5.1 AWT.0 2 9 1 N Tr_Hashtable_Hashtable_Entry " >Hashtable_Hashtable: %s: %d maximum entries" AWT.1 4 9 1 N Tr_Hashtable_Hashtable_Exit1 " Hashtable_NotHashtable: %s: %d entries, %d maximum entries" AWT.3 4 9 1 N Tr_Hashtable_NotHashtable_Exit1 " Win32OSSD_initSurface: depth %lld width %lld height %lld jscreen %lld" AWT.5 4 5 1 N Tr_Win32BackBufferSurfaceData_initSurface_Exit1 " Win32OSSD_restoreSurface: sData: %p parentData: %p" AWT.8 4 5 1 N Tr_Win32BackBufferSurfaceData_restoreSurface_Exit1 " MultimonBlt: srcx, srcy, dy, dy, w, h = %d, %d, %d, %d" AWT.11 4 5 1 N Tr_MultimonBlt_Exit1 " Win32BlitLoops_Blit: Native srcx %lld srcy %lld dstx %lld dsty %lld" AWT.14 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32BlitLoops_Blit_Exit1 " Win32BlitLoops_Scale: srcx %lld, srcy %lld , dstx %lld , dsty %lld" AWT.16 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32BlitLoops_Scale_Exit1 " Win32DDRenderer_doDrawLineDD: x1 %lld ,y1 %lld ,x2 %lld ,y2 %lld" AWT.19 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32DDRenderer_doDrawLineDD_Exit1 " Win32DDRenderer_doFillRectDD: left %lld,top %lld ,right %lld,bottom %lld" AWT.21 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32DDRenderer_doFillRectDD_Exit1 " Win32DDRenderer_doDrawRectDD: x %lld, y %lld, w %lld, h %lld" AWT.23 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32DDRenderer_doDrawRectDD_Exit1 " Java_sun_awt_windows_Win32OffScreenSurfaceData_initIDs" AWT.28 4 5 1 N Tr_Win32OffScreenSurfaceData_initIDs_Exit1 " Win32OSSD_RestoreSurface: throwing exception" AWT.32 4 5 1 N Tr_Win32OSSD_RestoreSurface_Exit1 " Win32OSSD_initSurface" AWT.34 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32OffScreenSurfaceData_initSurface_Exit1 " Win32OSSD_RestoreSurface: Restoring offscreen" AWT.37 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32OffScreenSurfaceData_restoreSurface_Exit1 " Win32OSSD_LockByDD" AWT.41 4 5 1 N Tr_Win32OSSD_LockByDD_Exit1 " Win32OSSD_Lock, lockflags = 0x%x" AWT.44 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32OSSD_Lock_Exit1 " Win32OSSD_GetRasInfo" AWT.49 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32OSSD_GetRasInfo_Exit1 " Win32OSSD_Unlock" AWT.53 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32OSSD_Unlock_Exit1 " Win32OSSD_GetDC, color = 0x%x" AWT.56 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32OSSD_GetDC_Exit1 " Win32OSSD_ReleaseDC" AWT.60 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32OSSD_ReleaseDC_Exit1 " Win32OSSD_InvalidateSD" AWT.62 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32OSSD_InvalidateSD_Exit1 " Win32OffScreenSurfaceData_nativeInvalidate" AWT.64 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32OffScreenSurfaceData_nativeInvalidate_Exit1 " Win32OffScreenSurfaceData_nativeDispose" AWT.66 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32OffScreenSurfaceData_nativeDispose_Exit1 " Win32OffScreenSurfaceData_flush" AWT.68 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32OffScreenSurfaceData_flush_Exit1 " Win32SD::GetCursorRect" AWT.71 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32SD_GetCursorRect_Exit1 " Win32SurfaceData_CheckCursorArea" AWT.73 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32SD_CheckCursorArea_Exit1 " Win32SurfaceData_CheckMonitorArea" AWT.77 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32SD_CheckMonitorArea_Exit1 " Win32SurfaceData_initIDs" AWT.79 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32SurfaceData_initIDs_Exit1 " Win32SD_RestoreSurface: restoring primary" AWT.83 0 5 1 N Tr_Win32SD_RestoreSurface_Event1 " Win32SD_RestoreSurface: RestoreSurface failure" AWT.84 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32SD_RestoreSurface_Exit1 " Win32SurfaceData_initOps" AWT.86 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32SurfaceData_initOps_Exit1 " Win32SurfaceData_GetWindow" AWT.90 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32SurfaceData_GetWindow_Exit1 " Win32SD_LockByDD" AWT.100 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32SD_TryLockByDD_Exit1 " Win32SD_Lock" AWT.105 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32SD_Lock_Exit1 " Win32SD_GetRasInfo" AWT.112 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32SD_GetRasInfo_Exit1 " Win32SD_Unlock" AWT.115 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32SD_Unlock_Exit1 " Win32SD_GetDC" AWT.120 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32SD_GetDC_Exit1 " Win32SD_InitDC" AWT.123 4 9 1 N Tr_Win32SD_InitDC_Exit1 " AwtComponent_CreateHWnd: Create component title: %s peer: %p" AWT.131 4 9 1 N Tr_AwtComponent_CreateHWnd_Exit1 " AwtComponent_DestroyHWnd: get toplevel for %p" AWT.135 4 9 1 N Tr_AwtComponent_GetTopLevelParentForWindow_Exit1 " AwtComponent_SetFont: hFont %p ,hFontInput %p" AWT.138 4 9 1 N Tr_AwtComponent_SetFont_Exit1 " AwtComponent_SetInputMethod: Setting Input method old was %p" AWT.144 4 9 1 N Tr_AwtComponent_SetInputMethod_Exit1 " 0x%08X" AWT.191 0 9 1 N Tr_AwtComponent_WindowProc_Event47 " WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE : hwnd = 0x%X (%s) new -> 0x%08X" AWT.192 0 9 1 N Tr_AwtComponent_WindowProc_Event48 " Awt ForwdChar Hwnd is %p Msg is %i wparam is %lld lparam is %lld" AWT.193 0 9 1 N Tr_AwtComponent_WindowProc_Event49 " Awt ForwdByte. Hwnd is %p Msg is %i wparam is %lld lparam is %lld" AWT.194 0 9 1 N Tr_AwtComponent_WindowProc_Event50 " Paste. Hwnd is %p Msg is %i wparam is %lld lparam is %lld" AWT.195 0 9 1 N Tr_AwtComponent_WindowProc_Event51 " WM command. Hwnd is %p Msg is %i wparam is %lld lparam is %lld" AWT.196 0 9 1 N Tr_AwtComponent_WindowProc_Event52 " AWT handleEvt. Hwnd is %p Msg is %i wparam is %lld lparam is %lld" AWT.197 0 9 1 N Tr_AwtComponent_WindowProc_Event53 " AWT Show Hwnd is %p Msg is %i wparam is %lld lparam is %lld" AWT.198 0 9 1 N Tr_AwtComponent_WindowProc_Event54 " AWT Hide Hwnd is %p Msg is %i wparam is %lld lparam is %lld" AWT.199 0 9 1 N Tr_AwtComponent_WindowProc_Event55 " AWT SetFocus Hwnd is %p Msg is %i wparam is %lld lparam is %lld" AWT.200 0 9 1 N Tr_AwtComponent_GetJavaModifiers_Event1 " GetJavaModifiers: returns %lld" AWT.201 2 9 1 N Tr_AwtComponent_WmKeyDown_Entry " >WmKeyDown: wkey %lld repCnt %d ,flags %d ,system %d" AWT.202 4 9 1 N Tr_AwtComponent_WmKeyDown_Exit1 " WmKeyUp: wkey %lld repCnt %d ,flags %d ,system %d" AWT.205 4 9 1 N Tr_AwtComponent_WmKeyUp_Exit1 " AwtComponent_IsNumPadKey: vkey = %d = 0x%x extended = %d" AWT.209 0 9 1 N Tr_AwtDesktopProperties_SetFontProperty_Event1 " AwtDesktopProperties_SetFontProperty: weight=%d" AWT.210 0 9 1 N Tr_JAWTDrawingSurfaceInfo_Event1 " JAWTDrawingSurfaceInfo: NULL target" AWT.211 0 9 1 N Tr_JAWTDrawingSurfaceInfo_Event2 " JAWTDrawingSurfaceInfo: Bad HWND" AWT.212 0 9 1 N Tr_JAWTDrawingSurface_GetDSI_Event1 " JAWTDrawingSurface_GetDSI: Drawing Surface is NULL" AWT.213 0 9 1 N Tr_JAWTDrawingSurface_LockSurface_Event1 " JAWTDrawingSurface_LockSurface: Drawing Surface is NULL" AWT.214 0 9 1 N Tr_JAWTDrawingSurface_UnlockSurface_Event1 " JAWTDrawingSurface_UnlockSurface: Drawing Surface is NULL" AWT.215 0 9 1 N Tr_DSGetDrawingSurface_Event1 " GetDrawingSurface: target must be a java.awt.Component" AWT.216 0 9 1 N Tr_DSFreeDrawingSurface_Event1 " GetDrawingSurface: Drawing Surface is NULL" AWT.217 0 9 1 N Tr_AwtFrame_Show_Event1 " AwtFrame_Show(SW_SHOWMINIMIZED, WPF_RESTORETOMAXIMIZED" AWT.218 0 9 1 N Tr_AwtFrame_Show_Event2 " AwtFrame_Show(SW_SHOWMINIMIZED)" AWT.219 0 9 1 N Tr_AwtFrame_Show_Event3 " AwtFrame_Show(SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED)" AWT.220 0 9 1 N Tr_AwtFrame_Show_Event4 " AwtFrame_Show(SW_SHOWNA)" AWT.221 0 9 1 N Tr_AwtFrame_Show_Event5 " AwtFrame_Show(SW_RESTORE)" AWT.222 2 9 1 N Tr_AwtScrollPane_SetScrollInfo_Entry " >AwtScrollPane_SetScrollInfo %d, %d, %d, %d" AWT.223 4 9 1 N Tr_AwtScrollPane_SetScrollInfo_Exit1 " WScrollPanePeer.create: %x: WScrollPanePeer.create(%x)" AWT.225 4 9 1 N Tr_WScrollPanePeer_create_Exit1 " DDInit" AWT.246 4 9 1 N Tr_DDInit_Exit1 " DDRelease" AWT.250 4 9 1 N Tr_DDRelease_Exit1 " DDCreateDDObject" AWT.255 4 9 1 N Tr_DDCreateDDObject_Exit1 " DDSync" AWT.257 4 9 1 N Tr_DDSync_Exit1 " DDLock, lpSurf = 0x%x" AWT.260 0 9 1 N Tr_DDLock_Event2 " DDLock: surface lost" AWT.261 0 9 1 N Tr_DDLock_Event1 " DDLock: surface busy..." AWT.262 4 9 1 N Tr_DDLock_Exit1 " ddInstance invalid" AWT.263 4 9 1 N Tr_DDLock_Exit2 " DDUnlock: lpSurf = 0x%x" AWT.268 4 9 1 N Tr_DDUnlock_Exit1 " DDColorFill: color, l, t, r, b = 0x%x, %d, %d, %d, %d" AWT.273 4 9 1 N Tr_DDColorFill_Exit1 " DDBlt: src rect: %d, %d, %d, %d, dst rect: %d, %d, %d, %d " AWT.279 4 9 1 N Tr_DDBlt_Exit1 " ddInstance invalid" AWT.290 0 5 1 N Tr_DDRestoreSurface_Event3 " DDRestoreSurface: Surface memory lost, trying to restore" AWT.291 0 5 1 N Tr_DDRestoreSurface_Event4 " DDRestoreSurface: failure: DDERR_WRONGMODE" AWT.292 0 9 1 N Tr_DDRestoreSurface_Event5 " DDRestoreSurface: surface memory ok" AWT.293 0 9 1 N Tr_DDCreateSurface_Event1 " DDCreateSurface" AWT.294 0 5 1 N Tr_DDCreateSurface_Event2 " DDCreateSurface: Failure in DDCreateSurface" AWT.295 0 9 1 N Tr_DDCreateSurface_Event3 " DDCreateSurface: succeeded, ddInst, surf = 0x%x, 0x%x" AWT.296 0 9 1 N Tr_DDCreateOffScreenSurface_Event1 " DDCreateOffScreenSurface" AWT.297 0 9 1 N Tr_DDGetAttachedSurface_Event1 " DDGetAttachedSurface" AWT.298 0 9 1 N Tr_DDGetAttachedSurface_Event2 " DDGetAttachedSurface succeeded, surf = 0x%x" AWT.299 0 9 1 N Tr_DDDestroySurface_Event1 " DDDestroySurface, wsdo->lpSurface = 0x%x" AWT.300 0 9 1 N Tr_DDDestroySurface_Event2 " DDDestroySurface: destroy offscreen surface" AWT.301 0 9 1 N Tr_DDDestroySurface_Event3 " DDDestroySurface: ddInstance->refCount = %d" AWT.302 0 9 1 N Tr_DDReleaseSurfaceMemory_Event1 " DDReleaseSurfaceMemory, lpSurface = 0x%x" AWT.303 0 5 1 N Tr_DebugPrintDirectDrawError_Event1 " DebugPrintDirectDrawError: %s_ %s" AWT.304 2 5 1 N Tr_DDCriticalSection_Entry " >Enter DDCriticalSection for surface 0x%x count %d" AWT.305 4 5 1 N Tr_DDCriticalSection_Exit1 " XsessionWMcommand_Entry this=%p, frame=%p, jcommand=%p" AWT.311 5 1 1 N Tr_XsessionWMcommand_Exit1 "*getTextWidget_Entry" AWT.315 4 9 1 N Tr_getTextWidget_Exit1 " getIMStatusHeight_Entry" AWT.319 0 5 1 N Tr_getIMStatusHeight_Event1 " getIMStatusHeight_Event1 - im_height=%d" AWT.320 4 9 1 N Tr_getIMStatusHeight_Exit1 " XICStatusAreaList_Entry" AWT.323 4 9 1 N Tr_getXICStatusAreaList_Exit1 " CheckDragInitiator_Entry" AWT.327 4 9 1 N Tr_CheckDragInitiator_Exit1 " enableSingleCheckDragInitiator_Entry" AWT.329 4 9 1 N Tr_enableSingleCheckDragInitiator_Exit1 " Java_java_awt_Component_initIDs_Entry() cls=%p" AWT.331 4 9 1 N Tr_Java_java_awt_Component_initIDs_Exit " Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_initIDs_Entry() cls=%p" AWT.333 4 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_initIDs_Exit " Java_java_awt_Container_initIDs_Entry() cls=%p" AWT.335 4 9 1 N Tr_Java_java_awt_Container_initIDs_Exit " changeFont_Entry() w=%d, info=%p" AWT.337 5 9 1 N Tr_changeFont_Exit1 "*getGraphicsConfigFromComponentPeer_Entry() this=%p" AWT.343 4 9 1 N Tr_getGraphicsConfigFromComponentPeer_Exit " copyGraphicsConfigToPeer_Entry() this=%p" AWT.345 4 9 1 N Tr_copyGraphicsConfigToPeer_Exit " Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_getNativeColor_Entry() this=%p , color=%p , gc_object=%p " AWT.347 4 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_getNativeColor_Exit " Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pInitialize_Entry() this=%p" AWT.349 5 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pInitialize_Exit1 "*Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pShow_Entry() this=%p" AWT.352 5 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pShow_Exit1 "*Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pHide_Entry() this=%p" AWT.355 5 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pHide_Exit1 "*Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pEnable_Entry() this=%p" AWT.358 5 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pEnable_Exit1 "*Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pDisable_Entry() this=%p" AWT.361 5 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pDisable_Exit1 "*Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pReshape_Entry() this=%p, x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d" AWT.364 5 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pReshape_Exit1 "*Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pDispose_Entry() this=%p" AWT.367 5 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pDispose_Exit1 "*Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pMakeCursorVisible_Entry() this=%p" AWT.370 5 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pMakeCursorVisible_Exit1 "*Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pGetLocationOnScreen_Entry() this=%p" AWT.373 5 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pGetLocationOnScreen_Exit1 "*Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_getParent_1NoClientCode_Entry() thisClass=%p, component=%p" AWT.378 4 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_getParent_1NoClientCode_Exit " Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_getComponents_1NoClientCode_Entry() thisClass=%p, container=%p" AWT.380 4 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_getComponents_1NoClientCode_Exit " Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pSetForeground_Entry() this=%p, c=%p" AWT.382 5 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pSetForeground_Exit1 "*Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pSetBackground_Entry() this=%p, c=%p" AWT.386 5 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pSetBackground_Exit1 "*Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pSetScrollbarBackground_Entry() this=%p, c=%p" AWT.390 5 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pSetScrollbarBackground_Exit1 "*Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pSetInnerForeground_Entry() this=%p, c=%p" AWT.395 5 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pSetInnerForeground_Exit1 "*Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pSetFont_Entry() this=%p, f=%p" AWT.399 5 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pSetFont_Exit1 "*Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_setTargetBackground_Entry() this=%p, c=%p" AWT.404 5 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_setTargetBackground_Exit1 "*Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pSetCursor_Entry() this=%p, c=%p" AWT.407 5 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pSetCursor_Exit1 "*Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_pSetScrollbarBackground_Entry() this=%p, c=%p" AWT.410 5 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_nativeHandleEvent_Exit1 "*processTree_Entry() from=%d, to=%d, action=%d" AWT.416 4 9 1 N Tr_processTree_Exit " Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer__1requestFocus_Entry() this=%p, lightweightChild=%p, temporary=%d, focusedWindowChangeAllowed=%d, time=%p" AWT.418 5 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer__1requestFocus_Exit1 "*awt_computeIndicatorSize_Entry() fdata=%p" AWT.425 5 9 1 N Tr_awt_computeIndicatorSize_Exit1 "*Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_getWindow_Entry() this=%p, pdata=%p" AWT.430 4 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_getWindow_Exit " Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_createBackBuffer_Entry() this=%p, window=%p, swapAction%d" AWT.432 5 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_createBackBuffer_Exit1 "*Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_destroyBackBuffer_Entry() this=%p, backBuffer=%p" AWT.435 4 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_destroyBackBuffer_Exit " Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_swapBuffers_Entry() this=%p, window=%p, swapAction=%d" AWT.437 4 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_swapBuffers_Exit " Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_restoreFocus_Entry() this=%p" AWT.439 4 9 1 N Tr_Java_sun_awt_motif_MComponentPeer_restoreFocus_Exit " Button Creation self:%d parent: %p" AWT.446 4 9 1 N Tr_AwtButton_Create_1_64_Exit1 "