## @(#)37 1.6 src/cmdtext/usr/bin/ibm3812/font/R, cmdtext, cmdtext720 8/15/91 12:03:24 # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # cmdtext720 src/cmdtext/usr/bin/ibm3812/font/R 1.6 # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1989,1991 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # # COMPONENT_NAME: (CMDTEXT) Text Formatting Services # # FUNCTIONS: # # ORIGINS: 10,27 # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1989, 1991 # All Rights Reserved # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # Sonoran-serif Regular name R spacewidth 11 charset \| 6 0 000 1/6 em space \^ 3 0 000 1/12 em space \& 00 0 000 no space 11 0 0 ! 9 2 041 exclamation point " 13 2 042 double quote # 20 2 043 number sign $ 17 2 044 dollar sign % 35 2 045 percent sign & 27 2 046 ampersand ' 9 2 047 acute quote ( 12 2 050 left paren ) 12 2 051 right paren * 17 2 052 asterisk + 35 0 053 plus sign pl " , 9 0 054 comma - 12 0 055 hyphen hy " " em 32 0 "\001\055\xe2\xff\xfc\001\055\xe2\xff\xfc\001\055\xe2\xff\xfc\001\055\xe2\xff\xfc" . 9 0 056 period / 12 2 057 slash sl " 0 17 2 060 zero 1 17 2 061 one 2 17 2 062 two 3 17 2 063 three 4 17 2 064 four 5 17 2 065 five 6 17 2 066 six 7 17 2 067 seven 8 17 2 070 eight 9 17 2 071 nine : 9 0 072 colon ; 9 0 073 semicolon < 35 0 074 less than sign = 35 0 075 equal sign eq " > 35 0 076 greater than sign ? 13 2 077 question mark @ 35 2 0100 at A 26 2 0101 A *A " B 24 2 0102 B *B " C 25 2 0103 C D 28 2 0104 D E 23 2 0105 E *E " F 23 2 0106 F G 28 2 0107 G H 28 2 0110 H *Y " I 13 2 0111 I *I " J 15 2 0112 J K 28 2 0113 K *K " L 23 2 0114 L M 34 2 0115 M *M " N 28 2 0116 N *N " O 27 2 0117 O *O " P 22 2 0120 P *R " Q 27 2 0121 Q R 27 2 0122 R S 19 2 0123 S T 24 2 0124 T *T " U 28 2 0125 U V 25 2 0126 V W 34 2 0127 W X 27 2 0130 X *X " Y 26 2 0131 Y Z 23 2 0132 Z *Z " [ 9 2 0133 left bracket \ 12 2 0134 backslash \e " ] 9 2 0135 right bracket _ 17 1 0137 underscore \_ " ` 17 2 0140 grave quote a 16 0 0141 a b 19 2 0142 b c 15 0 0143 c d 18 2 0144 d e 15 0 0145 e f 10 2 0146 f g 16 1 0147 g h 19 2 0150 h i 9 2 0151 i j 10 3 0152 j k 18 2 0153 k l 9 2 0154 l m 29 0 0155 m n 19 0 0156 n o 19 0 0157 o p 19 1 0160 p q 19 1 0161 q r 12 0 0162 r s 13 0 0163 s t 11 0 0164 t u 19 0 0165 u v 17 0 0166 v w 25 0 0167 w x 17 0 0170 x y 17 1 0171 y z 15 0 0172 z { 15 2 0173 left brace | 9 2 0174 or bar " } 15 2 0175 right brace 25 3 0200 C cedilla 19 2 0201 u umlaut 15 2 0202 e acute 16 2 0203 a circumflex 16 2 0204 a umlaut 16 2 0205 a grave 16 2 0206 a overcircle 15 1 0207 c cedilla 15 2 0210 e circumflex 15 2 0211 e umlaut 15 2 0212 e grave 9 2 0213 i umlaut 9 2 0214 i circumflex 9 2 0215 i grave 26 2 0216 A umlaut 26 2 0217 A overcircle 23 2 0220 E acute 22 0 0221 ae diphthong 35 2 0222 AE diphthong 19 2 0223 o circumflex 19 2 0224 o umlaut 19 2 0225 o grave 19 2 0226 u circumflex 19 2 0227 u grave 17 3 0230 y umlaut 27 2 0231 O umlaut 28 2 0232 U umlaut 17 2 0234 english pound sign 17 3 0237 florin 16 2 0240 a acute 9 2 0241 i acute 19 2 0242 o acute 19 2 0243 u acute 19 2 0244 n tilde 28 2 0245 N tilde 13 3 0250 inverted question mark 35 0 0252 logical not 35 2 0253 one half 12 " 35 2 0254 one quarter 14 " 9 3 0255 inverted exclamation mark 17 0 0256 left angle quotes 17 0 0257 right angle quotes 15 2 0233 cent sign ct " 26 2 0235 yen sign 19 3 0341 eszette 35 2 0361 plus or minus sign 35 0 0366 division sign 13 2 0370 degree symbol, overcircle accent de " 6 0 0372 middle dot, product dot 15 2 0375 superscript 2 17 2 0376 vertical solid rectangle