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US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Ģ:abl::abl:%d %s %s %d %d %s%d %d %s %s %s %s @(#)15 1.2 src/rsct/pem/emapi/cmd/ha_em_domainfo_main.c, emapi, rsct_rady, rady2035a 2/14/19 13:02:31 ####################################################################### # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # # # 5765-F07 # # # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996,2001 # # All Rights Reserved # # # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # # ####################################################################### Licensed Materials - Property of IBM (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1996, 1998 All Rights Reserved. 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%1$s() sent no bytes. 2521-680 %1$s() was unsuccessful getting the client credentials for principal "%2$s". 2521-602 Unexpected end-of-file detected while getting domain information from "%1$s". 2521-605 The format of the node number found in the ODM is not valid; value was: %1$s. 2521-637 Unexpected number of elements specified for event registration request: %1$d. 2521-603 A data format error was detected while getting domain information from "%1$s". 2521-678 %1$s() was unsuccessful getting the principal for service "%2$s" on host %3$s. 2521-619 An attempt to get file descriptor flags with %1$s(%2$s) was unsuccessful: %3$s. 2521-620 An attempt to set file descriptor flags with %1$s(%2$s) was unsuccessful: %3$s. 2521-639 Unexpected number of elements specified for event unregistration request: %1$d. 2521-642 The session's connection to the Event Manager daemon has been previously lost. 2521-650 No resource variable name was specified for an event that was to be registered. 2521-674 An attempt to load the security library with %1$s(%2$s) was unsuccessful: %3$s. 2521-682 An attempt to get authentication methods with %1$s(%2$s) was unsuccessful: %3$s 2521-679 %1$s() was unsuccessful getting the client credentials for principal "%3$s": %2$s2521-617 An attempt to create a UNIX domain socket with %1$s(%2$s) was unsuccessful: %3$s. 2521-658 Lost track of an event ID specified in an event unregistration request: 0x%1$lx. 2521-654 The value found in the %1$s environment variable was too long; value was: "%2$s". 2521-677 %1$s() was unsuccessful getting the principal for service "%3$s" on host %4$s: %2$s2521-601 An error occurred in %1$s(%2$s) while getting domain information from "%4$s": %3$s. 2521-614 An attempt to allocate %4$d bytes with a call to %1$s(%2$s) was unsuccessful: %3$s. 2521-659 Could not duplicate a file descriptor while getting domain information from "%1$s". 2521-627 A session file descriptor was apparently closed without calling ha_em_end_session(). 2521-663 The session cannot be restarted, because the session's connection has not been lost. 2521-604 An unexpected ODM error occurred while determining the node number: %1$s(%2$s): %3$s. 2521-618 An attempt to create an Internet domain socket with %1$s(%2$s) was unsuccessful: %3$s. 2521-646 An attempt to send a command message was unsuccessful; %1$s(%2$s) was unsuccessful: %3$s. 2521-683 DCE is not configured as a security method in the client but it is required by the daemon. 2521-684 DCE is not configured as a security method in the daemon but it is required by the client. 2521-688 An attempt to get partition "%3$s" authentication methods with %1$s() was unsuccessful: %2$s2521-648 An attempt to receive a command response was unsuccessful; %1$s(%2$s) was unsuccessful: %3$s. 2521-628 An attempt to close the session file descriptor with a call to %1$s(%2$s) was unsuccessful: %3$s. 2521-653 The format of the value found in the %1$s environment variable was not valid; value was: "%2$s". 2521-668 The specified domain, "%3$s", does not match the HACMP domain, "%2$s", returned by command "%1$s". 2521-660 After getting domain information from "%1$s", a call to %2$s() returned an unexpected value: %3$lu. 2521-669 The session connected to an Event Manager daemon that does not support authentication and authorization. 2521-630 An attempt to connect to an Event Manager daemon with a UNIX domain socket was unsuccessful: %1$s(%2$s): %3$s. 2521-631 An attempt to connect to the Event Manager daemon with an Internet domain socket was unsuccessful: %1$s(%2$s): %3$s. 2521-664 An attempt to send a command message was unsuccessful; %1$s(%2$s) was unsuccessful: Connection with Event Manager lost. 2521-649 An attempt to receive a command response was unsuccessful; %1$s() detected end-of-file; connection with Event Manager lost. &P 8 !@ (0  D œ ģ  `    &° Ü  $Ų ( !ų "T 4 ( ¬ 0 \ ü 'p *ų t -$ -  Ų ( p Œ č „ "° ų ¬ # ° „ h (ō ˆ * .¤ #h 0   +d % ˆ ą %4 ' ,@ č ø 'Š . 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