5.1 j9bcu.0 0 1 3 N Trc_BCU_VMInitStages_Event1 " Trace engine initialized for module j9dyn" j9bcu.1 2 1 3 N Trc_BCU_internalDefineClass_Entry " >BCU internalDefineClass: classnamePtr=%p, classname=%.*s" j9bcu.2 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_internalDefineClass_Exit " BCU j9bcutil_createROMClassEndian: searchFilename=%s (note - this value does not always get set)" j9bcu.4 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_createRomClassEndian_Exit " BCU j9bcutil_readClassFileBytes: entering" j9bcu.6 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_j9bcutil_readClassFileBytes_Exit " BCU inlineJsrs: %.*s %.*s %.*s" j9bcu.10 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_inlineJsrs_Exit " BCU internalLoadROMClass: loadData=%p classDataLength=%u" j9bcu.12 0 1 3 N Trc_BCU_internalLoadROMClass_AttemptExisting " BCU internalLoadROMClass: attempt to use an existing segment %p (%u (available) >= %u (estimate))" j9bcu.13 0 1 3 N Trc_BCU_internalLoadROMClass_AttemptNew " BCU internalLoadROMClass: attempt to allocate a new segment (%u bytes)" j9bcu.14 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_internalLoadROMClass_Exit " BCU checkForExistingClass: classnamePtr=%p, classLoader=%p" j9bcu.16 1 1 3 N Trc_BCU_checkForExistingClass_Exists "* BCU checkForExistingClass: !! FOUND EXISTING CLASS !!" j9bcu.17 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_checkForExistingClass_Exit " BCU createROMClassFromClassFile: entering with loadData=%p" j9bcu.19 0 1 3 N Trc_BCU_createROMClassFromClassFile_postLoadNoErr " BCU createROMClassFromClassFile: load succeeded for %.*s, classloader=%p, romclass=%p, segment=%p" j9bcu.20 1 1 3 N Trc_BCU_createROMClassFromClassFile_nameMismatch "* BCU createROMClassFromClassFile: !! NAME MISMATCH !! className=%.*s, romName=%.*s" j9bcu.21 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_createROMClassFromClassFile_Exit " BCU throwNoClassDefFoundError: throwing NoClassDefFoundError" j9bcu.27 0 1 3 N Trc_BCU_throwNoClassDefFoundError_ErrorBuf " BCU throwNoClassDefFoundError: created error buffer=%s" j9bcu.28 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_throwNoClassDefFoundError_Exit " BCU j9bcutil_allocTranslationBuffers: entering with maxInternTreeSize=%d" j9bcu.49 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_allocTranslationBuffers_Exit " BCU j9bcutil_calculateRamClassSize: entering with isUsingJit=%d, is64Bit=%d, isInterface=%d" j9bcu.51 0 1 3 N Trc_BCU_calculateRamClassSize_Sizes " BCU j9bcutil_calculateRamClassSize: tracing sizes: vTableSize=%d, ramConstantPoolSize=%d, instanceVariableSlots=%d" j9bcu.52 0 1 3 N Trc_BCU_calculateRamClassSize_Counts1 " BCU j9bcutil_calculateRamClassSize: tracing counts: objectStaticCount=%d, singleScalarStaticCount=%d, doubleScalarStaticCount=%d, superClassCount=%d" j9bcu.53 0 1 3 N Trc_BCU_calculateRamClassSize_Counts2 " BCU j9bcutil_calculateRamClassSize: tracing counts: interfaceClosureCount=%d, directInterfaceCount=%d, classRomMethodCount=%d, interfaceRomMethodCount=%d" j9bcu.54 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_calculateRamClassSize_Exit " BCU j9bcutil_freeTranslationBuffers: entering with translationBuffers=%p" j9bcu.56 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_freeTranslationBuffers_Exit " BCU j9bcutil_markClassnamesAsUsed: entering" j9bcu.58 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_markClassnamesAsUsed_Exit " BCU j9bcutil_verifyCanonisizeAndCopyUTF8: entering with dest=%p, source=%p, length=%d" j9bcu.60 4 1 10 N Trc_BCU_verifyCanonisizeAndCopyUTF8_Exit " BCU avl_lru_insert: tree=%p, nodeToInsert=%p" j9bcu.64 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_avl_lru_insert_ExitOBSOLETE " BCU avl_lru_delete: tree=%p, nodeToDelete=%p" j9bcu.66 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_avl_lru_delete_Failed1OBSOLETE " BCU avl_lru_search: tree=%p, searchKey=%p" j9bcu.72 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_avl_lru_search_Exit " BCU avl_lru_mark_used: tree=%p, nodeUsed=%p" j9bcu.74 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_avl_lru_mark_used_Failed1OBSOLETE " BCU promoteSharedNodeToSharedHead: tree=%p, node=%p" j9bcu.79 4 1 4 N Trc_BCU_promoteSharedNodeToSharedHead_Noop " BCU promoteNodeToHead: tree=%p, node=%p" j9bcu.82 4 1 4 N Trc_BCU_promoteNodeToHead_Noop " BCU removeNodeFromList: tree=%p, node=%p" j9bcu.85 4 1 4 N Trc_BCU_removeNodeFromList_Noop " BCU removeSharedNodeFromSharedList: tree=%p, node=%p" j9bcu.88 4 1 4 N Trc_BCU_removeSharedNodeFromSharedList_Noop " BCU removeInternedInvariantsByClassLoader: portLibrary=%p, tb=%p, classloader=%p" j9bcu.91 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_removeInternedInvariantsByClassLoader_Noop " BCU removeInternedInvariantsByAddress: portLibrary=%p, tb=%p, segment=%p, segLength=%d" j9bcu.94 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_removeInternedInvariantsByAddress_Noop " BCU relocateInternedInvariants: portLibrary=%p, tb=%p, oldSegment=%p, newSegment=%p, segLength=%d" j9bcu.97 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_relocateInternedInvariants_Noop " BCU j9bcutil_findLocallyDefinedClass: Finding %s (classPathEntryCount: %d)" j9bcu.100 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_findLocallyDefinedClass_Failed " " j9bcu.101 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_findLocallyDefinedClass_Exit " " j9bcu.102 0 1 3 N Trc_BCU_findLocallyDefinedClass_UnknownCPE " BCU j9bcutil_findLocallyDefinedClass: " j9bcu.103 0 1 3 N Trc_BCU_loadZip_vmZipCachePoolHookInterfaceInitFailure " BCU j9bcutil_loadZip: Failed to init vmZipCachePoolHookInterface" j9bcu.104 0 1 3 N Trc_BCU_loadZip_vmZipCachePoolHookInterfaceInitSuccess " BCU j9bcutil_loadZip: vmZipCachePoolHookInterface initiliazed" j9bcu.105 1 1 3 N Trc_BCU_loadJXE_loadJXEfileIOerror "* BCU j9bcutil_loadJXE: %s: IVE_RELO_RC_FILE_ERROR" j9bcu.106 1 1 3 N Trc_BCU_loadJXE_loadJXEunknownDataError "* BCU j9bcutil_loadJXE: %s: IVE_RELO_RC_UNKNOWN_DATA" j9bcu.107 1 1 3 N Trc_BCU_loadJXE_loadJXEimageHeaderCorruption "* BCU j9bcutil_loadJXE: %s: ROM image header corruption" j9bcu.108 1 1 3 N Trc_BCU_loadJXE_loadJXEoppositeEndian "* BCU j9bcutil_loadJXE: %s: Opposite endian JXE not supported" j9bcu.109 2 1 3 N Trc_BCU_initializeNodeData_Entry " >BCU initializeNodeData: Entering with node=%p, utfPtr=%p, classLoader=%p" j9bcu.110 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_initializeNodeData_Exit " BCU getNewStringTableNode: Entering with translationBuffers=%p, doShared=%d, classLoader=%p" j9bcu.112 0 1 3 N Trc_BCU_getNewStringTableNode_SharedTreeFull " BCU getNewStringTableNode: Setting max shared size of table to %d" j9bcu.113 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_getNewStringTableNode_Exit " BCU addNodeToRelocationData: Entering with translationBuffers=%p, newNode=%p, cpConstant=%p" j9bcu.115 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_addNodeToRelocationData_Exit " BCU addNodeToStringTable: Entering with translationBuffers=%p, node=%p, doShared=%d" j9bcu.117 0 1 3 N Trc_BCU_addNodeToStringTable_RemovingFromTree " BCU addNodeToStringTable: Removing node %p from tree" j9bcu.118 0 1 3 N Trc_BCU_addNodeToStringTable_RemovingFromPool " BCU addNodeToStringTable: Removing node %p from pool" j9bcu.119 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_addNodeToStringTable_Exit " BCU replaceWithInteredString: Entering with translationBuffers=%p, cpConstant=%p, classLoader=%p, canModifyStringTable=%d" j9bcu.121 0 1 3 N Trc_BCU_replaceWithInteredString_FoundNode " BCU replaceWithInteredString: Found node in string table, node=%p" j9bcu.122 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_replaceWithInteredString_ExitOutOfRange " BCU avl_intern_verify Entry: tree=%p localPool=%p sharedPool=%p doCoolChecks=%d" j9bcu.141 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_avl_intern_verify_Exit " BCU removeInternedInvariantsByNode: portLibrary=%p, tb=%p, node=%p" j9bcu.143 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_removeInternedInvariantsByNode_Exit " BCU changeToSystemClassLoader Entry: tree=%p node=%p old classloader=%p" j9bcu.145 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_changeToSystemClassLoader_Exit " BCU avl_intern_delete: tb=%p, tree=%p, treeflags=%p, nodeToDelete=%p, nodeflags=%x" j9bcu.147 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_avl_intern_delete_Exit " BCU avl_intern_mark_used Entry: tb=%p, tree=%p, treeflags=%p, node=%p, nodeflags=%x" j9bcu.153 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_avl_intern_mark_used_Exit " BCU avl_intern_insert Entry: tree=%p, treeflags=%p, node=%p, nodeflags=%x" j9bcu.159 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_avl_intern_insert_Exit " BCU build ROMClass start [classname=%.*s] (note - this value does not always get set)" j9bcu.175 0 1 5 N Trc_BCU_buildRomClass_ParseClassFileStart " BCU Start Parsing Class File %.*s Classloader %p" j9bcu.176 0 1 5 N Trc_BCU_buildRomClass_ParseClassFileEnd " BCU End Parsing Class File %.*s size %d Classloader %p" j9bcu.177 0 1 5 N Trc_BCU_buildRomClass_TranslateClassFileStart " BCU Start Translation %.*s Classloader %p" j9bcu.178 0 1 5 N Trc_BCU_buildRomClass_TranslateClassFileEnd " BCU End Translation %.*s romClassSize %d Classloader %p" j9bcu.179 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_buildRomClass_Exit " BCU avl_intern_verify Entry: tree=%p sharedPool=%p localPool=%p" j9bcu.190 12 1 1 N Trc_Assert_BCU_mustHaveExclusiveVMAccess "* ** ASSERTION FAILED ** at %s:%d: %s" j9bcu.191 12 1 1 N Trc_BCU_Assert_InternVerificationFailure "* ** ASSERTION FAILED ** at %s:%d: %s" j9bcu.192 0 1 3 N Trc_BCU_romClassOrphansHashTableAdd " BCU romClassOrphansHashTableAdd: className=%.*s orphanROMClass=%p" j9bcu.193 0 1 3 N Trc_BCU_romClassOrphansHashTableReplace " BCU romClassOrphansHashTableReplace: className=%.*s orphanROMClass=%p" j9bcu.194 0 1 3 N Trc_BCU_romClassOrphansHashTableDelete " BCU romClassOrphansHashTableDelete: className=%.*s orphanROMClass=%p" j9bcu.195 0 1 3 N Trc_BCU_stringInternTableCreated " BCU stringInternTableCreated: nodeCount=%u" j9bcu.196 1 1 3 N Trc_BCU_stringInternTableCreationFailed "* BCU stringInternTableCreationFailed: nodeCount=%u" j9bcu.197 0 1 3 N Trc_BCU_stringInternTableNotCreated " BCU stringInternTableNotCreated" j9bcu.198 0 1 7 N Trc_BCU_internalDefineClass_FullData " BCU Trc_BCU_internalDefineClass_FullData: data=%.*s, classLoader=%p" j9bcu.199 12 1 1 N Trc_BCU_Assert_ShouldNeverHappen_CompressionMissmatch "* ** ASSERTION FAILED ** at %s:%d: %s" j9bcu.200 12 1 1 N Trc_BCU_Assert_CorrectLineNumbersCount "* ** ASSERTION FAILED ** at %s:%d: %s" j9bcu.201 12 1 1 N Trc_BCU_Assert_Compression_OutOfMemory "* ** ASSERTION FAILED ** at %s:%d: %s" j9bcu.202 12 1 1 N Trc_BCU_Assert_Equals_Level1 "* ** ASSERTION FAILED ** at %s:%d: %s" j9bcu.203 0 1 5 N Trc_BCU_ClassFileOracle_autoTenantScopeFieldStatus " BCU ClassFileOracle::walkFields autoTenantScopeFieldStatus: enabled=%d TenantContext inited=%d className=%.*s" j9bcu.204 0 1 5 N Trc_BCU_ClassFileOracle_tenantScopeAnnotationAdd " BCU ClassFileOracle::walkFields tenantScopeAnnotationAdd: className=%.*s fieldName=%.*s auto=%d" j9bcu.205 2 1 3 N Trc_BCU_internalDefineClass_Entry1 " >BCU internalDefineClass: classnamePtr=%p, classname=%.*s, existingROMClass=%p" j9bcu.206 0 1 5 N Trc_BCU_ROMClassBuilder_classNeedsTenantIsolation " BCU ROMClassBuilder::classNeedsTenantIsolation className=%.*s" j9bcu.207 0 1 5 N Trc_BCU_ClassFileOracle_hasDoNotIsolateAnnotation " BCU ClassFileOracle::hasDoNotIsolateAnnotation className=%.*s" j9bcu.208 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_internalLoadROMClass_ErrorInRecreatingClassfile "* BCU internalLoadROMClass: Error in recreating classfile from ROMClass=%p, error code=%zd" j9bcu.209 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_callDynamicLoader_ErrorInCreatingIntermediateROMClass "* BCU callDynamicLoader: Error in creating intermediate ROMClass loadData=%p, error code=%zd" j9bcu.210 0 1 1 N Trc_BCU_callDynamicLoader_IntermediateROMClassCreationFailed " BCU callDynamicLoader: Intermediate ROMClass creation failed with loadData=%p, error code=%zd; using classfile as intermediate data" j9bcu.211 0 1 5 N Trc_BCU_TypeAnnotation " BCU readTypeAnnotation targetType=0x%x" j9bcu.212 12 1 1 N Trc_BCU_Assert_NotNull "* ** ASSERTION FAILED ** at %s:%d: %s" j9bcu.213 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_MalformedTypeAnnotation "* BCU readAttributes bad type_annotation attribute at %d" j9bcu.214 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_MalformedMethodParameter "* BCU readAttributes bad methodParameters attribute at %d" j9bcu.215 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_verifyJImageHeader_BadMagic "* BCU verifyJImageHeader(file=%s) magic value 0x%x in jimage header=0x%p is incorrect" j9bcu.216 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_verifyJImageHeader_BadMajorVersion "* BCU verifyJImageHeader(file=%s) major version %d in jimage header=0x%p is incorrect" j9bcu.217 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_verifyJImageHeader_BadMinorVersion "* BCU verifyJImageHeader(file=%s) minor version %d in jimage header=0x%p is incorrect" j9bcu.218 2 1 3 N Trc_BCU_createAndVerifyJImageLocation_Entry " >BCU createAndVerifyJImageLocation(file=%s) entered with resourceName=%s, imageLocation=0x%p" j9bcu.219 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_createAndVerifyJImageLocation_InvalidBaseStringOffset "* BCU createAndVerifyJImageLocation(file=%s) invalid base string offset=0x%llx in imageLocation=0x%p. Strings data size is 0x%x" j9bcu.220 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_createAndVerifyJImageLocation_InvalidParentStringOffset "* BCU createAndVerifyJImageLocation(file=%s) invalid parent string offset=0x%llx in imageLocation=0x%p. Strings data size is 0x%x" j9bcu.221 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_createAndVerifyJImageLocation_InvalidExtensionStringOffset "* BCU createAndVerifyJImageLocation(file=%s) invalid extension string offset=0x%llx in imageLocation=0x%p. Strings data size is 0x%x" j9bcu.222 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_createAndVerifyJImageLocation_InvalidResourceOffset "* BCU createAndVerifyJImageLocation(file=%s) invalid resource offset=0x%llx in imageLocation=0x%p. Resources data size is 0x%llx" j9bcu.223 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_createAndVerifyJImageLocation_InvalidCompressedSize "* BCU createAndVerifyJImageLocation(file=%s) invalid resource compressed size=0x%llx in imageLocation=0x%p. Resources data size is 0x%llx" j9bcu.224 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_createAndVerifyJImageLocation_InvalidUncompressedSize "* BCU createAndVerifyJImageLocation(file=%s) found invalid resource uncompressed size=0x%llx in imageLocation=0x%p. Resources data size is 0x%llx" j9bcu.225 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_createAndVerifyJImageLocation_ResourceNameMismatch "* BCU createAndVerifyJImageLocation(file=%s) resourceName=%s does not match with the name=%s found in imageLocation=0x%p" j9bcu.226 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_createAndVerifyJImageLocation_Exit " BCU loadJImage entered with jimage filename=%s" j9bcu.228 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_loadJImage_JImageOpenFailed "* BCU loadJImage failed to open jimage file %s with portlib error code=%d (error msg=%s)" j9bcu.229 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_loadJImage_JImageFileLenFailed "* BCU loadJImage failed to get size of jimage file %s with portlib error code=%d (error msg=%s)" j9bcu.230 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_loadJImage_JImageReadHeaderFailed "* BCU loadJImage failed to read header jimage file %s with portlib error code=%d (error msg=%s). Read %zd bytes, expected %zd bytes" j9bcu.231 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_loadJImage_MemoryAllocationFailed "* BCU loadJImage failed to allocate memory region of %zu bytes" j9bcu.232 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_loadJImage_JImageMmapFailed "* BCU loadJImage failed to mmap 0x%zx bytes of jimage file %s with portlib error code=%d (error msg=%s)" j9bcu.233 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_loadJImage_Exit " BCU lookupJImageResource(file=%s) entered with resourceName=%s, jimage=0x%p" j9bcu.235 0 1 3 N Trc_BCU_lookupJImageResource_ResourceNotFound " BCU lookupJImageResource(file=%s) resource %s not found in jimage=0x%p" j9bcu.236 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_lookupJImageResource_InvalidLocationOffsetsTableIndex "* BCU lookupJImageResource(file=%s) location offsets table index(%u) is >= locations count(%u) in jimage=0x%p" j9bcu.237 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_lookupJImageResource_InvalidLocationOffset "* BCU lookupJImageResource(file=%s) location offset(%u) is >= locations data size(%u) in jimage=0x%p" j9bcu.238 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_lookupJImageResource_Exit " BCU getJImageResource(file=%s) entered with buffer=%p, bufferSize=0x%llx, jimage=0x%p, j9jimageLocation=0x%p" j9bcu.240 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_getJImageResource_BufferIsNull "* BCU getJImageResource(file=%s) buffer is passed NULL" j9bcu.241 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_getJImageResource_JImageFileSeekFailed "* BCU getJImageResource(file=%s) failed to seek to offset 0x%llx with portlib error code=%d (error msg=%s)" j9bcu.242 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_getJImageResource_JImageReadResourceDataFailed "* BCU getJImageResource(file=%s) failed to read resource data with portlib error code=%d (error msg=%s). Read %zd bytes, expected %lld bytes" j9bcu.243 4 1 1 N Trc_BCU_getJImageResource_Exit " BCU unloadJImage entered with jimage=0x%p" j9bcu.245 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_unloadJImage_Exit " BCU readFileFromJImage entered with resource %s" j9bcu.248 1 1 1 N Trc_BCU_readFileFromJImage_BufferAllocationFailed "* BCU readFileFromJImage failed to allocate memory region for the resource %s; requested amount=%llx bytes" j9bcu.249 0 1 2 N Trc_BCU_readFileFromJImage_LookupFailed " BCU readFileFromJImage lookup failed for resource %s with error code=%d" j9bcu.250 0 1 2 N Trc_BCU_readFileFromJImage_LookupPassed " BCU readFileFromJImage lookup passed for resource %s" j9bcu.251 4 1 3 N Trc_BCU_readFileFromJImage_Exit " simulateStack" j9bcverify.2 1 1 1 N Trc_BCV_simulateStack_verifyError "* simulateStack - verifyError pc = %x, error = %x" j9bcverify.3 0 1 3 N Trc_BCV_simulateStack_returnRewrite " simulateStack - return rewrite pc = %x, bc = %x" j9bcverify.4 4 1 3 N Trc_BCV_simulateStack_Exit " j9bcv_verifyCreateStackAttributes - class: %.*s" j9bcverify.11 4 1 1 N Trc_BCV_j9bcv_verifyCreateStackAttributes_Exit " checkStack - method: %.*s%.*s" j9bcverify.13 4 1 3 N Trc_BCV_checkStack_Exit " j9bcv_verifyClassStructure - class: %.*s" j9bcverify.15 1 1 1 N Trc_STV_j9bcv_verifyClassStructure_MethodError "* j9bcv_verifyClassStructure - formatError %x, method = %x" j9bcverify.16 1 1 1 N Trc_STV_j9bcv_verifyClassStructure_VerifyError "* j9bcv_verifyClassStructure - verifyError %x, romAddress offset = %x" j9bcverify.17 1 1 1 N Trc_STV_j9bcv_verifyClassStructure_ClassError "* j9bcv_verifyClassStructure - formatError %x, romAddress offset = %x" j9bcverify.18 4 1 2 N Trc_STV_j9bcv_verifyClassStructure_Exit " verifierGetRAMClass - class loader %x, class: %.*s" j9bcverify.25 0 1 3 N Trc_RTV_j9rtv_verifierGetRAMClass_found " verifierGetRAMClass - class already loaded" j9bcverify.26 0 1 2 N Trc_RTV_j9rtv_verifierGetRAMClass_notFound " verifierGetRAMClass - class load requested" j9bcverify.27 4 1 3 N Trc_RTV_j9rtv_verifierGetRAMClass_Exit " j9rtv_verifyBytecodes - class: %.*s" j9bcverify.31 4 1 3 N Trc_RTV_j9rtv_verifyBytecodes_Exit " verifyBytecodes - method: %.*s%.*s" j9bcverify.33 4 1 3 N Trc_RTV_verifyBytecodes_Exit " verifyExceptions - method: %.*s%.*s" j9bcverify.35 4 1 3 N Trc_RTV_verifyExceptions_Exit " registerClassLoadingConstraint - %.*s in %p" j9bcverify.37 0 1 1 N Trc_RTV_registerClassLoadingConstraint_AllocatingTable " allocating classLoadingConstraints table" j9bcverify.38 1 1 1 N Trc_RTV_registerClassLoadingConstraint_TableAllocationFailed "* failed to allocate classLoadingConstraints table" j9bcverify.39 1 1 1 N Trc_RTV_registerClassLoadingConstraint_EntryAllocationFailed "* failed to allocate classLoadingConstraints entry" j9bcverify.40 0 1 2 N Trc_RTV_registerClassLoadingConstraint_AllocatedEntry " Allocated new class loading constraint %p for %.*s in %p" j9bcverify.41 4 1 3 N Trc_RTV_registerClassLoadingConstraint_Exit " findClassLoadingConstraint - %.*s in %p" j9bcverify.43 4 1 3 N Trc_RTV_findClassLoadingConstraint_Exit " unlinkClassLoadingConstraints" j9bcverify.45 4 1 1 N Trc_RTV_unlinkClassLoadingConstraints_Exit " checkAllClassLoadingConstraints(ramClass=%p -- %.*s)" j9bcverify.51 0 1 2 N Trc_RTV_checkAllClassLoadingConstraints_CheckSuperclassMethod " Found method overridden from a superclass in a different loader: %p" j9bcverify.52 1 1 1 N Trc_RTV_checkAllClassLoadingConstraints_SuperclassViolation "* Method overridden from superclass violates a class loading constraint: romMethod %p in %.*s" j9bcverify.53 0 1 2 N Trc_RTV_checkAllClassLoadingConstraints_CheckInterfaceMethod " Found method overridden from an interface in a different loader: %p" j9bcverify.54 1 1 1 N Trc_RTV_checkAllClassLoadingConstraints_InterfaceViolation "* Method overridden from interface violates a class loading constraint: romMethod %p in %.*s" j9bcverify.55 4 1 2 N Trc_RTV_checkAllClassLoadingConstraints_Exit " checkClassLoadingConstraintsForSignature(loader1=%p, loader2=%p, sig1=%p, sig2=%p -- %.*s)" j9bcverify.57 4 1 3 N Trc_RTV_checkClassLoadingConstraintsForSignature_Exit " findAndMatchStack - match stack from %i to stack at %i" j9bcverify.60 1 1 1 N Trc_RTV_findAndMatchStack_StackNotFound "* findAndMatchStack - %.*s %.*s%.*s target stack at %i not found" j9bcverify.61 4 1 3 N Trc_RTV_findAndMatchStack_Exit " matchStack - inlineMatch is %i" j9bcverify.63 1 1 1 N Trc_RTV_matchStack_DepthMismatchException "* matchStack - %.*s %.*s%.*s mismatched stack depths, live = %i, target = %i" j9bcverify.64 1 1 1 N Trc_RTV_matchStack_IncompatibleClassException "* matchStack - %.*s %.*s%.*s incompatible objects at offset %i, live = 0x%X, target = 0x%X" j9bcverify.65 1 1 1 N Trc_RTV_matchStack_PrimitiveMismatchException "* matchStack - %.*s %.*s%.*s incompatible primitives at offset %i, live = 0x%X, target = 0x%X" j9bcverify.66 0 1 3 N Trc_RTV_matchStack_InlineMatchEvent " matchStack - inlineMatch, overwrite live stack with target stack" j9bcverify.67 4 1 3 N Trc_RTV_matchStack_Exit " j9rtv_verifyArguments - signature %.*s" j9bcverify.70 1 1 1 N Trc_RTV_j9rtv_verifyArguments_PrimitiveMismatch "* j9rtv_verifyArguments - %.*s %.*s%.*s Primitive mismatch, argument %i in signature %.*s not match 0x%X" j9bcverify.71 1 1 1 N Trc_RTV_j9rtv_verifyArguments_WidePrimitiveMismatch "* j9rtv_verifyArguments - %.*s %.*s%.*s Wide primitive mismatch, argument %i in signature %.*s second slot not match BASE_TYPE_TOP" j9bcverify.72 1 1 1 N Trc_RTV_j9rtv_verifyArguments_ObjectMismatch "* j9rtv_verifyArguments - %.*s %.*s%.*s Object mismatch, argument %i in signature %.*s not match 0x%X" j9bcverify.73 1 1 1 N Trc_RTV_j9rtv_verifyArguments_Unreachable "* j9rtv_verifyArguments - %.*s %.*s%.*s Unreachable error %i occurred" j9bcverify.74 4 1 3 N Trc_RTV_j9rtv_verifyArguments_Exit " decompressStackMaps - incoming argCount %i" j9bcverify.80 1 1 1 N Trc_BCV_decompressStackMaps_LocalsArrayOverFlowUnderFlow "* decompressStackMaps - %.*s %.*s%.*s stack map %i at offset %i overflowed or underflowed the locals array" j9bcverify.81 1 1 1 N Trc_BCV_decompressStackMaps_StackArrayOverFlow "* decompressStackMaps - %.*s %.*s%.*s stack map %i at offset %i overflowed the stack array" j9bcverify.82 1 1 1 N Trc_BCV_decompressStackMaps_MapOutOfRange "* decompressStackMaps - %.*s %.*s%.*s stack map %i offset %i must be less than code length %i" j9bcverify.83 4 1 3 N Trc_BCV_decompressStackMaps_Exit " mergeStacks - %.*s %.*s%.*s merge to target PC = %i(0x%X)" j9bcverify.95 0 1 3 N Trc_BCV_mergeStacks_CopyStack " mergeStacks - %.*s %.*s%.*s copy stack to stack %i at target PC = %i(0x%X), queue for unwalked" j9bcverify.96 1 1 1 N Trc_BCV_mergeStacks_DepthMismatch "* mergeStacks - %.*s %.*s%.*s stack map depth mismatch, stack %i at target PC = %i(0x%X), source depth = %i, target depth = %i" j9bcverify.97 0 1 3 N Trc_BCV_mergeStacks_MergeStacks " mergeStacks - %.*s %.*s%.*s merge to stack %i at target PC = %i(0x%X)" j9bcverify.98 0 1 3 N Trc_BCV_mergeStacks_OptMergeRequired " mergeStacks - %.*s %.*s%.*s -Xverify:opt real merge source = 0x%X, target = 0x%X result = 0x%X" j9bcverify.99 0 1 3 N Trc_BCV_mergeStacks_OptMergeNotRequired " mergeStacks - %.*s %.*s%.*s -Xverify:opt merge avoided source = 0x%X, target = 0x%X" j9bcverify.100 0 1 3 N Trc_BCV_mergeStacks_QueueForRewalk " mergeStacks - %.*s %.*s%.*s changed stack at target PC = %i(0x%X), queue for rewalk" j9bcverify.101 4 1 3 N Trc_BCV_mergeStacks_Exit " j9bcv_verifyBytecodes - %.*s " j9bcverify.108 0 1 3 N Trc_BCV_j9bcv_verifyBytecodes_VerifyMethod " j9bcv_verifyBytecodes - %.*s %.*s%.*s method modifiers 0x%X" j9bcverify.109 1 1 1 N Trc_BCV_j9bcv_verifyBytecodes_OutOfMemory "* j9bcv_verifyBytecodes - %.*s %.*s%.*s out of memory" j9bcverify.110 0 1 1 N Trc_BCV_j9bcv_verifyBytecodes_ReverifyMethod " j9bcv_verifyBytecodes - %.*s %.*s%.*s verify error using StackMap/StackMapTable, reverify with old verifier" j9bcverify.111 4 1 2 N Trc_BCV_j9bcv_verifyBytecodes_Exit " recordClassRelationship - child: %.*s, parent: %.*s" j9bcverify.124 1 1 1 N Trc_RTV_recordClassRelationship_EntryAllocationFailedChild "* recordClassRelationship - failed to allocate child entry" j9bcverify.125 0 1 3 N Trc_RTV_recordClassRelationship_AllocatedEntry " recordClassRelationship - recorded class loading relationship for child: %.*s, %p and parent: %.*s, %p" j9bcverify.126 4 1 3 N Trc_RTV_recordClassRelationship_Exit " validateClassRelationships - child class: %.*s" j9bcverify.129 0 1 3 N Trc_RTV_validateClassRelationships_FlaggedAsInterface " validateClassRelationships - %.*s is flagged as J9RELATIONSHIP_MUST_BE_INTERFACE" j9bcverify.130 1 1 1 N Trc_RTV_validateClassRelationships_ShouldBeInterface "* validateClassRelationships - %.*s is not an interface, so it is invalid" j9bcverify.131 0 1 3 N Trc_RTV_validateClassRelationships_ParentNotLoaded " validateClassRelationships - parent class: %.*s, %p not loaded, flag class as J9RELATIONSHIP_MUST_BE_INTERFACE" j9bcverify.132 0 1 3 N Trc_RTV_validateClassRelationships_AllocatingParent " validateClassRelationships - allocating new entry for parent" j9bcverify.133 0 1 3 N Trc_RTV_validateClassRelationships_AllocatedParentEntry " validateClassRelationships - allocated parent entry" j9bcverify.134 0 1 3 N Trc_RTV_validateClassRelationships_ParentIsInterface " validateClassRelationships - parent class: %.*s, %p is interface" j9bcverify.135 0 1 3 N Trc_RTV_validateClassRelationships_ParentIsSuperClass " validateClassRelationships - parent class: %.*s, %p is superclass" j9bcverify.136 1 1 1 N Trc_RTV_validateClassRelationships_InvalidRelationship "* validateClassRelationships - invalid relationship with parent: %.*s" j9bcverify.137 4 1 3 N Trc_RTV_validateClassRelationships_Exit " findClassRelationship - class: %.*s" j9bcverify.139 4 1 3 N Trc_RTV_findClassRelationship_Exit " freeClassRelationshipParentNodes - class: %.*s" j9bcverify.141 0 1 3 N Trc_RTV_freeClassRelationshipParentNodes_Parent " freeClassRelationshipParentNodes - parent: %.*s" j9bcverify.142 4 1 3 N Trc_RTV_freeClassRelationshipParentNodes_Exit " %.*s.%.*s%.*s)" j9codertvm.1 2 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitCodeBreakpointAdded_Entry " >jitCodeBreakpointAdded - Code breakpoint added to %p" j9codertvm.2 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitCodeBreakpointAdded_newEntry " new entry" j9codertvm.3 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitCodeBreakpointAdded_hasBeenTranslated " hasBeenTranslated = %d" j9codertvm.4 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitCodeBreakpointAdded_incCount " jitCodeBreakpointRemoved - Code breakpoint removed from %p" j9codertvm.7 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitCodeBreakpointAdded_fixingMethods " fixing methods" j9codertvm.8 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitCodeBreakpointRemoved_decCount " jitDataBreakpointAdded" j9codertvm.11 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitDataBreakpointAdded_Exit " jitDataBreakpointRemoved" j9codertvm.13 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitDataBreakpointRemoved_Exit " jitExceptionCaught in frame A0=%08X:" j9codertvm.15 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitExceptionCaught_JITFrame " jitExceptionCaught - JIT frame" j9codertvm.16 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitExceptionCaught_frameMarked " exception catch frame %p was marked for decompilation" j9codertvm.17 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitExceptionCaught_mustReportPopProtected " must report exception catch: pop protected frame %p removed from stack by exception throw" j9codertvm.18 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitExceptionCaught_mustReportNormal " must report exception catch: frame A0=%p is the catch frame" j9codertvm.19 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitExceptionCaught_decompileRequested " decompile was requested" j9codertvm.20 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitExceptionCaught_notDecompiling " not decompiling" j9codertvm.21 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitExceptionCaught_notReportingCatch " not reporting exception catch" j9codertvm.22 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitExceptionCaught_notJITFrame " jitFramePopBreakpointAdded - Adding JIT frame pop in thread %p, A0 = %p, method = %p" j9codertvm.25 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitFramePopBreakpointAdded_JITFrame " JIT frame" j9codertvm.26 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitFramePopBreakpointAdded_JITINLFrame " JIT->INL frame" j9codertvm.27 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitFramePopBreakpointAdded_J2IFrame " J2I frame" j9codertvm.28 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitFramePopBreakpointAdded_Exit " jitFramePopBreakpointAdded - Adding JIT frame pop notification in thread %p, A0 = %p, method = %p" j9codertvm.30 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitFramePopNotificationAdded_Exit " jitHotswapOccurred" j9codertvm.32 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitHotswapOccurred_Exit " jitInterpreterPCFromWalkState - Lookup interp PC for %p" j9codertvm.34 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitInterpreterPCFromWalkState_notJIT " jitSingleStepAdded" j9codertvm.39 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitSingleStepAdded_Exit " jitSingleStepRemoved" j9codertvm.41 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitSingleStepRemoved_Exit " addDecompilation - Marking %p for decompilation" j9codertvm.43 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_addDecompilation_walkStateInfo " BP = %p, A0 = %p, CP = %p, PC = %p" j9codertvm.44 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_addDecompilation_reason " reason = %zx %s%s%s%s%s%s%s" j9codertvm.45 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_addDecompilation_allocRecord " new decomp record is %p" j9codertvm.46 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_addDecompilation_insertBeforeFramePop " inserting before framePop" j9codertvm.47 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_addDecompilation_atExceptionCatch " at exception catch" j9codertvm.48 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_addDecompilation_beforeSyncMonitorEnter " before sync monitor enter" j9codertvm.49 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_addDecompilation_beforeReportMethodEnter " before report method enter" j9codertvm.50 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_addDecompilation_advancePC " advancing PC" j9codertvm.51 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_addDecompilation_atCurrentPC " at current PC" j9codertvm.52 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_addDecompilation_atInvoke " at invoke" j9codertvm.53 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_addDecompilation_explainInvoke " This method sent %.*s%.*s" j9codertvm.54 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_addDecompilation_existingRecord " decompileMethodFrameIterator" j9codertvm.58 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_decompileMethodFrameIterator_outgoingArgCount " outgoing arg count is %d" j9codertvm.59 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_decompileMethodFrameIterator_pendingCount " pending count from stack mapper is %d" j9codertvm.60 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_decompileMethodFrameIterator_adjustedCount " adjusted count (based on return type %c) is %d" j9codertvm.61 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_decompileMethodFrameIterator_previousIsJIT " deleteAllDecompilations - fixing decomp records" j9codertvm.65 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_deleteAllDecompilations_notFreeingRecord " not freeing decomp record %p (reason=%zx)" j9codertvm.66 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_deleteAllDecompilations_Exit " deleteDecompilationForExistingFrame" j9codertvm.68 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_deleteDecompilationForExistingFrame_fixingFramePop " fixing framePop in thread %p" j9codertvm.69 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_deleteDecompilationForExistingFrame_freeDecomp " free decomp %p for frame %p" j9codertvm.70 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_deleteDecompilationForExistingFrame_Exit " performDecompile" j9codertvm.72 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_performDecompile_syncMethod " sync method, incrementing temp count" j9codertvm.73 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_performDecompile_buildingBCFrame " building bytecode frame at %p" j9codertvm.74 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_performDecompile_fixingPopProtected " fixing pop-protected savedPC address to %p" j9codertvm.75 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_performDecompile_buildingJ2IFrame " building J2I frame at %p" j9codertvm.76 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_performDecompile_fixingDecompStack " fixing top of decomp stack (%p) from %p to %p (pc = %p)" j9codertvm.77 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_performDecompile_addedPopNotification " frame pop notification added at %p" j9codertvm.78 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_performDecompile_fixingInvokeInterface " at JBinvokeinterface, backing pc up to JBinvokeinterface2" j9codertvm.79 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_performDecompile_Exit " jitStackLocalsModified" j9codertvm.82 0 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitStackLocalsModified_notJIT " jitStackLocalsModified - not a JIT frame" j9codertvm.83 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitStackLocalsModified_Exit " jitBreakpointedMethodCompiled method = %p startAddress=%p" j9codertvm.85 4 1 1 N Trc_Decomp_jitBreakpointedMethodCompiled_Exit_success " setUpForDLT" j9codertvm.91 4 1 1 N Trc_DLT_setUpForDLT_Exit_Success " j9ThunkLookupNameAndSig" j9codertvm.100 4 1 3 N Trc_Thunk_j9ThunkLookupNameAndSig_Exit_Success " " j9jit.2 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_compileStart " (%s) Compiling %s" j9jit.3 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_compileEnd " + (%s%s) %s @ %p-%p/%p-%p gc=%d atlas=%d time=%dus %s [profiling c(%d), f(%d), ivc(%d)]" j9jit.4 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_outOfMemory " " j9jit.5 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_compilationFailed " JIT: translating %s -- FAILED rtn=%d" j9jit.6 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_noAttemptToJit " JIT: no attempt made to jit %s" j9jit.7 0 1 3 N Trc_JIT_optimizationPhase " JIT: performed optimization: %s" j9jit.8 0 1 3 N Trc_JIT_codeGeneratorPhase " JIT: about to do codegen phase: %s" j9jit.9 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_assumeFailure " JIT: Assertion error on line %d of %s" j9jit.10 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_startCompThreadFailed " JIT: Compilation Thread could not be started" j9jit.11 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_recoverableCrash " JIT: Recoverable Crash in the JIT while compiling %s" j9jit.12 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_fatalCrash " JIT: Fatal Crash in the JIT while compiling %s" j9jit.13 0 1 3 N Trc_JIT_Sampling " SamplingLog: %s %s offset 0x%X" j9jit.14 0 1 4 N Trc_JIT_Sampling_Detail " SamplingLogDetail: ---> %s" j9jit.15 0 1 5 N Trc_JIT_MethodSampleStart " MTH_S: %p %p %p" j9jit.16 0 1 5 N Trc_JIT_MethodSampleContinue " MTH_C: %p %p %p" j9jit.17 0 1 5 N Trc_JIT_MethodSampleFail " Sample stackwalk failure: %d" j9jit.18 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_compileEndNew " + (%s%s) %s @ %p-%p/%p-%p gc=%d atlas=%d time=%dus %s [profiling c(%d), f(%d), ivc(%d)] %p %p" j9jit.19 12 1 1 N Assert_JIT_unreachable "* ** ASSERTION FAILED ** at %s:%d: %s" j9jit.20 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_MethodPrexInvalidated " JIT: Compiled body _startPC=%p invalidated by prex" j9jit.21 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_IProfilerCapReached " JIT: IProfiler memory cap reached %d KB" j9jit.22 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_IncompatibleAOTHeader " JIT: AOT header is incompatible. Disabling AOT loads" j9jit.23 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_ManyCompFailures " JIT: Many compilation failures: %d" j9jit.24 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_LowUserVirtualMemory " JIT: low virtual memory detected %d MB" j9jit.25 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_DisableJIT " JIT: disableJit" j9jit.26 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_EnableJIT " JIT: enableJit" j9jit.27 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_purgeMethodQueue " JIT: purgeMethodQueue" j9jit.28 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_dataCacheFull " " j9jit.29 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_CodeCacheAllocated " JIT: allocated codeCache=%p (heapBase=%p, heapTop=%p)" j9jit.30 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_DumpStart " JITDUMP: dump initiated" j9jit.31 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_DumpCompilingMethod " JITDUMP: recompiling for dump - (method=%p, hotness=%d, oldStartPC=%p)" j9jit.32 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_DumpWalkingFrame " JITDUMP: walking a frame on Java stack" j9jit.33 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_DumpFail " JITDUMP: dump failed because %s" j9jit.34 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_DumpRecursiveCrash " JITDUMP: dump caused a recursive crash - not creating a second dump" j9jit.35 0 1 1 N TRC_JIT_getAvailableVirtualMemoryMBEnter " JIT: Entering getAvailableVirtualMemoryMB" j9jit.36 0 1 1 N TRC_JIT_getAvailableVirtualMemoryMBExit " JIT: Exiting getAvailableVirtualMemoryMB" j9jit.37 0 1 1 N TRC_JIT_ShutDownBegin " JIT: Entering jitShutdown" j9jit.38 0 1 1 N TRC_JIT_ShutDownEnd " JIT: Exiting jitShutdown %s" j9jit.39 0 1 5 N Trc_JIT_MethodSampleStart1 " MTH_S: %p" j9jit.40 0 1 5 N Trc_JIT_MethodSampleContinue2 " MTH_C: %p %p" j9jit.41 0 1 5 N Trc_JIT_MethodSampleContinue1 " MTH_C: %p" j9jit.42 0 1 5 N Trc_JIT_CompCPU " JIT: CompThreadID=%d compCPU=%d ms" j9jit.43 0 1 5 N Trc_JIT_CompRequest " JIT: CompRequest queued. j9m=%p sPC=%p sync=%d opt=%d pri=%d Q_SZ=%d" j9jit.44 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_compileEnd15 " + (%s%s) %s @ %p-%p/%p-%p time=%dus %p %p RR=%c Q_SZ=%d bcsz=%d mem=%dKB %s" j9jit.45 0 1 1 N Trc_JIT_AotLoadEnd " + (AOT load) %s @ %p-%p/%p-%p time=%dus %p %p Q_SZ=%d bcsz=%d mem=%dKB" j9jit.46 0 1 5 N Trc_JIT_OverallCompCPU " JIT: compCPUPercent=%d" j9jit.47 0 1 5 N Trc_JIT_SCCInfo " SCC: name=%s path=%s size=%u free=%u softMax=%u ROMClass=%u AOTCode=%u AOTData=%u JITHint=%u JITProfile=%u ROMClasses=%u AOTMethods=%u disabledReason=%d" j9jit.48 1 1 1 N Trc_JIT_IProfiler_unrecognized "* Unrecognized bytecode (pc=%p, bc=%u) cursor %p in buffer %p of size %zu" j9jit.49 0 1 2 N Trc_JITServerRemoteCompileRequest " JITClient: Client sending compReq seqNo=%u to server for method %s @ %s" j9jit.50 0 1 2 N Trc_JITServerInterruptRemoteCompile " JITClient: Interrupting remote compilation (interruptReason %u) in handleServerMessage(%s) for %s @ %s" j9jit.51 0 1 2 N Trc_JITServerRemoteCompilationFailure " JITClient: remoteCompile: compilationFailure statusCode %u" j9jit.52 0 1 2 N Trc_JITServerMethodSuccessfullyLoaded " JITClient: Client successfully loaded method %s @ %s following compilation request. [metaData=%p, startPC=%p]" j9jit.53 0 1 2 N Trc_JITServerMethodFailedToLoad " JITClient: Client failed to load method %s @ %s following compilation request" j9jit.54 0 1 2 N Trc_JITServerServerCompilationFailure " JITClient: ServerCompilationFailure: errCode %u for %s @ %s" j9jit.55 0 1 2 N Trc_JITServerRetryLocalCompile " JITClient: Server is not available. Retry with local compilation for %s @ %s" j9jit.56 0 1 2 N Trc_JITServerRelocationFailure " JITClient: Relocation failure: %d" j9jit.57 0 1 2 N Trc_JITServerRelocationAOTFailure " JITClient: AOT Relocation failure: %d" j9jit.58 0 1 2 N Trc_JITServerApplyRemoteAOTRelocation " JITClient: Applying remote AOT relocations to newly AOT compiled body for %s @ %s" j9jit.59 0 1 2 N Trc_JITServerCommitCHTableFailed " JITClient: Failure while committing chtable for %s" j9jit.60 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerClientSessionData " JITServer: compThreadID=%d %s clientSessionData=%p for clientUID=%llu seqNo=%u" j9jit.61 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerEarlyAbort " JITServer: compThreadID=%d did an early abort" j9jit.62 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerEarlyAbortClientData " JITServer: compThreadID=%d did an early abort for clientUID=%llu seqNo=%u" j9jit.63 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerCompileEnd " JITServer: compThreadID=%d has successfully compiled %s @ %s" j9jit.64 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerFailedToCompile " JITServer: compThreadID=%d has failed to compile: compErrCode %u %s @ %s" j9jit.65 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerFailedToRecompile " JITServer: compThreadID=%d has failed to recompile: compErrCode %u %s @ %s" j9jit.66 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerFailedToCompileNewInstanceThunk " JITServer: compThreadID=%d has failed to compile a new instance thunk" j9jit.67 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerFailedToCompileDLT " JITServer: compThreadID=%d has failed to compile a DLT method" j9jit.68 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerFailedToCompileMethodHandleThunk " JITServer: compThreadID=%d has failed to compile a methodHandleThunk method" j9jit.69 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerTimedWait " JITServer: compThreadID=%d clientSessionData=%p clientUID=%llu (entry=%p) (seqNo=%u, expectedSeqNo=%u, numActiveThreads=%d) doing a timed wait for %d ms" j9jit.70 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerParkThread " JITServer: compThreadID=%d clientSessionData=%p clientUID=%llu (entry=%p) (seqNo=%u, expectedSeqNo=%u, numActiveThreads=%d) is parked. seqNo=%u was notified" j9jit.71 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerTimedOut " JITServer: compThreadID=%d clientSessionData=%p clientUID=%llu (entry=%p) (seqNo=%u, expectedSeqNo=%u, numActiveThreads=%d) timed-out while waiting for seqNo=%u" j9jit.72 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerClearedSessionCaches " JITServer: compThreadID=%d clientSessionData=%p clientUID=%llu (seqNo=%u, expectedSeqNo=%u, numActiveThreads=%d) has cleared the session cache detachedEntry=%p. Setting expectedSeqNo from %u to %u" j9jit.73 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerThreadGoSleep " JITServer: compThreadID=%d clientSessionData=%p clientUID=%llu (seqNo=%u, expectedSeqNo=%u, numActiveThreads=%d) which previously timed-out will go to sleep again. Possible reasons waitToBeNotified=%d" j9jit.74 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerUpdateSeqNo " JITServer: compThreadID=%d clientSessionData=%p clientUID=%llu (seqNo=%u, expectedSeqNo=%u, numActiveThreads=%d) updating expectedSeqNo from %u to %u" j9jit.75 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerOutOfSequenceMessage " JITServer: compThreadID=%d clientSessionData=%p clientUID=%llu (entry=%p) (seqNo=%u, expectedSeqNo=%u, numActiveThreads=%d) out-of-sequence msg detected. Parking this thread" j9jit.76 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerDiscardMessage " JITServer: compThreadID=%d clientSessionData=%p clientUID=%llu (seqNo=%u, expectedSeqNo=%u, numActiveThreads=%d) discarding the older msg" j9jit.77 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerUnexpectedSeqNo " JITServer: compThreadID=%d clientSessionData=%p clientUID=%llu (seqNo=%u, expectedSeqNo=%u, numActiveThreads=%d) unexpected seqNo" j9jit.78 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerInitCHTable " JITServer: compThreadID=%d clientSessionData=%p clientUID=%llu initialize CHTable size %llu" j9jit.79 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerAbortInitCHTable " JITServer: compThreadID=%d clientSessionData=%p clientUID=%llu CHTable is not empty size %llu. Abort the update size %llu" j9jit.80 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerDoCHTableUpdate " JITServer: compThreadID=%d clientSessionData=%p clientUID=%llu do CHTable update modified %llu and removed %llu" j9jit.81 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerUnloadClasses " JITServer: compThreadID=%d clientSessionData=%p clientUID=%llu will process a list of %llu unloaded classes" j9jit.82 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerStreamFailure " JITServer: compThreadID=%d (%s) stream failure (compiling %s @ %s): %s" j9jit.83 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerStreamVersionIncompatible " JITServer: compThreadID=%d (%s) stream version incompatible (compiling %s @ %s): %s" j9jit.84 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerStreamMessageTypeMismatch " JITServer: compThreadID=%d (%s) stream message type mismatch (compiling %s @ %s): %s" j9jit.85 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerStreamConnectionTerminate " JITServer: compThreadID=%d (%s) stream connection terminated by JITClient on stream %p: %s" j9jit.86 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerStreamClientSessionTerminate " JITServer: compThreadID=%d (%s) stream client session terminated by JITClient: %s" j9jit.87 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerStreamInterrupted " JITServer: compThreadID=%d (%s) stream interrupted by JITClient (compiling %s @ %s): %s" j9jit.88 0 1 3 N Trc_JIT_portableSharedCache_enabled_or_disabled " PortableSharedCache is %d" j9jit.89 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerClientSessionData1 " JITServer: compThreadID=%d %s clientSessionData=%p for clientUID=%llu seqNo=%u (isCritical=%d) (expectedSeqNo=%u lastProcessedCriticalSeqNo=%u)" j9jit.90 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerOutOfSequenceMsg1 " JITServer: compThreadID=%d clientSessionData=%p clientUID=%llu (entry=%p) (seqNo=%u, expectedSeqNo=%u, numActiveThreads=%d) out-of-sequence msg detected (lastProcessedCriticalSeqNo=%u). Parking this thread" j9jit.91 0 1 1 N Trc_JITServerCompThreadCrashed " JITClient: compThreadID=%d server compilation thread crashed while compiling %s @ %s. Requesting JitDump recompilation and switching to local compilations." cuda4j.0 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferAllocate_entry " >bufferAllocateDevice(bytes=%llu)" cuda4j.1 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferAllocate_exit " bufferAllocateDirect(bytes=%llu)" cuda4j.3 1 1 1 N Trc_cuda_bufferAllocateDirectBuffer_allocFail "* bufferAllocateDirect allocation failed" cuda4j.4 1 1 1 N Trc_cuda_bufferAllocateDirectBuffer_newFail "* bufferAllocateDirect NewDirectByteBuffer failed" cuda4j.5 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferAllocateDirectBuffer_exit " bufferCopyFromDevice(targetDevice=%d, targetAddress=%p, sourceDevice=%d, sourceAddress=%p, byteCount=%llu)" cuda4j.7 1 1 1 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyFromDevice_fail "* bufferCopyFromDevice: error=%d" cuda4j.8 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyFromDevice_exit " bufferCopyFromHostByte(target=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.10 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyFromHostByte_exit " bufferCopyFromHostChar(target=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.12 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyFromHostChar_exit " bufferCopyFromHostDirect(target=%p, source=%p, from=%llu, to=%llu)" cuda4j.14 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyFromHostDirect_exit " bufferCopyFromHostDouble(target=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.16 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyFromHostDouble_exit " bufferCopyFromHostFloat(target=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.18 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyFromHostFloat_exit " bufferCopyFromHostInt(target=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.20 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyFromHostInt_exit " bufferCopyFromHostLong(target=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.22 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyFromHostLong_exit " bufferCopyFromHostShort(target=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.24 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyFromHostShort_exit " bufferCopyToHostByte(source=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.26 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyToHostByte_exit " bufferCopyToHostChar(source=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.28 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyToHostChar_exit " bufferCopyToHostDirect(source=%p, target=%p, from=%llu, to=%llu)" cuda4j.30 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyToHostDirect_exit " bufferCopyToHostDouble(source=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.32 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyToHostDouble_exit " bufferCopyToHostFloat(source=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.34 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyToHostFloat_exit " bufferCopyToHostInt(source=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.36 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyToHostInt_exit " bufferCopyToHostLong(source=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.38 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyToHostLong_exit " bufferCopyToHostShort(source=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.40 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyToHostShort_exit " bufferFill(target=%p, elemSize=%d, value=%d, count=%llu)" cuda4j.42 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferFill_exit " bufferFreeDirectBuffer(buffer=%p)" cuda4j.44 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferFreeDirectBuffer_exit " bufferRelease(target=%p)" cuda4j.46 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferRelease_exit " doDeviceCallback(runnable=%p)" cuda4j.49 1 1 1 N Trc_cuda_doDeviceCallback_exception "* doDeviceCallback: exception=%p" cuda4j.50 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_doDeviceCallback_exit " throwCudaException(code=%d)" cuda4j.52 1 1 1 N Trc_cuda_throwCudaException_suppressed "* throwCudaException: suppressed" cuda4j.53 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_throwCudaException_exit " throwRuntimeException(message=%s)" cuda4j.55 1 1 1 N Trc_cuda_throwRuntimeException_suppressed "* throwRuntimeException: suppressed" cuda4j.56 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_throwRuntimeException_exit " allocatePinnedBuffer(size=%llu)" cuda4j.58 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_allocatePinnedBuffer_exit " getDeviceCount" cuda4j.60 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_getDeviceCount_exit " getDriverVersion" cuda4j.62 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_getDriverVersion_exit " getErrorMessage(code=%d)" cuda4j.64 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_getErrorMessage_exit " getRuntimeVersion" cuda4j.66 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_getRuntimeVersion_exit " initialize" cuda4j.68 1 1 1 N Trc_cuda_initialize_fail "* initialize: failed to %s" cuda4j.69 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_initialize_exit " initializeThreadContext" cuda4j.71 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_initializeThreadContext_exit " wrapDirectBuffer(buffer=%p, capacity=%llu)" cuda4j.73 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_wrapDirectBuffer_exit " releasePinnedBuffer(buffer=%p)" cuda4j.75 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_releasePinnedBuffer_exit " withDevice(%d)" cuda4j.77 1 1 3 N Trc_cuda_withDevice_fail "* withDevice: failed to %s current device, error=%d" cuda4j.78 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_withDevice_exit " deviceAddCallback(stream=%p, runnable=%p)" cuda4j.80 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceAddCallback_exit " deviceCallbackHandler(stream=%p, error=%d, data=%p)" cuda4j.82 5 1 1 N Trc_cuda_deviceCallbackHandler_exitFail "*deviceCallbackInsert(stream=%p, runnable=%p)" cuda4j.85 1 1 1 N Trc_cuda_deviceCallbackInsert_allocFail "* deviceCallbackInsert: allocation failed" cuda4j.86 1 1 1 N Trc_cuda_deviceCallbackInsert_globalRefFail "* deviceCallbackInsert: NewGlobalRef failed" cuda4j.87 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceCallbackInsert_exit " deviceCanAccessPeer(device=%d, peerDevice=%d)" cuda4j.89 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceCanAccessPeer_exit " deviceDisablePeerAccess(device=%d, peerDevice=%d)" cuda4j.91 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceDisablePeerAccess_exit " deviceEnablePeerAccess(device=%d, peerDevice=%d)" cuda4j.93 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceEnablePeerAccess_exit " deviceGetAttribute(device=%d, attribute=%d)" cuda4j.95 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceGetAttribute_exit " deviceGetCacheConfig" cuda4j.97 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceGetCacheConfig_exit " deviceGetFreeMemory" cuda4j.99 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceGetFreeMemory_exit " deviceGetGreatestStreamPriority" cuda4j.101 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceGetGreatestStreamPriority_exit " deviceGetLeastStreamPriority" cuda4j.103 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceGetLeastStreamPriority_exit " deviceGetLimit(limit=%d)" cuda4j.105 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceGetLimit_exit " deviceGetName(device=%d)" cuda4j.107 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceGetName_exit " deviceGetSharedMemConfig" cuda4j.109 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceGetSharedMemConfig_exit " deviceGetTotalMemory" cuda4j.111 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceGetTotalMemory_exit " deviceSetCacheConfig(config=%d)" cuda4j.113 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceSetCacheConfig_exit " deviceSetLimit(limit=%d, value=%llu)" cuda4j.115 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceSetLimit_exit " deviceSetSharedMemConfig(config=%d)" cuda4j.117 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceSetSharedMemConfig_exit " deviceSynchronize" cuda4j.119 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceSynchronize_exit " eventCreate(flags=%d)" cuda4j.121 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_eventCreate_exit " eventDestroy(event=%p)" cuda4j.123 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_eventDestroy_exit " eventElapsedTime(event1=%p, event2=%p)" cuda4j.125 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_eventElapsedTimeSince_exit " eventQuery(event=%p)" cuda4j.127 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_eventQuery_exit " eventRecord(stream=%p, event=%p)" cuda4j.129 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_eventRecord_exit " eventSynchronize(event=%p)" cuda4j.131 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_eventSynchronize_exit " functionGetAttribute(function=%p, attribute=%d)" cuda4j.133 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_functionGetAttribute_exit " functionLaunch(function=%p, grid=(%d,%d,%d), block=(%d,%d,%d), shared=%d, stream=%p, sizes=%p, values=%p)" cuda4j.135 1 1 1 N Trc_cuda_functionLaunch_allocFail "* functionLaunch: allocation failed" cuda4j.136 1 1 1 N Trc_cuda_functionLaunch_getFail "* functionLaunch: failed to get native pointer" cuda4j.137 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_functionLaunch_exit " functionSetCacheConfig(function=%p, config=%d)" cuda4j.139 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_functionSetCacheConfig_exit " functionSetSharedMemConfig(function=%p, config=%d)" cuda4j.141 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_functionSetSharedMemConfig_exit " jitOptionsCreate(pairs=%p)" cuda4j.143 1 1 1 N Trc_cuda_jitOptionsCreate_allocFail "* jitOptionsCreate: allocation failed" cuda4j.144 1 1 1 N Trc_cuda_jitOptionsCreate_badOption "* jitOptionsCreate: invalid option (%d)" cuda4j.145 1 1 1 N Trc_cuda_jitOptionsCreate_badTarget "* jitOptionsCreate: invalid target (%d)" cuda4j.146 1 1 1 N Trc_cuda_jitOptionsCreate_excessOptions "* jitOptionsCreate: too many options" cuda4j.147 1 1 1 N Trc_cuda_jitOptionsCreate_getFail "* jitOptionsCreate: failed to get native pointer" cuda4j.148 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_jitOptionsCreate_exit " jitOptionsDestroy_internal(options=%p)" cuda4j.150 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_jitOptionsDestroy0_exit " jitOptionsDestroy(options=%p)" cuda4j.152 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_jitOptionsDestroy_exit " jitOptionsGetErrorLogBuffer(options=%p)" cuda4j.154 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_jitOptionsGetErrorLogBuffer_exit " jitOptionsGetInfoLogBuffer(options=%p)" cuda4j.156 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_jitOptionsGetInfoLogBuffer_exit " jitOptionsGetThreadsPerBlock(options=%p)" cuda4j.158 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_jitOptionsGetThreadsPerBlock_exit " jitOptionsGetWallTime(options=%p)" cuda4j.160 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_jitOptionsGetWallTime_exit " linkerAdd(linker=%p, type=%d, image=%p, name=%p, options=%p)" cuda4j.162 1 1 1 N Trc_cuda_linkerAdd_fail "* linkerAdd: failed to get native pointer" cuda4j.163 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_linkerAdd_exit " linkerComplete(linker=%p)" cuda4j.165 1 1 1 N Trc_cuda_linkerComplete_exception "* linkerComplete: exception occurred" cuda4j.166 1 1 1 N Trc_cuda_linkerComplete_fail "* linkerComplete: failed to allocate byte array" cuda4j.167 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_linkerComplete_exit " linkerCreate(options=%p)" cuda4j.169 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_linkerCreate_exit " linkerDestroy(linker=%p)" cuda4j.171 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_linkerDestroy_exit " moduleGetFunction(module=%p, name=%p)" cuda4j.174 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_moduleGetFunction_exit " moduleGetGlobal(module=%p, name=%p)" cuda4j.176 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_moduleGetGlobal_exit " moduleGetSurface(module=%p, name=%p)" cuda4j.178 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_moduleGetSurface_exit " moduleGetTexture(module=%p, name=%p)" cuda4j.180 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_moduleGetTexture_exit " moduleLoad(image=%p, options=%p)" cuda4j.182 1 1 1 N Trc_cuda_moduleLoad_fail "* moduleLoad: failed to get native bytes" cuda4j.183 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_moduleLoad_exit " moduleUnload(module=%p)" cuda4j.185 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_moduleUnload_exit " streamCreate" cuda4j.187 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_streamCreate_exit " streamCreateWithPriority(flags=%d, priority=%d)" cuda4j.189 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_streamCreateWithPriority_exit " streamDestroy(stream=%p)" cuda4j.191 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_streamDestroy_exit " streamGetFlags(stream=%p)" cuda4j.193 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_streamGetFlags_exit " streamGetPriority(stream=%p)" cuda4j.195 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_streamGetPriority_exit " streamQuery(stream=%p)" cuda4j.197 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_streamQuery_exit " streamSynchronize(stream=%p)" cuda4j.199 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_streamSynchronize_exit " streamWaitFor(stream=%p, event=%p)" cuda4j.201 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_streamWaitFor_exit " getMemoryInfo(device=%u)" cuda4j.203 1 1 1 N Trc_cuda_getMemoryInfo_fail "* getMemoryInfo: failed to %s, error=%d" cuda4j.204 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_getMemoryInfo_exit " initDeviceData(device=%u)" cuda4j.206 1 1 1 N Trc_cuda_initDeviceData_fail "* initDeviceData: failed to get %s, error=%d" cuda4j.207 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_initDeviceData_exit " initSummaryData(deviceCount=%u)" cuda4j.209 1 1 1 N Trc_cuda_initSummaryData_fail "* initSummaryData: failed to get %s version, error=%d" cuda4j.210 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_initSummaryData_exit " functionLaunch(function=%p, grid=(%d,%d,%d), block=(%d,%d,%d), shared=%d, stream=%p, values=%p)" cuda4j.212 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferAllocate_entry " >bufferAllocateDevice(device=%u, bytes=%llu)" cuda4j.213 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyFromDevice_entry " >bufferCopyFromDevice(targetDevice=%d, targetAddress=%p, sourceDevice=%d, sourceAddress=%p, byteCount=%llu)" cuda4j.214 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyFromHostByte_entry " >bufferCopyFromHostByte(device=%u, target=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.215 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyFromHostChar_entry " >bufferCopyFromHostChar(device=%u, target=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.216 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyFromHostDirect_entry " >bufferCopyFromHostDirect(device=%u, target=%p, source=%p, from=%llu, to=%llu)" cuda4j.217 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyFromHostDouble_entry " >bufferCopyFromHostDouble(device=%u, target=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.218 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyFromHostFloat_entry " >bufferCopyFromHostFloat(device=%u, target=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.219 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyFromHostInt_entry " >bufferCopyFromHostInt(device=%u, target=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.220 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyFromHostLong_entry " >bufferCopyFromHostLong(device=%u, target=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.221 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyFromHostShort_entry " >bufferCopyFromHostShort(device=%u, target=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.222 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyToHostByte_entry " >bufferCopyToHostByte(device=%u, source=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.223 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyToHostChar_entry " >bufferCopyToHostChar(device=%u, source=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.224 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyToHostDirect_entry " >bufferCopyToHostDirect(device=%u, source=%p, target=%p, from=%llu, to=%llu)" cuda4j.225 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyToHostDouble_entry " >bufferCopyToHostDouble(device=%u, source=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.226 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyToHostFloat_entry " >bufferCopyToHostFloat(device=%u, source=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.227 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyToHostInt_entry " >bufferCopyToHostInt(device=%u, source=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.228 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyToHostLong_entry " >bufferCopyToHostLong(device=%u, source=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.229 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferCopyToHostShort_entry " >bufferCopyToHostShort(device=%u, source=%p, array=%p, from=%d, to=%d)" cuda4j.230 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferFill_entry " >bufferFill(device=%u, target=%p, elemSize=%d, value=%d, count=%llu)" cuda4j.231 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_bufferRelease_entry " >bufferRelease(device=%u, target=%p)" cuda4j.232 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceAddCallback_entry " >deviceAddCallback(device=%u, stream=%p, runnable=%p)" cuda4j.233 1 1 1 N Trc_cuda_deviceCallbackHandler_exception "* deviceCallbackHandler: exception=%p" cuda4j.234 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceCallbackInsert_entry " >deviceCallbackInsert(device=%u, stream=%p, runnable=%p)" cuda4j.235 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceGetCacheConfig_entry " >deviceGetCacheConfig(device=%d)" cuda4j.236 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceGetFreeMemory_entry " >deviceGetFreeMemory(device=%d)" cuda4j.237 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceGetFreeMemory_exit " deviceGetGreatestStreamPriority(device=%d)" cuda4j.239 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceGetLeastStreamPriority_entry " >deviceGetLeastStreamPriority(device=%d)" cuda4j.240 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceGetLimit_entry " >deviceGetLimit(device=%u, limit=%d)" cuda4j.241 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceGetSharedMemConfig_entry " >deviceGetSharedMemConfig(device=%d)" cuda4j.242 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceGetTotalMemory_entry " >deviceGetTotalMemory(device=%d)" cuda4j.243 4 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceGetTotalMemory_exit " deviceSetCacheConfig(device=%u, config=%d)" cuda4j.245 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceSetLimit_entry " >deviceSetLimit(device=%u, limit=%d, value=%llu)" cuda4j.246 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceSetSharedMemConfig_entry " >deviceSetSharedMemConfig(device=%u, config=%d)" cuda4j.247 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_deviceSynchronize_entry " >deviceSynchronize(device=%u)" cuda4j.248 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_eventCreate_entry " >eventCreate(device=%u, flags=%d)" cuda4j.249 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_eventDestroy_entry " >eventDestroy(device=%u, event=%p)" cuda4j.250 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_eventRecord_entry " >eventRecord(device=%u, stream=%p, event=%p)" cuda4j.251 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_functionGetAttribute_entry " >functionGetAttribute(device=%u, function=%p, attribute=%d)" cuda4j.252 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_functionLaunch_entry " >functionLaunch(device=%u, function=%p, grid=(%d,%d,%d), block=(%d,%d,%d), shared=%d, stream=%p, values=%p)" cuda4j.253 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_functionSetCacheConfig_entry " >functionSetCacheConfig(device=%u, function=%p, config=%d)" cuda4j.254 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_functionSetSharedMemConfig_entry " >functionSetSharedMemConfig(device=%u, function=%p, config=%d)" cuda4j.255 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_linkerAdd_entry " >linkerAdd(device=%u, linker=%p, type=%d, image=%p, name=%p, options=%p)" cuda4j.256 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_linkerComplete_entry " >linkerComplete(device=%u, linker=%p)" cuda4j.257 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_linkerCreate_entry " >linkerCreate(device=%u, options=%p)" cuda4j.258 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_linkerDestroy_entry " >linkerDestroy(device=%u, linker=%p)" cuda4j.259 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_moduleGetFunction_entry " >moduleGetFunction(device=%u, module=%p, name=%p)" cuda4j.260 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_moduleGetGlobal_entry " >moduleGetGlobal(device=%u, module=%p, name=%p)" cuda4j.261 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_moduleGetSurface_entry " >moduleGetSurface(device=%u, module=%p, name=%p)" cuda4j.262 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_moduleGetTexture_entry " >moduleGetTexture(device=%u, module=%p, name=%p)" cuda4j.263 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_moduleLoad_entry " >moduleLoad(device=%u, image=%p, options=%p)" cuda4j.264 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_moduleUnload_entry " >moduleUnload(device=%u, module=%p)" cuda4j.265 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_streamCreate_entry " >streamCreate(device=%u)" cuda4j.266 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_streamCreateWithPriority_entry " >streamCreateWithPriority(device=%u, flags=%d, priority=%d)" cuda4j.267 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_streamDestroy_entry " >streamDestroy(device=%u, stream=%p)" cuda4j.268 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_streamGetFlags_entry " >streamGetFlags(device=%u, stream=%p)" cuda4j.269 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_streamGetPriority_entry " >streamGetPriority(device=%u, stream=%p)" cuda4j.270 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_streamQuery_entry " >streamQuery(device=%u, stream=%p)" cuda4j.271 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_streamSynchronize_entry " >streamSynchronize(device=%u, stream=%p)" cuda4j.272 2 1 3 N Trc_cuda_streamWaitFor_entry " >streamWaitFor(device=%u, stream=%p, event=%p)" j9dfix.0 12 1 1 N Assert_DFIX_FixupFailed "* ** ASSERTION FAILED ** at %s:%d: %s" ifa.0 0 1 1 N Trc_IFA_VMInitStages_Event1 " Trace engine initialized for module j9ifa" ifa.1 0 1 3 N Trc_IFA_switchOFF_Event " Switching thread from IFA. Creating Java VM thread. OS thread = %x" ifa.2 0 1 3 N Trc_IFA_switchON_Event " Switching thread to IFA. Creating Java VM thread. OS thread = %x" ifa.3 0 1 3 N Trc_IFA_switchOFFWithMethod_Event " Switching thread from IFA. (Method = %.*s.%.*s)" ifa.4 0 1 3 N Trc_IFA_switchONWithMethod_Event " Switching thread to IFA. (Method = %.*s.%.*s)" ifa.5 0 1 3 N Trc_IFA_switchJDBCWithMethod_Event " Switching thread from JDBC IFA. (Method = %.*s.%.*s)" ifa.6 0 1 3 N Trc_IFA_switchOFFCreatingJVMThread_Event " Switching thread from IFA. Reason=Creating JVM helper thread (%u)" ifa.7 0 1 3 N Trc_IFA_switchONCreatingJVMThread_Event " Switching thread to IFA. Reason=Creating JVM helper thread (%u)" ifa.8 0 1 3 N Trc_IFA_switchOFFDeallocatingJVMThread_Event " Switching thread from IFA. Reason=Deallocating JVM helper thread (%u)" ifa.9 0 1 3 N Trc_IFA_switchOFFDeallocatingJVMThreadNoEnv_Event " Switching thread from IFA. OS thread = %p Reason=Deallocating JVM helper thread (%u)" ifa.10 0 1 3 N Trc_IFA_switchONWithReasonCodeJNIReference_Event " Switching thread to IFA. Function = %s" ifa.11 0 1 3 N Trc_IFA_switchOFFWithReasonCodeJNIReference_Event " Switching thread from IFA. Function = %s" ifa.12 0 1 3 N Trc_IFA_switchOFFInterpreter_Event " Switching thread from IFA. Reason = Exiting interpreter" ifa.13 0 1 3 N Trc_IFA_switchONInterpreter_Event " Switching thread to IFA. Reason = Starting interpreter" ifa.14 12 1 1 N Trc_IFA_Assert_ShouldNeverHappen "* ** ASSERTION FAILED ** at %s:%d: %s" ifa.15 0 1 3 N Trc_IFA_switchONInterpreterFirstInvocation_Event " Interpreter is invoked first time for this thread, CALLDISP called. TCB = %p" ifa.16 0 1 3 N Trc_IFA_switchONCreatingJVMThreadNoEnv_Event " Switching thread to IFA. OS thread = %p Reason=Creating JVM helper thread (%u)" ifa.17 0 1 3 N Trc_IFA_switchOFFWithReasonCodeFromJvmtiEventCallback_Event " Switching thread from IFA. JVMTI Event Callback = %s" ifa.18 0 1 3 N Trc_IFA_switchONWithReasonCodeFromJvmtiEventCallback_Event " Switching thread to IFA. JVMTI Event Callback = %s" j9scar.0 0 1 1 N Trc_SC_VMInitStages_Event1 " Trace engine initialized for module jvm" j9scar.1 2 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetStringPlatform_Entry " >GetStringPlatform(%p,%p,%d,%s)" j9scar.2 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetStringPlatform_Exit " GetStringPlatformLength(%p,%p,%s)" j9scar.4 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetStringPlatformLength_Exit " jio_fprintf()" j9scar.6 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_fprintf_Exit " jio_snprintf()" j9scar.8 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_snprintf_Exit " jio_vfprintf(%p,%s,...)" j9scar.10 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_vfprintf_Exit " jio_vsnprintf(%p,%d,%s,...)" j9scar.12 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_vsnprintf_Exit " JNI_a2e_vsprintf(%p,%s,...)" j9scar.14 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_a2e_vsprintf_Exit " JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs(%p,%zu,%p)" j9scar.16 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetCreatedJavaVMs_Exit " JVM_Accept(descriptor=%d, address=%p, length=%p)" j9scar.18 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_Accept_Exit " JVM_ActiveProcessorCount()" j9scar.20 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_ActiveProcessorCount_Exit " JVM_AllocateNewArray(caller=%p, current=%p, length=%d)" j9scar.22 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_AllocateNewArray_Exit " JVM_AllocateNewObject(caller=%p, current=%p, init=%p)" j9scar.24 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_AllocateNewObject_Exit " JVM_Available(descriptor=%d, &bytes=%p)" j9scar.26 5 1 1 N Trc_SC_Available_bad_descriptor "*JVM_ClassDepth(name=%p)" j9scar.32 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_ClassDepth_Exit " JVM_ClassLoaderDepth()" j9scar.34 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_ClassLoaderDepth_Exit " JVM_Close(descriptor=%d)" j9scar.36 5 1 1 N Trc_SC_Close_bad_descriptor "*JVM_Connect(descriptor=%d, address=%p, length=%d)" j9scar.40 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_Connect_Exit " JVM_CurrentClassLoader()" j9scar.56 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_CurrentClassLoader_Exit " JVM_CurrentLoadedClass()" j9scar.58 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_CurrentLoadedClass_Exit " JVM_CurrentTimeMillis(unused=%d)" j9scar.60 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_CurrentTimeMillis_Exit " JVM_CX8Field(obj=%p, field=%p, oldval=%llx, newval=%llx)" j9scar.62 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_CX8Field_Exit " JVM_FindLibraryEntry(handle=%p, name=%s)" j9scar.66 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_FindLibraryEntry_Exit " JVM_FindSignal(sigName=%s)" j9scar.68 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_FindSignal_Exit " JVM_FreeMemory()" j9scar.70 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_FreeMemory_Exit " JVM_GC()" j9scar.72 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_GC_Exit " JVM_GetCallerClass(depth=%d)" j9scar.76 4 1 3 N Trc_SC_GetCallerClass_Exit " JVM_GetClassAccessFlags(clazz=%p)" j9scar.78 4 1 3 N Trc_SC_GetClassAccessFlags_Exit " JVM_GetClassContext()" j9scar.82 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetClassContext_Exit " JVM_GetClassLoader(obj=%p)" j9scar.84 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetClassLoader_Exit " JVM_GetClassName(clazz=%p)" j9scar.86 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetClassName_Exit " JVM_GetInterfaceVersion()" j9scar.90 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetInterfaceVersion_Exit " JVM_GetLastErrorString(buffer=%p, length=%d)" j9scar.92 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetLastErrorString_Exit " JVM_GetSystemPackage(name=%p)" j9scar.95 0 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetSystemPackage_SearchingForPackage " Searching for package %s (len=%d)" j9scar.96 0 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetSystemPackage_FoundRepresentativeClass " Using representative class %p (%.*s)" j9scar.97 0 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetSystemPackage_CPEntry " CPEntry is %p (%.*s)" j9scar.98 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetSystemPackage_Exit " JVM_GetSystemPackages()" j9scar.100 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetSystemPackages_Exit " JVM_GetThreadInterruptEvent()" j9scar.102 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetThreadInterruptEvent_Exit " JVM_Halt(exitCode=%d)" j9scar.104 5 1 1 N Trc_SC_Halt_Exit "*JVM_InvokeMethod(method=%p, object=%p, args=%p)" j9scar.107 4 1 3 N Trc_SC_InvokeMethod_Exit " JVM_LatestUserDefinedLoader()" j9scar.110 4 1 3 N Trc_SC_LatestUserDefinedLoader_Exit " JVM_Listen(descriptor=%d, count=%d)" j9scar.112 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_Listen_Exit " JVM_LoadLibrary(name=%s)" j9scar.114 5 1 1 N Trc_SC_LoadLibrary_Error "*JVM_Lseek(descriptor=%d, bytesToSeek=%lld, origin=%d)" j9scar.117 5 1 1 N Trc_SC_Lseek_bad_descriptor "*JVM_MaxMemory()" j9scar.120 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_MaxMemory_Exit " JVM_MonitorNotify(obj=%p)" j9scar.123 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_MonitorNotify_Exit " JVM_MonitorNotifyAll(obj=%p)" j9scar.125 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_MonitorNotifyAll_Exit " JVM_MonitorWait(obj=%p, timeout=%lld)" j9scar.127 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_MonitorWait_Exit " JVM_NativePath(path=%s)" j9scar.130 4 1 3 N Trc_SC_NativePath_Exit " JVM_NewInstanceFromConstructor(obj=%p, args=%p)" j9scar.132 4 1 3 N Trc_SC_NewInstanceFromConstructor_Exit " JVM_OnExit(func=%p)" j9scar.134 1 1 1 N Trc_SC_OnExit_OutOfMemory "* JVM_OnExit could not allocate func" j9scar.135 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_OnExit_Exit " JVM_Open(name=%s, mode=%d, flags=%d)" j9scar.137 5 1 1 N Trc_SC_Open_fstat64 "*JVM_RaiseSignal(signal=%d)" j9scar.142 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_RaiseSignal_Exit " JVM_RawMonitorCreate()" j9scar.144 0 1 1 N Trc_SC_RawMonitorCreate_Error " JVM_RawMonitorCreate -- error initializing raw monitor" j9scar.145 4 1 2 N Trc_SC_RawMonitorCreate_Exit " JVM_RawMonitorDestroy(monitor=%p)" j9scar.147 4 1 2 N Trc_SC_RawMonitorDestroy_Exit " JVM_RawMonitorEnter(monitor=%p)" j9scar.149 4 1 3 N Trc_SC_RawMonitorEnter_Exit " JVM_RawMonitorExit(monitor=%p)" j9scar.151 4 1 3 N Trc_SC_RawMonitorExit_Exit " JVM_Read(descriptor=%d, buffer=%p, bytesToRead=%d)" j9scar.153 5 1 1 N Trc_SC_Read_bad_descriptor "*JVM_Recv(descriptor=%d, buffer=%p, length=%d, flags=%d)" j9scar.156 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_Recv_Exit " JVM_RecvFrom(descriptor=%d, buffer=%p, length=%d, flags=%d, fromAddr=%p, fromLength=%p)" j9scar.158 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_RecvFrom_Exit " JVM_Send(descriptor=%d, buffer=%p, length=%d, flags=%d)" j9scar.162 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_Send_Exit " JVM_SendTo(descriptor=%d, buffer=%p, length=%d, flags=%d, toAddr=%p, toLength=%d)" j9scar.164 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_SendTo_Exit " JVM_SetLength(fd=%d, length=%lld)" j9scar.166 5 1 1 N Trc_SC_SetLength_bad_descriptor "*JVM_Sleep(threadClazz=%p, timeout=%lld)" j9scar.169 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_Sleep_Exit " JVM_Socket(domain=%d, type=%d, protocol=%d)" j9scar.171 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_Socket_Exit " JVM_SocketAvailable(descriptor=%d, result=%p)" j9scar.173 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_SocketAvailable_Exit " JVM_SocketClose(descriptor=%d)" j9scar.175 5 1 1 N Trc_SC_SocketClose_bad_descriptor "*JVM_Sync(descriptor=%d)" j9scar.179 5 1 1 N Trc_SC_Sync_bad_descriptor "*JVM_Timeout(descriptor=%d, timeout=%d)" j9scar.182 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_Timeout_Exit " JVM_TotalMemory()" j9scar.184 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_TotalMemory_Exit " JVM_UcsOpen(name=%s, flags=%d, mode=%d)" j9scar.188 1 1 1 N Trc_SC_UcsOpen_nullName "* JVM_UcsOpen called with NULL filename\n" j9scar.189 5 1 1 N Trc_SC_UcsOpen_GetFullPathNameW "*JVM_Write(descriptor=%d, buffer=%p, bytesToWrite=%d)" j9scar.193 5 1 1 N Trc_SC_Write_bad_descriptor "*NewStringPlatform(%s,%p,%s)" j9scar.196 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_NewStringPlatform_Exit " preInterruptFileOperation(descriptor=%d)" j9scar.198 4 1 2 N Trc_SC_SysInt_PreInterruptFileOperation_Exit " initializeSyscallInterruptMechanism(void)" j9scar.204 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_SysInt_InitializeSyscallInterruptMechanism_Exit " JVM_GCNoCompact()" j9scar.217 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_GCNoCompact_Exit " JVM_LoadSystemLibrary(name=%s)" j9scar.219 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_LoadSystemLibrary_Exit " JVM_RegisterSignal(signal=%d, handler=%p)" j9scar.222 4 1 1 N Trc_SC_RegisterSignal_Exit " JVM_GetExtendedNPEMessage - throwableObj(0x%p)" j9scar.225 2 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetExtendedNPEMessage_Entry2 " >JVM_GetExtendedNPEMessage - throwableObj(0x%p)" j9scar.226 0 1 1 N Trc_SC_GetExtendedNPEMessage_Null_NPE_MSG " JVM_GetExtendedNPEMessage - returns a NULL NPE message : romClass (0x%p) && romMethod (0x%p) bytecodeOffset (%d)" j9scar.227 4 1 3 N Trc_SC_GetExtendedNPEMessage_Exit " JVM_UnloadLibrary(handle=%p)" j9scar.229 0 1 3 N Trc_SC_LoadLibrary_BootStrap " JVM_LoadLibrary(name=%s) Bootstrap library" j9scar.230 0 1 3 N Trc_SC_LoadLibrary_OpenShared " JVM_LoadLibrary(name=%s) j9sl_open_shared_library" j9scar.231 0 1 3 N Trc_SC_LoadLibrary_OpenShared_Decorate " JVM_LoadLibrary(name=%s) j9sl_open_shared_library J9PORT_SLOPEN_DECORATE" j9jcl.0 0 1 1 N Trc_JCL_VMInitStages_Event1 " Trace engine initialized for module j9jcl" j9jcl.1 2 1 1 N Trc_JCL_sleep_Entry " >Sleep for %lldms %dns" j9jcl.2 5 1 1 N Trc_JCL_sleep_Interrupted "*Wait on %p for %lldms %dns" j9jcl.8 5 1 1 N Trc_JCL_wait_Interrupted "*%s" j9jcl.22 0 1 1 N Trc_JCL_openNativeLibrary " Attempting to open %s from classpath %s" j9jcl.23 2 1 3 N Trc_JCL_park_Entry " >Unsafe.park(timeoutIsEpochRelative=%d, timeout=%lld)" j9jcl.24 0 1 1 N Trc_JCL_park_timeIsInPast " Epoch relative timeout is in the past (time now=%lld)" j9jcl.25 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_park_Exit " Unsafe.unpark(%p)" j9jcl.27 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_unpark_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_getByte__J(%p)" j9jcl.29 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_getByte__J_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_getChar__J(%p)" j9jcl.31 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_getChar__J_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_getDouble__J(%p)" j9jcl.33 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_getDouble__J_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_getFloat__J(%p)" j9jcl.35 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_getFloat__J_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_getInt__J(%p)" j9jcl.37 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_getInt__J_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_getLong__J(%p)" j9jcl.39 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_getLong__J_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_getShort__J(%p)" j9jcl.41 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_getShort__J_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_putByte__JB(%p, %x)" j9jcl.43 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_putByte__JB_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_putChar__JC(%p, %x)" j9jcl.45 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_putChar__JC_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_putDouble__JD(%p, high = %zx low = %zx)" j9jcl.47 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_putDouble__JD_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_putFloat__JF(%p, %x)" j9jcl.49 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_putFloat__JF_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_putInt__JI(%p, %x)" j9jcl.51 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_putInt__JI_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_putLong__JJ(%p, high = %zx low = %zx)" j9jcl.53 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_putLong__JJ_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_putShort__JS(%p, %x)" j9jcl.55 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_putShort__JS_Exit " J9SigQuitStartup" j9jcl.57 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_J9SigQuitStartup_Disabled " J9SigQuitShutdown" j9jcl.61 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_J9SigQuitShutdown_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_allocateMemory(0x%zx)" j9jcl.63 5 1 3 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_allocateMemory_OutOfMemory "*sun_misc_Unsafe_freeMemory(%p)" j9jcl.66 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_freeMemory_Exit " com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getAnnotationClassNameForEntry(%llx)" j9jcl.68 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getAnnotationClassNameForEntry_type " annotation type = %.*s" j9jcl.69 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getAnnotationClassNameForEntry_Exit " com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getAnnotationEntries(%p, %i, %p)" j9jcl.71 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getAnnotationEntries_getAnnotations " type = %i, method name = %.*s, method signature = %.*s" j9jcl.72 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getAnnotationEntries_Exit " com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getDefaultReturnValue(%p, %p)" j9jcl.74 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getDefaultReturnValue_getDefaultValue " class = %p, class name = %.*s, method name = %.*s" j9jcl.75 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getDefaultReturnValue_Exit " com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getReturnValueForEntry(%p, %p, %p)" j9jcl.77 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getReturnValueForEntry_value " entry = %p, method name = %.*s" j9jcl.78 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getReturnValueForEntry_defaultValue " class = %p, class name = %.*s, method name = %.*s" j9jcl.79 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_reflect_AnnotationHelper_getReturnValueForEntry_Exit " JCL: SharedClassAbstractHelper getIsVerboseImpl: Entering" j9jcl.81 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassAbstractHelper_getIsVerboseImpl_Exit " JCL: SharedClassAbstractHelper initializeShareableClassloaderImpl: Entering with classloader=%p" j9jcl.83 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassAbstractHelper_initializeShareableClassloaderImpl_Exit " JCL: SharedClassStatistics freeSpaceBytesImpl: Entering" j9jcl.85 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassStatistics_freeSpaceBytesImpl_Exit " JCL: SharedClassStatistics maxSizeBytesImpl: Entering" j9jcl.87 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassStatistics_maxSizeBytesImpl_Exit " JCL: SharedClassTokenHelperImpl findSharedClassImpl: Entering for helper ID %d" j9jcl.89 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassTokenHelperImpl_findSharedClassImpl_ExitDeny " JCL: SharedClassTokenHelperImpl storeSharedClassImpl: Entering for helper ID %d" j9jcl.94 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassTokenHelperImpl_storeSharedClassImpl_ExitDenyUpdates " JCL: SharedClassURLClasspathHelperImpl findSharedClassImpl: Entering for helper ID %d" j9jcl.98 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassURLClasspathHelperImpl_findSharedClassImpl_ExitDenyAccess " JCL: SharedClassURLClasspathHelperImpl notifyClasspathChange: Entering" j9jcl.103 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassURLClasspathHelperImpl_notifyClasspathChange_Exit " JCL: SharedClassURLClasspathHelperImpl storeSharedClassImpl: Entering for helper ID %d" j9jcl.105 4 1 2 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassURLClasspathHelperImpl_storeSharedClassImpl_ExitDenyUpdates " JCL: SharedClassURLHelperImpl findSharedClassImpl: Entering for helperID %d" j9jcl.109 4 1 2 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassURLHelperImpl_findSharedClassImpl_ExitDenyAccess " JCL: SharedClassURLHelperImpl storeSharedClassImpl: Entering for helperID %d" j9jcl.114 4 1 2 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassURLHelperImpl_storeSharedClassImpl_ExitDenyUpdates " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared copyString: Entering with toCopy=%s, length=%d, farmRoot=%p" j9jcl.118 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_copyString_ExitNoFarm " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared correctURLPath: Entering with path=%s" j9jcl.121 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_correctURLPath_Exit0 " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared correctURLPath: Allocation failure" j9jcl.122 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_correctURLPath_Exit1 " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared createCompositeURLHash: Entering with correctedPath=%s" j9jcl.124 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_createCompositeURLHash_Exit " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared createCPEntries: Entering with helperID=%d, urlCount=%d" j9jcl.126 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_createCPEntries_ExitFalse1 " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared createROMClassCookie: Entering with ROMClass %p" j9jcl.135 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_createROMClassCookie_Exit " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared createToken: Entering for helperID %d" j9jcl.137 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_createToken_ExitFalse1 " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared createURLEntry: Entering with helperID=%d, correctedPath=%s, cpeType=%d" j9jcl.142 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_createURLEntry_ExitFalse1 " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared getCachedClasspath: Entering with helperID=%d, urlCount=%d" j9jcl.148 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_getCachedClasspath_ExitFound " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared getCachedToken: Entering for helperID %d" j9jcl.151 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_getCachedToken_ExitFound " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared getCachedURL: Entering for helperID=%d, cpeType=%d" j9jcl.154 4 1 2 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_getCachedURL_ExitFound " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared getCpeTypeForProtocol: Entering" j9jcl.157 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_getCpeTypeForProtocol_Exit0 " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared getPathProtocolFromURL: Entering with url %p" j9jcl.163 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_getPathProtocolFromURL_Exit1 " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared getStringPair: Entering" j9jcl.169 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_getStringPair_Exit1 " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared getStringPair: Entering" j9jcl.173 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_getURLMethodIDs_ExitCached " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared releaseStringPair: Entering" j9jcl.179 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_releaseStringPair_Exit " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared urlHashEqualFn: Entering with left=%p, right=%p" j9jcl.181 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_urlHashEqualFn_Exit1 " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared urlHashFn: Entering with item=%p" j9jcl.187 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_urlHashFn_Exit " JCL: SharedDataHelperImpl findSharedDataImpl: Entering for helperID %d" j9jcl.195 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedDataHelperImpl_findSharedDataImpl_ExitDeny " JCL: SharedDataHelperImpl storeSharedDataImpl: Entering for helperID %d" j9jcl.199 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedDataHelperImpl_storeSharedDataImpl_ExitDenyUpdates " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared createDirectByteBuffer: Entering with address=%p, dataLen=%d" j9jcl.203 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_createDirectByteBuffer_Exit1 " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared utfHashEqualFn: Entering with left=%p, right=%p" j9jcl.208 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_utfHashEqualFn_ExitResult " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared utfHashFn: Entering with item=%p" j9jcl.210 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_utfHashFn_Exit " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared getCachedString: Entering with %.*s and getUTF8=%p" j9jcl.212 1 1 6 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_getCachedString_FailedStringCopy "* JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared getCachedString: String copy failed" j9jcl.213 1 1 6 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_getCachedString_FailedHashTableCreate "* JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared getCachedString: Hashtable creation failed" j9jcl.214 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_getCachedString_ExitOK " Thread.getStateImpl: thread %p" j9jcl.218 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_Thread_getStateImpl_Exit " initializeKnownClasses" j9jcl.220 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_initializeKnownClasses_Exit " ThreadMXBean.dumpAllThreadsImpl: getLockedMonitors %d, getLockedSynchronizers %d" j9jcl.225 4 1 5 N Trc_JCL_threadmxbean_dumpAllThreads_Exit " ThreadMXBean.getArrayOfThreadInfoImpl: ids %p, getLockedMonitors %d, getLockedSynchronizers %d" j9jcl.227 4 1 5 N Trc_JCL_threadmxbean_getArrayOfThreadInfo_Exit " ThreadMXBean.getThreadInfoImpl6: id %lld, stackDepth %d, getLockedMonitors %d, getLockedSynchronizers %d" j9jcl.229 4 1 5 N Trc_JCL_threadmxbean_getThreadInfoImpl6_Exit " getSynchronizers: allinfo %p, allinfolen %d" j9jcl.231 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_threadmxbean_getSynchronizers_Exit " getMonitors: vmthread %p, tinfo %p, stacklen %d" j9jcl.233 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_threadmxbean_getMonitors_Exit " getThreadInfo: vmthread %p" j9jcl.237 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_threadmxbean_getThreadInfo_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_reallocateMemory_entry(%p, %zx)" j9jcl.244 2 1 3 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_reallocateMemory_OutOfMemory " >sun_misc_Unsafe_reallocateMemory failed" j9jcl.245 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_reallocateMemory_Exit " Java_com_ibm_tools_attach_javaSE_Attachment_loadAgentLibraryImpl %s, options %s, decorate=%d" j9jcl.252 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_attach_loadAgentLibraryExit " Java_com_ibm_tools_attach_javaSE_IPC_waitSemaphoreImpl waiting on semaphore" j9jcl.260 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_attach_waitSemaphoreExit " notifyVm entry" j9jcl.279 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_attach_notifyVmExit " openSemaphore entry" j9jcl.281 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_attach_openSemaphoreExit " cancelNotifyVm entry" j9jcl.283 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_attach_cancelNotifyVmExit " sun_misc_Unsafe_getChar(%p)" j9jcl.291 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_getChar_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_putChar(%p, value = %d)" j9jcl.293 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_putChar_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_getByte(%p)" j9jcl.295 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_getByte_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_putByte(%p, value = %d)" j9jcl.297 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_putByte_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_getShort(%p)" j9jcl.299 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_getShort_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_putShort(%p, value = %d)" j9jcl.301 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_putShort_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_getInt(%p)" j9jcl.303 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_getInt_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_putInt(%p, value = %d)" j9jcl.305 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_putInt_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_getLong(%p)" j9jcl.307 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_getLong_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_putLong(%p, value = %lld)" j9jcl.309 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_putLong_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_getFloat(%p)" j9jcl.311 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_getFloat_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_putFloat(%p, value = %f)" j9jcl.313 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_putFloat_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_getDouble(%p)" j9jcl.315 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_getDouble_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_putDouble(%p, value = %f)" j9jcl.317 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_putDouble_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_getAddress(%p)" j9jcl.319 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_getAddress_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_putAddress(%p, value = %p)" j9jcl.321 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_putAddress_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_setMemory(%p, nbyte = %d, value = %x)" j9jcl.323 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_setMemory_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_copyMemory(source = %p, dest = %p, nbyte = %d)" j9jcl.325 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_copyMemory_Exit " Class %.*s classloader %p tenant %p" j9jcl.332 0 1 5 N Trc_JCL_tenantInitializeImpl_optionFlags " tenant initializing Class %.*s classloader %p flags: %d" j9jcl.333 0 1 1 N Trc_JCL_initializeKnownClasses_SkipResolveOfStringBytesFieldRef " Skipping resolve of char[] java.lang.String#value. String compression is enabled. Instance field ref %u" j9jcl.334 0 1 1 N Trc_JCL_initializeKnownClasses_SkipResolveOfStringBytesCompressedFieldRef " Skipping resolve of Object java.lang.String#value. String compression is disabled. Instance field ref %u" j9jcl.335 2 1 3 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_allocateDBBMemory_Entry " >sun_misc_Unsafe_allocateDBBMemory(0x%zx)" j9jcl.336 5 1 1 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_allocateDBBMemory_OutOfMemory "*sun_misc_Unsafe_freeDBBMemory(%p)" j9jcl.339 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_freeDBBMemory_Exit " sun_misc_Unsafe_reallocateDBBMemory_entry(%p, %zx)" j9jcl.341 5 1 1 N Trc_JCL_sun_misc_Unsafe_reallocateDBBMemory_OutOfMemory "*getProcessPrivateMemorySizeImpl Entry" j9jcl.349 0 1 3 N Trc_Java_com_ibm_lang_management_OperatingSystemMXBeanImpl_getProcessPrivateMemorySizeImpl_Old_Impl " getProcessPrivateMemorySizeImpl using VirtualQuery" j9jcl.350 4 1 3 N Trc_Java_com_ibm_lang_management_OperatingSystemMXBeanImpl_getProcessPrivateMemorySizeImpl_Exit " for class=%p (%.*s)" j9jcl.358 0 1 1 N Trc_JCL_tenantSwitch_OK " tenantSwitch(tenant=%p->%p, data32=%p->%p, data64=%p->%p, dataObj=%p->%p, dataInitStatus=%p->%p, nativeData=%p->%p, newAC=%p)" j9jcl.359 0 1 1 N Trc_JCL_tenantSwitch_Failed " tenantSwitchFailed(tenant=%p->%p) rc=%d" j9jcl.360 12 1 1 N Assert_JCL_InvalidTenantSlotType "* ** ASSERTION FAILED ** at %s:%d: %s" j9jcl.361 2 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_tenant_TenantData_syncDataRowGrow_Entry " >com_ibm_tenant_TenantData_syncDataRowGrow(tenant = %p, newData = %p, type = %d)" j9jcl.362 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_tenant_TenantData_syncDataRowGrow_Exit " com_ibm_tenant_TenantData_syncDataRowGrowOnAllTenants" j9jcl.364 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_tenant_TenantData_syncDataRowGrowOnAllTenants_Exit " PackedObject.readPackedDataFromByteArray(packedDataOffset=%lld, offset=%d, length=%d)" j9jcl.366 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_PackedObject_readPackedDataFromByteArray_Sizes " PackedObject.readPackedDataFromByteArray this=0x%p, packedDataSize=%lld, buf=0x%p, bufferSize=%d, remainingSize=%lld" j9jcl.367 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_PackedObject_readPackedDataFromByteArray_Exit " PackedObject.writePackedDataToByteArray(packedDataOffset=%lld, offset=%d, length=%d)" j9jcl.369 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_PackedObject_writePackedDataToByteArray_Sizes " PackedObject.writePackedDataToByteArray this=0x%p, packedDataSize=%lld, buf=0x%p, bufferSize=%d, remainingSize=%lld" j9jcl.370 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_PackedObject_writePackedDataToByteArray_Exit " runtimeFlags=%p, runtimeFlags=%p" j9jcl.372 2 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_setSocketChannelImpl_Entry " >com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_setSocketChannelImpl(tenant=%p, channel=%p)" j9jcl.373 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_setSocketChannelImpl_Exit " com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_bindToAllocationContext(tenant=%p, minimumSize=%lld, maximumSize=%lld)" j9jcl.376 0 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_bindToAllocationContext_failedAttempt " com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_bindToAllocationContext, failed to bind, triggering GC and finalization" j9jcl.377 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_bindToAllocationContext_Exit " com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_freeze(tenantRef=%p)" j9jcl.381 2 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_freeze " >com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_freezeThread(tenant=%p, thread%p)" j9jcl.382 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_freeze_Exit " com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_thaw(tenantRef=%p)" j9jcl.384 2 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_thaw " >com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_thawThread(tenant=%p, thread%p)" j9jcl.385 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_thaw_Exit " com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_run(tenantRef=%p)" j9jcl.388 0 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_run_tenantEnterFailed " com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_run_enterFailed(cause=%lld)" j9jcl.389 0 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_run_killedDuringRun " com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_run_killedDuringRun" j9jcl.390 0 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_run_tenantRestoreFailed " com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_run_restoreFailed(cause=%lld)" j9jcl.391 0 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_run_errorAlreadyRunningTenantCode " com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_run_errorAlreadyRunningTenantCode" j9jcl.392 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_run_Exit " com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_kill(tenantRef=%p)" j9jcl.394 2 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_kill " >com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_killThread(tenant=%p, thread%p)" j9jcl.395 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_tenant_TenantContext_kill_Exit " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared getStringChars: Entering with obj %p" j9jcl.397 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_getStringChars_Exit " JCL: com.ibm.oti.shared releaseStringChars: Entering" j9jcl.400 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_releaseStringChars_Exit " tenantInitStateMachine for %.*s (%p) loader=%p" j9jcl.403 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_tenantInitStateMachine_notTenantAware " class is not tenant-aware, check superclass" j9jcl.404 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_tenantInitStateMachine_status " status is %p (%s)" j9jcl.405 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_tenantInitStateMachine_stateChanged " state changed after acquiring lock - loop and check state again" j9jcl.406 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_tenantInitStateMachine_markInitializationInProgress " marking class as initializing in current thread on this tenant" j9jcl.407 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_tenantInitStateMachine_initSuperclass " initialize superclass" j9jcl.408 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_tenantInitStateMachine_tenantInitializeFailed " tenant initialization failed" j9jcl.409 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_tenantInitStateMachine_initializingOnCurrentThread " initializing on current thread - exit" j9jcl.410 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_tenantInitStateMachine_waitForOtherThread " operation in progress on another thread - wait for it to complete" j9jcl.411 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_tenantInitStateMachine_waitComplete " wait complete - loop and check state again" j9jcl.412 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_tenantInitStateMachine_waitFailed " wait complete - exception or async pending - exit" j9jcl.413 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_tenantInitStateMachine_Exit " initializeNonIsolatedClass for %.*s (%p)" j9jcl.415 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_initializeNonIsolatedClass_noRootTenant " root tenant not initialized" j9jcl.416 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_initializeNonIsolatedClass_callingIntializeImpl " calling initializeImpl" j9jcl.417 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_initializeNonIsolatedClass_maskingRCM " masking RCM" j9jcl.418 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_initializeNonIsolatedClass_unmaskingRCM " unmasking RCM" j9jcl.419 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_initializeNonIsolatedClass_repostingInjector " reposting code injector event" j9jcl.420 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_initializeNonIsolatedClass_switchingToOwningTenant " switching to owning tenant" j9jcl.421 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_initializeNonIsolatedClass_restoringTenant " switching back to original tenant" j9jcl.422 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_initializeNonIsolatedClass_Exit " JCL: java_lang_Class storeNewPDobjects: Entering with framesWalked %zu and pdObjects %p" j9jcl.425 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_java_lang_Class_storeNewPDobjects_Exit " JCL: java_lang_Class calloutHelper: Entering with permObjects %p" j9jcl.427 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_java_lang_Class_calloutHelper_Exit " JCL: java_security_AccessController_getProtectionDomainsWithPerm: Entering with startingFrame %zd, jsPermission %p" j9jcl.429 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_java_security_AccessController_getProtectionDomainsWithPerm_Exit " JCL: java_security_AccessController_getAccSnapshot: Entering with startingFrame %zd" j9jcl.431 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_java_security_AccessController_getAccSnapshot_Exit " JCL: Java_java_security_AccessController_getdoPrivilegedWithCombinerAccPDs: Entering with startingFrame %zd" j9jcl.433 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_java_security_AccessController_getdoPrivilegedWithCombinerAccPDs_Exit " JCL: findClassAndCreateGlobalRef : Entering with className = %s" j9jcl.435 1 1 1 N Trc_JCL_findClassAndCreateGlobalRef_Failed_To_Find_Class "* JCL: findClassAndCreateGlobalRef : Failed to find the class = %s" j9jcl.436 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_findClassAndCreateGlobalRef_ExitOK " JCL: getMethodParametersAsArray : Entering with jlrExecutable = %p" j9jcl.439 0 1 6 N Trc_JCL_getMethodParametersAsArray_Event1 " JCL: getMethodParametersAsArray : java.lang.reflect.Parameter class = %p" j9jcl.440 1 1 1 N Trc_JCL_getMethodParametersAsArray_Failed_To_getMethodID_For_Parameter_init "* JCL: getMethodParametersAsArray : Failed to getMethodID for java_lang_reflect_Parameter_init" j9jcl.441 0 1 6 N Trc_JCL_getMethodParametersAsArray_Event2 " JCL: getMethodParametersAsArray : java.lang.reflect.Parameter#init methodID = %p" j9jcl.442 0 1 6 N Trc_JCL_getMethodParametersAsArray_Event3 " JCL: getMethodParametersAsArray : executableID = %p" j9jcl.443 0 1 6 N Trc_JCL_getMethodParametersAsArray_Event4 " JCL: getMethodParametersAsArray : parametersData = %p, numberOfParameters = %u" j9jcl.444 0 1 6 N Trc_JCL_getMethodParametersAsArray_Event5 " JCL: getMethodParametersAsArray : parametersArray = %p" j9jcl.445 0 1 6 N Trc_JCL_getMethodParametersAsArray_Event6 " JCL: getMethodParametersAsArray : nameCharArray = %s" j9jcl.446 0 1 6 N Trc_JCL_getMethodParametersAsArray_Event7 " JCL: getMethodParametersAsArray : Creating java_lang_reflect_Parameter Object. Name = %s, flags = %u, parameterIndex = %u" j9jcl.447 1 1 1 N Trc_JCL_getMethodParametersAsArray_Failed_To_Create_ParametersArray "* JCL: getMethodParametersAsArray : Failed to create parameters array of size = %zd" j9jcl.448 1 1 1 N Trc_JCL_getMethodParametersAsArray_Failed_To_Allocate_Memory_For_NameCharArray "* JCL: getMethodParametersAsArray : Failed to allocate memory for nameCharArray of size = %zd" j9jcl.449 1 1 1 N Trc_JCL_getMethodParametersAsArray_Failed_To_Create_NewStringUTF8 "* JCL: getMethodParametersAsArray : Exception occured while creating NewStringUTF for %s" j9jcl.450 1 1 1 N Trc_JCL_getMethodParametersAsArray_Failed_To_Create_java_lang_reflect_Parameter_Object "* JCL: getMethodParametersAsArray : Failed to create java_lang_reflect_Parameter Object. Name = %s, flags = %u, parameterIndex = %u" j9jcl.451 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_getMethodParametersAsArray_Exit " JCL: findNativeThreadId : Entered with threadID = %llu." j9jcl.456 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_threadmxbean_findNativeThreadId_Exit " JCL: findNativeThreadIDImpl : Received unique threadID = %llu." j9jcl.458 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_threadmxbean_findNativeThreadIDImpl_Exit " JCL: getNativeThreadIdsImpl : Entered function." j9jcl.460 1 1 1 N Trc_JCL_threadmxbean_getNativeThreadIdsImpl_failedGettingArrayElt "* JCL: getNativeThreadIdsImpl : GetLongArrayElements failed." j9jcl.461 1 1 1 N Trc_JCL_threadmxbean_getNativeThreadIdsImpl_invalidArrLen "* JCL: getNativeThreadIdsImpl : Array of invalid length received." j9jcl.462 1 1 1 N Trc_JCL_threadmxbean_getNativeThreadIdsImpl_outOfMemory "* JCL: getNativeThreadIdsImpl : Failed allocating %llu bytes." j9jcl.463 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_threadmxbean_getNativeThreadIdsImpl_Exit " JCL: SharedClassStatistics softmxBytesImpl: Entering" j9jcl.465 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassStatistics_softmxBytesImpl_Exit " JCL: SharedClassStatistics minAotBytesImpl: Entering" j9jcl.467 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassStatistics_minAotBytesImpl_Exit " JCL: SharedClassStatistics maxAotBytesImpl: Entering" j9jcl.469 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassStatistics_maxAotBytesImpl_Exit " JCL: SharedClassStatistics minJitDataBytesImpl: Entering" j9jcl.471 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassStatistics_minJitDataBytesImpl_Exit " JCL: SharedClassStatistics maxJitDataBytesImpl: Entering" j9jcl.473 4 1 6 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassStatistics_maxJitDataBytesImpl_Exit " JCL: SharedClassURLClasspathHelperImpl notifyClasspathChange3: Entering" j9jcl.482 4 1 1 N Trc_JCL_com_ibm_oti_shared_SharedClassURLClasspathHelperImpl_notifyClasspathChange3_ExitEnableCheck " Java_com_ibm_tools_attach_javaSE_IPC_waitSemaphoreImpl waiting on semaphore (%p)" j9jcl.488 2 1 1 N Trc_JCL_attach_closeSemaphoreEntry " >Java_com_ibm_tools_attach_javaSE_IPC_closeSemaphoreImpl closing semaphore (%p)" j9jcl.489 2 1 1 N Trc_JCL_attach_destroySemaphoreEntry " >Java_com_ibm_tools_attach_javaSE_IPC_destroySemaphoreImpl destroying semaphore (%p)" j9jcl.490 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_init_nativeLibrariesLoadMethodID " init nativeLibrariesLoadMethodID (0x%zx)" j9jcl.491 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_initImpl_setData " Set MemberName data: flags=0x%08X, name=%p, type=%p, clazz=%p, vmindex=%lld, target=%lld" j9jcl.492 2 1 3 N Trc_JCL_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_init_Entry " >MethodHandleNatives_init Enter: self = %p, ref = %p" j9jcl.493 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_init_Exit " MethodHandleNatives_expand Enter: self = %p" j9jcl.495 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_expand_Data " MethodHandleNatives_expand Data: membername = %p, flags = 0x%08X, vmindex = %lld" j9jcl.496 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_expand_Exit " MethodHandleNatives_resolve Enter: self = %p, caller = %p, speculativeResolve = %s" j9jcl.498 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_resolve_Data " MethodHandleNatives_resolve Data: membername = %p, caller = %p, flags = 0x%08X, vmindex = %lld, target = %lld" j9jcl.499 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_resolve_NAS " MethodHandleNatives_resolve NAS: name = %.*s, signature = %.*s" j9jcl.500 0 1 3 N Trc_JCL_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_resolve_resolved " MethodHandleNatives_resolve Resolved to: vmindex = %lld, target = %lld, class = %p, flags = 0x%08X" j9jcl.501 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_resolve_Exit " MethodHandleNatives_getMembers Enter: defc = %p, matchName = %p, matchSig = %p, matchFlags = 0x%08X, caller = %p, skip = %d, results = %p" j9jcl.503 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_getMembers_Exit " MethodHandleNatives_objectFieldOffset Enter: self = %p" j9jcl.505 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_objectFieldOffset_Exit " MethodHandleNatives_staticFieldOffset Enter: self = %p" j9jcl.507 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_staticFieldOffset_Exit " MethodHandleNatives_staticFieldBase Enter: self = %p" j9jcl.509 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_staticFieldBase_Exit " MethodHandleNatives_getMemberVMInfo Enter: self = %p" j9jcl.511 4 1 3 N Trc_JCL_java_lang_invoke_MethodHandleNatives_getMemberVMInfo_Exit " GenerateEvents env=%p" j9jvmti.2 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGenerateEvents_Exit " SetEventCallbacks env=%p" j9jvmti.4 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetEventCallbacks_Exit " SetEventNotificationMode env=%p" j9jvmti.6 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetEventNotificationMode_Exit " ClearBreakpoint env=%p" j9jvmti.8 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiClearBreakpoint_Exit " SetBreakpoint env=%p" j9jvmti.10 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetBreakpoint_Exit " AddCapabilities env=%p" j9jvmti.12 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiAddCapabilities_Exit " GetCapabilities env=%p" j9jvmti.14 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetCapabilities_Exit " GetPotentialCapabilities env=%p" j9jvmti.16 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetPotentialCapabilities_Exit " RelinquishCapabilities env=%p" j9jvmti.18 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRelinquishCapabilities_Exit " GetJNIFunctionTable env=%p" j9jvmti.20 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetJNIFunctionTable_Exit " SetJNIFunctionTable env=%p" j9jvmti.22 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetJNIFunctionTable_Exit " GetArgumentsSize env=%p" j9jvmti.24 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetArgumentsSize_Exit " GetBytecodes env=%p" j9jvmti.26 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetBytecodes_Exit " GetLineNumberTable env=%p" j9jvmti.28 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetLineNumberTable_Exit " GetLocalVariableTable env=%p" j9jvmti.30 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetLocalVariableTable_Exit " GetMaxLocals env=%p" j9jvmti.32 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetMaxLocals_Exit " GetMethodDeclaringClass env=%p" j9jvmti.34 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetMethodDeclaringClass_Exit " GetMethodLocation env=%p" j9jvmti.36 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetMethodLocation_Exit " GetMethodModifiers env=%p" j9jvmti.38 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetMethodModifiers_Exit " GetMethodName env=%p" j9jvmti.40 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetMethodName_Exit " IsMethodNative env=%p" j9jvmti.42 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiIsMethodNative_Exit " IsMethodObsolete env=%p" j9jvmti.44 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiIsMethodObsolete_Exit " IsMethodSynthetic env=%p" j9jvmti.46 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiIsMethodSynthetic_Exit " AddToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch env=%p" j9jvmti.48 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiAddToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch_Exit " GetSystemProperties env=%p" j9jvmti.50 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetSystemProperties_Exit " GetSystemProperty env=%p" j9jvmti.52 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetSystemProperty_Exit " SetSystemProperty env=%p" j9jvmti.54 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetSystemProperty_Exit " GetThreadGroupChildren env=%p" j9jvmti.56 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetThreadGroupChildren_Exit " GetThreadGroupInfo env=%p" j9jvmti.58 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetThreadGroupInfo_Exit " GetTopThreadGroups env=%p" j9jvmti.60 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetTopThreadGroups_Exit " GetFieldDeclaringClass env=%p" j9jvmti.62 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetFieldDeclaringClass_Exit " GetFieldModifiers env=%p" j9jvmti.64 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetFieldModifiers_Exit " GetFieldName env=%p" j9jvmti.66 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetFieldName_Exit " IsFieldSynthetic env=%p" j9jvmti.68 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiIsFieldSynthetic_Exit " Allocate env=%p, mem_ptr=%p" j9jvmti.70 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiAllocate_Exit " Deallocate env=%p mem=%p" j9jvmti.72 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiDeallocate_Exit " ClearFieldAccessWatch env=%p" j9jvmti.74 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiClearFieldAccessWatch_Exit " ClearFieldModificationWatch env=%p" j9jvmti.76 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiClearFieldModificationWatch_Exit " SetFieldAccessWatch env=%p" j9jvmti.78 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetFieldAccessWatch_Exit " SetFieldModificationWatch env=%p" j9jvmti.80 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetFieldModificationWatch_Exit " GetClassFields env=%p" j9jvmti.82 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetClassFields_Exit " GetClassLoader env=%p" j9jvmti.84 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetClassLoader_Exit " GetClassLoaderClasses env=%p" j9jvmti.86 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetClassLoaderClasses_Exit " GetClassMethods env=%p" j9jvmti.88 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetClassMethods_Exit " GetClassModifiers env=%p" j9jvmti.90 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetClassModifiers_Exit " GetClassSignature env=%p" j9jvmti.92 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetClassSignature_Exit " GetClassStatus env=%p" j9jvmti.94 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetClassStatus_Exit " GetImplementedInterfaces env=%p" j9jvmti.96 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetImplementedInterfaces_Exit " GetLoadedClasses env=%p" j9jvmti.98 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetLoadedClasses_Exit " GetSourceDebugExtension env=%p" j9jvmti.100 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetSourceDebugExtension_Exit " GetSourceFileName env=%p" j9jvmti.102 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetSourceFileName_Exit " IsArrayClass env=%p" j9jvmti.104 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiIsArrayClass_Exit " IsInterface env=%p" j9jvmti.106 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiIsInterface_Exit " RedefineClasses env=%p" j9jvmti.108 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRedefineClasses_Exit " GetAllStackTraces env=%p" j9jvmti.110 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetAllStackTraces_Exit " GetFrameCount env=%p" j9jvmti.112 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetFrameCount_Exit " GetFrameLocation env=%p" j9jvmti.114 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetFrameLocation_Exit " GetStackTrace env=%p" j9jvmti.116 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetStackTrace_Exit " GetThreadListStackTraces env=%p" j9jvmti.118 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetThreadListStackTraces_Exit " NotifyFramePop env=%p" j9jvmti.120 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiNotifyFramePop_Exit " PopFrame env=%p" j9jvmti.122 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiPopFrame_Exit " GetObjectHashCode env=%p" j9jvmti.124 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetObjectHashCode_Exit " GetObjectMonitorUsage env=%p" j9jvmti.126 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetObjectMonitorUsage_Exit " GetObjectSize env=%p" j9jvmti.128 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetObjectSize_Exit " GetLocalDouble env=%p" j9jvmti.130 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetLocalDouble_Exit " GetLocalFloat env=%p" j9jvmti.132 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetLocalFloat_Exit " GetLocalInt env=%p" j9jvmti.134 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetLocalInt_Exit " GetLocalLong env=%p" j9jvmti.136 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetLocalLong_Exit " GetLocalObject env=%p" j9jvmti.138 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetLocalObject_Exit " SetLocalDouble env=%p" j9jvmti.140 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetLocalDouble_Exit " SetLocalFloat env=%p" j9jvmti.142 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetLocalFloat_Exit " SetLocalInt env=%p" j9jvmti.144 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetLocalInt_Exit " SetLocalLong env=%p" j9jvmti.146 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetLocalLong_Exit " SetLocalObject env=%p" j9jvmti.148 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetLocalObject_Exit " GetAvailableProcessors env=%p" j9jvmti.150 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetAvailableProcessors_Exit " GetCurrentThreadCpuTime env=%p" j9jvmti.152 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetCurrentThreadCpuTime_Exit " GetCurrentThreadCpuTimerInfo env=%p" j9jvmti.154 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetCurrentThreadCpuTimerInfo_Exit " GetThreadCpuTime env=%p" j9jvmti.156 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetThreadCpuTime_Exit " GetThreadCpuTimerInfo env=%p" j9jvmti.158 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetThreadCpuTimerInfo_Exit " GetTime env=%p" j9jvmti.160 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetTime_Exit " GetTimerInfo env=%p" j9jvmti.162 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetTimerInfo_Exit " GetExtensionEvents env=%p extension_count_ptr=%p extensions=%p" j9jvmti.164 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetExtensionEvents_Exit " GetExtensionFunctions env=%p extension_count_ptr=%p extensions=%p" j9jvmti.166 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetExtensionFunctions_Exit " SetExtensionEventCallback env=%p extension_event_index=%d callback=%p" j9jvmti.168 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetExtensionEventCallback_Exit " GetAllThreads env=%p" j9jvmti.170 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetAllThreads_Exit " GetCurrentContendedMonitor env=%p" j9jvmti.172 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetCurrentContendedMonitor_Exit " GetOwnedMonitorInfo env=%p" j9jvmti.174 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetOwnedMonitorInfo_Exit " GetThreadInfo env=%p" j9jvmti.176 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetThreadInfo_Exit " GetThreadLocalStorage env=%p" j9jvmti.178 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetThreadLocalStorage_Exit " GetThreadState env=%p" j9jvmti.180 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetThreadState_Exit " InterruptThread env=%p" j9jvmti.182 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiInterruptThread_Exit " ResumeThread env=%p" j9jvmti.184 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiResumeThread_Exit " ResumeThreadList env=%p" j9jvmti.186 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiResumeThreadList_Exit " RunAgentThread env=%p" j9jvmti.188 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRunAgentThread_Exit " SetThreadLocalStorage env=%p" j9jvmti.190 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetThreadLocalStorage_Exit " StopThread env=%p" j9jvmti.192 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiStopThread_Exit " SuspendThread env=%p" j9jvmti.194 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSuspendThread_Exit " SuspendThreadList env=%p" j9jvmti.196 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSuspendThreadList_Exit " CreateRawMonitor env=%p name=%s" j9jvmti.198 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiCreateRawMonitor_Exit " DestroyRawMonitor env=%p monitor=%p (%s)" j9jvmti.200 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiDestroyRawMonitor_Exit " RawMonitorEnter env=%p monitor=%p (%s)" j9jvmti.202 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRawMonitorEnter_Exit " RawMonitorExit env=%p monitor=%p (%s)" j9jvmti.204 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRawMonitorExit_Exit " RawMonitorNotify env=%p monitor=%p (%s)" j9jvmti.206 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRawMonitorNotify_Exit " RawMonitorNotifyAll env=%p monitor=%p (%s)" j9jvmti.208 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRawMonitorNotifyAll_Exit " RawMonitorWait env=%p monitor=%p (%s)" j9jvmti.210 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRawMonitorWait_Exit " DisposeEnvironment env=%p" j9jvmti.212 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiDisposeEnvironment_Exit " GetEnvironmentLocalStorage env=%p" j9jvmti.214 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetEnvironmentLocalStorage_Exit " GetErrorName env=%p" j9jvmti.216 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetErrorName_Exit " GetJLocationFormat env=%p" j9jvmti.218 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetJLocationFormat_Exit " GetPhase env=%p" j9jvmti.220 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetPhase_Exit " GetVersionNumber env=%p" j9jvmti.222 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetVersionNumber_Exit " SetEnvironmentLocalStorage env=%p" j9jvmti.224 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetEnvironmentLocalStorage_Exit " SetVerboseFlag env=%p" j9jvmti.226 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetVerboseFlag_Exit " ForceGarbageCollection env=%p" j9jvmti.228 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiForceGarbageCollection_Exit " GetObjectsWithTags env=%p" j9jvmti.230 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetObjectsWithTags_Exit " GetTag env=%p" j9jvmti.232 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetTag_Exit " IterateOverHeap env=%p" j9jvmti.234 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiIterateOverHeap_Exit " IterateOverInstancesOfClass env=%p" j9jvmti.236 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiIterateOverInstancesOfClass_Exit " IterateOverObjectsReachableFromObject env=%p" j9jvmti.238 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiIterateOverObjectsReachableFromObject_Exit " IterateOverReachableObjects env=%p" j9jvmti.240 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiIterateOverReachableObjects_Exit " SetTag env=%p" j9jvmti.242 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetTag_Exit " AddExtendedCapabilities env=%p" j9jvmti.247 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiAddExtendedCapabilities_Exit " GetExtendedCapabilities env=%p" j9jvmti.249 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetExtendedCapabilities_Exit " GetPotentialExtendedCapabilities env=%p" j9jvmti.251 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetPotentialExtendedCapabilities_Exit " RelinquishExtendedCapabilities env=%p" j9jvmti.253 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRelinquishExtendedCapabilities_Exit " TraceSet env=%p option=%s" j9jvmti.255 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiTraceSet_Exit " DumpSet env=%p option=%s" j9jvmti.257 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiDumpSet_Exit " JlmSet env=%p option=%d" j9jvmti.259 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiJlmSet_Exit " JlmDump env=%p option=%p" j9jvmti.261 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiJlmDump_Exit " AllowMethodInliningWithMethodEnterExit env=%p" j9jvmti.263 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiAllowMethodInliningWithMethodEnterExit_Exit " HookBreakpoint" j9jvmti.265 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookBreakpoint_Exit " HookClassLoad" j9jvmti.267 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookClassLoad_Exit " HookClassPrepare class=%p (%.*s)" j9jvmti.269 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookClassPrepare_Exit " HookExceptionThrow" j9jvmti.271 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookExceptionThrow_Exit " HookFieldAccess" j9jvmti.273 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookFieldAccess_Exit " HookFieldModification" j9jvmti.275 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookFieldModification_Exit " HookFindMethodFromPC" j9jvmti.277 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookFindMethodFromPC_Exit " HookGetEnv" j9jvmti.279 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookGetEnv_Exit " HookGCEnd" j9jvmti.281 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookGCEnd_Exit " HookGCStart" j9jvmti.283 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookGCStart_Exit " HookMethodEnter" j9jvmti.285 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookMethodEnter_Exit " HookMethodExit" j9jvmti.287 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookMethodExit_Exit " HookMonitorContendedEnter" j9jvmti.289 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookMonitorContendedEnter_Exit " HookMonitorContendedEntered" j9jvmti.291 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookMonitorContendedEntered_Exit " HookMonitorWait" j9jvmti.293 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookMonitorWait_Exit " HookMonitorWaited" j9jvmti.295 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookMonitorWaited_Exit " HookPermanentPC" j9jvmti.297 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookPermanentPC_Exit " HookRequiredDebugAttributes" j9jvmti.299 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookRequiredDebugAttributes_Exit " HookSingleStep" j9jvmti.301 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookSingleStep_Exit " HookThreadCreated" j9jvmti.303 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookThreadCreated_Exit " HookThreadDestroy" j9jvmti.305 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookThreadDestroy_Exit " HookThreadEnd" j9jvmti.307 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookThreadEnd_Exit " HookThreadStarted" j9jvmti.309 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookThreadStarted_Exit " HookUserInterrupt" j9jvmti.311 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookUserInterrupt_Exit " HookVMInitialized" j9jvmti.313 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookVMInitialized_Exit " HookVMShutdown" j9jvmti.315 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookVMShutdown_Exit " HookVMStarted" j9jvmti.317 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookVMStarted_Exit " HookFramePop" j9jvmti.319 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookFramePop_Exit " HookExceptionCatch" j9jvmti.321 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookExceptionCatch_Exit " HookPopFramesInterrupt" j9jvmti.323 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookPopFramesInterrupt_Exit " HookMonitorEnter" j9jvmti.325 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookMonitorEnter_Exit " HookMonitorExit" j9jvmti.327 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookMonitorExit_Exit " HookClassFileLoadHook" j9jvmti.329 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookClassFileLoadHook_Exit " HookCheckForDataBreakpoint" j9jvmti.331 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookCheckForDataBreakpoint_Exit " HookLookupNativeAddress" j9jvmti.333 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookLookupNativeAddress_Exit " HookObjectAllocate" j9jvmti.335 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookObjectAllocate_Exit " Unused" j9jvmti.337 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookCompiledMethodLoad_Exit " Unused" j9jvmti.339 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookCompiledMethodUnload_Exit " HookJNINativeBind" j9jvmti.341 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookJNINativeBind_Exit " HookCompilingEnd" j9jvmti.343 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookCompilingEnd_Exit " HookCompilingStart" j9jvmti.345 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookCompilingStart_Exit " SetVmAndCompilingControlOptions env=%p option=%d" j9jvmti.347 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetVmAndCompilingControlOptions_Exit " SetMethodSelectiveEntryExitNotification env=%p" j9jvmti.349 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetMethodSelectiveEntryExitNotification_Exit " SetExtendedEventNotificationMode env=%p" j9jvmti.351 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetExtendedEventNotificationMode_Exit " HookClassUnload class=%p" j9jvmti.353 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookClassUnload_Exit " HookDynamicCodeLoad" j9jvmti.355 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookDynamicCodeLoad_Exit " HookDynamicCodeUnload" j9jvmti.357 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookDynamicCodeUnload_Exit " GetOSThreadID env=%p" j9jvmti.359 2 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetOSThreadID_Exit " >GetOSThreadID returning %d" j9jvmti.360 2 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetClassVersionNumbers_Entry " >GetClassVersionNumbers env=%p" j9jvmti.361 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetClassVersionNumbers_Exit " GetConstantPool env=%p" j9jvmti.363 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetConstantPool_Exit " IsModifiableClass env=%p" j9jvmti.365 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiIsModifiableClass_Exit " RetransformClasses env=%p" j9jvmti.367 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRetransformClasses_Exit " AddToSystemClassLoaderSearch env=%p" j9jvmti.369 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiAddToSystemClassLoaderSearch_Exit " ForceEarlyReturnDouble env=%p" j9jvmti.371 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiForceEarlyReturnDouble_Exit " ForceEarlyReturnFloat env=%p" j9jvmti.373 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiForceEarlyReturnFloat_Exit " ForceEarlyReturnInt env=%p" j9jvmti.375 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiForceEarlyReturnInt_Exit " ForceEarlyReturnLong env=%p" j9jvmti.377 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiForceEarlyReturnLong_Exit " ForceEarlyReturnObject env=%p" j9jvmti.379 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiForceEarlyReturnObject_Exit " ForceEarlyReturnVoid env=%p" j9jvmti.381 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiForceEarlyReturnVoid_Exit " FollowReferences env=%p" j9jvmti.383 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiFollowReferences_Exit " IterateThroughHeap env=%p" j9jvmti.385 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiIterateThroughHeap_Exit " SetNativeMethodPrefix env=%p" j9jvmti.387 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetNativeMethodPrefix_Exit " SetNativeMethodPrefixes env=%p" j9jvmti.389 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetNativeMethodPrefixes_Exit " GetCurrentThread env=%p" j9jvmti.391 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetCurrentThread_Exit " GetOwnedMonitorStackDepthInfo env=%p" j9jvmti.393 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetOwnedMonitorStackDepthInfo_Exit " TriggerVmDump env=%p arguments=%s" j9jvmti.395 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiTriggerVmDump_Exit " HookVmDumpStart" j9jvmti.397 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookVmDumpStart_Exit " HookVmDumpEnd" j9jvmti.399 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookVmDumpEnd_Exit " HookVMInitializedFirst" j9jvmti.401 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookVMInitializedFirst_Exit " HookVMShutdownLast" j9jvmti.403 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookVMShutdownLast_Exit " HookVMStartedFirst" j9jvmti.405 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookVMStartedFirst_Exit " SignalAsyncEvent env=%p" j9jvmti.407 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSignalAsyncEvent_Exit " CancelAsyncEvent env=%p" j9jvmti.409 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiCancelAsyncEvent_Exit " asyncEventHandler" j9jvmti.411 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_asyncEventHandler_Exit " HookAgentLookupNativeAddress" j9jvmti.413 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookAgentLookupNativeAddress_Exit " HookFindNativeToRegister" j9jvmti.415 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookFindNativeToRegister_Exit " GetStackTraceExtended env=%p" j9jvmti.417 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetStackTraceExtended_Exit " GetAllStackTracesExtended env=%p" j9jvmti.419 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetAllStackTracesExtended_Exit " GetThreadListStackTracesExtended env=%p" j9jvmti.421 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetThreadListStackTracesExtended_Exit " ResourceExhaustedEvent" j9jvmti.428 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookResourceExhausted_Exit " HookMethodExitNoRc" j9jvmti.430 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookMethodExitNoRc_Exit " AllowDirectJNIWithMethodEnterExit env=%p" j9jvmti.432 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiAllowDirectJNIWithMethodEnterExit_Exit " ResetVmDump env=%p" j9jvmti.434 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiResetVmDump_Exit " RegisterTraceSubscriber env=%p description=%s subscriber=%p alarm=%p userData=%p subscriptionID=%p" j9jvmti.436 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRegisterTraceSubscriber_Exit " DeregisterTraceSubscriber env=%p subscriptionID=%p alarm=%p" j9jvmti.438 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiDeregisterTraceSubscriber_Exit " FlushTraceData env=%p" j9jvmti.440 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiFlushTraceData_Exit " GetTraceMetadata env=%p data=%p length=%p" j9jvmti.442 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetTraceMetadata_Exit " GetMethodAndClassNames env=%p ramMethods=%p count=%d" j9jvmti.444 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetMethodAndClassNames_Exit " GetHeapFreeMemory env=%p" j9jvmti.449 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetHeapFreeMemory_Exit " GetHeapTotalMemory env=%p" j9jvmti.451 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetHeapTotalMemory_Exit " AddCanAutoTagObjectsCapability env=%p" j9jvmti.453 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiAddCanAutoTagObjectsCapability_Exit " HookObjectMove" j9jvmti.455 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookObjectMove_Exit " HookObjectDelete" j9jvmti.457 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookObjectDelete_Exit " HookAutotaggedObjectAllocate" j9jvmti.459 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookAutotaggedObjectAllocate_Exit " RemoveAllTags env=%p" j9jvmti.461 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRemoveAllTags_Exit " QueryVmDump env=%p" j9jvmti.463 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiQueryVmDump_Exit " ClearMethodSelectiveEntryExitNotification env=%p" j9jvmti.465 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiClearMethodSelectiveEntryExitNotification_Exit " HookGCCycleStart" j9jvmti.467 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookGCCycleStart_Exit " HookGCCycleFinish" j9jvmti.469 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookGCCycleFinish_Exit " IterateSharedCaches env=%p callback=%p user_data=%p" j9jvmti.471 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiIterateSharedCaches_Exit " IterateSharedCaches env=%p name=%s" j9jvmti.473 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiDestroySharedCache_Exit " GetObjectMonitorHashCode env=%p" j9jvmti.475 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetObjectMonitorHashCode_Exit " QueryVmLogOptions env=%p" j9jvmti.477 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiQueryVmLogOptions_Exit " SetVmLogOptions env=%p" j9jvmti.479 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetVmLogOptions_Exit " JlmDumpStats env=%p" j9jvmti.481 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiJlmDumpStats_Exit " GetMemoryCategories env=%p version=%d max_categories=%d categories_buffer=%p written_count_ptr=%p total_categories_ptr=%p" j9jvmti.483 5 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetMemoryCategories_WrongVersion_Exit "*GetLocalInstance env=%p" j9jvmti.490 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetLocalInstance_Exit " RegisterVerboseGCSubscriber env=%p description=%s subscriber=%p alarm=%p userData=%p subscriptionID=%p" j9jvmti.492 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRegisterVerboseGCSubscriber_Exit " DeregisterVerboseGCSubscriber env=%p subscriptionID=%p" j9jvmti.494 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiDeregisterVerboseGCSubscriber_Exit " GetJ9vmThread env=%p" j9jvmti.496 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetJ9vmThread_Exit " GetJ9method env=%p" j9jvmti.498 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetJ9method_Exit " issueAgentOnLoadAttach loading library %s" j9jvmti.500 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_issueAgentOnLoadAttach_Exit " loadAgentLibraryGeneric loading library %s" j9jvmti.503 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_loadAgentLibraryGeneric_Exit " loadAgentLibraryOnAttach loading library %s" j9jvmti.505 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_loadAgentLibraryOnAttach_Exit " findAgentLibrary loading library %s" j9jvmti.507 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_findAgentLibrary_successExit " RegisterTracePointSubscriber env=%p description=%s subscriber=%p alarm=%p userData=%p subscriptionID=%p" j9jvmti.510 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiRegisterTracePointSubscriber_Exit " DeregisterTracePointSubscriber env=%p subscriptionID=%p" j9jvmti.512 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiDeregisterTracePointSubscriber_Exit " GetObjectSize env=%p obj=%p size_ptr=%p" j9jvmti.514 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetObjectSize2_Exit " GetObjectHashCode env=%p obj=%p hashcode_ptr=%p" j9jvmti.516 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetObjectHashCode2_Exit " GetObjectMonitorUsage env=%p obj=%p info_ptr=%p" j9jvmti.518 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiGetObjectMonitorUsage2_Exit " DeregisterTraceSubscriber env=%p subscriptionID=%p" j9jvmti.522 2 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_loadAgentLibrary_Entry " >loadAgentLibrary: loading agent %s" j9jvmti.523 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_loadAgentLibrary_Exit " shutDownAgentLibraries: Shutting down agent libraries loaded" j9jvmti.525 0 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_shutDownAgentLibraries_invokingAgentShutDown " shutDownAgentLibraries: Invoking shut down on agent %s" j9jvmti.526 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_shutDownAgentLibraries_Exit " ModuleSystemStarted" j9jvmti.543 4 1 1 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookModuleSystemStarted_Exit " SetHeapSamplingInterval env=%p samplingInterval=%d" j9jvmti.545 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiSetHeapSamplingInterval_Exit " HookSampledObjectAlloc starts" j9jvmti.547 4 1 5 N Trc_JVMTI_jvmtiHookSampledObjectAlloc_Exit " lookupNativeAddressHelper - nativeMethod (%p) methodName (%.*s) methodSignature (%.*s) prefixOffset (%zu) retransformFlag (%zu) functionArgCount (%zu) callback (%p)" j9jvmti.550 0 1 3 N Trc_JVMTI_lookupNativeAddressHelper_Bound_ClassLoader_Library " lookupNativeAddressHelper (bound with classloader library) - nativeMethod (%p) nativeLibrary (%p) longJNI (%s) shortJNI (%s) functionArgCount (%zu)" j9jvmti.551 0 1 3 N Trc_JVMTI_lookupNativeAddressHelper_Bound_Null_Library " lookupNativeAddressHelper (bound without classloader library) - nativeMethod (%p) longJNI (%s) shortJNI (%s) functionArgCount (%zu)" j9jvmti.552 0 1 3 N Trc_JVMTI_lookupNativeAddressHelper_Bound_Agent_Library " lookupNativeAddressHelper (bound with agent library) - nativeMethod (%p) nativeLibrary (%p) longJNI (%s) shortJNI (%s) functionArgCount (%zu)" j9jvmti.553 4 1 3 N Trc_JVMTI_lookupNativeAddressHelper_Exit " MM_MemorySubSpace_percolateGarbageCollect Entry" j9mm.1 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpace_percolateGarbageCollect_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpace_garbageCollect Entry" j9mm.4 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpace_garbageCollect_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpace_resizeHeapCheck Entry" j9mm.8 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpace_resizeHeapCheck_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpace_calculateExpandSize Entry Bytes required = %zu" j9mm.12 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceUniSpace_calculateExpandSize_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpace_checkForRatioExpand Entry Bytes required = %zu" j9mm.14 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceUniSpace_checkForRatioExpand_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpace_checkForRatioContract Entry" j9mm.18 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceUniSpace_checkForRatioContract_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpace_performExpand Entry Required expansion size = %zu bytes" j9mm.21 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceUniSpace_performExpand_Exit " MM_MemorySubSpace_expand Entry Required expansion size = %zu bytes" j9mm.23 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpace_expand_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpace_timeForHeapContract Entry System garbage collection = %s" j9mm.26 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceUniSpace_timeForHeapContract_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpace_calculateTargetContractSize Entry Allocation size = %zu, ratio contract %s" j9mm.34 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceUniSpace_calculateTargetContractSize_Event1 " MM_MemorySubSpace_calculateTargetContractSize Event1 Contraction size = %zu bytes" j9mm.35 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceUniSpace_calculateTargetContractSize_Event2 " MM_MemorySubSpace_calculateTargetContractSize Event2 Contraction size = %zu bytes, maximum contraction size = %zu bytes" j9mm.36 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceUniSpace_calculateTargetContractSize_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpace_performContract Entry Allocation size = %zu" j9mm.38 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceUniSpace_performContract_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpace_contract Entry Target contraction size = %zu bytes" j9mm.44 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpace_contract_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpace_collectorExpand Entry Requesting collector at %p, requested bytes = %zu" j9mm.47 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceFlat_collectorExpand_Exit2 " MM_MemorySubSpace_calculateCollectorExpandSize Entry Bytes required = %zu" j9mm.93 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceUniSpace_calculateCollectorExpandSize_Exit1 " Trc_MM_FixHeapForWalk Entry with walkflags: %zx" j9mm.104 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_FixHeapForWalk_Exit " Trc_MM_FlushUndeadSegments Entry with reason: %s" j9mm.106 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_FlushUndeadSegments_Exit " Trc_MM_DoFixHeapForUnload Entry with walkflags: %zx" j9mm.110 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_DoFixHeapForUnload_Exit " Trc_MM_suspendConHelperThreads Entry" j9mm.113 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_suspendConHelperThreads_PriorityBoost " Trc_MM_suspendConHelperThreads boosting priority of %u helpers" j9mm.114 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_suspendConHelperThreads_Shutdown " Trc_MM_incrementConcurrentHelperCount Entry (value=%u)" j9mm.117 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_incrementConcurrentHelperCount_Exit " Trc_MM_notifyWaitingConcurrentHelpers Entry" j9mm.119 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_notifyWaitingConcurrentHelpers_Exit " Trc_MM_shutdownConHelperThreads Entry" j9mm.121 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_shutdownConHelperThreads_Exit " Trc_MM_SynchronizeGCThreads Entry from: %s" j9mm.123 4 1 2 N Trc_MM_SynchronizeGCThreads_Exit " Trc_MM_SynchronizeGCThreadsAndReleaseMain Entry from: %s" j9mm.125 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_SynchronizeGCThreadsAndReleaseMain_Exit " Trc_MM_ParallelHeapWalker_allObjectsDoParallel_Entry" j9mm.146 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_ParallelHeapWalker_allObjectsDoParallel_Exit " Scavenger start" j9mm.149 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_Scavenger_mainThreadGarbageCollect_setFailedTenureFlag " Setting failed tenure flag. _failedTenureLargest = %zu" j9mm.150 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_Scavenger_mainThreadGarbageCollect_Exit " Trc_MM_HeapRegionManager_destroyAuxiliaryRegionDescriptor %p" j9mm.159 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_HeapRegionManager_destroyAuxiliaryRegionDescriptor_Exit " Trc_MM_HeapRegionManager_acquireTableRegions: Memory requested from %zx to %zx" j9mm.163 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_HeapRegionManager_acquireTableRegions_Exit " finalizeObjectCreated: object: %p" j9mm.170 0 1 9 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_finalizeObjectCreated_NHRThreadEarlyExit " finalizeObjectCreated: NHR thread encountered, exiting early." j9mm.171 1 1 1 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_finalizeObjectCreated_failedAddingToUnfinalizedList "* finalizeObjectCreated Failed Adding object %p to unfinalized list %p" j9mm.172 4 1 9 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_finalizeObjectCreated_Exit " runFinalization: " j9mm.174 4 1 9 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_runFinalization_Exit " referenceObjectCreated: referenceObject: %p referent: %p" j9mm.176 1 1 1 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_referenceObjectCreated_accessBarrierException "* referenceObjectCreated: Access barrier exception occurred when setting the referent. referenceObject: %p, referent: %p" j9mm.177 1 1 1 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_referenceObjectCreated_nullReferenceList "* referenceObjectCreated: No reference list found for referenceObject: %p" j9mm.178 1 1 1 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_referenceObjectCreated_allocationFailed "* referenceObjectCreated: Failed to allocate sublist from referenceList: %p for object %p" j9mm.179 4 1 9 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_referenceObjectCreated_Exit " forceClassLoaderUnload. classLoader:%p" j9mm.181 0 1 9 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_forceClassLoaderUnload_classLoaderNotBeingUnloaded " forceClassLoaderUnload: ClassLoader %p is not being unloaded but is eligible. Setting setForceFlag to true." j9mm.182 1 1 1 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_forceClassLoaderUnload_failedToInitializeClassUnloadingMutex "* forceClassLoaderUnload: No signalling mutex found, attempt to initialize one failed." j9mm.183 1 1 1 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_forceClassLoaderUnload_timedOut "* forceClassLoaderUnload: Timed out while waiting for the classLoader (%p) to finish unloading." j9mm.184 0 1 9 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_forceClassLoaderUnload_classLoaderNotDead " forceClassLoaderUnload: classLoader (%p) is not dead, running Finalization and invoking aggressive GC." j9mm.185 4 1 9 N Trc_FinalizeSupport_forceClassLoaderUnload_Exit " MM_HeapRegionManager_acquireSingleTableRegions subspace=%p NUMA_request=%zu" j9mm.187 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_HeapRegionManager_acquireSingleTableRegions_Exit " MM_GlobalCollector_isTimeForClassUnloading. dynamicClassUnloading:%zu classLoaderBlocks:%zu dynamicClassUnloadingThreshold:%zu lastUnloadNumOfClassLoaders:%zu" j9mm.191 4 1 2 N Trc_MM_GlobalCollector_isTimeForClassUnloading_Exit " MM_GlobalCollector_isTimeForGlobalGCKickoff. dynamicClassUnloading:%zu classLoaderBlocks:%zu dynamicClassUnloadingKickoffThreshold:%zu lastUnloadNumOfClassLoaders:%zu" j9mm.193 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_GlobalCollector_isTimeForGlobalGCKickoff_Exit " MM_RegionPoolTarok_expand. region=%p" j9mm.198 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_RegionPoolTarok_expand_Exit " MM_RegionPoolTarok_contract. region=%p" j9mm.200 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_RegionPoolTarok_contractRegion_Exit " MM_RegionPoolTarok_contract." j9mm.202 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_RegionPoolTarok_contract_Exit " MM_RegionPoolTarok_acquireNextActiveRegion." j9mm.204 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_RegionPoolTarok_acquireNextActiveRegion_Exit " MM_RegionPoolTarok_acquireActiveRegion. requiredFreeEntrySize=%zu" j9mm.206 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_RegionPoolTarok_acquireActiveRegion_Exit " MM_RegionPoolTarok_acquireFreeRegion. preferredNumaNode=%zu" j9mm.208 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_RegionPoolTarok_acquireFreeRegion_Exit " MM_RegionPoolTarok_recycleFreeRegion. region=%p" j9mm.210 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_RegionPoolTarok_recycleFreeRegion_Exit " MM_RegionPoolTarok_repossessFreeRegion. region=%p" j9mm.212 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_RegionPoolTarok_repossessFreeRegion_Exit " MM_ArrayletAllocationModel::allocateAndConnectNonContiguousArraylet. numberIndexedFields=%zu spineBytes=%zu leafCount=%zu" j9mm.214 1 1 1 N Trc_MM_allocateAndConnectNonContiguousArraylet_spineFailure "* Failed to allocate spine" j9mm.215 1 1 1 N Trc_MM_allocateAndConnectNonContiguousArraylet_leafFailure "* Failed to allocate leaf" j9mm.216 4 1 3 N Trc_MM_allocateAndConnectNonContiguousArraylet_Exit " MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok::lockedReplenishAndAllocate" j9mm.218 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_lockedReplenishAndAllocate_Success " MM_AllocationContextTarok::lockedReplenishAndAllocate. regionSize=%zu requestedBytes=%zu" j9mm.221 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_lockedReplenishAndAllocate_sufficientSpaceInActiveRegion " MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok::internalLockedReplenish. Sufficient space in active region" j9mm.222 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_lockedReplenishAndAllocate_repopulatedContextList " MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok::internalReplenish. Repopulated active list in context. Acquired %zu bytes" j9mm.223 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_AllocationContextTarok_Deprecated_internalReplenishActiveRegion_convertedFreeRegion " MM_AllocationContextTarok::internalReplenishActiveRegion. Converted free region=%zx. Acquired %zu bytes" j9mm.224 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_AllocationContextTarok_Deprecated_lockedReplenishAndAllocate_acquiredFreeRegion " MM_AllocationContextTarok::lockedReplenishAndAllocate. Acquired free region. Acquired %zu bytes" j9mm.225 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_AllocationContextTarok_Deprecated_lockedReplenishAndAllocate_Success " j9gc_set_allocation_threshold: low=%zu high=%zu ext->lowThreshold=%zu ext->highThreshold=%zu" j9mm.232 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_AllocationThreshold_setAllocationThreshold_Exit " MM_ConcurrentGC_determineInitWork" j9mm.248 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_ConcurrentGC_determineInitWork_Exit " MM_ConcurrentGC_getInitRange" j9mm.250 4 1 3 N Trc_MM_ConcurrentGC_getInitRange_Succeed " MM_ConcurrentGC_tuneToHeap" j9mm.253 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_ConcurrentGC_tuneToHeap_Exit1 " MM_ConcurrentGC_internalPreCollect subspace=%p" j9mm.256 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_ConcurrentGC_internalPreCollect_Exit " MM_ConcurrentGC_internalPostCollect subspace=%p" j9mm.258 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_ConcurrentGC_internalPostCollect_Exit " MM_ConcurrentGC_heapAddRange subspace=%p size=%zu (%p-%p)" j9mm.260 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_ConcurrentGC_heapAddRange_Exit " MM_ConcurrentGC_heapRemoveRange subspace=%p size=%zu (%p-%p) (%p-%p)" j9mm.262 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_ConcurrentGC_heapRemoveRange_Exit " MM_HeapRegionManager_enableRegionsInTable %p-%p NUMA=%zu" j9mm.266 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_HeapRegionManager_enableRegionsInTable_Exit " MM_ParallelGlobalGC_unloadDeadClassLoaders" j9mm.282 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_ParallelGlobalGC_unloadDeadClassLoaders_exit " MM_GlobalMarkDelegate_unloadDeadClassLoaders" j9mm.284 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_GlobalMarkDelegate_unloadDeadClassLoaders_exit " cleanUpClassLoadersStart" j9mm.290 4 1 4 N Trc_MM_cleanUpClassLoadersStart_Exit " MM_SchedulingDelegate_getNextTaxationThreshold" j9mm.295 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_SchedulingDelegate_getNextTaxationThreshold_Exit " MM_ReclaimDelegate_tagRegionsBeforeCompactWithGoal goal=%zu bytes (%zu regions)" j9mm.297 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_ReclaimDelegate_tagRegionsBeforeCompactWithGoal_trimming " Trimming original goal %zu (too costly), not satisified %zu (%d%%); bytesToBeMoved %zu avgBytesToBeMoved %zu" j9mm.298 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_ReclaimDelegate_tagRegionsBeforeCompactWithGoal_moveMore " Moving only %zu%% of historical average, we can move more; bytesToBeMoved %zu avgBytesToBeMoved %zu" j9mm.299 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_ReclaimDelegate_tagRegionsBeforeCompactWithGoal_bytesMovedAfterWorkAdded " Expected bytes to be moved after move work added %zu" j9mm.300 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_ReclaimDelegate_tagRegionsBeforeCompactWithGoal_avgBytesMoved " New avgBytesToBeMoved %zu" j9mm.301 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_ReclaimDelegate_tagRegionsBeforeCompactWithGoal_generationSummary " Generation %zu: %zu regions, %zu recoverable bytes" j9mm.302 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_ReclaimDelegate_tagRegionsBeforeCompactWithGoal_firstUnselected " First unselected region is ranked %zu of %zu" j9mm.303 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_ReclaimDelegate_tagRegionsBeforeCompactWithGoal_bytesMovedAfterTruncate " Expected bytes to be moved after compact group truncate %zu" j9mm.304 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_ReclaimDelegate_tagRegionsBeforeCompactWithGoal_expectedRegionsReclaimed " Adjusted goal %zu" j9mm.305 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_ReclaimDelegate_tagRegionsBeforeCompactWithGoal_Exit " MM_ReclaimDelegate_runReclaimComplete goal=%zu bytes (surplus of %zi bytes)" j9mm.307 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_ReclaimDelegate_runReclaimComplete_freeBeforeReclaim " Free regions before reclaim: %5zu" j9mm.308 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_ReclaimDelegate_runReclaimComplete_freeAfterSweep " Free regions after sweep: %5zu" j9mm.309 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_ReclaimDelegate_runReclaimComplete_freeAfterCompact " Free regions after compact: %5zu" j9mm.310 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_ReclaimDelegate_runReclaimComplete_Exit " MM_ReclaimDelegate_runCompact goal=%zu bytes" j9mm.313 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_ReclaimDelegate_runCompact_ROR " MM_ReclaimDelegate_runCompact Recovered %zu of %zu regions. Desired goal was %zu, ROR adjusted goal was %zu, final goal was %zu. ROR=%0.2f. histROR=%0.2f" j9mm.314 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_ReclaimDelegate_runCompact_Exit " MM_ReclaimDelegate_estimateReclaimableRegions" j9mm.318 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_ReclaimDelegate_estimateReclaimableRegions_Exit " MM_SchedulingDelegate_estimatePartialGCsRemaining consumption_rate=%0.2f reclaimable_regions=%zu" j9mm.322 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_SchedulingDelegate_estimatePartialGCsRemaining_Exit " MM_SchedulingDelegate_measureScanRate collectionType=%u" j9mm.324 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_SchedulingDelegate_measureScanRate_summary " %zu threads scanned %9zu bytes in %7lluus. Thread scan rate: %f us/byte" j9mm.325 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_SchedulingDelegate_measureScanRate_Exit " MM_SchedulingDelegate_estimateGlobalMarkIncrements" j9mm.327 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_SchedulingDelegate_estimateGlobalMarkIncrements_summary " Estimated scan time=%0.2fms; Estimated GMP increments=%0.2f" j9mm.328 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_SchedulingDelegate_estimateGlobalMarkIncrements_Exit " MM_SchedulingDelegate_calculateAutomaticGMPIntermission auto=%s remaining=%zu" j9mm.333 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_SchedulingDelegate_calculateAutomaticGMPIntermission_Exit " MM_SchedulingDelegate_calculateEdenSize previousSize=%zu bytes" j9mm.336 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_SchedulingDelegate_calculateEdenSize_reduceToFreeBytes " Reducing Eden size from target (%zu regions) to free space (%zu regions)" j9mm.337 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_SchedulingDelegate_calculateEdenSize_reduceToMinimum " Reducing Eden size from target (%zu regions) to minimum (%zu regions)" j9mm.338 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_SchedulingDelegate_calculateEdenSize_Exit " MM_PartialMarkingScheme_deleteDeadObjectsFromExternalCycle" j9mm.350 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_PartialMarkingScheme_deleteDeadObjectsFromExternalCycle_Exit " createJavaLangString entry data %.*s stringFlags 0x%0x" j9mm.354 4 1 4 N Trc_MM_createJavaLangString_Exit " MM_ReclaimDelegate_tagRegionsBeforeCompactWithWorkGoal Desired bytes to compact=%zu" j9mm.365 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_ReclaimDelegate_tagRegionsBeforeCompactWithWorkGoal_addingToCompactSet " Compact selecting region id=%zu from group=%zu age=%zu with score=%2.4f with free space=%zu%% survivalRate=%0.2f" j9mm.366 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_ReclaimDelegate_tagRegionsBeforeCompactWithWorkGoal_Exit " MM_CopyForwardScheme_clearReservedRegionLists (%zu compactGroups)" j9mm.370 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_CopyForwardScheme_clearReservedRegionLists_compactGroup " compactGroup=%4zu; evacuateRegions=%4zu; sublists=%zu (max=%zu); unconsumedTailRegions=%4zu" j9mm.371 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_CopyForwardScheme_clearReservedRegionLists_sublist " compactGroup=%4zu[%zu]; acquires=%8zu; bytes=%8zu; avgBytes=%8zu" j9mm.372 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_CopyForwardScheme_clearReservedRegionLists_Exit " cleanUpClassLoadersEnd" j9mm.379 4 1 4 N Trc_MM_cleanUpClassLoadersEnd_Exit " GlobalMarkDelegate_performMarkIncremental end=%llu" j9mm.386 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_GlobalMarkDelegate_performMarkIncremental_State " %s (%zu)" j9mm.387 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_GlobalMarkDelegate_performMarkIncremental_Exit " scrubCardTable" j9mm.390 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_ParallelScrubCardTableTask_scrubCardTable_Exit " MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_calculateExpandSize Entry Bytes required = %zu" j9mm.397 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_calculateExpandSize_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_checkForRatioExpand Entry Bytes required = %zu" j9mm.399 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_checkForRatioExpand_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_checkForRatioContract Entry" j9mm.403 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_checkForRatioContract_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_performExpand Entry Required expansion size = %zu bytes" j9mm.406 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_performExpand_Exit " MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_timeForHeapContract Entry System garbage collection = %s" j9mm.408 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_timeForHeapContract_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_calculateTargetContractSize Entry Allocation size = %zu, ratio contract %s" j9mm.416 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_calculateTargetContractSize_Event1 " MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_calculateTargetContractSize Event1 Contraction size = %zu bytes" j9mm.417 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_calculateTargetContractSize_Event2 " MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_calculateTargetContractSize Event2 Contraction size = %zu bytes, maximum contraction size = %zu bytes" j9mm.418 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_calculateTargetContractSize_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_performContract Entry Allocation size = %zu" j9mm.420 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_performContract_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_calculateCollectorExpandSize Entry" j9mm.426 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_calculateCollectorExpandSize_Exit1 " MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_collectorExpand" j9mm.428 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_collectorExpand_Exit " MM_PhysicalSubArenaRegionBased_validateNumaSymmetry Entry" j9mm.436 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_PhysicalSubArenaRegionBased_validateNumaSymmetry_NodeSummary " Found %zu regions in node %zu" j9mm.437 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_PhysicalSubArenaRegionBased_validateNumaSymmetry_TotalSummary " Highest count=%zu, lowest count=%zu, nodes=%zu, expected nodes=%zu" j9mm.438 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_PhysicalSubArenaRegionBased_validateNumaSymmetry_Exit " MM_SchedulingDelegate_heapReconfigured tarokEdenMaximumSize=%zu tarokEdenMinimumSize=%zu" j9mm.440 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_SchedulingDelegate_heapReconfigured_Exit " identifyClassLoadersToUnload" j9mm.443 4 1 4 N Trc_MM_identifyClassLoadersToUnload_Exit " MM_IncrementalGenerationalGC_unloadDeadClassLoaders" j9mm.445 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_IncrementalGenerationalGC_unloadDeadClassLoaders_exit " MM_SchedulingDelegate_partialGarbageCollectCompleted reclaimableRegions=%zu defragmentReclaimableRegions=%zu" j9mm.449 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_SchedulingDelegate_partialGarbageCollectCompleted_stats " Evacuated %zu Eden + %zu non-Eden regions into %zu + %zu regions. Eden was %zu regions." j9mm.450 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_SchedulingDelegate_partialGarbageCollectCompleted_Exit " MM_CollectionSetDelegate_createNurseryCollectionSet dynamic=%s" j9mm.452 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_CollectionSetDelegate_createNurseryCollectionSet_Exit " MM_CollectionSetDelegate_selectRegionsForBudget budget=%zu" j9mm.454 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_CollectionSetDelegate_selectRegionsForBudget_Exit " MM_ReclaimDelegate_tagRegionsBeforeCompact" j9mm.456 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_ReclaimDelegate_tagRegionsBeforeCompact_Exit " MM_ReclaimDelegate_deriveCompactScore" j9mm.458 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_ReclaimDelegate_deriveCompactScore_Exit " MM_CompactGroupPersistentStats_deriveWeightedSurvivalRates historicalWeight=%f" j9mm.461 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_CompactGroupPersistentStats_deriveWeightedSurvivalRates_group " context %2zu; age %2zu; historicalSurvivalRate=%0.6f; weightedSurvivalRate=%0.6f" j9mm.462 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_CompactGroupPersistentStats_deriveWeightedSurvivalRates_Exit " MM_ReclaimDelegate_runReclaimForAbortedCopyForward Free regions before reclaim: %5zu" j9mm.473 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_ReclaimDelegate_runReclaimForAbortedCopyForward_Exit " MM_IncrementalGenerationalGC_partialGarbageCollectUsingCopyForward" j9mm.477 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_IncrementalGenerationalGC_partialGarbageCollectUsingCopyForward_ChooseCompactor " Choose compactor: estimatedSurvivorRequired(%zu) + desiredCompactWork(%zu) > freeMemoryForSurvivor(%zu) ? choice=%s" j9mm.478 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_IncrementalGenerationalGC_partialGarbageCollectUsingCopyForward_Exit " StackSlotValidator::reportStackSlot in thread %p" j9mm.481 1 1 1 N Trc_MM_StackSlotValidator_thread "* %s in thread %s" j9mm.482 1 1 1 N Trc_MM_StackSlotValidator_OSlot "* O-Slot=%p" j9mm.483 1 1 1 N Trc_MM_StackSlotValidator_OSlotValue "* O-Slot value=%p" j9mm.484 1 1 1 N Trc_MM_StackSlotValidator_PC "* PC=%p" j9mm.485 1 1 1 N Trc_MM_StackSlotValidator_framesWalked "* framesWalked=%zu" j9mm.486 1 1 1 N Trc_MM_StackSlotValidator_arg0EA "* arg0EA=%p" j9mm.487 1 1 1 N Trc_MM_StackSlotValidator_walkSP "* walkSP=%p" j9mm.488 1 1 1 N Trc_MM_StackSlotValidator_literals "* literals=%p" j9mm.489 1 1 1 N Trc_MM_StackSlotValidator_jitInfo "* jitInfo=%p" j9mm.490 1 1 1 N Trc_MM_StackSlotValidator_method "* method=%p (%.*s.%.*s%.*s) (%s)" j9mm.491 5 1 1 N Trc_MM_StackSlotValidator_reportStackSlot_Exit "*RegionValidator::reportRegion for region %p" j9mm.500 1 1 1 N Trc_MM_RegionValidator_leafRegion "* %s in region %p; type=%zu; range=%p-%p; spine=%p" j9mm.501 1 1 1 N Trc_MM_RegionValidator_objectRegion "* %s in region %p; type=%zu; range=%p-%p" j9mm.502 5 1 1 N Trc_MM_RegionValidator_reportRegion_Exit "*MM_CopyForwardScheme_convertTailCandidateToSurvivorRegion region=%p survivorBase=%p" j9mm.508 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_CopyForwardScheme_convertTailCandidateToSurvivorRegion_Exit " MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok::replenishAllocationContextFailed context=%p type=%zu contiguousBytes=%zu" j9mm.513 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_replenishAllocationContextFailed_didPerformTaxationAndReplenish " MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok::replenishAllocationContextFailed did perform taxation and replenish context=%p type=%zu contiguousBytes=%zu result=%p" j9mm.514 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_replenishAllocationContextFailed_didPerformResizeAndReplenish " MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok::replenishAllocationContextFailed did perform resize and replenish context=%p type=%zu contiguousBytes=%zu result=%p" j9mm.515 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_replenishAllocationContextFailed_didPerformCollect " MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok::replenishAllocationContextFailed did perform AF collect context=%p type=%zu contiguousBytes=%zu result=%p" j9mm.516 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_replenishAllocationContextFailed_didPerformAggressiveCollect " MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok::replenishAllocationContextFailed did perform aggressive AF collect context=%p type=%zu contiguousBytes=%zu result=%p" j9mm.517 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceTarok_replenishAllocationContextFailed_Exit " MM_AllocationContextTarok::acquireMPAOLRegionFromNode thisContext=%p requestingContext=%p" j9mm.519 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_AllocationContextTarok_Deprecated_acquireMPAOLRegionFromNode_Exit " MM_RuntimeExecManager::forkAndExecNativeV6" j9mm.523 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_RuntimeExecManager_forkAndExecNativeV6_Exit " MM_RuntimeExecManager::forkAndExecNativeV7" j9mm.525 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_RuntimeExecManager_forkAndExecNativeV7_Exit " MM_ParallelScavenger::scavengeRememberedSetList" j9mm.539 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_ParallelScavenger_scavengeRememberedSetList_startPuddle " Start processing puddle %p" j9mm.540 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_ParallelScavenger_scavengeRememberedSetList_donePuddle " Done processing puddle %p (size=%zu)" j9mm.541 4 1 2 N Trc_MM_ParallelScavenger_scavengeRememberedSetList_Exit " Trc_MM_SynchronizeGCThreadsAndReleaseSingleThread Entry from: %s" j9mm.543 4 1 2 N Trc_MM_SynchronizeGCThreadsAndReleaseSingleThread_Exit " newAllocAgeSize %.4fM^2" j9mm.564 0 1 3 N Trc_MM_CopyForwardScheme_reinitCache " reinitCache region %zu cache %llx allocAgeSize %.4fM^2 usedBytes %.4fM" j9mm.565 0 1 3 N Trc_MM_CopyForwardScheme_stopCopyingIntoCache " stopCopyingIntoCache region %zu cache %llx region allocAgeSize %.4fM^2 usedBytes %.4fM cache allocAgeSize %.2fM^2 objectSize %.4fM newAllocAgeSize %.4fM^2" j9mm.566 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_CopyForwardScheme_setAllocationAgeForMergedRegion " setMergedAllocationAge region %zu compactGroup %zu (allocAgeSize %.4fM^2 / usedBytes %.4fM) -> newAllocAge %.4fM (low %.4fM hi %.4fM)" j9mm.567 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_SchedulingDelegate_updateGMPStats " historicTotalIncrementalScanTimePerGMP: %lluus, incrementalScanTime:%lluus, historicBytesScannedConcurrentlyPerGMP:%zu, concurrentBytesScanned:%zu" j9mm.568 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_SchedulingDelegate_copyForwardCompleted_efficiency " bytesCopied=%zu, bytesDiscarded=%zu, lost=%0.2f; avgBytesCopied=%0.2f, avgBytesDiscarded=%0.2f, avgLost=%0.2f survivorRegions=%zu (incl. %zu failed evacuate regions and %zu compact regions) avgSurvivorRegions=%0.2f copyForwardRate:%0.5f avgCopyForwardRate:%0.5f" j9mm.569 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_SchedulingDelegate_calculatePGCCompactionRate_liveToFreeRatio " bytesCompacted/freeBytes ratio %f (totalLiveData %zu, totalFreeMemory %zu, fullyCompactedData %zu, reservedFreeMemory %zu, emptinessThreshold=%0.2f) surivivorSize=%zu, defragmentedMemory=%zu, freeRegionMemory=%zu, edenSizeInBytes=%zu" j9mm.570 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_CompactGroupPersistentStats_decayProjectedLiveBytesForRegions " decay region %zu projectedLiveBytes %.4fM->%.4fM regionCompactGroup %zu bytesRemaining %.2fM currentAge %.2fM multiply with PrISR %f (baseSurvivalRate %f, ageUnitsInThisGroup %f) group %zu" j9mm.571 2 1 1 N Trc_MM_CompactGroupPersistentStats_updateProjectedSurvivalRate_Entry " >compactGroup %zu projectedLiveBytesForNonEdenNew %.4fM projectedLiveBytesSelectedPreviousPGC %.4fM measuredLiveBytesAfter %.4fM (%.4fM - %.4fM) projectedLiveBytesForNonEden %.4fM" j9mm.572 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_CompactGroupPersistentStats_updateProjectedSurvivalRate_eden " eden thisSurvivalRate %f currentAge %.4fM bytesRemaining %.4fM ageInCurrentGroup %.4fM divide by PrISR thisPGC %f (baseSurvivalRate %f, ageUnitsInCurrentGroup %f) group %zu " j9mm.573 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_CompactGroupPersistentStats_updateProjectedSurvivalRate_nonEden " nonEden thisSurvivalRate %f currentAge %.4fM bytesRemaining %.4fM ageInCurrentGroup %.4fM divide by PrISR thisPGC %f (baseSurvivalRate %f, ageUnitsInCurrentGroup %f) group %zu" j9mm.574 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_CompactGroupPersistentStats_updateProjectedSurvivalRate_Exit " MM_AllocationContextBalanced::acquireMPBPRegionFromNode thisContext=%p requestingContext=%p" j9mm.583 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_AllocationContextBalanced_acquireMPBPRegionFromNode_Exit " MM_AllocationContextBalanced::lockedReplenishAndAllocate. regionSize=%zu requestedBytes=%zu" j9mm.585 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_AllocationContextBalanced_lockedReplenishAndAllocate_acquiredFreeRegion " MM_AllocationContextBalanced::lockedReplenishAndAllocate. Acquired free region. Acquired %zu bytes" j9mm.586 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_AllocationContextBalanced_lockedReplenishAndAllocate_Success " MM_AllocationContextMultiTenant::lockedReplenishAndAllocate. regionSize=%zu requestedBytes=%zu" j9mm.596 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_AllocationContextMultiTenant_lockedReplenishAndAllocate_acquiredFreeRegion " MM_AllocationContextMultiTenant::lockedReplenishAndAllocate. Acquired free region. Acquired %zu bytes" j9mm.597 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_AllocationContextMultiTenant_lockedReplenishAndAllocate_Success " estimateFragmentation initialFreeMemory %zu (%zuMB) tlhPercent %f" j9mm.605 0 1 3 N Trc_MM_LargeObjectAllocateStats_estimateFragmentation_stride " estimateFragmentation stride %zu freeMemory %zu (%zuMB) objectSize %zu objectAlloc %zu (%zuMB) tlhAlloc %zu (%zuMB)" j9mm.606 4 1 3 N Trc_MM_LargeObjectAllocateStats_estimateFragmentation_exit " allocateObjects object size %zu requested %zu (%zuMB) freeMemory %zu (%zuMB)" j9mm.608 0 1 3 N Trc_MM_LargeObjectAllocateStats_simulateAllocateObjects_availableBytes " availableBytes in %s free entries %zu (= count %zu * usedPortion %zu (= freeEntry/allocSize %zu * objectSize %zu))" j9mm.609 4 1 3 N Trc_MM_LargeObjectAllocateStats_simulateAllocateObjects_exit " allocateTLHs requested %zu (%zuMB) freeMemory %zu (%zuMB)" j9mm.611 0 1 3 N Trc_MM_LargeObjectAllocateStats_simulateAllocateTLHs_availableBytes " availableBytes in %s free entries %zu (= count %zu * free entry size %zu)" j9mm.612 4 1 3 N Trc_MM_LargeObjectAllocateStats_simulateAllocateTLHs_exit " allocate%ss from %s free entries sizeClassIndex %zu (size %zu) count %zu" j9mm.614 0 1 3 N Trc_MM_LargeObjectAllocateStats_simulateAllocateCommon_satisfy " %s satisfy from %s free entry size %zu (index %zu)" j9mm.615 0 1 3 N Trc_MM_LargeObjectAllocateStats_simulateAllocateCommon_partial " allocBytes %zu <- allocBytes %zu - availableBytes %zu, count <- 0" j9mm.616 0 1 3 N Trc_MM_LargeObjectAllocateStats_simulateAllocateCommon_full " allocBytes <- 0, count %zu <- count %zu - floor(%f)" j9mm.617 0 1 3 N Trc_MM_LargeObjectAllocateStats_simulateAllocateCommon_adjustement " one free entry moves to a smaller size class, count %zu <- count %zu - 1" j9mm.618 0 1 3 N Trc_MM_LargeObjectAllocateStats_simulateAllocateCommon_remainder " remainder %zu * size %zu (free entry size %zu)" j9mm.619 4 1 3 N Trc_MM_LargeObjectAllocateStats_simulateAllocateCommon_freeEntry_exit " MM_ArrayletAllocationModel::allocateAndConnectNonContiguousArraylet. numberIndexedFields=%zu spineBytes=%zu leafCount=%zu" j9mm.625 2 1 1 N Trc_MM_RuntimeExecManager_forkAndExecNativeV8_Entry " >MM_RuntimeExecManager::forkAndExecNativeV8" j9mm.626 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_RuntimeExecManager_forkAndExecNativeV8_Exit " MSSGeneric::allocate type %s size %zu subspace this %llx/%s base %llx prev %llx _allocateAtSafePointOnly %zu shouldCollectOnFailure %zu _isAllocatable %zu" j9mm.665 0 1 3 N Trc_MM_MSSGeneric_allocate " MSSGeneric::allocate type %s size %zu event %u subspace %llx failed, trying parent %llx" j9mm.666 0 1 3 N Trc_MM_MSSGeneric_allocate3 " MSSGeneric::allocate type %s size %zu event 3 subspace %llx failed, trying parent %llx shouldCollectAndClimb %zu" j9mm.667 4 1 3 N Trc_MM_MSSGeneric_allocate_exit " MSSSS::allocate type %s size %zu subspace this %llx/%s base %llx prev %llx shouldCollectOnFailure %zu" j9mm.669 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_MSSSS_allocate " MSSSS::allocate type %s size %zu event %u" j9mm.670 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_MSSSS_allocate4 " MSSSS::allocate type %s size %zu event 4 shouldClimb %zu" j9mm.671 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MSSSS_allocate_exit " MSSSS::allocationRequestFailed size %zu subspace this %llx/%s base %llx prev %llx allocationType %zu" j9mm.673 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_MSSSS_allocationRequestFailed " MSSSS::allocationRequestFailed size %zu event %u" j9mm.674 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MSSSS_allocationRequestFailed_exit " MSSFlat::allocate type %s size %zu subspace this %llx/%s base %llx prev %llx shouldCollectOnFailure %zu" j9mm.676 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_MSSFlat_allocate " MSSFlat::allocate type %s size %zu event %u" j9mm.677 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MSSFlat_allocate_exit " MSSFlat::allocationRequestFailed size %zu subspace this %llx/%s base %llx prev %llx allocationType %zu" j9mm.679 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_MSSFlat_allocationRequestFailed " MSSFlat::allocationRequestFailed size %zu event %u" j9mm.680 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MSSFlat_allocationRequestFailed_exit " MSSGenerational::allocate type %s size %zu subspace this %llx/%s base %llx prev %llx shouldCollectOnFailure %zu" j9mm.682 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_MSSGenerational_allocate " MSSGenerational::allocate type %s size %zu prev != new %llx, allocate from old %llx" j9mm.683 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MSSGenerational_allocate_exit " MSSGenerational::allocationRequestFailed size %zu subspace this %llx/%s base %llx prev %llx allocationType %zu" j9mm.685 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_MSSGenerational_allocationRequestFailed1 " MSSGenerational::allocationRequestFailed size %zu prev != new %llx, allocate from old %llx" j9mm.686 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_MSSGenerational_allocationRequestFailed " MSSGenerational::allocationRequestFailed size %zu event %u" j9mm.687 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_MSSGenerational_allocationRequestFailed_exit " %.3f" j9mm.693 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_LOAResize_calculateTargetLOARatio " LOA Calculate target ratio: ratio has %s from %.3f --> %.3f" j9mm.694 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_LOAResize_resetTargetLOARatio " LOA Reset target ratio: ratio reset from %.3f to minimum size of %.3f" j9mm.695 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_LOAResize_resetLOASize " Reset LOA Size: LOA Base is now %p" j9mm.696 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_LOAResize_expandWithRange1 " LOA Initial Allocation: heapSize %zu, Initial LOA ratio is %.3f --> LOA base is %p initial LOA size %zu" j9mm.697 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_LOAResize_expandWithRange2 " LOA resized on heap expansion: heapSize %zu, LOA ratio is %.3f --> LOA base is now %p LOA size %zu" j9mm.698 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_LOAResize_contractWithRange " LOA resized on heap contraction: heapSize %zu, LOA ratio is %.3f --> LOA base is now %p LOA size %zu" j9mm.699 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_Scavenger_percolate_concurrentMarkExhausted " Percolating due to exhausted Concurrent Mark" j9mm.700 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_Scavenger_percolate_preventTenureExpand " Percolating to prevent Tenure expand" j9mm.701 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_Scavenger_percolate_tenureMaxFree " Percolating due to meeting Tenure max free" j9mm.702 12 1 1 N Assert_MM_double_map_unreachable "* ** ASSERTION FAILED ** at %s:%d: %s" j9mm.703 0 1 1 N Trc_ParallelGlobalGC_shouldCompactThisCycle " Current page granularity fragmented ratio: %f Threshold: %f" j9mm.704 2 1 3 N Trc_MM_double_map_Entry " >MM_IndexableObjectAllocationModel::doubleMapArraylets. spine: %p, leafSize=%zu leavesCount=%zu" j9mm.705 1 1 1 N Trc_MM_double_map_TraverseLeavesNULLPointer "* Found a NULL pointer as the last leaf in arraylet spine" j9mm.706 1 1 1 N Trc_MM_double_map_Failed "* Failed to double map arraylets" j9mm.707 4 1 3 N Trc_MM_double_map_Exit " Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceUniSpace_getHeapFreeMaximumHeuristicMultiplier Maximum free multiplier = %zu" j9mm.710 2 1 1 N Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceUniSpace_getHeapFreeMinimumHeuristicMultiplier " >Trc_MM_MemorySubSpaceUniSpace_getHeapFreeMinimumHeuristicMultiplier Minimum free multiplier = %zu" j9mm.711 2 1 1 N Trc_MM_Scavenger_calculateRecommendedWorkingThreads_entry " >[%u] MM_Scavenger_calculateRecommendedWorkingThreads entry" j9mm.712 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_Scavenger_calculateRecommendedWorkingThreads_exitOverflow " avgTimeToStartCollection: %5llu avgTimeIdleAfterCollection: %5llu avgScanStallTime: %5llu avgSyncStallTime: %5llu avgNotifyStallTime: %5llu" j9mm.715 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_Scavenger_calculateRecommendedWorkingThreads_threadStallBreakDown " Thread: %2u -> timeToStartCollection: %5llu scanStall: %5llu syncStall: %5llu notifyStall: %5llu" j9mm.716 0 1 1 N Trc_MM_ParallelDispatcher_recomputeActiveThreadCountForTask_useCollectorRecommendedThreads " Attempting to use Task Recommended Threads: %u -> Adjusting to Bounds: %u" j9mm.717 2 1 1 N Trc_MM_CopyForwardScheme_convertFreeMemoryCandidateToSurvivorRegion_Entry " >MM_CopyForwardScheme_convertCandidateToSurvivorRegion region=%p" j9mm.718 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_CopyForwardScheme_convertFreeMemoryCandidateToSurvivorRegion_Exit " MM_AllocationContextBalanced::acquireMPAOLRegionFromNode thisContext=%p requestingContext=%p" j9mm.720 4 1 1 N Trc_MM_AllocationContextBalanced_acquireMPAOLRegionFromNode_Exit " Thread suspended, thread=0x%p" j9thr.7 4 1 3 N Trc_THR_ThreadSuspendExit " Thread notifying monitor, thread=0x%p, monitor=0x%p, notifyAll=%d" j9thr.10 0 1 3 N Trc_THR_ThreadMonitorNotifyThreadNotified " Thread notifying monitor, notifying thread=0x%p, target thread=0x%p, monitor=0x%p" j9thr.11 4 1 3 N Trc_THR_ThreadMonitorNotifyExit " Thread interrupting another thread, interrupting thread=0x%p, interrupted thread=0x%p" j9thr.13 4 1 3 N Trc_THR_ThreadInterruptExit " findRightMostLeaf(tree=%p, walkSRPPtr=%p, heightChange=%p)" avl.1 4 1 3 N Trc_AVL_findRightMostLeaf_NotFound " rotate(tree=%p, walk=%p, direction=%zi, heightChange=%p)" avl.4 4 1 3 N Trc_AVL_rotate_Exit " doubleRotate(tree=%p, walk=%p, direction=%zi, heightChange=%p)" avl.6 4 1 3 N Trc_AVL_doubleRotate_Exit " rebalance(tree=%p, walkPtr=%p, walkSRPPtr=%p, direction=%zi, heightChange=%p)" avl.8 4 1 3 N Trc_AVL_rebalance_Exit " insertNode(tree=%p, walkPtr=%p, walkSRPPtr=%p, node=%p, heightChange=%p)" avl.10 4 1 3 N Trc_AVL_insertNode_Trivial " findNode(tree=%p, walk=%p, search=%zu)" avl.14 4 1 3 N Trc_AVL_findNode_Exit " deleteNode(tree=%p, walkPtr=%p, walkSRPPtr=%p, node=%p, heightChange=%p)" avl.16 4 1 3 N Trc_AVL_deleteNode_NotInTree " HashTable start converting list to tree: tableName=%s, tableAddress=%p, head=%p, listLength=%zu" hashtable.4 4 1 1 N Trc_hashTable_listToTree_Exit " pool_new(structSize=%u, minNumberElements=%u elementAlignment=%u poolFlags=0x%zx, memAlloc=%p, memFree=%p, userData=%p)" pool.1 4 1 1 N Trc_pool_new_TooLargeExit " pool_kill(%p)" pool.4 4 1 3 N Trc_pool_kill_Exit " pool_newElement(pool=%p)" pool.6 4 1 4 N Trc_pool_newElement_Exit " pool_removeElement(pool=%p, anElement=%p)" pool.8 1 1 1 N Trc_pool_removeElement_NotFound "* pool_removeElement -- %p not found in any puddle of %p" pool.9 4 1 4 N Trc_pool_removeElement_Exit " pool_do(aPool=%p, aFunction=%p, userData=%p)" pool.11 4 1 4 N Trc_pool_do_Exit " pool_numElements(aPool=%p)" pool.13 4 1 4 N Trc_pool_numElements_Exit " pool_startDo(aPool=%p, state=%p)" pool.15 1 1 1 N Trc_pool_startDo_NULLPool "* pool_startDo - pool is NULL" pool.16 4 1 4 N Trc_pool_startDo_Empty " pool_nextDo(state=%p)" pool.19 4 1 4 N Trc_pool_nextDo_NextPuddle " pool_sortFree(%p)" pool.23 1 1 1 N Trc_pool_sortFree_Conflict "* pool_sortFree - conflict at element %p in pool %p with 0x%zx" pool.24 4 1 3 N Trc_pool_sortFree_Exit " pool_clear(%p)" pool.26 4 1 3 N Trc_pool_clear_Exit " pool_ensureCapacity(aPool=%p, newCapacity=%zu)" pool.28 1 1 1 N Trc_pool_ensureCapacity_OutOfMemory "* pool_ensureCapacity - failed to allocate memory to grow capacity to %zu" pool.29 4 1 3 N Trc_pool_ensureCapacity_Exit " pool_capacity(aPool=%p)" pool.31 4 1 3 N Trc_pool_capacity_Exit " poolPuddle_new(%p)" pool.33 4 1 3 N Trc_poolPuddle_new_Exit " pool_newWithPuddleAlloc(%d, %d, %d, %x, %p, %p, %p, %p, %p, %p)" pool.35 4 1 3 N Trc_pool_newWithPuddleAlloc_TooLargeExit " poolPuddle_startDo(aPool=%p, currentPuddle=%p, lastHandle=%p, followNextPointers=%d)" pool.38 4 1 3 N Trc_poolPuddle_startDo_ExitNullPoolPuddleExit " pool_includesElement(aPool=%p, anElement=%p)" pool.46 4 1 3 N Trc_pool_includesElement_ExitFullPuddle " pool_verify(aPool=%p)" pool.51 4 1 1 N Trc_pool_verify_ExitCorruptPuddle " pool_killWithoutPuddles(%p)" pool.58 4 1 3 N Trc_pool_killWithoutPuddles_Exit " j9file_open filename = %s, flags = %d, mode = %d" j9prt.2 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_file_open_Exit " j9shmem createFile: Entry" j9prt.8 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_createFile_Exit1 " j9shmem createSharedMemory: Entry" j9prt.12 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_createSharedMemory_ftok " j9shmem createSharedMemory: ftok on file %s, proj id = %d" j9prt.13 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_createSharedMemory_Exit1 " j9shmem_attach entered handle=%p" j9prt.26 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_attach_Exit " j9shmem_close entered handle=%p" j9prt.31 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_close_Exit " j9shmem_destroy entered handle=%p" j9prt.33 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_destroy_Exit " j9shmem_detach entered handle=%p" j9prt.37 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_detach_Exit " j9shmem_findclose entered, findhandle=%p" j9prt.40 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_findclose_Exit " j9shmem_findfirst entered" j9prt.42 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_findfirst_Exit1 " j9shmem_findnext entered findHandle=%p" j9prt.46 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_findnext_Exit1 " j9shmem_open entered, rootName = %s, size = %d, permission = %d" j9prt.50 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_open_Event1 " j9shmem_open shared memory file %s not exist, creating" j9prt.51 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_open_Event2 " j9shmem_open shared memory file %s exist, opening" j9prt.52 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_open_Event3 " j9shmem_open retrying, count=%d" j9prt.53 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_open_Exit1 " j9shmem_stat entered, name = %s" j9prt.57 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_stat_Exit1 " j9shsem_open entered, semname = %s, setSize = %d, permission = %d" j9prt.62 8 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_open_Debug1 " j9shsem_open: baseFile=%s" j9prt.63 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_open_Event1 " j9shsem_open sempahore file %s exists, opening" j9prt.64 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_open_Event2 " j9shsem_open semaphore file %s does not exist, creating" j9prt.65 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_open_Event3 " j9shsem_open retrying, count=%d" j9prt.66 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_open_Exit1 " j9shsem_close entered handle=%p" j9prt.70 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_close_Exit " j9shsem_destroy entered handle=%p" j9prt.72 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_destroy_Exit " j9shsem_getVal handle=%p, semset = %d" j9prt.76 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_getVal_Exit1 " j9shsem_post handle=%p, semset = %d, flag = %d" j9prt.81 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_post_Exit1 " j9shsem_setVal handle=%p, semset = %d value = %d" j9prt.86 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_setVal_Exit1 " j9shsem_wait handle=%p, semset = %d flag = %d" j9prt.91 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_wait_Exit1 " j9mem_allocate_memory byteAmount=%u" j9prt.97 4 1 10 N Trc_PRT_mem_j9mem_allocate_memory_Exit " j9mem_free_memory pointer=%p" j9prt.99 4 1 10 N Trc_PRT_mem_j9mem_free_memory_Exit " j9mem_allocate_memory_callSite byteAmount=%u callSite=%s" j9prt.101 4 1 8 N Trc_PRT_mem_j9mem_allocate_memory_callSite_Exit " j9mem_reallocate_memory memoryPointer=%p byteAmount=%u" j9prt.103 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_mem_j9mem_reallocate_memory_Exit " j9vmem_reserve_memory address=%p byteAmount=%u" j9prt.105 1 1 3 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_Exit1 "* j9vmem_reserve_memory (invalid input)" j9prt.106 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_Exit2 " j9vmem_reserve_memory (using default page allocator) returns %p" j9prt.107 1 1 3 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_Exit3 "* j9vmem_reserve_memory (unsupported page size: %u)" j9prt.108 1 1 3 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_Exit4 "* j9vmem_reserve_memory (failure)" j9prt.109 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_Exit " j9vmem_free_memory userAddress=%p byteAmount=%u" j9prt.111 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_free_memory_Exit " j9vmem_commit_memory address=%p byteAmount=%u" j9prt.113 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_commit_memory_Exit " j9vmem_decommit_memory address=%p byteAmount=%u" j9prt.115 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_decommit_memory_Exit " j9sharedhelper ensureDirectory %s" j9prt.117 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shared_changeDirectoryPermission_Event1 " j9sharedhelper change shared directory permission failed, errno=%d" j9prt.118 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shared_ensureDirectory_Event1 " j9sharedhelper create shared directory failed, name exists but it is not a directory" j9prt.119 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shared_ensureDirectory_Exit2 " j9sharedhelper change shared directory permission entered dir = %s, perms = %x" j9prt.125 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shared_changeDirectoryPermission_Exit " j9sharedhelper createDirectory %s" j9prt.128 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shared_createDirectory_Exit " j9shsem checkMarker entering with handle=%p and semsetsize=%d" j9prt.135 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_checkMarker_ExitNullHandle " j9shsem createbaseFile entering with filename %s" j9prt.139 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_createbaseFile_ExitExists " j9shsem createSemaphore entering with basefile=%s, setsize=%d, semflags=%d" j9prt.143 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_createSemaphore_ExitFileExists " j9shsem createsemHandle entering with basefile=%s, semid=%d, nsems=%d" j9prt.154 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_createsemHandle_ExitMallocError " j9shsem findError entering with errorCode=%d, errorCode2=%d" j9prt.157 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_findError_Exit1 " j9shsem openSemaphore entering for basefile %s" j9prt.162 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_openSemaphore_ExitOpenError " j9shsem readbaseFile entering for basefile %s" j9prt.171 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_readbaseFile_ExitOpenError " j9shsem setMarker entering with handle %p and semsetsize %d" j9prt.175 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_setMarker_ExitInvalid " j9shsem writebaseFile entering with filename=%s, proj_id=%d, semid=%d, setSize=%d" j9prt.178 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_writebaseFile_ExitOpenError " j9shmem createshmHandle entering with controlFile=%s and shmid=%d" j9prt.187 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_createshmHandle_ExitMallocFail " j9shmem findError_shmat entering with errorCode=%d errorCode2=%d" j9prt.190 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_findError_shmat_Exit1 " j9shmem findError_shmctl entering with errorCode=%d errorCode2=%d" j9prt.196 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_findError_shmctl_Exit1 " j9shmem findError_shmget entering with errorCode=%d errorCode2=%d" j9prt.199 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_findError_shmget_Exit1 " j9shmem getNameFromControlFileName entering with name=%s and bufsize=%d" j9prt.205 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_getNameFromControlFileName_ExitNullName " j9shmem isControlFileName entering with buffer=%s" j9prt.208 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_isControlFileName_Exit1 " j9shmem openSharedMemory entering with controlFile=%s" j9prt.211 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_openSharedMemory_ExitFailed1 " j9shmem readControlFile entering with filename=%s" j9prt.222 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_readControlFile_ExitFileError " j9shmem writeControlFile entering with filename=%s, proj_id=%d, size=%d, shmid=%d" j9prt.226 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_writeControlFile_ExitFileError " j9sl_close_shared_library descriptor=%d" j9prt.236 4 1 10 N Trc_PRT_sl_close_shared_library_Exit " j9sl_lookup_name descriptor=%d, name=%s, argSignature=%s" j9prt.238 4 1 10 N Trc_PRT_sl_lookup_name_Exit1 " j9sl_open_shared_library name=%s, flags=%d" j9prt.242 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sl_open_shared_library_Event1 " j9sl_open_shared_library using mangledName %s" j9prt.243 4 1 10 N Trc_PRT_sl_open_shared_library_Exit1 " getLimitSharedMemory entered" j9prt.251 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_getLimitSharedMemory_Exit " j9shsem:createMutex Entered, rootname = %s" j9prt.265 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_createmutex_exit " j9shsem:openMutex Entered, rootname = %s" j9prt.271 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_openmutex_exit " cleanSharedMemorySegments: Entered" j9prt.276 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shared_cleanSharedMemorySegments_exit " createMappedFile: Entered" j9prt.299 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_createMappedFile_getFileNameFailed " j9shmem_set_controlfile_dir: Entering with controlFileDir=%s, PPG_shmem_controlDir=%p" j9prt.310 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_setctrl_Exit " j9shmem_getControlDir: Entering" j9prt.315 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shared_getControlDir_Exit1 " j9file_read fd = %zd, buf = %p, bytes = %zd" j9prt.333 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_file_read_Exit " j9file_write fd = %zd, buf = %p, bytes = %zd" j9prt.335 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_file_write_Exit " j9file_attr path = %s" j9prt.337 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_file_attr_ExitFail " j9file_close fd = %zd" j9prt.341 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_file_close_ExitFail " j9file_findfirst filename = %s, flags = %d, perm = %d" j9prt.344 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_file_findfirst_Exit " j9file_findnext filename = %s, flags = %d, perm = %d" j9prt.346 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_file_findnext_Exit " j9file_findclose findhandle = %zd" j9prt.348 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_file_findclose_Exit " j9file_lastmod path = %s" j9prt.350 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_file_lastmod_Exit " j9file_length path = %s" j9prt.352 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_file_length_Exit " j9file_mkdir filename = %s, flags = %d, perm = %d" j9prt.354 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_file_mkdir_Exit " j9file_seek fd = %zd, offset = %lld, whence = %d" j9prt.356 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_file_seek_Exit " j9file_sync fd = %zd" j9prt.358 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_file_sync_Exit " j9file_printf fd = %zd, format = %s" j9prt.360 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_file_printf_Exit " j9file_setlength fd = %zd, newLength = %lld" j9prt.362 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_file_setlength_Exit " j9mmap_map_file: Entered, file=%zd, size=%zu" j9prt.364 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_mmap_map_file_default_badfile " j9mmap_map_file: Entered, file=%zd, offset = %lld, size=%zu, mappingName=%s, flags=0x%x" j9prt.372 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_mmap_map_file_win32_invalidFile " j9mmap_map_file: Entered, file=%zd, offset = %lld, size=%zu, mappingName=%s, flags=0x%x" j9prt.382 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_mmap_map_file_unix_invalidFlags " j9mmap_msync: Entered start=%p, length=%zu, flags=0x%x" j9prt.388 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_mmap_msync_win32_badFlushViewOfFile " j9mmap_msync: Entered, start=%p, length=%zu, flags=0x%x" j9prt.391 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_mmap_msync_unix_invalidFlags " j9file_lock_bytes: Entered, fd=%zd, lockFlags=0x%x, offset=%llu, length=%llu" j9prt.396 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_file_lock_bytes_win32_noReadWrite " j9file_lock_bytes: Entered, fd=%zd, lockFlags=0x%x, offset=%llu, length=%llu" j9prt.402 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_file_lock_bytes_unix_noReadWrite " j9file_unlock_bytes: Entered, fd=%zd, offset=%llu, length=%llu" j9prt.408 0 1 5 N Trc_PRT_file_unlock_bytes_win32_callingUnlockFileEx " j9file_unlock_bytes: Calling UnlockFileEx offset=%u, offsetHigh=%u, length=%u, lengthHigh=%u" j9prt.409 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_file_unlock_bytes_win32_badUnlockFileEx " j9file_unlock_bytes: Entered, fd=%zd, offset=%llu, length=%llu" j9prt.412 0 1 5 N Trc_PRT_file_unlock_bytes_unix_callingFcntl " j9file_unlock_bytes: Calling fcntl command=%d, type=%d, whence=%d, start=%llu, length=%llu" j9prt.413 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_file_unlock_bytes_unix_badFcntl " j9sig_protect: Entered, fn=%p, fn_arg=%p, handler=%p, handler_arg=%p, flags=0x%X" j9prt.418 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_signal_j9sig_protect_cannot_protect_dueto_Xrs " j9sig_protect cannot protect, calling fn with fun_arg: fn=%p, fn_arg=%p, flags=0x%X" j9prt.419 4 1 2 N Trc_PRT_signal_j9sig_protect_exiting_did_not_protect_due_to_Xrs " j9sig_set_async_signal_handler: Entered, handler=%p, handler_arg=%p, flags=0x%X" j9prt.426 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_signal_j9sig_set_async_signal_handler_will_not_set_handler_due_to_Xrs " j9sig_set_async_signal_handler: will not set handler due to Xrs, handler=%p, handler_arg=%p, flags=0x%X" j9prt.427 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_signal_j9sig_set_async_signal_handler_exiting_did_nothing_possible_error " j9sig_startup: Entered, portLibrary=%p" j9prt.446 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_signal_j9sig_startup_exiting " j9sig_can_protect: Entered, flags=0x%x" j9prt.448 4 1 2 N Trc_PRT_signal_j9sig_can_protect_exiting_is_able_to_protect " sig_full_shutdown: Entered, portLibrary=%p" j9prt.451 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_signal_sig_full_shutdown_deregistered_handler_with_OS " sig_full_shutdown: deregistered handler with OS, portLibrary=%p, unixSignalNo=0x%X" j9prt.452 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_signal_sig_full_shutdown_exiting " >sig_full_shutdown: Exiting, portLibrary=%p" j9prt.453 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_signal_j9sig_chain_at_shutdown_and_exit_enter " >j9sig_chain_at_shutdown_and_exit: Entered, portLibrary=%p" j9prt.454 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_signal_j9sig_chain_at_shutdown_and_exit_forwarding_to_jsigHandler " j9sig_chain_at_shutdown_and_exit: forwarding signal to jsig handler, portLibrary=%p, unixSignalNo=0x%X" j9prt.455 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_signal_j9sig_chain_at_shutdown_and_exit_exiting " >j9sig_chain_at_shutdown_and_exit: Exiting, portLibrary=%p" j9prt.456 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_openSharedMemory_ExitRetry4 " j9shmem call_shmget: entering with fkey=%d, size=%d" j9prt.459 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_call_shmget_zos " j9shmem call_shmget: zOS shmget with ftok key = %d, size = %d, flags = 0x%x" j9prt.460 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_call_shmget_exit " j9mem_allocate_memory32 byteAmount=%u" j9prt.462 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_mem_j9mem_allocate_memory32_failed_malloc31 "* j9mem_allocate_memory32 failed malloc31 byteAmount=%u callSite=%s" j9prt.463 4 1 10 N Trc_PRT_mem_j9mem_allocate_memory32_Exit " j9mem_free_memory32 pointer=%p" j9prt.465 4 1 10 N Trc_PRT_mem_j9mem_free_memory32_Exit " j9vmem port_numa_interleave_memory entry" j9prt.474 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_port_numa_interleave_memory_across_all_nodes " j9vmem port_numa_interleave_memory interleave across all nodes" j9prt.475 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_port_numa_interleave_memory_with_mask " j9vmem port_numa_interleave_memory interleave using mask" j9prt.476 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_no_NUMA " j9vmem_reserve_memory : not using NUMA interleaving" j9prt.477 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_port_numa_interleave_memory_exit " j9sharedhelper testing page protection" j9prt.479 4 1 10 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_is_page_protection_possible_Exit1 " j9mmap_unmap_file: Entering with handle=%p" j9prt.489 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_mmap_unmap_file_unix_values " j9mmap_unmap_file: Handle values are pointer=%p, size=%d" j9prt.490 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_mmap_unmap_file_unix_exiting " j9mem_allocate_memory byteAmount=%zu callSite=%s" j9prt.493 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_heap_port_j9heap_create_entry " >j9heap_create entry heapBase=%p, heapSize=%zu, flag=%zu" j9prt.494 5 1 1 N Trc_PRT_heap_port_j9heap_create_null_heapBase_exit "*j9heap_free entry heapBase=%p, memPtr=%p" j9prt.498 5 1 10 N Trc_PRT_heap_port_j9heap_free_null_memptr_exit "*j9heap_allocate entry heapBase=%p, requestSize=%zu" j9prt.501 5 10 1 N Trc_PRT_heap_port_j9heap_allocate_heap_full_exit "*allocate_memory32 entry byteAmount=%zu" j9prt.506 4 1 10 N Trc_PRT_mem_allocate_memory32_Exit " free_memory32 entry memoryPointer=0x%p" j9prt.515 4 1 10 N Trc_PRT_mem_free_memory32_Exit " default_pageSize_reserve_memory requestedAddress=%p byteAmount=%u" j9prt.520 0 1 5 N Trc_PRT_vmem_default_reserve_using_mem_allocate_memory " default_pageSize_reserve_memory using j9mem_allocate_memory byteAmount=%u" j9prt.521 0 1 5 N Trc_PRT_vmem_default_reserve_using_mem_allocate_memory32 " default_pageSize_reserve_memory using j9mem_allocate_memory32 byteAmount=%u" j9prt.522 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_default_reserve_failed "* default_pageSize_reserve_memory FAILED requestedAddress=%p byteAmount=%u" j9prt.523 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_vmem_default_reserve_exit " j9vmem_reserve_memory requestedAddress=%p byteAmount=%u pageSize=%u" j9prt.525 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_invalid_input "* j9vmem_reserve_memory (invalid input)" j9prt.526 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_unsupported_page_size "* j9vmem_reserve_memory (unsupported page size: %u)" j9prt.527 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_failure "* j9vmem_reserve_memory (failure)" j9prt.528 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_shmget_failed "* j9vmem_reserve_memory (shmget_failed) byteAmount=%u shmgetFlags=%i" j9prt.529 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_shmat_failed "* j9vmem_reserve_memory (shmat failed) byteAmout=%u address=%p" j9prt.530 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_Exit_replacement " j9mem_ensure_capacity32 entry byteAmount=%zu" j9prt.536 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_mem_j9mem_ensure_capacity32_Exit " ensure_capacity32 entry byteAmount=%zu" j9prt.538 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_mem_ensure_capacity32_Exit " j9sock_connect entry sock=%p addr=%p" j9prt.556 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_connect_Exit " j9sock_socket entry handle=%p family=0x%x socktype=0x%x protocol=0x%x" j9prt.560 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_socket_Exit " j9sock_write entry sock=%p buf=\"%s\" nbyte=%d flags=0x%x" j9prt.565 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_write_Exit " j9sock_writeto entry sock=%p buf=\"%s\" nbyte=%d flags=0x%x addrHandle=%p" j9prt.568 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_writeto_Exit " j9sock_read entry sock=%p nbyte=%d flags=0x%x" j9prt.571 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_read_Exit " j9sock_readfrom entry sock=%p nbyte=%d flags=0x%x addrHandle=%p" j9prt.574 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_readfrom_Exit " j9sock_select entry nfds=%d readfds=%p writefds=%p exceptfds=%p timeout.sec=%zd timeout.usec=%zd" j9prt.577 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_select_Exit " j9sock_select_read entry j9socketP=%p secTime=%d uSecTime=%d isNonBlocking=%u" j9prt.581 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_select_read_Exit " j9sock_setopt_bool entry socketP=%p optlevel=%d optname=%d optval=%u" j9prt.586 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_setopt_bool_Exit " j9sock_setopt_byte entry socketP=%p optlevel=%d optname=%d optval=%u" j9prt.588 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_setopt_byte_Exit " j9sock_setopt_int entry socketP=%p optlevel=%d optname=%d optval=%d" j9prt.590 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_setopt_int_Exit " j9sock_setopt_ipmreq entry socketP=%p optlevel=%d optname=%d" j9prt.592 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_setopt_ipmreq_Exit " j9sock_setopt_ipv6_mreq entry socketP=%p optlevel=%d optname=%d" j9prt.594 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_setopt_ipv6_mreq_Exit " j9sock_setopt_linger entry socketP=%p optlevel=%d optname=%d" j9prt.596 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_setopt_linger_Exit " j9sock_setopt_sockaddr entry socketP=%p optlevel=%d optname=%d" j9prt.598 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_setopt_sockaddr_Exit " getShareMemHandle() enter" j9prt.606 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_shmem_getShareMemHandle_Exit " getInfoStruct() enter" j9prt.616 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_shsem_getInfoStruct_Exit " j9shmem ensureBaseFile entering with filename %s" j9prt.622 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_ensureBaseFile_ExitExists " address=0x%zx, identifier->size=0x%zx, address=0x%zx, byteAmount=0x%zx" j9prt.630 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_decommit_memory_invalidRange "* j9vmem_decommit_memory requested an invalid range identifier->address=0x%zx, identifier->size=0x%zx, address=0x%zx, byteAmount=0x%zx" j9prt.631 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_commit_memory_mprotect_failure "* j9vmem_commit_memory mprotect failed, errno=%d" j9prt.632 2 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_close_Entry " >j9sock_close entry sock=%p" j9prt.633 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_close_Exit " j9shmem_openDeprecated entered." j9prt.641 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_openDeprecated_Exit " " j9prt.642 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_openDeprecated_Entry " >j9shsem_openDeprecated entered." j9prt.643 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_openDeprecated_Exit " " j9prt.644 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_statDeprecated_Entry " >j9shmem_statDeprecated entered." j9prt.645 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_statDeprecated_Exit " " j9prt.646 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_shsem_verifyControlDirectory_isDir " j9shsem verifyControlDirectory: controlFileDir %s exists and is a directory" j9prt.647 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_shsem_verifyControlDirectory_isFile " j9shsem verifyControlDirectory: controlFileDir %s exists and but is a file" j9prt.648 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_shsem_verifyControlDirectory_nonExistent " j9shsem verifyControlDirectory: controlFileDir %s does not exist" j9prt.649 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_shsem_verifyControlDirectory_nullPath " j9shsem verifyControlDirectory: controlFileDir variable is null" j9prt.650 2 1 5 N Trc_PRT_file_chmod_Entry " >j9file_chmod entry path = %s mode = %d" j9prt.651 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_file_chmod_Exit " j9sock_setnonblocking entry sock=%p nonBlocking=%u" j9prt.655 1 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_setnonblocking_failure "* j9sock_setnonblocking failed with platform specific error code=%d" j9prt.656 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_setnonblocking_Exit " j9sock_accept entry serverSock=%p" j9prt.661 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_accept_socket_created " j9sock_accept created socket %p for connection" j9prt.662 1 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_accept_failure "* j9sock_accept failed with platform specific error code=%d" j9prt.663 1 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_accept_failure_oom "* j9sock_accept failed due to memory allocation failure" j9prt.664 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_accept_Exit " j9shsem:createSemaphore Entered, rootname = %s" j9prt.666 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_createsemaphore_createdmain " j9shsem:createSemaphore created main semaphore, will now create set semaphores" j9prt.667 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_createsemaphore_creatingset " j9shsem:createSemaphore creating set semaphore %d, name = %s" j9prt.668 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_createsemaphore_exiterror " j9shsem:openSemaphore Entered, rootname = %s" j9prt.671 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_opensemaphore_openingset " j9shsem:openSemaphore opening set semaphore %d, name = %s" j9prt.672 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_opensemaphore_failedToBuildUnicodeString "* j9shsem:openSemaphore failed to convert semaphore name to unicode(original string: %s, errno %d)." j9prt.673 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_opensemaphore_exit " j9shsem createSemaphore (%s)" j9prt.686 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_createsemaphore_Msg " j9shsem createSemaphore (%s)" j9prt.687 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_createsemaphore_ExitWithMessage " j9shsem openSemaphore (%s)" j9prt.689 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_opensemaphore_Msg " j9shsem openSemaphore (%s)" j9prt.690 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_opensemaphore_ExitWithMessage " j9shmem createSharedMemory (%s)" j9prt.694 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_createSharedMemory_Msg " j9shmem createSharedMemory (%s)" j9prt.695 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_createSharedMemory_ExitWithMessage " j9shmem openSharedMemory (%s)" j9prt.697 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_openSharedMemory_Msg " j9shmem openSharedMemory (%s)" j9prt.698 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_openSharedMemory_ExitWithMessage " ControlFileFDWithWriteLock (%s)" j9prt.700 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shared_ControlFileFDWithWriteLock_Message " ControlFileFDWithWriteLock (%s)" j9prt.701 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shared_ControlFileFDWithWriteLock_ExitWithMessage " ControlFileFDUnLock (%s)" j9prt.703 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shared_ControlFileFDUnLock_ExitWithMessage " j9shsem_deprecated_destroyDeprecated (%s)" j9prt.707 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_deprecated_destroyDeprecated_Message " j9shsem_deprecated_destroyDeprecated (%s)" j9prt.708 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_deprecated_destroyDeprecated_ExitWithMessage " j9shmem_destroyDeprecated (%s)" j9prt.710 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_destroyDeprecated_Message " j9shmem_destroyDeprecated (%s)" j9prt.711 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_destroyDeprecated_ExitWithMessage " j9sock_sockaddr_port entry handle=%p" j9prt.751 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_sockaddr_port_Exit " j9sock_ntohs entry val=%04X" j9prt.753 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_ntohs_Exit " j9sock_getsockname entry handle=%p" j9prt.755 1 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_getsockname_failure "* j9sock_getsockname failed. errno=%d" j9prt.756 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_getsockname_Exit " j9sock_shutdown_input entry sock=%p" j9prt.758 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_shutdown_input_enotconn " j9sock_shutdown_input shutdown() returned failure with errno set to ENOTCONN" j9prt.759 1 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_shutdown_input_failed "* j9sock_shutdown_input failed with errno: %d, strerror(errno): %s" j9prt.760 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_shutdown_input_Exit " j9sock_shutdown_output entry sock=%p" j9prt.762 1 1 3 N Trc_PRT_j9sock_j9sock_shutdown_output_failed "* j9sock_shutdown_output failed with errno: %d, strerror(errno): %s" j9prt.763 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_shutdown_output_Exit " " j9prt.765 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_openDeprecated_Message " >j9shmem_openDeprecated : <%s>" j9prt.766 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_statDeprecated_Message " >j9shmem_statDeprecated exit: <%s>" j9prt.767 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_stat_ExitNullCacheDirName " j9shmem_getDir: Entering" j9prt.788 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_j9shmem_getDir_Exit " j9shmem_createDir: Entering" j9prt.792 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_j9shmem_createDir_Exit " j9mem_reallocate_memory memoryPointer=%p byteAmount=%u callSite=%p category=%u" j9prt.813 2 1 10 N Trc_PRT_heap_port_j9heap_query_size_Entry " >j9heap_query_size entry portLibrary=%p, heap=%p, address=%p" j9prt.814 4 1 10 N Trc_PRT_heap_port_j9heap_query_size_Exit " disconnectSocket entry sock=%p fromlen=%d" j9prt.820 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_disconnectSocket_Exit " connectSocket entry sock=%p addr=%p fromlen=%d" j9prt.825 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_connectSocket_Exit " j9sock_connect_with_timeout entry sock=%p addr=%p timeout=%d step=%d" j9prt.828 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_connect_with_timeout_Exit " helperConnectWithTimeoutStart entry sock=%p addr=%p fromlen=%d" j9prt.830 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_helperConnectWithTimeoutStart_Exit " helperConnectWithTimeoutCheck entry sock=%p addr=%p timeout=%d fromlen=%d" j9prt.834 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_helperConnectWithTimeoutCheck_Exit " helperConnectWithTimeoutDone entry sock=%p" j9prt.844 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_helperConnectWithTimeoutDone_Exit " j9sock_bind entry sock=%p (fd=%d) addr=%p" j9prt.846 1 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_bind_failed "* j9sock_bind bind failed with platform specific error code=%d" j9prt.847 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_bind_Exit " j9sock_getopt_bool entry sock=%p level=%d option=%d" j9prt.858 5 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_getopt_bool_invalid_level_Exit "*j9sock_getopt_sockaddr entry sock=%p (fd=%d) optlevel=%d optname=%d addr=%p" j9prt.872 5 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_getopt_sockaddr_getsockopt_failed_Exit "*j9sock_getopt_byte entry sock=%p (fd=%d) optlevel=%d optname=%d" j9prt.881 5 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_getopt_byte_getsockopt_failed_Exit "*j9sock_getopt_int entry sock=%p (fd=%d) optlevel=%d optname=%d" j9prt.896 5 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sock_j9sock_getopt_int_invalid_level_Exit "*j9vmem port_numa_set_affinity entry node=%zx address=%p byteAmount=%zx" j9prt.906 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_port_numa_set_affinity_no_NUMA " j9vmem_numa_set_affinity : NUMA not supported" j9prt.907 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_port_numa_set_affinity_exit " j9heap_reallocate entry heap=%p, address=%zu, byteAmount=%zu" j9prt.909 0 1 10 N Trc_PRT_heap_port_j9heap_reallocate_null_address " j9heap_reallocate got null address" j9prt.910 0 1 10 N Trc_PRT_heap_port_j9heap_reallocate_no_realloc_necessary " j9heap_reallocate no realloc necessary" j9prt.911 0 1 10 N Trc_PRT_heap_port_j9heap_reallocate_relocating " j9heap_reallocate relocating" j9prt.912 0 1 10 N Trc_PRT_heap_port_j9heap_reallocate_grow " j9heap_reallocate grow growAmount=%zu, residualSize=%zu" j9prt.913 0 1 10 N Trc_PRT_heap_port_j9heap_reallocate_shrink " j9heap_reallocate shrink by %zu slots" j9prt.914 4 1 10 N Trc_PRT_heap_port_j9heap_reallocate_exit " j9heap_grow entry heap=%p, growAmount=%zu" j9prt.918 5 1 1 N Trc_PRT_heap_port_j9heap_grow_insufficient_heapSize_exit "*vmemID=0x%p" j9prt.922 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_mem_iterateHeapsAndSubAllocate_commitMemoryFailure "* Failed to commit memory. reservePtr=0x%p, commitSize=%zu, heapWrapper->vmemID=0x%p" j9prt.923 0 1 5 N Trc_PRT_mem_iterateHeapsAndSubAllocate_heap_grow_successful " Heap succeed to grow. heap=0x%p, commitSize=%zu" j9prt.924 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_mem_iterateHeapsAndSubAllocate_heap_grow_failed "* Heap succeed to grow. heap=0x%p, commitSize=%zu" j9prt.925 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_mem_iterateHeapsAndSubAllocate_failed_to_suballoc " Failed to suballoc (byteAmount=%zu) from existing heaps." j9prt.926 0 1 10 N Trc_PRT_sl_open_shared_library_Event2 " j9sl_open_shared_library OS error message: %s" j9prt.927 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shared_createDir_Exit7 " checkLibraryType Enter" j9prt.934 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_checkLibraryType_FailedFileOpen " checkLibraryType Failed to open file %s" j9prt.935 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_checkLibraryType_FailedUnsupported " checkLibraryType Failed. Unsupported library architecture. Error code=%d" j9prt.936 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_checkLibraryType_FailedFileSeek " checkLibraryType Failed to seek to file offset %d for the library file %s" j9prt.937 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_checkLibraryType_FailedFileRead " checkLibraryType Failed to read library file %s" j9prt.938 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_checkLibraryType_Exit " j9sl_open_system_library name=%s, flags=%d" j9prt.940 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sl_open_shared_library_Null " j9sl_open_system_library descriptor is NULL" j9prt.941 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sl_open_system_library_FailedGetSystemDirectory " j9sl_open_system_library failed to get system directory. Error code=%d" j9prt.942 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sl_open_system_library_FailedGetWindowsDirectory " j9sl_open_system_library failed to get windows directory. Error code=%d" j9prt.943 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sl_open_system_library_FailedUnicodeConversion " j9sl_open_system_library failed to convert library name to unicode." j9prt.944 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sl_open_system_library_FailedLoadLibrary " j9sl_open_system_library failed to load %s. Error code=%d" j9prt.945 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sl_open_system_library_Exit " Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_initialize_Entry" j9prt.947 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_initialize_lockInitFailed "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_initialize_lockInitFailed: Error code = %zd" j9prt.948 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_initialize_Exit " Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_acquire_shared_Entry" j9prt.950 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_acquire_shared_lockAttemptFailed "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_acquire_shared_lockAttemptFailed: Error code = %zd" j9prt.951 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_acquire_shared_unlockFailed "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_acquire_shared_unlockFailed: Error code = %zd" j9prt.952 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_acquire_shared_Exit " Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_release_shared_Entry" j9prt.954 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_release_shared_lockAttemptFailed "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_release_shared_lockAttemptFailed: Error code = %zd" j9prt.955 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_release_shared_unlockFailed "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_release_shared_unlockFailed: Error code = %zd" j9prt.956 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_release_shared_Exit " Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_acquire_exclusive_Entry" j9prt.958 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_acquire_exclusive_lockSelfHeld "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_acquire_exclusive_lockSelfHeld: Lock already held by this JVM" j9prt.959 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_acquire_exclusive_lockAttemptFailed "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_acquire_exclusive_lockAttemptFailed: Attempt to lock failed. Error code = %zd" j9prt.960 0 1 5 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_acquire_exclusive_lockReleased " Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_acquire_exclusive_lockReleased: Lock released" j9prt.961 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_acquire_exclusive_unlockFailed "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_acquire_exclusive_unlockFailed: Attempt to unlock failed. Error code = %zd" j9prt.962 0 4 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_acquire_exclusive_lockAcquired " Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_acquire_exclusive_lockAcquired: Lock acquired" j9prt.963 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_acquire_exclusive_lockNotAcquired " Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_acquire_exclusive_lockNotAcquired: Lock not acquired" j9prt.964 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_acquire_exclusive_Exit " Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_release_exclusive_Entry" j9prt.966 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_release_exclusive_lockNotOwned "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_release_exclusive_lockNotOwned" j9prt.967 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_release_exclusive_unlockFailed "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_release_exclusive_unlockFailed: Error code = %zd" j9prt.968 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_release_exclusive_lockReleased " Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_release_exclusive_lockReleased" j9prt.969 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9virt_rwlock_release_exclusive_Exit " Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_setup_shared_object_access_Entry: Function entered, cachePath=%p" j9prt.971 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_setup_shared_object_access_noCrossguestMem " >Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_setup_shared_object_access_noCrossguestMem: Failed allocating memory for J9HypervisorSharedObject instance!" j9prt.972 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_setup_shared_object_access_noMemForFullCachePath "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_setup_shared_object_access_noMemFullCachePath: Memory allocation for cache path name failed!" j9prt.973 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_setup_shared_object_access_symlinkFailed "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_setup_shared_object_access_symlinkFailed: Failed creating symlink to cross guest shared object, errno = %d" j9prt.974 1 1 5 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_setup_shared_object_access_objectOpenFailed "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_setup_shared_object_access_objectOpenFailed: Failed opening cross guest shared object, errno = %d" j9prt.975 0 1 5 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_setup_shared_object_access_objectOpened " Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_setup_shared_object_access_objectOpened: Successfully opened cross guest shared object" j9prt.976 1 1 5 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_setup_shared_object_access_badAccessHdrMap "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_setup_shared_object_access_badAccessHdrMap: Failed mapping in the cross guest shared object access header, errno = %d" j9prt.977 0 1 5 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_setup_shared_object_access_goodAccessHdrMap " Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_setup_shared_object_access_goodAccessHdrMap: Successfully mapped cross guest shared object" j9prt.978 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_setup_shared_object_access_badMagic " Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_setup_shared_object_access_badMagic: Invalid magic on cross guest shared object" j9prt.979 0 1 5 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_setup_shared_object_access_goodMagic " Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_setup_shared_object_access_goodMagic: Good magic" j9prt.980 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_setup_shared_object_access_badSizeFound " Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_setup_shared_object_access_badSizeFound: Expected size in header = %llu, found = %llu" j9prt.981 0 1 5 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_setup_shared_object_access_goodSize " Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_setup_shared_object_access_goodSize: Size = %llu" j9prt.982 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_setup_shared_object_access_Exit " Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_destroy_shared_object_access_Entry: Function entered." j9prt.984 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_destroy_shared_object_access_devAccessUnmapFailed "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_destroy_shared_object_access_devAccessUnmapFailed: Failed unmapping cross guest shared object access header, errno = %d" j9prt.985 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_destroy_shared_object_access_sharedObjectCloseFailed "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_destroy_shared_object_access_sharedObjectCloseFailed: Failed closing cross guest shared object, errno = %d" j9prt.986 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_destroy_shared_object_access_Exit " Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_delete_shared_object_Entry: Function entered." j9prt.988 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_delete_shared_object_devAccessUnmapFailed "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_delete_shared_object_devAccessUnmapFailed: Failed unmapping cross guest shared object access header, errno = %d" j9prt.989 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_delete_shared_object_sharedObjectCloseFailed "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_delete_shared_object_sharedObjectCloseFailed: Failed closing cross guest shared object, errno = %d" j9prt.990 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_delete_shared_object_symlinkDestroyFailed "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_delete_shared_object_symlinkDestroyFailed: Failed destroying symlink to cross guest shared object, errno = %d" j9prt.991 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_delete_shared_object_removedSymlink " Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_delete_shared_object_removedSymlink: Successfully removed symlink %s to cross guest shared object" j9prt.992 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_delete_shared_object_Exit " Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_map_shared_object_Entry: Function entered." j9prt.994 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_map_shared_object_cannotAllocateHandle "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_map_shared_object_cannotAllocateHandle: Failed allocating memory for J9VirtHandle instance." j9prt.995 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_map_shared_object_badMap "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_map_shared_object_badMap: Failed mapping in cross guest shared object, errno=%d" j9prt.996 0 1 5 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_map_shared_object_goodMap " Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_map_shared_object_goodMap: Successfully mapped in shared object." j9prt.997 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_map_shared_object_Exit " Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_unmap_shared_object_Entry: Function entered, handle=%x" j9prt.999 0 1 5 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_unmap_shared_object_values " Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_unmap_shared_object_values: Unmaping cross guest shared object, Alloc pointer=%x, Size=%d" j9prt.1000 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_unmap_shared_object_munmapFailed "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_unmap_shared_object_munmapFailed: Failed unmapping cross guest shared object, errno = %d" j9prt.1001 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_unmap_shared_object_Exit " Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_protect_Entry: Function entered, Address=%x, Length=%d, Flags=%x" j9prt.1003 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_protect_Exit " Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_sync_Entry: Function entered, Start=%x, Length=%d, Flags=%x" j9prt.1005 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_sync_invalidFlags "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_sync_invalidFlags: Invalid flags = %x" j9prt.1006 2 1 5 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_sync_flagsSet " >Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_sync_flagsSet: Flags set =%x" j9prt.1007 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_sync_badMsync "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_sync_badMsync: Failed syncing cross guest shared object, errno=%d" j9prt.1008 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_sync_Exit " Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_initialize_virtualization_Entry: Function entered." j9prt.1010 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_initialize_virtualization_noMemForCache "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_initialize_virtualization_noMemForCache: Failed allocating memory for J9HypervisorSharedObject instance!" j9prt.1011 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_initialize_virtualization_invalidDeviceSpecified "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_initialize_virtualization_invalidDeviceSpecified: Invalid cross guest shared object name." j9prt.1012 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_initialize_virtualization_noMemForSharedObjectName "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_initialize_virtualization_noMemForSharedObjectName: Failed allocating memory for cross guest shared object name!" j9prt.1013 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_initialize_virtualization_deviceNotInitialized "* Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_initialize_virtualization_deviceNotInitialized: Cross guest shared object not initialized by virtualization solution." j9prt.1014 0 1 5 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_initialize_virtualization_deviceName " Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_initialize_virtualization_deviceName: Device to be used for crossguest sharing: %s" j9prt.1015 0 1 5 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_initialize_virtualization_enabledVirtualization " Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_initialize_virtualization_enabledVirtualization: Virtualization enabled, with -Xvirt set. Virtualization parameters: Hypervisor-kind=%d, Shared-object=%s, Shared-object-size=%llu, Guest ID=%d." j9prt.1016 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_initialize_virtualization_Exit " j9ri_enable: Entry" j9prt.1022 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_ri_enable_Exit " j9ri_disable: Entry" j9prt.1024 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_ri_disable_Exit " j9ri_authorize_current_thread: Entry" j9prt.1026 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_ri_authorize_current_thread_Exit " j9ri_deauthorize_current_thread: Entry" j9prt.1028 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_ri_deauthorize_current_thread_Exit " j9hypervisor_hypervisor_detect entry: Function entered." j9prt.1030 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_virt_j9hypervisor_detect_hypervisor_Exit " j9ri_params_init: Entry" j9prt.1055 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_ri_params_init_Exit " j9ri_initialize: Entry" j9prt.1057 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_ri_initialize_Exit " j9ri_teardown: Entry" j9prt.1059 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_ri_deinitialize_Exit " j9ri_set_control_block: Entry" j9prt.1061 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_ri_set_control_block_Exit " j9ri_get_control_block: Entry" j9prt.1063 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_ri_get_control_block_Exit " j9ri_modify_control_block: Entry" j9prt.1065 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_ri_modify_control_block_Exit " j9vmem_reserve_memory requestedAddress=%p byteAmount=%zu pageSize=%zu pageType=%zu" j9prt.1069 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_parameter_mismatch "* j9vmem_reserve_memory Cannot request large page size for executable pages (mode=%zu) in 2-32GB range (options=%zu)" j9prt.1070 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_j9vmem_reserve_memory_unsupported_page_size_executable_largepages " j9vmem_reserve_memory cannot allocate executable pages with page size=%zu, page flag=%zu" j9prt.1071 2 1 5 N Trc_PRT_vmem_reserve1MPageableBelowBar_Entry " >reserve1MPageableBelowBar Entring with byteAmount=%zu" j9prt.1072 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_vmem_reserve1MPageableBelowBar_Exit " reservePagesAboveBar Entring with byteAmount=%zu pageSize=%zu pageType=%zu options=%zu use2To32GArea=%zu" j9prt.1074 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_reservePagesAboveBar_allocate_4K_pages_in_2to32G_area " reservePagesAboveBar Calling j9allocate_4K_pages_in_2to32G_area(%zu)" j9prt.1075 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_reservePagesAboveBar_allocate_large_2G_pages " reservePagesAboveBar Calling j9allocate_large_2G_pages(%zu, %zu)" j9prt.1076 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_reservePagesAboveBar_allocate_large_pages " reservePagesAboveBar Calling j9allocate_large_pages(%zu, %zu)" j9prt.1077 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_reservePagesAboveBar_allocate_large_pageable_pages_above_bar " reservePagesAboveBar Calling j9allocate_large_pageable_pages_above_bar(%zu, %zu)" j9prt.1078 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_vmem_reservePagesAboveBar_Exit " retrieveLinuxMemoryStats: Function entered." j9prt.1087 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_retrieveLinuxMemoryStats_failedOpeningMemFs "* retrieveLinuxMemoryStats: Failed opening /proc/meminfo. Error code = %i." j9prt.1088 0 1 5 N Trc_PRT_retrieveLinuxMemoryStats_openedMemFs " retrieveLinuxMemoryStats: Successfully opened /proc/meminfo for reading memory usage statistics." j9prt.1089 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_retrieveLinuxMemoryStats_invalidRangeFound "* retrieveLinuxMemoryStats: Value found for %s is out of range." j9prt.1090 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_retrieveLinuxMemoryStats_unexpectedError "* retrieveLinuxMemoryStats: Unexpected value found for %s." j9prt.1091 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_retrieveLinuxMemoryStats_Exit " retrieveAIXMemoryStats: Function entered." j9prt.1093 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_retrieveAIXMemoryStats_perfstatFailed "* retrieveAIXMemoryStats: perfstat failed with return code = %i." j9prt.1094 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_retrieveAIXMemoryStats_Exit " j9sysinfo_get_memory_info: Function entered." j9prt.1096 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_get_memory_info_memStatFailed "* j9sysinfo_get_memory_info: Error: GlobalMemoryStatusEx() failed with error code = %i." j9prt.1097 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_get_memory_info_pdhOpenQueryFailed "* j9sysinfo_get_memory_info: Error: pdh handle creation failure = %d." j9prt.1098 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_get_memory_info_failedAddingCounter "* j9sysinfo_get_memory_info: Error: Failed adding %s memory counter. Error code = %d" j9prt.1099 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_get_memory_info_dataQueryFailed "* j9sysinfo_get_memory_info: Error: Failed collecting data." j9prt.1100 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_get_memory_info_Exit " retrieveLinuxProcessorStats: Function entered." j9prt.1102 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_retrieveLinuxProcessorStats_failedOpeningProcFs "* retrieveLinuxProcessorStats: Failed opening /proc/cpustat. Error code = %i." j9prt.1103 0 1 5 N Trc_PRT_retrieveLinuxProcessorStats_openedProcFs " retrieveLinuxProcessorStats: Successfully opened /proc/cpustat for reading processor usage statistics." j9prt.1104 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_retrieveLinuxProcessorStats_memAllocFailed "* retrieveLinuxProcessorStats: Memory allocation failed." j9prt.1105 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_retrieveLinuxProcessorStats_unexpectedReadError "* retrieveLinuxProcessorStats: unexpected I/O error = %i." j9prt.1106 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_retrieveLinuxProcessorStats_unexpectedCpuCount "* retrieveLinuxProcessorStats: expected CPU count = %i, found = %i." j9prt.1107 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_retrieveLinuxProcessorStats_Exit " retrieveAIXProcessorStats: Function entered." j9prt.1109 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_retrieveAIXProcessorStats_memAllocFailed "* retrieveAIXProcessorStats: Memory allocation failed." j9prt.1110 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_retrieveAIXProcessorStats_perfstatFailed "* retrieveAIXProcessorStats: perfstat interface failed with code = %i." j9prt.1111 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_retrieveAIXProcessorStats_unexpectedCpuCount "* retrieveAIXProcessorStats: expected CPU count = %i, found = %i." j9prt.1112 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_retrieveAIXProcessorStats_Exit " j9sysinfo_get_processor_info: Function entered." j9prt.1114 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_get_processor_info_categoryAllocFailed "* j9sysinfo_get_processor_info: Error: failed allocating memory for %i categories of %s counters." j9prt.1115 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_get_processor_info_memAllocFailed "* j9sysinfo_get_processor_info: Error: memory allocation for processor array failed." j9prt.1116 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_get_processor_info_pdhOpenQueryFailed "* j9sysinfo_get_processor_info: PdhOpenQuery() failed = %i." j9prt.1117 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_get_processor_info_failedAddingCounter "* j9sysinfo_get_processor_info: Failed adding %s counter." j9prt.1118 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_get_processor_info_failedCollectingPdhData "* j9sysinfo_get_processor_info: PdhCollectQueryData() failed." j9prt.1119 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_get_processor_info_Exit " j9sysinfo_destroy_processor_info: Function entered." j9prt.1123 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_destroy_processor_info_Exit " j9sysinfo_get_number_CPUs_by_type: Function entered." j9prt.1129 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_get_number_CPUs_by_type_Exit " j9sysinfo_set_number_entitled_CPUs: Function entered." j9prt.1131 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_set_number_entitled_CPUs_Exit " j9hypervisor_get_guest_processor_usage: Function entered." j9prt.1135 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_j9hypervisor_get_guest_processor_usage_arg_null "* j9hypervisor_get_guest_processor_usage: J9GuestProcessorUsage arg NULL, ret=%d" j9prt.1136 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_j9hypervisor_get_guest_processor_usage_hypervisor_error "* j9hypervisor_get_guest_processor_usage: Hypervisor error, ret=%d" j9prt.1137 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_j9hypervisor_get_guest_processor_usage_exit " j9hypervisor_get_guest_memory_usage: Function entered." j9prt.1139 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_j9hypervisor_get_guest_memory_usage_arg_null "* j9hypervisor_get_guest_memory_usage: J9GuestMemoryUsage arg NULL, ret=%d" j9prt.1140 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_j9hypervisor_get_guest_memory_usage_hypervisor_error "* j9hypervisor_get_guest_memory_usage: Hypervisor error, ret=%d" j9prt.1141 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_j9hypervisor_get_guest_memory_usage_exit " j9mem_advise_and_free_memory pointer=%p" j9prt.1185 4 1 10 N Trc_PRT_mem_j9mem_advise_and_free_memory_Exit " j9sysinfo_get_limit: resourceID = %d" j9prt.1187 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_getrlimit_error "* getrlimit failed, resource=%d errno=%d" j9prt.1188 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_get_limit_Exit " j9sysinfo_set_limit: resourceID = %d, limit = %llu" j9prt.1190 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_setrlimit_error "* setrlimit failed, resource=%d limit=%llu, errno=%d" j9prt.1191 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_setLimit_unrecognised_resourceID "* j9sysinfo_set_limit given unrecognised resourceID %x" j9prt.1192 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_sysparm_error "* sys_parm failed, errno=%d" j9prt.1193 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_set_limit_Exit " retrieveZOSMemoryStats: Function entered." j9prt.1204 0 1 5 N Trc_PRT_retrieveZOSMemoryStats_memUsageStats " retrieveZOSMemoryStats: total=%zu, avail=%zu, total-swap=%zu, avail-swap=%zu." j9prt.1205 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_retrieveZOSMemoryStats_Exit " retrieveZOSProcessorStats: Function entered." j9prt.1207 0 1 5 N Trc_PRT_retrieveZOSProcessorStats_cpuUsageStats " retrieveZOSProcessorStats: cpu-time=%zu." j9prt.1208 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_retrieveZOSProcessorStats_Exit " retrieveZGuestMemoryStats: Function entered." j9prt.1243 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_retrieveZGuestMemoryStats_Exit " retrieveZGuestProcessorStats: Function entered." j9prt.1245 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_retrieveZGuestProcessorStats_Exit " computeCpuTime: Function entered." j9prt.1247 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_computeCpuTime_failedRetrievingLparData "* computeCpuTime: Error: Failed retrieving LPAR Data = %d" j9prt.1248 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_computeCpuTime_unexpectedLPDataBuffSz "* computeCpuTime: Error: Unexpected LPData Buffer Size received = %d." j9prt.1249 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_computeCpuTime_memAllocFailed "* computeCpuTime: Error: memory allocation for lpdat argument failed." j9prt.1250 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_computeCpuTime_queryMetricsFailed "* computeCpuTime: Error: QueryMetrics() Failed = %d" j9prt.1251 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_computeCpuTime_Exit " sysinfo_get_processor_description: desc = %p" j9prt.1270 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_get_processor_description_Exit " sysinfo_processor_has_feature: desc = %p, feature = %d" j9prt.1272 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_processor_has_feature_Exit " initializeHypervisorState: Function entered." j9prt.1274 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_initializeHypervisorState_initFailed "* initializeHypervisorState: Vendor specific initialization failed with error code = %i" j9prt.1275 4 1 4 N Trc_PRT_initializeHypervisorState_Exit " j9shmem_handle_stat entered, handle=%p" j9prt.1298 1 1 2 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_handle_stat_ErrorNullHandle "* j9shmem_handle_stat exiting due to NULL handle" j9prt.1299 1 1 2 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_handle_stat_ErrorNullBuffer "* j9shmem_handle_stat exiting due to NULL buffer" j9prt.1300 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_handle_stat_ErrorGetShmStatsFailed "* j9shmem_handle_stat getShmStats failed for shmid %zu" j9prt.1301 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_handle_stat_Exit " j9shsem_deprecated_handle_stat entered, handle=%p" j9prt.1304 1 1 2 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_deprecated_handle_stat_ErrorNullHandle "* j9shsem_deprecated_handle_stat exiting due to NULL handle" j9prt.1305 1 1 2 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_deprecated_handle_stat_ErrorNullBuffer "* j9shsem_deprecated_handle_stat exiting due to NULL buffer" j9prt.1306 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_deprecated_handle_stat_semctlFailed "* j9shsem_deprecated_handle_stat : Error : semctl failed for semid %zu, with portable errno %d, and error message %s" j9prt.1307 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_deprecated_handle_stat_Exit " j9sysinfo_get_groups entered" j9prt.1309 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_get_groups_Error_GetGroupsSize "* j9sysinfo_get_groups failed to get size of the group id list with errno=%zi" j9prt.1310 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_get_groups_Error_ListAllocateFailed "* j9sysinfo_get_groups failed to allocate memory for group id list of size=%zi" j9prt.1311 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_get_groups_Error_GetGroups "* j9sysinfo_get_groups getgroups() failed with errno=%zi" j9prt.1312 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_get_groups_Exit " j9ri_signalHandler: Entry" j9prt.1314 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_ri_signalHandler_Exit " j9ri_enableSupport: Entry" j9prt.1316 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_ri_enableSupport_Exit " j9ri_disableSupport: Entry" j9prt.1318 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_ri_disableSupport_Exit " j9file_fstat: Entry with fd=%zd" j9prt.1324 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_file_fstat_fstatFailed "* j9file_fstat: fstat() failed with errno=%zd" j9prt.1325 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_file_fstat_fstatfsFailed "* j9file_fstat: fstatfs() failed with errno=%zd" j9prt.1326 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_file_fstat_fstatvfsFailed "* j9file_fstat: fstatvfs() failed with errno=%zd" j9prt.1327 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_file_fstat_Exit " j9shsem_post handle=%p, semset = %d, flag = %d, semid=%d" j9prt.1337 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_wait_Entry1 " >j9shsem_wait handle=%p, semset = %d flag = %d, semid=%d" j9prt.1338 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_getVal_Entry1 " >j9shsem_getVal handle=%p, semset = %d, semid=%d" j9prt.1339 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_setVal_Entry1 " >j9shsem_setVal handle=%p, semset = %d value = %d, semid=%d" j9prt.1340 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_deprecated_handle_stat_Entry1 " >j9shsem_deprecated_handle_stat entered, handle=%p, semid=%d" j9prt.1341 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_close_Entry1 " >j9shsem_close entered handle=%p, semid=%d" j9prt.1342 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_j9shsem_destroy_Entry1 " >j9shsem_destroy entered handle=%p, semid=%d" j9prt.1343 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shsem_deprecated_destroyDeprecated_Entry " >j9shsem_deprecated_destroyDeprecated entered, handle=%p, semid=%d" j9prt.1344 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_close_Entry1 " >j9shmem_close entered handle=%p, shmid=%d" j9prt.1345 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_attach_Entry1 " >j9shmem_attach entered handle=%p, shmid=%d" j9prt.1346 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_destroy_Entry1 " >j9shmem_destroy entered handle=%p, shmid=%d" j9prt.1347 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_destroyDeprecated_Entry " >j9shmem_destroyDeprecated entered handle=%p, shmid=%d" j9prt.1348 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_detach_Entry1 " >j9shmem_detach entered handle=%p, shmid=%d" j9prt.1349 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shmem_j9shmem_handle_stat_Entry1 " >j9shmem_handle_stat entered, handle=%p, shmid=%d" j9prt.1350 2 1 5 N Trc_PRT_file_blockingasync_read_Entry " >j9file_blockingasync_read fd = %zd, buf = %p, bytes = %zd" j9prt.1351 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_file_blockingasync_read_Exit " j9file_blockingasync_write fd = %zd, buf = %p, bytes = %zd" j9prt.1353 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_file_blockingasync_write_Exit " j9file_flength fd = %zd" j9prt.1357 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_file_flength_Exit " j9file_findfirst path = %s, resultbuf = %s" j9prt.1360 2 1 5 N Trc_PRT_file_findnext_Entry2 " >j9file_findnext findhandle = %zd, resultbuf = %s" j9prt.1361 2 1 5 N Trc_PRT_file_blockingasync_startup_Entry " >j9file_blockingasync_startup enters." j9prt.1362 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_file_blockingasync_startup_Exit " j9file_blockingasync_shutdown enters." j9prt.1365 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_file_blockingasync_shutdown_Exit " j9cuda initializeTable" j9prt.1370 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_symbol_found " j9cuda initializeTable: symbol '%s(%s)' = %p" j9prt.1371 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_cuda_symbol_not_found "* j9cuda initializeTable: symbol '%s(%s)' not found" j9prt.1372 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_cuda_initializeTable_exit " j9cuda getDeviceData(device=%u)" j9prt.1374 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_getDeviceData_exit " j9cuda getSummaryData" j9prt.1376 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_getSummaryData_exit " j9cuda initDeviceData(device=%u)" j9prt.1378 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_cuda_initDeviceData_fail "* j9cuda initDeviceData: failed to get %s, error=%d" j9prt.1379 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_initDeviceData_exit " j9cuda initSummaryData(deviceCount=%u)" j9prt.1381 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_cuda_initSummaryData_fail "* j9cuda initSummaryData: failed to get %s version, error=%d" j9prt.1382 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_initSummaryData_exit " j9cuda initConfigData(%u devices)" j9prt.1384 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_cuda_initConfigData_fail "* j9cuda initConfigData: failed to %s" j9prt.1385 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_initConfigData_exit " j9cuda getFunctions" j9prt.1387 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_cuda_library_not_found "* j9cuda library '%s' not found" j9prt.1388 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_cuda_getFunctions_failed "* j9cuda getFunctions: CUDA support not available" j9prt.1389 0 1 1 N Trc_PRT_cuda_getFunctions_initialized " j9cuda getFunctions: CUDA support available" j9prt.1390 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_cuda_getFunctions_exit " j9cuda threadState finalizer(%p)" j9prt.1392 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_ThreadState_finalizer_exit " j9cuda threadState getCurrent" j9prt.1394 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_ThreadState_getCurrent_exit " j9cuda threadState clear(%p, %u)" j9prt.1396 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_ThreadState_clear_exit " j9cuda threadState set(%p, %u)" j9prt.1398 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_ThreadState_set_exit " j9cuda threadState test(%p, %u)" j9prt.1400 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_ThreadState_test_exit " j9cuda threadState startup(%p)" j9prt.1402 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_ThreadState_startup_exit " j9cuda threadState shutdown(%p)" j9prt.1404 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_ThreadState_shutdown_exit " j9cuda threadState initCurrent(%u)" j9prt.1406 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_ThreadState_initCurrent_exit " j9cuda threadState markCurrent(%u)" j9prt.1408 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_ThreadState_markCurrent_exit " j9cuda threadState unmarkCurrent(%u)" j9prt.1410 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_ThreadState_unmarkCurrent_exit " j9cuda withDevice(%d)" j9prt.1412 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_cuda_withDevice_get_fail "* j9cuda withDevice: failed to get current device, error=%d" j9prt.1413 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_cuda_withDevice_set_fail "* j9cuda withDevice: failed to set current device, error=%d" j9prt.1414 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_cuda_withDevice_prepare_fail "* j9cuda withDevice: prepare failed, error=%d" j9prt.1415 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_cuda_withDevice_execute_fail "* j9cuda withDevice: operation failed, error=%d" j9prt.1416 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_cuda_withDevice_onSuccess_fail "* j9cuda withDevice: onSuccess failed, error=%d" j9prt.1417 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_cuda_withDevice_restore_fail "* j9cuda withDevice: failed to restore current device, error=%d" j9prt.1418 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_withDevice_exit " j9cuda_shutdown" j9prt.1420 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_shutdown_exit " j9cuda_deviceAlloc(device=%u, size=%zu)" j9prt.1422 0 1 4 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceAlloc_result " j9cuda_deviceAlloc: address=%p" j9prt.1423 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceAlloc_exit " j9cuda_deviceCanAccessPeer(device=%u, peerDeviceId=%u)" j9prt.1425 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceCanAccessPeer_result " j9cuda_deviceCanAccessPeer: %d" j9prt.1426 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceCanAccessPeer_exit " j9cuda_deviceDisablePeerAccess(device=%u, peerDeviceId=%u)" j9prt.1428 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceDisablePeerAccess_exit " j9cuda_deviceEnablePeerAccess(device=%u, peerDeviceId=%u)" j9prt.1430 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceEnablePeerAccess_exit " j9cuda_deviceFree(device=%u, address=%p)" j9prt.1432 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceFree_exit " j9cuda_deviceGetAttribute(device=%u, attribute=%d)" j9prt.1434 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceGetAttribute_result " j9cuda_deviceGetAttribute(%d): value=%d" j9prt.1435 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceGetAttribute_exit " j9cuda_deviceGetCacheConfig(device=%u)" j9prt.1437 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceGetCacheConfig_result " j9cuda_deviceGetCacheConfig: config=%d" j9prt.1438 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceGetCacheConfig_exit " j9cuda_deviceGetCount" j9prt.1440 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceGetCount_result " j9cuda_deviceGetCount: count=%u" j9prt.1441 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceGetCount_exit " j9cuda_deviceGetLimit(device=%u, limit=%d)" j9prt.1443 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceGetLimit_result " j9cuda_deviceGetLimit: value=%zu" j9prt.1444 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceGetLimit_exit " j9cuda_deviceGetMemInfo(device=%u)" j9prt.1446 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceGetMemInfo_result " j9cuda_deviceGetMemInfo: free=%zu, total=%zu" j9prt.1447 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceGetMemInfo_exit " j9cuda_deviceGetName(device=%u)" j9prt.1449 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceGetName_result " j9cuda_deviceGetName: name=%s" j9prt.1450 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceGetName_exit " j9cuda_deviceGetSharedMemConfig(device=%u)" j9prt.1452 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceGetSharedMemConfig_result " j9cuda_deviceGetSharedMemConfig: config=%d" j9prt.1453 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceGetSharedMemConfig_exit " j9cuda_deviceGetStreamPriorityRange(device=%u)" j9prt.1455 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceGetStreamPriorityRange_result " j9cuda_deviceGetStreamPriorityRange: least=%d, greatest=%d" j9prt.1456 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceGetStreamPriorityRange_exit " j9cuda_deviceReset(device=%u)" j9prt.1458 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceReset_exit " j9cuda_deviceSetCacheConfig(device=%u, config=%d)" j9prt.1460 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceSetCacheConfig_exit " j9cuda_deviceSetLimit(device=%u, limit=%d, value=%zu)" j9prt.1462 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceSetLimit_exit " j9cuda_deviceSetSharedMemConfig(device=%u, config=%d)" j9prt.1464 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceSetSharedMemConfig_exit " j9cuda_deviceSynchronize(device=%u)" j9prt.1466 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_deviceSynchronize_exit " j9cuda_driverGetVersion" j9prt.1468 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_driverGetVersion_result " j9cuda_driverGetVersion: version=%u" j9prt.1469 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_driverGetVersion_exit " j9cuda_eventCreate(device=%u, flags=%u)" j9prt.1471 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_eventCreate_result " j9cuda_eventCreate: event=%p" j9prt.1472 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_eventCreate_exit " j9cuda_eventDestroy(device=%u, event=%p)" j9prt.1474 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_eventDestroy_exit " j9cuda_eventElapsedTime(startEvent=%p, endEvent=%p)" j9prt.1476 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_eventElapsedTime_result " j9cuda_eventElapsedTime: elapsed=%f ms" j9prt.1477 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_eventElapsedTime_exit " j9cuda_eventQuery(event=%p)" j9prt.1479 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_eventQuery_exit " j9cuda_eventRecord(device=%u, event=%p, stream=%p)" j9prt.1481 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_eventRecord_exit " j9cuda_eventSynchronize(event=%p)" j9prt.1483 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_eventSynchronize_exit " j9cuda_funcGetAttribute(device=%u, function=%p, attribute=%d)" j9prt.1485 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_funcGetAttribute_result " j9cuda_funcGetAttribute: value=%d" j9prt.1486 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_funcGetAttribute_exit " j9cuda_funcSetCacheConfig(device=%u, function=%p, config=%d)" j9prt.1488 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_funcSetCacheConfig_exit " j9cuda_funcSetSharedMemConfig(device=%u, function=%p, config=%d)" j9prt.1490 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_funcSetSharedMemConfig_exit " j9cuda_getErrorString(error=%zd)" j9prt.1492 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_getErrorString_exit " j9cuda_hostAlloc(size=%zu, flags=%u)" j9prt.1494 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_hostAlloc_result " j9cuda_hostAlloc: address=%p" j9prt.1495 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_hostAlloc_exit " j9cuda_hostFree(address=%p)" j9prt.1497 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_hostFree_exit " j9cuda_launchKernel(device=%u, function=%p, grid=(%u,%u,%u), block=(%u,%u,%u), shared=%u, stream=%p, values=%p)" j9prt.1499 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_launchKernel_exit " j9cuda JitOptions(options=%p)" j9prt.1501 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_JitOptions_exit " j9cuda_linkerAddData(device=%u, linker=%p, type=%d, data=%p, size=%zu, name=%s, options=%p)" j9prt.1504 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_linkerAddData_exit " j9cuda_linkerComplete(device=%u, linker=%p)" j9prt.1506 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_linkerComplete_result " j9cuda_linkerComplete: cubin=%p, size=%zu" j9prt.1507 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_linkerComplete_exit " j9cuda_linkerCreate(device=%u, options=%p)" j9prt.1509 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_cuda_linkerCreate_nomem "* j9cuda_linkerCreate: malloc failed" j9prt.1510 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_linkerCreate_result " j9cuda_linkerCreate: linker=%p" j9prt.1511 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_linkerCreate_exit " j9cuda_linkerDestroy(device=%u, linker=%p)" j9prt.1513 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_linkerDestroy_exit " j9cuda_memcpy(device=%u, targetAddress=%p, sourceAddress=%p, byteCount=%zu, direction=%d)" j9prt.1515 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_memcpy_exit " j9cuda_memcpyPeer(targetDeviceId=%u, targetAddress=%p, sourceDeviceId=%u sourceAddress=%p, byteCount=%zu)" j9prt.1517 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_memcpyPeer_exit " j9cuda_memset8(device=%u, deviceAddress=%p, value=%u count=%zu)" j9prt.1519 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_memset8_exit " j9cuda_memset16(device=%u, deviceAddress=%p, value=%u count=%zu)" j9prt.1521 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_memset16_exit " j9cuda_memset32(device=%u, deviceAddress=%p, value=%u count=%zu)" j9prt.1523 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_memset32_exit " j9cuda_moduleGetFunction(device=%u, module=%p, name=%s)" j9prt.1525 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_moduleGetFunction_result " j9cuda_moduleGetFunction: address=%p" j9prt.1526 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_moduleGetFunction_exit " j9cuda_moduleGetGlobal(device=%u, module=%p, name=%s)" j9prt.1528 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_moduleGetGlobal_result " j9cuda_moduleGetGlobal: address=%p, size=%zu" j9prt.1529 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_moduleGetGlobal_exit " j9cuda_moduleGetSurfRef(device=%u, module=%p, name=%s)" j9prt.1531 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_moduleGetSurfRef_result " j9cuda_moduleGetSurfRef: address=%p" j9prt.1532 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_moduleGetSurfRef_exit " j9cuda_moduleGetTexRef(device=%u, module=%p, name=%s)" j9prt.1534 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_moduleGetTexRef_result " j9cuda_moduleGetTexRef: address=%p" j9prt.1535 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_moduleGetTexRef_exit " j9cuda_moduleLoad(device=%u, image=%p, options=%p)" j9prt.1537 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_moduleLoad_result " j9cuda_moduleLoad: address=%p" j9prt.1538 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_moduleLoad_exit " j9cuda_moduleUnload(device=%u, module=%p)" j9prt.1540 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_moduleUnload_exit " j9cuda_runtimeGetVersion" j9prt.1542 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_runtimeGetVersion_result " j9cuda_runtimeGetVersion: version=%u" j9prt.1543 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_runtimeGetVersion_exit " j9cuda_StreamCallback handler(stream=%p, error=%d, data=%p)" j9prt.1545 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_StreamCallback_handler_exit " j9cuda_streamAddCallback(device=%u, stream=%p, callback=%p, data=%zu)" j9prt.1547 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_cuda_streamAddCallback_nomem "* j9cuda_streamAddCallback: malloc failed" j9prt.1548 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_streamAddCallback_instance " j9cuda_streamAddCallback: callback=%p" j9prt.1549 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_streamAddCallback_exit " j9cuda_streamCreate(device=%u)" j9prt.1551 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_streamCreate_result " j9cuda_streamCreate: stream=%p" j9prt.1552 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_streamCreate_exit " j9cuda_streamCreateWithPriority(device=%u, priority=%d, flags=%u)" j9prt.1554 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_streamCreateWithPriority_result " j9cuda_streamCreateWithPriority: stream=%p" j9prt.1555 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_streamCreateWithPriority_exit " j9cuda_streamDestroy(device=%u, stream=%p)" j9prt.1557 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_streamDestroy_exit " j9cuda_streamGetFlags(device=%u, stream=%p)" j9prt.1559 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_streamGetFlags_result " j9cuda_streamGetFlags: flags=%u" j9prt.1560 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_streamGetFlags_exit " j9cuda_streamGetPriority(device=%u, stream=%p)" j9prt.1562 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_streamGetPriority_result " j9cuda_streamGetPriority: priority=%d" j9prt.1563 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_streamGetPriority_exit " j9cuda_streamQuery(device=%u, stream=%p)" j9prt.1565 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_streamQuery_exit " j9cuda_streamSynchronize(device=%u, stream=%p)" j9prt.1567 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_streamSynchronize_exit " j9cuda_streamWaitEvent(device=%u, stream=%p, event=%p)" j9prt.1569 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_streamWaitEvent_exit " j9sysinfo_get_cache_info query=%x cpu=%d level=%d type=%x" j9prt.1580 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_get_cache_info_exit " j9cuda_funcMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor(deviceId=%u, function=%p, blockSize=%u, dynamicSharedMemorySize=%u, flags=%u)" j9prt.1586 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_funcMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor_result " j9cuda_funcMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor: max=%u" j9prt.1587 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_funcMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor_exit " j9cuda_funcMaxPotentialBlockSize(deviceId=%u, function=%p, dynamicSharedMemoryFunction=%p, userData=%p, blockSizeLimit=%u, flags=%u)" j9prt.1589 0 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_funcMaxPotentialBlockSize_result " j9cuda_funcMaxPotentialBlockSize: minGridSize=%u, maxBlockSize=%u" j9prt.1590 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_funcMaxPotentialBlockSize_exit " j9cuda_memcpyAsync(device=%u, targetAddress=%p, sourceAddress=%p, byteCount=%zu, direction=%d, stream=%p)" j9prt.1592 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_memcpyAsync_exit " j9cuda_memcpyPeerAsync(targetDeviceId=%u, targetAddress=%p, sourceDeviceId=%u sourceAddress=%p, byteCount=%zu, stream=%p)" j9prt.1594 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_memcpyPeerAsync_exit " j9cuda_memcpy2D(device=%u, targetAddress=%p, targetPitch=%zu, sourceAddress=%p, sourcePitch=%zu, width=%zu, height=%zu, direction=%d)" j9prt.1596 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_memcpy2D_exit " j9cuda_memcpy2DAsync(device=%u, targetAddress=%p, targetPitch=%zu, sourceAddress=%p, sourcePitch=%zu, width=%zu, height=%zu, direction=%d, stream=%p)" j9prt.1598 4 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_memcpy2DAsync_exit " j9cuda_memset8(device=%u, deviceAddress=%p, value=%u count=%zu, stream=%p)" j9prt.1600 2 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_memset16_entry " >j9cuda_memset16(device=%u, deviceAddress=%p, value=%u count=%zu, stream=%p)" j9prt.1601 2 1 3 N Trc_PRT_cuda_memset32_entry " >j9cuda_memset32(device=%u, deviceAddress=%p, value=%u count=%zu, stream=%p)" j9prt.1602 2 1 10 N Trc_PRT_vmem_get_process_memory_enter " >j9vmem_get_process_memory_size query = %d" j9prt.1603 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_vmem_get_process_memory_failed "* j9vmem_get_process_memory_size %s failed errno=%zd" j9prt.1604 4 1 10 N Trc_PRT_vmem_get_process_memory_exit " j9sysinfo_get_open_file_count: Entry." j9prt.1609 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_get_open_file_count_invalidArgRecvd "* j9sysinfo_get_open_file_count received invalid argument: %s." j9prt.1610 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_get_open_file_count_failedOpeningProcFS "* j9sysinfo_get_open_file_count failed opening /proc = %d." j9prt.1611 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_get_open_file_count_failedReadingProcFS "* j9sysinfo_get_open_file_count failed reading /proc = %d." j9prt.1612 0 1 5 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_get_open_file_count_fileCount " j9sysinfo_get_open_file_count files opened by this process=%llu." j9prt.1613 4 1 5 N Trc_PRT_sysinfo_get_open_file_count_Exit " j9gs_params_init: Entry with gsParams %p, gsControlBlock %p" j9prt.1615 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_gs_params_init_Exit " j9gs_enable Entry: gsParams %p, baseAddress %p, perBitSectionSize %llu, bitMask %llu." j9prt.1617 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_gs_enable_Exit " j9gs_disable: Entry with gsParams %p" j9prt.1619 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_gs_disable_Exit " j9gs_initialize: Entry with gsParams %p, shift amount %d" j9prt.1621 2 1 1 N Trc_PRT_gs_deinitialize_Entry " >j9gs_deinitialize: Entry with gsParams %p" j9prt.1622 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_gs_deinitialize_Exit " j9gs_isEnabled: Entry with gsParams %p" j9prt.1624 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_gs_isEnabled_Exit " = %zu, ret=%d" j9prt.1632 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_process_machine_speed_file_path_is_malformed "* get_speed_file_path: the speed file path is malformed, speedFilePath=\"%s\", ret=%d" j9prt.1633 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_get_hypfs_attribute_file_path_size_exceeds_limit "* get_hypfs_attribute: the size of file path exceeds the limit, %zu >= %zu, ret=%d" j9prt.1634 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_read_hypfs_data_file_path_size_exceeds_limit "* read_hypfs_data: the size of file path exceeds the limit, %zu >= %zu, ret=%d" j9prt.1635 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_check_and_update_stat_file_path_size_exceeds_limit "* check_and_update_stat: the size of file path exceeds the limit, %zu >= %zu, ret=%d" j9prt.1636 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_j9shmem_getDir_tryHomeDirFailed_homeDirTooLong "* j9shmem_getDir: The length of the environment variable HOME is %zu, it should be greater than 0 and less than %zu" j9prt.1637 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_j9shmem_getDir_tryHomeDirFailed_getEnvHomeFailed "* j9shmem_getDir: omrsysinfo_get_env() failed to get environment variable HOME" j9prt.1638 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_j9shmem_getDir_tryHomeDirFailed_pw_dirDirTooLong "* j9shmem_getDir: The length of the home directory is %zu, it should be greater than 0 and less than %zu" j9prt.1639 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_j9shmem_getDir_tryHomeDirFailed_getpwuidFailed "* j9shmem_getDir: getpwuid() returns NULL" j9prt.1640 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_j9shmem_getDir_tryHomeDirFailed_homeOnNFS "* j9shmem_getDir: User's home directory %s is on a network file system" j9prt.1641 1 1 1 N Trc_PRT_j9shmem_getDir_tryHomeDirFailed_cannotStat "* j9shmem_getDir: omrfile_stat() failed on the user's home directory %s" j9prt.1642 4 1 1 N Trc_PRT_shared_createDir_Exit8 " %.*s.%.*s%.*s bytecode method, this = 0x%zx" mt.1 2 1 5 N Trc_MethodEntryC " >%.*s.%.*s%.*s compiled method, this = 0x%zx" mt.2 2 1 5 N Trc_MethodEntryN " >%.*s.%.*s%.*s native method, this = 0x%zx" mt.3 2 1 5 N Trc_MethodEntryS " >%.*s.%.*s%.*s bytecode static method" mt.4 2 1 5 N Trc_MethodEntryCS " >%.*s.%.*s%.*s compiled static method" mt.5 2 1 5 N Trc_MethodEntryNS " >%.*s.%.*s%.*s native static method" mt.6 4 1 5 N Trc_MethodExit " <%.*s.%.*s%.*s bytecode method" mt.7 4 1 5 N Trc_MethodExitC " <%.*s.%.*s%.*s compiled method" mt.8 4 1 5 N Trc_MethodExitN " <%.*s.%.*s%.*s native method" mt.9 4 1 5 N Trc_MethodExitS " <%.*s.%.*s%.*s bytecode static method" mt.10 4 1 5 N Trc_MethodExitCS " <%.*s.%.*s%.*s compiled static method" mt.11 4 1 5 N Trc_MethodExitNS " <%.*s.%.*s%.*s native static method" mt.12 4 1 5 N Trc_MethodExitX_Obsolete " <* %.*s.%.*s%.*s Bytecode method, looking for matching catch block for %s" mt.13 4 1 5 N Trc_MethodExitCX_Obsolete " <* %.*s.%.*s%.*s Compiled method, looking for matching catch block for %s" mt.14 4 1 5 N Trc_MethodExitNX_Obsolete " <* %.*s.%.*s%.*s Native method, looking for matching catch block for %s" mt.15 4 1 5 N Trc_MethodExitXS_Obsolete " <* %.*s.%.*s%.*s Bytecode static method, looking for matching catch block for %s" mt.16 4 1 5 N Trc_MethodExitCXS_Obsolete " <* %.*s.%.*s%.*s Compiled static method, looking for matching catch block for %s" mt.17 4 1 5 N Trc_MethodExitNXS_Obsolete " <* %.*s.%.*s%.*s Native static method, looking for matching catch block for %s" mt.18 0 1 5 N Trc_MethodArguments " this: %.*s@%p method arguments: (%s)" mt.19 0 1 5 N Trc_MethodArgumentsS " method arguments: (%s)" mt.20 0 1 5 N Trc_MethodStackStart " jstacktrace:" mt.21 0 1 5 N Trc_MethodStackFrame " %s" mt.22 5 1 5 N Trc_MethodExitX "*<%.*s.%.*s%.*s bytecode method, exception thrown" mt.23 5 1 5 N Trc_MethodExitCX "*<%.*s.%.*s%.*s compiled method, exception thrown" mt.24 5 1 5 N Trc_MethodExitNX "*<%.*s.%.*s%.*s native method, exception thrown" mt.25 5 1 5 N Trc_MethodExitXS "*<%.*s.%.*s%.*s bytecode static method, exception thrown" mt.26 5 1 5 N Trc_MethodExitCXS "*<%.*s.%.*s%.*s compiled static method, exception thrown" mt.27 5 1 5 N Trc_MethodExitNXS "*<%.*s.%.*s%.*s native static method, exception thrown" mt.28 0 1 5 N Trc_MethodReturn " return value: %s" mt.29 0 1 5 N Trc_MethodException " exception: %s" j9shr.0 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_VMInitStages_Event1 " Trace engine initialized for module j9shr" j9shr.1 2 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CM_LinkListImpl_link_Entry " >CM LinkedListImpl::link: Adding link 0x%p to link 0x%p" j9shr.2 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CM_LinkListImpl_link_Exit1 " CM newInstance: Creating new instance of SH_CacheMap. vm=0x%p." j9shr.5 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_newInstance_Exit " CM init begin" j9shr.7 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_initialize_Exit " CM cleanup begin" j9shr.9 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_cleanup_Exit " CM startup for cache %s with size %d begin" j9shr.11 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_startup_ExitOK " CM createAsROMImageSegment: Creating ROM image segment" j9shr.20 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_createAsROMImageSegment_Exit " CM writeOrphanToCache: trying write orphaned romclass %.*s, originally at address 0x%p" j9shr.22 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_writeOrphanToCache_ExitNull " CM writeROMClassToCache: trying write romclass %.*s - romclass exists? = %d" j9shr.25 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_writeROMClassToCache_ActuallyAdding " CM writeROMClassToCache: actually adding %.*s with classpath entry %.*s (index %d in cpw 0x%p)" j9shr.26 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_writeROMClassToCache_SettingTimestamp " CM writeROMClassToCache: setting initial timestamp of %.*s to %lld" j9shr.27 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_writeROMClassToCache_CopyingIntoCache " CM writeROMClassToCache: copying ROMClass into cache at address 0x%p" j9shr.28 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_writeROMClassToCache_UpdatingSegment " CM writeROMClassToCache: updating ROMClassSegment allocation pointer to 0x%p" j9shr.29 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_writeROMClassToCache_ExitNull " CM addROMClassToCache: trying add class %.*s at classpath entry %.*s" j9shr.32 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_addROMClassToCache_ExitSuccess " CM updateClasspathInfo: called for classpath id %d at index %d" j9shr.41 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CM_updateClasspathInfo_Exit " CM addClasspathToCache: adding classpath (id %d) to cache" j9shr.45 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_addClasspathToCache_Exit " CM access: for class %s with classpath id %d" j9shr.48 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_access_Event_WaitingWriteHashObsolete " CM access: waiting for another JVM to load class - waited %d times" j9shr.49 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_access_Event_AfterWriteHashObsolete " CM access: finished waiting for other JVM to load class - known = 0x%p - foundAtIndex = %d" j9shr.50 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_access_Event_PeekForWriteHashObsolete " CM access: peeking to see if we should use writeHash. Answer = %d." j9shr.51 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_access_Exit_FoundObsolete " CM add: adding class %.*s with classpath id %d at index %d" j9shr.55 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_add_Event_ResettingWriteHashObsolete " CM add: resetting write hash field in cache" j9shr.56 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_add_Exit_CorruptObsolete " CM markStale: trying stale mark for classpath entry %.*s (hasWriteMutex=%d)" j9shr.61 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_markStale_Exit " CM createPathString: calling with classpath entry %.*s and className %.*s" j9shr.67 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_createPathString_Exit " CM markItemStale: marking stale cache item at address 0x%p" j9shr.70 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_markItemStale_Exit " CM destroy: Entering destroy" j9shr.72 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_destroy_Exit " CM reportFullCache: Reporting full cache" j9shr.74 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_reportFullCache_Exit " CM reportCorruptCache: Reporting corrupt cache" j9shr.76 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_reportCorruptCache_Exit " CM readCache: reading cache - expecting %d new updates" j9shr.78 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CM_readCache_Exit " CM refreshHashtables: refreshing hashtables." j9shr.83 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_refreshHashtables_Exit " CM isStale: testing item 0x%p for stale" j9shr.85 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CM_isStale_ExitStale " RMI RcLinkedListImpl::newInstance: Creating new RcLinkedListImpl for key %.*s and item 0x%p" j9shr.90 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_RMI_RcLinkedListImpl_newInstance_Exit " RMI RcLinkedListImpl::initialize: Initializing RcLinkedListImpl" j9shr.92 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_RMI_RcLinkedListImpl_initialize_Exit " RMI RcLinkedListImpl::createLink: Creating RcLinkedListImpl link for key %.*s and item 0x%p" j9shr.94 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_RMI_RcLinkedListImpl_createLink_Exit1 " RMI localHashTableCreate: Creating new hashtable with %d initial entries" j9shr.97 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RMI_localHashTableCreate_Exit " RMI rcHashFn: Creating hashcode for item 0x%p" j9shr.99 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_RMI_rcHashFn_Exit " RMI rcHashEqualFn: Comparing 0x%p with 0x%p" j9shr.101 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_RMI_rcHashEqualFn_Exit1 " RMI rcTableAdd: Entering add with key %.*s for item 0x%p" j9shr.105 1 1 6 N Trc_SHR_RMI_rcTableAdd_Exception1 "* RMI rcTableAdd: hashTableAdd failed" j9shr.106 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_RMI_rcTableAdd_Exit1 " RMI rcTableLookup: Entering lookup with name %.*s" j9shr.110 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RMI_rcTableLookup_HashtableFind " RMI rcTableLookup: Done hashTableFind. Result=0x%p" j9shr.111 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RMI_rcTableLookup_Exit1 " RMI rcTableUpdate: Entering update with key %.*s for item 0x%p" j9shr.114 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RMI_rcTableUpdate_Exit1 " RMI newInstance: Creating new ROMClassManager. vm=0x%p. cache=0x%p. cpm=0x%p. tsm=0x%p." j9shr.117 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RMI_newInstance_Exit " RMI initialize: Initializing ROMClassManager" j9shr.119 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RMI_initialize_Exit " RMI startup: Starting up ROMClassManager" j9shr.121 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RMI_startup_Exit1 " RMI cleanup: Cleaning up ROMClassManager" j9shr.126 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RMI_cleanup_Exit " RMI locateROMClass: Locate request for ROMClass %.*s from helper ID %d with cpeIndex %d" j9shr.128 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_locateROMClass_ExitNotFound1 " RMI checkTimestamp: Checking timestamp for path %.*s" j9shr.144 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_RMI_checkTimestamp_ExitTrue " RMI reset: Resetting ROMClassManager" j9shr.147 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RMI_reset_Exit " RMI storeNew: storeNew called for item at address 0x%p" j9shr.149 0 1 6 N Trc_SHR_RMI_storeNew_Event1 " RMI storeNew: storing orphan %.*s in local hashtable (address 0x%p)" j9shr.150 0 1 6 N Trc_SHR_RMI_storeNew_Event2 " RMI storeNew: storing romclass %.*s in local hashtable (address 0x%p)" j9shr.151 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_RMI_storeNew_ExitTrue " RMI compareROMClasses: comparing ROMClasses at addresses 0x%p and 0x%p" j9shr.155 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_compareROMClasses_ExitNotSame1 " RMI prepareForCompare: Copying and fixing up ROMClass at address 0x%p" j9shr.159 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_prepareForCompare_ExitNull " RMI compareForSafeMode: Comparing local ROMClass 0x%p with cache ROMClass 0x%p" j9shr.162 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_compareForSafeMode_ExitAlloc " RMI findExisting: looking for existing ROMClass with name: %.*s. Compare with RC at 0x%p. Is in cache? %d" j9shr.165 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_findExisting_ExitNotFound " RMI reuniteOrphan: trying reuniteOrphan for romclass %.*s" j9shr.170 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RMI_reuniteOrphan_Event1 " RMI reuniteOrphan: reuniting orphaned romclass %.*s (at address 0x%p) with item 0x%p" j9shr.171 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_reuniteOrphan_ExitTrue " RMI redeemStale: trying redeemStale for %.*s from ClasspathWrapper 0x%p and cpeIndex %d" j9shr.174 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_redeemStale_ExitFound " CMI CpLinkedListImpl::newInstance: Creating new CpLinkedListImpl for cpeIndex %d and item 0x%p" j9shr.177 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CMI_CpLinkedListImpl_newInstance_Exit " CMI CpLinkedListImpl::initialize: Initializing CpLinkedListImpl" j9shr.179 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CMI_CpLinkedListImpl_initialize_Exit " CMI CpLinkedListImpl::link: Linking CpLinkedListImpl for list 0x%p with cpeIndex %d and item 0x%p. Tag as last item=%d." j9shr.181 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CMI_CpLinkedListImpl_link_Exit1 " CMI CpLinkedListImpl::forCacheItem: Search in list for cpEntry at index %d in classpathItem 0x%p" j9shr.184 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CMI_CpLinkedListImpl_forCacheItem_DoTest " CMI CpLinkedListImpl::forCacheItem: Testing link 0x%p, which has index %d and staleFromIndex %d" j9shr.185 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CMI_CpLinkedListImpl_forCacheItem_Exit1 " CMI CpLinkedListHdr::newInstance: Creating new CpLinkedListHdr for %.*s. isToken=%d. List=0x%p." j9shr.190 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CMI_CpLinkedListHdr_newInstance_Exit " CMI CpLinkedListHdr::initialize: Initializing CpLinkedListHdr" j9shr.192 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CMI_CpLinkedListHdr_initialize_Exit " CMI newInstance: Creating new ClasspathManager. vm=0x%p. cache=0x%p. tsm=0x%p." j9shr.194 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_newInstance_Exit " CMI initialize: Initializing ClasspathManager" j9shr.196 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_initialize_Exit " CMI startup: Starting ClasspathManager" j9shr.198 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_startup_Exit1 " CMI cleanup: Cleaning up ClasspathManager" j9shr.206 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_cleanup_Exit " CMI hasTimestampChanged: Checking timestamp change for item 0x%p. DoTryLockJar=%d." j9shr.208 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CMI_hasTimestampChanged_ExitLocked " CMI cpeHashTableCreate: Creating new hashtable with %d initial entries" j9shr.215 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_cpeHashTableCreate_ExitObsolete " CMI cpeHashFn: Creating hashcode for item 0x%p" j9shr.217 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CMI_cpeHashFn_Exit " CMI cpeHashEqualFn: Comparing 0x%p with 0x%p" j9shr.219 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CMI_cpeHashEqualFn_Exit1 " CMI cpeTableAdd: Adding entry %.*s to hashtable at CPEIndex %d. Item=0x%p. isToken=%x. doTag=%d." j9shr.224 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CMI_cpeTableAdd_Exit1 " CMI cpeTableLookup: Entering lookup with name %.*s. IsToken=%d." j9shr.230 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CMI_cpeTableLookup_HashtableFind " CMI cpeTableLookup: Done hashTableFind. Result=0x%p" j9shr.231 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CMI_cpeTableLookup_Exit1 " CMI cpeTableUpdate: Entering update with name %.*s. CPEIndex=%d. Item=0x%p. IsToken=%d." j9shr.234 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CMI_cpeTableUpdate_Exit " CMI localUpdate_FindIdentified: Looking for identified classpath for classpathItem 0x%p" j9shr.236 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CMI_localUpdate_FindIdentified_Exit " CMI local_StoreIdentified: Storing identified classpath for classpathItem 0x%p and classpathWrapper 0x%p" j9shr.238 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CMI_local_StoreIdentified_Exit1 " CMI localUpdate_CheckManually: Checking classpathItem 0x%p manually against known items in cache" j9shr.241 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CMI_localUpdate_CheckManually_FoundKnown " CMI localUpdate_CheckManually: Found known classpath entry header 0x%p" j9shr.242 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CMI_localUpdate_CheckManually_Exit " CMI Update: Looking for ClasspathItem 0x%p with cpeIndex %d" j9shr.244 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CMI_Update_Exit1 " CMI localValidate_FindIdentified: Looking for ID for ClasspathWrapper 0x%p" j9shr.247 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CMI_localValidate_FindIdentified_ExitFound " CMI localValidate_CheckAndTimestampManually: Comparing cache classpath 0x%p with 0x%p. ROMClass at index %d." j9shr.250 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CMI_localValidate_CheckAndTimestampManually_Exit1 " CMI validate: Validating found ROMClass wrapper 0x%p against classpath 0x%p with confirmed entries=%d" j9shr.263 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CMI_validate_ExitSameInCache " CMI setTimestamps: Entering setTimestamps for ClasspathWrapper 0x%p" j9shr.271 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CMI_setTimestamps_NewTimestamp " CMI setTimestamps: Setting %.*s to timestamp %lld" j9shr.272 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CMI_setTimestamps_Exit " CMI storeNew: Entering storeNew for cache item 0x%p" j9shr.274 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CMI_storeNew_ExitFalse " CMI markClasspathsStale: Marking classpaths containing classpath entry %.*s stale" j9shr.277 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_markClasspathsStale_SetStaleFromIndex " CMI markClasspathsStale: Setting staleFromIndex to %d for link 0x%p" j9shr.278 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_markClasspathsStale_Exit " CMI reset: Resetting ClasspathManager" j9shr.281 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_reset_Exit " CMI touchForClassFiles: Looking for class %.*s in classpath 0x%p. Searching up to index %d." j9shr.283 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CMI_touchForClassFiles_ExitFalse1 " CPI compare CPEI: Entering compare with ClasspathEntryItems 0x%p and 0x%p" j9shr.288 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CPI_compare_CPEI_ExitSame " CPC clearIdentified: Entering clearIdentified with array 0x%p, length %d, classpath 0x%p" j9shr.296 0 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CPC_ClearIdentified_Killing " CPC clearIdentified: Clearing identified array element %d" j9shr.297 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CPC_ClearIdentified_Exit " CPC freeIdentifiedClasspathArray: Freeing classpath array 0x%p, length %d" j9shr.299 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CPC_FreeIdentifiedClasspathArray_Exit " CPC initializeIdentifiedClasspathArray: Creating new array with %d elements" j9shr.301 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CPC_InitializeIdentifiedClasspathArray_Exit1 " CPC getIdentifiedClasspath: Entering getIdentified with array 0x%p, length %d, helperID %d, itemsAdded %d" j9shr.305 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CPC_getIdentifiedClasspath_ExitBadIndex " CPC getIDForIdentified: Entering getIDForIdentified with array 0x%p, length %d and classpath 0x%p" j9shr.313 0 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CPC_getIDForIdentified_Compare " CPC getIDForIdentified: Comparing array element classpath 0x%p with 0x%p" j9shr.314 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CPC_getIDForIdentified_ExitFound " CPC setIdentifiedClasspath: Entering setIdentified with array 0x%p, length %d, helperID %d, itemsAdded %d, classpath 0x%p" j9shr.317 0 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CPC_setIdentifiedClasspath_GrowingArray " CPC setIdentifiedClasspath: Growing array to %d elements..." j9shr.318 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CPC_setIdentifiedClasspath_ExitAlloc " CPC localMatchCheck: Called with callerHelperID=%d, arrayIndex=%d, indexInCacheHelper=%d" j9shr.326 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CPC_localMatchCheck_Exit " CC commitUpdate: committing update" j9shr.330 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_CRASH2_commitUpdate_EnteredCritical " CC commitUpdate: entering critical section" j9shr.331 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_CRASH3_commitUpdate_Event1 " CC commitUpdate: updating theca->segmentBytes from %d to %d" j9shr.332 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_CRASH4_commitUpdate_Event2 " CC commitUpdate: theca->updateSRP from %d to %d" j9shr.333 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_CRASH5_commitUpdate_EndingCritical " CC commitUpdate: exiting critical section" j9shr.334 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_CRASH6_commitUpdate_ExitObsolete " CM enterLocalMutex PRE: Thread 0x%p entering %s from %s" j9shr.351 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CM_enterLocalMutex_post " CM exitLocalMutex PRE: Thread 0x%p exiting %s from %s" j9shr.353 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CM_exitLocalMutex_post " CC enterWriteMutex PRE: Thread 0x%p entering writeMutex with lockCache=%d from %s" j9shr.355 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CC_enterWriteMutex_Exit " CC exitWriteMutex PRE: Thread 0x%p exiting writeMutex from %s" j9shr.357 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CC_exitWriteMutex_Exit " CC enterReadMutex PRE: Thread 0x%p entering readMutex from %s" j9shr.359 0 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CC_enterReadMutex_WaitOnGlobalMutex " CC enterReadMutex: Thread 0x%p from %s detected locked cache, so waiting on global mutex" j9shr.360 0 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CC_enterReadMutex_ReleasingGlobalMutex " CC enterReadMutex: Thread 0x%p from %s got global mutex, so immediately freeing" j9shr.361 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CC_enterReadMutex_Exit " CC exitReadMutex PRE: Thread 0x%p exiting readMutex from %s" j9shr.363 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CC_exitReadMutex_Exit " OSCache Constructor: rootName=%s length=%d create=%d" j9shr.368 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Constructor_Exit " OSCache startup: rootName=%s length=%d create=%d" j9shr.370 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_startup_Exit_Opened " OSCache createNewCache Entered: rootName=%s" j9shr.375 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_OSC_createNewCache_Event1 " OSCache createNewCache calling j9shmem_open - shmem name = %s, size = %d" j9shr.376 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_OSC_createNewCache_Event2 " OSCache createNewCache a new semaphore was created, for an existing shared memory." j9shr.377 0 1 6 N Trc_SHR_OSC_GlobalLock_getMutex " OSCache Global Lock: OBTAINING for cache rootName=%s" j9shr.378 0 1 6 N Trc_SHR_OSC_GlobalLock_gotMutex " OSCache Global Lock: ACQUIRED for cache rootName=%s" j9shr.379 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_OSC_GlobalLock_released " OSCache releasing Global Lock semaphore" j9shr.380 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_createNewCache_Event4 " OSCache createNewCache calling initializer, intialiser=%p len=%d" j9shr.381 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_createNewCache_Event5 " OSCache createNewCache return from initializer" j9shr.382 8 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_createNewCache_Debug1 " OSCache createNewCache: GENJVMAT: %d, GENLOCK: %d, GENSTATE: %d" j9shr.383 8 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_createNewCache_Debug2 " OSCache createNewCache: currentgeneration in semaphore = %d" j9shr.384 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_OSC_createNewCache_Exit_recreated " OSCache openCaahe Entered rootName=%s" j9shr.391 0 1 6 N Trc_SHR_OSC_openCache_shmem_open " OSCache openCache calling shmem_open: name = %s, size = %d" j9shr.392 0 1 6 N Trc_SHR_OSC_openCache_release_cache_activity " OSCache openCache increment cache activity" j9shr.393 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_OSC_openCache_Exit_Restart1 " OSCache newInstance Entered" j9shr.400 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstanceExit " OSCache recreateSemaphore Entered" j9shr.402 8 1 6 N Trc_SHR_OSC_recreateSemaphore_Debug1 " OSCache recreateSemaphore: eyecatcher: %s header->size = %d\n" j9shr.403 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_recreateSemaphore_Exit1 " OSCache detachRegion Entered" j9shr.408 8 1 6 N Trc_SHR_OSC_detachRegion_Debug " OSCache detachRegion: theBlock = %p, region beings at %p" j9shr.409 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_OSC_detachRegion_Exit " OSCache cleanup Entered" j9shr.411 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_OSC_cleanup_Exit " OSCache detach Entered" j9shr.413 8 1 6 N Trc_SHR_OSC_detach_Debug " OSCache detach cache = %s, region = %p.\n" j9shr.414 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_OSC_detach_Exit " OSCache add Entered" j9shr.420 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_add_Exit1 " OSCache attach Entered" j9shr.423 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_attach_Exit1 " OSCache destroy Entered" j9shr.430 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_OSC_destroy_Exit " OSCache enterMutex Entered cachename = %s" j9shr.432 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_OSC_enterMutex_Exit " OSCache exitMutex Entered cachename = %s" j9shr.434 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_OSC_exitMutex_Exit " OSCache getAllCacheStatistics Entered" j9shr.436 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_getAllCacheStatistics_Exit1 " INIT HOOK STORE CLASS: Entering hookStoreSharedClass" j9shr.441 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_hookStoreSharedClass_exit_Noop " INIT HOOK FIND CLASS: Entering hookFindSharedClass" j9shr.444 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_INIT_hookFindSharedClass_exit_Noop " CC compareWriteHash: Entering with hashValue=%d and cacheValue=%d" j9shr.447 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_compareWriteHash_Updating " CC compareWriteHash: Updated writeHash field in cache with value %d" j9shr.448 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_compareWriteHash_Exit1 " CC testAndSetWriteHash: VM %d entering with hashValue=%d, snapshot cacheValue=%x (actual cache value=%x)" j9shr.453 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_testAndSetWriteHash_Exit1 " CC tryResetWriteHash: VM %d entering with hashValue=%d, snapshot cacheValue=%x (actual cache value=%x)" j9shr.456 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_tryResetWriteHash_Exit1 " CC setWriteHash: VM %d entering with hashValue=%d, snapshot cacheValue=%x (actual cache value=%x)" j9shr.459 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_setWriteHash_Exit " CMI testForClasspathReset: Entering..." j9shr.461 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CMI_testForClasspathReset_ExitReset " CPI addItem: Adding item with path %.*s and protocol %d" j9shr.464 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CPI_addItem_ExitTooMany " CPI isSamePartitionContext: Entering to compare ClasspathItems %p and %p" j9shr.468 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CPI_isSamePartitionContext_ExitNullError " CPI compare: Entering to compare ClasspathItems %p and %p" j9shr.476 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CPI_compare_ExitNullError " CPI find: Looking in ClasspathItem %p with stopAtIndex=%d" j9shr.484 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CPI_find_ExitFound " CPI writeToAddress: Serializing ClasspathItem to address %p" j9shr.487 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CPI_writeToAddress_Exit " CPI itemAt: Requesting item at %d" j9shr.489 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CPI_itemAt_ExitError " CPI getPartition: Requesting partition" j9shr.494 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CPI_getPartition_ExitNull " CPI getPartition: Requesting context" j9shr.498 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CPI_getModContext_ExitNull " CPI initialize: Initializing ClasspathItem id %d with %d entries, type %d, partition %s, modContext %s" j9shr.502 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CPI_initialize_Exit " shmemOpenWrapper entered, cache name = %s" j9shr.510 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_shmemOpenWrapper_Exit " RMI relocateSRP: Entering with info=%p and offset=%d" j9shr.519 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_relocateSRP_ExitSuccessObsolete " CM relocateInvariants: Entering for ROMClass %p and relocData %p" j9shr.522 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_relocatInvariants_ExitRelocFail " CM compareROMClassWithInvariants: Entering with rc1=%p, rc2=%p, rc1RelocData=%p" j9shr.525 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_compareROMClassWithInvariants_Exit1 " CM compareROMClassHeaders: Entering with rc1=%p, rc2=%p" j9shr.538 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RMI_compareROMClassHeaders_Exit1 " CM sortRelocationData: Sorting entries for relocData=%p" j9shr.543 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RMI_sortRelocationData_Exit " CM doSort: Quicksort for start=%p at index %d; end=%p at index %d" j9shr.545 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RMI_doSort_Exit " CM swapListItems: Swap list items %p and %p" j9shr.547 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_RMI_swapListItems_Exit " CM addNewROMImageSegment: Adding new class segment for base=%p, end=%p" j9shr.549 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CM_addNewROMImageSegment_Exit " CM updateROMSegmentList: Updating class segment list - currentSegment=%p" j9shr.551 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_updateROMSegmentList_Exit " CM initializeROMSegmentList: Initializing ROM image segment list" j9shr.553 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_initializeROMSegmentList_Exit " CM storeROMClassResource: romAddress=0x%p, resourceDescriptor=0x%p, forceReplace=%d" j9shr.555 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CM_storeROMClassResource_Exit1 " CM findROMClassResource: Adding resource 0x%p" j9shr.560 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_findROMClassResource_Exit1 " RRM localHashTableCreate: Creating new hashtable with %d initial entries" j9shr.563 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RRM_localHashTableCreate_Exit " RRM rrmHashFn: Creating hashcode for item 0x%p" j9shr.565 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_RRM_rrmHashFn_Exit " RRM rrmHashEqualFn: Comparing 0x%p with 0x%p" j9shr.567 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_RRM_rrmHashEqualFn_Exit1 " RRM rrmTableAdd: Entering add with key %d for item 0x%p" j9shr.571 1 1 6 N Trc_SHR_RRM_rrmTableAdd_Exception1 "* RRM rrmTableAdd: hashTableAdd failed" j9shr.572 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_RRM_rrmTableAdd_Exit1 " RRM rrmTableLookup: Entering lookup with key %d" j9shr.577 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RRM_rrmTableLookup_HashtableFind " RRM rrmTableLookup: Done hashTableFind. Result=0x%p" j9shr.578 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RRM_rrmTableLookup_Exit1 " CMMI newInstance: Creating new CompiledMethodManager. vm=0x%p. cache=0x%p" j9shr.581 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMMI_newInstance_Exit " CMMI initialize: Initializing CompiledMethodManager" j9shr.583 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMMI_initialize_Exit " RRM storeNew: storeNew called for item at address 0x%p" j9shr.585 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_RRM_storeNew_ExitTrue " RRM findResource: Looking for resource for ROMAddress 0x%p" j9shr.588 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RRM_find_Exit " SMI localHashTableCreate: Creating new hashtable with %d initial entries" j9shr.590 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_SMI_localHashTableCreate_Exit " SMI scHashFn: Creating hashcode for item 0x%p" j9shr.592 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_SMI_scHashFn_Exit " SMI scHashEqualFn: Comparing 0x%p with 0x%p" j9shr.594 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_SMI_scHashEqualFn_Exit1 " SMI scTableAdd: Entering add with key %.*s for item 0x%p" j9shr.598 1 1 6 N Trc_SHR_SMI_scTableAdd_Exception1 "* SMI scTableAdd: hashTableAdd failed" j9shr.599 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_SMI_scTableAdd_Exit1 " SMI scTableLookup: Entering lookup with name %.*s" j9shr.603 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_SMI_scTableLookup_HashtableFind " SMI scTableLookup: Done hashTableFind. Result=0x%p" j9shr.604 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_SMI_scTableLookup_Exit1 " SMI newInstance: Creating new ScopeManager. vm=0x%p. cache=0x%p" j9shr.607 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_SMI_newInstance_Exit " SMI initialize: Initializing ScopeManager" j9shr.609 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_SMI_initialize_Exit " SMI storeNew: storeNew called for item at address 0x%p" j9shr.611 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_SMI_storeNew_ExitTrue " SMI findScopeForUTF: looking for cached scope match for localScope=0x%p" j9shr.614 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_SMI_findScopeForUTF_Exit " SMI validate: Called validate with partition=0x%p and modContext=0x%p" j9shr.616 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_SMI_validate_Exit1 " CM addScopeToCache: Adding scope %.*s to cache" j9shr.625 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CM_addScopeToCache_Exit_Null " CM runEntryPointChecks: Running checks to ensure all is well" j9shr.628 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_runEntryPointChecks_Exit_Failed1 " CM addROMClassResourceToCache: romAddress=0x%p, resourceDescriptor=0x%p" j9shr.633 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CM_addROMClassResourceToCache_Exit_Null " M initializeHashTable: Entering for Manager of %s" j9shr.636 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_M_initializeHashTable_Exit " M tearDownHashTable: Entering for Manager of %s" j9shr.638 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_M_tearDownHashTable_Exit " M startup: Starting up Manager of %s" j9shr.640 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_M_startup_Exit1 " M cleanup: Cleaning up Manager of %s" j9shr.645 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_M_cleanup_Exit " M reset: Resetting Manager of %s" j9shr.647 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_M_reset_Exit " RMI localInitializePools: Initializing ROMClassManager pools" j9shr.649 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RMI_localInitializePools_ExitFailed " RMI localTearDownPools: Cleaning up ROMClassManager pools" j9shr.652 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RMI_localTearDownPools_Exit " CMI localInitializePools: Initializing ClasspathManager pools" j9shr.654 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_localInitializePools_Exit " CMI localTearDownPools: Cleaning up ClasspathManager pools" j9shr.656 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_localTearDownPools_Exit " INIT HOOK STORE AOT: Entering j9shr_storeCompiledMethod" j9shr.658 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_INIT_storeCompiledMethod_exit_Noop " INIT HOOK FIND AOT: Entering j9shr_findCompiledMethod" j9shr.661 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_INIT_findCompiledMethod_exit_Noop " INIT HOOK STORE DATA: Entering j9shr_storeSharedData with key=%.*s" j9shr.664 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_INIT_storeSharedData_exit_Noop " INIT HOOK FIND DATA: Entering j9shr_findSharedData with key=%.*s" j9shr.667 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_INIT_findSharedData_exit_Noop " CM addByteDataToCache: Entering with localBDM=0x%p, tokenKey=0x%p, data=0x%p" j9shr.670 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CM_addByteDataToCache_Exit_Null " CM storeSharedData: Entering with key=%.*s, data=0x%p" j9shr.673 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_storeSharedData_FoundExisting " CM storeSharedData: The exact same data already exists for this key" j9shr.674 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_storeSharedData_NoSCM "* CM storeSharedData: Cannot access ScopeManager" j9shr.675 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_storeSharedData_NoMem "* CM storeSharedData: Cannot allocate memory for string buffer" j9shr.676 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_storeSharedData_CannotAddScope " CM storeSharedData: Cannot add new Scope to the cache" j9shr.677 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CM_storeSharedData_Exit1 " CM findSharedData: Entering with key=%.*s" j9shr.681 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CM_findSharedData_Exit1 " BDMI localHashTableCreate: Creating new hashtable with %d initial entries" j9shr.684 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_localHashTableCreate_Exit " BDMI bdHashFn: Creating hashcode for item 0x%p" j9shr.686 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_bdHashFn_Exit " BDMI scHashEqualFn: Comparing 0x%p with 0x%p" j9shr.688 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_bdHashEqualFn_Exit1 " BDMI bdTableAdd: Entering add with key %.*s for item 0x%p" j9shr.692 1 1 6 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_bdTableAdd_Exception1 "* BDMI bdTableAdd: hashTableAdd failed" j9shr.693 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_bdTableAdd_Exit1 " BDMI bdTableLookup: Entering lookup with name %.*s" j9shr.697 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_bdTableLookup_HashtableFind " BDMI bdTableLookup: Done hashTableFind. Result=0x%p" j9shr.698 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_bdTableLookup_Exit1 " BDMI newInstance: Creating new ByteDataManager. vm=0x%p. cache=0x%p" j9shr.701 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_newInstance_Exit " BDMI initialize: Initializing ByteDataManager" j9shr.703 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_initialize_Exit " BDMI storeNew: storeNew called for item at address 0x%p" j9shr.705 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_storeNew_ExitTrue " CMI localPostStartup: Starting ClasspathManager" j9shr.708 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_localPostStartup_Exit1 " CMI localPostCleanup: Cleaning up ClasspathManager" j9shr.711 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_localPostCleanup_Exit " CMMI existsCachedCodeForROMMethod: Entering for ROMMethod %p" j9shr.713 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CM_existsCachedCodeForROMMethod_Exit1 " SH_OSCachemmap::SH_OSCachemmap: Entering cache name = %s, cache size = %zu, numSems = %zd, create flags = 0x%zx, verbose flags = 0x%zx" j9shr.716 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_Constructor_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::initialize: Entering portLibray = %p, memForConstructor = %p" j9shr.718 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_initialize_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::finalise: Entering" j9shr.720 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_finalise_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::startup: Entering cache name = %s, control dir = %s, cache size = %zu, numSems = %zd, create flags = 0x%zx, verbose flags = 0x%zx, openFlags = 0x%x" j9shr.722 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_startup_nommap " 0, file opened" j9shr.731 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_startup_deleteFlagSet " SH_OSCachemmap::startup: Cache delete flag set, will close" j9shr.732 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_startup_fileCreated " SH_OSCachemmap::startup: File is wrong length - file created" j9shr.733 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_startup_goodCreateCacheHeader " SH_OSCachemmap::startup: Successfully created cache header" j9shr.734 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_startup_goodSetCacheLength " SH_OSCachemmap::startup: Successfully set cache length to %zu" j9shr.735 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_startup_badAttach " SH_OSCachemmap::startup: Failed to attach to cache" j9shr.736 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_startup_badSetCacheLength " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireWriteLock: Entering, lockID = %zu" j9shr.745 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireWriteLock_BadLockID " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseWriteLock: Entering, lockID = %zu" j9shr.751 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseWriteLock_BadLockID " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireHeaderWriteLock: Entering" j9shr.761 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireHeaderWriteLock_gettingLock " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireHeaderWriteLock: Attempting to get lock for file handle = %zi, lock flags = 0x%x, offset = %llu, length = %llu" j9shr.762 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireHeaderWriteLock_badLock " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireHeaderWriteLock: Lock failed" j9shr.763 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireHeaderWriteLock_goodLock " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireHeaderWriteLock: Lock successful" j9shr.764 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireHeaderWriteLock_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseHeaderWriteLock: Entering" j9shr.766 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseHeaderWriteLock_gettingLock " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseHeaderWriteLock: Attempting to release lock for file handle = %zi, offset = %llu, length = %llu" j9shr.767 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseHeaderWriteLock_badLock " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseHeaderWriteLock: Unlock failed" j9shr.768 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseHeaderWriteLock_goodLock " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseHeaderWriteLock: Unlock successful" j9shr.769 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseHeaderWriteLock_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireHeaderReadLock: Entering" j9shr.771 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireHeaderReadLock_gettingLock " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireHeaderReadLock: Attempting to get lock for file handle = %zi, lock flags = 0x%x, offset = %llu, length = %llu" j9shr.772 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireHeaderReadLock_badLock " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireHeaderReadLock: Lock failed" j9shr.773 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireHeaderReadLock_goodLock " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireHeaderReadLock: Lock successful" j9shr.774 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireHeaderReadLock_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseHeaderReadLock: Entering" j9shr.776 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseHeaderReadLock_gettingLock " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseHeaderReadLock: Attempting to release lock for file handle = %zi, offset = %llu, length = %llu" j9shr.777 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseHeaderReadLock_badLock " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseHeaderReadLock: Unlock failed" j9shr.778 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseHeaderReadLock_goodLock " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseHeaderReadLock: Unlock successful" j9shr.779 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseHeaderReadLock_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireAttachWriteLock: Entering" j9shr.781 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireAttachWriteLock_gettingLock " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireAttachWriteLock: Attempting to get lock for file handle = %zi, lock flags = 0x%x, offset = %llu, length = %llu" j9shr.782 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireAttachWriteLock_badLock " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireAttachWriteLock: Lock failed" j9shr.783 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireAttachWriteLock_goodLock " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireAttachWriteLock: Lock successful" j9shr.784 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireAttachWriteLock_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::tryAcquireAttachWriteLock: Entering" j9shr.786 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_tryAcquireAttachWriteLock_gettingLock " SH_OSCachemmap::tryAcquireAttachWriteLock: Attempting to get lock for file handle = %zi, lock flags = 0x%x, offset = %llu, length = %llu" j9shr.787 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_tryAcquireAttachWriteLock_badLock " SH_OSCachemmap::tryAcquireAttachWriteLock: Lock failed" j9shr.788 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_tryAcquireAttachWriteLock_goodLock " SH_OSCachemmap::tryAcquireAttachWriteLock: Lock successful" j9shr.789 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_tryAcquireAttachWriteLock_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseAttachWriteLock: Entering" j9shr.791 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseAttachWriteLock_gettingLock " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseAttachWriteLock: Attempting to release lock for file handle = %zi, offset = %llu, length = %llu" j9shr.792 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseAttachWriteLock_badLock " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseAttachWriteLock: Unlock failed" j9shr.793 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseAttachWriteLock_goodLock " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseAttachWriteLock: Unlock successful" j9shr.794 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseAttachWriteLock_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireAttachReadLock: Entering" j9shr.796 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireAttachReadLock_gettingLock " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireAttachReadLock: Attempting to get lock for file handle = %zi, lock flags = 0x%x, offset = %llu, length = %llu" j9shr.797 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireAttachReadLock_badLock " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireAttachReadLock: Lock failed" j9shr.798 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireAttachReadLock_goodLock " SH_OSCachemmap::acquireAttachReadLock: Lock successful" j9shr.799 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_acquireAttachReadLock_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseAttachReadLock: Entering" j9shr.801 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseAttachReadLock_gettingLock " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseAttachReadLock: Attempting to release lock for file handle = %zi, offset = %llu, length = %llu" j9shr.802 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseAttachReadLock_badLock " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseAttachReadLock: Unlock failed" j9shr.803 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseAttachReadLock_goodLock " SH_OSCachemmap::releaseAttachReadLock: Unlock successful" j9shr.804 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_releaseAttachReadLock_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::getCachePathName: Entry" j9shr.806 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_getCachePathName_badgetdir " SH_OSCachemmap::isCacheHeaderValid: Entering cache header addr = %p" j9shr.813 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_isCacheHeaderValid_eyecatcherFailed " size = %u _cacheSize = %zu" j9shr.815 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_isCacheHeaderValid_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::isCachePathName: Entering, path name = %s" j9shr.817 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_isCachePathName_searching " SH_OSCachemmap::isCachePathName: Searching %s for %s" j9shr.818 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_isCachePathName_no " SH_OSCachemmap::isCachePathName: Required string not found" j9shr.819 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_isCachePathName_yes " SH_OSCachemmap::isCachePathName: Required string found" j9shr.820 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_isCachePathName_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::createCacheHeader: Entered - cacheHeader=%p, headerLen=%d, versionData=%p" j9shr.822 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_createCacheHeader_header " SH_OSCachemmap::createCacheHeader: Created header eyecatcher=%s, size=%u, dataStart=%d, dataLength=%d, createTime=%llu, lastAttachedTime=%llu" j9shr.823 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_createCacheHeader_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::setCacheLength: Entered, cache size = %zu" j9shr.825 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_setCacheLength_badfilesetlength " SH_OSCachemmap::setErrorr: Entered error code arg = %zd" j9shr.830 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_setError_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::getFileMode: Entering" j9shr.832 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_getFileMode_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::internalAttach: Entered" j9shr.834 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_internalAttach_badfilelength " SH_OSCachemmap::attach: Entered" j9shr.842 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_attach_alreadyattached " SH_OSCachemmap::updateLastAttachedTime: Entered" j9shr.851 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_updateLastAttachedTime_time " SH_OSCachemmap::updateLastAttachedTime: time being updated to %lld, from %lld" j9shr.852 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_updateLastAttachedTime_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::updateLastDetachedTime: Entered" j9shr.854 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_updateLastDetachedTime_badacquirelock " SH_OSCachemmap::initializeDataHeader: Entered" j9shr.861 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_initializeDataHeader_callinginit " SH_OSCachemmap::initializeDataHeader: Calling init with _mapDataAddr=%p, _mapDataLength=%zu, sharedClassMinAOTSize=%zd, sharedClassMaxAOTSize=%zd, sharedClassReadWriteBytes=%zd" j9shr.862 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_initializeDataHeader_initialized " SH_OSCachemmap::initializeDataHeader: Returned from init method" j9shr.863 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_initializeDataHeader_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::internalDetach: Entering" j9shr.865 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_internalDetach_notattached " SH_OSCachemmap::cleanup: Entering" j9shr.870 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_cleanup_alreadyfinalised " SH_OSCache::newInstance: Entered, memForConstructor=%p, cacheName=%s, newPersistentCacheReqd=%d" j9shr.875 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstance_mmapFilepath " SH_OSCache::newInstance: mmap file path=%s" j9shr.876 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstance_sysvFilepath " SH_OSCache::newInstance: sysv file path=%s" j9shr.877 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstance_mmapFileExists " SH_OSCache::newInstance: mmap file exists" j9shr.878 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstance_mmapFileDoesNotExist " SH_OSCache::newInstance: mmap file does not exist" j9shr.879 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstance_sysvFileExists " SH_OSCache::newInstance: sysv file exists" j9shr.880 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstance_sysvFileDoesNotExist " SH_OSCache::newInstance: sysv file does not exist" j9shr.881 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstance_persistentReqd " SH_OSCache::newInstance: new persistent cache required" j9shr.882 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstance_nonpersistentReqd " SH_OSCache::newInstance: new non-persistent cache required" j9shr.883 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstance_creatingMmap " SH_OSCache::newInstance: creating mmap object at %p" j9shr.884 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstance_creatingSysv " SH_OSCache::newInstance: creating sysv object at %p" j9shr.885 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstance_initializingNewObject " SH_OSCache::newInstance: initializing new object" j9shr.886 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstance_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::destroy: Entering" j9shr.888 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_destroy_closefilefailed " SH_OSCachemmap::runExitCode: Entered" j9shr.895 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_runExitCode_goodUpdateLastDetachedTime " SH_OSCachemmap::runExitCode: lastDetachedTime updated" j9shr.896 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_runExitCode_badUpdateLastDetachedTime " SH_OSCachemmap::runExitCode: lastDetachedTime update failed" j9shr.897 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_runExitCode_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::syncUpdates: Entered, start = %p, length = %zu, flags = 0x%x" j9shr.899 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_syncUpdates_badmsync " SH_OSCachemmap::errorHandler: Entering, module = 0x%x, id = %u, printPortError = %d" j9shr.903 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_errorHandler_printingMessage " SH_OSCachemmap::errorHandler: Printing message, verbose flags = 0x%x" j9shr.904 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_errorHandler_printingPortMessages " SH_OSCachemmap::errorHandler: Printing port error messages" j9shr.905 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_errorHandler_notPrintingMessage " SH_OSCachemmap::errorHandler: Not printing message, verbose flags = 0x%x" j9shr.906 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_errorHandler_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::getCacheStats: Entered, file path = %s, returnVal addr = %p" j9shr.908 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_getCacheStats_badFileOpen " SH_OSCachemmap::openCacheFile: Entered" j9shr.917 2 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_openCacheFile_failed " >SH_OSCachemmap::openCacheFile: Failed" j9shr.918 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_openCacheFile_exit " SH_OSCachemmap::closeCacheFile: Entered" j9shr.920 2 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_closeCacheFile_failed " >SH_OSCachemmap::closeCacheFile: Failed" j9shr.921 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_closeCacheFile_exit " SH_OSCachemmap::deleteCacheFile: Entered" j9shr.923 2 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_deleteCacheFile_failed " >SH_OSCachemmap::deleteCacheFile: Failed" j9shr.924 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_deleteCacheFile_exit " RRM rrmTableRemove: Entering remove with key %d" j9shr.926 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RRM_rrmTableRemove_HashtableRemove " RRM rrmTableRemove: Done hashTableRemove. Result=%d" j9shr.927 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RRM_rrmTableRemove_Exit1 " RRM markStale: Entering for key 0x%p and item 0x%p" j9shr.930 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RRM_markStale_Exit " RMI RcLinkedListImpl::initialize: Initializing RcLinkedListImpl" j9shr.932 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_RMI_RcLinkedListImpl_localInit_Exit " M LinkedListImpl::link: Adding link 0x%p to link 0x%p" j9shr.934 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_M_LinkListImpl_link_Exit1 " M HashLinkedListImpl::initialize: Initializing HashLinkedListImpl" j9shr.937 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_M_HashLinkedListImpl_initialize_Exit " M HashLinkedListImpl::createLink: Creating HashLinkedListImpl link for key %.*s and item 0x%p" j9shr.939 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_M_HashLinkedListImpl_createLink_Exit1 " M rcHashFn: Creating hashcode for item 0x%p" j9shr.942 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_M_hllHashFn_Exit " M hllHashEqualFn: Comparing 0x%p with 0x%p" j9shr.944 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_M_hllHashEqualFn_Exit1 " M hllTableAdd: Entering add with key %.*s for item 0x%p" j9shr.948 1 1 6 N Trc_SHR_M_hllTableAdd_Exception1 "* M hllTableAdd: hashTableAdd failed" j9shr.949 0 1 6 N Trc_SHR_M_hllTableAdd_HashtableAdd " M hllTableAdd: hashTableAdd succeeded with rc=0x%p" j9shr.950 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_M_hllTableAdd_Exit1 " M hllTableLookup: Entering lookup with name %.*s" j9shr.954 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_M_hllTableLookup_HashtableFind " M hllTableLookup: Done hashTableFind. Result=0x%p" j9shr.955 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_M_hllTableLookup_Exit1 " M hllTableUpdate: Entering update with key %.*s for item 0x%p" j9shr.958 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_M_hllTableUpdate_Exit1 " BDMI localInitializePools: Initializing ByteDataManager pools" j9shr.961 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_localInitializePools_ExitFailed " BDMI localTearDownPools: Cleaning up ByteDataManager pools" j9shr.964 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_localTearDownPools_Exit " RMI relocateSRP: Entering with srpPtr=0x%p, srpOffset=%d, rcOffset=%d, twizzleBy=%d" j9shr.966 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_relocateSRP_ExitSuccess " RMI relocateInvariants: Entering for ROMClass 0x%p, relocData 0x%p, newUTF8Block 0x%p" j9shr.970 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_relocateInvariants_ExitRelocFail " CM enterStringTableMutex: PRE: Entering string table mutex" j9shr.982 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CM_enterStringTableMutex_exit " CM exitStringTableMutex: PRE: Exiting string table mutex" j9shr.984 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CM_exitStringTableMutex_exit " BDMI findSingleEntry: Entering with key=%.*s, dataType=%d, jvmID=%d" j9shr.988 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_findSingleEntry_ExitFound " BDMI markAllStaleForKey: Entering with key=%.*s" j9shr.991 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_markAllStaleForKey_Exit " BDMI find: Entering with key=%.*s, limitDataType=%d, includePrivateData=%d, firstItem=0x%p, descriptorPool=0x%p" j9shr.994 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_find_Exit " BDMI releasePrivateEntry: Entering with data=0x%p" j9shr.996 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_releasePrivateEntry_ExitNoop " BDMI acquirePrivateEntry: Entering with data=0x%p" j9shr.1000 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_acquirePrivateEntry_ExitNoop " CC initialize: memForConstructor=%p, ctrlDirName=%s, cacheName=%s, newPersistentCacheReqd=%d, doUT=%d" j9shr.1018 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_initialize_Exit " CC cleanup: Entering" j9shr.1020 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_cleanup_Exit " CC reset: Entering" j9shr.1022 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_reset_Exit " CC setCorruptCache: Entering" j9shr.1024 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_setCorruptCache_Exit " CC setCacheAreaBoundaries: Entering" j9shr.1027 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_setCacheAreaBoundaries_Event_prePageRounding " CC setCacheAreaBoundaries: finalSegmentStart=%p, origCacheEnd=%p, _theca->totalBytes=%d" j9shr.1028 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_setCacheAreaBoundaries_Event_postPageRounding " CC setCacheAreaBoundaries: finalSegmentStart=%p, newCacheEnd=%p, _theca->totalBytes=%d" j9shr.1029 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_setCacheAreaBoundaries_Exit " readWriteBytes=%d" j9shr.1030 2 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_notifyPagesRead_Entry " >CC notifyPagesRead: About to (un)protect pages with start=%p, end=%p, expectedDirection=%d, actualDirection=%d" j9shr.1031 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_notifyPagesRead_Exit " CC notifyPagesCommitted: Entering with start=%p, end=%p, expectedDirection=%d" j9shr.1033 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_notifyPagesCommitted_Exit " CC startup: Entering with cacheMemory=%p, rootName=%s, ctrlDirName=%s" j9shr.1035 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_startup_Exit1 " CC next: Entering with _scan=%p" j9shr.1041 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_next_Exit " CC initBlockData: Entering with dataLen=%d, dataType=%d" j9shr.1043 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_initBlockData_Exit " CC nextEntry: Entering" j9shr.1047 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_nextEntry_Exit1 " CC doLockCache: Locking cache..." j9shr.1050 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_doLockCache_EventWhackedToZero "* CC doLockCache: Whacking readerCount to zero" j9shr.1051 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_doLockCache_Exit " CC doUnlockCache: Unlocking cache..." j9shr.1053 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_doUnlockCache_Exit " CC incReaderCount: PRE readerCount=%d" j9shr.1055 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CC_incReaderCount_Exit " CC decReaderCount: PRE readerCount=%d" j9shr.1057 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CC_decReaderCount_Exit " CC deleteCache: Entering" j9shr.1059 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_deleteCache_Exit " CC allocate: Entering with type=%d, len=%d, len2=%d, separateBufferSize=%d" j9shr.1061 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_allocate_EventNewItem " CC allocate: Allocated new item at %p" j9shr.1062 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_allocate_EventSegmentBufSet " CC allocate: Set segmentBuffer to %p" j9shr.1063 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_allocate_EventReadWriteBufSet " CC allocate: Set readWriteBuffer to %p" j9shr.1064 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_allocate_Exit " CC commitUpdate: Committing for _scan=%p, _storedMetaUsedBytes=%d, _storedSegmentUsedBytes=%d, _storedReadWriteUsedBytes=%d, _storedAOTUsedBytes=%d" j9shr.1067 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CC_commitUpdate_Exit " CC setInternCacheHeaderFields: Entering" j9shr.1071 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_setInternCacheHeaderFields_Exit " CC enterReadWriteAreaMutex: PRE enter readWrite mutex" j9shr.1073 1 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_enterReadWriteAreaMutex_EventRebuildCacheData "* CC enterReadWriteAreaMutex: Detected termination - must rebuild cached string table" j9shr.1074 1 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_enterReadWriteAreaMutex_EventRebuildLocalData "* CC enterReadWriteAreaMutex: Detected termination - must rebuild local string table" j9shr.1075 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_enterReadWriteAreaMutex_Exit " CC exitReadWriteAreaMutex: PRE exit readWrite mutex" j9shr.1077 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_exitReadWriteAreaMutex_Exit " CC unprotectHeaderReadWriteArea: Entering with changeReadWrite=%d" j9shr.1079 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CC_unprotectHeaderReadWriteArea_Exit " CC protectHeaderReadWriteArea: Entering with changeReadWrite=%d" j9shr.1081 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CC_protectHeaderReadWriteArea_Exit " SH_OSCache::commonStartup: Entering OSCache common startup" j9shr.1083 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_commonStartup_wrongCreateFlags " CacheLifecycleManager::printSharedCache: Entry" j9shr.1097 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_printSharedCache_Exit " CacheLifecycleManager::deleteSharedCache: Entry" j9shr.1099 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_deleteSharedCache_ExitError " CacheLifecycleManager::deleteExpiredSharedCache: Entry" j9shr.1102 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_deleteExpiredSharedCache_StillAttached " CacheLifecycleManager::getCacheList: Entry" j9shr.1105 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_getCacheList_Exit " CacheLifecycleManager::findIncompatibleCachesForName: Entry - name=%s" j9shr.1107 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_findIncompatibleCachesForName_Exit " CacheLifecycleManager::j9shr_list_caches: Entry - verboseFlags=%zu" j9shr.1109 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_j9shr_list_caches_noCaches " CacheLifecycleManager::j9shr_destroy_expire_cache: Entry - verboseFlags=%zu minutes=%zu" j9shr.1112 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_j9shr_destroy_expire_cache_noCaches " CacheLifecycleManager::j9shr_destroy_all_cache: Entry - verboseFlags=%zu" j9shr.1115 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_j9shr_destroy_all_cache_noCaches " CacheLifecycleManager::j9shr_destroy_cache: Entry - verboseFlags=%zu cacheName=%s genStart=%zu genEnd=%zu" j9shr.1118 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_j9shr_destroy_cache_allocFailed " CacheLifecycleManager::j9shr_stat_cache: Entry - verboseFlags=%zu cacheName=%s generation=%zu" j9shr.1121 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_j9shr_stat_cache_Exit " CacheLifecycleManager::j9shr_report_utility_incompatible: Entry - verboseFlags=%zu cacheName=%s utility=%s" j9shr.1123 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_j9shr_report_utility_incompatible_Exit " OSCache::getCacheVersionAndGen: Entry - cacheName=%s generation=%zu" j9shr.1125 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_getCacheVersionAndGen_Exit " OSCache::removeCacheVersionAndGen: Entry - versionLen=%zu cacheNameWithVGen=%s" j9shr.1127 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_removeCacheVersionAndGen_overflow " OSCache::getCacheDir: Entry" j9shr.1130 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_getCacheDir_j9shmem_getDir_failed " OSCache::getCachePathName: Entry - cacheNameWithVGen=%s" j9shr.1135 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_getCachePathName_getValuesFromShcFilePrefixFailed " OSCache::statCache: Entry - cacheNameWithVGen=%s" j9shr.1139 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_statCache_getCachePathNameFailed " OSCache::commonCleanup: Entry" j9shr.1143 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_commonCleanup_Exit " OSCache::getCacheStatistics: Entry" j9shr.1148 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_getCacheStatistics_NullResult " OSCache::checkOSCacheHeader: Entry - header=%p, versionData=%p, headerLen=%zu" j9shr.1154 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_checkOSCacheHeader_differentGeneration " SH_OSCachemmap::findfirst: Entered - cacheDir=%s" j9shr.1161 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_findfirst_NoFilesFound1 " SH_OSCachemmap::findnext: Entered" j9shr.1165 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_findnext_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::findclose: Entered" j9shr.1167 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_findclose_Exit " SH_OSCachesysv::getCacheStats: Entered - cacheNameWithVGen=%s" j9shr.1169 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_getCacheStats_removeCacheVersionAndGenFailed " SH_OSCachesysv::findfirst: Entered" j9shr.1173 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_findfirst_Exit " SH_OSCachesysv::findnext: Entered - findHandle=%zu" j9shr.1175 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_findnext_Exit " SH_OSCachesysv::findclose: Entered" j9shr.1177 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_findclose_Exit " CM sanityWalkROMClassSegment: Entered" j9shr.1179 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_sanityWalkROMClassSegment_ExitBad " OSCache::initOSCacheHeader: Entry - header=%p, versionData=%p, headerLen=%zu" j9shr.1183 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_initOSCacheHeader_Exit " CPM notifyClasspathEntryStateChange: Entering with path=%.*s, newState=0x%u" j9shr.1200 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CMI_notifyClasspathEntryStateChange_ExitNoop " CC protectMetadataArea: Entering" j9shr.1207 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_protectMetadataArea_Exit " CC unprotectMetadataArea: Entering" j9shr.1209 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_unprotectMetadataArea_Exit " CC getCacheCRC: Entering" j9shr.1211 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_getCacheCRC_Exit " crcValue=%u" j9shr.1212 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_startup_Exit7 " CM getCachedUTFString: Getting cached UTF string for %.*s" j9shr.1216 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_getCachedUTFString_exit1 " CM existsCachedClassForName: Entering with classname=%.*s" j9shr.1221 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_existsCachedClassForName_Exit " RMI quickRelocateInvariants: Entering with copiedROMClass=%p, relocData=%p" j9shr.1223 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_quickRelocateInvariants_Exit " CC getCacheAreaCRC: Entering with areaStart=%p, areaSize=%d" j9shr.1227 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_getCacheAreaCRC_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::tryAcquireHeaderWriteLock: Entering" j9shr.1237 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_tryAcquireHeaderWriteLock_gettingLock " SH_OSCachemmap::tryAcquireHeaderWriteLock: Attempting to get lock for file handle = %zi, lock flags = 0x%x, offset = %llu, length = %llu" j9shr.1238 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_tryAcquireHeaderWriteLock_badLock " SH_OSCachemmap::tryAcquireHeaderWriteLock: Lock failed" j9shr.1239 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_tryAcquireHeaderWriteLock_goodLock " SH_OSCachemmap::tryAcquireHeaderWriteLock: Lock successful" j9shr.1240 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_tryAcquireHeaderWriteLock_Exit " CM resetCorruptState: Resetting corrupt cache state" j9shr.1245 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_resetCorruptState_Exit " char array objectI newInstance: Creating new CharArrayManager. vm=0x%p. cache=0x%p" j9shr.1247 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CAMI_newInstance_Exit " char array objectI initialize: Initializing CharArrayManager" j9shr.1249 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CAMI_initialize_Exit " INIT HOOK STORE CHAR ARRAY: Entering j9shr_storeCharArray" j9shr.1251 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_storeCharArray_exit_Noop " INIT HOOK FIND CHAR ARRAY: Entering j9shr_findCharArray" j9shr.1254 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_findCharArray_exit_Noop " M shutDown: Shutting down Manager of %s" j9shr.1259 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_M_shutDown_Exit " CM getExistingCharArrayClassObjectAddressOffset: Entering" j9shr.1261 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_getExistingCharArrayClassObjectAddressOffset_exitNoop " CM setCharArrayClassObjectAddressOffset: Setting with address=%p, offset=%d" j9shr.1264 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_setCharArrayClassObjectAddressOffset_exitNoop " CM createNewSegment: Entering with type=%d, list=%p, baseAddress=%p, heapBase=%p, heapTop=%p, heapAlloc=%p" j9shr.1270 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CM_createNewSegment_Exit " RMI newInstance: Creating new ROMClassManager. vm=0x%p. cache=0x%p. tsm=0x%p" j9shr.1314 1 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RMI_locateROMClass_ExceptionMultipleOrphan "* RMI locateROMClass: ERROR: Found more than one orphan ROMClass for %.*s" j9shr.1315 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RMI_locateROMClass_FoundOrphan " RMI locateROMClass: Found an orphan ROMClass. localFoundUnmodifiedOrphan=%d" j9shr.1316 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_locateROMClass_ExitSuccess " RMI findExisting: looking for existing ROMClass with name: %.*s. Compare with RC at 0x%p" j9shr.1319 2 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CMI_validate_Entry " >CMI validate: Validating found ROMClass wrapper 0x%p against classpath 0x%p with confirmed entries=%d" j9shr.1320 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_CRASH1_commitUpdate_EntryObsolete2 " CC commitUpdate: committing update" j9shr.1321 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_CRASH6_commitUpdate_Exit " CC commitUpdate: completed update - update count now %d" j9shr.1322 2 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_findROMClass_Entry " >CM findROMClass: for class %s with classpath id %d" j9shr.1323 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_findROMClass_Event_WaitingWriteHash " CM findROMClass: waiting for another JVM to load class - waited %d times" j9shr.1324 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_findROMClass_Event_AfterWriteHash " CM findROMClass: finished waiting for other JVM to load class - known = 0x%p - foundAtIndex = %d" j9shr.1325 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_findROMClass_Event_PeekForWriteHash " CM findROMClass: peeking to see if we should use writeHash. Answer = %d." j9shr.1326 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_findROMClass_Exit_Found " CM storeROMClass: adding class %.*s with classpath id %d at index %d" j9shr.1330 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_storeROMClass_Event_ResettingWriteHash " CM storeROMClass: resetting write hash field in cache" j9shr.1331 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_storeROMClass_Exit_Corrupt " CMI localHashTableCreate: Creating new hashtable with %d initial entries" j9shr.1336 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CMI_localHashTableCreate_Exit " CPI initialize: Initializing ClasspathItem id %d with %d entries, type %d" j9shr.1339 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_storeROMClass_ExitFull " CM sharedTreeNodeSanityCheck: Enter %s node=%p" j9shr.1341 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_sharedTreeNodeSanityCheck_nodeNotShared "* CM sharedTreeNodeSanityCheck: Error : %s node flags %x indicate non-shared node in the shared tree" j9shr.1342 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_sharedTreeNodeSanityCheck_nodeMarkedRemoved "* CM sharedTreeNodeSanityCheck: Error : %s node flags %x indicate node should have been removed" j9shr.1343 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_sharedTreeNodeSanityCheck_nodeNotTwizzled "* CM sharedTreeNodeSanityCheck: Error : %s node->untwizzleCount %x indicated indicate node points to non shared data" j9shr.1344 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_sharedTreeNodeSanityCheck_exit " CM createNewCachelet: Entering" j9shr.1361 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_createNewCachelet_Exit " CM createNewChainedCache: Entering with requiredSize=%d (0x%x)" j9shr.1363 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_createNewChainedCache_Exit " INIT HOOK SERIALIZE CACHE: Entering hookSerializeSharedCache" j9shr.1369 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_hookSerializeSharedCache_exit " SH_OSCachevmem::startup: Entering cache name = %s, control dir = %s, cache size = %zu, numSems = %zd, create flags = 0x%zx, verbose flags = 0x%zx, openFlags = 0x%x" j9shr.1371 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Vmem_startup_commonStartupFailure " 0, file opened" j9shr.1383 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Vmem_startup_cacheTooSmall " SH_OSCachevmem::attach: Entered" j9shr.1395 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Vmem_attach_corruptCacheHeader " M startupHintCachelets: hint=%u" j9shr.1400 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_M_startupHintCachelets_Exit " CM allocateROMClassOnly : enter (size=%d classname=%.*s cpw=0x%x partition=0x%x modContext=0x%x helperId=%u modifiedNoContext=%u)" j9shr.1414 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_allocateROMClassOnly_CPMan_Event "* CM allocateROMClassOnly : Error: getClasspathManager() failed while allocating memory for classname=%.*s" j9shr.1415 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_allocateROMClassOnly_CPMStale_Event "* CM allocateROMClassOnly : Error: localCPM is stale (classname=%.*s)" j9shr.1416 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_allocateROMClassOnly_Retval_Event " CM allocateROMClassOnly : Returning result 0x%p for class %.*s" j9shr.1417 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_allocateROMClassOnly_WillAllocOrphan_Event " CM allocateROMClassOnly : will allocate Orphan ROMClass for class %.*s" j9shr.1418 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_allocateROMClassOnly_WillROMClass_Event " CM allocateROMClassOnly : will allocate ROMClass for class %.*s" j9shr.1419 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_allocateROMClassOnly_WillScpopedROMClass_Event " CM allocateROMClassOnly : will allocate Scoped ROMClass for class %.*s" j9shr.1420 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_allocateROMClassOnly_Exit " CM allocateFromCache : enter (allocsize=%u wrapperSize=%u wrapperType=%u)" j9shr.1422 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_allocateFromCache_Flags_Event " CM allocateFromCache : Exiting because RUNTIME_FLAGS_PREVENT_UPDATE is set" j9shr.1423 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_allocateFromCache_getCacheArea_Failed_Event "* CM allocateFromCache : Error: getCacheAreaForDataType() failed. (allocsize=%u wrapperSize=%u wrapperType=%u)" j9shr.1424 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_allocateFromCache_Full_Event " CM allocateFromCache : Exiting because cache is full" j9shr.1425 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_allocateFromCache_Retval_Event " CM allocateFromCache : Returning result 0x%p" j9shr.1426 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_allocateFromCache_Exit " CM findNextROMClass : enter" j9shr.1428 0 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CM_findNextROMClass_Retval_Event " CM findNextROMClass : Returning result 0x%p" j9shr.1429 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_findNextROMClass_Exit " RMI findNextExisting : entry" j9shr.1431 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RMI_findNextROMClass_NotStarted_Event " RMI findNextExisting : manager not started (classname=%.*s)" j9shr.1432 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_findNextROMClass_FirstElem_Event " RMI findNextExisting : first element" j9shr.1433 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_findNextROMClass_NextElem_Event " RMI findNextExisting : next element" j9shr.1434 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_findNextROMClass_NoMore_Event " RMI findNextExisting : no more elements" j9shr.1435 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_findNextROMClass_NoElems_Event " RMI findNextExisting : no elements" j9shr.1436 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_findNextROMClass_FoundOrphan_Event " RMI findNextExisting : found orphan rom class" j9shr.1437 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_findNextROMClass_FoundClass_Event " RMI findNextExisting : found rom class" j9shr.1438 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_findNextROMClass_MatchPrev_Event " RMI findNextExisting : current is the same as previous" j9shr.1439 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_RMI_findNextROMClass_Exit " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start : enter (classloader=0x%x cpEntries=0x%x cpEntryCount=%u entryIndex=%u loadType=%u partition=0x%x classname=%.*s ismodified=%u takeReadWriteLock=%u)" j9shr.1441 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start_NonNullPartition_Event " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start : Storing with non null partition %.*s" j9shr.1442 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start_tobj_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start : Error : tobj == NULL" j9shr.1443 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start_RCMNotStarted_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start : Error : ROMClass Manager is not started before storing class %.*s." j9shr.1444 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start_CPIndex_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start : Error : CP index too big. index=%d classname=%.*s" j9shr.1445 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start_Loadtype_Event " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start : Info: isModifiedClassfile==TRUE. loadType=%u classname=%.*s" j9shr.1446 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start_NotInit_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start : Error : !(localRuntimeFlags & J9SHR_RUNTIMEFLAG_CACHE_INITIALIZATION_COMPLETE). localRuntimeFlags=%llx classname=%.*s" j9shr.1447 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start_DenyUpdates_Event " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start : Exiting: localRuntimeFlags & J9SHR_RUNTIMEFLAG_DENY_CACHE_UPDATES. localRuntimeFlags=%llx classname=%.*s" j9shr.1448 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start_DisallowNull_Event " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start : Exiting: ((classloader != NULL) && classloader->classPathEntries == NULL) && disallowNullClasspath. classname=%.*s" j9shr.1449 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start_StoreFilt_Event " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start : Info: exiting b/c checkForStoreFilter() != NULL. classname=%.*s" j9shr.1450 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start_SegMutex_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start : Error: omrthread_monitor_enter(segmentMutex) failed. classname=%.*s" j9shr.1451 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start_WriteLock_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start : Error: enterWriteMutex() failed. classname=%.*s" j9shr.1452 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start_CPIsStale_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start : Error: classpath->flags & MARKED_STALE_FLAG. classloaderFlag=%x classname=%.*s" j9shr.1453 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start_updateCPInfo_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start : Error: cachemap->updateClasspathInfo() failed. index=%d classname=%.*s" j9shr.1454 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_classStoreTransaction_start_Exit " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_stop : enter (transactionState=%u)" j9shr.1456 1 1 3 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_classStoreTransaction_stop_isOnlyStarted_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_stop : Error : Transaction is only started, exiting because there is no work to do" j9shr.1457 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_classStoreTransaction_stop_NotStarted_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_stop : Error : transaction has not started correctly (transactionState=%u)" j9shr.1458 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_classStoreTransaction_stop_ExitWriteMutex_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_stop : Error : exitWriteMutex() failed" j9shr.1459 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_classStoreTransaction_stop_ExitSTMutex_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_stop : Error : exitStringTableMutex() failed" j9shr.1460 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_classStoreTransaction_stop_ExitSegMutex_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_stop : Error : omrthread_monitor_exit(segmentMutex) failed" j9shr.1461 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_classStoreTransaction_stop_NoWork_Event " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_stop : Nothing to commit to the cache for class %.*s" j9shr.1462 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_classStoreTransaction_stop_StoreModifed_Event " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_stop : Store class %.*s (ROMClass address 0x%x) with modified bytecodes as an orphan" j9shr.1463 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_classStoreTransaction_stop_NoNewMetaDataForModBytes_Event " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_stop : No modification conext for class %.*s (ROMClass address 0x%x), so no meta-data will be added to the cache." j9shr.1464 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_classStoreTransaction_stop_NoNewMetaDataNoCPInfo_Event " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_stop : No classpath info for class %.*s (ROMClass address 0x%x), so no meta-data will be added to the cache." j9shr.1465 0 1 2 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_classStoreTransaction_stop_StoredData_Event " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_stop : New data has been stored to the cache for class %.*s (ROMClass address 0x%x)." j9shr.1466 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_classStoreTransaction_stop_Exit " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_nextSharedClassForCompare : enter" j9shr.1468 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_nextSharedClassForCompare_NotStarted_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_nextSharedClassForCompare : Error: transaction has not been started(transactionState=%u)" j9shr.1469 4 3 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_nextSharedClassForCompare_Exit " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : enter (sizeRequired = %d classname=%.*s)" j9shr.1471 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_ReadOnly_EventObsolete " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : Info: localRuntimeFlags & J9SHR_RUNTIMEFLAG_ENABLE_READONLY" j9shr.1472 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_Full_EventObsolete " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : Info: localRuntimeFlags & J9SHR_RUNTIMEFLAG_CACHE_FULL" j9shr.1473 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_NotStarted_EventObsolete "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : Error : transaction has not been started" j9shr.1474 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_DblAlign_EventObsolete "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : Error : the requested size is not double aligned" j9shr.1475 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_NoCacheMap_EventObsolete "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : Error : cacheMap == NULL" j9shr.1476 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_CalledTwice1_EventObsolete " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : Info: tobj->newItemInCache != NULL" j9shr.1477 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_CalledTwice2_EventObsolete " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : Info: tobj->cacheAreaForAllocate != NULL" j9shr.1478 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_NoAlloc_EventObsolete " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : allocateROMClass : did not allocated required size %d bytes of shared memory for class %.*s" j9shr.1479 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_OK_EventObsolete " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass :Successfully allocated %d bytes for class %.*s at 0x%x" j9shr.1480 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_STLock_EventObsolete " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : Info: enterStringTableMutex() failed. localRuntimeFlags=%llx stringTableBytes=%u readOnly=%d localRebuild=%d cacheRebuild=%d classname=%.*s" j9shr.1481 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_ExitObsolete " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_updateSharedClassSize : enter" j9shr.1483 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_updateSharedClassSize_NotStarted_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_updateSharedClassSize : Error : transaction has not been started (class %.*s)" j9shr.1484 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_updateSharedClassSize_DblAlign_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_updateSharedClassSize : Error : the used size is not double aligned (class %.*s)" j9shr.1485 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_updateSharedClassSize_NotCalled1_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_updateSharedClassSize : Error : tobj->cacheAreaForAllocate == NULL (class %.*s)" j9shr.1486 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_updateSharedClassSize_NotCalled2_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_updateSharedClassSize : Error : tobj->cacheAreaForAllocate == NULL (class %.*s)" j9shr.1487 0 1 2 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_updateSharedClassSize_Update_Event " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_updateSharedClassSize : Change size of class %.*s to %d" j9shr.1488 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_updateSharedClassSize_Exit " API j9shr_jclUpdateROMClassMetaData : enter (classloader=0x%x cpEntries=0x%x cpEntryCount=%u entryIndex=%u partition=0x%x classname=%.*s)" j9shr.1490 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_jclUpdateROMClassMetaData_CacheIsReadonly_Event " API j9shr_jclUpdateROMClassMetaData : No new meta-data added for class %.*s when cache is readonly (runtimeFlags=0x%llx)" j9shr.1491 1 1 2 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_jclUpdateROMClassMetaData_NotInCache_Event "* API j9shr_jclUpdateROMClassMetaData : Error : J9ROMClass %.*s is not shared (existingClass address is 0x%x)" j9shr.1492 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_jclUpdateROMClassMetaData_ModifiedByteCodes_Event " API j9shr_jclUpdateROMClassMetaData : No new meta-data added, because the class %.*s is modified and there is no modContext(modContext=0x%x, ModifiedByteCodes=%u)" j9shr.1493 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_jclUpdateROMClassMetaData_StartFailed_Event "* API j9shr_jclUpdateROMClassMetaData : Error : transaction start failed for class %.*s" j9shr.1494 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_jclUpdateROMClassMetaData_StopFailed_Event "* API j9shr_jclUpdateROMClassMetaData : Error : transaction stop failed for class %.*s" j9shr.1495 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_jclUpdateROMClassMetaData_ExitStore " CM markItemStaleCheckMutex: marking stale cache item at address 0x%p" j9shr.1499 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_markItemStaleCheckMutex_Failed " CM markItemStaleCheckMutex: failed to acquire write mutex to mark stale cache item at 0x%p" j9shr.1500 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_markItemStaleCheckMutex_Exit " CM commitROMClass : enter (itemInCache=0x%x cacheArea=0x%x cpw=0x%x cpeIndex=%u, partition=0x%x modContext=0x%x classname=%.*s)" j9shr.1511 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_commitROMClass_Event_SetMaxTime " CM commitROMClass: %s, max wait time %d, average %d, actual %d" j9shr.1512 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_commitROMClass_StoreFail_Event "* CM commitROMClass : Error : storeNew() has failed. (classname=%.*s itemInCache=0x%x cacheAreaForAllocate=0x%x)" j9shr.1513 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_commitROMClass_NothingStored_Event " CM commitROMClass : Nothing was stored in the cache for J9ROMClass %.*s at address 0x%x" j9shr.1514 0 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CM_commitROMClass_Stored_Event " CM commitROMClass : Data was stored in the cache for J9ROMClass %.*s at address 0x%x" j9shr.1515 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_commitROMClass_Error_Event " CM commitROMClass : An error has occured while committing J9ROMClass %.*s at address 0x%x" j9shr.1516 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_commitROMClass_Exit " CM commitOrphanROMClass : enter (itemInCache=0x%x cacheArea=0x%x cpw=0x%x classname=%.*s)" j9shr.1518 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_commitOrphanROMClass_Event_SetMaxTime " CM commitOrphanROMClass: %s, max wait time %d, average %d, actual %d" j9shr.1519 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_commitOrphanROMClass_StoreFail_Event "* CM commitOrphanROMClass : Error : storeNew() has failed. (classname=%.*s itemInCache=0x%x cacheAreaForAllocate=0x%x)" j9shr.1520 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_commitOrphanROMClass_NothingStored_Event " CM commitOrphanROMClass : Nothing was stored in the cache for J9ROMClass %.*s at address 0x%x" j9shr.1521 0 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CM_commitOrphanROMClass_Stored_Event " CM commitOrphanROMClass : Data was stored in the cache for J9ROMClass %.*s at address 0x%x" j9shr.1522 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_commitOrphanROMClass_Error_Event " CM commitOrphanROMClass : An error has occured while committing J9ROMClass %.*s at address 0x%x" j9shr.1523 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_commitOrphanROMClass_Exit " CM commitMetaDataROMClassIfRequired : enter (cpw=0x%x cpeIndex=%u helperID=%d partition=0x%x modContext=0x%x classname=%.*s)" j9shr.1525 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_commitMetaDataROMClassIfRequired_FoundDuplicate " CM commitMetaDataROMClassIfRequired : found duplicate class %.*s in cache" j9shr.1526 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_commitMetaDataROMClassIfRequired_Event_SetMaxTime " CM commitMetaDataROMClassIfRequired : %s, max wait time %d, average %d, actual %d" j9shr.1527 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_commitMetaDataROMClassIfRequired_CPMan_Event "* CM commitMetaDataROMClassIfRequired : Error : getClasspathManager() failed (classname=%.*s)" j9shr.1528 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_commitMetaDataROMClassIfRequired_CPMStale_Event " CM commitMetaDataROMClassIfRequired : localCPM->isStale(cpw) != 0" j9shr.1529 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_commitMetaDataROMClassIfRequired_Area_Event "* CM commitMetaDataROMClassIfRequired : Error : cacheAreaForAllocate == NULL (wrapperType=0x%x bytesToReserve=0x%x)" j9shr.1530 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_commitMetaDataROMClassIfRequired_Full_Event " CM commitMetaDataROMClassIfRequired : cache is full, can not store new meta data for J9ROMClass %.*s at address 0x%x" j9shr.1531 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_commitMetaDataROMClassIfRequired_Existing_Event " CM commitMetaDataROMClassIfRequired : located an existing class, no store is required for J9ROMClass %.*s at address 0x%x." j9shr.1532 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_commitMetaDataROMClassIfRequired_NothingStored_Event " CM commitMetaDataROMClassIfRequired : Nothing was stored in the cache for J9ROMClass %.*s at address 0x%x" j9shr.1533 0 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CM_commitMetaDataROMClassIfRequired_Stored_Event " CM commitMetaDataROMClassIfRequired : Data was stored in the cache for J9ROMClass %.*s at address 0x%x" j9shr.1534 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_commitMetaDataROMClassIfRequired_Error_Event " CM commitMetaDataROMClassIfRequired : An error has occured while committing J9ROMClass %.*s at address 0x%x" j9shr.1535 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_commitMetaDataROMClassIfRequired_Exit " API j9shr_stringTransaction_start : enter" j9shr.1538 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_stringTransaction_start_tobj_Event "* API j9shr_stringTransaction_start : Error : tobj == NULL" j9shr.1539 1 1 3 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_stringTransaction_start_NotInit_Event "* API j9shr_stringTransaction_start : Error : !(localRuntimeFlags & J9SHR_RUNTIMEFLAG_CACHE_INITIALIZATION_COMPLETE). localRuntimeFlags=%llx" j9shr.1540 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_stringTransaction_start_DenyUpdates_Event " API j9shr_stringTransaction_start : Exiting: localRuntimeFlags & J9SHR_RUNTIMEFLAG_DENY_CACHE_UPDATES. localRuntimeFlags=%llx" j9shr.1541 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_stringTransaction_start_STLock_Event " API j9shr_stringTransaction_start : Error: enterStringTableMutex() failed. localRuntimeFlags=%llx stringTableBytes=%u readOnly=%d localRebuild=%d cacheRebuild=%d" j9shr.1542 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_stringTransaction_start_NoStringTable " API j9shr_stringTransaction_start : Not calling enterStringTableMutex(), because there is no string table." j9shr.1543 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_stringTransaction_start_Exit " API j9shr_stringTransaction_stop : enter (transactionState=%u)" j9shr.1545 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_stringTransaction_stop_NotStarted_Event "* API j9shr_stringTransaction_stop : Error : transaction has not been started" j9shr.1546 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_stringTransaction_stop_ExitSTMutex_Event "* API j9shr_stringTransaction_stop : Error : exitStringTableMutex() failed" j9shr.1547 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_stringTransaction_stop_Exit " CM startClassTransaction : enter" j9shr.1549 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_startClassTransaction_enterWriteMutex_Event "* CM startClassTransaction : Error : enterWriteMutex() failed" j9shr.1550 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_startClassTransaction_runEntryPointChecks_Event "* CM startClassTransaction : Error : runEntryPointChecks() failed" j9shr.1551 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_startClassTransaction_Exit " readWriteCrashCntr=%u, _theca->readWriteRebuildCntr=%u)" j9shr.1557 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_enterReadWriteAreaMutex_EventRebuildLocalData2 "* CC enterReadWriteAreaMutex: Detected termination - must rebuild local string table (_localReadWriteCrashCntr=%u, _theca->readWriteCrashCntr=%u)" j9shr.1558 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_setInternCacheHeaderFields_ExitV2 " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : enter (classname=%.*s romClassSizeFullSize=%d romClassMinimalSize=%d lineNumberTableSize=%d localVariableTableSize=%d" j9shr.1564 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_NotOk_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : transaction object isOK==-1" j9shr.1565 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_ReadOnly_Event " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : cache is read only" j9shr.1566 0 1 2 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_Full_Event " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : cache is full" j9shr.1567 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_NotStarted_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : The write area lock has not been acquired" j9shr.1568 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_ZeroRomClassSize_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : ROMClass sizes can't be zero (romClassSizeFullSize=%u, romClassMinimalSize=%u)" j9shr.1569 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_ZeroRomClassSizeFullSize_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : romClassSizeFullSize must be non zero if no debug data (romClassSizeFullSize=%d lineNumberTableSize=%d localVariableTableSize=%d)" j9shr.1570 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_ZeroRomClassSizeWithoutDebug_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : romClassSizeWithoutDebug must be non zero if there is debug data to be created (romClassSizeWithoutDebug=%d lineNumberTableSize=%d localVariableTableSize=%d)" j9shr.1571 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_DblAlign_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : The size of the rom class requested is not a multiple of a double" j9shr.1572 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_NoCacheMap_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : cacheMap == NULL" j9shr.1573 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_CalledTwice1_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : Error : tobj->newItemInCache != NULL" j9shr.1574 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_CalledTwice2_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : Error : tobj->cacheAreaForAllocate != NULL" j9shr.1575 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_FailedToAllocRomclass_Event "* API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : Error : No ROMClass was allocated" j9shr.1576 0 1 2 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_AllocRomclass_Event " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : Allocated ROMClass at %p" j9shr.1577 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_Exit " Init()." j9shr.1581 2 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_Init_Entry " >ClassDebugDataProvider::Init : enter (ca=%p)" j9shr.1582 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_Init_Exit " ClassDebugDataProvider::isOk : enter" j9shr.1584 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_isOk_FreeSpaceSizeCorrupt "* ClassDebugDataProvider::isOk : debug area is corrupt because free space high address %p minus the free space low address %p exceeds the debug region size of %zu bytes" j9shr.1585 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_isOk_AreaSizeCorrupt "* ClassDebugDataProvider::isOk : debug area is corrupt because its size of %zu is larger than the total cache size of %u stored in the cache header" j9shr.1586 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_isOk_FreeSpaceCorrupt "* ClassDebugDataProvider::isOk : debug area free space information in cache header is corrupt, because start(%p) > end(%p)." j9shr.1587 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_isOk_LNTCorrupt "* ClassDebugDataProvider::isOk : line number table information in cache header is corrupt, because start(%p) > end(%p)." j9shr.1588 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_isOk_LVTCorrupt "* ClassDebugDataProvider::isOk : local variable table information in cache header is corrupt, because start(%p) > end(%p)." j9shr.1589 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_isOk_BadSizesForCommitCorrupt "* ClassDebugDataProvider::isOk : Data sizes for next call to ::commitClassDebugData() will result in corruption: LNTNext(%p), LNTNewDataBytes(%p), LVTNext(%p), LVTNewDataBytes(%p)." j9shr.1590 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_isOk_Exit " CC allocateClassDebugData: Class %.*s lineNumberTableSize=%u localVariableTableSize=%u" j9shr.1592 1 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_allocateClassDebugData_Event_NotEnoughFreeSpace "* CC allocateClassDebugData: Not free spce for class %.*s debug (sizeToBeAllocated=%llu _debugData->getFreeSpaceBytes()=%u)" j9shr.1593 1 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_allocateClassDebugData_Event_FailedToAllocLineNumberTable "* CC allocateClassDebugData: Failed to alloc LineNumberTable for class %.*s (lineNumberTableSize=%u localVariableTableSize=%u)" j9shr.1594 1 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_allocateClassDebugData_Event_FailedToAllocLocalVariableTable "* CC allocateClassDebugData: Failed to alloc LocalVariableTable for class %.*s (lineNumberTableSize=%u localVariableTableSize=%u)" j9shr.1595 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_allocateClassDebugData_Exit " CC rollbackClassDebugData : enter (Class=%.*s LineNumberTable=%d Bytes, LocalVariableTable=%d Bytes)" j9shr.1597 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_rollbackClassDebugData_Exit " ClassDebugDataProvider::isEnoughFreeSpace : enter (size=%u)" j9shr.1599 1 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_isEnoughFreeSpace_TrueExit "* ClassDebugDataProvider::isEnoughFreeSpace : exit with true (size=%u, getFreeSpaceBytes=%u)" j9shr.1600 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_isEnoughFreeSpace_FalseExit " ClassDebugDataProvider::getNextLineNumberTable : enter (size=%u)" j9shr.1602 1 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_getNextLineNumberTable_NotOk_Event "* ClassDebugDataProvider::getNextLineNumberTable : isOK != 0" j9shr.1603 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_getNextLineNumberTable_Exit " ClassDebugDataProvider::getNextLocalVariableTable : enter (size=%u)" j9shr.1605 1 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_getNextLocalVariableTable_NotOk_Event "* ClassDebugDataProvider::getNextLocalVariableTable : isOK != 0" j9shr.1606 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_getNextLocalVariableTable_Exit " ClassDebugDataProvider::commitLineNumberTable : enter (size=%u)" j9shr.1608 1 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_commitLineNumberTable_NotOk_Event "* ClassDebugDataProvider::commitLineNumberTable : isOK != 0" j9shr.1609 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_commitLineNumberTable_Exit " ClassDebugDataProvider::commitLocalVariableTable : enter (size=%u)" j9shr.1611 1 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_commitLocalVariableTable_NotOk_Event "* ClassDebugDataProvider::commitLocalVariableTable : isOK != 0" j9shr.1612 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_commitLocalVariableTable_Exit " ClassDebugDataProvider::commitClassDebugData : enter (Class=%.*s LineNumberTable=%d Bytes, LocalVariableTable=%d Bytes)" j9shr.1614 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_commitClassDebugData_LineNumberTable_Event " ClassDebugDataProvider::commitClassDebugData : stored LineNumberTable data (Class=%.*s LineNumberTable=%d Bytes, LocalVariableTable=%d Bytes)" j9shr.1615 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_commitClassDebugData_LocalVariableTable_Event " ClassDebugDataProvider::commitClassDebugData : stored LocalVariableTable data (Class=%.*s LineNumberTable=%d Bytes, LocalVariableTable=%d Bytes)" j9shr.1616 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_NothingToCommit_Event " ClassDebugDataProvider::commitClassDebugData : No changes to commit (Class=%.*s LineNumberTable=%d Bytes, LocalVariableTable=%d Bytes)" j9shr.1617 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_commitClassDebugData_Exit " ClassDebugDataProvider::getDebugDataSize : enter" j9shr.1619 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_getDebugDataSize_NotOk_Exit " ClassDebugDataProvider::getFreeDebugSpaceBytes : enter" j9shr.1622 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_getFreeDebugSpaceBytes_NotOk_Exit " ClassDebugDataProvider::getLineNumberTableBytes : enter" j9shr.1625 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_getLineNumberTableBytes_NotOk_Exit " ClassDebugDataProvider::getLocalVariableTableBytes : enter" j9shr.1628 1 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_getLocalVariableTableBytes_NotOk_Event "* ClassDebugDataProvider::getLocalVariableTableBytes: isOK!=0 exit (retval=0)" j9shr.1629 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_getLocalVariableTableBytes_Exit " ClassDebugDataProvider::HeaderInitForDebug : enter (ca=%p, size=%u)" j9shr.1633 1 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_HeaderInitForDebug_NullCacheHdr_Event "* ClassDebugDataProvider::HeaderInitForDebug : null cache header" j9shr.1634 1 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_HeaderInitForDebug_AlreadyInit_Event "* ClassDebugDataProvider::HeaderInitForDebug : cache already has an initialized debug area (flags=%x)" j9shr.1635 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_HeaderInitForDebug_Exit " isOk() == false" j9shr.1639 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_failedSimplePoolConsistency "* INIT j9shr_init failed string simple pool consistency" j9shr.1640 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_verifyStringTableElement_utf8Corrupt "* INIT verifyStringTableElement utf8 corrupt %p in node %p in pool %p" j9shr.1641 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_verifyStringTableElement_childCorrupt "* INIT verifyStringTableElement child corrupt %p in node %p in pool %p" j9shr.1642 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_verifyStringTableElement_lruCorrupt "* INIT verifyStringTableElement lru corrupt %p in node %p in pool %p" j9shr.1643 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_verifyStringTableElement_flagsCorrupt "* INIT verifyStringTableElement flags corrupt %x in node %p in pool %p" j9shr.1644 2 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_allocateROMClass_Entry " >CM allocateROMClass : enter (Class=%.*s romClassSizeFullSize=%u romClassSizeWithoutDebug=%u lineNumberTableSize=%u localVariableTableSize=%u)" j9shr.1645 1 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_allocateROMClass_FailedToAllocDebugAttributes_Event "* CM allocateROMClass : Failed to allocate class debug attribute data (Class=%.*s lineNumberTableSize=%u lineNumberTable=%p localVariableTableSize=%u localVariableTable=%p)" j9shr.1646 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_allocateROMClass_AllocatedDebugAttributes_Event " CM allocateROMClass : Allocate class debug attribute data (Class=%.*s lineNumberTableSize=%u lineNumberTable=%p localVariableTableSize=%u localVariableTable=%p)" j9shr.1647 1 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_allocateROMClass_FailedToRomClassRollbackDebug_Event "* CM allocateROMClass : Failed to allocate ROMClass, rolling back debug attribute data (Class=%.*s lineNumberTableSize=%u lineNumberTable=%p localVariableTableSize=%u localVariableTable=%p)" j9shr.1648 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_allocateROMClass_Exit " CC initializeWithCommonInfo: memForConstructor=%p, ctrlDirName=%s, cacheName=%s, newPersistentCacheReqd=%d, doUT=%d" j9shr.1650 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_initializeWithCommonInfo_Exit " SH_OSCachesysv::OpenSysVSemaphoreHelper: enter" j9shr.1655 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_OpenSysVSemaphoreHelper_Exit " SH_OSCachesysv::DestroySysVSemHelper: enter" j9shr.1657 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_DestroySysVSemHelper_Exit " SH_OSCachesysv::OpenSysVMemoryHelper: enter" j9shr.1659 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_OpenSysVMemoryHelper_Exit " SH_OSCachesysv::StatSysVMemoryHelper: enter" j9shr.1661 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_StatSysVMemoryHelper_Exit " SH_OSCachesysv::DestroySysVMemoryHelper: enter" j9shr.1663 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_DestroySysVMemoryHelper_Exit " SH_OSCachesysv::getCacheStatsHelper: Entered - cacheNameWithVGen=%s" j9shr.1665 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_getCacheStatsHelper_removeCacheVersionAndGenFailed " CC initialize: memForConstructor=%p, sharedClassConfig=%p, cacheName=%s, newPersistentCacheReqd=%d, unitTest=%zd" j9shr.1672 2 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_createCacheDir_Entry " >OSCache::createCacheDir: Entry - cacheDirName=%s, cleanMemorySegments=%d" j9shr.1673 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_createCacheDir_Exit " CM newInstanceForStats: Creating new instance of SH_CacheMap for cache stats. vm=0x%p." j9shr.1679 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_newInstanceForStats_Exit " RRM findResource: Looking for resource for key 0x%x" j9shr.1682 2 1 1 N Trc_SHR_ADMI_newInstance_Entry " >ADMI newInstance: Creating new AttachedDataManager. vm=0x%p. cache=0x%p" j9shr.1683 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_ADMI_newInstance_Exit " ADMI initialize: Initializing AttachedDataManager" j9shr.1685 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_ADMI_initialize_Exit " ADMI storeNew: storeNew called for item at address 0x%p" j9shr.1687 4 1 6 N Trc_SHR_ADMI_storeNew_ExitTrue " SH_OSCachemmap::errorHandler: Entering, module = 0x%x, id = %u, portable error code = %d, portable error message = %s" j9shr.1692 2 1 2 N Trc_SHR_CC_commitUpdate_Entry2 " >CC commitUpdate: Committing for _scan=%p, _storedMetaUsedBytes=%d, _storedSegmentUsedBytes=%d, _storedReadWriteUsedBytes=%d, _storedAOTUsedBytes=%d, _storedJITUsedBytes=%d" j9shr.1693 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_rollbackUpdate_Event2 " CC rollbackUpdate: Rolling back update for _scan=%p, _storedMetaUsedBytes=%d, _storedSegmentUsedBytes=%d, _storedReadWriteUsedBytes=%d, _storedAOTUsedBytes=%d, _storedJITUsedBytes=%d" j9shr.1694 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_allocate_Exit2 " CC setCorruptCache: Entering, corruptionCode = %zd, corruptValue = 0x%zx, unitTest = %zd" j9shr.1698 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_setCorruptCacheWithContext_Exit " ClassDebugDataProvider::protectMemory() : Enter (permSetter=%p lntProtectLow=%p lntProtectHigh=%p lvtProtectLow=%p lvtProtectHigh=%p)" j9shr.1700 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_protectMemory_MprotectDisabled_Event " ClassDebugDataProvider::protectMemory() : Memory protection is disabled in the runtime flags" j9shr.1701 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_protectMemory_CouldNotProtectedAllDebugData_Event " ClassDebugDataProvider::protectMemory() : Could not protect remaining debug data (From=%p, To=%p Size=%u)" j9shr.1702 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_protectMemory_ProtectedAllDebugData_Event " ClassDebugDataProvider::protectMemory() : Protected remaining debug data (From=%p, To=%p Size=%u)" j9shr.1703 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_protectMemory_CouldNotProtectedLineNumberTableData_Event " ClassDebugDataProvider::protectMemory() : Could not protect LineNumberTableData data (lntProtectLow=%p, lntProtectHigh=%p, Size=%u)" j9shr.1704 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_protectMemory_ProtectedLineNumberTableData_Event " ClassDebugDataProvider::protectMemory() : Protected LineNumberTableData data (lntProtectLow=%p, lntProtectHigh=%p, Size=%u)" j9shr.1705 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_protectMemory_CouldNotProtectedLocalVariableTableData_Event " ClassDebugDataProvider::protectMemory() : Could not protect LocalVariableTable data (lvtProtectLow=%p, lvtProtectHigh=%p, Size=%u)" j9shr.1706 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_protectMemory_ProtectedLocalVariableTableData_Event " ClassDebugDataProvider::protectMemory() : Protected LocalVariableTable data (lvtProtectLow=%p, lvtProtectHigh=%p, Size=%u)" j9shr.1707 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_protectMemory_Exit " INIT HOOK STORE DATA: Entering j9shr_storeAttachedData" j9shr.1710 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_INIT_storeAttachedData_exit_TypeUnknown " flags, data->flags=%zu" j9shr.1715 4 1 2 N Trc_SHR_INIT_storeAttachedData_exit " INIT HOOK FIND DATA: Entering j9shr_findAttachedData" j9shr.1717 4 2 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_findAttachedData_exit_localRTF " flags, data->flags=0x%zx" j9shr.1720 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_INIT_findAttachedData_exit " INIT HOOK UPDATE DATA: Entering j9shr_updateAttachedData" j9shr.1722 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_updateAttachedData_exit_localRTF " flags, data->flags=0x%zx" j9shr.1725 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_updateAttachedData_exit " INIT HOOK UPDATE UDATA: Entering j9shr_updateAttachedUDATA" j9shr.1727 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_updateAttachedUDATA_exit_localRTF " CM storeAttachedData: Enter with addressInCache=0x%p, data=0x%p" j9shr.1732 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_storeAttachedData_Exit1 " CM updateAttachedData: Enter with addressInCache=0x%p, updateAtOffset=0x%x" j9shr.1735 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_updateAttachedData_Exit1 " CM updateAttachedUDATA: Enter with addressInCache=0x%p, updateAtOffset=0x%x" j9shr.1738 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_updateAttachedUDATA_Exit1 " CM findAttachedData: Enter with addressInCache=0x%p, data=0x%p" j9shr.1741 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_findAttachedData_Exit1 " CM updateROMClassResource: Enter with addressInCache=0x%p, updateAtOffset=0x%u, localRRM==0x%p, resourceDescriptor=0x%p, data=0x%p, isUDATA=%u" j9shr.1745 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_updateROMClassResource_Exit1 " length=0x%zx,dataLength=0x%zx" j9shr.1749 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_updateROMClassResource_Exit5 " ClassDebugDataProvider::processUpdates() : Enter (permSetter=%p)" j9shr.1752 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_processUpdates_FoundNewLineNumData " ClassDebugDataProvider::processUpdates() : New line number table data found (permSetter=%p, numNewBytes=%zu)" j9shr.1753 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_processUpdates_FoundNewLocalVarData " ClassDebugDataProvider::processUpdates() : New local variable table data found (permSetter=%p, numNewBytes=%zu)" j9shr.1754 2 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_processUpdates_Exit " >ClassDebugDataProvider::processUpdates() : Exit (permSetter=%p, result=%s)" j9shr.1755 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_setCacheAreaBoundaries_Event_XnolinenumbersMeansNoDebugArea " CC setCacheAreaBoundaries: Creating a new cache with -Xnolinenumbers, disabling debug area creation." j9shr.1756 2 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_findAttachedDataAPI_Entry " >CM findAttachedDataAPI: Enter with addressInCache=0x%p, data=0x%p" j9shr.1757 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_findAttachedDataAPI_Exit " CC initializeWithCommonInfo: memForConstructor=%p, ctrlDirName=%s, cacheName=%s, newPersistentCacheReqd=%d" j9shr.1761 2 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_startup_Entry1 " >CC startup: Entering with cacheMemory=%p, rootName=%s, ctrlDirName=%s, unitTest=%zd" j9shr.1762 2 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_attach_Entry1 " >SH_OSCachemmap::attach: Enter with unitTest=%zd" j9shr.1763 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_attach_Try_Attach1 " OSCache attach now trying to attach the region: unitTest=%zd" j9shr.1764 2 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Vmem_attach_Entry1 " >SH_OSCachevmem::attach: Enter with unitTest=%zd" j9shr.1765 2 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_updateROMClassResource_Entry1 " >CM updateROMClassResource: Enter with addressInCache=0x%p, updateAtOffset=0x%u, localRRM==0x%p, resourceDescriptor=0x%p, data=0x%p, isUDATA=%d, unitTest=%zd" j9shr.1766 2 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_initialize_Entry1 " >CM init begin: unitTest=%zd" j9shr.1767 2 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_getRequiredConstrBytes_Entry " >CC getRequiredConstrBytes: Enter with isNested=%d, startupForStats=%d, unitTest=%zd" j9shr.1768 2 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_getRequiredConstrBytes_Exit " >CC getRequiredConstrBytes: Exiting" j9shr.1769 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_attach_ExitHeaderIsNotOk " ccInitComplete = %zu" j9shr.1783 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_Startup_Cache_Initialization_Failure " After waiting, read-only cache is still not initialized." j9shr.1784 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_Startup_No_Cachelets " No cachelets exist on startup. *_runtimeFlags = %llu, getContainsCachelets() = %d" j9shr.1785 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_OSPAGE_SIZE_MISMATCH " Mismatch in composite cache osPageSize value. CompositeCache = %p, _theca->osPageSize = %zu, _osPageSize = %zu" j9shr.1786 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_allocate_Exit_CacheCorrupt " SH_OSCachevirt::acquireHeaderWriteLock: Function entered" j9shr.1803 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_acquireHeaderWriteLock_exitReadOnly " SH_OSCachevirt::releaseHeaderWriteLock: Function entered" j9shr.1808 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_releaseHeaderWriteLock_exitReadOnly " SH_OSCachevirt::isCacheHeaderValid: Function entered, cache header addr = %p" j9shr.1813 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_isCacheHeaderValid_eyecatcherFailed " size = %u _cacheSize = %zu" j9shr.1815 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_isCacheHeaderValid_OSCacheHeaderBad " SH_OSCachevirt::SH_OSCachevirt: Function entered, cache name = %s, cache size = %zu, numSems = %zd, create flags = 0x%zx, verbose flags = 0x%zx" j9shr.1818 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_Constructor_Exit " SH_OSCachevirt::initialize: Function entered, portLibray = %p, memForConstructor = %p" j9shr.1820 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_initialize_Exit " SH_OSCachevirt::finalise: Function entered" j9shr.1822 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_finalise_Exit " SH_OSCachevirt::startup: Function entered, cache name = %s, control dir = %s, cache size = %zu, numLocks = %zd, create flags = 0x%zx, verbose flags = 0x%zx, openFlags = 0x%x" j9shr.1824 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_startup_commonStartupFailure " SH_OSCachevirt::destroy: Function entered" j9shr.1854 0 4 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_destroy_deletingCache " SH_OSCachevirt::destroy: Deleting file %s ..." j9shr.1855 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_destroy_badDelete "* SH_OSCachevirt::destroy: Failed deleting shared cache" j9shr.1856 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_destroy_goodDelete " SH_OSCachevirt::destroy: Successfully deleted shared cache" j9shr.1857 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_destroy_finalising " SH_OSCachevirt::destroy: Finalizing" j9shr.1858 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_destroy_Exit " SH_OSCachevirt::cleanup: Function entered" j9shr.1860 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_cleanup_alreadyfinalised " SH_OSCachevirt::cleanup: Successfully updated last detach time" j9shr.1862 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_cleanup_badUpdateLastDetachedTime "* SH_OSCachevirt::cleanup: Failed updating last detach time" j9shr.1863 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_cleanup_destroySharedCacheAccessFailed "* SH_OSCachevirt::cleanup: Failed destroying shared cache access to %s" j9shr.1864 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_cleanup_Exit " SH_OSCachevirt::acquireWriteLock: WriteLock: Function entered, lockID = %zu" j9shr.1866 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_acquireWriteLock_BadLockID " SH_OSCachevirt::releaseWriteLock: Function entered, lockID = %zu" j9shr.1874 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_releaseWriteLock_badLockID " SH_OSCachevirt::acquireAttachReadLock: Function entered" j9shr.1882 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_acquireAttachReadLock_gettingLock " SH_OSCachevirt::acquireAttachReadLock: Acquiring shared attach lock" j9shr.1883 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_acquireAttachReadLock_badLock "* SH_OSCachevirt::acquireAttachReadLock: Failed acquiring lock" j9shr.1884 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_acquireAttachReadLock_Exit " SH_OSCachevirt::releaseAttachReadLock: Function entered" j9shr.1886 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_releaseAttachReadLock_releasingLock " SH_OSCachevirt::releaseAttachReadLock: Release shared attach lock" j9shr.1887 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_releaseAttachReadLock_badLock "* SH_OSCachevirt::releaseAttachReadLock: Failed releasing lock" j9shr.1888 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_releaseAttachReadLock_goodLock " SH_OSCachevirt::releaseAttachReadLock: Successfully released lock" j9shr.1889 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_releaseAttachReadLock_Exit " SH_OSCachevirt::internalAttach: Function entered" j9shr.1891 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_internalAttach_badAcquireAttachedReadLock " SH_OSCachevirt::attach: Function entered with unitTest=%zd" j9shr.1897 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_attach_alreadyattached " SH_OSCachevirt::updateLastAttachedTime: Function entered" j9shr.1910 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_updateLastAttachedTime_ReadOnly " SH_OSCachevirt::updateLastDetachedTime: Function entered" j9shr.1914 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_updateLastDetachedTime_ReadOnly " SH_OSCachevirt::createCacheHeader: Function entered, cacheHeader=%p, headerLen=%d, versionData=%p" j9shr.1918 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_createCacheHeader_header " SH_OSCachevirt::createCacheHeader: Created header eyecatcher=%s, size=%u, dataStart=%d, dataLength=%d, createTime=%llu, lastAttachedTime=%llu" j9shr.1919 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_createCacheHeader_Exit " SH_OSCachevirt::initializeDataHeader: Function entered" j9shr.1921 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_initializeDataHeader_callinginit2 " SH_OSCachevirt::initializeDataHeader: Calling init with _mapDataAddr=%p, _mapDataLength=%zu, sharedClassMinAOTSize=%zd, sharedClassMaxAOTSize=%zd, sharedClassMinJITSize=%zd, sharedClassMaxJITSize=%zd, sharedClassReadWriteBytes=%zd" j9shr.1922 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_initializeDataHeader_initialized " SH_OSCachevirt::initializeDataHeader: Successfully initialized data header" j9shr.1923 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_initializeDataHeader_Exit " SH_OSCachevirt::internalDetach: Function entered" j9shr.1925 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_internalDetach_notattached " SH_OSCachevirt::tryAcquireAttachWriteLock: Function entered" j9shr.1930 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_tryAcquireAttachWriteLock_badLock " SH_OSCachevirt::tryAcquireAttachWriteLock: Lock acquire failed" j9shr.1931 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_tryAcquireAttachWriteLock_goodLock " SH_OSCachevirt::tryAcquireAttachWriteLock: Lock acquire succeeded" j9shr.1932 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_tryAcquireAttachWriteLock_Exit " SH_OSCachevirt::releaseAttachWriteLock: Function entered" j9shr.1934 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_releaseAttachWriteLock_badLock " SH_OSCachevirt::releaseAttachWriteLock: Lock release failed" j9shr.1935 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_releaseAttachWriteLock_goodLock " SH_OSCachevirt::releaseAttachWriteLock: Lock release succeeded" j9shr.1936 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_releaseAttachWriteLock_Exit " SH_OSCachevirt::getCacheStats: Function entered, file path = %s, returnVal addr = %p" j9shr.1938 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_getCacheStats_cacheNotInUse " SH_OSCachevirt::getCacheStats: Cache not in use" j9shr.1939 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_getCacheStats_cacheInUse " SH_OSCachevirt::getCacheStats: Cache is in use" j9shr.1940 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_getCacheStats_Exit " SH_OSCachevirt::runExitCode: Function entered" j9shr.1942 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_runExitCode_goodUpdateLastDetachedTime " SH_OSCachevirt::runExitCode: Successfully updated last detach time" j9shr.1943 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_runExitCode_badUpdateLastDetachedTime " SH_OSCachevirt::runExitCode: Failed updating last detach time" j9shr.1944 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_runExitCode_Exit " SH_OSCachevirt::syncUpdates: Function entered" j9shr.1946 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_syncUpdates_badmsync " SH_OSCachevirt::findfirst: Function entered, cacheDir=%s" j9shr.1950 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_findfirst_NoFilesFound1 " SH_OSCachevirt::findnext: Function entered" j9shr.1954 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_findnext_Exit " SH_OSCachevirt::findclose: Function entered" j9shr.1956 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_findclose_Exit " SH_OSCachevirt::errorHandler: Function entered, module = 0x%x, id = %u, portable error code = %d, portable error message = %s" j9shr.1958 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_errorHandler_printingMessage " SH_OSCachevirt::errorHandler: Printing message, verbose flags = 0x%x" j9shr.1959 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_errorHandler_printingPortMessages " SH_OSCachevirt::errorHandler: Printing port error messages" j9shr.1960 0 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_errorHandler_notPrintingMessage " SH_OSCachevirt::errorHandler: Not printing message, verbose flags = 0x%x" j9shr.1961 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_errorHandler_Exit " SH_OSCachemmap::setErrorr: Function entered, error code arg = %zd" j9shr.1964 4 1 5 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Virt_setError_Exit " RawClassDataProvider::Init : enter (ca=%p)" j9shr.1970 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_Init_Exit " RawClassDataProvider::isOk : enter" j9shr.1972 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_isOk_AreaSizeCorrupt "* RawClassDataProvider::isOk : area is corrupt because its size of %zu is larger than the total cache size of %zu stored in the cache header" j9shr.1973 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_isOk_FreeSpaceCorrupt "* RawClassDataProvider::isOk : area free space information in cache header is corrupt, because start(%p) > end(%p)." j9shr.1974 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_isOk_FreeSpaceSizeCorrupt "* RawClassDataProvider::isOk : area is corrupt because free space high address %p minus the free space low address %p exceeds the region size of %zu bytes" j9shr.1975 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_isOk_AllocatedCorrupt "* RawClassDataProvider::isOk : area allocated information in cache header is corrupt, because start(%p) > end(%p)." j9shr.1976 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_isOk_BadSizesForCommitCorrupt "* RawClassDataProvider::isOk : Data sizes for next call to ::commitRawClassData() will result in corruption: next(%p), end-of-area(%p), storedBytes(%u)" j9shr.1977 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_isOk_Exit " RawClassDataProvider::allocateClassDebugData: Class %.*s Size=%u" j9shr.1979 1 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_allocateRawClassData_Event_NotEnoughFreeSpace "* RawClassDataProvider::allocateRawClassData: No free spce for class %.*s dta (Size=%u FreeSpace=%u)" j9shr.1980 1 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_allocateRawClassData_Event_FailedToAlloc "* RawClassDataProvider::allocateRawClassData: Failed to alloc data for class %.*s (Size=%u)" j9shr.1981 2 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_rollbackRawClassData_Enter " >RawClassDataProvider::rollbackRawClassData : enter (Class=%.*s Size=%u Bytes)" j9shr.1982 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_rollbackRawClassData_Exit " RawClassDataProvider::commitRawClassData : enter (Class=%.*s CommitSize=%uBytes)" j9shr.1985 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_commitRawClassData_Commit_Event " RawClassDataProvider::commitRawClassData : stored CommitSize data (Class=%.*s CommitSize=%u Bytes)" j9shr.1986 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_NothingToCommit_Event " RawClassDataProvider::commitRawClassData : No changes to commit (Class=%.*s CommitSize=%u Bytes)" j9shr.1987 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_commitRawClassData_Exit " RawClassDataProvider::getNext : enter (size=%zu)" j9shr.1989 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_getNext_Exit " RawClassDataProvider::commit : enter (size=%u)" j9shr.1991 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_commit_Exit " RawClassDataProvider::getRawClassDataSize : enter" j9shr.1993 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_getRawClassDataSize_Exit " RawClassDataProvider::getFreeBytes : enter" j9shr.1995 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_getFreeBytes_Exit " RawClassDataProvider::getAllocatedBytes : enter" j9shr.1997 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_getAllocatedBytes_Exit " RawClassDataProvider::HeaderInit : enter (ca=%p, size=%u)" j9shr.2001 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_HeaderInit_Exit " RawClassDataProvider::protectMemory() : Enter (permSetter=%p protectLow=%p protectHigh=%p)" j9shr.2005 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_protectMemory_MprotectDisabled_Event " RawClassDataProvider::protectMemory() : Memory protection is disabled in the runtime flags" j9shr.2006 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_protectMemory_ProtectedData_Event " RawClassDataProvider::protectMemory() : Protected data (protectLow=%p, protectHigh=%p, Size=%zu)" j9shr.2007 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_protectMemory_CouldNotProtectedData_Event " RawClassDataProvider::protectMemory() : Could not protect data (protectLow=%p, protectHigh=%p, Size=%zu)" j9shr.2008 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_protectMemory_Exit " RawClassDataProvider::processUpdates() : Enter (permSetter=%p)" j9shr.2010 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_processUpdates_FoundNewData " RawClassDataProvider::processUpdates() : New data found (permSetter=%p, numNewBytes=%zu)" j9shr.2011 2 1 4 N Trc_SHR_RomClassData_processUpdates_Exit " >RawClassDataProvider::processUpdates() : Exit (permSetter=%p, result=%s)" j9shr.2012 2 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_allocateROMClass_Entry2 " >CM allocateROMClass : enter (Class=%.*s romClassSizeFullSize=%u romClassMinimalSize=%u lineNumberTableSize=%u localVariableTableSize=%u rawClassDataSize=%u)" j9shr.2013 1 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_allocateROMClass_FailedToAllocRawClassData_Event "* CM allocateROMClass : Failed to allocate raw class data (Class=%.*s rawClassDataSize=%u rawClassData=%p)" j9shr.2014 0 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_allocateROMClass_AllocatedRawClassData_Event " CM allocateROMClass : Allocate class debug attribute data (Class=%.*s rawClassDataSize=%u rawClassData=%p)" j9shr.2015 1 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_allocateROMClass_FailedToRomClassrollbackRawClassData_Event "* CM allocateROMClass : Failed to allocate ROMClass, rolling back raw class data (Class=%.*s rawClassDataSize=%u rawClassData=%p)" j9shr.2016 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_allocateROMClass_Exit2 " API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : enter (classname=%.*s romClassSizeFullSize=%u romClassMinimalSize=%u lineNumberTableSize=%u localVariableTableSize=%u rawClassDataSize=%u" j9shr.2018 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_startup_Event_RawClassDataInit " CC startup: calling _rawClassData->Init()." j9shr.2019 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_Startup_Cache_DisableBCI_NotSupported "* This cache supports BCI but \"disableBCI\" suboption is specified" j9shr.2020 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_ADMI_getNumOfType_Error "* ADMI getNumOfType: Type of attached data is invalid: %zu" j9shr.2021 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_ADMI_getDataBytesForType_Error "* ADMI getDataBytesForType: Type of attached data is invalid: %zu" j9shr.2022 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_getNumOfType_Error "* BDMI getNumOfType: Type of byte data is invalid: %zu" j9shr.2023 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_BDMI_getDataBytesForType_Error "* BDMI getDataBytesForType: Type of byte data is invalid: %zu" j9shr.2024 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_getJavacoreData_InvalidAttachedDataType "* CM getJavacoreData: Type of attached data is invalid: %zu" j9shr.2025 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_attachedTypeString_Error "* CM attachedTypeString: Type of attached data is invalid: %zu" j9shr.2026 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_notifyPagesRead_setRegionPermissions_Failed "* CC notifyPagesRead: setRegionPermissions failed with error = %d" j9shr.2027 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_startup_setRegionPermissions_Failed "* CC startup: setRegionPermissions failed with error = %d" j9shr.2028 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_markStale_setRegionPermissions_Failed "* CC markStale: setRegionPermissions failed with error = %d" j9shr.2029 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_unprotectHeaderReadWriteArea_setRegionPermissions_Failed "* CC unprotectHeaderReadWriteArea: setRegionPermissions failed with error = %d" j9shr.2030 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_protectHeaderReadWriteArea_setRegionPermissions_Failed "* CC protectHeaderReadWriteArea: setRegionPermissions failed with error = %d" j9shr.2031 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_unprotectMetadataArea_setRegionPermissions_Failed "* CC unprotectMetadataArea: setRegionPermissions failed with error = %d" j9shr.2032 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_protectMetadataArea_setRegionPermissions_Failed "* CC protectMetadataArea: setRegionPermissions failed with error = %d" j9shr.2033 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_cleanup_releaseHeaderWriteLock_Failed "* SH_OSCachemmap cleanup: releaseHeaderWriteLock failed with error = %d" j9shr.2034 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_cleanup_acquireHeaderWriteLock_Failed "* SH_OSCachemmap cleanup: acquireHeaderWriteLock failed with error = %d" j9shr.2035 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_detach_releaseHeaderWriteLock_Failed "* SH_OSCachemmap detach: releaseHeaderWriteLock failed with error = %d" j9shr.2036 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_detach_acquireHeaderWriteLock_Failed "* SH_OSCachemmap detach: acquireHeaderWriteLock failed with error = %d" j9shr.2037 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_OSC_enterMutex_Exit2_V2 " CC protectLastUnusedPages: Entry" j9shr.2043 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_protectLastUnusedPages_Protect " CC protectLastUnusedPages: Protecting pages between segmentPtr=%p and updatePtr=%p" j9shr.2044 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_protectLastUnusedPages_Exit " CC fillCacheIfNearlyFull: Enter with free bytes=%d, threshold=%d bytes" j9shr.2053 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_fillCacheIfNearlyFull_CacheFullDummyDataAdded " CC fillCacheIfNearlyFull: Cache is filled with dummy data. Dummy data added at result=%p, _scan=%p, metadataBytes=%d" j9shr.2054 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_fillCacheIfNearlyFull_CacheFullDummyDataNotAdded " CC fillCacheIfNearlyFull: Cache is already full. No space to add dummy data" j9shr.2055 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_fillCacheIfNearlyFull_Exit " flags, data->flags=0x%zx" j9shr.2057 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_findROMClassResource_FailedMutex "* CM findROMClassResource: failed to acquire read mutex for resource 0x%p" j9shr.2058 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_Startup_Cache_StoreIntermediateClassfile_NotEnabled "* This cache was not created with \"-XX:+StoreIntermediateClassfile\" option but \"-XX:+StoreIntermediateClassfile\" option is specified" j9shr.2059 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_Startup_Cache_StoreIntermediateClassfile_Enabled "* This cache was created with \"-XX:+StoreIntermediateClassfile\" option but \"-XX:+StoreIntermediateClassfile\" option is not specified" j9shr.2060 2 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_unprotectUnusedMetadataRegion_Entry " >CC unprotectUnusedMetadataRegion: Entering with regionSize=0x%x" j9shr.2061 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_unprotectUnusedMetadataRegion_Event " CC unprotectUnusedMetadataRegion: Unprotecting pages from %p to %p" j9shr.2062 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_unprotectUnusedMetadataRegion_setRegionPermissions_Failed "* CC unprotectUnusedMetadataRegion: setRegionPermissions failed with error = %d" j9shr.2063 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_unprotectUnusedMetadataRegion_Exit " CC unprotectUnusedSegmentRegion: Entering with regionSize=0x%x" j9shr.2065 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_unprotectUnusedSegmentRegion_Event " CC unprotectUnusedSegmentRegion: Unprotecting pages from %p to %p" j9shr.2066 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_unprotectUnusedSegmentRegion_setRegionPermissions_Failed "* CC unprotectUnusedSegmentRegion: setRegionPermissions failed with error = %d" j9shr.2067 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_unprotectUnusedSegmentRegion_Exit " CC protectPageContainingAddress: Entering with addr=%p" j9shr.2069 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_protectUnusedSegmentRegion_Event " CC protectPageContainingAddress: Protecting pages from %p to %p" j9shr.2070 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_protectPageContainingAddress_setRegionPermissions_Failed "* CC protectPageContainingAddress: setRegionPermissions failed with error = %d" j9shr.2071 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_protectPageContainingAddress_Exit " CacheLifecycleManager::j9shr_destroy_all_snapshot: Entry - verboseFlags=%zu" j9shr.2099 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_j9shr_destroy_all_snapshot_noSnapshots " CacheLifecycleManager::deleteSnapshot: Entry - pathFileName=%s" j9shr.2103 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_deleteSnapshot_fileOpenFailed "* CacheLifecycleManager::deleteSnapshot: failed to open the snapshot file %s" j9shr.2104 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_deleteSnapshot_fileGetLengthFailed "* CacheLifecycleManager::deleteSnapshot: failed to get the length of snapshot file %s" j9shr.2105 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_deleteSnapshot_fileLockFailed "* CacheLifecycleManager::deleteSnapshot: failed to lock the snapshot file %s" j9shr.2106 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_deleteSnapshot_fileUnlinkFailed "* CacheLifecycleManager::deleteSnapshot: failed to delete the snapshot file %s" j9shr.2107 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_deleteSnapshot_Exit " CacheLifecycleManager::j9shr_destroy_snapshot: Entry - verboseFlags=%zu snapshotName=%s genStart= %zu genEnd=%zu" j9shr.2109 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_j9shr_destroy_snapshot_getCacheDirFailed "* CacheLifecycleManager::j9shr_destroy_snapshot: getCacheDir() failed" j9shr.2110 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_j9shr_destroy_snapshot_Exit " j9shr_createCacheSnapshot: Entered - cache name=%s" j9shr.2113 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_j9shr_createCacheSnapshot_getCacheDirFailed "* j9shr_createCacheSnapshot: getCacheDir() failed" j9shr.2114 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_j9shr_createCacheSnapshot_fileOpenFailed "* j9shr_createCacheSnapshot: failed to open the cache snapshot file %s" j9shr.2115 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_j9shr_createCacheSnapshot_fileLockFailed "* j9shr_createCacheSnapshot: failed to lock the snapshot file %s" j9shr.2116 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_j9shr_createCacheSnapshot_enterMutexFailed "* j9shr_createCacheSnapshot: failed to acquire cache mutex" j9shr.2117 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_j9shr_createCacheSnapshot_fileSetLengthFailed "* j9shr_createCacheSnapshot: failed to truncate existing snapshot file %s" j9shr.2118 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_j9shr_createCacheSnapshot_fileWriteFailed1 "* j9shr_createCacheSnapshot: failed to write into the snapshot file %s" j9shr.2119 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_j9shr_createCacheSnapshot_fileWriteFailed2 "* j9shr_createCacheSnapshot: failed to write into the snapshot file %s, expected to write %zu bytes, but %zd bytes are written" j9shr.2120 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_j9shr_createCacheSnapshot_fileSeekFailed "* j9shr_createCacheSnapshot: failed to reposition the offset of the file descriptor in the snapshot file %s" j9shr.2121 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_j9shr_createCacheSnapshot_Exit " j9shr_restoreFromSnapshot: Entered - cache name=%s" j9shr.2123 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_j9shr_restoreFromSnapshot_Exit " SH_OSCachesysv::restoreFromSnapshot: Entered" j9shr.2125 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_restoreFromSnapshot_getCacheDirFailed "* SH_OSCachesysv::restoreFromSnapshot: getCacheDir() failed" j9shr.2126 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_restoreFromSnapshot_fileNotFound "* SH_OSCachesysv::restoreFromSnapshot: failed to find the snapshot file %s" j9shr.2127 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_restoreFromSnapshot_fileOpenFailed "* SH_OSCachesysv::restoreFromSnapshot: failed to open the snapshot file %s" j9shr.2128 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_restoreFromSnapshot_fileAccessNotAllowed "* SH_OSCachesysv::restoreFromSnapshot: access to the snapshot file %s is not allowed" j9shr.2129 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_restoreFromSnapshot_fileSizeInvalid "* SH_OSCachesysv::restoreFromSnapshot: the length of the snapshot file %s is %lld which is invalid" j9shr.2130 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_restoreFromSnapshot_fileLockFailed "* SH_OSCachesysv::restoreFromSnapshot: failed to lock the snapshot file %s" j9shr.2131 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_restoreFromSnapshot_cacheExist1 "* SH_OSCachesysv::restoreFromSnapshot: cache already exists" j9shr.2132 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_restoreFromSnapshot_cacheStartupFailed1 "* SH_OSCachesysv::restoreFromSnapshot: failed to start up the new cache to be restored" j9shr.2133 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_restoreFromSnapshot_cacheExist2 "* SH_OSCachesysv::restoreFromSnapshot: cache has already been created by another JVM" j9shr.2134 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_restoreFromSnapshot_cacheAttachFailed "* SH_OSCachesysv::restoreFromSnapshot: failed to attach the new cache to be restored" j9shr.2135 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_restoreFromSnapshot_fileReadFailed1 "* SH_OSCachesysv::restoreFromSnapshot: failed to read the snapshot file %s" j9shr.2136 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_restoreFromSnapshot_fileReadFailed2 "* SH_OSCachesysv::restoreFromSnapshot: failed to read the snapshot file %s, expected to read %zd bytes, but %zd bytes are read" j9shr.2137 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_restoreFromSnapshot_headerMutexReleaseFailed "* SH_OSCachesysv::restoreFromSnapshot: failed to release the cache header mutex" j9shr.2138 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_restoreFromSnapshot_cacheStartupFailed2 "* SH_OSCachesysv::restoreFromSnapshot: the restored cache cannot be started up" j9shr.2139 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_restoreFromSnapshot_Exit " SH_OSCacheFile::findfirst: Entered - cacheDir=%s" j9shr.2141 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_File_findfirst_NoFileFound " SH_OSCacheFile::findnext: Entered" j9shr.2145 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_File_findnext_Exit " SH_OSCacheFile::findclose: Entered" j9shr.2147 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_File_findclose_Exit " INIT j9shr_aotMethodOperation: Entered - action=%zd" j9shr.2159 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_INIT_j9shr_aotMethodOperation_Exit " CM aotMethodOperation: Entered" j9shr.2161 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_aotMethodOperation_numSpecsNegative "* CM aotMethodOperation: The number of method specifications is %zd, which is invalid" j9shr.2162 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_aotMethodOperation_numSpecsTooMany "* CM aotMethodOperation: More than %zd method specifications has been passed in, which is invalid" j9shr.2163 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_aotMethodOperation_methodSpecsFormatWrong "* CM aotMethodOperation: The format of method specification passed in is wrong" j9shr.2164 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_aotMethodOperation_Exit " CM aotMethodOperationHelper: Entered" j9shr.2166 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_aotMethodOperationHelper_Exit " CM fillMethodSpecTable: Entered" j9shr.2168 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_fillMethodSpecTable_Exit " SH_CacheMap::protectPartiallyFilledPages Entered" j9shr.2187 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_protectPartiallyFilledPages_FailedToAcquireWriteMutex "* SH_CacheMap::protectPartiallyFilledPages Failed to acquire write mutex" j9shr.2188 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_protectPartiallyFilledPages_mprotectPartialPagesNotSet " SH_CacheMap::protectPartiallyFilledPages Runtimeflag for protecting partiall filled pages is not set" j9shr.2189 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_protectPartiallyFilledPages_Exit " CC changePartialPageProtection: Entering with addr=%p, readOnly=%u, phaseCheck=%u, jvmPhase=%zu" j9shr.2191 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_changePartialPageProtection_StartupNotComplete "* CC changePartialPageProtection: Returning as startup is not yet complete" j9shr.2192 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_changePartialPageProtection_AddrPageAligned " CC changePartialPageProtection: Returning as address is page aligned" j9shr.2193 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_changePartialPageProtection_Event " CC changePartialPageProtection: Marking pages from %p to %p as %s" j9shr.2194 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_changePartialPageProtection_setRegionPermissions_Failed "* CC changePartialPageProtection: setRegionPermissions failed with error=%d" j9shr.2195 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_changePartialPageProtection_NotDone "* CC changePartialPageProtection: Returning without changing page protection" j9shr.2196 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_changePartialPageProtection_Exit " CC fillCacheIfNearlyFull: Enter with free bytes=%d, usedBytes=%u, softMaxValue=%u, threshold=%d bytes" j9shr.2201 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_setRuntimeCacheFullFlags_availableSpaceFull " CC setRuntimeCacheFullFlags: Setting runtime flag for full available space" j9shr.2202 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_setSoftMaxBytes " CC setSoftMaxBytes: softmx bytes is set to %u" j9shr.2203 2 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_tryAdjustMinMaxSizes_Entry " >CC tryAdjustMinMaxSizes: Entered" j9shr.2204 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_tryAdjustMinMaxSizes_cacheOpenReadOnly "* CC tryAdjustMinMaxSizes: cache is open in readOnly mode" j9shr.2205 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_tryAdjustMinMaxSizes_enterWriteMutexFailed "* CC tryAdjustMinMaxSizes: Failed to acquire the write mutex" j9shr.2206 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_tryAdjustMinMaxSizes_softMaxSizeTooBig "* CC tryAdjustMinMaxSizes: The softmx bytes %u > total cache bytes %u. It will be set equal to cache total bytes" j9shr.2207 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_tryAdjustMinMaxSizes_softMaxSizeTooSmall "* CC tryAdjustMinMaxSizes: The softmx bytes %u < used bytes %u. It will be set equal to the used bytes" j9shr.2208 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_tryAdjustMinMaxSizes_minAOTGreaterThanMaxAOT "* CC tryAdjustMinMaxSizes: minAOT bytes %d is greater than maxAOT %d" j9shr.2209 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_tryAdjustMinMaxSizes_maxAOTSmallerThanUsedAOT "* CC tryAdjustMinMaxSizes: maxAOT bytes %d is smaller than AOT bytes (%u) that is already stored in the cache. It will be set equal to the number of AOT bytes already in the cache" j9shr.2210 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_tryAdjustMinMaxSizes_minJITGreaterThanMaxJIT "* CC tryAdjustMinMaxSizes: minJIT bytes %d is greater than maxJIT %d" j9shr.2211 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_tryAdjustMinMaxSizes_maxJITSmallerThanUsedJIT "* CC tryAdjustMinMaxSizes: maxJIT bytes %d is smaller than JIT data bytes (%u) that is already stored in the cache. It will be set equal to the number of JIT data bytes already in the cache" j9shr.2212 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_tryAdjustMinMaxSizes_totalUsedBytesGreaterThanMaxLimit "* CC tryAdjustMinMaxSizes: used bytes is greater than its maximum limit. usedAOTBytesBefore: %d, usedAOTBytesAfter: %d, usedJITBytesBefore: %d, usedJITBytesAfter: %d, usedBytesBefore: %d, maxUsedBytes(softmx or total cache bytes - freeBytes in debug area - bytes for dummy data): %u" j9shr.2213 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_tryAdjustMinMaxSizes_maxAOTGreaterThanMaxLimit "* CC tryAdjustMinMaxSizes: the maxAOT bytes %d is greater than maxLimit(softmx or total cache bytes) %u. It will be set equal to its maximum limit" j9shr.2214 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_tryAdjustMinMaxSizes_maxJITGreaterThanMaxLimit "* CC tryAdjustMinMaxSizes: the maxJIT bytes %d is greater than maxlimit(softmx or total cache bytes) %u. It will be set equal to its maximum limit" j9shr.2215 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_tryAdjustMinMaxSizes_maxAOTIncreased " CC tryAdjustMinMaxSizes: the maxAOT bytes will be increased" j9shr.2216 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_tryAdjustMinMaxSizes_maxJITIncreased " CC tryAdjustMinMaxSizes: the maxJIT bytes will be increased" j9shr.2217 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_tryAdjustMinMaxSizes_softmxIncreased " CC tryAdjustMinMaxSizes: the softmx bytes will be increased" j9shr.2218 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_tryAdjustMinMaxSizes_minAOTminJITDecreased " CC tryAdjustMinMaxSizes: minAOT bytes/minJIT bytes decreased" j9shr.2219 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_tryAdjustMinMaxSizes_minAOTminJITIncreased " CC tryAdjustMinMaxSizes: minAOT bytes/minJIT bytes increased" j9shr.2220 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_tryAdjustMinMaxSizes_minAOTValueSet " CC tryAdjustMinMaxSizes: minAOT bytes set to %d" j9shr.2221 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_tryAdjustMinMaxSizes_maxAOTValueSet " CC tryAdjustMinMaxSizes: maxAOT bytes set to %d" j9shr.2222 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_tryAdjustMinMaxSizes_minJITValueSet " CC tryAdjustMinMaxSizes: minJIT bytes set to %d" j9shr.2223 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_tryAdjustMinMaxSizes_maxJITValueSet " CC tryAdjustMinMaxSizes: maxJIT bytes set to %d" j9shr.2224 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_tryAdjustMinMaxSizes_Exit " CC updateRuntimeFullFlags: entered" j9shr.2226 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_updateRuntimeFullFlags_flagUnset " CC updateRuntimeFullFlags: unset runtime flag %llu" j9shr.2227 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_updateRuntimeFullFlags_flagSet " CC updateRuntimeFullFlags: set runtime flag %llu" j9shr.2228 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_updateRuntimeFullFlags_Exit " CC updateRuntimeFullFlags: entered with flags %zu" j9shr.2230 4 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_unsetCacheHeaderFullFlags_Exit " ClassDebugDataProvider::setPermission() : Enter (permSetter=%p lntProtectLow=%p lntProtectHigh=%p lvtProtectLow=%p lvtProtectHigh=%p readOnly=%d)" j9shr.2236 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_setPermission_MprotectDisabled_Event " ClassDebugDataProvider::setPermission() : Memory protection is disabled in the runtime flags" j9shr.2237 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_setPermission_CouldNotSetAllDebugData_Event " ClassDebugDataProvider::setPermission() : Could not set the memory permission of the remaining debug data (From=%p, To=%p Size=%u, pageProtectFlag=%zu)" j9shr.2238 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_setPermission_SetAllDebugData_Event " ClassDebugDataProvider::setPermission() : Set the memory permission of the remaining debug data (From=%p, To=%p Size=%u, pageProtectFlag=%zu)" j9shr.2239 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_setPermission_CouldNotSetLineNumberTableData_Event " ClassDebugDataProvider::setPermission() : Could not set the memory permission of LineNumberTableData data (lntProtectLow=%p, lntProtectHigh=%p, Size=%u, pageProtectFlag=%zu)" j9shr.2240 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_setPermission_SetLineNumberTableData_Event " ClassDebugDataProvider::setPermission() : Set the memory permission of LineNumberTableData data (lntProtectLow=%p, lntProtectHigh=%p, Size=%u, pageProtectFlag=%zu)" j9shr.2241 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_setPermission_CouldNotSetLocalVariableTableData_Event " ClassDebugDataProvider::setPermission() : Could not set the memory permission of LocalVariableTable data (lvtProtectLow=%p, lvtProtectHigh=%p, Size=%u, pageProtectFlag=%zu)" j9shr.2242 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_setPermission_SetLocalVariableTableData_Event " ClassDebugDataProvider::setPermission() : Set the memory permission of LocalVariableTable data (lvtProtectLow=%p, lvtProtectHigh=%p, Size=%u, pageProtectFlag=%zu)" j9shr.2243 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_ClassDebugData_setPermission_Exit " CC::increaseUnstoredBytes() : Enter (blockBytes=%u aotBytes=%u jitBytes=%u)" j9shr.2248 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_increaseUnstoredBytes_softmxUnstoredBytesIncreased " CC::increaseUnstoredBytes() : _softmxUnstoredBytes is increased by %u bytes to %u bytes" j9shr.2249 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_increaseUnstoredBytes_maxAOTUnstoredBytesIncreased " CC::increaseUnstoredBytes() : _maxAOTUnstoredBytes is increased by %u bytes to %u bytes" j9shr.2250 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_increaseUnstoredBytes_maxJITUnstoredBytesIncreased " CC::increaseUnstoredBytes() : _maxJITUnstoredBytes is increased by %u bytes to %u bytes" j9shr.2251 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CC_increaseUnstoredBytes_Exit " CM::increaseTransactionUnstoredBytes() : Enter (segmentAndDebugBytes=%u classnameData=%.*s)" j9shr.2253 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_increaseTransactionUnstoredBytes_Exit " CM::increaseUnstoredBytes() : Enter (blockBytes=%u aotBytes=%u jitBytes=%u)" j9shr.2255 4 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_increaseUnstoredBytes_Exit " CM allocateROMClass : enter (Class=%.*s romClassSizeFullSize=%u romClassMinimalSize=%u lineNumberTableSize=%u localVariableTableSize=%u)" j9shr.2259 2 1 2 N Trc_SHR_API_j9shr_createSharedClass_Entry3 " >API j9shr_classStoreTransaction_createSharedClass : enter (classname=%.*s romClassSizeFullSize=%u romClassMinimalSize=%u lineNumberTableSize=%u localVariableTableSize=%u" j9shr.2260 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CM_allocateROMClass_Exit3 " address %p, foundDatalen %zu)." j9shr.2286 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_updateLocalHintsData_OverwriteHeapSizes " CM updateLocalHintsData: Existing hints (heapSize1=%zu, heapSize2=%zu) in the shared cache will be overwritten to (heapSize1=%zu, heapSize2=%zu)." j9shr.2287 0 1 4 N Trc_SHR_CM_updateLocalHintsData_WriteHeapSizes " CM updateLocalHintsData: Will write hints (heapSize1=%zu, heapSize2=%zu) to shared cache." j9shr.2288 2 1 3 N Trc_SHR_INIT_updateClasspathOpenState_entry " >INIT Entering j9shr_updateClasspathOpenState" j9shr.2289 4 1 3 N Trc_SHR_INIT_updateClasspathOpenState_exit " CacheLifecycleManager::j9shr_destroy_cache: Entry - verboseFlags=%zu cacheName=%s genStart=%zu genEnd=%zu layerStart=%d layerEnd=%d" j9shr.2291 2 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CLM_j9shr_destroy_snapshot_Entry_V1 " >CacheLifecycleManager::j9shr_destroy_snapshot: Entry - verboseFlags=%zu snapshotName=%s genStart= %zu genEnd=%zu layerStart=%d layerEnd=%d" j9shr.2292 2 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_getCacheVersionAndGen_Entry_V1 " >OSCache::getCacheVersionAndGen: Entry - cacheName=%s generation=%zu layer=%d" j9shr.2293 2 1 3 N Trc_SHR_CC_initializeWithCommonInfo_Entry2 " >CC initializeWithCommonInfo: memForConstructor=%p, ctrlDirName=%s, cacheName=%s, newPersistentCacheReqd=%d, layer=%d" j9shr.2294 2 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_initialize_Entry2 " >CC initialize: memForConstructor=%p, sharedClassConfig=%p, cacheName=%s, newPersistentCacheReqd=%d, layer=%d, unitTest=%zd" j9shr.2295 2 1 1 N Trc_SHR_OSC_newInstance_Entry_V1 " >SH_OSCache::newInstance: Entered, memForConstructor=%p, cacheName=%s, newPersistentCacheReqd=%d layer=%d" j9shr.2296 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_getPrereqCache_InvalidType "* CM::getPrereqCache(): Invalid data type found in the shared cache at %p. The shared cache is corrupted" j9shr.2297 0 1 6 N Trc_SHR_CM_getPrereqCache_Found " CM::getPrereqCache(): Found prerequisite cache with unique ID %.*s" j9shr.2298 0 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_getPrereqCache_NotFound " CM::getPrereqCache(): This shared cache does not have a prerequisite cache" j9shr.2299 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_getPrereqCache_Failed_To_Start_Manager "* CM::getPrereqCache(): Failed to startup the corresponding manager" j9shr.2300 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_getPrereqCache_Failed_To_Add_ID "* CM::getPrereqCache(): Failed to add unique ID of prerequisite cache" j9shr.2301 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_getPrereqCache_Failed_To_Get_Manager "* CM::getPrereqCache(): Failed to get the corresponding manger" j9shr.2302 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_getPrereqCache_Failed_To_Store_Prereq_UniqueID "* CM::getPrereqCache(): Failed to store the prerequisite cache unique ID %.*s" j9shr.2303 1 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CC_verifyCacheUniqueID_Failed "* CC verify Cache Unique ID Failed. The Expected ID is %s, the current ID is %s" j9shr.2304 5 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_startup_Exit8 "*address %p, foundDatalen %zu) is not in top layer cache." j9shr.2312 0 1 6 N Trc_SHR_RRM_storeNew_existingEntryRemoved " RRM storeNew: removed existing item 0x%p from the hashTable" j9shr.2313 5 1 1 N Trc_SHR_CM_updateROMClassResource_Exit8 "*SH_OSCachesysv::getNonTopLayerCacheInfo: Entering ctrlDirName is %s, groupPerm is %zu, cacheNameWithVGen is %s, reason is %zu" j9shr.2316 4 1 9 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Sysv_getNonTopLayerCacheInfo_Exit " name is %s, cacheInfo->os_shmid is %zu, cacheInfo->lastattach is %lld, cacheInfo->lastdetach is %lld, cacheInfo->nattach is %zd" j9shr.2318 2 1 9 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_getNonTopLayerCacheInfo_Entry " >SH_OSCachemmap::getNonTopLayerCacheInfo: Entering ctrlDirName is %s, groupPerm is %zu, cacheNameWithVGen is %s, reason is %zu" j9shr.2319 4 1 9 N Trc_SHR_OSC_Mmap_getNonTopLayerCacheInfo_Exit " name is %s, cacheInfo->lastattach is %lld, cacheInfo->lastdetach is %lld, cacheInfo->createtime %lld" j9shr.2320 2 1 9 N Trc_SHR_CC_startupNonTopLayerForStats_Entry " >CC::startupNonTopLayerForStats: Entering ctrlDirName is %s, cacheName is %s, cacheType %u, layer is %d, runtimeFlags is %llu, verboseFlags is %zu" j9shr.2321 4 1 9 N Trc_SHR_CC_startupNonTopLayerForStats_Exit " simplepool_new(poolAddress=%p, memorySize=%u, elementSize=%u, flags=%u)" simplepool.3 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_new_NullParameters "* one or more required parameters are NULL or 0, poolAddress=%p, memorySize=%u, elementSize=%u" simplepool.4 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_new_elementSizeUnaligned "* elementSize is not a multiple of 4, elementSize=%u" simplepool.5 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_new_elementSizeTooSmall "* elementSize=%u is less than SIMPLEPOOL_MIN_ELEMENT_SIZE=%u" simplepool.6 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_new_memorySizeTooSmall "* memorySize=%u is less than the minimum required to fit a single element pool, elementSize=%u" simplepool.7 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_new_memorySizeTooLarge "* memorySize=%u is greater than the maximum supported size SIMPLEPOOL_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE=%u" simplepool.8 4 1 3 N Trc_simplepool_new_Exit " simplepool_newElement(simplePool=%p)" simplepool.10 0 1 3 N Trc_simplepool_newElement_simplePoolFull " simple pool is full simplePool=%p" simplepool.11 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_newElement_freeListInvalidBackPointer "* simple pool free list back pointer is invalid, simplePool=%p, simplePool->freeList=%p, freeList->simplePool=%p" simplepool.12 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_newElement_freeListoutOfRange "* free list next element out of range, simplePool=%p, nextFree=%p, firstPossibleElementSlot=%p, firstFreeSlot=%p" simplepool.13 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_newElement_freeListUnaligned "* simple pool free list next element is unaligned, simplePool=%p, nextFree=%p, simplePool->elementSize=%u" simplepool.14 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_newElement_NullSimplePool "* simplepool_newElement simplePool is NULL" simplepool.15 4 1 3 N Trc_simplepool_newElement_Exit " simplepool_removeElement(simplePool=%p, element=%p)" simplepool.17 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_removeElement_NullParameter "* simplepool_removeElement simplepool parameter is NULL" simplepool.18 4 1 3 N Trc_simplepool_removeElement_Exit " simplepool_numElements(simplePool=%p)" simplepool.20 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_numElements_NullSimplePool "* simplePool is NULL" simplepool.21 4 1 3 N Trc_simplepool_numElements_Exit " simplepool_verify(simplePool=%p, memorySize=%u, elementSize=%u)" simplepool.23 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_verify_NullSimplePool "* simplePool is NULL" simplepool.24 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_verify_incorrectElementSize "* simplePool=%p, simplePool->elementSize %u does not match passed in elementSize %u" simplepool.25 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_verify_incorrectMemorySize "* memorySize check failed, simplePool=%p, elementSpaceSize=%u, lostSpace=%u, memorySize=%u" simplepool.26 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_verify_firstFreeSlotOutOfRange "* firstFreeSlot is out of range, simplePool=%p, firstFreeSlot=%p, firstPossibleElementSlot=%p, blockEnd=%p" simplepool.27 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_verify_firstFreeSlotUnaligned "* firstFreeSlot is out of range, simplePool=%p, firstFreeSlot=%p, firstPossibleElementSlot=%p, elementSize=%u" simplepool.28 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_verify_invalidFlags "* simplePool has invalid flags, simplePool=%p, simplePool->flags=0x%X, possible valid flags=0x%X" simplepool.29 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_verify_freeListInvalidBackPointer "* simple pool free list back pointer is invalid, simplePool=%p, simplePool->freeList=%p, freeList->simplePool=%p" simplepool.30 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_verify_freeListoutOfRange "* free list pointer out of range, simplePool=%p, freeList=%p, firstPossibleElementSlot=%p, firstFreeSlot=%p" simplepool.31 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_verify_freeListUnaligned "* simple pool free list pointer is unaligned, simplePool=%p, freeList=%p, simplePool->elementSize=%u" simplepool.32 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_verify_numberOfElementsIncorrect "* number of elements is incorrect, simplePool=%p, simplepool->numElements=%u, expected value=%u" simplepool.33 4 1 3 N Trc_simplepool_verify_Exit " simplepool_do(simplePool=%p, aFunction=%p, userData=%p)" simplepool.35 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_do_NullParameters "* simplepool_do one or more parameters is NULL" simplepool.36 4 1 3 N Trc_simplepool_do_Exit " simplepool_clear(simplePool=%p)" simplepool.38 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_clear_NullParameters "* simplepool_clear one or more parameters is NULL" simplepool.39 4 1 3 N Trc_simplepool_clear_Exit " simplepool_checkConsistency(simplePool=%p, aFunction=%p, userData=%p, skipCount=%u)" simplepool.41 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_checkConsistency_NullParameters "* simplepool_checkConsistency one or more required parameters is NULL" simplepool.42 4 1 3 N Trc_simplepool_checkConsistency_Exit " next is out of range, simplePool=%p, freeListElement=%p, next=%p, firstPossibleElementSlot=%p, firstFreeSlot=%p" simplepool.44 1 1 1 N Trc_iterateOverSimplePoolElements_freeListElementNextUnaligned "* iterateOverSimplePoolElements freeListElement->next is unaligned, simplePool=%p, freeListElement=%p, next=%p, simplePool->elementSize=%u" simplepool.45 1 1 1 N Trc_iterateOverSimplePoolElements_freeListElementInvalidBackPointer "* iterateOverSimplePoolElements freeListElement->simplePool pointer invalid, simplePool=%p, freeListElement=%p, simplePoolPtr=%p" simplepool.46 1 1 1 N Trc_iterateOverSimplePoolElements_unableToAllocateAllocMap "* iterateOverSimplePoolElements allocating allocMap failed, allocMapSize = %u" simplepool.47 2 1 3 N Trc_simplepool_maxNumElements_Entry " >simplepool_maxNumElements(simplePool=%p)" simplepool.48 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_maxNumElements_NullSimplePool "* simplePool is NULL" simplepool.49 4 1 3 N Trc_simplepool_maxNumElements_Exit " simplepool_isElement(simplePool=%p, element=%p)" simplepool.51 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_isElement_elementAddressOutOfRange "* simplepool_isElement address out of range, simplePool=%p, address=%p, firstPossibleElementSlot=%p, firstFreeSlot=%p" simplepool.52 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_isElement_unaligned "* simplepool_isElement the address is not correctly aligned, simplePool=%p, simplePool->elementSize=%u, address=%p" simplepool.53 1 1 1 N Trc_simplepool_isElement_NullParameter "* simplepool_isElement simplepool parameter is NULL" simplepool.54 4 1 3 N Trc_simplepool_isElement_Exit " GetStringPlatform(%p,%p,%d,%s)" sunvmi.2 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_GetStringPlatform_Exit " GetStringPlatformLength(%p,%p,%s)" sunvmi.4 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_GetStringPlatformLength_Exit " jio_fprintf()" sunvmi.6 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_fprintf_Exit " jio_snprintf()" sunvmi.8 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_snprintf_Exit " jio_vfprintf(%p,%s,...)" sunvmi.10 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_vfprintf_Exit " jio_vsnprintf(%p,%d,%s,...)" sunvmi.12 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_vsnprintf_Exit " JNI_a2e_vsprintf(%p,%s,...)" sunvmi.14 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_a2e_vsprintf_Exit " JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs(%p,%zu,%p)" sunvmi.16 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_GetCreatedJavaVMs_Exit " JVM_Accept(descriptor=%d, address=%p, length=%p)" sunvmi.18 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_Accept_Exit " JVM_ActiveProcessorCount()" sunvmi.20 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_ActiveProcessorCount_Exit " JVM_AllocateNewArray(caller=%p, current=%p, length=%d)" sunvmi.22 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_AllocateNewArray_Exit " JVM_AllocateNewObject(caller=%p, current=%p, init=%p)" sunvmi.24 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_AllocateNewObject_Exit " JVM_Available(descriptor=%d, &bytes=%p)" sunvmi.26 5 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_Available_bad_descriptor "*JVM_ClassDepth(name=%p)" sunvmi.32 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_ClassDepth_Exit " JVM_ClassLoaderDepth()" sunvmi.34 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_ClassLoaderDepth_Exit " JVM_Close(descriptor=%d)" sunvmi.36 5 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_Close_bad_descriptor "*JVM_Connect(descriptor=%d, address=%p, length=%d)" sunvmi.40 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_Connect_Exit " JVM_CurrentClassLoader()" sunvmi.56 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_CurrentClassLoader_Exit " JVM_CurrentLoadedClass()" sunvmi.58 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_CurrentLoadedClass_Exit " JVM_CurrentTimeMillis(unused=%d)" sunvmi.60 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_CurrentTimeMillis_Exit " JVM_CX8Field(obj=%p, field=%p, oldval=%llx, newval=%llx)" sunvmi.62 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_CX8Field_Exit " JVM_FindLibraryEntry(handle=%p, name=%s)" sunvmi.66 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_FindLibraryEntry_Exit " JVM_FindSignal(sigName=%s)" sunvmi.68 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_FindSignal_Exit " JVM_FreeMemory()" sunvmi.70 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_FreeMemory_Exit " JVM_GC()" sunvmi.72 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_GC_Exit " JVM_GetCallerClass(depth=%d)" sunvmi.76 4 1 3 N Trc_SunVMI_GetCallerClass_Exit " JVM_GetClassAccessFlags(clazz=%p)" sunvmi.78 4 1 3 N Trc_SunVMI_GetClassAccessFlags_Exit " JVM_GetClassContext()" sunvmi.82 4 1 2 N Trc_SunVMI_GetClassContext_Exit " JVM_GetClassLoader(obj=%p)" sunvmi.84 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_GetClassLoader_Exit " JVM_GetClassName(clazz=%p)" sunvmi.86 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_GetClassName_Exit " JVM_GetInterfaceVersion()" sunvmi.90 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_GetInterfaceVersion_Exit " JVM_GetLastErrorString(buffer=%p, length=%d)" sunvmi.92 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_GetLastErrorString_Exit " JVM_GetSystemPackage(name=%p)" sunvmi.95 0 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_GetSystemPackage_SearchingForPackage " Searching for package %s (len=%d)" sunvmi.96 0 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_GetSystemPackage_FoundRepresentativeClass " Using representative class %p (%.*s)" sunvmi.97 0 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_GetSystemPackage_CPEntry " CPEntry is %p (%.*s)" sunvmi.98 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_GetSystemPackage_Exit " JVM_GetSystemPackages()" sunvmi.100 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_GetSystemPackages_Exit " JVM_GetThreadInterruptEvent()" sunvmi.102 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_GetThreadInterruptEvent_Exit " JVM_Halt(exitCode=%d)" sunvmi.104 5 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_Halt_Exit "*JVM_InvokeMethod(method=%p, object=%p, args=%p)" sunvmi.107 4 1 3 N Trc_SunVMI_InvokeMethod_Exit " JVM_LatestUserDefinedLoader()" sunvmi.110 4 1 3 N Trc_SunVMI_LatestUserDefinedLoader_Exit " JVM_Listen(descriptor=%d, count=%d)" sunvmi.112 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_Listen_Exit " JVM_LoadLibrary(name=%s)" sunvmi.114 5 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_LoadLibrary_Error "*JVM_Lseek(descriptor=%d, bytesToSeek=%lld, origin=%d)" sunvmi.117 5 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_Lseek_bad_descriptor "*JVM_MaxMemory()" sunvmi.120 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_MaxMemory_Exit " JVM_MonitorNotify(obj=%p)" sunvmi.123 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_MonitorNotify_Exit " JVM_MonitorNotifyAll(obj=%p)" sunvmi.125 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_MonitorNotifyAll_Exit " JVM_MonitorWait(obj=%p, timeout=%lld)" sunvmi.127 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_MonitorWait_Exit " JVM_NativePath(path=%s)" sunvmi.130 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_NativePath_Exit " JVM_NewInstanceFromConstructor(obj=%p, args=%p)" sunvmi.132 4 1 3 N Trc_SunVMI_NewInstanceFromConstructor_Exit " JVM_OnExit(func=%p)" sunvmi.134 1 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_OnExit_OutOfMemory "* JVM_OnExit could not allocate func" sunvmi.135 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_OnExit_Exit " JVM_Open(name=%s, mode=%d, flags=%d)" sunvmi.137 5 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_Open_fstat64 "*JVM_RaiseSignal(signal=%d)" sunvmi.142 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_RaiseSignal_Exit " JVM_RawMonitorCreate()" sunvmi.144 0 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_RawMonitorCreate_Error " JVM_RawMonitorCreate -- error initializing raw monitor" sunvmi.145 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_RawMonitorCreate_Exit " JVM_RawMonitorDestroy(monitor=%p)" sunvmi.147 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_RawMonitorDestroy_Exit " JVM_RawMonitorEnter(monitor=%p)" sunvmi.149 4 1 3 N Trc_SunVMI_RawMonitorEnter_Exit " JVM_RawMonitorExit(monitor=%p)" sunvmi.151 4 1 3 N Trc_SunVMI_RawMonitorExit_Exit " JVM_Read(descriptor=%d, buffer=%p, bytesToRead=%d)" sunvmi.153 5 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_Read_bad_descriptor "*JVM_Recv(descriptor=%d, buffer=%p, length=%d, flags=%d)" sunvmi.156 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_Recv_Exit " JVM_RecvFrom(descriptor=%d, buffer=%p, length=%d, flags=%d, fromAddr=%p, fromLength=%p)" sunvmi.158 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_RecvFrom_Exit " JVM_Send(descriptor=%d, buffer=%p, length=%d, flags=%d)" sunvmi.162 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_Send_Exit " JVM_SendTo(descriptor=%d, buffer=%p, length=%d, flags=%d, toAddr=%p, toLength=%d)" sunvmi.164 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_SendTo_Exit " JVM_SetLength(fd=%d, length=%lld)" sunvmi.166 5 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_SetLength_bad_descriptor "*JVM_Sleep(threadClazz=%p, timeout=%lld)" sunvmi.169 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_Sleep_Exit " JVM_Socket(domain=%d, type=%d, protocol=%d)" sunvmi.171 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_Socket_Exit " JVM_SocketAvailable(descriptor=%d, result=%p)" sunvmi.173 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_SocketAvailable_Exit " JVM_SocketClose(descriptor=%d)" sunvmi.175 5 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_SocketClose_bad_descriptor "*JVM_Sync(descriptor=%d)" sunvmi.179 5 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_Sync_bad_descriptor "*JVM_Timeout(descriptor=%d, timeout=%d)" sunvmi.182 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_Timeout_Exit " JVM_TotalMemory()" sunvmi.184 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_TotalMemory_Exit " JVM_UcsOpen(name=%s, flags=%d, mode=%d)" sunvmi.188 1 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_UcsOpen_nullName "* JVM_UcsOpen called with NULL filename\n" sunvmi.189 5 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_UcsOpen_GetFullPathNameW "*JVM_Write(descriptor=%d, buffer=%p, bytesToWrite=%d)" sunvmi.193 5 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_Write_bad_descriptor "*NewStringPlatform(%s,%p,%s)" sunvmi.196 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_NewStringPlatform_Exit " preInterruptFileOperation(descriptor=%d)" sunvmi.198 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_SysInt_PreInterruptFileOperation_Exit " initializeSyscallInterruptMechanism(void)" sunvmi.204 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_SysInt_InitializeSyscallInterruptMechanism_Exit " JVM_GCNoCompact()" sunvmi.216 4 1 1 N Trc_SunVMI_GCNoCompact_Exit " fixVTables_forExtendedRedefine" j9hshelp.1 4 1 3 N Trc_hshelp_fixVTables_forExtendedRedefine_Exit " fixVTables_forNormalRedefine" j9hshelp.3 4 1 3 N Trc_hshelp_fixVTables_forNormalRedefine_Exit " n[%p]" j9hshelp.10 8 1 3 N Trc_hshelp_recreateRAMClasses_addMethRemap " recreateRAMClasses: add meth remap cls[0x%08x] o[0x%08x] => n[0x%08x] [%s]" j9hshelp.11 8 1 3 N Trc_hshelp_jitEventAddClass " JIT Event ClassPair old: %p new: %p -> method count: %d" j9hshelp.12 8 1 3 N Trc_hshelp_jitEventAddMethod " method old=%p new=%p equivalent=%d" j9hshelp.13 12 1 1 N Assert_hshelp_true "* ** ASSERTION FAILED ** at %s:%d: %s" j9hshelp.14 12 1 1 N Assert_hshelp_false "* ** ASSERTION FAILED ** at %s:%d: %s" j9hshelp.15 12 1 3 N Assert_hshelp_ShouldNeverHappen "* ** ASSERTION FAILED ** at %s:%d: %s" j9util.0 2 1 1 N Trc_Util_getDefineArgument_Entry " >getDefineArgument (arg=%s, key=%s)" j9util.1 4 1 1 N Trc_Util_getDefineArgument_Exit " parseWildcard(%.*s)" j9util.10 5 1 1 N Trc_Util_parseWildcard_Error "*j9cached_file_open (%s)" j9util.13 4 1 1 N Trc_Util_j9cached_file_open_Exit " j9cached_file_close (%x)" j9util.15 4 1 1 N Trc_Util_j9cached_file_close_Exit " j9cached_file_write (%x, %d)" j9util.17 4 1 1 N Trc_Util_j9cached_file_write_Exit " j9cached_file_seek (%x)" j9util.19 4 1 1 N Trc_Util_j9cached_file_seek_Exit " j9cached_file_sync (%x)" j9util.21 4 1 1 N Trc_Util_j9cached_file_sync_Exit " j9util_open_system_library name=%s, flags=%d" j9util.23 0 1 1 N Trc_Util_sl_open_system_library_Null " j9util_open_system_library descriptor is NULL" j9util.24 0 1 1 N Trc_Util_sl_open_system_library_FailedGetSystemDirectory " j9util_open_system_library failed to get system directory. Error code=%d" j9util.25 0 1 1 N Trc_Util_sl_open_system_library_FailedGetWindowsDirectory " j9util_open_system_library failed to get windows directory. Error code=%d" j9util.26 0 1 1 N Trc_Util_sl_open_system_library_FailedUnicodeConversion " j9util_open_system_library failed to convert library name to unicode." j9util.27 0 1 1 N Trc_Util_sl_open_system_library_FailedLoadLibrary " j9util_open_system_library failed to load %s. Error code=%d" j9util.28 4 1 1 N Trc_Util_sl_open_system_library_Exit " checkLibraryType Enter" j9util.30 0 1 1 N Trc_Util_checkLibraryType_FailedCreateFile " checkLibraryType Failed to open file %s. Error code=%d" j9util.31 0 1 1 N Trc_Util_checkLibraryType_FailedUnsupported " checkLibraryType Failed. Unsupported library architecture. Error code=%d" j9util.32 0 1 1 N Trc_Util_checkLibraryType_FailedSetFP " checkLibraryType Failed to set file pointer for library file %s. Error code=%d" j9util.33 0 1 1 N Trc_Util_checkLibraryType_FailedRead " checkLibraryType Failed to read library file %s. Error code=%d" j9util.34 4 1 1 N Trc_Util_checkLibraryType_Exit " validateLibrary entered (library=%p, name=%s)" j9util.43 0 1 4 N Trc_Util_validateLibrary_onLoadNotFound " validateLibrary __OnLoad not implemented in %s" j9util.44 0 1 5 N Trc_Util_validateLibrary_onLoadFound " validateLibrary __OnLoad implemented (library=%s at=%p)" j9util.45 1 1 1 N Trc_Util_validateLibrary_invalidLibraryNameLength "* validateLibrary received invalid library name (length=%d)" j9util.46 1 1 1 N Trc_Util_validateLibrary_memAllocFailed "* validateLibrary memory allocation failed" j9util.47 0 1 5 N Trc_Util_validateLibrary_onLoadSignature " validateLibrary signature (switch-string: %s, clear-string: %s)" j9util.48 0 1 3 N Trc_Util_validateLibrary_libraryStatus " validateLibrary shared library %s flagged as %s" j9util.49 4 1 5 N Trc_Util_validateLibrary_Exit " pushEventFrame (wantVMAccess=%zu, jniRefSlots=%zu)" j9vmutil.1 4 1 3 N Trc_VMUtil_pushEventFrame_Exit " popEventFrame (hadVMAccess=%zu)" j9vmutil.3 4 1 3 N Trc_VMUtil_popEventFrame_Exit " getObjectMonitorOwner (jvm=%p, object=%p, pcount=%p)" j9vmutil.5 4 1 1 N Trc_VMUtil_getObjectMonitorOwner_Exit " getOriginalROMMethod (method=%p)" j9vmutil.7 4 1 3 N Trc_VMUtil_getOriginalROMMethod_Exit " getVMThreadStatus(thread=%p, pmonitor=%p, powner=%p, pcount=%p)" j9vmutil.9 4 1 1 N Trc_VMUtil_getVMThreadStatus_Exit " getVMThreadName(mustFree=%p)" j9vmutil.11 5 1 1 N Trc_VMUtil_getVMThreadName_AccessError "*Fetching @ImportPacked from %.*s" j9vmutil.20 4 1 1 N Trc_VMUtil_getImportPackedAnnotationFromROM_Exit " getOriginalROMMethodUnchecked (method=%p)" j9vmutil.22 4 1 3 N Trc_VMUtil_getOriginalROMMethodUnchecked_Exit " free module %s" module.1 4 1 5 N Trc_MODULE_freeJ9Module_exit " < free j9module(%p)" module.2 0 1 4 N Trc_MODULE_creation_package " add package %s for module %s" module.3 0 1 5 N Trc_MODULE_definition " JVM_DefineModule() define module %s" module.4 0 1 5 N Trc_MODULE_set_bootloader_unnamed_module " JVM_SetBootLoaderUnnamedModule() set unnamed module for boot loader" module.5 0 1 5 N Trc_MODULE_add_module_exports " export package %s in module %s to module %s" module.6 0 1 5 N Trc_MODULE_add_module_exports_to_all " export package %s in module %s to all modules" module.7 0 1 5 N Trc_MODULE_add_module_exports_to_all_unnamed " export package %s in module %s to all unnamed modules" module.8 0 1 5 N Trc_MODULE_add_reads_module " JVM_AddReadsModule() add read from module %s to module %s" module.9 0 1 5 N Trc_MODULE_add_module_package " JVM_AddModulePackage() add package %s to module %s" module.10 0 1 5 N Trc_MODULE_setting_package " internally set package/class: %.*s, loader: %s, module: %s" module.11 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_checkVisibility_failed_with_errortype "* checkVisibility from %p (%.*s) to %p (%.*s) failed, error type: %s" module.12 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_checkVisibility_failed_with_errortype_romclass "* checkVisibility from romClass=%p (%.*s) j9mod=%p to romClass=%p (%.*s) j9mod=%p failed, packagedef'n errcode=%zu, error type: %s" module.13 2 1 5 N Trc_MODULE_freeJ9ModuleV2_entry " >free module %s (0x%p)" module.14 0 1 4 N Trc_MODULE_createPackage " add package %s for module %s (0x%p)" module.15 0 1 5 N Trc_MODULE_defineModule " JVM_DefineModule() defines module %s (0x%p)" module.16 0 1 5 N Trc_MODULE_setBootloaderUnnamedModule " JVM_SetBootLoaderUnnamedModule() sets unnamed module (0x%p) for boot loader" module.17 0 1 5 N Trc_MODULE_addModuleExports " export package %s in module %s (0x%p) to module %s (0x%p)" module.18 0 1 5 N Trc_MODULE_addModuleExportsToAll " export package %s in module %s (0x%p) to all modules" module.19 0 1 5 N Trc_MODULE_addModuleExportsToAllUnnamed " export package %s in module %s (0x%p) to all unnamed modules" module.20 0 1 5 N Trc_MODULE_addReadsModule " JVM_AddReadsModule() adds read from module %s (0x%p) to module %s (0x%p)" module.21 0 1 5 N Trc_MODULE_addModulePackage " JVM_AddModulePackage() adds package %s to module %s (0x%p)" module.22 0 1 5 N Trc_MODULE_setPackage " internally set package/class: %.*s, loader: %s (0x%p), module: %s (0x%p)" module.23 0 1 5 N Trc_MODULE_invokeHashTableAtPut " %s invokes hashTableAtPut() : 0x%p->table (0x%p), value (0x%p, 0x%p) collisionIsFailure (%s)" module.24 0 1 5 N Trc_MODULE_hashTableAtPut " hashTableAtPut() : table (0x%p), value (0x%p) node (0x%p) collisionIsFailure(false)" srphashtable.0 12 1 1 N Assert_srphashtable_true "* ** ASSERTION FAILED ** at %s:%d: %s" srphashtable.1 12 1 3 N Assert_srphashtable_ShouldNeverHappen "* ** ASSERTION FAILED ** at %s:%d: %s" srphashtable.2 2 1 3 N Trc_srpHashTableVerify_Entry " >srpHashTableVerify(srphashtable=%p, memorySize=%u, entrySize=%u)" srphashtable.3 1 1 1 N Trc_srpHashTableVerify_entrySizeIncorrect "* entrySize is not correct, srphashtable=%p, entrySize=%u, expected entrySize=%u" srphashtable.4 1 1 1 N Trc_srpHashTableVerify_nodeSizeIncorrect "* nodeSize is not correct, srphashtable=%p, nodeSize=%u, expected nodeSize=%u" srphashtable.5 1 1 1 N Trc_srpHashTableVerify_numberOfNodesIncorrect "* numberOfNodes is not correct, srphashtable=%p, simplepool_numberOfElements=%u, srpHashTable_numberOfNodes=%u" srphashtable.6 1 1 1 N Trc_srpHashTableVerify_tableSizeIncorrect "* tableSize is not correct, srphashtable=%p, tableSize=%u, expected tableSize=%u" srphashtable.7 1 1 1 N Trc_srpHashTableVerify_flagsIncorrect "* value of flags is not correct, srphashtable=%p, flags=%u, expected value of flags=%u" srphashtable.8 1 1 1 N Trc_srpHashTableVerify_nodesAddressIncorrect "* SRP for nodes is pointing to the wrong address, srphashtable=%p, SRP is pointing to %p, nodes are located at %d" srphashtable.9 1 1 1 N Trc_srpHashTableVerify_simplePoolAddressIncorrect "* SRP for simplepool is pointing to the wrong address, srphashtable=%p, SRP is pointing to %p, simplepool is located at %d" srphashtable.10 1 1 1 N Trc_srpHashTableVerify_SRPPointsToNonSimplepoolElement "* SRP (address=%p, value=%u) points to %p which is not a simplepool element ( srphashtable=%p )" srphashtable.11 1 1 1 N Trc_srpHashTableVerify_numOfElementsIncorrect "* Mismatch number of elements, srphashtable=%p, number of elements in simplepool = %u, number of SRPs that are set = %u" srphashtable.12 4 1 3 N Trc_srpHashTableVerify_Exit " srpHashTableNew(portLibrary=%p, tableName=%p, tableSize=%u, entrySize=%u, flags=%u, hashFn=%p, hashEqualFn=%p, printFn=%p, functionUserData=%p)" srphashtable.14 1 1 1 N Trc_srpHashTableNew_tableSizeOutOfRange "* Table size %u is not in the supported range. Supported range: 0 - %u" srphashtable.15 1 1 1 N Trc_srpHashTableNew_failedToAllocMemoryForSRPHashTable "* Memory for SRPHashtable could not be allocated. (tableSize = %u, entrySize= %u)" srphashtable.16 1 1 1 N Trc_srpHashTableNew_failedToAllocMemoryForInternalSRPHashTable "* Memory for internal SRPHashtable could not be allocated. (primeTableSize=%u, entrySize=%u, totalSize = %u)" srphashtable.17 4 1 3 N Trc_srpHashTableNew_Exit " srpHashTableReset(portLibrary=%p, tableName=%p, srpHashTable=%p, address=%p, memorySize=%u, entrySize=%u, flags=%u, hashFn=%p, hashEqualFn=%p, printFn=%p, functionUserData=%p)" srphashtable.19 1 1 1 N Trc_srpHashTableReset_memoryIsTooSmall "* Given memory size (%u) is too small to create SRP hashtable. SRPHashTable with tableSize=2 requires %u memory." srphashtable.20 1 1 1 N Trc_srpHashTableReset_memoryIsTooBig "* Given memory size (%u) can hold more entries (entrySize=%u) than the biggest number supported by primeNumberHelper. Supported range: 0 - %u" srphashtable.21 4 1 3 N Trc_srpHashTableReset_Exit " srpHashTableFindNode(srptable=%p, key=%p)" srphashtable.23 1 1 1 N Trc_srpHashTableFindNode_srptableNodesCanNotBeLocated "* SRP HashTable nodes can not be located. (srptable = %p)" srphashtable.24 4 1 3 N Trc_srpHashTableFindNode_Exit " WalkStackFrames - walkThread=%p flags=%p" j9vrb.2 4 1 1 N Trc_VRB_WalkStackFrames_Exit " Create RAM class from ROM class %p in class loader %p" j9vm.2 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_CreateRAMClassFromROMClass_Exit " cleanUpAttachedThread" j9vm.4 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_cleanUpAttachedThread_Exit " handleUncaughtException" j9vm.7 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_handleUncaughtException_Exit " initializeAttachedThread" j9vm.9 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_initializeAttachedThread_Exit " internalSendExceptionConstructor" j9vm.11 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_internalSendExceptionConstructor_Exit " printStackTrace" j9vm.13 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_printStackTrace_Exit " runCallInMethod" j9vm.15 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_runCallInMethod_Exit " runJavaThread" j9vm.17 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_runJavaThread_Exit " runStaticMethod" j9vm.19 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_runStaticMethod_Exit " sendClinit" j9vm.21 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_sendClinit_Exit " found)" j9vm.22 2 1 3 N Trc_VM_sendInit_Entry " >sendInit" j9vm.23 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_sendInit_Exit " sendCheckPackageAccess" j9vm.25 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_sendCheckPackageAccess_Exit " sendInitialize" j9vm.27 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_sendInitialize_Exit " sendLoadClass" j9vm.29 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_sendLoadClass_Exit " sidecarInvokeReflectConstructor" j9vm.31 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_sidecarInvokeReflectConstructor_Exit " sidecarInvokeReflectMethod" j9vm.33 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_sidecarInvokeReflectMethod_Exit " invokeReflectMethod" j9vm.36 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_invokeReflectMethod_Exit " terminateRemainingThreads" j9vm.38 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_terminateRemainingThreads_SystemThread " System thread still running: %p" j9vm.39 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_terminateRemainingThreads_Daemon " Daemon thread still running: %p" j9vm.40 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_terminateRemainingThreads_Exit " allocateClassLoader" j9vm.44 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_allocateClassLoader_Exit " %p" j9vm.45 2 1 1 N Trc_VM_freeClassLoader_Entry " >freeClassLoader(%p)" j9vm.46 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_freeClassLoader_Exit " Attempt to change stack size from %d bytes to %d bytes. SP=%p, SOM=%p, SOM2=%p" j9vm.51 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_TooSmall "* New stack size is too small for existing frames (%zu > %zu)" j9vm.52 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_AllocFailed "* Unable to allocate new stack" j9vm.53 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_Delta " Old stack = %p, new stack = %p, delta = %p slots" j9vm.54 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_Copying " Copying from %p to %p for %p bytes" j9vm.55 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_PoolAllocFailed "* Pool alloc failed" j9vm.56 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_StackWalkFailed "* Stack walk failed" j9vm.57 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_UpdateSPAndArg0EA " Update vmc SP to %p, arg0EA to %p" j9vm.58 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_WalkNewStack " Walk new stack to fix pointers to stack-allocated objects" j9vm.59 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_NewStackWalkFailed "* Stack walk failed" j9vm.60 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_KeepingOldStack " Old stack first has references in frame %p" j9vm.61 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_FreeingOldStack " Old stack has no references in any frame - freeing %p" j9vm.62 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_Success " Stack copied successfully" j9vm.63 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_growJavaStack_Exit " Free stacks" j9vm.65 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_freeStacks_Free " Freeing stack %p (size %zu)" j9vm.66 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_freeStacks_Exit " %p" j9vm.68 2 1 1 N Trc_VM_growFrameIterator_JNIEntry " >JNI frame %p, refCount = %d, frameFlags = %p, method = %p" j9vm.69 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_growFrameIterator_PushCount " total pushCount = %d" j9vm.70 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_growFrameIterator_FixRef " Setting indirect ref at %p to %p" j9vm.71 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_growFrameIterator_RefFixed " Ref at %p already indirect to %p" j9vm.72 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_growFrameIterator_JITCallOut " JIT JNI callout: Set savedPC at %p to old bp %p" j9vm.73 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_growFrameIterator_FixArg " Setting indirect arg at %p to %p" j9vm.74 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_growFrameIterator_JNIExit " flushBytecodeProfilingData (cursor=%p, end=%p)" j9vm.97 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_flushBytecodeProfilingData_newBuffer " Allocated new profiling buffer at %p" j9vm.98 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_flushBytecodeProfilingData_Exit " installProfilingBytecodes" j9vm.100 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_installProfilingBytecodes_Exit " uninstallProfilingBytecodes" j9vm.102 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_uninstallProfilingBytecodes_Exit " cleanupBytecodeProfilingData" j9vm.104 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_cleanupBytecodeProfilingData_Exit " profilingBytecodeBufferFullHookRegistered" j9vm.106 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_profilingBytecodeBufferFullHookRegistered_ThreadHookFailed "* Failed to register J9HOOK_VM_THREAD_DESTROY listener" j9vm.107 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_profilingBytecodeBufferFullHookRegistered_ClassUnloadHookFailed "* Failed to register J9HOOK_VM_CLASSES_UNLOAD listener" j9vm.108 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_profilingBytecodeBufferFullHookRegistered_Exit " flushForClassesUnload" j9vm.110 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_flushForClassesUnload_Exit " objectMonitorExit (obj=%p)" j9vm.112 0 1 4 N Trc_VM_objectMonitorExit_SmartDecisionPoint " pro=%d,anti=%d" j9vm.113 4 1 4 N Trc_VM_objectMonitorExit_Exit " internalFindClass (loader=%p options=%x UTF8=%.*s Unicode=%.*ls)" j9vm.119 0 1 2 N Trc_VM_internalFindClass_sendLoadClass " send loadClass(%.*s), stringObject: %p loader: %p" j9vm.120 0 1 2 N Trc_VM_internalFindClass_sentLoadClass " sent loadClass(%.*s) --> got %p" j9vm.121 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_internalFindClass_Exit " result=%p" j9vm.122 2 1 3 N Trc_VM_getMethodOrFieldID_Entry " >getMethodOrFieldID (name=%s signature=%s jclass=%p isField=%d isStatic=%d)" j9vm.123 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_getMethodOrFieldID_dereferencedClass " class=%p (%.*s)" j9vm.124 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_getMethodOrFieldID_Exit " result=%p" j9vm.125 2 1 5 N Trc_VM_exceptionHandlerSearch_Entry " >exceptionHandlerSearch" j9vm.126 4 1 5 N Trc_VM_exceptionHandlerSearch_Exit " Stack overflow detected in VMprCheckStackAndSend -- checkSP=%p SOM2=%p" j9vm.129 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_VMprCheckStackAndSend_recursiveOverflow " ensureLocalCapacity(%d)" j9vm.133 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_ensureLocalCapacity_allocateNewFrame " allocating a new frame" j9vm.134 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_ensureLocalCapacity_allocateFailed "* frame allocate failed" j9vm.135 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_ensureLocalCapacity_growExistingFrame " growing more space in existing frame %p" j9vm.136 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_ensureLocalCapacity_growFailed "* frame grow failed" j9vm.137 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_ensureLocalCapacity_Exit " result=%d" j9vm.138 2 1 1 N Trc_VM_jniPopFrame_Entry " >jniPopFrame(type=%zx)" j9vm.139 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_jniPopFrame_Exit " jniPushFrame(type=%zx, capacity=%zu)" j9vm.141 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_jniPushFrame_Exit " result=%d" j9vm.142 2 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveClassRef_Entry " >resolveClassRef(ramCP=%p, cpIndex=%zu, flags=%zx)" j9vm.143 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveClassRef_lookup " looking up class %.*s" j9vm.144 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveClassRef_Exit " result=%p" j9vm.145 2 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveVirtualMethodRef_Entry " >resolveVirtualMethodRef(ramCP=%p, cpIndex=%zu, flags=%zx, returnAddress=%p)" j9vm.146 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveVirtualMethodRef_lookupMethod " looked up method: %p" j9vm.147 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveVirtualMethodRef_Exit " vTableIndex=%d" j9vm.148 2 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveStringRef_Entry " >resolveStringRef(ramCP=%p, cpIndex=%zu)" j9vm.149 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveStringRef_utf8 " utf8@%p --> %.*s" j9vm.150 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveStringRef_Exit " string=%p" j9vm.151 2 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveStaticMethodRef_Entry " >resolveStaticMethodRef(ramCP=%p, cpIndex=%zu, flags=%zx)" j9vm.152 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveStaticMethodRef_lookupMethod " looked up method: %p" j9vm.153 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveStaticMethodRef_Exit " result=%p" j9vm.154 2 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveSpecialMethodRef_Entry " >resolveSpecialMethodRef(ramCP=%p, cpIndex=%zu, flags=%zx)" j9vm.155 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveSpecialMethodRef_lookupMethod " looked up method: %p" j9vm.156 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveSpecialMethodRef_Exit " result=%p" j9vm.157 2 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveInterfaceMethodRef_Entry " >resolveInterfaceMethodRef(ramCP=%p, cpIndex=%zu, flags=%zx)" j9vm.158 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveInterfaceMethodRef_lookupMethod " looked up method: %p" j9vm.159 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveInterfaceMethodRef_Exit " result=%d" j9vm.160 2 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveStaticFieldRef_Entry_old " >resolveStaticFieldRef(ramCP=%p, cpIndex=%zu, flags=%zx, returnAddress=%p)" j9vm.161 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveStaticFieldRef_Exit " result=%p" j9vm.162 2 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveInstanceFieldRef_Entry_old " >resolveInstanceFieldRef(ramCP=%p, cpIndex=%zu, flags=%zx, returnAddress=%p)" j9vm.163 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveInstanceFieldRef_Exit " result=%d" j9vm.164 2 1 6 N Trc_VM_romFieldOffsetsStartDo_Entry " >romFieldOffsetsStartDo(romClass=%p, ramSuperClass=%p, flags=%x)" j9vm.165 4 1 6 N Trc_VM_romFieldOffsetsStartDo_earlyExit " field=%p, offset=%zx, index=%zx, instanceSize=%zx, superTotalInstanceSize=%zx" j9vm.166 4 1 6 N Trc_VM_romFieldOffsetsStartDo_Exit " field=%p, offset=%zx, index=%zx, instanceSize=%zx, superTotalInstanceSize=%zx" j9vm.167 0 1 6 N Trc_VM_romFieldOffsetsNextDo_result " romFieldOffsetsNextDo --> field=%p, offset=%zx, index=%zx" j9vm.168 2 1 3 N Trc_VM_calculateInstanceDescription_Entry " >calculateInstanceDescription(ramClass=%p, ramSuperClass=%p, extraStorage=%p)" j9vm.169 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_calculateInstanceDescription_taggedResult " first tagged slot of description bits = %zx" j9vm.170 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_calculateInstanceDescription_indirectResult " first indirect slot of description bits = %zx" j9vm.171 2 1 3 N Trc_VM_monitorTableAt_Entry " >monitorTableAt(%p,%p,%d)" j9vm.172 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_monitorTableAt_CacheHit_Exit " method=%p" j9vm.175 2 1 3 N Trc_VM_getForwardedMethod_Entry " >getForwardedMethod(%p)" j9vm.176 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_getForwardedMethod_Exit " javaLookupMethod(vmStruct %p, targetClass %p, nameAndSig %p, senderClass %p, lookupOptions %d)" j9vm.180 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_javaLookupMethod_Name " javaLookupMethod - methodName %.*s" j9vm.181 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_javaLookupMethod_Exit " callJNILoad(vmStruct %p, slHandle %d, fnName %s, defaultResult %d)" j9vm.183 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_callJNILoad_Event1 " callJNILoad found %s in %d" j9vm.184 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_callJNILoad_Exit " sendSubstring" j9vm.193 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_sendSubstring_Exit " sendCompleteInitialization" j9vm.196 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_sendCompleteInitialization_Exit " allocateMemorySegmentInList list=%p size=%u type=%x)" j9vm.198 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_allocateMemorySegmentInList_EntryAllocFailed "* Failed to allocate memory segment in list %p (type = %x)" j9vm.199 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_allocateMemorySegmentInList_AllocFailed "* Failed to allocate memory for segment in list %p (size=%u type=%x)" j9vm.200 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_allocateMemorySegmentInList_Alloc " allocateMemorySegmentInList %p (%p-%p type=%x)" j9vm.201 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_allocateMemorySegmentInList_Exit " sendVerify" j9vm.207 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_checkRomClassForError_ErrorFound " checkRomClassForError found error at %x" j9vm.208 2 1 1 N Trc_VM_j9RegisterJXE_EntryOld " >j9RegisterJXE vm=%p imageHeader=%p jxePointer=%p jxeAlloc=%p classLoader=%p filename=%s flags=%x beforeBootstrap=%d" j9vm.209 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_j9RegisterJXE_NewJXEDescriptor " j9RegisterJXE new descriptior=%p created" j9vm.210 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_j9RegisterJXE_Exit " romClassLoadFromCookie vmStruct=%p clsName=%p clsNameLength=%d romClassBytes=%p romClassLength=%d classLoader=%p protectionDomain=%p" j9vm.212 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_romClassLoadFromCookie_NormalJXE " romClassLoadFromCookie NormalJXE class name = %.*s" j9vm.213 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_romClassLoadFromCookie_JARJXE_JXE " romClassLoadFromCookie JXEinAJAR JXE %.*s" j9vm.214 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_romClassLoadFromCookie_JARJXE_JXE_ExistingJXE " romClassLoadFromCookie JXEinAJAR Existing JXE jxeDesc=%p" j9vm.215 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_romClassLoadFromCookie_JARJXE_JXE_LoadedNewJXE " romClassLoadFromCookie JXEinAJAR Loaded new JXE romImageHeader=%p" j9vm.216 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_romClassLoadFromCookie_JARJXE_Class " romClassLoadFromCookie JXEinAJAR Class %.*s" j9vm.217 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_romClassLoadFromCookie_JARJXE_Class_RequestJXELoad " romClassLoadFromCookie JXEinAJAR Class Request to load %s" j9vm.218 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_romClassLoadFromCookie_JARJXE_Class_LoadJXERequestFailed "* romClassLoadFromCookie JXEinAJAR Class Load JXE Request Failed %s" j9vm.219 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_romClassLoadFromCookie_JARJXE_Class_ClassLoaded " romClassLoadFromCookie JXEinAJAR Class loaded loadedClass=%p romClass=%p" j9vm.220 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_romClassLoadFromCookie_Exit " classLoaderRegisterLibrary(loader=%p, name=%s, decorate=%zu)" j9vm.230 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_classLoaderRegisterLibrary_Noop " lookupJNIID -- isField=%zu" j9vm.234 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_lookupJNIID_FoundExisting " found existing ID: %p" j9vm.235 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_lookupJNIID_CreatedFieldID " created J9JNIFieldID %p for %.*s.%.*s, offset=%zu" j9vm.236 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_lookupJNIID_CreatedMethodID " created J9JNIMethodID %p for %.*s.%.*s%.*s, vTableIndex=%zu" j9vm.237 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_lookupJNIID_Exit " J9RegisterAsyncEvent eventHandler=%p userData=%p" j9vm.239 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_J9RegisterAsyncEvent_Exit " J9UnregisterAsyncEvent handlerKey=%zd" j9vm.241 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_J9UnregisterAsyncEvent_Exit " J9SignalAsyncEvent targetThread=%p handlerKey=%zd" j9vm.243 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_J9SignalAsyncEvent_Exit " J9CancelAsyncEvent targetThread=%p handlerKey=%zd" j9vm.245 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_J9CancelAsyncEvent_Exit " dispatchAsyncEvents asyncEventFlags=%p" j9vm.247 0 1 2 N Trc_VM_dispatchAsyncEvents_callEventHandler " call event handler: handlerKey=%zd eventHandler=%p userData=%p" j9vm.248 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_dispatchAsyncEvents_Exit " cancelLockReservation(object=%p)" j9vm.251 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_cancelLockReservation_reservationOwner " reservation owner is %p" j9vm.252 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_cancelLockReservation_Exit " JNI MonitorEnter(obj=%p)" j9vm.255 4 1 4 N Trc_VM_JNI_monitorEnter_Exit " JNI MonitorExit(obj=%p)" j9vm.257 4 1 4 N Trc_VM_JNI_monitorExit_Exit " objectMonitorEnterBlocking" j9vm.259 0 1 4 N Trc_VM_objectMonitorEnterBlocking_reservedOnEntry " Monitor was reserved on entry to function. Cancelling reservation." j9vm.260 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_objectMonitorEnterBlocking_monitorTableAtFailed "* Failed to allocate monitor in objectMonitorEnterBlocking." j9vm.261 0 1 4 N Trc_VM_objectMonitorEnterBlocking_alreadyInflated " Monitor was already inflated. Current thread now owns inflated monitor." j9vm.262 0 1 4 N Trc_VM_objectMonitorEnterBlocking_tryAcquireVMAccessFailed " tryAcquireVMAccess failed. Restarting." j9vm.263 0 1 4 N Trc_VM_objectMonitorEnterBlocking_reservedInLoop " Monitor was reserved while running function. Cancelling reservation." j9vm.264 0 1 4 N Trc_VM_objectMonitorEnterBlocking_gotFlatLockInLoop " Monitor was released while running function. Current thread now own flat lock." j9vm.265 4 1 4 N Trc_VM_objectMonitorEnterBlocking_Exit " checkVisibility from %p to %p modifiers=%zx" j9vm.267 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_checkVisibility_Failed "* checkVisibility from %p (%.*s) to %p (%.*s) modifiers=%zx failed" j9vm.268 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_checkVisibility_Exit " resolveKnownClass(index=%zu)" j9vm.270 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_resolveKnownClass_Exit " cleanUpClassLoadersStart" j9vm.274 4 1 4 N Trc_VM_cleanUpClassLoadersStart_Exit " cleanUpClassLoadersEnd" j9vm.278 4 1 4 N Trc_VM_cleanUpClassLoadersEnd_Exit " cleanUpClassLoaders - cleaning up classloader %p" j9vm.283 4 1 4 N Trc_VM_cleanUpClassLoaders_Exit " j9RegisterJXE vm=%p imageHeader=%p jxePointer=%p jxeAlloc=%p sharedLibraryDescriptor=%x classLoader=%p filename=%s flags=%x beforeBootstrap=%d" j9vm.286 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_classsupport_contendThreadsRecordMissing "* contendingThreads missing entry for class %.*s loader %p" j9vm.287 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_classsupport_contendThreadsAddFail "* contendingThreads: could not add class %.*s loader %p" j9vm.288 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_j9RegisterJXE_OOM1 "* j9RegisterJXE Out of Memory trying to register jxe pointer %p" j9vm.289 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_j9RegisterJXE_OOM2 "* j9RegisterJXE Out of Memory trying to register jxe pointer %p" j9vm.290 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_j9RegisterJXE_OOM3 "* j9RegisterJXE Out of Memory trying to register jxe pointer %p" j9vm.291 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_j9RegisterJXE_AOT_Failed "* j9RegisterJXE AOT Registration failed trying to register jxe pointer %p" j9vm.292 2 1 1 N Trc_VM_j9RegisterAOT_Entry " >j9RegisterAOT vm=%p imageHeader=%p description=%p beforeBootstrap=%d" j9vm.293 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_j9RegisterAOT_Exit " setCurrentException index=%d constructorIndex=%d detailMessage=%p" j9vm.295 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_setCurrentException_ClassNotLoaded "* setCurrentException: java.lang.Class not loaded, abort" j9vm.296 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_setCurrentException_NoCachedOOM "* setCurrentException: no cached OutOfMemoryError, abort" j9vm.297 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_setCurrentException_UnableToLoadExceptionClass "* setCurrentException: unable to load exception class" j9vm.298 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_setCurrentException_NoExceptionPending "* setCurrentException: no exception pending after failed load, throw OutOfMemoryError" j9vm.299 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_setCurrentException_UnableToAllocateException "* setCurrentException: unable to allocate exception, throw OutOfMemoryError" j9vm.300 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_setCurrentException_ExceptionDuringConstructor "* setCurrentException: exception during constructor" j9vm.301 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_setCurrentException_Exit " setCurrentExceptionUTF exceptionNumber=%d detailUTF=%s" j9vm.303 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_setCurrentExceptionUTF_StringAllocFailed "* setCurrentExceptionUTF: String allocation failed" j9vm.304 2 1 2 N Trc_VM_setCurrentExceptionUTF_Exit " >setCurrentExceptionUTF" j9vm.305 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_contendedLoadTableRemoveThreadNull " 0X%p loader %p contendedLoadTableRemoveThread count %d" j9vm.306 0 1 2 N Trc_VM_contendedLoadTableRemoveThread " 0X%p loader %p class %.*s contendedLoadTableRemoveThread count %d" j9vm.307 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_contendedLoadTableAddThread " 0X%p loader %p class %.*s contendedLoadTableAddThread existing_count %d" j9vm.308 2 1 4 N Trc_VM_findFieldInClass_Entry " >class %p findFieldInClass field=%.*s signature=%.*s" j9vm.309 2 1 1 N Trc_VM_findFieldInClass_NoIndex " >couldn't build field index - fall back to linear search" j9vm.310 4 1 4 N Trc_VM_findFieldInClass_Exit " 0X%p loader %p class %.*s arbitratedLoadClass enter className" j9vm.316 0 1 2 N Trc_VM_arbitratedLoadClass_callLoadClass " 0X%p loader %p class %.*s arbitratedLoadClass calling callLoadClass" j9vm.317 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_arbitratedLoadClass_notify " 0X%p loader %p class %.*s arbitratedLoadClass notify" j9vm.318 0 1 2 N Trc_VM_contendedLoadTableAddThreadExit " 0X%p loader %p contendedLoadTableAddThread className %.*s count %d" j9vm.319 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_arbitratedLoadClass_exit " <0X%p loader %p class %.*s arbitratedLoadClass exit foundClass %p" j9vm.320 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_arbitratedLoadClass_retry " 0X%p loader %p class %.*s arbitratedLoadClass retry" j9vm.321 0 1 2 N Trc_VM_contendedLoadTableDelete_notFound " 0X%p loader %p class unknown contendedLoadTableDelete" j9vm.322 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_contendedLoadTableDelete_entry " 0X%p class %.*s contendedLoadTableDelete record" j9vm.323 2 1 1 N Trc_VM_createFieldTable_Entry " >createFieldTable entry clazz %p length %d" j9vm.324 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_createFieldTable_Exit " < createFieldTable exit clazz %p J9FieldTable %p fieldList %p length %d" j9vm.325 2 1 1 N Trc_VM_findFieldInTable_Entry " >class %p findFieldInTable entry field=%.*s signature=%.*s" j9vm.326 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_findFieldInTable_Exit " fieldIndexTablePurge fieldIndexTableEntry %p J9FieldTable %p fieldList %p" j9vm.330 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_fieldIndexTableNew " fieldIndexTableNew table %p" j9vm.331 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_fieldIndexTableAdd " fieldIndexTableAdd vm->fieldIndexTable %p ramClass %p J9FieldTable %p" j9vm.332 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_tryAcquireExclusiveVMAccess_checkForContention " tryEnterExclusiveVMAccess exclusiveAccessState=%zu" j9vm.333 0 1 5 N Trc_VM_internalCreateRAMClassFromROMClass_createRAMMethod " %.*s.%.*s%.*s %p" j9vm.334 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_sharedZipCacheNoEnvFailure "* VMI sharedZipCacheNoEnvFailure: (%d) %s" j9vm.335 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_sharedZipCacheAllocFailure "* VMI sharedZipCacheAllocFailure: (%d bytes) %s" j9vm.336 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_sharedZipCacheCopyFailure "* VMI sharedZipCacheCopyFailure: %s" j9vm.337 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_sharedZipCacheFindSharedDataFailed "* VMI sharedZipCacheFindSharedDataFailed: (%d) %s (%s)" j9vm.338 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_sharedZipCacheStoreSharedDataFailed "* VMI sharedZipCacheStoreSharedDataFailed: %s (%s)" j9vm.339 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_createdSharedZipCache " VMI createdSharedZipCache: %s (%s)" j9vm.340 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_useSharedZipCache " VMI useSharedZipCache: %s (%s)" j9vm.341 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_virtualRAMClassAlloc " virtual RAM class baseAddress 0x%x" j9vm.342 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_charArrayVTableOffset "* SC[] vTable offset mismatch 0x%x" j9vm.343 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_charArrayRAMClass " SC[] char[] class 0x%x" j9vm.344 2 1 3 N Trc_VM_sendInitCause_Entry " >sendInitCause" j9vm.345 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_sendInitCause_Exit " loader %p class %.*s attemptDynamicClassLoad entry" j9vm.352 0 1 4 N Trc_VM_internalFindClass_attemptDynamicClassLoadCheckMemory " attemptDynamicClassLoad check memory" j9vm.353 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_internalFindClass_attemptDynamicClassLoad_exit " createJavaLangString entry data %.*s stringFlags 0x%0x" j9vm.355 4 1 4 N Trc_VM_createJavaLangString_Exit " sendThreadCleanup" j9vm.357 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_sendThreadCleanup_Exit " SenderClass: %.*s TargetClass: %.*s badMemberModifier: 0x%x" j9vm.359 0 2 1 N Trc_VM_illegalAccessMessage_No_Alloc_Buf " Memory allocation failed" j9vm.360 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_illegalAccessMessage_Exit " Attempting to acquire exclusive VM access." j9vm.362 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_acquireExclusiveVMAccess_ExclusiveAccessHeldByAnotherThread " Exclusive Access is held by another thread, placing this thread in the queue." j9vm.363 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_acquireExclusiveVMAccess_QueueEmpty " Queue is empty, placing this thread at head." j9vm.364 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_acquireExclusiveVMAccess_QueueNonEmpty " Queue is non-empty (%p) placing this thread at the tail." j9vm.365 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_acquireExclusiveVMAccess_WaitingOnMutex " Thread is waiting on public flags mutex." j9vm.366 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_acquireExclusiveVMAccess_GrantingExclusiveAccessFirst " First thread to try for exclusive access. Setting the exclusive access state to J9_XACCESS_PENDING" j9vm.367 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_acquireExclusiveVMAccess_GrantingExclusiveAccess " Thread is woken up from waiting, exclusive access being handed off to this thread. Changing state to J9_XACCESS_HANDED_OFF." j9vm.368 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_acquireExclusiveVMAccess_PostedHaltRequest " Posted Halt request to %d threads." j9vm.369 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_acquireExclusiveVMAccess_WaitingForResponses " Waiting for %d thread halt responses." j9vm.370 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_acquireExclusiveVMAccess_ChangingStateExclusive " Changing exclusiveAccessState to J9_XACCESS_EXCLUSIVE." j9vm.371 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_acquireExclusiveVMAccess_Exit " Releasing exclusive VM Access" j9vm.373 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_releaseExclusiveVMAccess_QueueNonEmpty " Queue is non-empty (%p), setting halt flag on current thread, changing exclusiveAccessState to J9_XACCESS_HANDING_OFF" j9vm.374 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_releaseExclusiveVMAccess_QueueNonEmpty2 " Exclusive VM Access queue is non-empty (%p), dequeuing thread and notifying public flags mutex" j9vm.375 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_releaseExclusiveVMAccess_QueueEmpty " Exclusive VM Access queue is empty, resetting exclusive access state and notifying all halted threads. Changing exclusiveAccessState to J9_XACCESS_NONE." j9vm.376 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_releaseExclusiveVMAccess_Exit " Releasing (non-exclusive) VM Access" j9vm.378 0 1 9 N Trc_VM_internalReleaseVMAccessNoMutex_ThreadIsHalted " Thread is halted for exclusive" j9vm.379 4 1 9 N Trc_VM_internalReleaseVMAccessNoMutex_Exit " JNIinv DestroyJavaVM javaVM=%p" j9vm.382 5 1 3 N Trc_JNIinv_DestroyJavaVM_alreadyShutdown_Exit "*protectedDestroyJavaVM" j9vm.386 0 1 3 N Trc_JNIinv_protectedDestroyJavaVM_StartingThreadWait " protectedDestroyJavaVM waiting for Java threads to stop" j9vm.387 0 1 3 N Trc_JNIinv_protectedDestroyJavaVM_FinishedThreadWait " protectedDestoryJavaVM all Java threads have stopped" j9vm.388 0 1 3 N Trc_JNIinv_protectedDestroyJavaVM_vmCleanupDone " protectedDestroyJavaVM vmCleanup complete" j9vm.389 0 1 3 N Trc_JNIinv_protectedDestroyJavaVM_vmShutdownHookFired " protectedDestroyJavaVM VM Shutting Down Hook Fired" j9vm.390 0 1 3 N Trc_JNIinv_protectedDestroyJavaVM_HeapManagementShutdown " protectedDestroyJavaVM GC HeapManagement Shutdown" j9vm.391 0 1 3 N Trc_JNIinv_protectedDestroyJavaVM_vmShutdownDone " protectedDestroyJavaVM vmShutdown returned" j9vm.392 0 1 3 N Trc_JNIinv_protectedDestroyJavaVM_CallingExitHookSecondary " protectedDestroyJavaVM calling exitHook secondary path" j9vm.393 1 1 3 N Trc_JNIinv_protectedDestroyJavaVM_terminateRemainingThreadsFailed "* protectedDestroyJavaVM terminateRemainingThreads failed" j9vm.394 0 1 3 N Trc_JNIinv_protectedDestroyJavaVM_CallingExitHook " protectedDestroyJavaVM calling exitHook" j9vm.395 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_stringTableCacheHit " String table cache hit %p" j9vm.396 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_stringTableCacheMiss " String table cache miss %p" j9vm.397 0 1 5 N Trc_VM_initializeRAMClass_Start " Creating RAMClass Start %.*s classLoader %p" j9vm.398 0 1 5 N Trc_VM_initializeRAMClass_End " Creating RAMClass End %.*s size %d classLoader %p" j9vm.399 2 1 1 N Trc_VM_sendLifecycleEventCallback_Entry " >sendLifecycleEventCallback(vmStruct %p, slHandle %d, fnName %s, defaultResult %d)" j9vm.400 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_sendLifecycleEventCallback_Event1 " sendLifecycleEventCallback found %s in %d" j9vm.401 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_sendLifecycleEventCallback_Exit " sendFromMethodDescriptorString" j9vm.403 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_sendFromMethodDescriptorString_Exit " addToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch path %s" j9vm.405 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_addToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch_Exit " addToSystemClassLoaderSearch %s" j9vm.407 4 1 1 N Trc_VM_addToSystemClassLoaderSearch_Exit " sendAsTypeForGenericInvocation" j9vm.412 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_sendForGenericInvoke_Exit " JNI_NewDirectByteBuffer(address = %p, nbyte = %lld)" j9vm.414 2 1 5 N Trc_VM_JNI_NewDirectByteBuffer_Exit " >JNI_NewDirectByteBuffer result = %p" j9vm.415 2 1 5 N Trc_VM_JNI_GetDirectBufferAddress_Entry " >JNI_GetDirectBufferAddress(buffer = %p)" j9vm.416 2 1 5 N Trc_VM_JNI_GetDirectBufferAddress_Exit " >JNI_GetDirectBufferAddress result = %p" j9vm.417 2 1 5 N Trc_VM_internalAllocateRAMClass_Entry " >Allocating RAM class for classLoader %p with %d fragments" j9vm.418 0 1 5 N Trc_VM_internalAllocateRAMClass_ScanFreeList " Scanning free list %p" j9vm.419 0 1 5 N Trc_VM_internalAllocateRAMClass_AllocatedFromFreeList " Allocated fragment %d from free list block %p (size = %d) at %p (prefix = %d, suffix = %d, alignment = %d)" j9vm.420 0 1 5 N Trc_VM_internalAllocateRAMClass_AllocateClassMemorySegment " Allocate segment for %d RAM class fragments with requiredSize = %d, allocationIncrement = %d" j9vm.421 0 1 5 N Trc_VM_internalAllocateRAMClass_AllocatedClassMemorySegment " Allocated segment %p (size = %d, heapBase = %p, heapTop = %p) for RAM class" j9vm.422 0 1 5 N Trc_VM_internalAllocateRAMClass_AllocatedFromNewSegment " Allocated fragment %d from segment %p at %p (prefix = %d, suffix = %d, alignment = %d)" j9vm.423 5 1 5 N Trc_VM_internalAllocateRAMClass_SegmentAllocationFailed "*jitFillOSRBuffer" j9vm.430 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_jitFillOSRBuffer_Exit " sendResolveMethodHandle" j9vm.432 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_sendResolveMethodHandle_Exit " sendResolveInvokeDynamic" j9vm.434 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_sendResolveInvokeDynamic_Exit " sendTclinit" j9vm.439 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_sendTclinit_Exit " romClassLoadFromCookie vmStruct=%p clsName=%p clsNameLength=%d romClassBytes=%p romClassLength=%d" j9vm.443 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_resolveKnownClass_SkipResolveOfStringBytesFieldRef " Skipping resolve of char[] java.lang.String#value. String compression is enabled. Instance field ref %u for known class %zu (%p)" j9vm.444 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_resolveKnownClass_SkipResolveOfStringBytesCompressedFieldRef " Skipping resolve of Object java.lang.String#value. String compression is disabled. Instance field ref %u for known class %zu (%p)" j9vm.445 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_yieldAlgorithmSelected " Thread yield algorithm information: sched_compat_yield=%c, yieldAlgorithm=%zu, yieldUsleepMultiplier=%zu." j9vm.446 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_mhStackValidator_mismatchDetected " [MethodHandle StackValidator]" j9vm.447 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_mhStackValidator_mh " MethodHandle = 0x%p" j9vm.448 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_mhStackValidator_mh_methodType " MethodType = 0x%p" j9vm.449 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_mhStackValidator_mh_methodType_argSlots " MethodType.argSlots = %d" j9vm.450 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_mhStackValidator_mh_methodType_arguments_length " MethodType.arguments[].length = %d" j9vm.451 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_mhStackValidator_mh_methodType_arguments " MethodType.arguments[%d] = 0x%p" j9vm.452 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_mhStackValidator_mh_class " Class = %.*s" j9vm.453 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_mhStackValidator_sp " SP = 0x%p" j9vm.454 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_mhStackValidator_sp_slot " Slot = 0x%p" j9vm.455 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_mhStackValidator_sp_slot_value " Slot value = 0x%p" j9vm.456 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_mhStackValidator_sp_class " Class = %.*s" j9vm.457 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_loadSuperClassAndInterfaces_setPackedObjectSuperclass " PackedObject superclass is set to NULL" j9vm.458 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_loadNonArrayClass_exit_object_monitor " loader %p class %.*s loadNonArrayClass enter_object_monitor" j9vm.460 0 1 5 N Trc_VM_loadNonArrayClass_parallelCapable " loadNonArrayClass %.*s loader %p is parallel capable" j9vm.461 12 1 1 N Assert_VM_mustNotOwnMonitor "* ** ASSERTION FAILED ** at %s:%d: %s" j9vm.462 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_fastJNINativeFound " Fast JNI for method %p (%.*s.%.*s%.*s) found, flags = %p, function = %p" j9vm.463 0 1 5 N Trc_VM_classloaderLocking " VM classloader locking %s" j9vm.464 12 1 1 N Assert_VM_mhStackHandleMatch "* ** ASSERTION FAILED ** at %s:%d: %s" j9vm.465 2 1 3 N Trc_VM_sendInitializationAlreadyFailed_Entry " >sendInitializationAlreadyFailed" j9vm.466 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_sendInitializationAlreadyFailed_Exit " sendRecordInitializationFailure" j9vm.468 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_sendRecordInitializationFailure_Exit " sendInterruptCurrentThread" j9vm.470 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_sendInterruptCurrentThread_Exit " tenantKillAsync(vmThread=%p, jmp_buf=%p)" j9vm.475 2 1 2 N Trc_VM_sendRunThread_Entry " >sendRunThread" j9vm.476 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_sendRunThread_Exit " sendPrepareTenant" j9vm.484 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_sendPrepareTenant_Exit " sendEnsureTenantData" j9vm.486 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_sendEnsureTenantData_Exit " sendEnsureError" j9vm.488 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_sendEnsureError_Exit " sendTenantInitializationAlreadyFailed" j9vm.490 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_sendTenantInitializationAlreadyFailed_Exit " classInitStateMachine for %.*s (%p) loader=%p up to %s" j9vm.492 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_classInitStateMachine_noLock " initializationLock is NULL - class is fully initialized" j9vm.493 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_classInitStateMachine_status " status is %p (%s)" j9vm.494 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_classInitStateMachine_stateChanged " state changed after acquiring lock - loop and check state again" j9vm.495 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_classInitStateMachine_markVerificationInProgress " marking class as verifying in current thread" j9vm.496 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_classInitStateMachine_markInitializationInProgress " marking class as initializing in current thread" j9vm.497 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_classInitStateMachine_verificationInProgress " verification in progress" j9vm.498 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_classInitStateMachine_initializationInProgress " initialization in progress" j9vm.499 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_classInitStateMachine_initializingOnCurrentThread " initializing on current thread - exit" j9vm.500 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_classInitStateMachine_verifyingOnCurrentThread " verifying on current thread - reverify now" j9vm.501 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_classInitStateMachine_initializingOnCurrentThreadTenant " initializing on current thread - mark class for tenant init" j9vm.502 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_classInitStateMachine_desiredStateReached " desired state reached" j9vm.503 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_classInitStateMachine_waitForOtherThread " operation in progress on another thread - wait for it to complete" j9vm.504 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_classInitStateMachine_waitComplete " wait complete - loop and check state again" j9vm.505 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_classInitStateMachine_waitFailed " wait complete - exception or async pending - exit" j9vm.506 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_classInitStateMachine_clinitFailed " failed - record the exception" j9vm.507 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_classInitStateMachine_mtClinit " MT enabled - call initializeNonIsolatedClass" j9vm.508 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_classInitStateMachine_prepareTenant " islolated class - prepare tenant slots" j9vm.509 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_classInitStateMachine_packedArray " packed array class - initialize component type" j9vm.510 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_classInitStateMachine_nestedPacked " initialize nested packed type" j9vm.511 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_classInitStateMachine_initSuperclass " initialize superclass" j9vm.512 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_classInitStateMachine_verifySuperclass " verify superclass" j9vm.513 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_classInitStateMachine_prepareSuperclass " prepare superclass" j9vm.514 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_classInitStateMachine_prepareSuperinterface " prepare superinterface" j9vm.515 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_classInitStateMachine_Exit " initializeImpl for %.*s (%p)" j9vm.520 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_initializeImpl_preInit " call preinit hook" j9vm.521 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_initializeImpl_preInitFailedRetry " preinit failed - GC and try again" j9vm.522 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_initializeImpl_preInitFailed " preinit failed second time" j9vm.523 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_initializeImpl_noTenant " class needs tenant init but has NULL tenant - throw NPE" j9vm.524 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_initializeImpl_notFilterClass " not filter class - do not run " j9vm.525 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_initializeImpl_noClinit " class has no " j9vm.526 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_initializeImpl_Exit " performVerification for %.*s (%p)" j9vm.528 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_performVerification_noVerify " verification disabled" j9vm.529 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_performVerification_unverifiable " verification disallowed for this class" j9vm.530 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_performVerification_prepareClass " prepare class" j9vm.531 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_performVerification_Exit " freeClassLoaderEntries - entries=%p count=%u" j9vm.556 4 1 5 N Trc_VM_freeClassLoaderEntries_Exit " freeSharedCacheCLEntries - classloader=%p" j9vm.558 4 1 5 N Trc_VM_freeSharedCacheCLEntries_Exit " triggerClassLoaderUnloadHook - classloader=%p" j9vm.560 4 1 5 N Trc_VM_triggerClassLoaderUnloadHook_Exit " internalRunStaticMethod" j9vm.571 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_internalRunStaticMethod_Exit " sendForGenericInvokeVarHandle" j9vm.573 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_sendForGenericInvokeVarHandle_Exit " resolveStaticFieldRef(method=%p, ramCP=%p, cpIndex=%zu, flags=%zx, returnAddress=%p)" j9vm.581 2 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveInstanceFieldRef_Entry " >resolveInstanceFieldRef(method=%p, ramCP=%p, cpIndex=%zu, flags=%zx, returnAddress=%p)" j9vm.582 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_CreateRAMClassFromROMClass_nestHostLoaded " Loaded the nest host %.*s (RAM class=%p)" j9vm.583 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_CreateRAMClassFromROMClass_nestHostNotSamePackage "* The nest host class (RAM class=%p, class loader=%p, this class loader=%p) is not in the same package." j9vm.584 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_CreateRAMClassFromROMClass_nestHostNotSameClassLoader "* The nest host class (RAM class=%p, class loader=%p, this class loader=%p) has not been loaded by the same class loader." j9vm.585 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_CreateRAMClassFromROMClass_nestHostNotVerified "* The nest host (nest host class=%p, class loader=%p, this class loader=%p) does not claim the nest member (nest member=%p)." j9vm.586 2 1 5 N Trc_VM_sendResolveMethodTypeRefInto_Entry " >sendResolveMethodTypeRefInto ramCP=%p cpIndex=%zu resolveFlags=%zu" j9vm.587 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_sendResolveMethodTypeRefInto_Exception "* Sender class=%p cannot access receiver class=%p, errorCode=%zi." j9vm.588 4 1 5 N Trc_VM_sendResolveMethodTypeRefInto_Exit " sendResolveConstantDynamic(ramCP=%p, cpIndex=%zu, nameAndSig=%p, bsmData=%p)" j9vm.595 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_sendResolveConstantDynamic_Exit " GetCompleteNPEMessage - bcCurrentPtr (0x%p) romClass (0x%p) bcCurrent (0x%x) npeCauseMsg (%s) isMethodFlag (%d)" j9vm.603 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_GetCompleteNPEMessage_Unreachable "* GetCompleteNPEMessage - Unreachable error occurred : bcCurrent (0x%x)" j9vm.604 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_GetCompleteNPEMessage_UnexpectedCPType " GetCompleteNPEMessage - unexpected CP type (0x%x) at bcCurrent(0x%x)" j9vm.605 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_GetCompleteNPEMessage_Field_Index " GetCompleteNPEMessage - field index (0x%x)" j9vm.606 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_GetCompleteNPEMessage_Invoke_Index " GetCompleteNPEMessage - invoke index (0x%x)" j9vm.607 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_GetCompleteNPEMessage_MissedBytecode " GetCompleteNPEMessage - missed bcCurrent(0x%x)" j9vm.608 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_GetCompleteNPEMessage_Exit " bindNative - nativeMethod (%p) longJNI (%s) shortJNI (%s) bindJNINative (%zu)" j9vm.613 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_bindNative_NativeLibrary_Success " bindNative success - nativeMethod (%p) nativeLibrary (%p) longJNI (%s) shortJNI (%s) bindJNINative (%zu)" j9vm.614 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_bindNative_NativeLibrary_OOM " bindNative OOM - nativeMethod (%p) nativeLibrary (%p) longJNI (%s) shortJNI (%s) bindJNINative (%zu)" j9vm.615 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_bindNative_NullNativeLibrary_Success " bindNative success (NULL Native Library) - nativeMethod (%p) longJNI (%s) shortJNI (%s) bindJNINative (%zu)" j9vm.616 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_bindNative_NullNativeLibrary_OOM " bindNative OOM (NULL Native Library) - nativeMethod (%p) longJNI (%s) shortJNI (%s) bindJNINative (%zu)" j9vm.617 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_bindNative_JVMTIAgent_Success " bindNative success (JVMTI Agent) - nativeMethod (%p) longJNI (%s) shortJNI (%s)" j9vm.618 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_bindNative_Fail " bindNative fail - nativeMethod (%p) longJNI (%s) shortJNI (%s) bindJNINative (%zu)" j9vm.619 2 1 3 N Trc_VM_lookupJNINative_Entry " >lookupJNINative - nativeLibrary (%p) nativeMethod (%p) symbolName (%s) signature (%s)" j9vm.620 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_lookupJNINative_NullNativeLibrary " lookupJNINative (null native library) - nativeMethod (%p) symbolName (%s) signature (%s) functionAddress (%p)" j9vm.621 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_lookupJNINative_Exit " extra (%p) symbolName (%s) signature (%s) lookupResult (%zu)" j9vm.622 2 1 3 N Trc_VM_lookupNativeAddress_Entry " >lookupNativeAddress - nativeLibrary (%p) nativeMethod (%p) longJNI (%s) shortJNI (%s) functionArgCount (%zu) bindJNINative (%zu)" j9vm.623 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_lookupNativeAddress_inlIntercept_Exit " registerBootstrapLibrary - libName (%s) libraryPtr (%p)" j9vm.628 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_registerBootstrapLibrary_Exit " ComputeNPEMsgAtPC : romClass (%p) romMethod (%p) temps (%p) bytecodeOffset (%p) bcCurrent (0x%x) npePC (%u) npeFlag (%d) isMethodFlag (%d) npeMsg (%s)" j9vm.636 0 1 4 N Trc_VM_ComputeNPEMsgAtPC_Constants " ComputeNPEMsgAtPC - constants : bcCurrent (0x%x) constNum (%d) numLen (%u) npeMsgTemp (%s)" j9vm.637 0 1 4 N Trc_VM_ComputeNPEMsgAtPC_Operators " ComputeNPEMsgAtPC - operators : bcCurrent (0x%x) npeMsgTemp (%s) msgLen (%u)" j9vm.638 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_ComputeNPEMsgAtPC_NotScalarType " ComputeNPEMsgAtPC - NOT scalar type : romClass (%p) romMethod (%p) constantPool (%p) aaloadIndex (%zu) info (%p) cpType (0x%x)" j9vm.639 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_ComputeNPEMsgAtPC_Constants_UnexpectedBC " ComputeNPEMsgAtPC - constants unexpected bytecode : bcCurrent (0x%x)" j9vm.640 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_ComputeNPEMsgAtPC_SkippedBC " ComputeNPEMsgAtPC - skipped bytecode : bcCurrent (0x%x) npeFinalFlag (%d)" j9vm.641 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_ComputeNPEMsgAtPC_Exit " GetFullyQualifiedMethodName bc (0x%x) index (%u) bcIndex (%p)" j9vm.653 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_GetFullyQualifiedMethodName_Exit " unwalkedQueueTail (%zu) bytecodeMap[%zu] (0x%x)" j9vm.658 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_CopyToTargetStack_BranchTarget " copyToTargetStack BranchTarget at liveStackBaseIndexTemp (%zu) liveStack: (%zu) targetStack: (%zu)" j9vm.659 0 1 1 N Trc_VM_CopyToTargetStack_Mismatched_StackShape " copyToTargetStack mismatched stack shape: liveStack (%zd, %zd) targetStack (%zd, %zd)" j9vm.660 0 1 4 N Trc_VM_CopyToTargetStack_DumpLiveStack " copyToTargetStack - liveStack->stackBaseIndex (%zu) liveStack->stackTopIndex (%zu)" j9vm.661 0 1 4 N Trc_VM_CopyToTargetStack_DumpTargetStack " copyToTargetStack - targetStack->stackBaseIndex (%zu) targetStack->stackTopIndex (%zu)" j9vm.662 4 1 4 N Trc_VM_CopyToTargetStack_Exit " stackTopIndex (%zu) liveStack->stackTopIndex (%zu)" j9vm.663 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_InitStackFromMethodSignature_Result " InitStackFromMethodSignature - *stackTopPtr (%p) stackTop (%p) argCount (%zu)" j9vm.664 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_findNativeLibrariesLoad_nativeMethod " getCurrentClassLoader - find NativeLibrariesLoad nativeMethod (0x%p) nativeLibraryImplObject (0x%p) classLoader (0x%p)" j9vm.665 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_findNativeLibrariesLoad_nativeLibraryImplObject " getCurrentClassLoader - find NativeLibrariesLoad nativeLibraryImplObject (0x%p)" j9vm.666 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_findNativeLibrariesLoad_fromClassObj " getCurrentClassLoader - find NativeLibrariesLoad fromClassObj (0x%p)" j9vm.667 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_findNativeLibrariesLoad_fromClass " getCurrentClassLoader - find NativeLibrariesLoad fromClass (0x%p)" j9vm.668 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_findNativeLibrariesLoad_classLoader " getCurrentClassLoader - find NativeLibrariesLoad classLoader (0x%p)" j9vm.669 12 1 1 N Trc_VM_Assert_ShouldNeverHappen "* ** ASSERTION FAILED ** at %s:%d: %s" j9vm.670 2 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveInvokeHandle_Entry " >resolveOpenJDKInvokeHandle(ramCP=%p, cpIndex=%zu, flags=%zx)" j9vm.671 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveInvokeHandle_Exit " result=%p" j9vm.672 2 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveInvokeDynamic_Entry " >resolveInvokeDynamic(callSiteIndex=%zu, bsmIndex=%zu, flags=%zx)" j9vm.673 0 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveInvokeDynamic_Resolved " callsite %zu resolved to %p" j9vm.674 4 1 3 N Trc_VM_resolveInvokeDynamic_Exit " result=%p" j9vm.675 2 1 2 N Trc_VM_sendResolveOpenJDKInvokeHandle_Entry " >sendResolveOpenJDKInvokeHandle" j9vm.676 4 1 2 N Trc_VM_sendResolveOpenJDKInvokeHandle_Exit " romClassLoadFromCookie vmStruct=%p clsNamePtr=%p clsName=%.*s romClassBytes=%p romClassLength=%d" j9vm.678 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_CreateRAMClassFromROMClass_sealedSuperFromDifferentModule "* The sealed super class/interface (RAM class=%p) is not in the same module as %.*s" j9vm.679 1 1 1 N Trc_VM_CreateRAMClassFromROMClass_sealedSuperFromDifferentPackage "* The sealed super class/interface (RAM class=%p) is not in the same package as %.*s (non-public)" j9vm.680 0 1 5 N Trc_VM_callin_stackFree " OS Stack free=%zi, current native sp=%p" j9vmchk.0 0 1 2 N Trc_VMCHK_VMInitStages_Event1 " Trace engine initialized for module j9vmchk" j9vmchk.1 0 1 3 N Trc_VMCHK_vmchkPrintf " J9 VM check: %s"