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Can't get widget with label %s. clstat internal error. Can't get nodeMapParent widget. delWidgetByTag: searching for widget with tag=%s str=<%s> Usage: %s [-D debug_level] [-c Id | -n name] [-r #] [-s] Where, putWidget: adding widget XtName=%s XtClass=%s label=%s widget=%08X list=%08X @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/inc/cluster/cluster.h, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PMgrep "^VACM_VIEW *defaultView *internet.*- *included *-" /etc/snmpdv3.conf 2>/dev/nulldelWidgetByTag: deleting widget label=%s tag=%s XtName=%s XtClass=%s widget=%08X list=%08X grep "^VACM_VIEW *defaultView * *- *included *-" /etc/snmpdv3.conf 2>/dev/null@(#)46 1.20 src/43haes/usr/sbin/cluster/clstat/xclstat.c, hacmp.clstat, 61haes_r714 2/11/09 07:40:30@(#)42 src/43haes/usr/sbin/cluster/clstat/clinfo.h, hacmp.clinfo, 61haes_r714 2/14/12 13:09:43Failed retrieving cluster information. There are a number of possible causes: clinfoES or snmpd subsystems are not active. snmp is unresponsive. snmp is not configured correctly. Cluster services are not active on any nodes. Refer to the HACMP Administration Guide for more information. aw+ 0/tmp%s/%s%02x %s: %s %s %s %s: %s libc.catlibc.cat%s: error %d%s: error %d @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/inc/cluster/cluster.h, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PM@(#)95 1.2 src/43haes/usr/sbin/cluster/clstat/dbprint.c, hacmp.clstat, 61haes_r714 3/8/06 10:30:49@(#)16 1.1 src/gos/2d/XTOP_R7/lib/libXt/src/sharedlib.c, xtoolkit, gos610 8/23/06 11:30:314|R0;r0000 0 00 0 00 T0 d00000r **qfbr bfrq crupcecl%s%s%s%c> UP | %s TERM

DOWN ErrorVALIDGRACEERROR IN_USESTABLE%d%d%dIgnoreOn lineINVALIDUNKNOWNJOININGLEAVINGPRIMARYUNKNOWNUnknownOff lineUNSTABLERECONFIG VACM_VIEWAcquiringReleasingUnmanagedUNDEFINED"#00FF00""#FF0000""#00FFFF""#FFFF00""#0000FF"UNDEFINEDUNDEFINEDUNDEFINED"#00FF00""#FF0000""#FFFF00""#00FFFF""#FF00FF""#0000FF""#00FF00""#FF0000""#FFFF00""#0000FF"Temp Erroroaishc:n:r:oaishc:n:r:utilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.cat Address: %s utilities.catutilities.catutilities.cat Address: %s utilities.cat State: %s utilities.catutilities.catOnline (Peer)utilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.catutilities.cat%18d %9s %15s Never Fallback State = %d Id = %d SubState: %s Acquiring (Peer)Releasing (Peer)%sError (Secondary)/tmp/clstat_%s.%d name = %s role = %d node = %d CLSTAT_CGI_REFRESH ID Name State State: %s State: %s Online (Secondary) Interfaces: %s addr = %s Prefer Primary Site state = %d )%s Unmanaged(Secondary)Online On Both Sites Select an option: Cluster: %s (%d) %s Node: %s State: %s Acquiring (Secondary)Releasing (Secondary)Online On Either SiteInfo for Node %s (%d) Resource Group: %sTemp Error (Secondary)clstat: caught SIGTSTP State: %s Nodes: %d Offline due to failover

Online On Home Node Only active node = %d Invalid option selected Unable to convert to ASCII Interface: %s (%d) Interface: %s (%d) Content-type: text/html Offline due to lack of node %s: cl_getclusterid (%s): %s Offline due to parent offlineOffline due to target offline %c : exit the program Online On All Available Nodes Number of interfaces = %d Online On First Available NodeNumber of clusters active: %d clstat: caught SIGINT, exiting Online Using Distribution Policy # - the Cluster ID %c- quit clstat: caught unknown signal %d Dumping nodemap for cluster %d Bring Offline (On Error Node Only) %s - HACMP Cluster Status Monitor %s - HACMP Cluster Status Monitor %s - HACMP Cluster Status Monitor Fallover Using Dynamic Node Priority %s - HACMP Cluster Status Monitor THERE ARE NO ACTIVE CLUSTERS -a > run ascii version. -o > run once and exit. The wait time (#) must be provided There are extra arguments provided The cluster ID (#) must be provided Could not allocate memory for nodemap. ------------------------------------- Could not allocate memory for groupmap. ------------------------------------- The %s help file could not be opened. ------------------------------------- The # must be a valid Cluster ID, (%S) ------------------------------------- r : return to cluster list screen Could not allocate memory for HOLD_NODES. Invalid time provided for automatic mode -i > run in interactive mode Fallover To Next Priority Node In The List/usr/es/sbin/cluster/etc/clstat_cldump.helpCould not allocate memory for cluster_map. Could not allocate memory for cluster_map. Could not allocate memory for HOLD_GROUPS. %c/forward, %c/back, %c/refresh, %c/quit %s is now in automatic mode for %d seconds Fallback To Higher Priority Node In The List THERE ARE NO CLUSTERS CURRENTLY ACTIVE There is more than one cluster accessible. ';}">%s The refresh time has been reset to 1 second Could not initialize clinfo connection. Could not allocate memory for node map. Cluster Name can not be used with Cluster ID THE PROGRAM WILL CONTINUE SEARCHING FOR ONE Display must be at least 24 lines by 80 columns Commands allowed from the cluster list screen: Could not allocate memory for navigation. Memory problems. Couldn't create curses window. Could not allocate memory for cluster map. Press [ENTER] to return to the previous screen Cluster ID is only used in non_interactive mode Invalid clstat command - enter %c to see commands clstat: cl_registereventnotify failed with error %d. Cluster Name is only used in non_interactive mode clstat: cl_unregistereventnotify failed with error %d.Expires: 0 Pragma: no-cache Cache-Control: no-cache [ENTER] : the information will be updated immediately [ENTER] : the cluster list will be updated immediately Commands allowed from the detailed cluster info screen: -s > display both up and down service labels. ASCII mode is not supported in languages other than English State: -h > display help for clstat configuration issues. Resource Group: usage: %s [-c cluster ID | -n cluster_name] [-i] [-r seconds] [-a|-o] [-s] [-h] @(#) 7d4c34b 43haes/inc/cluster/cluster.h, 726, 2147A_aha726, Feb 05 2021 09:50 PMgrep "^VACM_VIEW *defaultView *internet.*- *included *-" /etc/snmpdv3.conf 2>/dev/nullEither provide the cluster to look for, or run the program interactively (or try again). -r seconds > number of seconds between each check of the cluster status # : display the detailed cluster info of the cluster with the ID number of #. grep "^VACM_VIEW *defaultView * *- *included *-" /etc/snmpdv3.conf 2>/dev/null@(#)42 src/43haes/usr/sbin/cluster/clstat/clinfo.h, hacmp.clinfo, 61haes_r714 2/14/12 13:09:43 -c cluster ID > run in automatic (non-interactive) mode for the specified cluster. @(#)42 src/43haes/usr/sbin/cluster/clstat/clstat.c, hacmp.clstat, 61haes_r714 7/2/13 19:39:20 -n name > run in automatic (non-interactive) mode for the specified cluster name. Nodes: %d Last Update: %s
l <#> : program will go into automatic mode for # seconds If the cluster info changes, the display will be updated. Note # must be a numeric value SubState:
Failed retrieving cluster information. There are a number of possible causes: clinfoES or snmpd subsystems are not active. snmp is unresponsive. snmp is not configured correctly. Cluster services are not active on any nodes. Refer to the HACMP Administration Guide for more information. Failed retrieving cluster information.

There are a number of possible causes:
clinfoES or snmpd subsystems are not active.
snmp is unresponsive.
snmp is not configured correctly.
Cluster services are not active on any nodes.

Refer to the HACMP Administration Guide for more information.

Cluster: %s (%d)
Node list:  %s
Site Policy:  %s  
Startup Policy:  %s  
Fallover Policy:  %s  
Fallback Policy:  %s  
%s (%d) %s
%s (%d) %s
clstat - HACMP Cluster Status Monitor
Node State Interface Address State
0S^0SC0S_0S`0S0SX0S0SB0SY0S0SF0S0ST0SS0Si0S0S0T 0T0T0T 0T0T0T0T0T 0T$0T(0T,0T00T40T80T<K/usr/es/lib:/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr.olibXt.ashr4.olibXm.ashr4.olibX11.ashr4.olibcl.ashr.olibcurses.ashr.o@VPDxclstat/5765E6200/520 ___memset ___memmove sys_errlist nl_langinfo __fd_select sigignore localtime setlocale inet_ntoa inet_ntop XtStringsXtShellStringstopLevelShellWidgetClasswmShellWidgetClasstransientShellWidgetClassXtParseTranslationTableXtCreateManagedWidgetXtCreateWidgetXtCreatePopupShellXtAddEventHandlerXtManageChildXtDestroyWidgetXtRemoveTimeOut XtMainLoopXtConfigureWidget XtGetValues_XtInitialize_XtAppInitialize_XtOpenApplication_XtToolkitInitializeXtRealizeWidget XtAddTimeOut XtPopdownXtVaSetValuesXtGetApplicationResources XtSetValues XtAddActionsXtAugmentTranslations_XtVaAppInitialize_XtVaOpenApplicationXtVaGetValues _XmStringsxmScrolledWindowWidgetClassxmTextWidgetClassxmLabelWidgetClassvendorShellClassRecxmFormWidgetClass XmStringFreeXmStringCreateXmTextSetStringXmStringCreateSimple XAllocColorXrmQuarkToString XMapWindowXVisualIDFromVisual XParseColorXGetVisualInfo maxGroupsmaxInterfaces maxClusterscl_initialize_cl_getcluster5300_cl_getclusterid5300_cl_getclusters5300 cl_errmsg_cl_free_groupmap5300_cl_alloc_groupmap5300_cl_free_nodemap5300_cl_alloc_nodemap5300_cl_free_clustermap5300_cl_alloc_clustermap5300_cl_getnodemap5300_cl_getevent5300_cl_unregistereventnotify5300_cl_registereventnotify5300_cl_isclusteravail5300_cl_getgroupmap5300