/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG                                                   */
/* This is an automatically generated prolog.                             */
/*                                                                        */
/* bos72X src/bos/usr/include/netiso/clnp.h                       */
/*                                                                        */
/* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                                   */
/*                                                                        */
/* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1988,2021              */
/* All Rights Reserved                                                    */
/*                                                                        */
/* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or            */
/* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.      */
/*                                                                        */
/* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG                                                     */
/* @(#)42  src/bos/usr/include/netiso/clnp.h, sockinc, bos72X, x2022_01A3 12/8/21 20:38:38 */

 * COMPONENT_NAME: (SOCKET) Socket services
 * ORIGINS: 26 27 
 * (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1988, 1989, 1991
 * All Rights Reserved
 * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
 * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
 * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

 * ARGO Project, Computer Sciences Dept., University of Wisconsin - Madison
/* $Header: /var/src/sys/netiso/RCS/clnp.h,v 5.1 89/02/09 16:17:22 hagens Exp $ */
/* $Source: /var/src/sys/netiso/RCS/clnp.h,v $ */
/*	(#)clnp.h	7.6 (Berkeley) 4/5/90 */

#ifndef _H_NETISO_CLNP
#define _H_NETISO_CLNP

#ifndef BYTE_ORDER
 * Definitions for byte order,
 * according to byte significance from low address to high.
#define	LITTLE_ENDIAN	1234	/* least-significant byte first (vax) */
#define	BIG_ENDIAN	4321	/* most-significant byte first (IBM, net) */
#define	PDP_ENDIAN	3412	/* LSB first in word, MSW first in long (pdp) */

#ifdef __cplusplus
struct mbuf;
struct sockaddr;
struct iso_ifaddr;
struct rtentry;

#include <netiso/iso.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

#ifdef vax
#define	BYTE_ORDER	BIG_ENDIAN	/* mc68000, tahoe, most others */
#endif /* BYTE_ORDER */
#ifdef __cplusplus 	/* defect 1144157 : "/usr/include/stdio.h" unmatched {} */
extern "C" { 

 *	Return true if the mbuf is a cluster mbuf
#define	IS_CLUSTER(m)	((m)->m_flags & M_EXT)

 *	Move the halfword into the two characters
#define	HTOC(msb, lsb, hword)\
	(msb) = (u_char)((hword) >> 8);\
	(lsb) = (u_char)((hword) & 0xff)
 *	Move the two charcters into the halfword
#define	CTOH(msb, lsb, hword)\
	(hword) = ((msb) << 8) | (lsb)

 *	Return true if the checksum has been set - ie. the checksum is
 *	not zero
#define	CKSUM_REQUIRED(clnp)\
	(((clnp)->cnf_cksum_msb != 0) || ((clnp)->cnf_cksum_lsb != 0))

 *	Fixed part of clnp header
struct clnp_fixed {
	u_char	cnf_proto_id;		/* network layer protocol identifier */
	u_char	cnf_hdr_len;		/* length indicator (octets) */
	u_char	cnf_vers;			/* version/protocol identifier extension */
	u_char	cnf_ttl;			/* lifetime (500 milliseconds) */
	u_char	cnf_type;			/* type code */
								/* Includes err_ok, more_segs, and seg_ok */
	u_char	cnf_seglen_msb;		/* pdu segment length (octets) high byte */
	u_char	cnf_seglen_lsb;		/* pdu segment length (octets) low byte */
	u_char	cnf_cksum_msb;		/* checksum high byte */
	u_char	cnf_cksum_lsb;		/* checksum low byte */
#define CNF_TYPE	0x1f
#define CNF_ERR_OK	0x20
#define CNF_MORE_SEGS	0x40
#define CNF_SEG_OK	0x80

#define CLNP_CKSUM_OFF	0x07	/* offset of checksum */

#define	clnl_fixed	clnp_fixed

 *	Segmentation part of clnp header
struct clnp_segment {
	u_short	cng_id;				/* data unit identifier */
	u_short	cng_off;			/* segment offset */
	u_short	cng_tot_len;		/* total length */

 *	Clnp fragment reassembly structures:
 *	All packets undergoing reassembly are linked together in 
 *	clnp_fragl structures. Each clnp_fragl structure contains a
 *	pointer to the original clnp packet header, as well as a 
 *	list of packet fragments. Each packet fragment
 *	is headed by a clnp_frag structure. This structure contains the
 *	offset of the first and last byte of the fragment, as well as
 *	a pointer to the data (an mbuf chain) of the fragment.

 *	NOTE:
 *		The clnp_frag structure is stored in an mbuf immedately preceeding
 *	the fragment data. Since there are words in this struct,
 *	it must be word aligned. 
 *	NOTE:
 *		All the fragment code assumes that the entire clnp header is 
 *	contained in the first mbuf.
struct clnp_frag {
	u_int				cfr_first;		/* offset of first byte of this frag */
	u_int				cfr_last;		/* offset of last byte of this frag */
	u_int				cfr_bytes;		/* bytes to shave to get to data */
	struct mbuf			*cfr_data;		/* ptr to data for this frag */
	struct clnp_frag	*cfr_next;		/* next fragment in list */

struct clnp_fragl {
	struct iso_addr		cfl_src;		/* source of the pkt */
	struct iso_addr		cfl_dst;		/* destination of the pkt */
	u_short				cfl_id;			/* id of the pkt */
	u_char				cfl_ttl;		/* current ttl of pkt */
	u_short				cfl_last;		/* offset of last byte of packet */
	struct mbuf 		*cfl_orighdr;	/* ptr to original header */
	struct clnp_frag	*cfl_frags;		/* linked list of fragments for pkt */
	struct clnp_fragl	*cfl_next;		/* next pkt being reassembled */

 *	The following structure is used to index into an options section
 *	of a clnp datagram. These values can be used without worry that
 *	offset or length fields are invalid or too big, etc. That is,
 *	the consistancy of the options will be guaranteed before this
 *	structure is filled in. Any pointer (field ending in p) is
 *	actually the offset from the beginning of the mbuf the option
 *	is contained in.  A value of NULL for any pointer
 *	means that the option is not present. The length any option
 *	does not include the option code or option length fields.
struct clnp_optidx {
	u_short	cni_securep;		/* ptr to beginning of security option */
	char	cni_secure_len;		/* length of entire security option */

	u_short	cni_srcrt_s;		/* offset of start of src rt option */
	u_short	cni_srcrt_len;		/* length of entire src rt option */

	u_short	cni_recrtp;			/* ptr to beginning of recrt option */
	char	cni_recrt_len;		/* length of entire recrt option */

	char	cni_priorp;			/* ptr to priority option */

	u_short	cni_qos_formatp;	/* ptr to format of qos option */
	char	cni_qos_len;		/* length of entire qos option */

	u_char	cni_er_reason;		/* reason from ER pdu option */

								/* ESIS options */

	u_short	cni_esct;			/* value from ISH ESCT option */

	u_short	cni_netmaskp;		/* ptr to beginning of netmask option */
	char	cni_netmask_len;		/* length of entire netmask option */

	u_short	cni_snpamaskp;		/* ptr to beginning of snpamask option */
	char	cni_snpamask_len;		/* length of entire snpamask option */


#define	ER_INVALREAS	0xff	/* code for invalid ER pdu discard reason */

/* given an mbuf and addr of option, return offset from data of mbuf */
#define CLNP_OPTTOOFF(m, opt)\
	((u_short) (opt - mtod(m, caddr_t)))

/* given an mbuf and offset of option, return address of option */
#define CLNP_OFFTOOPT(m, off)\
	((caddr_t) (mtod(m, caddr_t) + off))

/*	return true iff src route is valid */
#define	CLNPSRCRT_VALID(oidx)\
	((oidx) && (oidx->cni_srcrt_s))

/*	return the offset field of the src rt */
#define CLNPSRCRT_OFF(oidx, options)\
	(*((u_char *)(CLNP_OFFTOOPT(options, oidx->cni_srcrt_s) + 1)))

/*	return the type field of the src rt */
#define CLNPSRCRT_TYPE(oidx, options)\
	((u_char)(*(CLNP_OFFTOOPT(options, oidx->cni_srcrt_s))))

/* return the length of the current address */
#define CLNPSRCRT_CLEN(oidx, options)\
	((u_char)(*(CLNP_OFFTOOPT(options, oidx->cni_srcrt_s) + CLNPSRCRT_OFF(oidx, options) - 1)))

/* return the address of the current address */
#define CLNPSRCRT_CADDR(oidx, options)\
	((caddr_t)(CLNP_OFFTOOPT(options, oidx->cni_srcrt_s) + CLNPSRCRT_OFF(oidx, options)))

 *	return true if the src route has run out of routes
 *	this is true if the offset of next route is greater than the end of the rt 
#define	CLNPSRCRT_TERM(oidx, options)\
	(CLNPSRCRT_OFF(oidx, options) > oidx->cni_srcrt_len)

 *	Options a user can set/get
#define	CLNPOPT_FLAGS	0x01	/* flags: seg permitted, no er xmit, etc  */
#define	CLNPOPT_OPTS	0x02	/* datagram options */

 *	Values for particular datagram options
#define	CLNPOVAL_PAD		0xcc	/* padding */
#define	CLNPOVAL_SECURE		0xc5	/* security */
#define	CLNPOVAL_SRCRT		0xc8	/* source routing */
#define	CLNPOVAL_RECRT		0xcb	/* record route */
#define	CLNPOVAL_QOS		0xc3	/* quality of service */
#define	CLNPOVAL_PRIOR		0xcd	/* priority */
#define CLNPOVAL_ERREAS		0xc1	/* ER PDU ONLY: reason for discard */

#define	CLNPOVAL_SRCSPEC	0x40	/* source address specific */
#define	CLNPOVAL_DSTSPEC	0x80	/* destination address specific */
#define	CLNPOVAL_GLOBAL		0xc0	/* globally unique */

/* Globally Unique QOS */
#define	CLNPOVAL_SEQUENCING	0x10	/* sequencing preferred */
#define CLNPOVAL_CONGESTED	0x08	/* congestion experienced */
#define CLNPOVAL_LOWDELAY	0x04	/* low transit delay */

#define	CLNPOVAL_PARTRT		0x00	/* partial source routing */
#define CLNPOVAL_COMPRT		0x01	/* complete source routing */

 *	Clnp flags used in a control block flags field. 
 *	NOTE: these must be out of the range of bits defined in ../net/raw_cb.h
#define	CLNP_NO_SEG		0x010	/* segmentation not permitted */
#define	CLNP_NO_ER		0x020	/* do not generate ERs */
#define CLNP_SEND_RAW	0x080	/* send pkt as RAW DT rather than TP DT */
#define	CLNP_NO_CKSUM	0x100	/* don't use clnp checksum */
#define CLNP_ECHO		0x200	/* fake echo function */
#define	CLNP_NOCACHE	0x400	/* don't store cache information */

/* valid clnp flags */

 *	Constants used by clnp
#define	CLNP_HDR_MIN	(sizeof (struct clnp_fixed))
#define	CLNP_HDR_MAX	(254)
#define	CLNP_TTL_UNITS	2					/* 500 milliseconds */
#define CLNP_TTL		15*CLNP_TTL_UNITS	/* time to live (seconds) */
#define	ISO8473_V1		0x01

 *	Clnp packet types
 *	In order to test raw clnp and tp/clnp simultaneously, a third type of
 *	packet has been defined: CLNP_RAW. This is done so that the input
 *	routine can switch to the correct input routine (rclnp_input or
 *	tpclnp_input) based on the type field. If clnp had a higher level protocol
 *	field, this would not be necessary.
#define	CLNP_DT			0x1C	/* normal data */
#define	CLNP_ER			0x01	/* error report */
#define	CLNP_RAW		0x1D	/* debug only */
#define CLNP_EC			0x1E	/* echo packet */
#define CLNP_ECR		0x1F	/* echo reply */

 *	ER pdu error codes
#define GEN_NOREAS			0x00	/* reason not specified */
#define GEN_PROTOERR		0x01	/* protocol procedure error */
#define GEN_BADCSUM			0x02	/* incorrect checksum */
#define GEN_CONGEST			0x03	/* pdu discarded due to congestion */
#define GEN_HDRSYNTAX		0x04	/* header syntax error */
#define GEN_SEGNEEDED		0x05	/* segmentation needed, but not permitted */
#define GEN_INCOMPLETE		0x06	/* incomplete pdu received */
#define GEN_DUPOPT			0x07	/* duplicate option */

/* address errors */
#define ADDR_DESTUNREACH	0x80	/* destination address unreachable */
#define ADDR_DESTUNKNOWN	0x81	/* destination address unknown */

/* source routing */
#define SRCRT_UNSPECERR		0x90	/* unspecified src rt error */
#define SRCRT_SYNTAX		0x91	/* syntax error in src rt field */
#define SRCRT_UNKNOWNADDR	0x92	/* unknown addr in src rt field */
#define SRCRT_BADPATH		0x93	/* path not acceptable */

/* lifetime */
#define TTL_EXPTRANSIT		0xa0	/* lifetime expired during transit */
#define TTL_EXPREASS		0xa1	/* lifetime expired during reassembly */

/* pdu discarded */
#define DISC_UNSUPPOPT		0xb0	/* unsupported option not specified? */
#define DISC_UNSUPPVERS		0xb1	/* unsupported protocol version */
#define DISC_UNSUPPSECURE	0xb2	/* unsupported security option */
#define DISC_UNSUPPSRCRT	0xb3	/* unsupported src rt option */
#define DISC_UNSUPPRECRT	0xb4	/* unsupported rec rt option */

/* reassembly */
#define REASS_INTERFERE		0xc0	/* reassembly interference */
#define CLNP_ERRORS		22

#ifdef _KERNEL
int clnp_er_index();

u_char clnp_er_codes[CLNP_ERRORS] =  {

#ifdef	TROLL

#define	TR_DUPEND		0x01	/* duplicate end of fragment */
#define TR_DUPPKT		0x02	/* duplicate entire packet */
#define	TR_DROPPKT		0x04	/* drop packet on output */
#define TR_TRIM			0x08	/* trim bytes from packet */
#define TR_CHANGE		0x10	/* change bytes in packet */
#define TR_MTU			0x20	/* delta to change device mtu */
#define	TR_CHUCK		0x40	/* drop packet in rclnp_input */
#define	TR_BLAST		0x80	/* force rclnp_output to blast many packet */
#define	TR_RAWLOOP		0x100	/* make if_loop call clnpintr directly */
struct troll {
	int		tr_ops;				/* operations to perform */
	float	tr_dup_size;		/* % to duplicate */
	float	tr_dup_freq;		/* frequency to duplicate packets */
	float	tr_drop_freq;		/* frequence to drop packets */
	int		tr_mtu_adj;			/* delta to adjust if mtu */
	int		tr_blast_cnt;		/* # of pkts to blast out */

#define	SN_OUTPUT(clcp, m)\
	troll_output(clcp->clc_ifa->ia_ifp, m, clcp->clc_firsthop, clcp->clc_rt)

#define	SN_MTU(ifp)\
	(ifp->if_mtu - trollctl.tr_mtu_adj)

#ifdef _KERNEL
extern float troll_random;

#else	/* NO TROLL */

#define	SN_OUTPUT(clcp, m)\
	(*clcp->clc_ifa->ia_ifp->if_output)(clcp->clc_ifa->ia_ifp, m, clcp->clc_firsthop, clcp->clc_rt)

#define	SN_MTU(ifp)\

#endif	/* TROLL */

 *	Macro to remove an address from a clnp header
#define CLNP_EXTRACT_ADDR(isoa, hoff, hend)\
		isoa.isoa_len = (u_char)*hoff;\
		if ((((++hoff) + isoa.isoa_len) > hend) ||\
			(isoa.isoa_len > 20) || (isoa.isoa_len == 0)) {\
			hoff = (caddr_t)0;\
		} else {\
			(void) bcopy(hoff, (caddr_t)isoa.isoa_genaddr, isoa.isoa_len);\
			hoff += isoa.isoa_len;\

 *	Macro to insert an address into a clnp header
#define CLNP_INSERT_ADDR(hoff, isoa)\
	*hoff++ = (isoa).isoa_len;\
	(void) bcopy((caddr_t)((isoa).isoa_genaddr), hoff, (isoa).isoa_len);\
	hoff += (isoa).isoa_len;

 *	Clnp hdr cache.	Whenever a clnp packet is sent, a copy of the
 *	header is made and kept in this cache. In addition to a copy of
 *	the cached clnp hdr, the cache contains
 *	information necessary to determine whether the new packet
 *	to send requires a new header to be built.
struct clnp_cache {
	/* these fields are used to check the validity of the cache */
	struct iso_addr		clc_dst;		/* destination of packet */
	struct mbuf 		*clc_options;	/* ptr to options mbuf */
	int					clc_flags;		/* flags passed to clnp_output */

	/* these fields are state that clnp_output requires to finish the pkt */
	int					clc_segoff;		/* offset of seg part of header */
	struct sockaddr		*clc_firsthop;	/* first hop of packet (points into
											the route structure) */
	struct iso_ifaddr	*clc_ifa;		/* ptr to interface (points into
											the route structure) */
	struct rtentry		*clc_rt;		/* ptr to rtentry (points into
											the route structure) */
	struct mbuf 		*clc_hdr;		/* cached pkt hdr (finally)! */

#ifndef	satosiso
#define	satosiso(sa)\
	((struct sockaddr_iso *)(sa))

#ifdef	_KERNEL
caddr_t			clnp_insert_addr();
struct iso_addr	*clnp_srcaddr();
struct mbuf		*clnp_reass();
#ifdef	TROLL
struct troll	trollctl;
#endif	/* TROLL */
#endif	/* _KERNEL */

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /*_H_NETISO_CLNP*/