/* IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG */ /* This is an automatically generated prolog. */ /* */ /* gos720 src/gos/2d/XTOP/include/extensions/AIXproto.h */ /* */ /* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1987,2000 */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* */ /* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or */ /* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. */ /* */ /* IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG */ /* @(#)18 src/gos/2d/XTOP/include/extensions/AIXproto.h, xext, gos720 7/7/00 14:20:03 */ /* * COMPONENT_NAME: X11 * * FUNCTIONS: none * * ORIGINS: 27 * * (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1987,1995 * All Rights Reserved * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. * */ #ifndef _AIXPROTO_H #define _AIXPROTO_H #include "Xmd.h" /* aixCursorExtension protocol request and reply size */ #define sz_xQueryCrossHairReq 4 #define sz_xQueryCrossHairReply 32 #define sz_xCreateCrossHairReq 24 #define sz_xCreateMultiColorCurReq 20 #define sz_xRecolorMultiColorCurReq 8 #define sz_xCursorQueryVersionReq 8 #define sz_xCursorQueryVersionReply 32 #define sz_xGetCrossHairCursorInfoReq 8 #define sz_xGetCrossHairCursorInfoReply 32 #define sz_xRecolorCrossHairCursorReq 20 #define sz_xGetMultiColorCursorInfoReq 8 #define sz_xGetMultiColorCursorInfoReply 32 #define sz_xExtBlinkReq 24 #define sz_xGenExtReq 4 #define sz_xGetDPYInfoReq sz_xGenExtReq #define sz_xExtChangeModeReq 8 #define sz_xExtQueryModeReq 8 #define sz_xManageOverlayReq 12 #define sz_xQueryMemoryUsageReq 8 #define sz_xDirectAdapterAccessReq 16 #define sz_xDirectWindowAccessReq 12 #define sz_xDirectFontAccessReq 12 #ifdef GL_X_PERF #define sz_xDirectInputAccessReq 8 #endif #define sz_xFastResUpdateReq 12 #define sz_xFastResUpdateReply 32 #define sz_xHardwareSyncReq 16 #define sz_xDirectAccessQueryVersionReq 8 #define sz_xDirectAccessQueryVersionReply 32 /* WRITE TO BOTH BUFFERS DEFINES */ #define sz_xDAEQueryCapabilitiesReq 8 #define sz_xDAEQueryCapabilitiesRep 32 #define sz_xDAEWriteToBothBuffersReq 12 #define sz_xDrawPolyMarkerReq 16 #define sz_xSetPolyMarkerReq 16 #define sz_xDrawPolyMarkersReq 16 #define sz_xFullScreenReq 12 #define sz_xNewXFontReq 20 /* For the purpose of the structure definitions in this file, we must redefine the following types in terms of Xmd.h's types, which may include bit fields. All of these are #undef'd at the end of this file, restoring the definitions in X.h. */ #define Window CARD32 #define Drawable CARD32 #define Font CARD32 #define Pixmap CARD32 #define Cursor CARD32 #define Colormap CARD32 #define GContext CARD32 typedef struct { CARD8 reqType; BYTE mcode; CARD16 length B16; Colormap cmap B32; CARD8 pixel; BYTE pad; CARD16 colorlength B16; } xChangeColorsReq; typedef struct { CARD8 reqType; BYTE mcode ; CARD16 length B16; } xGenExtReq ; typedef struct { BYTE type; BYTE pad1; CARD16 sequenceNumber B16; CARD32 length B32; /* 0 */ CARD32 kbdid B32; CARD32 dpsid B32; CARD32 displayid B32; CARD32 pad2 B32; CARD32 pad3 B32; CARD32 pad4 B32; } xGetDPYInfoReply; /** *** aixDirectAccessExtension PROTOCOL STRUCTURE Definition **/ typedef struct { CARD8 reqType; /* always DirectAccessReqCode */ CARD8 directaccessReqType; /* always X_DirectAccessQueryVersion */ CARD16 length; /* sz_xDirectAccessQueryVersionReq/4=2 */ CARD16 majorVersion B16; CARD16 minorVersion B16; } xDirectAccessQueryVersionReq; typedef struct { BYTE type; /* always X_Reply = 1 */ CARD8 pad1; CARD16 sequenceNumber B16; CARD32 length B32; /* =(sz_xDirectAccessQueryVersionReply-32)/4=0 */ CARD16 majorVersion B16; /* =aixDIRECTACCESS_MAJOR_VERSION */ CARD16 minorVersion B16; /* =aixDIRECTACCESS_MINOR_VERSION */ CARD32 pad2 B32; CARD32 pad3 B32; CARD32 pad4 B32; CARD32 pad5 B32; CARD32 pad6 B32; } xDirectAccessQueryVersionReply; /* define FastResUpdate protocol request/reply structure */ typedef struct { CARD8 reqType; /* always DirectAccessReqCode */ CARD8 directaccessReqType; /* always X_FastResUpdate */ CARD16 length; /* sz_xFastResUpdateReq/4=3 */ Window wid B32; /* */ INT32 nid B32; /* machine/cpu id */ } xFastResUpdateReq; typedef struct { BYTE type; /* always X_Reply = 1 */ BYTE access; /* direct access - local machine? */ CARD16 sequenceNumber B16; CARD32 length B32; /* (sz_xFastResUpdateReply-32)/4=0 */ CARD32 shmID; /* key of shared memory segment */ CARD32 shm_offset; /* offset to shmFastResUpdateRec Entry */ CARD32 pad1; CARD32 pad2; CARD32 pad3; CARD32 pad4; } xFastResUpdateReply; /* define HardwareSync protocol request structure */ typedef struct { CARD8 reqType; /* always DirectAccessReqCode */ CARD8 directaccessReqType; /* always X_HardwareSync */ CARD16 length; /* sz_xHardwareSyncReq/4=4 */ CARD32 level B32; /* synchronization level */ INT32 nid B32; /* machine/cpu id */ Drawable drawable; /* drawable for the screen */ } xHardwareSyncReq; typedef struct { CARD8 reqType ; /* DirectAccessReqCode */ BYTE mcode ; /* X_DirectFontAccess */ CARD16 length B16 ; INT32 nid B32 ; /* cpu id */ Window fid B32 ; /* font id */ } xDirectFontAccessReq ; typedef struct { BYTE type; BYTE access; CARD16 sequenceNumber B16; CARD32 length B32; CARD32 shmID B32; /* if 0 then no shm offsets sent */ CARD32 pad3 B32; CARD32 pad4 B32; CARD32 pad5 B32; CARD32 pad6 B32; CARD32 pad7 B32; } xDirectFontAccessReply; #ifdef GL_X_PERF typedef struct { CARD8 reqType; /* DirectAccessReq Code */ BYTE mcode; /* X_DirectInputAccess */ CARD16 length B16; INT32 nid B32; /* CPU id */ } xDirectInputAccessReq; typedef struct { BYTE type; BYTE access; CARD16 sequenceNumber B16; CARD32 length; CARD32 shmID; CARD32 offset; CARD32 pad4 B32; CARD32 pad5 B32; CARD32 pad6 B32; CARD32 pad7 B32; } xDirectInputAccessReply; #endif typedef struct { CARD8 reqType; /* DirectAccessReq Code */ CARD8 mcode; /* X_DirectBufferAccess */ CARD16 length B16; /* length of the request */ INT32 nid B32; /* cpu id */ CARD32 num B32; /* number of CARD32s */ } xDirectBufferAccessReq; /* Followed by a list of CARD32 */ #define sz_xDirectBufferAccessReq 12 typedef struct { CARD32 mask B32; } xDirectAlphaBufferInfo; typedef struct { CARD32 mask B32; } xDirectStencilBufferInfo; typedef struct { CARD64 redMask; CARD64 greenMask; CARD64 blueMask; CARD64 alphaMask; CARD8 redSize; CARD8 greenSize; CARD8 blueSize; CARD8 alphaSize; } xDirectAccumBufferInfo; typedef struct { CARD32 mask B32; INT32 minValue B32; INT32 maxValue B32; } xDirectDepthBufferInfo; typedef struct { CARD32 mask B32; } xDirectMaskBufferInfo; typedef struct { CARD8 redSize; CARD8 greenSize; CARD8 blueSize; CARD8 alphaSize; CARD32 redMask B32; CARD32 greenMask B32; CARD32 blueMask B32; CARD32 alphaMask B32; } xDirectAuxilBufferInfo; typedef struct { CARD32 mask B32; } xDirectFrameBufferInfo; typedef struct { CARD32 mask B32; } xDirectMultiBufferInfo; typedef struct { CARD32 mask B32; } xDirectStereoBufferInfo; typedef struct { CARD32 mask B32; } xDirectMultisampleBufferInfo; typedef struct { CARD32 mask B32; CARD8 redSize; CARD8 greenSize; CARD8 blueSize; CARD8 pad; } xDirectExtendedcolorBufferInfo; typedef struct { BYTE type; /* X_Reply */ CARD8 access; CARD16 sequenceNumber B16; CARD32 length B32; CARD32 more B32; /* True/False */ CARD32 buf_id B32; /* buffer resource id */ CARD32 buf_type B32; /* buffer type */ CARD8 depth; /* plane depth */ CARD8 bits_per_pixel; /* number of bits until next scan line */ BOOL isHardware; /* Is this a hareware buffer? */ CARD8 instance; union { struct { CARD32 key B32; /* Key and offset are used by shared memory */ CARD32 offset B32; } bufAccSharedMem; CARD32 baseAddr B32; } bufferAccess; union { xDirectAlphaBufferInfo alphaInfo; xDirectStencilBufferInfo stencilInfo; xDirectAccumBufferInfo accumInfo; xDirectDepthBufferInfo depthInfo; xDirectMaskBufferInfo maskInfo; xDirectAuxilBufferInfo auxilInfo; xDirectFrameBufferInfo frameInfo; xDirectMultiBufferInfo mbuffInfo; xDirectStereoBufferInfo stereoInfo; xDirectMultisampleBufferInfo multisampleInfo; xDirectExtendedcolorBufferInfo extendedcolorInfo; } bufferInfo; } xDirectBufferAccessReply; #define sz_xDirectBufferAccessReply 72 typedef struct { CARD8 reqType; /* DirectAccessReqCode */ BYTE mcode; /* X_DirectAdapterAccess */ CARD16 length B16; INT32 scrnNum B32; INT32 pid B32; INT32 nid B32; } xDirectAdapterAccessReq; typedef struct { BYTE type; BYTE access; CARD16 sequenceNumber B16; CARD32 length B32; CARD32 aid B32; CARD32 gsc_handle B32; CARD32 pad4 B32; CARD32 pad5 B32; CARD32 pad6 B32; CARD32 pad7 B32; } xDirectAdapterAccessReply; typedef struct { CARD8 reqType ; /* NewFontReqCode */ BYTE mcode ; /* X_NewFont */ CARD16 length B16 ; Font fid; /* font id */ CARD32 shmID; /* key of shared segment */ CARD32 shm_off; /* offset into shared segment */ CARD32 font_len; /* length of font */ } xNewXFontReq; typedef struct { CARD8 reqType ; CARD8 mcode ; CARD16 length ; INT32 nid B32 ; /* cpu id */ Window wid B32 ; } xDirectWindowAccessReq; typedef struct { BYTE type; BYTE access; CARD16 sequenceNumber B16; CARD32 length B32; CARD64 wg_handle; CARD32 pad4 B32; CARD32 pad5 B32; CARD32 pad6 B32; CARD32 pad7 B32; } xDirectWindowAccessReply; typedef struct { CARD8 reqType ; CARD8 mcode ; CARD16 length ; Window wid B32 ; INT32 on B32 ; } xFullScreenReq; typedef struct { BYTE type; BYTE access; CARD16 sequenceNumber B16; CARD32 length B32; CARD32 pad2 B32; CARD32 pad3 B32; CARD32 pad4 B32; CARD32 pad5 B32; CARD32 pad6 B32; CARD32 pad7 B32; } xFullScreenReply; typedef struct { CARD8 reqType ; CARD8 mcode ; CARD16 length ; Window wid B32 ; INT32 on B32 ; } xManageOverlayReq; typedef struct { BYTE type; BYTE access; CARD16 sequenceNumber B16; CARD32 length B32; CARD32 pad2 B32; CARD32 pad3 B32; CARD32 pad4 B32; CARD32 pad5 B32; CARD32 pad6 B32; CARD32 pad7 B32; } xManageOverlayReply; typedef struct { CARD8 reqType; CARD8 mcode; CARD16 length; CARD32 time; } xQueryMemoryUsageReq; typedef struct { BYTE type; BYTE access; CARD16 sequenceNumber B16; CARD32 length B32; CARD32 pad2 B32; CARD32 pad3 B32; CARD32 pad4 B32; CARD32 pad5 B32; CARD32 pad6 B32; CARD32 pad7 B32; } xQueryMemoryUsageReply; typedef struct { CARD8 reqType ; CARD8 directaccessReqType; CARD16 length ; Drawable drawable B32 ; } xDAEQueryCapabilitiesReq; typedef struct { BYTE type; BYTE pad; CARD16 sequenceNumber B16; CARD32 length B32; CARD32 capabilities; CARD32 pad1; CARD32 pad2; CARD32 pad3; CARD32 pad4; CARD32 pad5; } xDAEQueryCapabilitiesRep; typedef struct { CARD8 reqType ; CARD8 directaccessReqType; CARD16 length ; Window wid B32 ; BOOL state; CARD8 pad1; CARD8 pad2; CARD8 pad3; } xDAEWriteToBothBuffersReq; typedef struct _DAEChangeDisplayResolution { CARD8 reqType; CARD8 directaccessReqType; CARD16 length; Window wid; CARD32 resolution; CARD32 reserved; } xDAEChangeDisplayResolutionReq; #define sz_xDAEChangeDisplayResolutionReq 16 /** *** aixCursorExtensionl PROTOCOL STRUCTURE DEFINITION **/ typedef struct { CARD8 reqType; /* always CursorReqCode */ CARD8 cursorReqType; /* always X_CursorQueryVersion */ CARD16 length; /* sz_xCursorQueryVersionReq/4=2 */ CARD16 majorVersion B16; CARD16 minorVersion B16; } xCursorQueryVersionReq; typedef struct { BYTE type; /* always X_Reply = 1 */ CARD8 pad1; CARD16 sequenceNumber B16; CARD32 length B32; /* =(sz_xCursorQueryVersionReply-32)/4=0 */ CARD16 majorVersion B16; /* =aixCURSOR_MAJOR_VERSION */ CARD16 minorVersion B16; /* =aixCURSOR_MINOR_VERSION */ CARD32 pad2 B32; CARD32 pad3 B32; CARD32 pad4 B32; CARD32 pad5 B32; CARD32 pad6 B32; } xCursorQueryVersionReply; typedef struct { CARD8 reqType; /* always CursorReqCode */ CARD8 cursorReqType; /* always X_GetCrossHairCursorInfo */ CARD16 length; /* sz_xGetCrossHairCursorInfoReq/4=2 */ Drawable drawable; } xGetCrossHairCursorInfoReq; typedef struct { BYTE type; /* always X_Reply = 1 */ CARD8 pad1; CARD16 sequenceNumber B16; CARD32 length B32; /* =(sz_xGetCrossHairCursorInfoReply-32)/4=0 */ CARD16 max_width; CARD16 min_width; CARD16 best_width; CARD16 best_base; CARD32 pad2 B16; CARD32 pad3 B32; CARD32 pad4 B32; CARD32 pad5 B32; } xGetCrossHairCursorInfoReply; typedef struct { CARD8 reqType; /* always CursorReqCode */ CARD8 cursorReqType; /* always X_RecolorCrossHairCursor */ CARD16 length; /* sz_xRecolorCrossHairCursorReq/4=5 */ Cursor cid B32; /* cursor id to be recolored */ xColorItem xcolor; } xRecolorCrossHairCursorReq; typedef struct { CARD8 reqType; /* always CursorReqCode */ CARD8 cursorReqType; /* always X_GetMultiColorCursorInof */ CARD16 length; /* sz_xGetMultiColorCursorInfoReq/4=2 */ Drawable drawable; } xGetMultiColorCursorInfoReq; typedef struct { BYTE type; /* always X_Reply */ CARD8 pad1; CARD16 sequenceNumber B16; CARD32 length B32; /* sz(Reply+DATA-32)/4 */ CARD16 cursor_planes; CARD16 pad2; INT32 transparent_pixel; CARD16 width; CARD16 height; CARD32 pad3 B32; CARD32 pad4 B32; CARD32 pad5 B32; } xGetMultiColorCursorInfoReply; typedef struct { CARD8 reqType; CARD8 mcode ; CARD16 length ; Cursor cid B32; INT16 width ; INT16 base ; xColorItem xcolor ; } xCreateCrossHairReq; typedef struct { CARD8 reqType; CARD8 mcode ; CARD16 length ; } xQueryCrossHairReq; typedef struct { BYTE type; CARD8 pad; CARD16 sequenceNumber B16; CARD32 length B32; CARD16 max_wid B16; CARD16 min_wid B16; CARD16 best_wid B16; CARD16 base B16; CARD32 colors B32; CARD32 pad1 B32; CARD32 pad2 B32; CARD32 pad3 B32; } xQueryCrossHairReply; typedef struct { CARD8 reqType; CARD8 mcode ; CARD16 length ; Cursor cid B32 ; Pixmap pmid B32 ; INT32 x B32 ; INT32 y B32 ; } xCreateMultiColorCurReq; typedef struct { CARD8 reqType; CARD8 mcode ; CARD16 length ; Cursor cid B32; } xRecolorMultiColorCurReq; typedef struct { CARD8 reqType; CARD8 mcode ; CARD16 length B16 ; Colormap cmid B32; CARD16 duration B16 ; BYTE pad1, pad2 ; xColorItem xcolor ; } xExtBlinkReq; typedef struct { CARD8 reqType; CARD8 mcode ; CARD16 length B16; Colormap cmap B32; } xExtStoreAnyColorsReq; typedef struct { CARD8 reqType; CARD8 mcode ; CARD16 length; Drawable drawable; GContext gc; INT16 xoff,yoff; } xDrawPolyMarkerReq; typedef struct { CARD8 reqType; CARD8 mcode ; CARD16 length; Drawable drawable; GContext gc; BYTE coordMode; BYTE pad1,pad2,pad3; } xDrawPolyMarkersReq; typedef struct { CARD8 reqType; CARD8 mcode ; CARD16 length; GContext gc; Pixmap marker; INT16 xhot,yhot; } xSetPolyMarkerReq; typedef union { xGenericReply generic; xGetDPYInfoReply getDPYInfo; xError error; } xExtReply; /* restore these definitions back to the typedefs in X.h */ #undef Window #undef Drawable #undef Font #undef Pixmap #undef Cursor #undef Colormap #undef GContext #endif /* _AIXPROTO_H */