/* @(#)79     1.6  src/bos/kernel/kdb/kdb_kext.h, kdb, bos720 3/23/09 11:46:57 */
 * COMPONENT_NAME: (KDB) Kernel Debugger
 * FUNCTIONS: db_register()
 *            db_unregister()
 *            db_expr()
 *            db_expr_ad()
 *            db_printf()
 *            db_read_mem()
 *            db_read_word()
 *            db_read_halfword()
 *            db_read_byte()
 * ORIGINS: 131
 * Copyright (C) Bull S.A. 1997, 1999
 * LEVEL 1, 5 Years Bull Confidential Information

#ifndef	_KDB_KEXT_H
#define	_KDB_KEXT_H

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <kdb/kdb_kextdef.h>
				/* KDB parser argument */
#define	NUM16	16		/* hexdecimal value is parsed */
#define	NUM10	10		/* decimal value is parsed */
#define	SYMB	0		/* symbol or hexadecimal value */
#define SYMB_DEC 1		/* symbol or decimal value */

				/* KDB parser errors */
#define	EROK		0	/* no error */
#define	NOTEXT		1	/* found end of line */
#define	NOEXPR		2	/* found delimiter rather than expression */
#define	AMBIG_SYMB	3	/* non unique symbol */
#define	EXPECTEDDECIMAL	4	/* decimal value not found */

#define	MAXBUFLEN	256	/* maximum buffer length */
#define	MAXCMDLEN	24	/* maximum command name length */

#if !defined(__64BIT__) && defined(_KERNEL)

/* ====================================================
 * Kernel extension I/F to manage new command
 * db_register() db_unregister() db_expr() db_expr_ad()
 * ====================================================
 * NAME: db_register(
 *	char *cmd,	command name (up to MAXCMDLEN chars)
 *	char *alias1,	1st alias name (up to MAXCMDLEN chars
 *	char *alias2,	2nd alias name (up to MAXCMDLEN chars
 *	char *help,	command summary
 *	char *option,	option syntax
 *	int (*func)())	function to be called
 * NAME: db_unregister(
 *	int (*func)())	function to be removed
 * FUNCTION: how to [un]register new commands.
 *           function call interface will be:
 *           func(uchar_t *buff, int *buffix, int linelen)
 *           - buff is command line (command is included)
 *           - buffix is set to 1 char past of command 
 *           - linelen is command line length
 * The code of the function should be pinned in memory.
 * KDB calls it in virtual mode, page fault is not allowed.
 * Arguments passed to the function can be analysed by the
 * db_expr..() function. Addresses are real effective addresses.
#define db_register(cmd, alias1, alias2, help, option, func) \
	if (kdb_is_avail()) \
	   brkpoint(DB_REGISTER, cmd, alias1, alias2, help, option, func)
#define db_unregister(func) \
	if (kdb_is_avail()) \
	   brkpoint(DB_UNREGISTER, func)
 * NAME: db_expr(
 * 	int flag,		SYMB NUM16 NUM10
 * 	unsigned char *buff,	Should be real effective address
 * 	int *buffix,		Should be real effective address
 * 	int max,		Less or equal to MAXBUFLEN
 * 	int *value)		Should be word aligned address
 * FUNCTION: symbol/expression handler
 *	If flag=SYMB, lookup symbol or integer
 *	If flag=NUM16, NUM10, lookup only integer
 *	If find symbol or integer then lookup expression
 *	on exit, buffix is +1 char after last char parsed.
 *	if last char is at end of line, buffix = max + 1
 *	Only 32 bits value are supported.
 * limitations:
 *	must be of the form:
 *	number [+|-|*|/ number]...
 *	can't handle parentheses
 *	don't detect arithmetic overflow
 * RETURN VALUE: EROK            no error
 *               NOTEXT          found end of line
 *               NOEXPR          found delimiter rather than expression 
 *               AMBIG_SYMB      non unique symbol
 *               EXPECTEDDECIMAL decimal value not found 
#define db_expr(flag, buff, buffix, max, value) \
	brkpoint(DB_EXPR, flag, buff, buffix, max, value)

 * NAME: db_expr_ad(
 * 	int flag,		SYMB NUM16 NUM10
 * 	unsigned char *buff,	Should be real effective address
 * 	int *buffix,		Should be real effective address
 * 	int max,		Less or equal to MAXBUFLEN
 * 	void **value)		Should be correctly aligned
 * FUNCTION: symbol/expression handler
 *	If flag=SYMB, lookup symbol or integer
 *	If flag=NUM16, NUM10, lookup only integer
 *	If find symbol or integer then lookup expression
 *	on exit, buffix is +1 char after last char parsed.
 *	if last char is at end of line, buffix = max + 1
 *	64-bit addresses are supported in 64-bit mode.
 * limitations:
 *	must be of the form:
 *	number [+|-|*|/ number]...
 *	can't handle parentheses
 *	don't detect arithmetic overflow
 * RETURN VALUE: EROK            no error
 *               NOTEXT          found end of line
 *               NOEXPR          found delimiter rather than expression 
 *               AMBIG_SYMB      non unique symbol
 *               EXPECTEDDECIMAL decimal value not found 
#define db_expr_ad(flag, buff, buffix, max, value) \
	brkpoint(DB_EXPR_AD, flag, buff, buffix, max, value)

/* =======================================================
 * Kdb extended I/F used by kernext display modules
 * db_printf() db_read_mem()
 * db_read_word() db_read_halfword() db_read_byte()
 * =======================================================
 * Memory access interfaces for kernel extension:
 * db_read_mem(__ulong32_t vaddr, unsigned char *buf, unsigned len)
 * -- read [len] bytes at virtual memory location [vaddr] in buffer [buf]
 * -- page crossing is allowed
 * -- faulting addresses are detected before access.
 * word = db_read_word(__ulong32_t vaddr)
 * -- read 4 bytes word at virtual memory location
 * -- page crossing is not allowed
 * -- faulting addresses are detected before access.
 * half_word = db_read_halfword(__ulong32_t vaddr)
 * -- read 2 bytes half word at virtual memory location
 * -- page crossing is not allowed
 * -- faulting addresses are detected before access.
 * byte = db_read_byte(__ulong32_t vaddr)
 * -- read 1 byte at virtual memory location
 * -- page crossing is not allowed
 * -- faulting addresses are detected before access.
 * NAME: db_printf
 * FUNCTION: This is a minimal printf.
 * RETURN VALUE:  none
#define db_printf brkpoint

 * NAME: unsigned int db_read_mem(void *vaddr, void *local_addr,
 *                                unsigned int size_in_bytes)
 * -- read [size_in_bytes] bytes at virtual memory location [vaddr]
 *    in buffer [local_addr]
 * -- page crossing is allowed
 * -- faulting addresses are detected before access.
 * INPUT: <from> virtual address, <to> buffer address and <size> in bytes
 * RETURN: number of bytes actually read, no return if the address is not valid
#define db_read_mem(vad, lad, siz) brkpoint(DB_READ_MEM, vad, lad, siz)

 * NAME:
 * -   unsigned int   db_read_word(void *vaddr)
 * --  unsigned short db_read_halfword(void *vaddr)
 * --- unsigned char  db_read_byte(void *vaddr)
 * -   read 4 bytes at virtual memory location [vaddr]
 * --  read 2 bytes at virtual memory location [vaddr]
 * --- read 1 byte  at virtual memory location [vaddr]
 *     page crossing is not allowed
 *     faulting addresses are detected before access.
 * INPUT: virtual address 
 * -   4 bytes read
 * --  2 bytes read
 * --- 1 byte  read
 *     no return if the address is not valid
#define db_read_word(vad)     brkpoint(DB_READ_WORD, vad)
#define db_read_halfword(vad) brkpoint(DB_READ_HALFWORD, vad)
#define db_read_byte(vad)     brkpoint(DB_READ_BYTE, vad)
#endif /* !__64BIT__ && _KERNEL*/

#endif	/* _KDB_KEXT_H */