/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* bos720 src/bos/usr/include/netiso/tp_tpdu.h 1.5 */ /* */ /* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1988,1991 */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* */ /* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or */ /* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ /* @(#)66 1.5 src/bos/usr/include/netiso/tp_tpdu.h, sockinc, bos720 3/5/94 12:41:59 */ /* * * COMPONENT_NAME: (SOCKET) Socket services * * FUNCTIONS: * * ORIGINS: 26 27 * * (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1988, 1989, 1991 * All Rights Reserved * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. *****************************************************************/ /* * ARGO Project, Computer Sciences Dept., University of Wisconsin - Madison */ /* * ARGO TP * * $Header: tp_tpdu.h,v 4.4 88/07/26 16:45:40 nhall Exp $ * $Source: /usr/argo/sys/netiso/RCS/tp_tpdu.h,v $ * (#)tp_tpdu.h 7.3 (Berkeley) 8/29/89 * * * This ghastly set of macros makes it possible to * refer to tpdu structures without going mad. */ #ifndef __TP_TPDU__ #define __TP_TPDU__ #ifndef BYTE_ORDER /* * Definitions for byte order, * according to byte significance from low address to high. */ #define LITTLE_ENDIAN 1234 /* least-significant byte first (vax) */ #define BIG_ENDIAN 4321 /* most-significant byte first (IBM, net) */ #define PDP_ENDIAN 3412 /* LSB first in word, MSW first in long (pdp) */ #ifdef vax #define BYTE_ORDER LITTLE_ENDIAN #else #define BYTE_ORDER BIG_ENDIAN /* mc68000, tahoe, most others */ #endif #endif /* BYTE_ORDER */ /* This much of a tpdu is the same for all types of tpdus (except * DT tpdus in class 0; their exceptions are handled by the data * structure below */ struct tpdu_fixed { u_char _tpduf_li:8, /* length indicator */ #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN _tpduf_cdt: 4, /* credit */ _tpduf_type: 4; /* type of tpdu (DT, CR, etc.) */ #endif #if BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIAN _tpduf_type: 4, /* type of tpdu (DT, CR, etc.) */ _tpduf_cdt: 4; /* credit */ #endif u_short _tpduf_dref; /* destination ref; not in DT in class 0 */ }; #define tpdu_li _tpduf._tpduf_li #define tpdu_type _tpduf._tpduf_type #define tpdu_cdt _tpduf._tpduf_cdt #define tpdu_dref _tpduf._tpduf_dref struct tp0du { u_char _tp0_li, _tp0_cdt_type, /* same as in tpdu_fixed */ #if BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIAN _tp0_eot: 1, /* eot */ _tp0_mbz: 7, /* must be zero */ #endif #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN _tp0_mbz: 7, /* must be zero */ _tp0_eot: 1, /* eot */ #endif _tp0_notused: 8; /* data begins on this octet */ }; #define tp0du_eot _tp0_eot #define tp0du_mbz _tp0_mbz /* * This is used when the extended format seqence numbers are * being sent and received. */ /* * the seqeot field is an int that overlays the seq * and eot fields, this allows the htonl operation * to be applied to the entire 32 bit quantity, and * simplifies the structure definitions. */ union seq_type { struct { #if BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIAN unsigned int st_eot:1, /* end-of-tsdu */ st_seq:31; /* 31 bit sequence number */ #endif #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN unsigned int st_seq:31, /* 31 bit sequence number */ st_eot:1; /* end-of-tsdu */ #endif } st; unsigned int s_seqeot; #define s_eot st.st_eot #define s_seq st.st_seq }; /* Then most tpdu types have a portion that is always present but * differs among the tpdu types : */ union tpdu_fixed_rest { struct { u_short _tpdufr_sref, /* source reference */ #if BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIAN _tpdufr_class: 4, /* class [ ISO 8073 13.3.3.e ] */ _tpdufr_opt: 4, /* options [ ISO 8073 13.3.3.e ] */ #endif #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN _tpdufr_opt: 4, /* options [ ISO 8073 13.3.3.e ] */ _tpdufr_class: 4, /* class [ ISO 8073 13.3.3.e ] */ #endif _tpdufr_xx: 8; /* unused */ } CRCC; #define tpdu_CRli _tpduf._tpduf_li #define tpdu_CRtype _tpduf._tpduf_type #define tpdu_CRcdt _tpduf._tpduf_cdt #define tpdu_CRdref_0 _tpduf._tpduf_dref #define tpdu_CRsref _tpdufr.CRCC._tpdufr_sref #define tpdu_sref _tpdufr.CRCC._tpdufr_sref #define tpdu_CRclass _tpdufr.CRCC._tpdufr_class #define tpdu_CRoptions _tpdufr.CRCC._tpdufr_opt #define tpdu_CCli _tpduf._tpduf_li #define tpdu_CCtype _tpduf._tpduf_type #define tpdu_CCcdt _tpduf._tpduf_cdt #define tpdu_CCdref _tpduf._tpduf_dref #define tpdu_CCsref _tpdufr.CRCC._tpdufr_sref #define tpdu_CCclass _tpdufr.CRCC._tpdufr_class #define tpdu_CCoptions _tpdufr.CRCC._tpdufr_opt /* OPTIONS and ADDL OPTIONS bits */ #define TPO_USE_EFC 0x1 #define TPO_XTD_FMT 0x2 #define TPAO_USE_TXPD 0x1 #define TPAO_NO_CSUM 0x2 #define TPAO_USE_RCC 0x4 #define TPAO_USE_NXPD 0x8 struct { unsigned short _tpdufr_sref; /* source reference */ unsigned char _tpdufr_reason; /* [ ISO 8073 13.5.3.d ] */ } DR; #define tpdu_DRli _tpduf._tpduf_li #define tpdu_DRtype _tpduf._tpduf_type #define tpdu_DRdref _tpduf._tpduf_dref #define tpdu_DRsref _tpdufr.DR._tpdufr_sref #define tpdu_DRreason _tpdufr.DR._tpdufr_reason unsigned short _tpdufr_sref; /* source reference */ #define tpdu_DCli _tpduf._tpduf_li #define tpdu_DCtype _tpduf._tpduf_type #define tpdu_DCdref _tpduf._tpduf_dref #define tpdu_DCsref _tpdufr._tpdufr_sref struct { #if BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIAN unsigned char _tpdufr_eot:1, /* end-of-tsdu */ _tpdufr_seq:7; /* 7 bit sequence number */ #endif #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN unsigned char _tpdufr_seq:7, /* 7 bit sequence number */ _tpdufr_eot:1; /* end-of-tsdu */ #endif }SEQEOT; struct { #if BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIAN unsigned int _tpdufr_Xeot:1, /* end-of-tsdu */ _tpdufr_Xseq:31; /* 31 bit sequence number */ #endif #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN unsigned int _tpdufr_Xseq:31, /* 31 bit sequence number */ _tpdufr_Xeot:1; /* end-of-tsdu */ #endif }SEQEOT31; unsigned int _tpdufr_Xseqeot; #define tpdu_seqeotX _tpdufr._tpdufr_Xseqeot #define tpdu_DTli _tpduf._tpduf_li #define tpdu_DTtype _tpduf._tpduf_type #define tpdu_DTdref _tpduf._tpduf_dref #define tpdu_DTseq _tpdufr.SEQEOT._tpdufr_seq #define tpdu_DTeot _tpdufr.SEQEOT._tpdufr_eot #define tpdu_DTseqX _tpdufr.SEQEOT31._tpdufr_Xseq #define tpdu_DTeotX _tpdufr.SEQEOT31._tpdufr_Xeot #define tpdu_XPDli _tpduf._tpduf_li #define tpdu_XPDtype _tpduf._tpduf_type #define tpdu_XPDdref _tpduf._tpduf_dref #define tpdu_XPDseq _tpdufr.SEQEOT._tpdufr_seq #define tpdu_XPDeot _tpdufr.SEQEOT._tpdufr_eot #define tpdu_XPDseqX _tpdufr.SEQEOT31._tpdufr_Xseq #define tpdu_XPDeotX _tpdufr.SEQEOT31._tpdufr_Xeot struct { #if BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIAN unsigned _tpdufr_yrseq0:1, /* always zero */ _tpdufr_yrseq:31; /* [ ISO 8073 13.9.3.d ] */ #endif #if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN unsigned _tpdufr_yrseq:31, /* [ ISO 8073 13.9.3.d ] */ _tpdufr_yrseq0:1; /* always zero */ #endif unsigned short _tpdufr_cdt; /* [ ISO 8073 13.9.3.b ] */ } AK31; #define tpdu_AKli _tpduf._tpduf_li #define tpdu_AKtype _tpduf._tpduf_type #define tpdu_AKdref _tpduf._tpduf_dref #define tpdu_AKseq _tpdufr.SEQEOT._tpdufr_seq #define tpdu_AKseqX _tpdufr.AK31._tpdufr_yrseq /* location of cdt depends on size of seq. numbers */ #define tpdu_AKcdt _tpduf._tpduf_cdt #define tpdu_AKcdtX _tpdufr.AK31._tpdufr_cdt #define tpdu_XAKli _tpduf._tpduf_li #define tpdu_XAKtype _tpduf._tpduf_type #define tpdu_XAKdref _tpduf._tpduf_dref #define tpdu_XAKseq _tpdufr.SEQEOT._tpdufr_seq #define tpdu_XAKseqX _tpdufr.SEQEOT31._tpdufr_Xseq unsigned char _tpdu_ERreason; /* [ ISO 8073 13.12.3.c ] */ #define tpdu_ERli _tpduf._tpduf_li #define tpdu_ERtype _tpduf._tpduf_type #define tpdu_ERdref _tpduf._tpduf_dref #define tpdu_ERreason _tpdufr._tpdu_ERreason }; struct tpdu { struct tpdu_fixed _tpduf; union tpdu_fixed_rest _tpdufr; }; #endif /* __TP_TPDU__ */