type = 0x%x; iscsi_ip_addr redirect_addr.addr[0] = 0x%llx; iscsi_ip_addr addr.redirect_addr[1] = 0x%llx; unsigned int maxrecvdatasegmentlength = 0x%x; NAME ADDRESS STATE OPENED SCSI_LOCK SPIN_LOCK @(#)15 src/bos/kernext/iscsi/iscsi_kdb.c, sysxiscsi_sw, bos72X, x2021_19A0 5/5/21 08:45:36 A, A* A$ A A A A A` Ax A A A A 0 B 2X8X$@ 2@ B@ P@ \@ i@ v@ @ @ @@  AH! AH? AP? A`? Ah? Ax? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? A? B? B? B? B? B ? B(? B0? B8? B@? BH? BP? BX? B`? Bh? Bp? Bx? /usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr_64.o @VPDiscsisw64.kdb/5765E6200/520 db_registerdb_unregister db_read_mem db_printf db_expr_ad db_get_hexdb_usage_lookupdb_str_lookupdb_symboladdr ___strcmp64strleniscsisw_kdb_entry