/* @(#)30 1.2 src/tcpip/usr/include/isode/pepdefs.h, isodelib7, tcpip720 3/2/93 09:49:16 */ /* * COMPONENT_NAME: (ISODELIB7) ISODE Libraries, Release 7 * * FUNCTIONS: none * * ORIGINS: 60 * * FILE: src/tcpip/usr/include/isode/pepdefs.h */ /* pepdefs.h */ /* * $Header: /vikings/u/snmp/projects/harriet/RCS/src/tcpip/usr/include/isode/pepdefs.h,v 1.2 93/02/05 16:35:43 snmp Exp $ * * * $Log: pepdefs.h,v $ * Revision 1.2 93/02/05 16:35:43 snmp * ANSI - D67743 * * Revision 7.1 91/02/22 09:24:51 mrose * Interim 6.8 * * Revision 7.0 90/07/01 19:52:37 mrose * *** empty log message *** * */ /* * NOTICE * * Acquisition, use, and distribution of this module and related * materials are subject to the restrictions of a license agreement. * Consult the Preface in the User's Manual for the full terms of * this agreement. * */ #ifndef PEPDEF_DEFINITIONS #define PEPDEF_DEFINITIONS /* * Globally known pep definitions */ typedef struct { char *md_name; /* Name of this module */ int md_nentries; /* Number of entries */ tpe **md_etab; /* Pointer to encoding tables */ tpe **md_dtab; /* Pointer to decoding tables */ ptpe **md_ptab; /* Pointer to Printing tables */ PE (*md_eucode)(); /* User code for encoding */ PE (*md_ducode)(); /* User code for decoding */ PE (*md_pucode)(); /* User code for printing */ } modtyp; #ifndef NULL #define NULL (char *)0 #endif #endif