'\" @(#)75 1.3 src/cmdtext/usr/lib/dwb/samples/troff.aeneid, cmdtext, cmdtext720 4/15/91 13:27:42 '\" '\" COMPONENT_NAME: (CMDTEXT) Text Formatting Services '\" '\" FUNCTIONS: '\" '\" ORIGINS: 54 '\" .in +1.2i .sp 3 .ps 36 .ce 1 }\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\ \h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\ \h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\ \h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\ \h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\ \h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{}\h'-0.5m'{ .sp 2 .ce 3 .I "\s24THE ARGUMENTES OF" .sp 1 .I "\s22the thirteene bookes of Aeneidos," .sp 1 .sp 2 .B "\s11expressed in verse." .sp 3 .ls 2 .nf .br .ps 6 .nm 1 5 .ps 10 .br .B 1. AENEAS, \f2in the \(first, to \f3Lyby \f2land arriueth well.\f3 2. \f2The fall of \f3Troy, \f2and wofull dole, \ y\v'-0.5'\h'-0.35m'\s6e\s0\h'0.35m'\v'0.5' second booke doth tell.\f3 3. \f2The thyrd of wandringes speakes, and father dead, and laid full low.\f3 4. \f2In fourth Queene \f3Dido \f2burnes, & \(flames of raginge loue doth show.\f3 5. \f2The fift declareth plaies, and how the \(fleete with fier was cought.\f3 6. \f2The sixt doth speake of ghosts, and howe deepe \f3Plutoes \f2reygne was sought.\f3 7. \f2The seuenth booke, \f3Aeneas\f2 bringes vnto his fatall land.\f3 8. \f2The eight prepareth war, and power how foes for to withstand.\f3 9. \f2The ninth of battels telles, and yet the captaine is away.\f3 10. Aeneas \f2greeuous wrath \f3Mezentius, \f2in the tenth doth slay.\f3 11. \f2The eleuenth in vnequall \(fight \f3Camilla \f2castes to ground.\f3 12. \f2The twelfth with heauenly weapons giues to \f3Turnus \f2mortall wound.\f3 13. \f2The thirteenth weds A\h'-0.35'Eneas wife, and brings him to eternall life. .nm .ft 1 .ls 1