'\" @(#)76 1.3 src/cmdtext/usr/lib/dwb/samples/troff.fonts, cmdtext, cmdtext720 4/15/91 13:27:50 '\" '\" COMPONENT_NAME: (CMDTEXT) Text Formatting Services '\" '\" FUNCTIONS: '\" '\" ORIGINS: 54 '\" .rs .sp 4 .ps 14 .vs 16 .ls 2 .P However sophisticated your printer is, \fItroff\fR can probably handle your font control. By placing .ft on a line by itself before the line of text you want to change or \ef before the word or words you want to change, you can modify your typography. .ft I This is a line of italic made with .ft I (italic). .br .ft B If you prefer a heavier emphasis, use bold roman type made with .ft B (bold). .br .ft H For the clean appearance of a sans serif type, use .ft H (Helvetica). .br .ft R Roman is the most popular, of course. .P The \ef allows for a finer level of control: The individual \fIitalic\fR, \fBbold\fR, or \fHHelvetica\fR word can be done in-line. .P All printers were not created equal, so consult your systems manager to find what is available. .ps 10 .vs 12 .ls 1