/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* gos720 src/gos/2d/XTOP_R7/lib/libXmu/include/X11/Xmu/EditresP.h 1.1 */ /* */ /* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006 */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* */ /* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or */ /* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ /* SCCSID_BEGIN_TAG */ /* @(#)35 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP_R7/lib/libXmu/include/X11/Xmu/EditresP.h, xsample, gos720 8/23/06 11:20:16 */ /* SCCSID_END_TAG */ /* $Xorg: EditresP.h,v 1.4 2001/02/09 02:03:52 xorgcvs Exp $ */ /* Copyright 1989, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. */ /* $XFree86: xc/lib/Xmu/EditresP.h,v 1.5 2001/01/17 19:42:55 dawes Exp $ */ /* * Author: Chris D. Peterson, MIT X Consortium */ /************************************************************ The Editres Protocol The Client message sent to the application is: ATOM = "ResEditor" --- RES_EDITOR_NAME FORMAT = 32 --- RES_EDIT_SEND_EVENT_FORMAT l[0] = timestamp l[1] = command atom name l[2] = ident of command l[3] = protocol version number to use The binary protocol has the following format: Card8: 8-bit unsingned integer Card16: 16-bit unsingned integer Card32: 32-bit unsingned integer Int16: 16-bit signed integer Window: 32-bit value Widget: 32-bit value String8: ListOfCard8 [a][b][c] represent an exclusive list of choices. All widgets are passed as a list of widgets, containing the full instance heirarch of this widget. The hierarchy is ordered from parent to child. Thus the first element of each list is the root of the widget tree (this makes verifying that the widget still exists, MUCH faster). ListOfFoo comprises a list of things in the following format: number: Card16 things: ???? This is a synchronous protocol, every request MUST be followed by a reply. Request: Serial Number: Card8 Op Code: Card8 - { SendWidgetTree = 0, SetValues = 1, GetResources = 2, GetGeometry = 3, FindChild = 4, GetValues = 5 } Length: Card32 Data: Reply: Serial Number: Card8 Type: Card8 - { Formatted = 0, Unformatted = 1, ProtocolMismatch = 2 } Length: Card32 Byte Order: All Fields are MSB -> LSB Data: Formatted: The data contains the reply information for the request as specified below if the reply type is "Formatted". The return values for the other reply types are shown below. Unformatted: Message: String8 ProtocolMismatch: RequestedVersion: Card8 ------------------------------------------------------------ SendWidgetTree: ---> Number of Entries: Card16 Entry: widget: ListOfWidgets name: String8 class: String8 window: Card32 toolkit: String8 Send Widget Tree returns the toolkit type, and a fuly specified list of widgets for each widget in the tree. This is enough information to completely reconstruct the entire widget heirarchy. The window return value contains the Xid of the window currently used by this widget. If the widget is unrealized then 0 is returned, and if widget is a non-windowed object a value of 2 is returned. SetValues: name: String8 type: String8 value: String8 Number of Entries: Card16 Entry: widget: ListOfWidgets ---> Number of Entries: Card16 Entry: widget: ListOfWidgets message: String8 SetValues will allow the same resource to be set on a number of widgets. This function will return an error message if the SetValues request caused an Xt error. GetValues: names: ListOfString8 widget: Widget ---> novalues: ListOfCard16 values: ListOfString8 GetValues will allow a number of resource values to be read on a particular widget. The request specifies the names of the resources wanted and the widget id these resources are from. The reply returns a list of indices from the requests name list of resources for which a value can not be returned. It also returns a list of returned values, in the order of the requests names list, skipping those indices present in novalues. GetResources: Number of Entries: Card16 Entry widget: ListOfWidgets: ----> Number of Entries: Card16 Entry Widget: ListOfWidgets: Error: Bool [ Message: String 8 ] [ Number of Resources: Card16 Resource: Kind: {normal, constraint} Name: String8 Class: String8 Type: String8 ] GetResource retrieves the kind, name, class and type for every widget passed to it. If an error occured with the resource fetch Error will be set to True for the given widget and a message is returned rather than the resource info. GetGeometry: Number of Entries: Card16 Entry Widget: ListOfWidgets: ----> Number of Entries: Card16 Entry Widget: ListOfWidgets: Error: Bool [ message: String 8 ] [ mapped: Boolean X: Int16 Y: Int16 Width: Card16 Height: Card16 BorderWidth: Card16 ] GetGeometry retreives the mapping state, x, y, width, height and border width for each widget specified. If an error occured with the geometry fetch "Error" will be set to True for the given widget and a message is returned rather than the geometry info. X an Y corrospond to the root coordinates of the upper left corner of the widget (outside the window border). FindChild: Widget: ListOfWidgets X: Int16 Y: Int16 ---> Widget: ListOfWidgets Find Child returns a descendent of the widget specified that is at the root coordinates specified. NOTE: The returned widget is undefined if the point is contained in two or more mapped widgets, or in two overlapping Rect objs. GetValues: names: ListOfString8 widget: Widget ---> values: ListOfString8 GetValues will allow a number of resource values to be read on a particular widget. Currently only InterViews 3.0.1 Styles and their attributes are supported. In addition, the current user interface only supports the return of 1 resource. The ability to specify and return multiple resources is defined for future editres interfaces where some or all of a widgets resource values are returned and displayed at once. ************************************************************/ #include #include #define XER_NBBY 8 /* number of bits in a byte */ #define BYTE_MASK 255 #define HEADER_SIZE 6 #define EDITRES_IS_OBJECT 2 #define EDITRES_IS_UNREALIZED 0 /* * Format for atoms */ #define EDITRES_FORMAT 8 #define EDITRES_SEND_EVENT_FORMAT 32 /* * Atoms */ #define EDITRES_NAME "Editres" #define EDITRES_COMMAND_ATOM "EditresCommand" #define EDITRES_COMM_ATOM "EditresComm" #define EDITRES_CLIENT_VALUE "EditresClientVal" #define EDITRES_PROTOCOL_ATOM "EditresProtocol" typedef enum { SendWidgetTree = 0, SetValues = 1, GetResources = 2, GetGeometry = 3, FindChild = 4, GetValues = 5 } EditresCommand; typedef enum { NormalResource = 0, ConstraintResource = 1 } ResourceType; /* * The type of a resource identifier */ typedef unsigned char ResIdent; typedef enum { PartialSuccess = 0, Failure = 1, ProtocolMismatch = 2 } EditResError; typedef struct _WidgetInfo { unsigned short num_widgets; unsigned long *ids; Widget real_widget; } WidgetInfo; typedef struct _ProtocolStream { unsigned long size, alloc; unsigned char *real_top, *top, *current; } ProtocolStream; /************************************************************ * Function definitions for reading and writing protocol requests ************************************************************/ _XFUNCPROTOBEGIN void _XEditResPutString8 ( ProtocolStream *stream, char *str ); void _XEditResPut8 ( ProtocolStream *stream, unsigned int value ); void _XEditResPut16 ( ProtocolStream *stream, unsigned int value ); void _XEditResPut32 ( ProtocolStream *stream, unsigned long value ); void _XEditResPutWidgetInfo ( ProtocolStream *stream, WidgetInfo *info ); void _XEditResResetStream ( ProtocolStream *stream ); Bool _XEditResGet8 ( ProtocolStream *stream, unsigned char *value ); Bool _XEditResGet16 ( ProtocolStream *stream, unsigned short *value ); Bool _XEditResGetSigned16 ( ProtocolStream *stream, short *value ); Bool _XEditResGet32 ( ProtocolStream *stream, unsigned long *value ); Bool _XEditResGetString8 ( ProtocolStream *stream, char **str ); Bool _XEditResGetWidgetInfo ( ProtocolStream *stream, WidgetInfo *info ); _XFUNCPROTOEND