/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
/*                                                                        */
/* bos72Q src/bos/kernel/sys/POWER/machine.h                    */
/*                                                                        */
/* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                                   */
/*                                                                        */
/* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1987,2019              */
/* All Rights Reserved                                                    */
/*                                                                        */
/* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or            */
/* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.      */
/*                                                                        */
/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
/* @(#)96  src/bos/kernel/sys/POWER/machine.h, sysml, bos72Q, q2019_14A6 3/10/19 20:42:38 */
#ifndef _H_MACHINE
#define _H_MACHINE

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * COMPONENT_NAME: (SYSML) Kernel Assembler
 * ORIGINS: 27, 3
 * (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1987, 1994
 * All Rights Reserved
 * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
 * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
 * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
 *	     This include file defines mask bits and other special values
 *           for machine-dependent control registers, and other values
 *           specific to the platform.
 *           This version is for R2.
 *           NOTE:  A parallel assembler version of this .h file is in
 *                  .../sys/ml/machine.m4.

#include <sys/types.h>

 * Definitions for byte order,
 * according to byte significance from low address to high.
#define	LITTLE_ENDIAN	1234	/* least-significant byte first (vax)	      */
#define	BIG_ENDIAN	4321	/* most-significant byte first (IBM, net)     */
#define	PDP_ENDIAN	3412	/* LSB first in word, MSW first in long (pdp) */


 * Default value to place into a register when it isn't supposed
 *    to contain a useful value (killed registers on return from
 *    system call, for example)

#define      DEFAULT_GPR   0xDEADBEEF

 * Machine Status Register (MSR)

#define      MSR_TS_SUSP   0x200000000 /* TS: TM State: Supended             */
#define      MSR_TS_TRANS  0x400000000 /* TS: TM State: Transactional        */ 
#define      MSR_TS        0x600000000 /* TS: TM State Field of MSR          */
#define      MSR_TM        0x100000000 /* TM enable                          */
#define      MSR_VMX	   0x2000000/* VMX enable			     */
#define      MSR_VSX	   0x800000 /* VSX enable			     */
#define      MSR_EE	   0x8000   /* External interrupt enable             */
#define      MSR_PR	   0x4000   /* Problem state                         */
#define      MSR_FP	   0x2000   /* Floating point available              */
#define      MSR_ME	   0x1000   /* Machine check enable                  */
#define      MSR_FE	   0x0800   /* Floating point exception enable (PWR) */
#define      MSR_FE0	   0x0800   /* Floating point xcp mode bit0    (PPC) */
#define      MSR_SE        0x0400   /* Single Step Trace Enable    (RS2/PPC) */
#define      MSR_BE        0x0200   /* Branch Trace Enable         (RS2/PPC) */
#define      MSR_IE        0x0100   /* Flt-pt imprecise int enable     (RS2) */
#define      MSR_FE1       0x0100   /* Floating point xcp mode bit1    (PPC) */
#define      MSR_AL	   0x0000   /* Obsolete - alignment check      (PWR) */
#define      MSR_RSVD	   0x0080   /* Reserved                              */
#define      MSR_IP	   0x0040   /* Interrupt prefix active               */
#define      MSR_IR	   0x0020   /* Instruction relocate on               */
#define      MSR_DR	   0x0010   /* Data relocate on                      */
#define      MSR_PM        0x0004   /* Performance Monitoring          (RS2) */
#define	     MSR_RI	   0x0002   /* Recoverable interrupt           (PPC) */
#define	     MSR_HYPERVISOR	0x1000000000000000LL  /* Hypervisor Modr (GP) */

#ifdef __64BIT_KERNEL
#define      MSR_SF	   0x8000000000000000L   
#define	     MSR_ISF	   0x2000000000000000L

#define	     DEFAULT_USER_MSR  \
#define	     DISABLED_NORI_MSR \
#define      MSR_SF_H      0xA0000000   /* Upper half of msr for 64-bit PPC */
#define      DEFAULT_MSR          (MSR_EE|MSR_ME|MSR_IR|MSR_DR|MSR_RI)
#define      MSR_SF_H      0x80000000   /* Upper half of msr for 64-bit PPC */

 * Condition Register (CR)

#define      CR_LT	   0x80000000   /* Less Than,        field 0         */
#define      CR_GT	   0x40000000   /* Greater Than,     field 0         */
#define      CR_EQ	   0x20000000   /* Equal,            field 0         */
#define      CR_SO	   0x10000000   /* Summary Overflow, field 0         */
#define      CR_FX	   0x08000000   /* Floating point exception          */
#define      CR_FEX	   0x04000000   /* Floating point enabled exception  */
#define      CR_VX	   0x02000000   /* Floating point invalid operation  */
#define      CR_OX	   0x01000000   /* Copy of FPSCR(OX)                 */

/* Macro to access field n of CR value cr:                                   */

#define      CR_FIELD(n,cr)   ((cr << (n << 2)) & 0xF0000000)

 * Fixed Point Exception Register (XER)

#define      XER_SO	   0x80000000   /* Summary overflow                  */
#define      XER_OV	   0x40000000   /* Overflow                          */
#define      XER_CA	   0x20000000   /* Carry                             */

/* Macros to access comparison byte and length for lsx, lscbx, stsx          */

#define      XER_COMP_BYTE(xer)  ((xer >> 8) & 0x000000FF)
#define      XER_LENGTH(xer)     (xer & 0x0000007F)

 * Data Storage Interrupt Status Register (DSISR)

#define      DSISR_IO      0x80000000   /* I/O exception                     */
#define      DSISR_PFT     0x40000000   /* No valid PFT for page             */
#define      DSISR_LOCK    0x20000000   /* Access denied: data locking (PWR) */
#define      DSISR_FPIO    0x10000000   /* FP load/store to I/O space  (PWR) */
#define      DSISR_PROT    0x08000000   /* Protection exception              */
#define      DSISR_LOOP    0x04000000   /* PFT search > 127 entries    (RS1) */
#define      DSISR_DRST    0x04000000   /* lwarx, etc to Direct Store  (PPC) */
#define      DSISR_ST      0x02000000   /* 1 => store, 0 => load             */
#define      DSISR_SEGB    0x01000000   /* Crosses segment boundary,   (PWR) */
                                        /*   from T=0 to T=1                 */
#define      DSISR_DAC     0x00400000   /* Data Address Cmp/ACCR (PPC < P5++)*/
#define      DSISR_DABR    0x00400000   /* DABR exception          (RS2/PPC) */
#define      DSISR_STAB    0x00200000   /* stab fault	         (PPC < P5++)*/
#define      DSISR_SKEY    0x00200000   /* Storage Key Violation       (P5++)*/
#define      DSISR_EAR     0x00100000   /* eciwx with EAR enable = 0   (PPC) */

#define      DSISR_IMP_DSI 0x00020000   /* Implicit PTE miss, HSLB mode (P9) */
#define      DSISR_COPV    0x00004000   /* Coprocessor Access Violation (P7) */
#define      DSISR_CSMV    0x00000010   /* CSM violation w. copy/paste (P9)  */
#define      DSISR_COPYV   0x00000008   /* Inval accel. access w. copy (P9)  */
#define      DSISR_AO_INV  0x00000004	/* Atomic Op Inval Funct code  (P9)  */

 * System Recall Register 1 (SRR1)
 * Note:  This register is used for various purposes, depending on the
 *        type of interrupt, thus the prefix of the name will vary.

#define      SRR_IS_PFT    0x40000000   /* No valid PFT for page             */
#define      SRR_IS_ISPEC  0x20000000   /* I-fetch from special segmnt (PWR) */
#define      SRR_IS_IIO    0x10000000   /* I-fetch from I/O space            */
#define      SRR_IS_GUARD  0x10000000   /* I-fetch from guarded storage      */
#define      SRR_IS_PROT   0x08000000   /* Protection exception              */
#define      SRR_IS_LOOP   0x04000000   /* PFT search > 127 entries    (RS1) */
#define	     SRR_PR_TM_BAD 0x00200000   /* Trans Memory Bad Thing Exception  */

#define      SRR_PR_FPEN   0x00100000   /* FP Enabled Interrupt exception    */
#define      SRR_PR_INVAL  0x00080000   /* Invalid operation                 */
#define      SRR_PR_PRIV   0x00040000   /* Privileged instruction            */
#define      SRR_PR_TRAP   0x00020000   /* Trap instruction                  */
#define      SRR_PR_IMPRE  0x00010000   /* Imprecise Interrupt         (PPC) */

 * VMX Status and Control Register
#define	     VSCR_SAT	   0x00000001	/* VMX Saturation sticky bit         */
#define	     VSCR_NJ	   0x00010000	/* VMX Non-Java Mode	             */

 * Data Streams Control Register (DSCR) - Power6 and later CPUs
 * ============================================================
 *       |<----------------------- v2.07 --------------------------->|
 *       |                                   |<------ v2.06_2 ------>|
 *       |                                   |     |<--- v2.06_1 --->|
 *       |                                   |     |   |<-- v2.06 -->|
 *       |                                   |     |   |    |<v2.05->|
 * +-----|----+----+---+---+----+----+-------|-----|---|----|---+----|
 * |-----|----|----|---|---|----|----|-------|-----|---|----|---|----|
 * (0  38   39   40  41  42   43   44 45   54 55 57  58   59  60   63)
 * _Bit(s)  Name        Description_
 *     39   SWTE        Software Transient Enable
 *                      Applies the transient attribute to s/w-defined 
 *                      streams.
 *     40   HWTE        Hardware Transient Enable
 *                      Applies the transient attribute to h/w-detected
 *                      streams.
 *     41   STE         Store Transient Enable
 *                      Applies the transient attribute to store streams.
 *     42   LTE         Load Transient Enable
 *                      Applies the transient attribute to load streams.
 *     43   SWUE        Software Unit Count Enable
 *                      Applies the unit count to s/w-defined streams.
 *     44   HWUE        Hardware Unit Count Enable
 *                      Applies the unit count to h/w-detected streams.
 *  45:54   UNITCNT     Unit Count
 *                      Number of units in a data stream.
 *  55:57   URG         Depth Attainment Urgency
 *     58   LSD         Load Stream Disable (used to be DLDP: Disable Load
 *                      Prefetch)
 *     59   SNSE        Stride-N Stream Enable  (P7 - Arch v2.06 and up)
 *     60   SSE         Store Stream Enable
 *                      Enables hardware detection and initiation of store
 *                      streams.
 *  61:63   DPFD        Default Prefetch Depth
 *                      Depth value applied for hardware-detected streams
 *                      and software-defined streams for which a dcbt with
 *                      TH=1010 is _not_ used in their description. Values
 *                      and their meanings are as follows.
#define  DSCR_DPFD_SHIFT    (0)
#define  DSCR_DPFD_MASK     (0x7)
#define  DPFD_DEFAULT             0
#define  DPFD_NONE                1
#define  DPFD_SHALLOWEST          2
#define  DPFD_SHALLOW             3
#define  DPFD_MEDIUM              4
#define  DPFD_DEEP                5
#define  DPFD_DEEPER              6
#define  DPFD_DEEPEST             7

#define  DSCR_SSE       (1<<3)
#define  DSCR_SNSE      (1<<4)

 * Bit 58 field was renamed from DLDP to LSD in the Power ISA.
 * Keeping old definition for source compatibility.
#define  DSCR_DLDP      (1<<5)
#define  DSCR_LSD       DSCR_DLDP

 * Bits 55:57 Depth Attainment Urgency (URG)
#define  DSCR_URG_SHIFT     (6)
#define  DSCR_URG_MASK      (0x7)
#define  URG_DEFAULT        (0<<DSCR_URG_SHIFT)
#define  URG_MEDIUM         (4<<DSCR_URG_SHIFT)
#define  URG_URGENT         (5<<DSCR_URG_SHIFT)

 * Bits 45:54 Unit Count (UNITCNT)
#define  DSCR_UNITCNT_SHIFT  (9)
#define  DSCR_UNITCNT_MASK   (0x3FF)

 * Bits 44 (HWUE) through 39 (SWTE)
#define  DSCR_HWUE      (1<<19)
#define  DSCR_SWUE      (1<<20)
#define  DSCR_LTE       (1<<21)
#define  DSCR_STE       (1<<22)
#define  DSCR_HWTE      (1<<23)
#define  DSCR_SWTE      (1<<24)

 * Inclusive Bit Masks for DSCR by Power ISA Version
 * NOTE: V206_1 for 2.06+ has the same mask as base 2.06 because we
 * provided early support for the LSD bit under the name DLDP.
#define  DSCR_MASK          0x0F        /* Only for bits valid in DSCR */
#define  DSCR_MASKV205      DSCR_MASK   /* Mask for V205   */
#define  DSCR_MASKV206      0x3F        /* Mask for V206   */
#define  DSCR_MASKV206_1    0x3F        /* Mask for V206_1 */
#define  DSCR_MASKV206_2    0x1FF       /* Mask for V206_2 */
#define  DSCR_MASKV207      0x1FFFFFF   /* Mask for V207   */

 * Structures used to query the Data Streams Properties

struct dscr_properties {
#define DSCR_PROP_VER0	0x44530000		/* 'D''S'00 */
#define DSCR_PROP_VER1	0x44530001		/* 'D''S'01 */
#define DSCR_PROP_VER2  0x44530002		/* 'D''S'02 */
	unsigned int	version;
	unsigned int  	number_of_streams;	/* Number of HW streams */
	long long	platform_default_pd;	/* Platform default */
	long long	os_default_pd;		/* Operating System default */
#define DSCR_V205	0x205
#define DSCR_V206	0x206
#define DSCR_V206_1	0x10206
#define DSCR_V206_2	0x20206
#define DSCR_V207   0x207
	int		dscr_version;		/* Architecture version	*/
#define DSCR_SYS_AUTO_ON	1
	unsigned int	dscr_control;		/* 
	  					 *system wide dscr control
	 					 *(read only)
#define	DSCR_PROP_SMTS	5			/* size of dscr_smt array*/
	long long	dscr_smt[DSCR_PROP_SMTS];/* DSCR/SMT matrix */
	long long 	dscr_mask;

#define DSCR_PROP_VER0_SIZE	(offsetof(struct dscr_properties, dscr_version))
#define DSCR_PROP_VER1_SIZE	(offsetof(struct dscr_properties, dscr_smt))
#define DSCR_PROP_VER2_SIZE	(sizeof(struct dscr_properties))

 * Function to read/write the Data Streams Control Register
int dscr_ctl(int op, void *buf_p, int size);

 * The op parameter is one of the values below:

#define	DSCR_WRITE	    1  /* Stores new value from input buffer into    *
                                * process context and in the DSCR.           */
#define	DSCR_READ	    2  /* Reads current value of DSCR and returns it *
                                * in output buffer.                          */
#define	DSCR_GET_PROPERTIES 3  /* Reads number of HW streams,		     *
			        * Firmware default Prefetch Depth	     *
			        * and OS default Prefetch Depth from kernel  *
                                * memory and returns it in output buffer     */
#define DSCR_SET_DEFAULT    4  /* Set Operating System default for DSCR      */

 * Transaction EXception And Summary Register (TEXASR) Fields
#define     TEXASR_FC             0xFE00000000000000L /* Failure Code         */
#define     TEXASR_PERSISTENT     0x0100000000000000L /* Failure is persistent*/
#define     TEXASR_DISALLOW       0x0080000000000000L /* Instruction access   */
                                                      /* type not permitted   */
#define     TEXASR_NEST_OV        0x0040000000000000L /* Maximum transaction  */
                                                      /* level exceeded       */
#define     TEXASR_FOOT_OV        0x0020000000000000L /* Tracking limit       */
                                                      /* exceeded             */
#define     TEXASR_SELF_CONF      0x0010000000000000L /* Self-Induced Conflict*/
#define     TEXASR_NON_TR_CONF    0x0008000000000000L /* Non-Tranactional     */
                                                      /* Conflict             */
#define     TEXASR_TR_CONF        0x0004000000000000L /* Conflict occured with*/
                                                      /* anoter transaction   */
#define     TEXASR_TLB_INV_CONF   0x0002000000000000L /* Translation          */
                                                      /* Invalidation Conflict*/
#define     TEXASR_IMP_SPEC       0x0001000000000000L /* Implementation       */
                                                      /* Specific Condition   */
                                                      /* Caused Failure       */
#define     TEXASR_ABORT          0x0000000100000000L /* Abort caused via TM  */
                                                      /* instruction          */
#define     TEXASR_SUSPENDED      0x0000000080000000L /* Failure recorded in  */
                                                      /* suspended state      */
#define     TEXASR_USER_STATE     0x0000000040000000L /* Thread in user state */
                                                      /* at time of failure   */
#define     TEXASR_PR             0x0000000030000000L /* Thread was in PR sate*/
                                                      /* at time of failure   */
#define     TEXASR_FS             0x0000000008000000L /* Failure Summary (FS) */
#define     TEXASR_TFIAR_EXACT    0x0000000004000000L /* Value in TFIAR is    */
                                                      /* exact                */
#define     TEXASR_ROT            0x0000000002000000L /* ROT initiated        */
#define     TEXASR_TL             0x0000000000000FFFL /* Transaction Level    */
                                                      /* (TL)                 */

 * TEXASR Failure Codes
 * NOTE: The low order bit of the failure code is placed into the 
 *       persistent field of the TEXASR register. Therefore, for
 *       persistent failure types, this bit must be set in the
 *       failure code below and for transient failure types it
 *       must not be set.
 * Persistent Failure Codes 
#define     TM_PERSISTENT        0x01 /* Persistent Field in the Failure Code */
#define     TM_ILL_SC            0x03 /* The transaction attempted to call a  */
                                      /* system call that is not supported    */
                                      /* when in transactional mode.          */
#define     TM_PROC_TERMINATED   0x05 /* The process was terminated.          */
#define     TM_THREAD_FORKED     0x07 /* The thread was forked.               */
#define     TM_THREAD_TERMINATED 0x09 /* The process-thread was terminated.   */
#define     TM_PROG_EXEC         0x0B /* Program was exec'd resulting in the  */
                                      /* TM unit being disowned.              */
#define     TM_LIBC              0x0D /* The program made a call to a libc    */
                                      /* function resulting in transaction    */
                                      /* failure.                             */
#define     TM_PTH_PREEMPTED     0x0F /* A transactional pthread was          */
                                      /* preempted by the pthreads scheduler  */
#define     TM_SYNC_SIGNAL       0x11 /* The transaction was failed due to    */
                                      /* delivery of a synchronous signal.    */
#define     TM_BAD_THING         0x13 /* Transaction received a TM Bad Thing  */
                                      /* Exception type of Program Interrupt. */
#define     TM_INV_OP            0x15 /* The program attempted to execute an  */
                                      /* instruction that is either invalid   */
                                      /* or only supported via emulation      */
                                      /* while in transactional mode.         */
#define     TM_ALIGN_INT         0x17 /* The program caused an alignment      */
                                      /* interrupt while in transactional     */
                                      /* mode.                                */
 * Transient Failure Codes
#define     TM_PREEMPTED         0x02 /* The transaction failued due to a     */
                                      /* context switch                       */
#define     TM_NOT_FP_OWNER      0x04 /* The process-thread did not own the   */
                                      /* F.P. unit and attempted a F.P.       */
                                      /* operation or access                  */
#define     TM_NOT_VMX_OWNER     0x06 /* The process-thread did not own the   */
                                      /* VMX unit and attempted a VMX         */
                                      /* operation or access                  */
#define     TM_NOT_VSX_OWNER     0x08 /* The process-thread did not own the   */
                                      /* VSX unit and attempted a VSX         */
                                      /*  operation or access                 */
#define     TM_NOT_FAC_OWNER     0x0A /* The process-thread did not own a     */
                                      /* Facility and attempted an operation/ */
                                      /* access resulting in a Facility       */
                                      /* Unavailable Interrupt.               */
#define     TM_CPU_SPARED        0x0C /* The transaction failed due to a CPU  */
                                      /* sparing operation on the CPU it was  */
                                      /* running on.                          */
#define     TM_THREAD_SUSP       0x0E /* The transaction was failed due to    */
                                      /* the process-thread being suspended.  */
#define     TM_SIG_DELIVERED     0x10 /* The transaction was failed due to    */
                                      /* signal delivery.                     */
#define     TM_THREAD_START      0x12 /* The transaction was failed upon the  */
                                      /* start of of a thread.                */
#define     TM_KDB_ENTERED       0x14 /* KDB was entered                      */

 * Reserved Failure Codes
 * The following failure codes are reserved for future use by AIX:
 *    0x16, and 0x18 through 0x3F.
 * The failure codes 0x40 through 0xDF are free for use by applications.
 * The failure codes 0xE0 through 0xFF are reserved for use by the
 * Hypervisor and have the following meaning:
 * Transient Hypervsor Failure Codes:
 *    0xE0 - The transaction has failed due to processor dispatch cycle.
 *    0xE2 - The transaction has failed due to late binding of the FP facility
 * Persistent Hypervisor Failure Codes:
 *    0xFF - The transaction has failed due to LPAR termination (will not
 *           be visible to the partition).
 * Note that when the failure code is set to 0x00 the failure was not
 * explicitly forced by AIX or the Hypervisor.

 * VR Save Register (VRSAVE)
 * Note: The AIX ABI specifies that an ABI-compliant
 *       program must not use or alter VRSAVE.
 *       As such the internal usage of VRSAVE by the AIX kernel
 *       is subject to change.
#define     VRSAVE_NONE    0x0000 /* The process-thread has never used VMX,  */
                                  /* VSX, or TM.                             */
#define     VRSAVE_VX      0x0001 /* The process-thread has used VMX or VSX. */
#define     VRSAVE_TM      0x0002 /* The process-thread has used TM.         */


#ifdef _KERNEL
 * MACROS to determine the type of RS/6000 machine
extern int mach_model;

#define MACH_RS1() (!(mach_model & 0x06000000))
#define	MACH_RSC() (mach_model & 0x02000000)

extern int fp_ie_impl;                  /* nonzero if ie implemented         */
#define FP_IE_IMPL (fp_ie_impl != 0)

#endif /* _KERNEL */

#ifdef _KERNSYS

#ifdef _POWER_PC

#ifdef _POWER_601

 * The following macro can be used to generate a BUID 7f segment
 * register value given a real address
#define BUID_7F_SRVAL(raddr) (0x87F00000 | (((uint)(raddr)) >> 28))

#endif /* _POWER_601 */

 *	DBATU  Data BAT Upper
 *   +---------------------------------------------------------------+
 *   |     Effective  Address      | rsvd  |      Block Size     |V|V|
 *   |          BEPI               |       |          BL         |S|P|
 *   | | | | | | | | | | |1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|2|2|2|2|2|2|2|2|2|2|3|3|
 *   |0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|1|
 *   +---------------------------------------------------------------+
 *	DBATL  Data BAT Lower
 *   +---------------------------------------------------------------+
 *   |        Real Address         | rsvd              |W I M G| |P P|
 *   |          BRPN               |                   |       | |   |
 *   | | | | | | | | | | |1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|2|2|2|2|2|2|2|2|2|2|3|3|
 *   |0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|1|
 *   +---------------------------------------------------------------+

 * The following defines are all valid values for the data BAT
 * BL field
#define BT_256M		0x1FFC		/* 256 Meg block */
#define BT_128M		0x0FFC		/* 128 Meg block */
#define BT_64M		0x07FC		/* 64 Meg block */
#define BT_32M		0x03FC		/* 32 Meg block */
#define BT_16M		0x01FC		/* 16 Meg block */
#define BT_8M		0x00FC		/* 8 Meg block */
#define BT_4M		0x007C		/* 4 Meg block */
#define BT_2M		0x003C		/* 2 Meg block */
#define BT_1M		0x001C		/* 1 Meg block */
#define BT_512K		0x000C		/* 512 K block */
#define BT_256K		0x0004		/* 256 K block */
#define BT_128K		0x0000		/* 128 K block */

 * The following defines are for data BAT PP (access protection)
#define BT_NOACCESS	0x0		/* BAT no access */
#define BT_RDONLY	0x1		/* read only access */
#define BT_WRITE	0x2		/* read write access */

 * The following defines are for the data BAT Vs Vp fields
#define BT_VS		0x2		/* BAT valid in kernel mode */
#define BT_VP		0x1		/* BAT valid in user mode */

 * The following values can be used to generate data BAT values
 *	raddr - real address
 *	size - BL field (use BT_XXX defines above)
 *	val - BAT (use BT_XXX defines above)
 *	eaddr - effective address to map
 *	wimg - storage attributes
 * 	pp - access protection (use BT_XXX defines above)
#define DBATU(eaddr, size, val)	(((eaddr) & 0xFFFE0000) | (size) | (val))
#define DBATL(raddr, wimg, pp)	(((raddr) & 0xFFFE0000) | ((wimg) << 3) | (pp))

 * The DBATU_D and DBATL_D macros are for access of 64bit I/O
#define DBATU_D(eaddr, size, val)     				\
	((unsigned long long)((unsigned long long)(eaddr) & 	\
	(unsigned long long)0xFFFFFFFFFFFE0000ULL) | 		\
	(unsigned long long)(size) | (unsigned long long)(val))

#define DBATL_D(raddr, wimg, pp)  			\
	((unsigned long long)((((raddr) & 		\
	((unsigned long long)0xFFFFFFFFFFFE0000ULL))) | \
		((unsigned long long)(wimg) << 3) | 	\
		((unsigned long long)(pp))))

 * This macro can returns the segment number that a data BAT maps
#define BAT_ESEG(dbatu) (((uint)(dbatu) >> 28))

#define MIN_BAT_SIZE	0x00020000	/* Minimium BAT size (128K) */
#define MAX_BAT_SIZE	0x10000000	/* Maximium BAT size (256M) */

 *				ASR (Low 32-bits)
 *   +---------------------------------------------------------------+
 *   |                                                              V|
 *   |                                       |                     | |
 *   | | | | | | | | | | |1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|2|2|2|2|2|2|2|2|2|2|3|3|
 *   |0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0|1|
 *   +---------------------------------------------------------------+
 * Power PC ASR SPR is used to anchor a segment table.  It contains the
 * segment table's real address.  A valid bit enables the segment table
 * lookup to proceed.

#define ASR_VALID	(1LL)

#define	SLB_SIZE_MIN		32	/* min architected slb size */
#define	SLB_SIZE_MAX		64	/* max slb size (for static arrays) */


#ifndef __64BIT_KERNEL

#define	USER_SLB_START		16	/* First slb index loaded */
#define SLBR_TESID		1	/* temporary ESID used slb_reload */

#else /* ... __64BIT_KERNEL */

#define	MAX_SLB_INDEX		63	/* Last index */
#define SLB_NUM_MASK		0xcff	/* mask for largest architected SLB */
#define SLB_VALID		0x08000000	/* SLB valid bit */
#define SLB_E_RSVD		0x07fffc00	/* reserved bits in slbmte */
#define SLB_Ks			0x800	/* Ks bit in SLB vmhandle */
#define SLB_Kp			0x400	/* Kp bit in SLB vmhandle */
#define SLB_N			0x200	/* N (no-execute) bit in SLB vmhandle*/
#define	SLB_C			0x80	/* Class bit in SLB vmhandle */
#define SLB_L_BIT		0x0100UL /* L (large pg) bit in SLB vmhandle */
#define SLB_TA			0x0040UL /* Tags Active mode (not AIX) */
#define SLB_LP_BITS		0x0030UL /* LP (pg sz) bits in SLB vmhandle */
#define SLB_PSIZE_MASK          0x0130UL /* mask for SLB page size bits */
#define SLB_BITS_MASK		(SLB_Ks | SLB_Kp | SLB_N | SLB_C | SLB_TA |\
#define SLBE(_esid, _index) ((_esid)|SLB_VALID|(_index))

/* The bits in an STE (segment table entry) mostly mirror those in an SLBE, but
 * the following are software managed STE bits only and so are not included in
 * the SLB_BITS_MASK above.  These bits can be added to a vmhandle_t only for
 * the purposes of adding that handle to an STE.  These bits should not be used
 * in any vmhandle outside of an STE.
#define SLB_SW_STEPIN		0x1UL	/* s/w bit for STE pinned in STAB */
#define SLB_SW_RSVD1		0x2UL	/* s/w bit reserved for future use */
#define SLB_SW_RSVD2		0x4UL	/* s/w bit reserved for future use */
#define SLB_SW_RSVD3		0x8UL	/* s/w bit reserved for future use */
#define SLB_SW_MASK		0xFUL	/* mask for s/w managed bits */

#define VALID_HANDLE_SSLB(_handle) (!((_handle) & 0x0f))
#define HANDLE_CLASS_SSLB		0x80UL	/* C-bit */

#ifndef _HSLB
#define SLB_TEMP0_INDEX		0xB
#define SLB_TEMP1_INDEX		0xC
#define SLB_TEMP2_INDEX		0xD
#define SLB_TEMP3_INDEX		0xE
#define SLB_TEMP0_INDEX		(HSLB_MODE(HWSLB)? 0 : 0xB)
#define SLB_TEMP1_INDEX		(HSLB_MODE(HWSLB)? 1 : 0xC)
#define SLB_TEMP2_INDEX		(HSLB_MODE(HWSLB)? 2 : 0xD)
#define SLB_TEMP3_INDEX		(HSLB_MODE(HWSLB)? 3 : 0xE)

/* slbie format:
 *  [ 0:35 esid | 36 class bit | 37:38 seg size bits | 39:63 unused ]
 *   +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
 *   |
 *   |   esid                             |C| B|   unused
 *   |          11111111112222222222333333|3|33|3444444444455555555556666
 *   |012345678901234567890123456789012345|6|78|9012345678901234567890123
 *   +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
#define SLBIE_RB(_eaddr, _C, _B)			\
	((_eaddr) | ((_C) << (63-36)) | ((_B) << (63-38)))

#endif /* !__64BIT_KERNEL */

 * Primitive functions for kernel debugger to do MMIOs
long long read_mmio(long, unsigned long long);
void write_mmio(long, unsigned long long, unsigned long long);

 * Macro to test DSCR support
extern struct dscr_properties dscr_info;
extern int hw_streams_supported;

#endif /* _POWER_PC */

#endif /* _KERNSYS */

 * In IA64, the alignment of a long long differs between 32 and 64 bit.
 * In 64 bit, the alignment is on an 8 byte boundary but in 32 bit
 * the alignment is on a 4 byte boundary.  This causes some structure
 * that are defined both in user space and on the kernel to misalign.
 * The __INTPAD macro is used to force an alignment to the next 4 byte
 * boundary.
 * Note that this problem does not occur on POWER archtecture so this
 * macro generates nothing in the POWER machine.h.
#define __INTPAD(nm)

#ifdef _KERNEL

 * The following definitions are for facility kernel services
int facility_enable(uint64_t facility);
int facility_disable(uint64_t facility);

 * vsx_enable and vsx_disable
 * vsx_enable
 * Syntax:
 *    #include <sys/machine.h>
 *    char vsx_enable ()
 * Description: The vsx_enable kernel service communicates to the hypervisor
 *              that the vector and vector-scalar registers are in use.
 * Execution Environment: The vsx_enable kernel service can be called
 *              from the process or interrupt environment.
 *              vsx_enable must be called while disabled at INTMAX.
 * Return Values: The vsx_enable service returns the current PVPA setting that
 *              comminucates to the hypervisor that the vector and
 *              vector-scalar registers are in use.
 * Note: This service used to be named vx_enable.
 * vsx_disable
 * Syntax:
 *    #include <sys/machine.h>
 *    void vsx_disable (old)
 *    char old;
 * Parameters:
 *    old    Specifies the value returned by the vsx_enable service.
 * Description: The vsx_disable kernel service communicates to the hypervisor
 *              that the vector and vector-scalar registers are no longer in
 *              use.
 * Execution Environment: The vsx_disable kernel service can be called
 *              from the process or interrupt environment.
 *              vsx_disable must be called while disabled at INTMAX.
 * Return Values: The vsx_disable service has no return values.
 * Note: This service used to be named vx_disable.
char vsx_enable(void);
void vsx_disable(char old);

#endif /* _KERNEL */

 * ue_load
 * Syntax:
 *    #include <sys/machine.h>
 *    uint64_t ue_load(addr)
 *    void *addr;
 * Parameters:
 *    addr   Specifies the address to load from.
 * Description: The ue_load subroutine loads 8 bytes from memory and reports
 *              back to the caller when a uncorrectable error is encountered
 *              in memory when the load operation is performed. Upon finding
 *              an uncorrectable error, ue_load will return with a value of
 *              all ones.
 *              When ue_load reports that an uncorrectable error has been
 *              encountered, the caller should not attempt to directly access
 *              the memory. The bsterile subroutine or xmbsterile kernel
 *              service can be used to clear the uncorrectable error before
 *              attempting to directly access the memory. 
 * Execution Environment: The ue_load subroutine can be called from either
 *              a 32 or 64 bit execution environment.
 * Return Values: 
 *              All 1s           - An uncorrectable error has been detected.
 *              All other values - Value read from the specified memory
 *                                 address.
uint64_t ue_load(void *);
#if __64BIT__
#pragma mc_func ue_load { "48016683" }         /* bla  0x16680 */
#pragma reg_killed_by ue_load gr3
#pragma mc_func ue_load { "480116C3" }         /* bla  0x116C0 */
#pragma reg_killed_by ue_load gr3,gr4
#endif /* __64BIT__ */

 * ue_query
 * Syntax:
 *    #include <sys/machine.h>
 *    void *ue_query(buf, len)
 *    void    *buf;
 *    size_t   len;
 * Parameters:
 *    buf    Specifies the address of the buffer to query.
 *    len    Indicates the length of the buffer in bytes.
 * Description: The ue_query subroutine determines if there are any
 *              uncorrectable errors present in the memory consumed by the
 *              specified buffer. Upon finding an uncorrectable error, the
 *              ue_query subroutine returns the address of the beginning of the
 *              cache line containing the uncorrectable error. If the buffer is
 *              not cache aligned and the uncorrectable error is in the first
 *              cache line consumed by the buffer, the ue_query subrouine will
 *              return the address of the beginning of the buffer.
 * Execution Environment: The ue_query subroutine can be called from either
 *              a 32 or 64 bit execution environment.
 * Return Values: 
 *              0        - No uncorrectable errors detected.
 *              Non-zero - An uncorrectable error has been detected. Indicates
 *                         the cache line containing the first uncorrectable error
 *                         or the beginning of the buffer when the first error is
 *                         in the first cache line and the buffer is not cache
 *                         aligned.
void *ue_query(void *, unsigned long);
#pragma mc_func ue_query { "480166B3" }         /* bla  0x166B0 */
#pragma reg_killed_by ue_query gr3,gr4,gr5,cr0
#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* _H_MACHINE */